CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 Jul 1914, p. 7

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DYMOND t AUSTI Loans, Insurance, RealEstmai | HoueReting. Offce in Kaiser Block. LISERTYVILLE, •ILLINO96. Money to Loman onGon prdRa Esate. prvdRa Offiftsli TFrggBuilding. LIBERTYVOLLE, - LNä. LYEE L [O ATTommyr-AT-Law Libertyvine - Nni Rem 1Phonbe 152-R1. 1110ge e » office OPp.18stn St. Eletric Stamon ,Iffice Phone 848 Rs.Phone 18401 NORUTH CHICAGO. ILLINOIS PAUL MAC GUFFIN, ATTvORNEY T AW DR, O, F. BUTTERFIRin, VETERINARY SURGEON assisANT @TATE VETERINAR'AS. Ulberty- 9i. Illinois. Telephone 1463-M at Better prepareilthe "y "Dpene. ever Ltodo Yomurff Ji. M. Graves A UCT IO NBE ER DR.*LV S 1r PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON dours 8 to Io a.m. 2to. 4and 7 te Up. ofBee oves Ray Furniture itore LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS DR. 1. L TAYLOR Office in First National Bank Building noItUin 1to 3:3 (* ,yuft v h, Dg, leude aBroadway. pP te Par DR• GOLDING DENTIST Bonre 8 tO 12 aM.-1 to 5 p.. Over First National Bank Otfie Phone 19-J. tes. Phone 157-J Libertyville. Illinois DR, E. H. SMITHi DENTIST. avMn LaRKa OUNTY NATIONAt agg 00ru-8 tc 12 a. m, and 1 to à Libertyle Illr.oia PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON CAS. N.STEPHENS .D HOURS-109o ls: 2to;tos Telephone 100. Officeet tReidence auction salaé and best results i Ak nds of hor«îes, wagon@sand barneossfor male or exchange at ail tlee HENRY SINE Phone$ 148eor48 ZON Cr"TY*à J. L REDDINGi, D. V. VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate Chicago Vet Coliol Officeat Residence, 779 Gran Ave. Phone 1136-W. :- DR. VICTOR C. H0 NER OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN 215 adion t., Waukegan, IX 9-12e A 3- ours, Su12A. ., 14PM,, .7-8 p. M. unays by Appointment Only -Telephone 226. French, German, Italian and Spanish Language Outfits. wheo han a machin r recorda.eanup JAMES1.L LONS 25 West laket bL, easo A N N O u N Em x N7 Dr. N. W.SheUben s OgT Pn HM &UIKEeA, ILINOIS Wiibac eatim. C.$S. ios saOrchadIL, ll'uyvillee m fs. aIl friday, d«Man it Fred A. Blus se went to bis graa Poor man, according to ids eipe friends. For himseilfhe saved Wime tically nothing out of hmis dn6 gave the farta out at Fox b 1c, *' la aid tg be imaumbered, Me»WOW surance le »aidto be îincumboet ^&W, f Furnished by years ago to fIl the unexpfired terni. and elaborate one.]r,,'y an r u.Ifdancie nd LAKEOCOUNTY TITLE &TRUSTOo. He would have been re-elected esasly * Au a fitting tribueth alos or,- s fammar urt fn, iethÉnwere Abstracto of Title. Titles Guaranteed. IfPS EADAT1Cos e -to rua-next year had he fleces ln the cout oclos-e onsloaib e tnnghe A VERSm e Masonic Temple Bids, Wakegan. D O E DÀ I surved. today and will remain closed unt migtsmtmstrlihtecm N GOFFCE N C HOJSE "ge Whitne' %as made a mem-tour o'clocke. Pleteness of his work, tire nnish of -.-.July 13, 1914--John Jlwaskiewie and OF IEI T•O S ber of the Seventeenth district eap. COUn ty court was to have conve hsdvsato.H ay i ad RATES wifute to J. L.Kookelts4ad, (Continued From Page One.) peUlate court two years ago but re- ed lthis morning butJuePrsn upon a noble, mortal fra-ne and be- ac par lino eacn insertion I 's ubd oet n inbloc 4$,0Or-had been for some time pas, buthfis case of 11 ealth, hut i never b diateyun ir et nd ajourn J foredmachine ila awr ek he spena Loossfthan à linos, laurs B. Fowler and husband et«al sotrengtf was failing day lafter dayan came effective because he had certain Smiley will be here. The jury was ceased to work, the heart has failed 25c first insertien to Frartees . Roseliter, loft 7 to 11, everybody could 'tee It. work heoished conipleted before re excused until that time. cef Its functior% and featuirei love has SI kBluf W.D $eloe aditin toDid't Kew im.Son Arrivez Home. embraced have begun to turn to clay. 30In4 lo k l s a d to o di n h ow Sad i le h sF a s e e hl»m eda ey a t r Death ts a m aster in his line, and like raesff. RDiet . $ R. Hunter ' hehadfale, H UNDREDS IN Teli H RONG J fte aillother agents of the superior intel lote9, 1@and11 ock C1 ad. . unerInstance isainnely. Recently a man H udgI TRNGiie Whitney died that perhaps l i - n u oldoy Isrc + OR 111Arm L1I + lts 1 ad lelckCoseaddition wohdlvdi h onyalhs AT WHITNEY RESIDENCE. "ould be impossible ta get word to his "ine u wrdoes ntu- Frances Blf.fRsier tol Lara B ielnteredhecouteroom nd, ay- ieson, Fred Brown Whitney, whose Wehave entumber of fine homes fori Fowler, lots 7 and 8, block 2, Closes ing afew minutes went down stare. Munr nlddMn t e ou nt.he E thesmaler death ia ore. Wu reinerrato sale or rent. Dy moud & Austin, Liberty.|addition to Lake Bluff, Deed $1. He hadl known Judge Whitney allhis torneys From Other Coun- thescountrly.oweer, hie telegraph afraid of death. We Ii re o B.ngerc ville. John Griffith and wife to Charles life. Meeting a friend down stairs, . i. ihHeW s i. pones fna elly loat efhim a Bide- and we belleow s0 much ltj Tonkyn, lot 28, Rose Terrace subi- the farmer said: "Who was the judge te hchH a Cr oand rrviholeft nce for wa".e-1nolonger matters wmnichothats FORSAE O RNT- rom oue, ison, Lake Fores-, W. D. $500. .On the bench up &taire?" Tþe reply cuit Judge. aarvn oeSna h. where It comnes, or howe, t cm ts i alR convEiences, - a rge ba rConer, ete .R ontvRcmn was: "I think It le Judge Whitney." No Inquest Held may be at the pulsing mi oir i aibttcourt nceade Parnlce . C.rDen, north.part lota blc 8, Flgh- "Can't be Whitney, for I know him HONORARY PAILIEARERS FOR Because Dr Knight had been at. somne beautiful summer day no fr of Gleast>onubrtyandParkP. ae-.t.f.Dan Pat rk. lW. D. blc150. ih-too well," said the farmer. The man Judge DJ.WcarNEY. ltebnhtending Judge Whitney righit alorq blue waters of our lnland ea and ... . C Barlet to ild W.Bartettfromwho heinquredvisied he rcuit judge atiyn .uadbecause the jurist was breathing It may come without notiee beslid l.the FO SL-Bic oue n lrg ot ar o ra Ape sln i FxIaeCourt room a minute later. It was, C(hris Dufry. clerk A ntecurt. whenCicut Clerk lBrock wa 'yreach- familiar desk ln he znia hi High t. nqu re M A.Pro ine, e43 ti . Cf $1 . * Judge W hitney on the bench and he w1 oek u g C a l oir el- ed h s sde e i n c s f ie , bm u ray, st fi rs n the e r u er cha t Hig S . nq ireJuly. 11,ne e 1914 C] II . --G. L. Bacon and I fe ater met the friend and Im parted the c umit Judge IA. fH t t kford. was noy ta m e d nssary by r on- tai rs t a d ha do;he n a - FOSAEInia otrcce,2 y, oJ. E1, 1. iefllt7 etrinformation. 4ùuty Judge 1I 1,l eersons. Lakiee alr ohl n nus.Dr on;wehavre lea notlav 7O h. p 198 Mde l. $150 00 W.2A. Ltake, Catheridne sudivio , PW. D. ,"Iwouldn't have believed It," sale]'orer untIJu g 1>, J ieKnight signed the deh eeI-riti('ate reached somne underqtanding tha NkoaLibertyville. tPJine 161-J. lthe'farmer who then remarked0o1n Master in chance n a ev<i der.showing tirat Iud4e \Whitner jýhad blepen -c. C.43 tfl Leuete B. Sheler an husban nam the judge had failed. W 'P-ýuýder hise care arul that -rt failure great lve. alays a(tint l Har Davi chlr ndbuhad o WA$ A GREAT JUDGE. J,.ud2ge Cutting, fQ on 1 out was the cause of his dms FOR SLE-billirry ad Iry Gooe 2,K eb est dOne-hait lot 8, block Judge Whitney was regarded as one g ie.Crc Jeo aMember of Lodges.. alwa making our aour good, alwaysr buRSine -.ilneM.Prine. c4 (r2tf bkr'sudvsin iVtvil. of thre best judges the circuit bench of n rAppenlate b"n." mi o ea Judge Whitniey was amnbrof go u dacmn.Or Iliqure. $2.500'ain-his diW. 1.r$260..friend, our honored friend, It let Lis FORSAL-- ruia Guneaps. a. J. . eis an wfe o . iHbVs district has ever hadl. He w as a trnvPéter FIýý -K i , the Elks, Offithe varioussonbod- hold thre Instant he witcalled a FO SLEPIruiluGune J E eie ndwietaW.H.Voeman of wide knowledge of the law ad . ACTIVE PIALLBEARERS. lesincludin he Shr. ed, asdo Il quie f . h. ithGraalke ponelos 1 ad 0,Heses sbdvsonBa. .ttoIrney EMamr, lark.. s n reado h one who reached a victory, a climax, quieoa. ll Fich Gryrlak, bon lts11 nd20,Heses at>dvsonBa-he was conaldered fair in his ruilings. StaeW Attorney 1. J1 lyModern Woodmien 29. L. c42t4 rngton. W. D. $125. nfatheawyapardobe A .ttorIne Eugene umisomne great attainmient-somne logical FORSLE-ilieilmy beue an 4 Chicago Title and Trust Company to judge, even before he was elected tol r Elner J. Ilkay.ea ls o11filH i Ca e te mcon liturningexobeiaenty orthel AL ilselmyhus nd4J. A. J. Whipple, lot 2, owners' subi- the position which he aspired to>rne.y Mattn cckici et \.ht e Wrihelec temenigs inthaecnextaphuain orth.- lots, ae, Prairie View on account Of the vision, of lot 68, Raevinia. Deed II1II.,and which he did dil] so satisfactorly.circut jde. ivie Robl et J. rih, oedhgreat ca re of huma-u. dtt fmy wi e. esp il tein atHilda W. Bartlett afnd husband toI He was a mnih utd m any IWaukegan and lakre riourvNondayad a elvdutlnx ue e W aesm ravetsma onc. bI a ChisBok', PaiieViw.J. C. Bartlett, part of Crab Apple la- family mater@ ln his ofcerterta paid tributé to the late Judge Charles' would ave served four years, and his thy with this oeur brother mnn today. C82 land. W. D. 110. letting themn get inocor; eis\hitney, whose funeral was held from tr ol aebe u.H a ecnudrtn hohwn e FO AE- ronGedng7y, l; .C.Hck ndwf t . .an nontohv dnethiscmant;ie s his beautiful residence (,niJulanstee ppointed t~a the Appellate bench for came to his promotion this da%. It is aecanpytopurey.Dr..F Bute . orellaHicksaot57d Lons ubd- efrebengeleteEjdg adnedasobewen tia adtes sretavhn- henothrnIlinobissritiwoandstllpeilusto iv. hintn aa feldLibertvll p « :one 66.(. . Be t alson of Fair Grounds, akea.W.ddsowe h oki e a ohedreds ot friends from %various pa rts of' ahalfgears ago and ln 1913 was the temPted whilebhe lived, rnm.pd by t1ed, ibrtyile, hoe D..43t Luk ,an ,.ebenc0 h. L oo i sa n the cut swl s rmniho-presiding judge of thant court. the meannesses thatr lurxfmthisaor- FOR SALE-6 ft il lerling (rain Binder, M.J. rcher and wife to Catherine Many' important cases came lbefore lng counties gathered to show honor Did Note n ign.s ou"ber ata irif. e wa tetefto ie, steal, practically ne.w. Paul mhiacGuffin, PhoeL erepart lot 327, Lake Forest. W. hiým ascircuit judge since he Bat on and to revere the memrory' vof one who Wle-, as noe in es elmn --tbe.trynocet adatae uot veak :11 0 44.1 ~D. $10. Phe bench and many big cases came stood as a leader, a friPrnd and a judgedungAa.JgeWteyshlt -henoctadteuprttd - ~~July 18, 1914.--W. G. Spoeri aned, before im and his associates lnth among men. becm obdta edcddh ehdfkpain enirt is •••.••.•.••.•. . . . • . .. . .wIfe to Frank Goebel, lot 15, Spoer's: APPeHate court. In aillis rdliber. Perhaps no death has occurred In rnust relax his duties and accordingly place ln life, and now ha -ùms 1j WANTE LI sipi. %W. D. $525. considered far aboeve the average. Hie excited] so much sorro,,genuine sur- c ourt judge, it develops that it niever unsoiled of scandal. This should be 1 . . .. . . . . .. ..... 1Sarah Il. Bidinger and hus4banid to ars a great judge and, hlad his lif, ro, and deep concern as thiat of Judge mvas acted upon, threaother judges hav. slpoken beside his casket. Hoano: is WANTED-Have purchamers for from WVe. A. Melody, $outhl one.half lot 13, bePen prolonged and his health per WhIitnley, so It was no sueprising that ing asked hirn to hold it off until a rhot dead amongst us. II) to SI) seres farmée Write sltating all block 26, original %Waukegan. w. D. Initted, lhe would have been elected toe hunidreds gathiered at his homne to pay 1later date. lHe did so, and the resig- Heaven was gracious to him. 'a , particulare No agentsi. Addrenm R A.,, $Io. a hlighPr judgeship in time than more- himi thefir last respect before his body nation thus never- became effective and are witnesses this day how Ha€ Indpedent offic. iF Keoney and wife to John Grif. INy the Appellate bench. This is the was laid to rest ln Oakwood cemetery atl his death he still was a member trusted hlm. There were placed tin il 1th, lots 11. 12, 13, 21) to 39, block 5 belief of many persons. whiere other relatives are restirig.- of thre Appellate bench. ti aishnsteafiso ni- TOBACCO SALLbtMEN ýWANTED-ý Hartlett's subdivision, Lake Forest. Wý HIS LIFE. Although throngs could nlot get i ntoj With Upton Many Year. portant city, her schoolis, hier goverr. Earno$100monthly. Expense. >ExPer»1)- i. l Charles Whitney was born ln Lake the homne, even though it hs one of the Charles Whitney and W. C. l'pion ment. He was trusted with the great enice unnecessary. Advertine anid take Rose 1. Krueger and husband to counity, on flhe 6th of October. 1849, largest in the city, they remained formed the law partnershipe of Whit- business of a Judicial district. .\ore ordere fromu merchante for S:noting and L.L. Lane, lot in southwest quarter a son of Havella and Hlarriet (McNitt) about thre lawn and neighborIng ter. ney and Uptoni in the Fait of 1885 and thnti ews rse ihprson. Mnd a :2e tamxp 1for full paýrticulIlr. $ rount y.He receivedf a common school those who were inside to witniess the This firmi was for years thre leadigrptioswth hesrws f Hane Tobcco o . ew iorgN. 1 L. L. Lanie an lwife to G. H. H1ll_- eduatIon, after which he entered up- servies, which were conducted by' law firm of Lake county. in fac bsdwmnqih hmiin f ter, lot in soulthwest quarter section onrthe sudy (of law in the office of; the Rev. S W. Chidester of the Pres-> they were noted throughout this sec- Young Imere Still more exacting, he WAN TED-giood girl for general hous-lik, Grant townsipr. W. D., $700). llodgett. t'pton & Williams, of Wau- byterin church, services whichi were ' tion of the state, their combination beF- was trusted with the love of a noble wor. Adre A W.Walo, ibrty. Jl 7 94-.Hiilradwf kegan, and aifter a thorough course voled of ostItation and reallyot las ing one of the strongest ever formed woman, and with the nurture of ]ittle 1ilpne19R 4t to Anna K. ClurIver, lots 1 to 14, block mvas admitted to thre bar ln September, elaborate as the high rank of th, de- lin legal circles ln Lake county. cildren. How much Heaven gives . MePakins subdlivision adlt 8 cedent muight have consistently cal]. When hie was a young mani, and be- elmnt o o ral in. WANTED-G;irh. at IdealLaunIdry, ad19, umigsad Mr'. . r Whitney began practice alonIe ed for. fore he entered the Law, Charles \V hit- flt dse mak every eraofus o's a Litertyvila e4:0tf Northanue19adduiinWukan ý'. . n akegan. but slent the Winter (r Cidester's remarks atthfil _ ilney was a school teache nLk re a' ie n woo«scud 1)$9-lfn of 1872-73 tin (hicago, where he wlas lneral appiear in full in another columiin counity. having taught ait many% of theae met oi n ti n h ane f WANTED--Plain -wing and re Jacob GCoetler and wife io Martin employed in thec abstract office of of this issue. I small district schiools. Th-,r,, are doz. u rin? makiloc. Mrm KF Ftt, oltE %Iller Goettler. 5 acrPs in smotion ,Ve-inlard:. Simmons & Company. untili prenatheouewemmbs ofersonwonow reherdto \Ve have am honest admiration for farmi. I.ibertyilipejep44-. nrI, township, 1, a $1 aniteayn 6 we ereturned ,to of thre Lake, McHenry, Boone and \\-fil- >a1. "I w11 toJudge Whimtne)to hi. Hs e Ihad re ailiie e ad -. Master In (hner o('atherine .gn, here lheformed 114law mnebago bar, memnbers of whose bod. co li e was borrndulreýared le adgoouhell or idesred metliaty T . . . .1 + W lo 1.Ipartneýrsip w %ith Judge joseph I' I-\\ , Hel hadprct the gift of industry ad o He hadiiig, ilil +aos MIC TA E USona rmerly of the firm of Bio ""hirie rac bstihga years uWrren row hsiip. h ° t wl ""lit)sstain the . . . . . . . no . .iarns.and establis the bench as judge of the Seventeenth Ownied Much Property. r ts* ntoils.Hle had hthe po %er or MONEY TO LOAN-On impro.d r . and r ( us fr.and wife to Albert 1later .\r. WIlliams w' ent to Colorado, dithrctsTey amse thsorrow in T atr ugiWiny a watywhich could outdo 1,ast difficultis. esitate. J. S. u (imni, Fitst Natio n CaraE 1 4 fsn, trarr of land InatrwiM.Wtneywa aoe erhat*eas te a otamnis genrally.Nknown. wealth ae- There was thre masterful strain in hine, Bankà. e41ltscio ,..Hn:ojn townusip,ountil thre existing partnershiip withl W. der friend. Fat-h so regarded Judge umnilatedIin legitimIate manner. and to which leur world a!lways viclds, and Win F) $1ft F f«. pton was form ed in 1885 which Whitney , therefore every one keenly the result of >ersIeveranc)e and hard wIthl al this he hadt the gra u-s which MARRY IF"YOU"REfLONELY-Thelasted many years. tllte 1os h ýsust ned- work "iduring his business career andbetcofdnenhmadwhh Reliaible anidnal su loi, fu li asttof larln dmS.E. 1-4 In Politics Judge Whitney Nwas a Tefoa rbtscudntb d sarsl ftepbi' confidence made way for the humnan friendHness larger nurubler of wealthy eligie nwne i n nt to nhp ) eulcnand lheld various offices of, scribred l nor -wnmerated. They. were il1n Ii inbusiness matters. his advice that play ed its part in all his hi-, rî. bers of bott exep, wishingea:rly ari-hor,or and trust. Hewas elected nuerosin fact sent in pro'fusion; ling souight on big things for w ich e tras born i e to sccli. FHis biogra- age~~~~ ~~~ l"escription.9ree.AMr .,Wruc, and %wife sae atreyoak ont nthey were elaborate as the florist.s of good pri-Ns werepaid. Thus, while · m sgodrang D; 2, Oaklandi, Caj. P.4;-2 to Jo n Kells and %wIfe, lot in village 18 N, wtich Position he heldountil 1887, the district couil Iconceive; they were]h, did not own, muchi business prop- Ib. i, the mnore reall to us, because Lberty ille. W. 1). -2 . when lhe resigned. He was chosen a s1nt9k11oetemad ihr,- Pr" I, in \Vk-gan. lhe did own manylhe \won his way in is native :ounty. If you wi"ih to) ell or exchange your Charles (Christian and wife to Henry memiber of the city counicil, served gard held for- .ludge Whitney. houses fin various parts of thle d e aw pprtnity erhm iamfor good city incorne propertya osac atn os16ad1 w erwste1e-lcebtr- Tesml. of the service wa, HP anle] Pr. Foley owned the bllock fine and masculine amition foundai ts write us for paaticulars or eail when in bock 42, \\ashburn Park, North Chi- signedj in order toaeet the office ofi indicated b., r, fact that there wais known als the Gazette block. corner scen wihin ciiall of his blirth >la the city. Cochiran & Mc-Cluer. 40 N. cago. \V. 1). $180o. mayor, to whic.h he waseetdl no music Wsiwha n I tresyere acht i lad n e. e Ilearbloro, Chiicago. c-42-4 1 ý t. 14 4-I) h o tsand wife .\larch, 1,se. \While in the counicil lhe The Lakre (ounIty Bar Association aind Mr. i'pon formerly owned the to do--he made hiimself Important ¯¯¯ a. lo C . Iahlsonu lQts Iland was chairman of thre board of educa- was call,,d toutlwr at the court hous,-'Security Savinigs bank building butliuid indispenrdble tl those who k new 9 seiate of Illinois, Lake County, SS: Elizab'eth A. Smuhf to Sarah C. lion and late-r a memiber andj secretary Sunday aftfernioon at 3:30 o'clock arnd later sold it. Judge Whitney was for imii best fromn boyhood on. Ini thre Circuit Court of Lake County, (treet, loi 2 T. .l. Smithi's subdivision Of that board. In1 1887 he was appoint- there plans for attending the funeral yepars president of the baenk, having_ He was capable of great and uin- tothwOtoerTem,194 12, est Ant > .h$1 en acr naster Iin chancery which he fheld In a body air(]larranging for floral tri been on11 of those who wvereinterested selfishi friendship. We wish we knowv I-na Cummings, petition to change tonfio Tito) and wIife, lots :ý7 and 48 ntý er.btswr mdwietepesdn, in it from Its organization, becoming today the record of his remitted blck7 Klogs udisor In- te own of Warren, Lake coun. Attorney George FVield, was authorized president after John Mulhall retired] fees, the story of his tendier eQuinsels, namn throp Harbor, Deed $5Lto h r fMy 87,M.Wi.t aeacmiteo eouins from the bank and sold his interests the history of is infiluence as advisor, To Whom it Mlay Concern:- ney was United in marriage with miss to draw up a set fin memory of their in it contfident and loyal friend. Of ti Public notice ls hereby given that MARRIAGE LICENSES. Loima' Brown, a daughiter of Albert departed miember The Bar Associa- Chlarles Whitney was attorney for he would not tell and we need not the undersigned, Lena Cummirds, hasand Della Brown. Shte was boM in tion also arranged] to have its memr- years for the,-chicago & IlakekosneGdhskp h con. filed her petitión ln the Circuit Court David Lundgren, Waukegan legal age 25,meston, Otsegocounty, N. y., June hers meet the, visiting attorneys and 'ElectrIc, Railroad Company. He had somte fine capacity to an- of ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ 5 LaeCutI1nos8oteO.Ama5losm1....lglaoLk , and had been a restident of judges who arrived In fbwn aon thelHere is what an associate of the swver to his human kind. He liked his ob aerTerm , 4,asingsaidheCOurtACharlsPon, acor, I.........s] 5 thLae ®county since 185hildThey became noon train and escort them to the Appellate court says of the late Judgze brother man. He felt his brother to ntr ndOrer ndDere, ponKuieHatmn, or Wshngon 4 nda auhtr naely: lren, two sons court house square where they joinedWhitney, with whom they had work- man. Somte opinions he had to de- tother ang o sad etitio,gran n iey Brtin, PChicasgot....27 wda as rn et. 18 874; ChrlB., Who with the Lake County Bar Associa.ed for 'the past two mand a half years: claire fromu the bench frightened him and ermn Bittira thesidLngantCugm e .CriCiag . ..2 a o et 8 84 hres Ray, tion members. and marched ln a body (Joliet Herald)I and humbled him, as he felt their andperltlr%, he aldLea Cm-Grace Bigley, name .......31 July 6, 1879; and Ethel May April 21, ta h ht oefrtesrie*.J'H a nal utt elrdbaigo oehmi etn.H mings to assume aryl thereafter be Charles A. 8 imberg, Chicago ...29 1883. AI] were born in Wjtukega , ot .the W hi thme forte series. "He bwlasn l it "Heclsaedhainonslehumnetiy e known by her maiden name, LENA Elizabeth A. Roak, same .....24 Several years after his first wife's Cater waes uli eough r t ugeOru dg ibl ls ngt."ewa hdtomketeway of his ambition FELS, and for such other and further dahJdeWtnymredh CreroteSueecutwulbepleasart associate and was well vers- beside his fellow-man, and If in the reliefin sadumattrWasthaly emagre- siseih 'an honorary pallbearer providing he ed In every Point of law. His decf- conflict of interests here in our BO aletef pri acte ofas aid Couarc....... ++Latier sitr who died several years could arrive here. sion was never returned without cial state his heart was sometimes Dated at WaulLegan, ]Ilinois, July + LOBT and POUND + Mrwin Attorneys and court ofillincials own. p)ainstaking study and In but few cal; pained, 1tfinal, no Itterness stayed. 13hr91.bning hiiliwas once interested in tng automobiles were appointed on a es was he ever found to be wrong by In this give and takre of burnan, life 1LENA CUMING4, LOS-L.beral. eward f. recovery nerkingth nralo o S Das a part.Committee to visiJt the depot this noon the supreme court. The appellate he did his part generously. After Heydecker & Heydec"er 1 or pertaiping to the recovery of i cially hie was a Knight Templar Ma. toieethe dsinusedmn n outo the Weodhitrctassn-aeheyve i flolmn Attorneys for Petitioner- black and white female Beagle hound son, belonging to Waukegan lodge No. tk hmt h hte home. Thel fered a great loss5." For our regretted friend reached LAM COUNTY INDEPENDENT. FRrDAY, JULY 24,1914.

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