CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 Jul 1914, p. 1

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WAUKGAN WEEKLY SUN ITfNEY FALl3 DEAD IN lil5OFFICE rouminent .lurist and Figure for Years in Lake County Suocumbs While at Desk in Court House. WAS AKE OUNTY'S REAL LEADING CITIZEN FOR YRS. Death Follows Prolonged Sick- ness of Two Years Which During Which He Had Been Failing Fast. CHARLES WHITNEY. satesatre;; of 'ake County, Mayor of waukegan, 1lm5 rcue e court judIge. 1911-to date. Aate our°e "dge, Seventeenth tew years ago. 1886 1 3 In chancery, Lake county, Hon. Charles Whitney, Circuit judge of f the district comprising Lake, Boone, I McHenry and Winnebago counties, t ~an d a member of the Appellate court 1 of this district, dropped dead in hie Chair in the court house in his chamb- or*, at 1:30 o'clock Saturday, July 18 wheconsulting with a client who had -----called on him just a few minutes pre- JUDGE CHARLES WHITNE Y viously. - His death was due to heart failure, Who Dropped Dead mn His Offce in the Couri with which he had been failing for House, Juil /8th, from Heart Faiture. the last 18 months or two years. In fact the judge's health had never bten ¯¯¯ good since he returned froma Califor- Le Si O ULNU6UAL PREAK ISIEEN IN MlW LD TIE 'RTW OMONTHS OLD CHICKEN ¢UÀUTAUQUATUIS JUI É WHi An unusual freak lr4 the form of a YEARSBOWSA HN PUPISATT NU D tWO months old chicken 11s shown atE KNOLS REUNION all::=°:ashal, er°°n'a::Tnh PROGRAM CHOSEN 'WOM0 I T LOGa- chicken la Possesse..d of four legs and Grubb School Near Millburn Is three wings. AIl of the legs and the Management of Libertyville ic u d SOR 0 wings have fully matured with the huaq Ar Scene of a Novel Picnlic on rest of1 the body. The chicke* Is ng'e" "" s®0° ICUT oD ES I Thursday Afternoon. hatyadfo l rictoswi Variety on Program. live. The third wIng islocated where HAV NOELBAL GA E.the tail slhould be,. The chicken i AYSPEDDSPAES Sudden Death Of .lUdge Whit. onea of a.brood of eight all of the, ney Brings Important Fact' Aged Men Took Part in It-A cither ch kens showing no deform- Other Splendid Number, Con..j Flag Bought During War Ites sisting of Concerts, Read- U fo m eitCnsdr Floated in the Breeze. n e o ings and Lectures Listed ainnDstc. SUPEK V1 K SINLAKE COUNTY HAS CLAIM Oer 100 people gathered together The chautauqua to lebehldi at Lib-, at the old Grub school house Friday eryville, starting July 26, and ending, WHICH NONE CAN DISPUTE. . I on ofthemos noel icncs f a a • July 30, piroinises to be the best Fver the season. The gathering was com.- held In the history of the assoc tonjudgeship Must Be Given to' posed la rgely of pu pils of the school PL NC .H S IA The course th is year show s exce ption Lak e County A gain--Somei who hadl attended the institution In ally splendid lists of entertaliers - . theearie das.It a4theseondSUIn number. of Men Whose Namnes Are 1uaarnler dayofits tanure a ndecoas pervisors Donate$100t Varieties of hih lass enitertain- Mentioned in Waukegan. large-ly attended by miany from far Lake Bluff Orphanage Toa ment, including lecturs, reading ad- dlistances who had returned to the dresses, musical selections, 1omian d 4ULLETIN county for the purposie of attending wranAdto. Instrumental, with f°requent oconcerts Undier the tteOconstitution, when' the reunion of the lr,struc-tors and pu CONSIDER THE 'WHITE WAY' gl'"" by splei<id art.,s will makeý a circuit judge di,, and the,e yt ,e. ¡T". A large number fromn Waukegan the progress of theý entertainmnents. nmaiiss a year or more than a year of were in attendance. n g Such lecturpers and speakers as Mo- his termi to be served, then a special There is a wealth of county his- ApitCm itet c hammnad Ail.i. lexanri C orky, Dr. lect ion must be held; if the timne yet tory wralppel ab)out the scenle of the Matter-200 Names for stephen ert crowi.,Pro.. to serve ls LESS THAN A YEAR then old sitructure. which before the war Jury List Drawn Today. Heio1ynou, o raon the governo, can and w ,, apoint and 4or many ye-ars afterward was A. Gearhart and lion. J. K. Codding In the case of Judge Whitne, his considered as onie Of the most impor- Waukegan, July 16. will form a; art of the entertaInnments termi would expire NEXT JUNE, or, à tant educational institutiors in the Later this afternoon the Board of while urt i ncl ii-udinig The Luzerne little less than a year. Accordingly cont.superviser@ took up the "matter of the Concert i rnpany, MNasons' JuIIle as there is less than a year of it, the cuTeewr ayattepei.h County Hospital and voted to proceed Singýrs. .\ll( r Phipps Company, theý general consensus of opinion among hadi attended the school before thae at once with the work of erecting the iLindborg Mal1et Quartet, Fahlen- attorneys this afternoon was that the occ urrance r the war of the rebellion. struGture. Bide will be received and Breýal,i)cocrt Comipany and the imi- governor would appoint a man to the Cavr hepini gouns fag tatopened as soon as possible and no peri(be1lring-,r, will delight miusic position vacated by hi& death and had been piurchased by the pupils of time will b lost In awarding the con- love trs. that the appointment would bie made the school during the civil war flap- tract.. Then the construction of the Thle %ariations of the dilferent num- from Lake County timber. Az ther y , ,oiorn uecvlým uny Me. AS tere naafwyue&0Vlir oasan ped ln the breeze. Hiere and tr Ze.1 institution wil1 be rushed au it ie de- hrsis as peddfaur.TeaefwDmcatic attoeysin thenaafeyaragwheheuta- Jittle groups of aged men aral women1 sired to put the institution into use programn was arranged by the chau. county, the general feeling aiso is tha t ney. It will be a hard miatter to) get edhagevereilntess stereuto wer gaherd i grups Thy eat the earliest possible moment. The tauiqua mianagemient with a view to Governor Dunne la large enough in together on a single mnan btoi 1béoHeve FRIENDIS REGARD HIM HIGHLY. cag fciae ýegaeed in clngoincide oter board heartily endorsed the plans and furni.shing favorite amusement for all judgmnent to make his selection re- it can be done, chlildhood days, some of the incidents specifications for the building. classes and minds. gardiens of Party and that he will' Amogtemnih r oia ç The Sujudgeid agtexrs -inb was s t ieisddely occurred over ',0 years ago and hdbhe Lklcutybarif uer Thlre carqainof etin C etral Park ikthe man best qualified for the Sibilities, I would mention tes: atone of local men regarding Charles adtefl fhsbd otedo the üld Grub school for a setting. Invsors met Ln regular session pulrsuant ln 1Libertyville. It will be given Under Place without considering politics. County Judge P. L. Persons. Whitney, citizen, judge and friend· causedl persona in the office of Circuit attendance was one woman, Mrs. to adjournment today and transactedl the auspices of the business and pro-- Atty. Elam Clar ýe. Unfortunately, manyivwvere not to beCerBocwyadthrtous Richard Parviell of Chicago, Who ln fé-ssional men of the town. The death lat Studayof ude At ill tanrachd, s t ws atudayafernon several matters(if business. Amnong i- -- . . yofJuge tY. W llam lé. Lpton, l but hese who did.40makutta nce- u ti t sew a a apnd 1i, was a teacher at the schiool. other things the following itemrs of . hari-s Whitney removes fromnthfie Atty. Leslie P. Hanna- prssethe Wv iws h teldbyalotersx for couarte was not inbessionat en Onre of the oster inëteresting fea-business were transacted: TilREE IN CLOSE "" - '--eain n There are other young avF h new- Charli. -Whitney:-firme and the sudge's ChambersJet tu sfte etetinet f h dy Donated $1,000 to Lake Bluff a u; riwiei s aresmeo hmbrlyot0 coto the east of the court room, were was a bsbl gamne in which many Orhnae f flrrp regr, and sorPow that a mian who may aspire toe sa u he sa qfiestre awy ok pnh unoccupied eXcepting by himself. The o1 the old timers took part. ln the DEcSsdCuidigEf cuny o Dn s aeand so promising positior, is one which houl et fied as ateeroftmenahse judget fll terefodrecausled thosenewhoher twd a Atrney, PerF, -ishrer of o spta h! l- taken just at a timte wthcreadphemn ee.frm ws thets.T avaugnht.d ownerwa a apee.Te Kenoshia, aged 6 eraFormerpu- ooku tematrofadig On iti t .tae aklhee ad i.,hea;th permitted lihieth standpoint of ability uead nyosorfen a otnae uhdteefo aiu.ofcs Tpil if the choottadrwho iiidiwasi L ke suré ]vly é)would hale lcome Into higheýr simple, not because of lpolitical affl- Hne st 1a dncent ius to ith e t A ongthkira rrvlswsCic <ounty sulperinItendenUt of schools iWaukegan's plans for a 'White SWimS Quarter of a Mile and hnrée h mprac fteiain rul ege.Ia epy reehthsCe1Browa eli wslyn Lae outy O scod as ws hu Ws1avd position his death mraktes vacant other namnes hear mentioýned as e we 1gt hreh wslyn WVard Bain of Racine, aged about 55 Cranted liquor licenses toatorails forth at or-e the query as to, men wého might entertain thle (chane ug hte wsoeo h limphon tbhe floor. ftfelt lls pulse; was iland John Rose now of re ncut.Thtre,. young (hcaomen lhadtnar- wh*at, will he done 'a fiým i,) lIthe positiO f being a candidate are: Sim!e's At- best ¡whitev newas1 lonedo h n d hyba u eby"si lr RocheIister.XWis . the frmeir attend. Drew 200 names to be placed on rom escaples from drowniing SundaylftaanbyhmtonyDdHmroo.Jmshmeasevrewrdn.kduasBcwyasenrosytledf 'érg [heeschool in fthe,,year I> wrt- ur is. ;rnifhn her ro b at ca- As %was the e when Char:es \ (l'htCaire liad ith thé, a Irendto everyone who knew fim, a the end of his life long friend Ir, such in th am . orRoe fromthOrhaaglD naio.sized in a gale in Pistakee L'ake. O e W inyw se m ici ugsoi ecetior NoIM. Cooke tfi.,, nm laeu ad cnciniu bsns- a tragie maniner in the court house, years. of l1,7 tofi, dro,- a >tage A letter va eci fromnth i ae of the party SwNIa qruarter (of a mileI s 1,it now -al l, M ection ls nece, 1tioned latterly aro in vwhat the ié man. and a very capable judge. 1 am cniun ih Ite ok hl coach btween the townis of Wads 1BlufO paaeakn h oar f to shorv: the othler twvoclung to itheir sa ry. | nr utlas .,b, 1es ho deeply grieved at his e aeSth."--THEO o i and straightened out his legs Worth and Milburn. William -trang supervisors to makefo a donation to a overturned boat until rescued. Those Judge Ré,beIrt W. Wrighit died three1 might aspirensERSPednterySa. which were caught ln the legs of his of Waukegan one of the old time pu- n 300adto hti ob u h eesvdwr years ago and aspca election was ý hl-a9olddlnlchair. I saw bhat his life was either plils of the school. 1plaed a pr.etty up providinig they fteel so inclined. Iti Elmaer Dalke, sixteen years old, Ihleld1, Judge htgbin:ele d by Mr.whitey as a spld J d manH e bbn rhddpres elfe fair gamte atfirst. Hs only drawback was pin lit thiat alreadys thl M19Fullerton avenue. the peoiple of the d rict. So it willwas anlawyn advryoe r e a him at once to the sofa and there be-ing his failure to hang lonto. iled of thw ornhianage haveF 5%,00lI in Fred Poweérs, nineteen years oild he now--a simcial ato in the cir respected and upon, whose ludgment we seen found he hiad died without re- ball vwheén iews thrown or knocked Itl, banik and have eceived$19,oi n 251lt 1 IlNorth Spaulding avenue; student lcuit must lbe helftto name a succe- everyone reed. The ditrct n wicl gainfing is senses after falling fromn ytowards himi. Ilis hattinge - ý;kws >subs.criptions. it Kent colleiz of Law. slOr to Judge \\hitrRoyLD I he was and the Apellate court have tcar %jood, hbewever. .Th.e matter wa, dsus dat somle FErmýi le stisninet-eenyears old, Th e termi doei n> ,t expire until potct e an oted. hicav stNe to Fnn M ss Beseow r M;r. Strarg was slightly injure 0%0 hr r 5Iaecut hl 3 km a ,avnue: studn t atIunf' 1, VIN5. IP the wevre but afew xvale ada fi end.-ATTORNEY NMiss Belle Pillifant and others in the w nn attempting to catchI a fIl, he ren in the institutioni, apoiaeyNorilhweste-rn University School of mionths Instead < i ilMtuost a year beEL M .C AR .cor hus weea ointe oma- rin into a barb wire fenc. ,sone thiird of al] those there. For the Dentistry. curP the termo endl-ah IMé,y the gover- WofSmt &C il e h -c** "htnes was rny"'enl and imost limmediately and they bore out clothing was forn and he was sihl keeping of the-se chIild(reni Lake counity' Powéers cried to his comrpanions to nor would app;oint l a lantemporarily, mof m t O.W l ete y father s friend. 1 have had much ith, statemuents of the clerk. showing cut by the barbs. payS buit $ a vyar, consliderFd rath- Cling to th, boa t and struck ot'o uastetmsssolnteee Name of Firm Which Will bus, ess ra-sociation vwinh him, and a'.- hydd hthi et aeams Amiong those mwho departed fromt er sali]for the great runnbr of chil- soé.lte ilb, ali. T i letegnvay ear d h- v, ihy. I tnaeulfrnbd elvd thisit t ateditypini tor dFattend or Fa]bthe o l picnicy Opn ewBuwere amoareaitrdeefor. lin \lirs. John Bain,AIrs.. Emmra Webbi, It is bec-ause théeeare no Imany " vchil- DE SSEI ETN eir ieei o psIilt.GT HRNEGR LT , a .H a Id rn daugehter '%Ipdeline and grarison, dren at thée orphanage, and bIcause 11'gl'e i- hgl. Hee gi eoe i tpitjd Mlr. and Mfrs. William Strang and Mir, the conditions are Bo crowded thlatiyadWuea a otavlal ad .rs BetA a s of Chicago. hias been deemied nieýessýary to bulild:sLk fi IescodM t Mrs. Adams is a sister of Nlrs. Emma the addition. The superviisors decidedlelSrcue hc ilCs to subscribe $1,000 )toward the build-ddF-dvionn uy1,l utAot$000 ýrýhý,adlI..iýnYa ey DcosKigi n oe rie "White Way" Project. eril.o(ýo h o n ii atc ttebr n o ptn Arafat Stcommunicationo was receu.ived from n-w ntdy i tercetelcioI, o Pantkig crfu n Iprta ohr. hy elive ed the committeehwhichcis 1nhchargeoo HE SITS AT À 14EAL the "wrhite way" project in Wauikeganibekatsewstle ihabdatresad rnobelbu httedytvi m, osdcad cnolexesm rowa T4mrig1tlé eltefr HE IS TA E L asking the gupervisors t tn hlptoadde standa ou nii h thegi steWoWl uh alrs leralbcueoftedsthofM.Wire. e's3alal lu.H eee eh el R RN9epense of placing the ornamental fewrs leyb hs, t ilteudehptetei týBnwtk t raloewthi lnhiaman g mulyfn,"adD. Ih, eecluster are lights on the one block on Selae e ubn n x nbsps, eeysry"ArFNYLSI i hsca."nfclelniba Washington Street which fronts oonsRyadHret oho hmltnhtebnigisiuin J.~~~~~P S.HtccckNNVcimo Heart ont utadwil Tebn wl etitoee n Failngurey oas Heel, Ldspat-p 1n thValod e' ioe ighnd h or os q ae h eeislv ih m . T efml a ie ,ydahl PJ. S. Hitchcockhv aged 83, threwe[111% toeaedb of SihadCo n l10Z tOWIè havaa1 «ýem ecueo hi ath mgthv up his head, p i t d u . n A n droppedpi i n a d a el e r n w b a il a e ap t l fback, Ir. u o h m a; O t s aand,. H w s I i p on tkwhen e ic n h a atantsredtas sideathey uevsr eere h a-rsetden ie y31Woso found he adWn was dead. oIoietiidwihte n i. mdepygrse.,-APH Us it ucesfr oetiepi and th atais wa t causHoed Hige a. n a ,E m n n ute.a r e e tlte h s at rn o .a y o y s ol a e ake e W oH d S v i » Thek, decedentit hask a son whoeConyH sptl e aete ugs is arot1ak nte aksafar;jatw a bsp a h i mno k t7 OterominentG ut botanistd heOt e Cut.etin it c s ne k o n travelingaereled alls htny overWhtny ha rid e sas 1Independent: morenreaderssthan'-W He led ben a Inate f th h e to IýtecommySitte on pubi ul- onyt casJlesnthCut hemnfmLkeonYtebanagrtlii. manyyear, baing ontefron Pe ns toinvespotgihat eyndihege power tof otjs tw t i ofceaymoe aw atThcomtecos sts of dCici Mes.Tesrs.i enth o9nrt fteble n8eoltte la .TopetFr hria ot rdn nbs uoolbl.Hke sylant, wereliewa anengnee. Colnr ad pEmonsand Tuttle. d xage n t sfl htpobby Ti usin a u eanmert rc tnefotbidn 8xO]aerx aura nIsbk t ecudntsan h xrno and hatta wat ausd hi deth. The ecommteot of which igle Pttosweercle fen had beenitel n na onrf sap htwokwlsae nteltr soiialypand he iltn The decdent bs a sonW referredabo the300,J eyr hmatterml ofne themdteeP proposed O medaeftueo tebiligbegn 2 aB ipnthi etr ugeWine a l ortFia the mLak exuny aningtorium rosubmit- eegatd lmnoeWol i nuh lDete o aeec Indpeden: orerisolra th n 1potedoanreortttthey had securedTe omrWI a 10 erad ra nog rdlere nog eUe ony bgwol-ID edi e em i oseto i meeting andwent over te planPUwit LAKE COUN Y IND PENDEN ýjVOL. XXII.--NO. 44. TWEILVE PAGES T JRERTYVTT LE, LAKR COUNTY, TTL.,TnAY, JULY 24, 1914. ONE. TO EIGHT S1. 50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCAK

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