By T-F. SWAN Corresponanteni dAgent Qnalty-Doj'd's Studio-Prime rlgbt. Obmaniqua wssk Degains ai The DyFumiturs s ar u bs d. Mlis. J. C Dorfier sunrtadDed ber .151er, Rose Yoro, Sonday. 8. J. Cropiey mad a business tiptiui Chicago Wdneda. Kenneth Eramer of Hghland Park, @eut the week-end witb bis grand. motiier, lira. 8. A. Eramer. Mr. C. A. Rapkse etertaiued ber brother and family froni Agonquin gunday. Mike Doherly la visiting wtb J. D. EIUg aud famnliy et Wsusau. Wls. Chnrcb servicsOvilii h beld ou the hbvu o! tbe Shidon bonme nit Sunday et 6:80 o'clock. Mne. Win. Nebrlicb vlitsd several deys %ii week wltb friands boe. Mm. Hnutiug of Waukegan, la @pend- lng the wvet with lire. S. A. Kramer. lire. fHenry Kublank le entertaining ber brotbon, Julins Hatung oi Chicago, froni counubial reîraint Imbues %hemn anev vits the spirit of youth or il mai be Ibat ail of tb. gond ballajers are married. Tissu &Wuinmost o! theïr vives vers Ibers cherlug lieut on 10 deede of greater darlngr white lb. ponr sIngle ginke bad ta figili lthe batti siaone for the only maideu jadim.llb.thestand were so bnsy ltelux I e b ltuent- tibrt camsdy of Doe sud Cassj'thea tbey didn't aven know Ibere va là bal saine. Il would b. .ssefls t t 10t dmsribe lb.egame for il vas abut as moci mizod Up as Iiseéori o! ubinlg MDW ai M sd ovory oue Ionk turne plafflug ovrp>Wbere sud l looked mare bits a tludergartsaeutlcic bam s ball gaine. The. singleo Iss u vshadi- capped bî ltue absence o! our tiret be mm 'Niggle ho sad tliasai ertvas to b. no refular Caine b. vas golug 10 fite bis mosber auto rlding. Be te- appeared later lu tise ailernoon sud v. ebould thbnk liaI elîber o! Ibein wvonîd be ratber iouug 10 s.dopt bo large a boy. Naît Suuday there may ha a gamo ast boute again and again thera uay not ai thers ie a oss point l i e chedula for tbat date, but bere's hoplng. IVAHOE CBautauqua week liargalue aI The 4.~y Furnilura store. &Sesad. Mie Stella Couali, wbo bas beau stayiug witb ber onut, lire. Win. Vckery for the past yeer let ou Tbureday ta viil au unclaet IDyersville, Iow% Mis Emma Grabbe'ia lelitiug 'at the home of ber cousin, Oegrge Oraish ata tis week. Ares.à1 Oaao. Rose aud famlly af Ubleago, are FrIeude bave recolvas? word ftrom Mr.1 vieing aitihe J. . Ayneley home, sud lire. Jobn Wirts tbat tbeY are lins Leu Drnry sud lwo daugbters enjoina their trip througb Montana toit laut veet for au exteuded visit witb and lir@. Wrtz's beallb la ipproving. fripude at Neceda, Win. Bey. Carolue aud vile ame entertalnlng Mi-s.Eminua Rouèes sd son Deibert, Mli@. Batey sud son fromsu ~ègo. etartsd Monday nlght for Combuns, Misses Bertha, Elzabetb, Emma sud Mont.. be home of Ms. Itone'@@inter, Rnby Kuebter are spending tim week lire. Mefagbliu. Tbey viii aieao visit at Lake Genava. Yelowstone Park enronte. E. A. Banson aud eblîdren, Louise sud Work bu bon started oua tbe ex en- Dicty, are vislalg the former'. isîaber et io, of Praime Ave., nomuii ta Mae& St. Fort Wayne, Ind. Whlle thons ith" This wlU maire a western entriica to expect ta attend a large familY reunflon ovuere subdivision sud *iIl groatlli hieb Is beld every year. Improve luis part of IowiL lis. Wm. Vickery entertaiued ber Mie Lta Natelborg of Chicago, in niece. Miss Lillian Perrot af Iowa, speading ber vacation wltb Mns. Frank Saturday sud Bunday. Vickery. Miss Gladys Payne returued from a BASE BALL. tures veeks viil witb ber »Inter lu We don'% knov jet jus wbat the Montana, Sutuday evaniug. rsmouvas but lhe Wlnîbrop Harbor Brt Chamberlin bas been carrying Issan falil eshow Sund"anadthe fane mail tbe paut wesk for H. Kublauk, wha vere ceseted ont o! a ragular enejygavcti. Kind o! lough wb.n lhe Pans are a asba&eilugavcain lai for a big "ame and thoen to bave the buucb that was billd tu perfonni for the. edfiiteation of the multitude, slip one over and romain lu tbeesbàde o! thaîir Mis .luospbine Amanu spent Tburoday ove vine andd fg tUseaILong Lke. lu order provide a ittlaexcitement and Mies Betb Cook bas retumuesi home toa void vaitiug a perfecll goosi sitar ependiug a couple ai wesks lu Babbstb aftercoon a game was etagesi Chicaga. btveen the marrlsd sud singlaman wbo lilas Barbare Artsan @peut Wednes-1 veon preant sud ai thseansi of tbe oti day ansi Tbursdsy at ber borne bers. 9 themariedirue erelesinghy haIl. Miss Emma Cook le visitlng relatives scoreiai 1.8106. Il vasdocidesati s dilnde lu' Chicaga.1 lie tia sufilicent damage bad beau i vrougbit sud bostilities vers suspended. euir. and lire. B. Amanu aud iamllY It eems blamed funnuy that lu Ibis burg etertaiuad company tram Mlwaukee the. istiowswitb tbe happy home@ have Saturday. l over Ibir leue forlunate bretharîs sud B. D. Cook eutartaiued company irosu we are &t alose ta xplalu the psyvchol- Chicagto and Lake Bluff Suuday. ogy of #bis incontroverlable tact. Robert Lrsabbae@paut Friday lu l may ha tbatthemomentary freedom, Chicago. WelLI Well! Well! IWHY? i Becanse a good well mienus Life insurance, Fire Insuranee Ecunoiny and Convenience in house, tbrn and yard. Protect your fatuily and your property with a good. Pafe well. Let nis drill it with our up-to-date equip- ment. For particulars. write or phone 13114 Euech Av. Phoas 141-M I S. L. Tnlpp, Prosident. R. F. Rotase Vice Prosaldent. Irving E. Payn, ahier. Chautauqua wsek B&aanse t The Ray Furuiture store. Seo ad. Mir@. B. B.rtlett vas laken verY sud- denly 111 Monder ulgbt. At prepeut le imnproving. Baverai from boe atteuded camp meut- leai helâmsudy lire. Andresen and son retnrned to Chicago IMondei miter speudins sevenal veestUrai l am's. Mns. Lubrmnsuof Chicago, suent Wed. usedai eriuh lire. Eilmnau. Miss Maèr- garet returned witb ber. H . Wehrnberg aud iamily o!flberty- ville, *pt sh.eek-.nd 51 Gerber'. Tb@eWialaiRas anlargliattend- ad despite tb. cold veather. May wood 4f'*roon club was enter- talnsal& UÇe.-i camp by litg. A. J. Knopf. Tneeday. July 21ot. A jolly good lime vas enjoyed by a&l. 'bonaid Poulton lae uffering an sttack of tonellille. Art flolland and Ernie Barrest vers Barrlngnon vieltors Tueeday evening. Mn. snd lMr@. Oea. Thatcher wene Waukeean calter@ wednesday. lin. Donaldeon, Sr., and Mise Helen Dickbut are @peudling e coupla of weeks at Mdaywood camp. Mir. Cranses@ eltere were guests et tie Dlamond Lake botel last week. Ouests ut Camp Maywood sunday were: Mr. J. Cramer and son Charles o! Austin, Mir. and lire. Case aud Mr. and Mr@. J. Scharder o! May wood. Mr@. F. Jiobnson of Waukagan, le spending tbe week et El. Bartlatt'B. lire. R. LUII, Sn., aud Uns. Laura B. Kan@ were Glimer vîsitore Wedne?,day. Chautauque veet Bangaiue et Tisej Ray Funiture store. Sooada. Thare iii beas etreopticon lecture st the Prairie Vlew cburch Snnday eveuing, July 26. , objet o! lecture "From1 Dungeon IoThroue. Everyoueiuvitad.1 Missee Kittie Kane anS Eva RaS oof Chicago, are s@pudiug a lev yacks witb lise tormaers sieer, lins. H. Aibrighl. lire. A. 0. tiatier ansi daugister Florence are viting relatives et Lae Zurich. tire. S. E. Kuedier spent e few days vils ber sieter ut Revinia lest week. Born ta lMr. anSdlins. Frank Foot ou July 20, a son. Elle Sauer o! Long (irove. epont part a1 last veak kviti ber sister, Mire. W . Schar. Mirs. J. Risherde spaul Sunday vush relatives et IJîsuvir. lire. Reynsoldesuddaegister Ethel of Orsysiake, were gueste o!flir. anSdlire. C. J. tiagon lest veek. tirs. 0. A. Bulciige sud chîlsirsu of Manhatan, Kaneaso, andi Mise@(ledy8 Butchinge of leview, visitaS et tise iA. C. Richarde home lest veek. C. B. Eastou ansi noea bel Scisafferr o! Deartiels, Pent part oI lest week al the home o! tise lettes-s ftller, J. A. Magoan. tire. S. Wakefield anS sou Gilbant, 0t1 Chicago. have beau vissîing vitis tr. anS tirs. Win. htauclstf. M. W. Kuedier eud eon Ted motoned bo Trevor, Wl.., Monday. tirs. E. M. iimiseci ansi Batie and lestisa olîje wera Chicago vietare Tueeday. lire.El. S. Coon orient SaIns-day and guuday et tise home o!lises- sou lu Waukeae. ZAGE'S LAEj Mir. and tire. E. S. Faulkuer-spent Sun3- day et Rtwesreus. Tise ice creesu sos-l et tise church vas vary well attended sud s good liime eujsiyed by ail. tir. sud lirs. W. J. Shreck anS !amilv epont Iset Suuday vith relatives et Trevor. Wie. tir, anSdtire. DaviS Carlson o! Wauke- gan. are speudiug tis eveak vith tise lattar@ parents, lir. and tMr@. George Keppie. Mn. sud tirs. J. F. Darling anSdtir Gakes oi Oak Park, @pont Sunday witli F. VanZansit ansi family. Don'l fail 10 béer lb. eluglug evauge- lisI, Mn. liott, et thacisurcb nextSunday moriug. Mir. sud Mrs. Fred lliimore of Wauke- gan, spenta few day. lenl veet vils Mn. -anS Mrs. Jas. Taylor. SUNOAY SOHOOL PICNIC The Long Onove Bnnday sebool vil! hoid their annuel pleffl u Noyer'& Grove on Eundai, Aug. 2âd. Â flsiiug pond sud olbsr amusements vil! be uffored. Came sarly sud' brnug your tnlsuds. Evuryisody lnvited. c-44.2 If -von wsuî 10 prove te jouresîf liaI Yon cai make jour Covs give moe mt lu dry weather witb poor peature jeut try Ârcady Feed. IMouey back If ual satlsfied. Uberlyville Lumber Ce. ci IsdeDeudeul: More readers than aH eounty weeklies combined. Qnalit7-Boyd'u Studio-Pres riglit. Niss Floton.. Osterman was lb.eguet of ber anat, ldra. Bd Willman lesit W*. Mir. and Mise. Wood man Todd and son. Mesdames Fred Borentierger sud Henq Sagwgl ers iii. Snndéy gueose of Mr. and Mr@. Roy Haskins oi Wilmette. Louis Rommel o!f Hammond. lad., suent several days of laut veek vietiug big PaNsaI, li, and Mms. Phulip nommu]. Peter Bleimebi o! Chicago, was the. Saturday test o! lire. Rd Blelmebl. A pleusst surprise wus given Eliza- beth Rekoliiby a number o ofudinis mn honor of ber blrthday Wednesday alter. Doon. Mise Lorette Kress accompanied by hsr auât, Mrs. John Fitchel ofOskiahoma, loft Saturday for North Dakota where tliey wil!visit the latter's sister. elirs. S. P. Butchison and Miss Joée. phino Woodman returned Tuesday aiter espendlng two weeke visiting Mir@. B. Holmenst Bieaver Falie. Pa. Mise Martha Hagi entertained ber Bunday ocbool clas['rlday evenlug. Miss Elda Horenberger visited irieude e inIndiana Harbor, 1md S, unday. Miss Alne BleinehI @pont the week. fsud visitiug ber father, who i lei in Grand Rapids. Mr. andMrs. M. E. Rapp of Moutelair. Ill., aud lire. Brander of Morton Grove. are the gueste of Mir. and tirs. George Ranch. IssuRuth Reicheit waa the week-end gueet 0f Miss Ruth Johnson at Dalab, Ill. & moving picture show mIl be held lu tbe scbool bouse Friday eveuinq at 8 o'elock. H. E. Mosore lias gone to Seattle, Waeh.. for a couple of weeke. M&r. and Mir&. Rosusyne Stryker o! Chicago, were the week-eud gueste o! Mr. sud lir@. T. L. Knaak. Mir. aud Mrs. .1.A. Stryker and children attended thse camp meeting a eoaenes Sunday. Miss Elizabeth Clark o! Irving Park, le visitingaet the home of W. A. Wliting. Tbe Union pîcurs of thse Pre-ibytarlan aud U. E. churches wil be field Satur- day lu Schiies grove. Hayrqpke wili leave tise churches et 10 o'clock. Races aud conteste have beau srnged. Il yon want to prove to yourppl! tisaI yon cen make your cors giva more mut lu dry weather 11th poor pasture jupt try Aredy Feed. Money back if nos sati@âed. Lilertyvilla Lumber C'o. cl The Independent leade ail. y5Q The New Styles Win TH E new corsetlesa figure Tstyles have made aequick jump into fevor. Women who like to leed, who enjoy up-lo-dateneea bougbt oui- new Pariiana modela lirat. As soon us other wooeen aaw tht beautiftml grae.of the new styles, they were quick 10 follow. The new corsetiose corset modela are now establiahed. 'PARISMÂNÀCORSETS 1Women have lerned liat the perfectly natural figure effect je possible only inu'the exclusive Parisiens modçla. Their aucces la due to their clever designing. Made of soft, aupple tuateriala, they hold thea- shape so weil that few bories aie required. The new Parssanaare ldeahly comfortable. With the Parlalànm modela priced at $1.00 to $S.00, there la no reason why mny woman ahould not have the neweaî mend beat. QOUR new Fallý BSksr«eied. Cai TO LAKE COUIdTY FÂRMEE8. (Psrm LIMM) Wo vish 10 Cli attention to the fact that vo are iu a position te mako louus tu famumero on Improved Faim Lands. With ample capital sud fcilitiai vo are able to bandie large loaza mand on r-busonable tarisWe invite the inquirise of farmera vho antiolpae borrowing mouey for improvemouts or vho have lotse falling due whicb munet bc reneved. irtNational Bank Libertyville, IIL Capitl&msuSurplus 850..0 Resores vr$3m 000 iipand look at the s"mpIea. E. W. Parkhurst Buy in WISCONSINI The Home of the Dairy Cow Il1 I a D a a j' Quesitions Naturafly Arise vhv are these fanso offared ion sale? Oeuerally ou account ofo! ad ge-ar cblldrau vaut ta go t10tha s-ty, sud thie happons quit@ trequatly-because lise ovuer ba@ enough mone.v tu retire tg tise city aud lve comfontabl.y. There ere many retireS farmers lu liedford sud surnoundiug owne. The ianms are not offeresi for sale becan@estise owuere bave lfieeSta miree gond. Doul taise'sur word for tiî: Wtait t lise farmare lu Taylor coauy. We meintalu a sales stable lu Mediord sud sai hanses ta tise farmene ou timte, taking their notas for ans or two yeare. At pregaut re bave aver $1.000 X)oute4tandinsoeInuTay- lor count.v sud lu the lsel tan yeene aur lbaes bave beau lees tissu oua-hall of ona par cent. Landi in Taylor County id riinu lu value very repidly. The tamis listaS ise. low range lu price froru $40 lu $125 au ar-auss tbey are wortistise mouey. Pris-a son eny Individuel farta furuished upon application. Libeal terme«. This fint le nt complet@ but the foliowing numberw are tyssical o! aur holdings.1! you want e fartm lis tise fertile dalry section of Wrscouelu, where land ids noaw rleinir lu value teadily, eurelv. ve eau a-Il it t>) you, Tise @olùo! thene ferme, unie"e otherwrse tatpd ifes cley omre isricb snd hignly productive Collsy clay lossu of Taylor souuîy. Thea surfae sie l r geutîr rolllug. Wea aieshavaersst-aver lane st $12 vo $25 per acre. Liberal ternie. Own Your Own Home "A home ouf uy own" @ le ia atcisword tist aI#heilu spireS tisonsssuitius-k ansi effrnt. lian uIis great corutry os! <ure iî is possible fts n yaue vi willlsg tu. wsrk Oit!> m illand determiuaîssn ta, ,,sbiave thie ambition. Tu tise lisousasîde viso bava nul 'val reelizasi tiseeareet amîbition o! their ieurt, and ta tisa tirowmanue vio are not t selitd si tî tiseir prerslt location, rvc dedusate Ibis pis-e ot ad- vertieiugt. Thsane se many a masu w!, hac pald twicc anîd Ibrice over torsa farsin nwhscls lialiit-eu nds 5h1 Sas-gualot una fot oroutise lands, abse a-vlsue May havse tsssbled ous-trptls-Sd. Hui s <<s-k lias sisied ts irie value Lut lie does ncst revis, <snedollar nt Isanelit. He a tisa s-ctier Whu , isir sslvthse pportuuity tis pas- usure rerst us-muse. 0INN YO'I i R)>'N FA RNI. Tu tisose vus, have, this amiionuisand tise viliitavos-k, tise sailio! Ta ' ion <suntyivjs , asid insisten t Sie is,,iSeujs betsîse uI> ic iia@ s-e isard for bis laissrs, tise acres ha tas-tns for hie uo% ri, t iseriu piste tus- alazy msao But for hlo i hle in tdssts-oue eusddetermîn aS. tise oppostunity inru aysîs-csmuty sx unusrisesd -vas, unequeled Tise pisoesrose as-mers lu Taylsor suurstv caissetisera., ainusaI Is a Msan, pso. but atns- bstsoue They 5ev thisais- anieuetu ,ssvert tîseir braite sud bs-au 5115tisons-y sud noir 15ev arelise riset tudepeudent peupleéeou earîis. (jet a Piece of Land We wouder il yen realize bow faat land lu thiston. 19rylasgola«. lu 1865 &bore vas butlittIp roven MI,- 000000 acred undor cul tlvallinluthe 1 uiteS States. Todoy tise cultlvated acres numbar 300,000,000 and these acres are uat onlv mur bae but tbey are tant golus up lu valus ans ill ii on ha bayoud tise reacb of msen of salait messie Koeuen s-ecorporations are taramag Ibair sîteut:on ltush@landl audgreedlly buying viole couneies vîtis no idecf ever lettiniran acre go. The suait wbo think& tisers viliiha pleuty o! land lif-t should he ever vaut came, in bgosug te ha badly fooisd. The sity maen, working iu fecîory or store. tired <s! paying isigis rantandi the (ety's lgb prete, le tuanrma unor eheepaer lande, surs ta fiid tisera visaIlse neyv erIuw bfora -e truiy ndepen. dent huma. (Jet a pi-,* o! fatal. Some of the Bargains in Northern Wisconsin Soif of the»e lartae is the v.vy rch sud productive ultrogenous Coiby Clay facis. BI. 40 tere, 3 miles from Wbittlcus, a thriting villageon tise Sou, ln in lu ayisn souuty; 30 esras un. dan culivaîiors; fair lbuilding;log bou-esud baem; good veil; aimaitlcreek; &Illl fansd; 1 ruiles te echssol; :1 miles te creasnery; 4; mile ta soumty seat; prise, $2400; V. cash. This place ls a great trRaiu, tsha cleared land elous us worth $250)0 ccii locet.ed, 8i. 80 acrpes, 6% mile troma tiedfard ou the main roas; 40 acres unsier cultîvation; 25 acre. o! peinture; 15 sceaso! timbar; 6-roumn frame Ià(,uno wlîh gisod caellar, tramse harn,;gusod wali: ail feuced; croek r'.us lhnaugbh ; schoolhouse 1!.. rilen, Pris-e 031L.00 ; %. cash. Wis iporeo)nal tsroîserty couersting 5of tss hssrses, --)sites. :1 limiter@, sud ail usactsiuary, $4700. B.5.120» acrs..',mlles vet oai tisSiono a gssad ruai; 60 55arminsfer enltivatissu 27, acrs ofpeenture; 35 ascre@ titusber; M rossm trame issnse eulh gosid s-sl- ier, fraebiarn, uer, 24x72; silo saigranary; twa vielle. river russe tisougîs place, ail feus-ad only $8000 1, dovu. D., MO acres. 7 mils-s frosutMcd!sird, ssnutY a-at ,of Taylor c"uîty, ou good rued, 40 aires umdcrvsultsva- lieu, 20> acres iseeture, belsîns- Wsod tlnbar. rori tramne hcua- a is gsi>,>) elles-, goio onditissu. loir baenviti tromc bey sG.ed. ailI tnseScreek through t goods wevl!; s-s,,issacr,, e saronad;,priesof tiare terisui C4O. , d>svn.Wsth v.enssnal i)rorserîy w hich incluSes :1issîs-seé, 12 cos v, full Im neof! rach-isu ery, Irîrrber aeuS sisgîe lofr bas-n. $84-00,4.)200 d*u Special Off er on Unimproved 80's Ps-se.-'$2O)an acre. $*300 dîsersaeuS$10 ià mouLt Wheii" 'su have 155515ilu$609), we will build yau a 4. roulsunii,si . Ire-,,! charge Specshhsatissm 501s- s1îiet Aller the issue s s uilt va will a-lt youe teairs sf lis-e-s anS gis e ys.u 1wo ycas-s tise tsi ay for thisu. LOEB-HAMMEL REALTY COMPANm- Owners & Agents. We are also the accredited representatives of the Soo R. R 400,000 acres of gopci land. Se. official assouncofent neet week. Local Agent, H. D. BOYD, Libertyville We're neady to tek.e anynne to tee thee farmne ai any tim. convenseut to tien.. Tripe madIe every week. E M Sorne Bargair For Chauta 4'27. 50 swd. G. 0. 48 inch Round 'fable .........$24.25 27.00 same as above......... 23.75 16.00 Golden Amn. Oak Buffet 13.00 11.50 White Enam. Refrig'rt'r 9.75 15.25 I l 13.25 22.00"F-11" Kitchen Cabin't 18.75 1. 00 Hoosier I 16.25 19.00 Massive Black Leather Arm Rocker----------.13.50 ns LU, in Furniture ,qua Week e T8)Fiber Rush P'rch Settee $6.65 6.10~" 51 8.75 Couch Hammock, Ad- Justable Hetd-piece .... 7.50 6.50 Couch Hammoeks...... 5.65 4. 75 Harnmocks------------.3.95 4.00 ..... . 3.45 6.2.5 Basket Swing and Stand 4.40 Best Band Power Vacuumn Cleauers with brush...... 5.50 We will seil al aur remainiug stock of porch furniture at a discount of 15% Our- wall paper stock goes at 20 per cent off. Other cut price goods not listed. It will pay you to visit our store next weink. If you want bai-gains we will have thetu. The Ray Furniture and Paint StoreI Wm. Hosken & Sons PRACTICAL WEIL DRILLERS s.ZION CITY, 11. UL. JETO UT-- Pf the interetet paying c1aus Ind into the interest receivlng claiss by opeuing a Savings Acconnt with this Bank. We offer you every banking facility. 3"- INTIEREST on SAVINGS -3 THE CITIZENS' BANK< ARrA, ILL "Make ThIs Bank Your Business hlome." -M à Quali Iy- MiesAli', Wa.hi ssgts for tIse pas Mande! tIrs J. lest Frida: MireF. lîssiptel a tin.e o! Oklab,,r * lre. 5. J., Mire Est etopllng è * diedSid neas. Mise <lie viied trie Torii Ms-, cegi, Sund Lors-Il ' other nsla, tDr. iSuf, witis Dr. I ile htis lu Chcisags Tha Lail Miesion jl Mary Tii E . I.H ansd tamil: day. iris ro Tise ce, ll' y th,~ ceseiful ru. Mir. oi fricude slit Try ae1, 1e..îlx cousiu L.u Wben r, lis e Mw hias- a be drsvlng lu ligbte. '7 front rus wnlsthi. te, k il se b,- startei waish vu e,>,eh tri pull thiscr vas burt badly de> ses-y car,- rtoile wîti to b, hie, thisse 5lin. ToiisM raljiig hii thvr tu A psgliation wilil cave es-y errai Mis 01 peat yeer fs-tende l oS to Lak The La tkhloser STI STOP tickai, wý STOP I v ae every Th Se8t sert .wiil cal! i STOP matter, 1 bootre au STOP1 Wa give. .STOP We have STOP gond mu Victrola STOP STOP nire eud