Page Four r.A~~~imm i ulNIrv Tf'l tt.)n ranr tL. -.N.- --_ NXJTUFAI JULY 24, 1914- t ie h is ýe RE:SÀLE IS TO BE iirrntr : urrre trt ANNOUNCED SOO ON trr'v welt i.-r irLplr puî;stuleus r ___________tcr ry ridv F-. ii 'liievIliac iIf Dot Thi- r.sleunur a dei r cci cf court i1atrui-ii. 4rsrt.ville Luwbter Ca. CI of 1 lie Chicargo and M'iî,%uiarie e Fci-______________________ iftrnr- Railcrad t'rnàpany> 5- îropertis %ilie anriounceil uhort ysubit-ct to the Uirual qnîretisi;,dle 'ai notice-for S tnîcityda3n M-idi ta plane now, - tht- couuînîiteî- ijlbil in the unre-ny p. and a reocn'anrzariorofuthrie- Company aýil l] 16 rimnie-diani-lyTht- comîrany lui, e-c- n luthielianrds of rpenenversi suree Di. 21, V-7 Thre Compauny r iiisl-ts ut tai, dis- liite-i coroatiani,. tht- V. si rnsin ansid lIlîls dn3panies. The -rcorLzïnl iu Ui. 1lAan irai idl,,ann xi'linngei oftse- un ie-u ua nw nia itpany for eawr mo iu n-stick anti lionris c! the oM tnpnlanIeu_ fn.r-'ipao.w i n i iil s iiti-ntri,et uiîîud ninci- rui moirage 5 per iil t r, t b ud -nuil to u rr-ex Iiliiir taiiflitniutianai-i.imillatile- 4 pi-r t-ri i r~cie bondlsflot lta e-n-il $4,- ti udinicdri titarre- oucuru- latre4 ~î ciutinconit bornds nult t Terme of Enxchange TO THE qEPUBLICAN VOTERSi T erun- of i-xttrngt f trire ut-u ,_c- OF THEEilGHTH SENSATORIAL, i r cii- foir - e-1,(1irtilrinnrovui de t bat DISTRICT: lliîi~~~~~~~ e-1rd n,-ird nrFn od hereî,y arnniunce myseif a Candidate ,hnall1, i i r-n forrthe $iriîibIl- for noinîationnfor Befresextatlr-e lu the piit lumilne , terrcent Iondseand Lswer Hijumnu0o!theettserai Aëssembîy, ile-rceninirlani ns third martgage aîzbWet tu tir dr-eiof the ltepablicaa .,rod. straîl !,.cuhiningesiIfor tire $10,- voter, o! the Elghth District. eonsistlug %%iiiiîWlwun-nlaCompany5 lier cent o! tIhe Countreu o! Lake, McHeury and bonds Fht> per rcnt Iur. stock of the Bfonne, at the primatisa tu0obe hed newcoempany Lme nuiresInlaetichaage Sgoptembier 1.), 1914. 'un thr- $iuiceii apial surork af i!nota lnatsd ansi electesi1 @lii]îlvote "d c:Oinpan>. fur andi !Bvor: Tiý.r.itorganiltuon plan, under 1. A cantitutianal Convention, tu r.hlm-lu niarly ail nf the securîtîas have tbe sud that the State mat have; airrrnIu bs-e-n il-îniîte-d, specîller tirai la) A mors adequate andi modmrn i. fliiiiiri ne-w tiret mortgage revenue Iaw. e ýnil, sînaîl i-,)er ait rire rolîety of (ih A ehorter ballot lu electlons. hotu c-amlanls-u, arw owui-d or hireiln- le-) Ant endl t,> mluorty represeata. afti r acqirard 17p'un o$4.000of vo inouluthe Aembly ansi thre(8) trisi- trofndr, s w1h tri ta tiereeorganiza- vote synternr, iiî5 uun crîtn..u hie muId or uer- n t (Ii) A restrietion upon the power QIl o-l6îr rn-i rnrn. i)llgatonts ansi nottes the Cityo!lraoaheLgltts ay,] to ti--y off$,,biili underliag mni a greater aeea'mure o! ho me 0 Z ouii thé-iii Il i noîis -ar lrany's lîrour- fr tire City tif Chicago. ertielr. Thre l;rîan'-r ll lie usei for Il i Ant-aemnr methoil o! atusnding futmuren. unune urpos un! tIre ,rimrtiuti,n titan naw provklssi i~~~~~o iI nituinc icuse-sInlutht -nX. if) nîlr -r itilitirn esbould be otirer. jjjgo o t; Ctiri .-rouîr u nd I we-tnid*îrelin varions particu- i 1h l1, ,ý,nuit tira nt Ie In- lir f ti.r tii ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 2 ni1rti ritrc mliai Iviiie- irai!work foc an effée- tIve C'irniy 1 LuiaI optn.nLaw. as the Lake Cou nty.Indepen.denit Waukegan Weekly Sun Office Telephone Number 1. Libertyvile Exchange. Sater&d ait tre Pucstî>tilie r it Lrtrville, 111 , as Si-rond Ulaies Mail àlatter Official l'apcr for LaIte County. lotoued Evey r'v rlav .d.rti-rîng Ra1tes Made Knuwrr on Application. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. $1.50 PER VEAR STRICTLY IN AOVANCE W. J. SMITH ... .......... .... Editor F. G.« SMITH ........ ............................................................... M anager M . Jý WEBER........>.................. ........... ...... Residleiît Manager, Phonie 68 CHARLES WHITNEY. Lake county loses its leading citizen with the passing of Charles Whitney, who, as Circuit judge, had acquired wide notice which later caused him to be chosen as a member of the Appellate court bench in this district. He was a man who had few enemies, in fact almost everybody who knew him, wished te be claesed as his friend because they wanted him to be their friend. He was a man of experience, of judgement, of positiveness and cf loyalty and honesty; he was a man who adjusted more family grievances than any other man in Lake county. He was staunch in his purposes, he was firni in his convictions, yet net unswervable when arguments were ad- vanced to prove his opinions might be wrong in the matter of law, etc. Born and reared in Lake county, if had always been his home, and therefore he could be termed "a Lake county product" in every sense of the word, for, if was here that he saw the light, was educated, entered business and f inally at- tained the highest position possible in the county where he lived-that, oi Circuit judge. A man with an exceptional brain and keen judgment, he exerted it in directions which always were fair and honest, kind and considerate and just whenever possible without conflioting with the law. As a man and citizen lie was exemplary; as a judge and jurist he Was f air, honest, keen and sincere in his purpose; as a father hé was kind, con- siderate and loyal to his family; as a friend, he was always f0 be trusted and performed many kind deeds which were done without anybody but thle recipient knowing of it. Had he lived and been in good health his career would not have ended on the Circuit or Appellate bench cnly-he had higher prospects for his ability made him a man te be needed in higher callings. The man who must be elected te f ilI the seat left vacaný by Judge Whitneys death must be a man cf experience in th( iaw, one who has a judicial temperment, one who can weigl points of law without permitting personalities te enter into hi: decisions; he must be a man who can command the respect oi the attorneys who must work under him and with him. It's nc boy's job-it Is a big mnan's job, therefore, if seems that th( proper thing for Lake county te do in order te insure retentici of a îudgeship in this count y, is te "get together" and figure oui Who is the most qualified man, regardless of political pull, for the position and then unite toielect him., In making this select- ion, if should net be left entirely te the attorneys et the county, for others as well as attorneys are interested in the selection ef a judge, in fact, the public is directly realîy more interested anc concerned than the attorneys, and therefore, as the public has the final say in the matter of election, if the public is consider- ed-materially in selecting the man who shal be put forth, Lake county need have no fear ef being, as it was a few years ago, the second largest county in the district, and yef without a judge from its own borders. llustrating how uncertain this lite really is, and how quick- ly lives are snuffed out. Waukegan people today are recalling the f act that, during the past week, three well known, thiree prominent men have passed into thç Great Beyond, namely, Dr. V. C. Price, of baking powder fame; Charles Whitney, judge of the:CircttHt and Appellate courts, and Dr. J. M. Fischer, well known Waukegan centist. ln the case of iudge Whitney, he had been ailrng for some time, but the end was flot Iooked for so suddenly; in the case of Dr. Price, he was aged and his death was flot unexpected; in the case of Dr. Fischer, his lite was snuffed out while he was on a pleasure jaui at the lake, with bright future prospects and with promise of a long career. The first cost is the biggest cost of the Ford-a n d the smallest cçst of any other car because of the after-experîse. The Ford is the one car you can drive at less than "horse- and-buggy" rates. Thousands drive the Ford at less than two cents a miles, It's the ..cost-to-keep' which counts. Ruabout $500 TnurintngCar $550, ToisaCar $750-1 o. b. Detroi.Coin ce ih q i ment. For sale b! yf rhcîu SCHANK BROS. LIBERTYVILLE -i ------i QUIET NOME WEI)DIN(i ON TUESDAY EVENINEI TLiF.eIav evinng at eigbt uclo.-k t wo Weil Irrown local peuple were quietly marti d, Dolrh the îrrmodiate relatives Of tcith tainilies m ituest3ing tbeersuriny. Th- bride- wa.m iss Alice F. Suydaur a daughter of Mr. and Ains. F. M. Skiydam w bo r-ruide just nortb of tarin on Milwaukee avenue, and tIrs groom beîng Clair Stuart, Who has made bis home ini Liieýrtyr-ilIr- for the pamt t ive years. bis parents re@iding iluNlorroco. Indiana. l)tîring Iis trY berelire has 4irld si-eral re,1)uîisble pcsitioiîr, bic last ira i- ig aithrie local office trf the Public service Co. Th irel le a as borin, mcilrears'd lirre ana gradrrated fronitirhe Liliertyr-ilie .@ihiale. Fo)r tbree years site was pianistseat tbe Lr-ric Tîrentre, and lia@s mnîy frir'nrîs aho w icî lier nii i h&ppiDPS8e. Ther -erenrrry a-as rt-ad Lîy Rerý J. Bl.i àlatGiullm and the rsedding înarcb wasÉ -ilaved hy tbe brides sieter, lire. Rd1 Petre of Waulnrgair. Tbe bappyr couple leIt for a reeke s itirn Morrsciî. lnd.,1 alte'r wbir-h tbî'y ait inake tIreur hromre LARGiE PRIZES FOR JIEIFER CAL VES AT COVNTY FAIR lun tire lie a JrernimIt&o! tire lit mulinaIlLaike tîurui- air N ili wrilic.w bellf nit lrI-rir uertiIP1. 2. 3,anîd 4, a-1 l li li ul rries a iinu nti irg t ,une huindresi dollarsr fîr tIre lesi gradle il irerfer ial- eiired ar the fair. TlI brifer ý i,lluc rirt I',fîîîîroiilkrng seu-Bm eîr,-i 'v lu imnyre-girtered bul rwnK l)r i Lake Urrunti- vnf tIre hrrlîowingirerede. Holîsteinr, ,uernsey, Jerley rr irirwn Sie.Tb.mrîtlrer iif iheetal nînet be owaed in Laie counly' , and th,.'catI rased ard aines irn Lake cIrity. Firîlowimg arrthe- prii. sta Ire ofirei. Finet Irrize *$.m, Setari îîrz :;ii). Tîrrrd phini- 2o. The prîtes i trirt-lebiriild [i.F a lIig induverielli for Larke î-ounty fartun-rsand stock r.ii-rur Iiima.e en-trju, iiitbat clami- a- -11 ,-inusruail itirlr caiuea.. tire plrue- r Pr ti u i bîî s ,- tric an Bt iirrilrir faire. ELECTRIC LUNE BELWIN WINS FIRST DAY'S fIRAND CIRCUIT RACE Belwin, the 4-year old colt, alro rtrtted amile lu 2:064, at tIre Lbrerty. 1 iville mils track at the 'record meletilg' JulY 3, captured the 224 class trottrng Oseen in the fret day's grand circuit iraces at Cleveland AMonîlay, talring thre irace lu tlrree straiRlh luais, leadinu ail the wayv. The raie wam fur a $1,000 pures. The Chicago Herald, luis ta @&y o! Belwlns record tieattrt Libertyr-ils, July 3: Iyfe fr tire muet nîitable mie of the Liberti-ville meeting wa-e Iliat oi the 4-yearolj colt Hsliin, u. rnef bY Eeury J. Seilresliger of Milaaàukîe, %%*ls , 1.ný trainied anîd drir-en liv tie veicran Wiseomnin reimneuan, .1 (). ("Red 'j1 Gerret'. [lis; mils in 2:010li-estiiiberl a new barnese epeed recorrd fic the .rear tur WILLIAM A. ROSING date anrd wati. everr-thnîîg cirîsidereîl. Candidiîate or suPer-b achier-ernent, ru whviiritrî"cîh initire-it lm added hicau.e iof th-- Young COUNTY TREASURER stalio's previoums lîtoirandl past eubiectt-)ethe 11k i iofthe ie Itjencan Beîin heaknaura-rldIwin I Mc- ski.Ec tErr i a JH1914I Kînarey, wan foaîed in 1910 and canie YOUR SUPPORT RESPECTFULLY out am a yearling in 11911 taklng a i'ec- SOLICITED ord of 2:2 fi4Bt, K.y., wbere____ hýw" then owned Tii was liigh- HIS PLATI-ORM walrir mark, for tiiat cc-iiifiuir a trotteri F chi -cri t., c t, ci rri- Inui of that age, Bird tie Il iuirmîdiatelY 1 Party fîîr i,-i:, .,f iii(,î,î reas- leaped into poiur.n-asî4o r.of ttir.rer, amndiif 1 ,r, I Ii ll w..î., r ecre lastect lbv trotiers 3itrtr id uced. As jniune. ar iii i i crisIi ii ii.- ailditbe hi-re aico ýeligilii- it itire ru-I Fu- l tli ir,,snlrlîîîeeîînabiîlàîv turities foir 2 nue i:1rerre Id tui lic.raced I1îciees, tri,' ail ii .% b% rtire i. lit 1912 rind 191.3, the.- ier, witb Fu- Ity huard i i;ru.îi1 m l i Inl gan u tact iging 1-p,11 111r hM. rugi of fl tii-i rt, rs-ii c'.r fro , i iii 1 i iii, iiîinr rii S t.L aw ren ceE p isco p 'lW'h u rch ! ci-, , n , -. ir , el l l. rrr Rer-. El -A itD S rr .lnîa-nrbre gr- îi i. I.-cr nti.ii ii îî Hol% Commiunion evi-r.v rundau 7:4. tlrrilîrit ,f iiiiîcite a. iri. Fir@tIfunda> n iiiiirîr10:30s. n. 1 sl4îiîît 0- - ,S î fi-ir lga llirrainirf'rayer i-rer-vy Sî Ppt ibter iiitbe r iriri % wlîî tritnîrr nrst abne- 10:30 a. n niefcsr i n i ni A t4irebîlic Sunday oehîool 1il:4.-,a ..bmei W1LA\ lt) Al Ilîiy l'em. FI"l., ii nî 0 M.E hurch Services. il m .n. EpWorr r luagne. 7 :39) p. iv. Prrnîirnî t lier W . f. St. John's Evg. Luth. Church ýf mn lniadwo.uv andi 'ailPli Lýuiti u u-,I. fi, . IfIieeprgî-. ý aaan 4i-r-ilarire-r-cir- e-ny ifusr Ifuailmy ruuicîriilt Ii arr a lii. 1- ritrer -ic r-r-sii îîs S nrilay "f lie r ,gj , lit 7 15 r n liu P iid t -S-r 5 -e i.- fosg rn-e, iiifr-nu, I. If. l,î Iuuclimilvii recmuitsn.f tii 'l'owsiîn Law sheow PlailY t tiri.- Inuuty a uld be the uitainl vroinurnrgiithresaloonr jietiall. iî I shil tai,n, au 1idrwa>'s have la Nia! uir i ge am aspriottecisthe rlmlru fareiner, rii I ahaâll endesvor to sec-ir-.- sut-ma attilesai itweeu the IliBrdil nili-natii aud the Cicago Boîardl O!f lr- rnd nsi tiur-y inter-erot si, nhs ibtî uf lulntýr-te5iaulite. 4. lor i,,-h.!îî1cr-I shah ayonthe teut. tirgirlîîwrn f f,. standing eiinnttess Iroîn i ix)a.lglrttu ta tteea leIntber, aind ilirai,- Ui rol l wtrklng cononîtteen; and aluir i n fri-ritr uieeniîagway wlth %il tilles tirhi-nr r the tf1os. hv a unokiirlty, înr-mi iulrr ti stany tiirs as the munnalrirt.V if thmirs i!wum.flcit. A ierne. gr-aphiir#i, m! ih -erthngsisadn 'Initie li i sr-ri .,ie-of iho lmainlature 0h1101141la ttbkneti and mtride a-part of «eh au- iye lîtititînI Jnniuinai. ansi giveni ties wlilsait tc-irltion iand publicit>-. 7-t %ery reepectfuffy, EDiWAttte V. BUVtTLEFF. FOR REPRESENTATIVE in Canerai Aaaembly, &th District, Vote For IJOSEPH W. FREUND Wet McHery. 111. DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE Prianries, September 9, 1914 indepenient: More readers tran aill county weekiles Conrblned. cff You Who Mitor O'er thet Lanîd With -Exhilarating Spet-d We're Ifiere To Leîîd A Helpiîîg Haîîd When Our SVrvices Vou Nerrd LIBERTYVILLE GARAGEI J. N. BERNARD, Prop. PHONE 202 UBERTYVULLE: ILJL white Mtountain and Arct7uc Ice Cream Freezers 1 1.75-4 3.50 Challenge Charcoal filled Refrigerators S12-425 5.plyj 2-yjr. guaranteed Garden Ilose IOc Foot Revonoc and New Perfection Blue Flame Oil Stoves $7.004$7.5049.504 12 Genuine Philadeiphia Lawn Mowers 16 in. cl." e<6.50 18 ini. cut, 57.00 fli ne of llammnocks $1.20-$3.50 He B. ECER The Boyd Photo Studio UIBERTYVRML, ILLINOIS FIIGM CLASS Portraits and VIEWS at popular prices. . Open Every De., Surmiay b, Appointanea Il Who Takes Out Life Insurance? And For What Purpose? The Huaband, to assure to his wife, an estate in caset h.., j taken away before lie h a m accuinulated - one- or to provide ready money in any event in case of bis death, his funds being frequently Lied up) in business enterprises. The Father and Mother, to gaurantee to their ininor or afflicted chidren support and the necessary education to qualify thein for subsequent se.lfsupport. The Brother and Sister, to guarantee support, and the necessary education for subsequent self-support, to tht-jr littie brother and sisters dependent îîpon thern. The Son and Daughter, tg l)rotect their parents in old age. The Farmer or Owner cf Real Estate, to better preserve lus real propeqrty to his faîîîily by providing for amuple personal propi4rty tlîroîglithe ash proy-eeds of bis life insurance, immîîediately availahie in c-asetof ifs death. JOHN IIODGE District Manager. o o o o o i. o o o o o o o o 4f~ a. 0= O o 8 o o o o * o * -o -o O -o O -o -o o -o o o o O O O o r Do I~icNs Brinsi 1~aPPin<$$? i Page Four LAKE COTTNTV TMlFI>VVnVxrr mmi-M à -qw ýl P