CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Jul 1914, p. 6

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L~AXE OONTY INDjPiINflNg, FMIT&Y, JULY 17,1914. I ~Wczcç&çjan Netopp I DISMOREEON UNDER* hRo. NEAR BLOWS FATHER AND BROTHER 0F HJALMAR .ROEBERG .AU. BUT COME, TO BLOWS AS TO WHICH UNDER- TAKER SHOULO HKAVE CHARGE 0F REMAINS - ROEBERG FAMILY SPLIT 1» MATTERS AND -BITTER OMTROYERSY 0cCWMED «SCURE WRIT 0F RE- PIEVIN BUTDO NOT USE IT. - RELATWES MAKE STATEMENTS. Uavaual axtu-es iswere resartedt t au Thursday liy relatives of Hialmai- * Boeberg tie.Young man e*hodledau a a rusait of inJuries received ai the Pabi artes nvi0ecap"u plan. The o atmbers cf the. fanfly were dlvded as ta ishicit ,SdeMiaker the#-ished to bave talo changt ofthle romains ani a writ ot replevis isS! lsuet a ce estage gf lhe caS-ove0 stieugit Po eiwu@ iasdestu-oyed befre It was pet tato effect. Much bitternesi waa On- one aide of te cautuovrsr W'ere the. fathar, Axai Raeéberg, aud ewo ous, ocher aide wore twa Plutfts sud a brother ofthie deceaed. Wloeute yactsg mop 4ff ll te >ne, McAlistor beepItal i o Wea- gay xght, James McAadu-ew4,- a bu-th- er4u-iaw, callid up the Conr-ad sud1 Ras-I establshmentlndsud ikedtem t. teq charteeto!the rentma. Ris Wdifeh qtb«-atthe-aaew approved of hidse10Ladtdhie body' ias taken ta 0ite oussad dHart Pièce. On ThurmdaY lhe Salier *p apeil t thé momnhrs o e liKlgittaoat Py- " asloige ot Hiwood of vbich yemg Roberg wu@ a membor ad aif hiem te have thie body removed ta thte Laraen sud Holl4 undertak- lurooms. Sevesal mentes-s of the os-d«eswut ta lte Conra~d sud Hart Plac, sud Mamie a demaud for tite body. T1hey vere IlItlmod that te Alirai*"s at- lly açtiug fou-thie relatives Who hafi aulesd ltentla taxethie bey And fat] tey would asud. by ishatever au-- ranemet w A u4p. tvua scase %#eAwýiey iy al ban~sd tbai Do act01ionhatever. The lcdge manlieras are ssid to bave ileclaredt laI If te tw issn sd is-others did 1101 surs-enfler thie body to t4sem sud silowi hte oho lakon vitere they wlshed liaI hey would Dat pay the tunes-ai espense. Ou. ofthie cImerus poke up asusid! liaI phe itood seady la pag tes-ess Witie te inquest wu£ la psogres. tli as-s»4,u Holu"i m se dm".up teo Hie Cous-ad sud Hart piaced ud Presexte a £wsitt« o<tics fs-onthei fatoer sud tioseous for lhe body. Ms. McÀDsroeahbeu-rd te s- quest sud declare aita .pitiveiy wooid net surreufler thiebody.Aai teunudrtakera tool npart lltsé eontrgversy. The flest wagon duove *waY. A 11111e lter the tather wee.t betore 3uittee James G. Welch sud caused aswiu t frepievln fer te body to ha lssued. Thtis is given te Constable * Pelliclair asudli. wenlt tlte Conradt sud Hart enlalishmut. Wbile ito 'vas lieu-e b. receiveti a 'Phone cal fson.Justice WelIeh Iutorning hlm 10 * destroy te tril. This b. la sali o btave doue afler ite resalil. 1A 1111e lalar the relatives isore pr.- Vatiet apots ta remeve- thebiody tram tse Conradiand Hau-t Place 10 lte [*Mnea ad The con- ts-ovs-sy isas en betiseen te men- bers et lit a fsnly sud the undertak- ,a-gmaSo no effettota Iba sy psut. Ou. moiter etfte famlly isba was for bsving the lbody remaIn ai ~- I - oniy hy nseaoftlia mou-e coolliededi membera el thte tamlly. A member et the KnIghts of Pythias ioda. taday daclared that te H lit- wood, Highliand Park and Lakte For- est lodges of the K. P's. are te itald a meeting toulubt atiswhici titay In- tend la tako up tbo matter andi dis- cuss 1hthoraughiy. Jua sit at isili ha te resait of tâte meeting ha not kuown. Roebes-g's funerai iili e lielt la Wau'tegan ln the Swedisb Lutiteran churcit Suaday aftarnoa at one a'clock. The KnigbtsetfPythias froni RHghwaod, lAke Forast and Wauke- gan wiii ho present and iîli bave charge ofthlie services. Interment isili taire place la Oskwoad cematery. Tite fanerai promises ta ho ana of tiie las-geat heid itoue la sanze tue.. URS]N CENSSR Wîie There Are More Maies in City, Thmr Are More Fe- maie School Chlldren. ýPOPULATION DISAPPOINTS. Itany People Had HopiNd the Population of City Would Be Shown to Be Larger. Whle the ichoel census takan by WiUiam Haliaiseil shows that on the maies la Waukegan. il shows alia that Iis dom ne t old true ln ai! cases for smeng the. schooi childu-on thora seenis ta ho more girls than boys. Tha failowing comparative Igures ahow te relative nmner af maIes snd females la the ctty with regard teagsu: Toal i umber et maes 0frm&H saes................... 9081 Toal nimber o eueso!a am .....................99 Total number of maIes and t e-- Maies of ail ages----------.17000 Total nAmbos- of bays under 21 71101XX...................... 3325 Total naniher of girls under 21 jeat'... ................... 363 Toali mber- of bu"' and girls- under 21 years............. 6678 Toenl nimber- of boys ondes- Id vu« ...................... INU Total mauer cf gils ander 16 Yqun ...................... 2923 Total nambes- of boys sud girls sados 16 years-------------6717 Tatal number etfiboys under 6- yeara of bue-------------- 1211 Total number et girls utider 6 Yem sofasle ..............1294 Total number et boys and girls- under 6 years ofa? ga-------2505 Total numbes- boys attending other titan public scil. - - -367 Toal number o girls attending atber titan publicescitoola .. 401 Tatal number of boys and girls attending atiier than public Scitoals .................... 768 At the proet lime Mr.,Rsilowell 10 buiiy et wos-k makiug aut a de- taiod esparS wbihi. a wiisuissaL ta i te citoal board. Titis repart yull cotaluthie Dame et every tant- iup la the City toucther iitih e mmn. ber et chlfreu of the. various ages. Titis report iili ho turned over t0 the achool board ansd became a psut of te officiel racersa. The. tact titat Mu. Hallowel tound lte Population etftth. ctiy ta ho but 17,000 ishen It ias qut, geerally be. Ileved ta he coas4darably more la more ou- osa of a diiappeintaieut. The faderaI census uitowed lhe etty bafi a population of 16,069. Hamac upof thle lacreasemd wst es i euyesrs precodiug titat year te gav- es-met uecently sent out statîstici whicit estintatedtihie po.ula0lonof Waukegan te ho 18.898. Tiis isu smeishat sialer titan the Popuation as given by F. K. Buntani ho made s disectory cou- sus of tite city andi reposted te popu- lation ta ha 19,381. Baaed upon te Previeus esitiates il isaulf appeau- tha Population has ishat. The cau-p are bting freely theea days anti many lilg anas have been landed hy local fisharmen. Thara lent mach sport ln carp Ssii. fie Coruad anti Hart place sailten ny a vuyn soidi-ul i 'ses-e itte opinion that the tathor 1pastîie avlI 1te11you tiatIho basa wbIeteh gain hie point lis ortier tiat le migilstanda e tter chance et ae- curins-thie compenation fou- biessns Oue of the strongest uTessons why »aMe.of te relatives ailectedt ta av- lus th*. ltter taie charge etfte re- usIM wa« liat lien elaimeti ha neveu- lad taie. cas-e of the boy iso bolen ml. 'sos cas-ad for uy su sont, nhe "atornoves-resed snaffection for lie boy tien maya sutity ocead tela bvIag â toîp la ather bo isas Tb@e argment becante no bitter liaI te tauies- snd MeAU&Oeisi eas-In pu»teta blois amse 'ses-e tpaas- excellent metitof tcaating thes. liait' ich Itaes lani pailable. Tite German cas-p. introtiacoti laIeFlox xiv-: er 'sîthîn ment nenrs, bas creeset avi lithebufisa f Isi. a near cou"l, and the reanît ha a fi h ceabînlus-the cearse flash cf thae au-p sudlte nu- mnercua homesosfaItlebuffalo fluffalo, carp and the ityti-ias-e b. bau tatou fron t haFos- anti Iltaice« r n expert tato naseueone rm lie cli. au-r. Als-rowisnl a great mise andlif- 16 anti 20 Poundi cau-p au-o frequentin lanSeS. rLake- CoolntYs big- 'sely--INDU. tPENDUNT. $600,000 MORTGAGE IS FILED IN WAUKEGAN. Onaeut the. largeat martgages oes- lied lu Wauk.gan has heen filed by HanrY C. LYtan, bead af the Hub store la Chicago. The martuage la fer $600,000 anti la matie out ta the Hialmar Roeberg, Employe of Greenobsum Bfons Hanking oPn Public Setvice Company, lof Chicsgo. Mu-. Lnhhur ghvas as me- Met eathWencuin ie isfine estate antienaimer _________homo just soutitoet lake Fouest andj MAN EAP TO SAFTY.the Rab Mtae. Thiisha oithout doalil MAN LAPS T SAFEY. lte lau-set &lt ldeedti tntlis beou Eari Simpson Had Clome Cal- flt umno111 Ie Roeberg Sustaind Fractur- I CjJ E ed Skuit Recentiy. IL M RD 4E HJsîmas- RoeberS, 23 years aid. an ~lm Y N(EA C eupioyetlte Public Bervice com- X X V NO À C puny. dietiinmthi. Jave MeAlster bha- ~ - itlal Wetimoadsy ul-ht about teonAL KA O A o'clack as the rasaIt et turus he au.- talealWctineday aflernoon abou Sur nd UrH e MIl tHreo-thlsty occloct ovien n lacaini-utSron HrHm tMd Ilvo cuano In lb. comPany's yards night andDmadT tSe tiPpet aveu- for no apparent romanamos.dTht cousin& lteisorknan. la ho acaldeti ly Be urnI!O ver ro Them eaeaplng steani. Earl Simpson, the Wan 'stoias apes-alus- the cramn. a-ATM T 1 R SR TD caped passible ale&th hy lspins-f romaATM T I RSRTD lbe cramoeishea hafait il smarita~îtne ici wy F leave thie rails. nedd Vci AwyFo Roebeug farmerîr aas amployedtu a H m -huttSeTpe the poiser Pant of the Chicagoand H suaiu.t h Tpe Mlwisuke lectu-l e rliron]ati aIRis-- Of In W tPoie iseod but cama tu lhe wW effl ff Bluaa _____ Plice Plant 'shea lie Hightioafi plant closeti. Fou- aeverai niontha ho a ittEmulalin i- lnsane respects the act- beau a utiliily mats la the local plant. ions et the natarlous ~whtet caps" anti AI te the of thie accident heoiwu nigh riders, n banti of 12 niakat men painting- lie Interlor efthie cab, ouý desceudeti upon ltae home cf Charles tho crana. Thte cran. hat i tbeen aai fou- Susman, 1410 Wadsavortii avenue, ftt- 1 lit ie lait tbree 'saeks as mach- urday nigil-at mitiniglît anti deuma- inaahati been hasy averianhins- lt.od thal Mns. Susman lia produceal. Wetiueday Ibis work wisucomplote andte horou-tomoving chudora igeThot hhey plaaneti violence upan ber stas-rtd. Thiis ou-t bati bea.ollff enima certain, but ishataver pas they sIng tur aveu- tiseheurs 'shenthie sc- hntiin vie's lienacre flot able tu cieqt bappenefi. paete ooefc eas tn ,"t cannot Imaginaesitat matid ie e m ntthfet o as t crame ip.,' Sumpson declaroal. "The happened tlitIMu-a. Susman 'sa hucet ea he eb d ant suouly itaif-fileal. lte hantaef a neihor. 'so bad ti bhockeotiandti iere la ne "I amronet topinion îhsttHies. apparent Tesson why Il micalfi have manteti menasectet Mu-a. Sueian gone aveu-. 0f course chu-erces-ies cf bnviug hean te cause et a hlinfi- have tipped aveu- o lieu-e la nathîns-1 unasual about titat. aii iany timnsIl pig On the Soutti Side baba raidetia , la dificuit 10 dehermino lie exact aeek as-o sud isiîeti to areanttheis-1 cause et sacit au accident. OUT- crame vengeance apan heu-.' Assitant ChiaI la of lie standard type."~ Mu. Arnistuons-, ciet ens-jueeurm et o Police Thoman Tyrroli tieciaroal. thie plant concuru-otInl Simpso'i "If that wasaa liir intention Ibey au-e opulen. He atd there la no0 meana cf avuong, for Mu-s. Sasman diti net give hllins- 'sitlcouseilie cram~e ntlD. as the tip tiespita the fact that ber "Mu-. Simpson la aur mach VMble haubant isu cegof! hase arraalad mmand dund.s-standu 'the cramn es-U fectly." t, saiti. "I aai cauvincei iten 'se matie the raid.' ltat oves-y precaution ters- mel, isu John Bangina. a lirother-in-Isis of takeanî Susman. occupies tha apper port et Simpson isasInathie side c eteteSoabus.M . ngaws du-sueishicit strack theo gs-ad. HelaSsanhna r. ogaoa sans lio fait lie craea tart ta tus 1 alone In the bouse aI the tinete and ftit a prernini. WItitout a niaked men put bn an appeau-noce. seconda dean ho rutihedtu a w5ila Sha ha In a very delicate condtionieta dois sud leapod, Just as lie cr-anc tlp»eé compieeloeves-. Ne harely hie prasent tua andtihla tenu-ad the clestoalthic uocesssry dislaheota tait. shock resulting fu-em the es-peu-tance i oat of tarms'a . iay prove serions ta heu-. Au thie iteavY ceueppofi. a alean- The 12 men surroundeti the house. pipe lis-keofef sud the cabi 'as lilea witi liv, uteamnd su aaiug isales- nnd1 than began hobhast upon pans anti 'shicit enveloped Roeberg. Hie et-. ttbornaom. Thesa rameau. soantis te]M$ed In cdinh out but hbis kmissu»lroea uudeiy upan tha quiet nîgl air litea-ay pas-boiied tatao e could anti aniceneti lin. Bengina wili a p-1 u-asci a pint 'siere tallais employez ccald poil tîn out. An ambilance peau-ad ai a wlndois. The ian nppar- isas summonof Ilmîedlaheily mmdlte eBUtY mistocit heu-for MM uSsman, fialureti ian u-uah.d tae,0 th oepita. for they tiemandeal that asecoaeout- Tiero evary possible care sa given. side the bouse. There Ihey dîscoer- ,Five minutea betfoe ho dieti ho csme oMqt of the ansesthetie entier wiîcit 1toatiber Idetaity anti temaded tu tnoa' h ati beau JIpWed ltisaS lbthepain. thie avberenhouta af Mrs. Sugmau anti "rn doue for, d tiç," ihoaMdas 'sitld 8sias a iay lia>' eem- t. loaketi ap eaheliaphysicen. cd muci put out. They cantinuafi iiti* "Don't tool liaI way abouit lt-titiîeîr tienientrallan for sanie lihtie lula t te Attinte no« have bec la a iadisa>' sud'se isilI pull yoo lime sud thon lof t. thu-ugi ail ris-il," te pityicisu s-e- The palice are undecîdeti 'aolies- plileS. *tiese men reanli moant te tio bau-n «Na, toues no chance." 'sas itoe ia unino vthrle oe reply. "Anywisa n athe condition I'nitu Iy sheti te trilehe.Then miae- la Pimslad oa! I., ywse ofihnbr.T ytik A teis moments lates- b. nlapea the mien may retu.rn anti bavaeujeter- btoa nstabaetfcama sud os-pireti. minedtiuta atcb the bcuse tor aevorai Raebergs latter sud a trotter andl sister rasîdo la Ris-hioati. Me has a igis anti if pomsible 'sili su-s-at soie marriot i ster la Chicago an at ir et the inabreakers. AsistantCl-lot In Wichita, Kansa». Tii. latter isa Tyru-eli declarea thah if ha la able lu an liseisay ta visît hitînsud lie otior au-reat aay ut than haoaili taaçhtin montera efthie family ah lie U tme ant ar o 0tîsmne lie accident bappeneti. te antcryo ntismn Il t. a tact ot ceniderable luleresI ho a civilizeti communbty. aI thhialime ta o s Hiat Keobers- On Snlurtiny atternoon Mu-a. Susman nasroisi escap.d deat leiy & lOis appeau-ad In the police station anti an- motta as-o. AI thaï: ti bc.5 lau-ad a conîpîint as-ainsI eheu banti 'sou-tins-th tha e lpoiser plant 'shen s plaeofe motel i feistruonta cbau-sng that ho bas teen untiar the isitol sud truck hlm a eroablus influence ut liquor several tuaes of biais aveu- ono oye, tracliarlus- hde laIe andti Iat abile Ilu lis state ho shahl. Me issu raoveal to the Jane tenta ber anti drives ber front the McAilseu- itasphtai 'shere fou- s Uie Il, isfae-d ho couit pot rocover. bouse. Late Satuu-day alterneon lic Ho titi oc boisaver sud returuot 10 police placati Sueatanunder suresI anal wou-k at 1h. ssme plant. 1 ha he te bavea n ias-ins-todan. Thop D. F. Mrmis, a ropueseutatbvo aof IitI oabola b enuî thie ompaay came ho Weuies-sn tisthis ki osbeeattedroi iou-uns- la Investhal. lie accident. tîo au the part et the mastat mout Ha isu accampaled Ilathie puiser nia> bave been causait peu-Un becausa Plant lin a Sun s-epreeotahivc.190 Mu-a.Susarnubati es- buibatnu-arrmI- Q»Uelo lailorethlee MVyneu e d O. kneis af lie accident and lthon cen- dectedti he nevapaper man tbrous-b lte bis- pant, shaaring al lie "stoîn Toisas a nasragallas- $45,000 avare traie precauhlana liaI au-e taiten. fileS as-ainsI lte Elis-n, Jolet & East- lverltins- Points ta lie tact liaIlit. eu-n raliroat inluthe oficeof thie cis-cubt corporation taies as mach or more, des-k Titursday. Tocinical chais-e ef peine tu PretecI lthe iv,et Oflis 6110- Tsupas on the Came wisumade Sa It ployez as anpant bu lie cotutry la Impossible ta dtermlae on ishat Thte laquait isa elf i hlie Cor-grounds the plaintifs ast damag-es. sad anti Hartudes-taius- cstablish- MNeretY lie puacpeaof lte nuit5s era ment titis ai lernoon et obe e'cloci. fileS, The proecilses came iy mal front Attorney Chasles P. MalthiraP et Thot the Intat, pipe efthie Wan- Chticago. -IR@n elty ater purmpings- talion Titeir tities follois: isu ariglnaily placeal la an imp-opes- George W. Stsab tu tulnJoliet Position' due o tt aful t ralîrosti. s corporation; tuaclor wua lb. alatemnalof!A. Jeu- $40,000 datagos. sen, et Chicage.,isho 1a nawInlatle iRI. 9. Wall vs ElinJoliet sud Ksut- City ansd 'sit assisteS lli e pisoins- oralrmroati, a corpoatieoln; $s.000 of 1he lataire pipe noau ano. duaases. RECEl VES FATAL BURN S AS A LARGE CRÂNE TIPS OVER HOME WED. NIOT John Hoffman, for Over1 61 Years a Rosudent of Wau- keganPasseis.Away. FORMER- BUSINESS MAN. Conduoted Grocery Store Then a Meat Market in This City Many Years Ago. John Hoffian, fou- over 61 yeau-s a reaident of Waukagan. psaaed aise> et bis bome, 328 South West streat. at 6:30 ociocli Wodaasday evening. The venaerahie gentleman wua ono ot the Most venerated eft heasgad rest- den ts ef the cil>'. ln former yaars ho isas a puominent business ian et Waukegan andi ias aloo a plonear In commercial pursuhts. conductlng a grocary store In thia commnnity ishen il hou-o the namne of Little Fou-I. The deceaedal sasged 80 yeau-p. 6 meathi at Ilhetinte et his deatti. Deathb isa due ta aid age andi compli- cations anti camealatter 10 days' con- finemen t Inlied. For the pafit tisa yaars Mu-. Hoffmsn tisa hoon failing. He bad man'y relative» 1n this clty anti tbroughout Laite count'. iels fe, Elizabeth H usband. precaeded hbu ta Ibeg rave tour menthe ago. Jobn Hos-man aa hou-n atAufdiin. Ceumany, la 19-14. At the age of 19 yeara accompanieti ly bis psuents. Iu. andi Nirs. Jacob Haliman, anti famnll y, ha mîgrateti te thîs country,' The fanilly Tnimedhataly journeyed West andl cama te the then autel but thrivlng community of! iltte Fort- t ho site cf tha pu-seot Waukegaai. That wa la the year et ahout 1863. ,1 Nheo tîte var of the rebailion brre: ouI Mîr. HÔffmnanenteredthe isranka of1 the 37th regiment Illinois Infantry 'Ha gerved Ibrea montha la the au-iy. He then returneti ta WNatikegan. Shou-Ily after the wau-hea as marrieti. With hia brother. C. H. Hoffman, nais a rejet- dent et Gurnee, ha anteredth le graces-y business on the isa ida ofthle 100 block on (jenesee atreet. Hie brother rethu-et and purchaseti a tarta near Gurnee. In stili iter years the de- ceaaed and Jacoh Buck, faîher et Frank and (harles Buck, puesent ownt- eu-s etfnanientmarktlon Genesea streat, conductati a ment marktlIn lIais city. Later Mu-. Hoffman raUireal tram business andi ainca thaltntme bis heaîtti tisa hen an tng. The deceaseti insauuvived hy four chîldu-an. John. Frank, Charles anti Elizabeth Hos-mnan, ail cf tis city: tour tîrottiera anti one ister. Charles, Frank anti Willamtcf Waukegan, C. H. Hoffman etf(lurnea, antiMu-a. Loulsa Chope et Macon, Mo. The fiineu-al will ha helifrtu-cmhie residonce et 1:30 oclockit u-tay att- eracon.Tâtlerant ahIlha St Warren centeteu-y. Amang the relatives, ail cf Ournae. isba iilihe pru-ant at the funersi aili ho Mu-. anti Mu-a Frank Lewis. Mu-a. Cynîhia Mutler. Mu-. anti Mu-a. Marcus Haffman, Mu-. antiMu-s. Jeu-sy Hottian. George MeCulloch andt Misa Cara Mcuulioeii. VANDAL DELIB ERAT-E14Y Of-ACED NEùWu Pa . IJDII«i Postmnaster Grady Is Highly In- dignantand Notifed Post- officeDepartment. IMPRISONMENT 15 PENALTY. Inspetors Are Coming ami the Vandal Wili Be Deait With Most Severely. A vantai ihsae dentlty le bainai souht anti abc ailIliec given the sev- euest penalty poasible cammeasurute isith ie o ffense, dolibeu-sloly detaced the nais postofftce building Wodaes- day niait lis a place whiere I ityl ha mont conspicuous. Postmaitau- Grady bas inde a report ta lie pestollico de- pautment and aspects to bave lnspec- tors baeeiithin a day or liso iho isili etidoavar ta a-un doavu the man isba ias gailty et tia deed. h- prisanmnin lthe Faderai prison at teavenortihla the penalty provitiet fou- stwb an offense. The detactmant consatdInici p- ping off, acratchhng anti marring oe cf the asiave blocks of atone v.hlhi la place a i thea 'st timr of the of- fice. The vantai defacedth Ie atone at a pot ishara lbIsaultibc haehmost conapiclous. lb mny ho neceasau-y la replace thie atone. The Janitar etflte postofflic a s sthe Su-st ta notice tie vandaliant ibis* mou-nias-. Ho ntonce hI-foeu-mtheb pastmantar ot tha c t. Tbe man isba la on duty nights ah the poatoffico iBid be sais several people standing about lhe place isiere tie atone wsa detncad but ltonsht aethiug about It at 1h. lime. He iutorîed the post- master that ha thiaita ha 'sîilheablhe ta recogniza the ian ha saislieu-e adIn t ia maner n valualile dois pu-ababiy aili b. aecurd. "Thore te no question but tintt ho detaeamnt is:s a deliterata act, Poautor Gratin nid today. "it look soie litho tineteal glip off lte pleces of stone anti ta othieraîsa inu- it and tlia vandal muaI have slnod there sevaral minutes untii heacscoa- BREAKS SVVERAL BONES IN F&LIfER9M WAtQN. Joseph Pienluni, agefi over 60, sut- ferod seoya-atbroken bleansd possi- hie Internai injuries when lho fell trom a load of lîay on Tuesday whil, arn- ployed as a tari bond by s man whose place le located on Grand avenue. Planluni lost bIs balance on lte ioad and landed very haaviiy. An ez- Ination showed lho liadtfractura i collar lione and meu-rai ribe. Ho wa» removed tae i.Jaue McAlstar boa- pital where ho la beiag cared for by Dr. Brown. Hiii condition la regard- ed as quit. criticai. Ce & N. W. RAIJ<OÀD OFFERS ASSISTANCE FOR EiREmATER CITY Promise UÙnttaouueld Aid in Assisting Ifidustrial Move- ment isn Waukegan. WILL OPEN UP AIL STREETS Railroad Wid Take an'Activie Part in Making FIats North of City Faotory Sites. Thot the. Chicago andi North West- arn ralroad ai enter boari and Moui la the campalga ta nire Waukegsn a greater and lau-gar city by asalating lte Narthe-n Ililinois Industrial asso- ciation. In their plana for Industriel developnient was assured« la a 51*10- ment made ln thîs, clty yasterday liy Mr. Bannail of Chicago, industriai agent of the Chilcago and North West- e-rn Compan.y. The assistance of the railu-ad will bie untrammaiied wlth sny exactions snd bas been offered purely for the development of the flats north of the city fram lta swam-. 1) Y_ appearance t0thie site of many thriv ing Industries. The raliroad com- pany promIses an active part In the. mavement. The assistance of the rallroad com- pany In the movement has been prom- lied la th. fatlawtog points; Approbation of the enlore plans In the dsvelopment of the flats north of the City by the North.rn Illinois Industriel aiociation. The.opning of ail of the pro- poseil atreets loading ta the. pro. jected factory district through the propeu-ty aofIthe raAroad. Ta place ail switch sidingea:a detionated in the plans oft1he Ir- dustriai assacistion. Anid lothev-wise iive untram- mOuld assistance and whatever Mid In tie poweer 0f tie raiiroad Company ta the movement. Mr. Bannell aurlived In the clty Wed- nesday mornIng and togethar with James Morrow, who armt%.,ed the plans af the conversion of th@ flats tar a tactou-y district, made a visit ta lte date. Atter maklng a murvey of the grounds. ho spath. In glowiuu termas of the poasibilities of the dis- trict. He aIse commended the In- dustrial association far the theough and correct manner ln whlcb lhe ares had beeu plattad and 11% the manneir lu which the owitcb sidings had be= plaiiDod. Ne stated that the. sidinga bail boom arranged taeliuanch off frrnm the main tuacks la s mannes- 11 displayed correct angles snd In ttI respect wam unilke the arrangement cf the mwitch sîdings of the factou-y district at North Chicago. Mr. Bonneli assuru-ed the afficers af the Industriel asociation that notluing would bie left undana tiy the rniirond canipnny ta makre the maya- nient of the conversion. af teiste t loita n actou-y district a suces. Reports oethIte survey and Iinspec- tion of NMr. Bannel at titis clty yen- terday will lie taken up at a meeting ot officiael o o the railway compnny In Chicago u pan the returnof onneam of lie heada of the Induatriel depau-t- ment ef the rond, tram the Pacific. calt. sanne tinie thit week. At the meeting definilta arrangements wilîl be ruade by ttie raiiroad officils for the best mettiods of assiating the niove- ment, of the Northeu-n Illinois Indus- triai association. Th. vieit et Mr. Bonnell fallows the fliog witb the ualroad company by Mr. Moru-ow et a plat abowing cation afifbis tract of lan.d an the fliots. The raliroad campaay ai once sent Mr. Bouneil isba la lte Industrial agent of the cpmpany here ta loves- tigate. Mr. 'Morrois bas laid hefore the campany a plan o tbuliding a passen- ger station andi fueight stntion et Dewey avenue on. tha narth city lim- ita. Ha peints out that whan the flots are hulît up isitit tactaries the people ltere sheuld have accomada- tions snd Il would aise lie a gond In- vestment for lte compsny. The. plan appaaled ta Mr. Banneli ad ie saiti bie thought Il could bie arrangefi ail right. The plan of opeulag the fiotstu anet entlrely a tsew venture as Il la a goal toward ishicti Mr. Marrais bas been aiming for lte lent four years. Whon- ever lie had a chance ha bas picked up places of property on the fiet$, kaoRing that eevnluaily tliey cauld hoe utilixed for tactory purposes. He haartily endorses tii. plan of the Nor-- thara Illinois Industrial association ta briag fadas-les liera. He saya lie plan la basad an lhe propers- lTwItý pIes and he thInks evoryona sbould lend what aid they can. Another thlng whlch the erectian et factoris on the fiats wiii do, accord- ing la Mu-. Marrawin 18te build up much of!tha vacant property an.the northwaist side af the clty. Ha sapa the sauth and wistatsides are bulit up reasonahly tell but tiret thora are maay acres of psoperty an.the north POSTMÀLSTERS 0f BE GESTS IN CITY Postmaster Grady Asks That Entire City Unite in Extend- ing a Welcome. ARRANGE ENTERTAINMENT. Some of the Leading Figures in Postoffice Departmnent WilI Be Preseni. Waukegan, July 10. on september 22-23 waulcegan in ta, have as iUn gueats three hundren pogtMasters from ail avar the atate or Illinois Who ara ta meet bore for their satanai convention ,wblcl wua se- cured for waukegan by PostmaRtor Danlel tlrady when lie attendefi the niais convention at Springfield laut year. ()r Wednesday Mir. Crady wtnt tO Chicago and attended a meeting of the executive oflIcers of the Illinois State pogtrmasters ansociation icih was belfi In Postmaster Campbell'@ office in C'hicago. At titis Meeting plans for fie comlng convention were arrangpd. Sanie notptl figures In thé, poaiaiire depnrtrnen; wlll bc present and fte part lanthe prograini Among tbs.m will be: Daniel C. Itoîer., first assistant ponit- master geeteral. who waii peali on the- gè,ocrai poRtoffIce business. William Dockery, third assistant po.tmaater geaierRi aho iii bcad of the postal sas logo deparîmeAnt. Nir. flockery will speak on this htghiY Important bu-t The latter pau-t ot thi morfih Pont- manter Orady- ahireqn.-o4t the ro-- muIssionersanad other iprotrittent local people 10 meFt with bhlm and arrange plans for thP- three hun- dred vtsitoris. The PORt maseteels-I thtesrone In the <*ly fi; interest- efi a matngthe conv ention a nuc- ceasi and that al il eil b0 willing to do Iwhat they ran toa assure tht, tact. The entertalomnent feattre tisnsfot hecto aurnanged as Yet but an êffort wilit h made to have this as- claborate as passible In fact no atorle willi be left unturned to niakethie visitors feel perfectly at homie here. 'Upon their arrivail hey will he gîven the key ta the citY anîd willi ti made ta yeel tint XWaukegan itelongs 10 themn ivhlle tbey are here. eýaI sac. theScu eutac. th Utur.mbé.atàm uroideaalu »d pemllbi1m kadsfeueeloetan ohmi, lc.55 ds - MM iof q(u Çi - tas, ilopon")Ç5il. W ârdem .a"d ubihainom . RuSI m iSaedctinis smiS. tinocd alite eskm 3,cei li.. ues, aIlS sp'o tc. ta haiS. soa w aupalamiauâboxes, ait .poute. Iie If vair doatan o ol5uo h.ktàd yoi at seO s WWITTUORE U»«. £&00. 77M OId-l.» ad L,,-,ssfMa t/d..,"i of YEOIMANS. Is the Best That Money Can Buy Our examinstiona are thfrouaji sud complet leeVery eau- bu- CoMpteiî roiiatoisafs rharge. W. rtind our oam teus sud maxe Our Own tme. 10 51 etch iarticular cae. Louis J. Yeoman MANUFACTURING OPTCIAN WAUKEGAN. IUJLNOIS F. BAIRSTOW MANUFACTURERA 0F Marble an-d Gfanite Monumeni s Cenietery Work of Every Description Correspondence sollclted 116 GeneseeSt. Weikflgan

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