lâAK COUNTY INDEPENDENT, ERmDAY, JULLY 17, 1914. ÀDViERT1I.SNG 6c per lr n i~nserton Loos thon là finel, - 25c first insertion + FOR SALE + W. haveý a nuinher otf fie humes for sale or ru t. Dynioud & Austin, lýibert3- Villa. e4141f FOR SALE OR RENT-9 rmont bouse, ait c unvenienees, large barn. 'orner Ourtbutt Co)urt and Park Piano. H. C. Gleason, L't>rtj vIlle. c.811.t FOR SALE-B>rick flouie and large lot, ilgit tSt. iuir M. A. Protine. c434tf FOR SALE-Iodlas Miotoreyele, 2 eyl, 7 . p 1918 Moidl. *tl5000. W. A. Nîchbolas, Libertyvillli. PLane 161 J. e43i tf FOR SALE-Willinery and Dry (joodâ fuslnss. luquire M. A. Protîne. c42Jt FOR SALE-Perivian GIuirîca pige. lit. quire ut O M Fituli, (1îaàllake, 1phone. 29f L..(-42t4 Bedm, Taiice, chaire, Siul.'iu,aru,Chlna Clooet and fiai tove for at aitiost your own prie. Alo1 gawmaoiîne tank hold- ing 120 galions. witb puînp and ibid. 035, 1 "oeali ationail cash Register $15~. I large l)tîabott Sale and 1 Cgar Case. liefyvilie tiotel c43'tl FOR SALE-WIIi seili îy bouse and 4 lot at P'rairie 'îcw on amcount ofthei. death of rMy wifo. Cbaap i talien ai, ouce. C&Hi ha . liBtk, .Prairie View. FOR SALE-I br..utîv tildiiug 7 jr. o: 4 asio canopy top murrey. D0r). F. Butter field, Lbiertyville l'Loupc 11(1 cU.lt2 + FOR VINT FOR RENT-7 ro-ui dfat over tiat C-, offIce on §Milwaukee avëgte ,1 irquîre if C. 8. Ka4ser. WANrTEO-B,5,puirebasesfor irotu 10 toso0 are. tarlins Write Mfatlng al partietilars Nu agente Atidrees R A Independnt ttfHf. r i41Ut TOBACCO SALLbMEN WANTED- k.arn 011>0m4,ît1liY. EXPenees Etper, ence unuecesary. Aulvertiffe and tâku urdeuro roni ur!tain te for BSmok lng ai ii.ewiig tomaco tgareffes. igare. et.i Benti a 2e itauîp for fbil p'rlil'ularm Hf.nel Tomaumo iCo ,New ) ork. N. )Y. .8i 10 WANTED-G~oul gVI for general hou - work. Addrese A. W. Waido, Libert3 vin$, pLouc 1111fR. c42ti WANTED-fJirlo t Ideal L.auntiry Llbertyville (4tf + LQST and POUN4D + LOST-Luberal reward for recovirv or pertaluing it, the recoverý, ot k black ar.d white female Bearle bound Lat sen near Long IAkî. I. Nat fy Dr. W. A. Bellows. Waukegau, 111 Juiy 3-tf + +++us +++ MONEY TO LOAN-Ui lmprovcdl reni1 astate. J. S. t5ttEFfIet National Ban k.c.1t MARRY IF YOU ARE LONELY-The ltliatuie Cuhdetial iireeîiiul clbfoie large nimber of weittfy eligl me 10c Lire of hItîL ies. uiabiig carl>' marri age. Diecription free. gri. Wruhcl, Box 26. Oakland, (Cal. P-13-2 If 3 o wiîh tlu Miior î'rchauge four mmrn for gond v(itv iîcoine pro>pert v. write us for pastlcuisane or îall wlîeu iu the citj, FCkx-rsil Mtlur, 40 N. Dearborn, t'hieigo. uc-42-4 And Sean Nothlnig Stter. "Say, tild you ever Inow a womafl ta buy wbat uLe teanfeti at the tiret @tore she came ta?' 'Yes. My wlte frntlty ds-that ta. îLe retUrfl ta if ater abe's bOetita aII th (b t#r stores." ludependeitt reatier? BE ONE. --oh, Juia!" crieti the sentimental youth, "neyer weep before MY eYes't 1 arn cure ibuiftlhe irettire 1 sue Yott weep my despair will kîli nie." And the second ture?'coly luquireti REAL ESTATE TRÀNSFERS Furnîsheti by LAKECOUNTV TITLE &TRUSTCO. Absîracis af Titis. Tillas Guaranfeed. Mesonic Temple Sidg. Wauluagan. JuI>' i. 1914-P. A. Ioughton &04 wtfe to A. C. Lufer anti wfi, lot 81 anti wet 54 feet lot 1, blolac 5, Wau- couda, W. D. $1. Dors D. Lrillun anti huehanti et ai (o Rosalia Wateter, lots Il (o 15, block 2, Lenox subdilvision, North Chicago. Deetis $3. E. A. Cummînge anti site fa Petro- nefa M. Bore'î, lots 73 anti 74, Coin. mînge arM C(o's *ubdlvlslon, North Chicago, W. D. $200. C. M. Oats ant i wfe to J C' Alfonti tract of landi ln N E. 1-4 section 3l, Warren townîship. W. D. $11,000. JujI> 7, 1914. i. Mý Vant atdîui fe tue WA. J. Kerk sand ife, loi lui village of IDériRiti W. [). $1. t'. A. Neiroint, Jr . f0 Jacki Drogler anîd wlfc, lofs 16, 17, anti 18, ilqck 75, Norft Cicagot. fiecti$226. Jcohni Griffitht anîd lfe to Elizabeth Burridge, luf 13, Rose Terrace subtil- visinî, Lake, Fonemf. W. D -10. 1 &6 Veitch anti wife ta if. F. Hales, tracf or an din sections 17 and 18, Vernon townip.lîtW, 1). $44.000. Herman Altreclît sud wfî tu B. P. lialeit, tract of landi lu sections 16 anti 17. Vernon townsiip. W. D. $100. M. Il.Bidil-eiîtuandjitife ta Ale Casîttore, suofl quarte-r of lot 12, 'Naukegar nyliemfnîîtf subivifeon, 'Natikegaîn W. 1)175ý July 8, '1914-W. G. Retidock anti wifî f0 BerudttItréeeg. L.ots 7 anti 8, tlock 5, Exmoor addition. nigL.nal Park, Q. C.Il. Lake Co. Agrcultorat ffoclety ta Lake Ca. Buard of Agricuture, Lake County Pair Groundis east of Milwau- tkue Roati, Llhrtyvllle. Q. C. $1. Franku MeBride anti wlfe to Eliert. Finnpgan, part SE 14 SW 14 section 2, Cuba township. W. D. $10. %atese n luChancir>' ta Securfty Savîngs Bank, lot 59, t'ory's addition Wau'îigan, Deeti $118443. Muter hln('Lancer>' ta Securît>' Savîngs Bank, part lot 4, block 2. North West addition 'NaukegaNs Deeti $1429.39. NellieNt. %ontgnmerY et a %o Il. E. sud Eifrelda A. HarrIngtou South i-2 lot 2.IBlock 2. Douglas subtiv ilion. Waukegau. W. $1. t.'Ni. Miclclsen ant i efe fo A. W. Strlpe, North 45 fuet. Lot 10, Blocki I. Parkers subdivision. Waoi.egau, W D. $1. 13 N. Litigerwaod ant iwlfe ta C. F. M. Smith. 40 acres adMoning Vit- laite of Deerfiélti . WD.)$10. W. W. K. Nixon toeStar>' C. fluil, lot 2:1, btock 4, OakLand âubtil visIon. Waukîgan. W. 1). $60. July 10. 1914. tGeorge Mîitientiorf. anti wife to B. S. lpîulmcott andti wle I.ippiîiî'utrt h-i pniipi'rfy S ai ozLake q. 4' St1 E A. )lsiop amîdi sifs' tu l'uit Pres- byferfaît cittrcit. I.Itttyciffe. notqfth part lot 8, block 8l. W'ights addition ta i.iberlynili'4W' t) $80o. anra hloffîîîaîîandt hushaîtid, et aI ci fi C. Sittt-llig, trait of landti lu seIti i 3tu.4.,tGrant towinshilp anti sec lIon 2, 'Nauruitta towniship. Detutit 81.000. f A, Neuitatuit. Jr.. ta Michael Sol- lil.ait. et aIl- lots 1-1 andti 15 block 52. NotihtChicago. Deeti $1.900. Sus an Sus ait -ucand s itafi' tntG. C' Hansen anti sile,îîorlh 50 fete. lof 4. bock ', Iîardrr subtisisiotu. Laku' Foretf. W. fi. $Iîî Hf. E. Grass anti wife to Suloin Trouf tract o! latdtInlu section 35, WeisI Anfloon townshmip. W. D. $610. Jousepht Auinger ndattiifi' ta Solo- tmoitTroîti, t-art of landtiîn sectionî .15. West Autioci townîship. W. I). $350. Entateof ElizabthliIlWoodbnlidgu' tut l'a tlulKuilsu tîz. ls 26. 27 atudi28. block 14. 'Nautiui Park. Northt ('bI cago. W.LD. $750. E.M. Mas nean to (Charlotte M.Ali renne, tract of latnd west tuf rairoati af Lakte Bluff. W. D. $9,500. July3,Il. 9I4,u--Eigie Fischer anti hushaudti f T. W. Fonte. E. 15(t test of N. 1-2 lot 24, section 16, Wauke- gan. W. D. $6500. Thomas Rutitiant i fe ta T. P Rutit, N. 40 acres o! S. E, 1-4 section .15, Warren township, W. 1-. $1. J. W. Cool anti Cife to Vulunteers ot Amerîca lots 109 anti11ItIyon'.s gan Q. C. $1. T. W. Sith Lant ilite ciAgnes subtilv-son of Pair Orounuhs 'Nanti Rantiel, Lots 9. 40, 41 anti 42, Sbaw's Long Lake subtivilon. W. D. $600. L. ('. 'Neiciant i efe et al (o B.N. Parmenten, part lots 1 tu 5, Peaff s subtilicon. Lake i1oreatQ. C. $1, Fred Wotuser anti cIta( F. D3. Par' ter ant i wfe, part lot 75, Ravinla, W. Estate of M. LF. arle (tiectil ta Fred L. Earie, lot 6, block 11, Nont f WX's( addition (oa'Naukegan, DeAdi $75,00 Jul>' 9, i914.--stobu Rohirtsoa anti suIfe fa Alphonsio Goodih, lotes 4 and 17, Robertson'a sub)dlvion, Lakte Zu rît-h. W. D). $1100. T. W. Bropht' and Cite ta $'IorencE H. Bnincîman, Lob 11, Bfropby's subti vicion Foi Lake, W. D3. $1. Charles Jacahe and vite ta Hujr) Walthaer, North 22 feet South 44 feet, lot 2, block 11, Original Waukegan. W. D. Il. J. L. Shaw and wife ta Rose O. El- Ils, lot 162, Sbaws second gutodlvislon an tu'ox Lake W. D. $1. NÂRRIAGE LICINSES. Atillam G. Genac, Mileaunse ... 2 flazil Parnell, sanie..............0 George Turnley, Chicagtî..........s Clana Bush>',saine ..........;à Clifford Lutig.('hicago . ..ý.. 2 Aillie Eikenherg, saime ......... John Roseuiant, Mlwauke.........i Annta (orkowîkh. saine....... ý...19 Hlaroldi F. Myrtie. Waukegaîu ...21-' Marie Guttnitige, saine ......... .. 18 Harry Byrd, Fort Sheritian.... 7 Mati-i M.t'antphell. rke ....19 Pauai Nespital, Evangtan ....... ... 2ýi Gertutie Eceiget', Evanstoi....1 aruey Btoyle, Highlandi Park . .; Hanna Boweu, saine ......... Sain Koovara, Racine........... ý4 Lytila Zeka. camne................. 1 WNater Dlger. Iiiwaukee ....1 1Liate Riemer, saute .... 2.. ý0 F'rank liartuefl. Keaostua....4. Margaret XeiadaiLt. Aiscura . 44 WNilliamt 11.Beuliey, Warsaw 2. Arlâta Riesb. Mdilwaulte.........-' Fil ix levuowicz. North Chicago .. 27 Kozmlroa WoIlàuis, sanie ...... i Edwa,'d W. MWiefr, Ken.osla..:! Mary Biown, Racine........... 34 RuthLNi. .ac'îeon, Sitring Orove 111.2-1 Auna Os. hner, Green Bay . .... 3- Ilerbert F. Cieuesoni, Nlilwaukee.22, Martha Majeeika, usine .... lu Donald W. Âmesg,.Algonar, \îictil, Grace H. Schuin, Mlwauke . ... 28 Jamem R.i'usak, Chicago, ..... 21 Rth NM. Larty. saint.... . 20 Etiîn Desins, S. Kaukanus, Wis.27 Marlon Peterson. Racine....22! MichaetlItutîtîte, Mtilwaukee ...l3 Jeuste Izradltarn. saine ..... . 26, Ediwin F. t,4itng. BalatonNtun.52 Nelle Weotbee, saine ............318 Leray Wefzei. Milwaukee, Wis...29 Barbara Jensen. saine ... .....24 Audrcw Paffollo, Chicagoa.....u2 Nelle lin'i, saut .. . .. . .. E'rtc E' That Racine ..... 3 Nîna lGarrettMinîseapolis...... 4 YOUNGI MAN NEAR DEATII IN WAVFS 0F JHARBOR SUNDAY ilecoming exhaustçtialiter a lonîg teint across the hartor ant ihndilng lilismelf attable fLu Clllinb uit 0m11t' filer, Robtert Dake agît about i8 years. reuuiite ai 220> Williams strict proveti aiu tasy %i( ii t lu.the wilIes of thle utor- ru-ti the ii laibIor Sunday afieritoon, lut y->(uaug titan chu iii ronsitiereuî a sc]nid uiti sft nier togit- er ftf tto otuIer tompanione liai dou'e off the pliig-(if tut uusuth puer s ith the inten- lion tf irnvinîing aroni th(e 350 feef o!rit thetaroun r lt Ihei urthlupler ofthîe waler way. Ail of te groufi were gooti tilmaiers and 1Ley acaintarrosa tihe hanlnorsiti loitg eazysy toies Ifundrits of peu'pe cia cet-e at the ieacàtatanon fie pier4 Aait-Led the. adventutre. In simmiug (hi' grouf o uug mein cen' separaletl and thcy reacheti te nont h ier ai difereul limes. Ait uft(hem Cen ciii exhausteti affîr the lengfiy swin in the waters antIwtac Wc thent pulieti theinsefues ufi amto the pt- as son as flic>'at-ivii. tut Dale Lad reachedth (e per at a ne mte puint train the othere anti cbîn lue ailemptedt o dimb up tLe aites lie coualt iud nu propecf Ion fa grasu Otlu. le luati matie ses'eral futlfe ai- tempta. l'îet-y moment te cas te- ruîning iorîe exhauti. le was on tht'poilt tf uinlînie into tLe caves8 chen hie raltedti lahts campanions fur bllit Heury' Ektranti. agît 22 ic'ars ot! 131 Lenox avenume o!fthe pan- t>' tf sui iînîîrq nîtedth fe yautli's pretilcament anti ieaing lufo titi wa- tir Le swanitote is assistance, but totoce hi eaubié the' site o! yous Dale titi'youth Ibai sank heni'ath the s ares, Wheu the waters clseti ovt- the 4 outh, Elsiranti oCam about wailttrg forthîerealpearance uof Dake above çthe waters. Finail>' tihi-had antd iltouttiers o! the young man appeaneti alunie tLe caseit anti Esfnantigrasp id im anti swaso twfLhlm to e point at the pler wLerc the other compan- iions assisti<iE'îstrand i Wng the forai i (t'e xititsted yuulit ato (hi. juer. I)ake Wasth leu. rrei. 9 The youtigmntistîlti thaf lu bit exitausteti cotnditioun Le situnahie fî cape wifh the srung undencurrenti fliat exfat lunflafs sef;%un o! the bar- hon and fLot tte undertaw carrIed j hlm severat feet under thi Catit- hi fore Le cas abte ta again nakî his i way la the toi). l'li'h irbon is about 60 fi-et deepî af the Point. jThe pnactIci o! long ewrns at-rons i (he hatuban bave betame popular 91 ilate ainong oine Of the sCîNnOlri duspîte frequent warnings ofth(e Lai- abon officIais. Indepentient: More reatiers (han al) ycouty wqekUas 3combine&i *145(100 For the put-puce it paylng for the maintenance ami operation ai asti repairs to the village Caten systemn inciutilngtfle tutction of nececear>' suork on the silinge lot where n purnp. ing stationi Iuafi'd, tube'suin ut $2500, ta, 4c terived Iroua stek itv4cefurnisiu. id ftsuater utiisittutrc. For the ftiutiose ut maiutnining and keepung thet uiitary setter systeni lu fi vilage tif litrtyviîle lu repair anti an>' necuesary exte'nson@ ihereof f0 blm m&tie b>' fie village,. the einutf0"00.761, ut chieli $5im îsft L e irveti roithfe secen service'. lituntueciheetofore granteti otr ta luigraîtteul turing (e comlng fiscalycar uantdi 150 T6II r..n thL unexpeutiet lalalue now in the seser bonà ant inlttneetfoftnt, whcLinL le eîlîr appropriatmi tuthflueMer sericeifondi. Making te aggregate Betouif oh $0,10511.761 ut vtich 47Q610 le &t olu rafseetby taxation, of su*,bh 450 io for bonite aud îniureîf bheretofone pro- vided four. HacL utfceli oiruts utmoni>' andthei aggnegatotefreut uedebuteti nit-esiar to the(Bard tf Trustae orlthesumivi village tt uleray fte net-sar>' expentutu ant i laluli tee u I te atoemiitvillage timriug tfît 0su N'par endting .Aprii;t), 191î5. fur flic re'u1itfive purpos aBlue PIpecifilr tuet i-it. Swi, us 2. '1'Iat lie varions sunitsset forth alotuu' hutouiraîeti b,>taxaClu. fie aggreguîts' auttuttînt I f L in.$710.-, are apprnuriafied Be praotionatu fractions of muidi totalsutoi #7060 ont ln caie o ai tttire to eiru .on colfeei sait aggnegafc siNn o 0f7050, tii tiefilut->' hailihoLe d.dtcedpro rata front salit varlouos nuts. Su-irios 13. Ail ocher appropriations anti cash balances for ilie Set-aI year endfntg Apnif 80, 1914 t,çe coiuit foi ts upoeefor elh îLe>' Car. appru> pre axpting tube unexpentetiLaanet fi (Leh. gwer bond À" l ittemit font, subI-bLàa@ itfiuretaOib ein appropriate. ta tLe sevrer servies fondt. cBaeT-os 4. Tiat tLis ordlnaiwe aler ifs pas@Mge anti BppnrowvI sh4Il ttcanti tht 1 110L-ereby dihcI ýd ô be'in fuIl ;once antid fe' A 9),,eyê e t publIcatIon accordifitÈtaa. Peas.eti, Iuiy 14, 1114ý Approvet, Jul>' 14, 1914. ]Publietat, JUIF 17, 1914. K. P. fcssàasuLa, Preitient. EARL B. COanETT, Iiq~ t it ýg p- It a- ie it la td tg X- tit ne 91 ra ir» Lu PARIIAM SEERS TO REAIN FOLLOWINEi IS A ZDON REPORT ABSENT SJI1CI3 ON. Mrs. Annie HatW 4f Water Street Takea Chýidren and Departs Sw tY., THE NUS5ANQ ACHS It IsBe4ieveçt- Tt a$ke May be in Chicago-Wçman Had PreMeit ig . Waukegan, Jul>' IL Nt ystery utrounds (hi chereabituts o! S rit. Annie Hatton, agit 26 yenrs. anti Lin fhree chîltnen cho nesîies at 113 Wafcr tneit anti chutilsappiar- id fr010 (LeIr home taat Monda>', wifL- out siathng thelr iMeution o! ieaving or (bat (Le>' cire goiug. The Lus- baud anti tathen. Abert Hatton chu lu emjtlo>id at û4e Oyeloai Penoe 1 1 c bird, or Ibat m stâïUSâblWet l» *Ad binae.. ma"da A*9 Wbotber Ibm dbsmMmg*!ut"=b TlIefflndet batte ea. Y jr 1 1 1 Il 1 % ANNUAL APPROPRIATION ORDI- ANCE. Aunurdiuancee appropriating gcli soin or mn. ai maie>' deemeul î.týeecary it, tihi Preident and board iuT1rusîiceof tlie village ut1Libuerty cille, fi, defray ail n"eusrypiepeumes and liiit,litlemutfthe .nitI village of Uiti'rtyi iii. for anti during îethi e dYar etîl iiiWApril 30, He it îurdained i.y il,. 'tii-iit tand Ittuarul ut Trusmees utftP,- village tif Iiiertyviflie.lîlinoins Siricit4 1. That for ti... në,..eeary expensce ensudllabilittt iflit, ,illage of l.tlbertyvUle, llinoisfoir ltoi dunîng tbî u.t.al .ciar euditng April I30 l9t5,there is hereby apitropriatled île .'îv,rai mutait oft moue>' bereln inentionil Iaid etzeifi- , aliy met forth, that lm tu 'ay: For thi purpitie of alding finpasitiiu the nîtemeîary c-ontingent, ixpenàw.s tf tii.'atoreeptid vilage, tne siut $ 0 ' 11t wbleW tîpl ropnation of 830110 l. 0 $ 00 isj to Ledeived frm nlicences lfrttm billaud tale.ë, pool tablest, bu,wliîri alieva and otcer licensea, theoestiniatet nînîoutio reeitlfaront sncb souri s e itg au Fr.u bnIilliardi tables. ptuitu t blIcs, bojwlIng alîeye amittither liti-esflo.................. ....$ *200 (0 l4aid muin of 0200.00 le lu'rpihy appra. î,riateti for the purpote of maid crontingent tîttul and ithe, balance ot aid fond, $3i0 0lis t f u erasetdi-iy taxation. 0litif said cantinant foîttims appripniuated ab"alibsaîlthé, tâteseory expeasse utlections lsad ViIl ga, ,.iceftlfte "teleiadboartoftroit- tees, salaries af tbe mertilucri ofithe hoard of local inruve iitcutit, salary ofi tle village, tri'aeurer, salar>' 0f the vif]- agi' ui'rL.feesfor theatitiry eviployed on vWa1gi,, uitui., 1tgaI iexpenitatlui orufin i witlî lifigatton lu whici, LI." ,illage ntaiybeapartv, sr*ry Ifr flic' oionfer Fire cXitu patt., procurlng adulîtioual boîte for tire protectioni anti lire aiarrn anti uther provi. suons ai touin rodm liîî aggregatlng a total of 2o000 (0 For tbe Poos0ofreiairiitg and aidrIg In the constfrut tion ot sidewalc is caîd vilii tige , the eetintatetit otf wîîork la repafring aûti ce building aitiewafksnof tu exccd ........................... 200.(0 For the purpose ot rcçuairiîig and îmoprovfng village puro- perf y inciutiing pomping La. Lioîn liîreinafter minlitieti, Utu ta wed................... 210 0 Fuirflic purpoiet of payiiig fuir police protection ol eaid Itil age............................ ....!)00.00 For the parpotte oftmaintainitug vil1lage Boardi of lialti in éiaiti village..................... 200.04) NfIatiîug a fatal contingentiuitt .,I.u ............................... $3500.00 For flic purpose of pasing fur repairs, iiiaintenaneî, impruvanentâ and con- striiefliooiutfstreete, aile>'., Ligbwaye andi avenue*uf and in maid village of bliierty ville, iucludlng fini' cunstructfon andutl viiriiug of etreet uruutigs, flic ini ot $1400, ut whîcb $200 je ta lit raied l'y taxation anti $1200 to be raimed front the village's Ëcare of thbe lm.vyuuf inecuuîisfonere ut Higbway of the miwnuitof ibentyvilfe. for noad and bridige î,urposees. For tue purpo»e of pa.yîng the expensi ut iighting the etrit. and publie piates tuf the vilave ut L"IreivW, the sutaio $1450,. fuiei'raimed b>' taatiou. For the [uur(iîe uf pajlxfg theexpenie@ t prin ting tt urdltanes, Ointitt sof ineeringmeCuti ti' suof #i 200 te tic rawis tlaxatlion. For tLe luirpase ut paying the lDUt installaieut -if water, warrant Na. 1 ast i ntereil, fthe Ut i msmueuftiof eew r, warrantf No 2 and istereegt, and the nftuiali i iet ofu sevrer, warraunt Nuo.13 anint iii',titi heaf $ 450li, t,, raxumtlu. taxationi. à Fu1 ir tfliirjutuet tof paylug two village h.ll bondstf uitad village, th ube soinu m $500tacit, Nt- 3 and 4, fogether vvtth lutert i tua $0f111oft qilge hall bondi out maui siliei'ý. twf.L i 8f 1"0, tu be raitied luy taaion, at.faliu: Atîîouua t liWt t luondo No. 3 1 and 4 ... . -r..tut ........... f1000ý00 1 nfereet toc . uvilliehIl Lunudefuir ti ilriiulpal sont of $9,000 . ............... 450,04) Man Who Founded 'Gift of Tongues' Cuit Coming From Kansas on iuIy 19. PLANS TO INVADE CHICAGO. Providing He Gets Support It Is Said He WiII Return to Zion City Fold. That Chartes F. t'urti:m, lut-mer biati o! the 'Parluainite tir "Glît or Tongues" colt ini Zui City, Infentis ta neturn tuerF tntti tîake antatfentpt ta regain hic foiltusiug. i'u tite'report (bat lias bien recels didnl Zion, fol- lowlng tIti annoaniceutieut tit Par- ha in lteudtufacofducf a camitaign In, Chicago sfartlng ounIl>'1.Fi-ls meetings are tuo phýi' dt at 70!5 Bi. Raveoswaod avenue. Rogers Park. ParLant urganlc'eilthe cuit ln Zicun whlch sinesLas horîte ht8inaine.fit ticame notorloîts for the qu'enase, fions Oflits tollowera etose ct-ced was that iuy "tcastilng ouftilevîls' (lie> coolti cure aji rîanuer or filis (o wich the bodytig'l hefr. lernleru. of (hi faction grosefieti un the Saut- andi chattereti a gîluberisît cltlh was sup- posedtu oln~IMcate flic>'liati receired the glft o! torigues. The eiders pro- teasedti taundet-stanti ail (bat v.as sait! lu thie gibberilqh 'iMnaîly ParLant duuappest-ed froin Zionandl hi Cas nof Leard froin for nome lîttie tinte. Then hi' furneul op lu Baxter Springs, Kansas, where hi eslahlisbid a cuit raIlcd thi' Apos- ft i'alfh. This colt le now comnlng ta Chicago for (hi campaigu anti pro- vldlog Le recel vis any soin or a wîl- corne If fa salti ParLant cilI teati is new colt tu Zlon anti unîte wlth (hi nid following wLlcL If le salidbais Licone rather strong of late. A circular sent ouf by Parhain con- talus (Le foiiawing ataternu. Mr. Parbarnla bitter luowu as (hi man Cha brougbt religions libert>'(o Zian City' anti Dr. Dowîe's tnilowîrs t brougbout (Le world. Hi was cpi- ciailly useti of tie Lord for mnan>' years a tLeiliret preacher o!rflife?seri.ecos- tel or latter nain mavemnent anti dur- lng this meeting Le will give the peopte ctean facla on Christ's sourn comIng; conviction-deep anti pun- gent; repentance-towa-ti Cutiandi mat%: salvatlon - nei conversion; healng-prayer o! (attu1; sanctIffca- tion-a second definite work of graci; haptient of the I-li>'Ghost--evldeUic- ed b>' reciplent speaklug lu tangues; conditional Immortalf>' anti aisfluc' tion of the wccei. The Apogtolf t-Fath Movement- which Lad Ite uriglu lu Tupeka, KaNi, fJan. 1, 1901-la a dîgultieti wan, anti ias sucb bas Lad the mont napiti growth a! auy religloos niocemeus Is bustor>'. This nmeeting wli afford a chance for ait la i-ar titi original tiaclIlues of this muceruent. snd let the people jutige for thernsplves thei test-bIng that bac producet Inl ten vears a wout-wIdcie iutionuary work. wlnfng ta ifss taundardi ail classes lu Christlan unît>'. White ce betieve 'bat the rcltnt uortth i tl> GLatt i Pentecotai poser wcli speak ciîariy in uther ianguagei. as Our- cark attente tiroughout the worid, wa do not preach or belleva lu tLe chattering or jabbering accompauliti yb>' f, spasme, jerks and uutroîîabie actions o!fbtheLody>'whfcb bas -on- terlieltedth îe neal carl iChicago, helng praduceti b> hypnotlem. sympa- dthetic magneftcm. spirîtisin anti &ni- dmalinm; aur are wî in eyrnpafhy with «(he splrltualstic rnessage-gvng Pra- tîceti b>'man>' no caîleti Pentet-oetaî dor Apatoic Faiti missions. or theIn g(rance hypno.i healng work. We 1are utter>' opposedti t the "-Frà.shed Wurk o! Caivar>" doc-trinle. Ufp ta date, nu mission li Chicago bas fairl>' ýfreprisenteti the AiiOstolc F'sth do- t t-ie. 'WOMAN VANIIIS FROM HOME IN CIT1Y; Oliver S. Thompeon. ctl> supenin- tendent o! ichools lu Wairxegau Liu recelviti s nunîber o! nantis of ehil- dren who are itudentseat the Wauke- gan et-houle but who Lave secureti et- pîoyment dunlng the sommer vaca- tion. T. Atthon Simrpson, count>' aup erntentient o!fet-boole, bas recelveti several nantis suîhihi b as investi. gatîti. Frank DeYoe. a prinoaW ut North Chicago le anather man ln (Lis vicnît>' cho bas Investigated ese whcL Lave b8cm reterîete(ohlm b>' the state factar>' Inspecter% lu est-h outh(Lse ecasaIt bas bien foundti tat the neason5 gîvîn lunfine pirmits are correct se t wiU ha imn- positle ondin the circumns teo talre an>' actiolo tl (ivcinit>'. Just chat ina>' hidoue lu tLe cotutry districts le not kuasun hecause (Lare are fecer fattorIes (biee(hi chaices for prosecuflane are mucin les@. Man>' of thi chiltinn ho have se- canti permîts tn work attend scll ln the winter but suork -a the sain- mer minI>' that (Le>' ia>' contibute soinething tocard (heIn support. lu (hi permits whlcb (Le>' amura thi parents are oblîgedte(o ecisaetai (Le>' needth (e chîltis support. TLe faton>' aw with regard ta the employrncnt ut minons la being en- tort-et (hie yean inuch more sit'ttty than evîr hetoni. Iu mai>' places employons cho are hi ring minora lu violation o! the state laC hiave bien bateti Into court 'ant infîeti. Iu the maJorît>' o! tbeî cases (ha>' Lad bain gîvîn warnlng previousl>' what (Le>' mlght expict lu caga (bey inslstati upon violatiug tLe law. Tii statefatot->'Inspecter Cas lu Waukegan ricentl>' andti ?und (ha conditfora e Lre ver>' gond inhiregard to thIe nt(er. f.i'oBîIbop'e. 420 Center strict, bas bein asuartiedth e counact fen puttlng ln tour reinfot-ceti cancnete bridges anti a relu forceti tontrite culvent In Warren towsnship. The contratt as acat-tietahlm b>' (hi roati commis- sloners antib>' Charles Russell. Cotînt> Supeinteudeut of rons. Tsuo 0f er contractons, 0o» froin Chîcago, aise put ln bide for the carl Lut thei bld subtittet b>' the lot-ai man cas conaitierabl>' iow- er (han iltier o! tLe othens. Two of (bise bridges are te La placeti four mlles cest a! Ounts.eeaud are te Le Juet about fdvi Luotnedti eet apart. Another WitI Le placeti on Grand avenue Juif Cent o! Oursee. The fourth wIII be placet ou Baivi' dîne afneat niar Mlwaukee avenue. The bridgesamare ( have a tcenty- four foot roadway. Comnpany', la heart-broken at the cant. plein vanlshlug of iei famll'ansu s. log al efforts ln hie power to locate fhem. If l9 belleved that tlney are sornewhere ln the cff>' of Chicago. Mgr ation madie a trlp to the lty Yestertia>'lu an aftepf pta locate the mlss'lig oesbut bies earch wai an- goccesifut. NIrs, flatton Is saud tte very attractive. The mothîr of (Le xussiug wornan, Mrn. Martha LYono, who bas bien living wth ber tiaughter for the paîot two years states that the vanlsbfng ut the woman te not so u mofeta mYster>' as If aipeari as ahi appar ently departeol willlngty andi witb the Intention of remaiulng away. Man.y rumars are prevaIent as ta pre-mredltated plans arrangîti by the mlislug woman, anti wblch shows that îLe Lad contemplatet iflfgbt for sorne fIne anti that the tiepart ure waa flot madie on ftLe spur of the maulent. Ifowevcr, the runuors cannot Le yeni- fi ed. Other itaverifieti reports are preseuteti lu the case. The Luebaut Iolegrief itrîciten at the' sutiden breaklng up of hieshomle. le fiau Intiostrfous yoong ma and bas man>' ?rfeutis luthe clty wso SMe assining hlm ln ha seareh for bu taml>' 0f MANY CIIILDKEN l Observe Request of State Far.- tory Inspector Wth Regard to WorkingChildren. AIM TO AVOID VIOLATIONS. Factory Inspector Furnishes Names of Ail Children Who Have Permits to Work. Stati Factary Inspurtor !<elzon ia exertfng evcny possible precaCtlon to »ee that the st.ate factory law fe ual vioiated. Heinla xmrieng pafticuW sari wlth regard ta, the clause wbIlb retins to the hI ring of minore andi Le le caniuctlug an Investigation IX LaIte Couty through tLe Leiés of the educaton systein. Hi bas secured (Le naines of al chiltiren wbo are wonkf ng lu factories an the strength of permits (bey bava hein able to secore anud has sent (bise lists ee with a Toqent (at the conditions lie luveetigateti taue If tbey are as tLe>' Lave heein tescrlb- MR.GOLDING DENTIBT Hlour 8 tu 2aa.n.-lloc56p.m. Over PliaiNational Dank office Phane 19-J. ilé. .phone 157-J. DE.EL IL SMITH. DENTIBST. ouua-8 le 19é& m. -"d i1 te IIp.m PUBLIC AUCIONEEII Clocst attention paRI 1 .rs, a anetion mahas et reauls l Ail hlnds 01 horios, wagons em* hamm fss i ae or ezehaiîg. aa l til.. WINRY ~E J. L REDOINO, D.V. M. VETERINARY JSURGEON Oadmuta hiosmeVa et.Oleue Offieat Reaideae. 779 Qnni ,&va. Phone 1188-W. :-: DR. VICTOR C. HOEFNEI OSTECIPATN IC PHY41CIAN 216 Madson St.. w~aeai. id moëeHonra 912A. ]IL.14P IL.18 P. Sundaym by Âppolntmeat OaIy Telephone 324 Talking Machines Au Kln French. Germen. Italien and Spanish Langtuage Outfite. Wheu ionwaof àvorercorb. eaOu g n t, Wes T ge5.Caem Dr. Ni. W.1 WW eaftM Ç.. L "o ça omb" IseI uw"he,~2Mv DYMOND L AUS'I1 Loua. Ineurmace, Rei mi eat md Hout Renfin. Office in Kaiser Stock. LIBERTYVILLE, - ILLINOIS. HLHNAN V. CLý Attorrîey-et-Law Money ta IAfl on Good Appniqsed Real 1 1iQe 1P Office in Trigge Building. LIBIERTYVI-ILE, - ILLINOIS. LYELL 9 P40UMI LibertyvNte -. lnîois Luce BudIng. ICe.iPhone 152R. Officepoii 18 MARTIN C. DSCKR office t>». iStIl st. 5Ct-M $ tUOnf .)ille Phone 848 item. Poase 18ÇO NO.%TE CRICAUO. LlQ8 PAUL MAC GUFFI. ATTORNIEY AT LàÂ#. Sllbertys'Ule, IUO DR.'-P . MrT RP k Teleuho i tw1i i Bitter f*.pd mas wy expenée e ir &o ïb murwork. J.-M.Graves AUCTION'eI>g 144 MM Av,.,W Mis. nuit sue u baeflwsh<&rl DR. le. V. SMftiI PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON domuâ to 1 . m. ito 4and 7te 8P. m Offies oyez Ra" irniturs Sowre., LIBERTYVILLE. ILUNOIS DI. L1.LL TAYLOI Office in Fini National Dsk Bulding wut.a-1 10 8:80 &ud to 8 m. "ssldesa u rom4wan'. opposiesPazI Iosi'tjvl,rIIticoloe. mawd""M» n, ýO te sd ct W, ir ef d, mi er he Ili te