pape six r - -- - %' ON AÀ1HUMER REALTY NEWS 0F THE WEEK ENDING JULY 25. STRIKE, WOJTON ofintTmetsuohe tar REFUSES TO E A T No. o! Trust Deedsansd 'Uortgage-s Total numiser of Instrumsents fled Former Aviator in Cit'y Jail De-, 123. clares He WilI Not Touch the Toal a aouut of loaos-46,325.'es c.a ~j. Loans were ver>' quiet, $30.000 1es JluFood .erved Hrl. than last week. - THRO S I ON HE LOOR lnTbe Misses Bitia-tl sold their tarm - THOWSIT N TE FOOR lusections 22 and 2'7 Warren town- Has ate Notingin Fve aysship te Wrn. I.Kennedy for s nomin- Has Eten othin in ive alaiconsideration. in Jail-'We Should Worry,' Chales R. Dowel ,oid bis tarm lu Say the Local Police. isetitons 24 anti 13 ln Wsucouda lowu- ________te Mary W. Meytti for $5.600. John Wotoi'. the North Chicago av (80 acres). intr orwaws arresied uPon ltus re- John Gourit>' sold for a nominal tutu te Waut<egau recently ater seulet consideration te T. L. Greer lot ou mOntlts' abstnce durînt a itch le Sheridan Road, just south o! tle aid ciaimedti thave be le..'i b inluair C> e Porier flouse. shlps Ou tle western Coast,.tg on s hsusger ote in wsukegan Ciy jail. 'H sYshe11qarý impi t RIPS urrICER IN death lefare he a tthe tare which la tOn arrests th:r da ago, de. TRYINÛ TO ESCAPE; clires le banut taten a mot sel slute 1 N CK D D W he was lacd in isil. Ht look!, l 1 N C E O for be t l tu. sâllOw lu appearance- anti tht presence ut bahf-boaes of Winnetka Young Man Cornes brea i' outhe flour outhîe Jail where to Grief When He Batties bo bas thrown îhem lu disgust, lotit- Wt oieOfcr Oales there may be truth tu bis dlaim ____aolce____ er Of net bsviug esten arythiug tinte E IVS A EVY FN. being arresteti un tht charge ai forg-RCIE tV lE1, Bla!] biches na e several Had Passed His Station andj Tiht dail>' bill o!ftare th Ie tpolice Refused to Be Ejected by station tg:nd lga Memnbers of Train Crew. Bregaa rad - A Policemnuas a rule isn'l s lad Brhea and ti t-tati. d fî llOw at ai but s Young man who 1 eati at sm)thr-kît !lir-ýave îtbis usme as Arthur Swan-1 (ith f trw son but aho later admtted lIai Ils (tb atr îuou uin nPlenty. tretsi name lysa Arhur Hausto. would Totthîngs are cousidereti sul- doublless bave frdlle a i Mlntial.anti tht laîl Officiais dont at lebta I a-i bth r aduzz- lent th Y have tht igît te serve tîut P oliteman Jowihna zSlttz onuai-hmoe utha vahret>u-th rs Hausto thougîtlite was a lad' outa t t on a ees. manutil brushed up agalrt-,thIbo-l Bu WOJtOn. Rebau .cal Police ufficer. This mot-ing hc Bu.Wj. anauaviator sud was 1stîhî incluat te bo a litte cocite YtUI]ig ieliow uset Io bphtter eating, but s flue ai $25aniclatksoî 1dotant lIte tle foodi and jssoto htebbrn ulai m.s ot est il. Ht throws tiown thete b rea ft hesud li u e ar ut of liat ît.t ut "Isistare boutet aichstuof." t-afiernoon ilu Chicago where he admitsk "ihostea reptoret estan aitta'hadrank mortlilquor tissu wao gooti1 su b t areorer"l'Il stay here for hlm. Ha îeft Chicago for bism ntlIrot asti I tell Yeu thteuFglgh home lu Wiuuetka on tht 12:15 O'cioct se fr asehvetnybing n me train but wheu bis station waa ut er s eln deerînei ots. reacheti le was lu a tirunictu stuport râ stick il out as long s anyboti>'lu sud retusedtieta Pcarouseti. Ht was Lon tnbsdofent." e. carrîetlroug sud resialeti ail effortsE BL It' differeninHee. 1 i wn braitemen te Put hlm off tlet B~t. lsdiferutlu Waukegan train% andthtug enJoyeti a ride al tht ti"tn In ndon. TItre tht police wsya atgn ýrihIY maita tht suffragettes est or Ytue traign rvtee I13 .m eclle tbey release theot. lu Wauktgsn anTtia rrnductor a i nce 30ta. m. 'h lait. tht Police arent au couisderate apolic ton. Perocean Mfethewaà A man etas or he toest.t. Tbyre 1 eoPlcstatitonmateliteanetz îlease, bas>'il) farce foodi down bis throat dt tht taInantifotih asto aHeept anti teyhave neyer t-lad tht plan tlutontroaithead cuebHsenTwo of tis IsenCe dontitoow lwnlwoit- o ne0flecahe..oo h ý*hO tt orkssobraternen volunteereti their set-vices1 assis. ha tits or ha duemut. Tht anti asistai tht Policeman lu takhng' officers cara 1141e anti theY do'l tht ttilow ftram tle train. Hausto Change their menus tu suit thetfallt- fought ever>' slep ni tht wsy. tur ojgta Stan>tim.s.ifAi- Once Oothîe car tht police otk tor uilo atel continue bis hlm lu charge anti arted uP tht Mati- blunglr strikee les iahie to lie pet- ia tatbhaIl l.Hî a ;mWtn tg lldd0ecl5dai-up tle bil Haustonîlaced a foot lu to islarecttaiti.defroi'~înt af the Police anti glving hlm a tex bs artest hatis tather ltad PusI Sent Iili stiuuing ta tht sîde- 1Ruad11e hlm a croot, anti was the cause uait-. .0 f bis hight. His ftler ig Stanley' Tht ofilcer was taktu b>' sRrrse WOilon. a couractur o! NorthhIt but hehantisl> regainet i bstet as; OUO atd sîierman ai the Cty. Ht Hansen tried lu gel sway. Hansen b"* asOWAitt1111ecoilcerti over is reîtiatiteplc icrws , d b edi c a mt e n t, u d e d a nr 5 b e b a s o b lig e d t el u u e b is c l u b . T h t 8 m a I dos ai a sîhr cult fo bI so~ ¶low caught Hausen over thse lafit yt 1 MD CUMMPsud he weut dowxu as If he hall beau IS f llai b>' an axe. Tisa poiceman tuai hlm to tht station wthuut au>' fui- DEAU i Il IU ! There Il wss found lIaI lise club -________liad laid oen sbis aaî.Dr. Belown -PMe o Bntn ows ias sumnoned and w'as oblged ta 5flhU~~ ti OJIILUi i5510111 aite severai stîtchas. Hautainpra- Passes Away After a Short seuteti a sorry ioaiting abject as fbe llness-68 Years Od. aPPearedt u court ibis momrngn. Ht vras charget i atisbetr.g tliront: anti . M14M J. H. Cummings. a wiel tnn dlsot-dttly sud teatisting an afficer. resîdent uf tht oounty sud amang tht lie pleati giilytu tht first two tIarg- pý ioneera Of i3enton townshbdiPdAebut deniedthîe latter. Ht vass fiot Wefte*day eseint ah t 0< ock atîtter $25 sud custa anti winlha given a home, Beach road. a hlmi île a-est hearing lonîpht on tht other charte Wf 0291dan Roasti aren the ulgbt Poli cenman cao ha pro- - !IeÇ deatit fuiioweîl a short iFlues?, duceti. Me iteW 68 years olti snd ltavas ha- Hansen calieti up relatives ai WIfr -e ud. er husaauti a ton Chatles E, nttka sud atrauged lu have thamn 'ýwjo la a teacher lu Chicago aiv fora,- came titre sud psy lis une. cr'4 lved lu Waultagan, a daugter Cim wito lives ai boume sud two sis. EARTHQUAKE IS LOST t«& "Iii. Andrew N'elson ant d ra. COMING FROM RACINE- tI0jfM Uhtlen. bath oi Waultegan. ____ Trai Frits>y tram tht bouse, but-- An eat'thtquake ramîtrîsint tIWO dis tl. la Iake Moisit cemeter>'. hantait.tinct shorts. tacb gusranfeed la make ________________ disbedance sud aral itetureqswing Anto» Dtiae, 7 yarsold ofout c! place. bacante lost somewbere AngluaDetase 8 yers ldaibalareen Racine. Wis., snd Chicago ýjb"jte Ia.. Mcitlas ea.t. Be bit Tbnrsday. Tht abocits vsited Racine U*ed tbflOr §fUt>' year. A son at :30 a. ut. anti a severe electrical ýUrus làWaUkega. acortlng tlu word Stormu tolloatti. Tht aarthquaict de partatianti headet i drarîl>'towaril &eiO rm Wllte RaIt Chcago. Scientistq Iu Chî-azo made ieonsbutI sert- înawîîe ta lip yak. ooum»g big w.kly-INDl it. Il sas nultftelulnVauXtegan. WOMAN WAS -RUN DOWN AND IURT BY 140TORCYCLE 'COP' Mrs. Mary iackaway, Strucký aind Kknnead flnwn hu Po- . 'DON'TS' FOR SWIMMER ARE POSTED AT BEACHES. Most cases of drownlug resuit trom carelesstttss or lacit Of experleuce. Thîe Increaslug tbu of the swirnting sessos bas led Capt. Peler Jeiten, of the United States lite saving station lu Chicago to pt a slt of "Dou'ts' for hathers at ail beachea lIn bis juris- diction, ail 0f whiclîsmo apply ta liceman McDonald. Lake codntY- baîhers. Among hr HAPPENED ON GRAND AVE. ':Don't venturaellnteNater alune, McDonald Says Accident:Was y~u are o od wme Unavoidable-Witness Says Dont frequt lIsolated bsthing i Machine Was Speeding. beaches, wbere there are n f e Waukegan, July 25 Dont trY 10 swlus ativ distance Nlra. Mary .lackaway, aged about In water beyoud your deptb. Dont dive ln unfauiîliar water. 55Yeurs. sud lvlug at 122 South )utfl ugt- logtt h %Vest treel, was -piainfuliy iujured uoertowfaitt ethou oght ,oth- abhet,. shP wass mn dowu by Motor- udro;wthotfrhent- cycle Policeman Charlts E. MeDon- Pest wlud bhat wblps it up). nid at the intersection of Grand are-ý nue sud Hickory street shortly allte r M NFN SS O stien tlrt't oclock Firiday eveuug M NFI D Two ambulances a'#re rushed 10 IlP si-eue but htfort their arrivai tbe AUTO IN CORN FIELD sîctîn wass liaced lu an automobilet and was remuved lu ber homne.O fL W SA E U D.R. Il. T. Nesbit alto sas uearby 1 r L W S VE U aben the accident happtued, has;ten-IMike Furrer Discovers Aban- Pd at once 10 Mrs. IackawaysB home ln bis automobile sud cared for tht doned Car of Value in a Field waumans 8lInuries. lHt fouud she fhait Nea iHoe sustaintd a bad bruise on tht îettla i oe elhns, a bruise ou the side of tht OWNER QIJICKLY LOCATED. face sud a cttl over the lefIt yt. This _____ apprleti ettetelo e u Machine Was Stolen in Chica. Mcfrlonald wlîase duty îî Io le drive go Satturday and Driven Far tht molorcYcle to ail parts of the titi- Without a Rear Tire. durtng the .early pautt of thte eoing - tu keep a 'watch for speeders, %vas LATER-The police, Éhrough 90oing tant an Grand sienue- lie was th., vhicle tag on the abandonsd keepiug close ta the cîtrlhou thte rigtit auto, managed 10 gel in louch with baud aIde of tht street. the owner of te car in Chicago. Sîlrs. Jacksway telîpet doîvu from H-e slatcd that the auto had been tht hlgh curb la tht crosowallc ut tolen Saturday aflernoon anti that Hickory treet. SIc att,-d a moment a search woas osto thon ln pro- ~a i gllugthtmotrc>ît uit10 re.'. but Ihat no clew had been Pîas then teîtped forward whieu tht oblainyti to it. He ocas pleased machine wsa bartly ten feet awa. and surprised lu learn that hie She waa strucit s gianclut lîow by machine had been lucatcd ai Wau- the bandit bar, whlch were haut by kugan, even if it had been given thé, contact. Thteforce aofltie, aIne-k a'hard drive, anti announced he sent ber sîtlult'g to the pavement. would cm oreu Waukegan eariy face foremosl to tht pavement wbeure titis aflernoon lu ctaim the car. she lay for s moment. stunneti. Tht collision caused tht machine \aîktgauo mly27. la sa-erve sharply 10 tht right sud An sulomolîîl, a ltts fic t. *netag5 tht next moment il had struck thtej rencheti off, andi a!l]nar'is o! Iden- curb aud Ml)onald waa tbrown! tification olliî,-rated. was found sîtan- against a tret. As he fell forward doueti by Mike Furr,-r lu a corrs lltld tht machine landeti on top of hlm sudi just off of Lewis aivtoue. >051 uorth of bis right leg was badîy wreucbed. Grand avenue at about 5 ociocit Sun- Ht bastened lac'ý la iiud hua hadlv day sfteruoon. Tht automobile tg ot tle elderly suman had hotu inJurtd. labote su ad ha a seven passeuger A few moments laier su automobile body. Tht machine was appareiitly drew up sud asststlng the wuman abardoned in haste. A tents golti luto, tht rear seat 3lcDonald took ber watcb was fotidlu the road near the to ber home. Ht suggesteti that she car. It Io lelieved ltaI the parties go to the busîltal but she declîneti, who abandout-d tise car probably dop- saying she would rather be home. ped the %atch in msking their gel- Tht policeman waited util tht phy- away. sician sud a nurse bati arrived. Thte pale are incllned 10 helieve lu' aîealiug af tht matter Mcflon- that tiseomachine- wao stoltu am tIsaI ald declared bis machina was nul go- thetlbres rf-nioved tht Iliceuse uum- ing over tweive or fitteen mle. an ber plate t0o -frcOme detectIon. Tises bour wban the accident happened. badl evideutlî discovered upon eu- "I had mast openeti ber up a 11111e trance intothe i- iy and declded lIat so that I coulti make tht grade ai they had het-lIr abandon tht car tat- the bil,- bo saii. "I hati my foot an torethtey fei loto tht bauds o!f ie the brake ail thetlime sud whtr, I local iliers. saw the arnsan lunrny patbh 1threw ou tht braite although Il aras impossible1 la, stop the machine lu sncb a shorti distance. tIuaitteping valta tht rlght aide of tht rati anti wss pre- Paring te pas.' soute tems anti chu- tires on the îîarth aide ai the streeh. Tht police have no cIta as 10 whert th. Car Meay have been stoleit as ai- tbough Il ansarers the description o! a nutaser of maehines reportai stol- en, recenîl>', the gooti work uft tiose Wbo aluntonai lhemnachlne lu oblit- trating thele ititflc&Uou marks. I aar ttbewrman at tht cnrb) but site mates lis identification dîflicuit. apPearedt l set me il these me lime il la possile that the machine ma>' sud I bat every reasot..tu. beler ite bave betîN stolen ai some distant was golug taeawatt unthi i passai. Why cIl>' and luntaI event, the tanre may the steppeti down whez. my machine neert'bl founti. In that case as an aras ouly tan et a as> la more Iban officiaif thte police deparlmant mu e "Ys>." lstes arI>'nualatdIti t atht tquip- F'rank Tlffaty asu drinbg aluns at ment a! the cit>' beaitb derertmanl thetiure and wtntstd lte accident. fornspuection hirtosta. In speaiting o! Il shorti>' aiterarard Thse Furrer lome ls near tht spat ha tiecaredti ist McDaiald WaU go- whane tht car was ahandita. i. t ing et a much taster rate o! apeeti aas durlng thteafajt-noan Ihat Furrer than wase neceassu->'. Ht saliIl stem- happenedteitae thte car lu corn, loti eti that the aroman stoad perfactl>' off tha roati. le Investigaleti a 11111e tîli andt Iat ticDonaitilest control Tter aflar asctrtalning that noboti>' anti rau hotu ber. H-esasys the force was Otan It. Thenete tahissurprise. of tht shucit seemedte ta troar ber at bc founti nu trace of tht Occupante least six feal Into the air. Deveral anti a hast>' axaminatian ahoaret tht olhera arlo t oaring anounti car evîdanti>' lad heen slaMonai lu sharti>' after île accident exprasseti baste. Onattire asa5off and lotira- thernatîves similiat'l>' McDonahd de- tions polule Iolutise tact Ibat tht auto claras thase nuen are mîlstaten lun. hati been tiven ptrltsps tbirty mlfles tin version tif the affair. arthout an>' tire on that arbeti. lrnutadleli afler tht accident hsp- Thtest-r la a Patlfar anti appar- peatti somettue caliedth e Coe.rad antitl>' a latmodel. Hart anti larat-tu ant i îîoian à ambu- Watch Alongoîde Car. lances aId liiîf aihem -sera ruahati ýeon th e neighbinlg aroman arbo te tht scent 1iot lIent aras nu neeti aas atlractad la the sceus suter tht of blair set-ices, police hati ber-o caleti, happenai ta Tht beada of the police tiepatmeul glaoce dowait 1the grounutinear the hava affereti ta sent i'tre. Jactaaray car andti tIre tht saw s goati golti te tiesa bAttai sod aise lendenet tht i aaîch whicl tle occupants-oft het set-vices aI Dr. J. Ç. Fuie>'. c4hy ph>'- auto fivldetly lad tiruppeti. Gb. Pick- siclan. at Iil up butlaiter turnet ili over ta TIIREF JIUNDRED CIIICKENS STOLEN MRON A LOCAL MAN F. Hewîtt of Indiana Avenue Reports the Loss of Unusul- Iy LargeNumber. OTHERS REPORT LOSSES. Evarything Indicates That the Chicken Thieves Are Work- S ing Game Strenuously. W.aui.egan, .tuiy 23. Reports recelved by tte police show that chicten thieves are ai large again as a number of thefts have been rePorted duriug tbe ist two weeks. The must recentiy theft repurted was at the .iosîyu eider mîIll on G.rand avenue where a thef t of chickeus touit place iast Mooday night. About lwo weeks ago Miss Nellie Smith of Glen Fiora avenue reported the loss of eighteen chickers. About the same tinte P. H,-witt of Indisîaa aenue re- ported that thieves lîad st,îleu in the neighborhood of thret lîundred amaîl chickens. Thlese are only a few of the people who havie coînplalued 0f thýt- In lua number of Instances no canîî1air.ta have heen made to tht police but the victînts bave reported tlclr losses to triends. Ever sluce the rezporta or thic thefts jbegau to coune lu 10 the lolite station thli police hegan a quittearch foi- the thievp ^ andi have contirsued to keep s sharp walch for them v<ver alice tilen but Ir,% pit of thi., sîgI- lance the tliis havé elud,-d the of- ficers and have contltnued titeir (le- predations. reports of their actions coming tirai; trom ont îpart of the cily aud then troma aiotiter. For the hast couple of weeks however the greatest numibet o! cotuplaints have corne froul thte north and weat side> shawlng that thet- leesa t iidently have changeti thpir base o! oiperaition for prior to that lime many rom- ilîaînîi had corne fron south aiders that lbey lhatbeen losing rciens. Pollowing th, r- '. 't ,:, i c 1 t Id t thlai thlev lad stien o, -ra1 C-hic(en2s ant ihadt tht-r old thtit,, a soulh aide butelier telliot hlm titiý came from their father's farni, thcre wtre tewer rtpartd robhtrt-s ai thet other Ibieves appartuti]Y memtd te fear detection. They awalted otitl [the matter had blos n oî er soînie at sud then resumed their artions. lu sorne cases the chiclttus stoien [have been really valuable prizt-wln- rà.ig stock sud the ontera have. fel very badiy about their losats. The police have been unable 10 de- termine whether these thefîs art b- lng commltted by local talent or wbetber thty are made by a gang operatiug along tht laite short. There seerns sorne ressort 10 hotd lu tht latter theary for several reporte of 1chicken thefts have came from acher cilles sud towns lu this vlclullvY. Onetfact wblch puzzles tht officiaIs la how a thie1 couid get away wltb three hundred chiciteus as tuas the «T'NO M:1N SEVERELY 8MOCKED AS DOLi' STRIKES BUIJLDING Waukegan, July 24. Wlth a thonderon. crash tisa, rang tbroughout te enltre business dis- trlet and shoo, buildings wlîhin a ýradius of a blockc sround, a freak boit of iightîîing struck the iuuhdltsg fit 21] Miadison strtel, occupled by Adarnh Express cornpany and the Postal Tel- egraph çompany and owned t-y Com.- mifsioner J. J. Dietrneyer. The light- ning entered the first iloor of the structure In Borne mauner and illied the Interior wltb a bilMing ligItI fur ,"eut for the express cornpany and <0. several moments. A. E. Kenuewort Mlaxwell utanager or the tele&raph station were severely shocked bW the electrîcai corrente. Tht shock tb the two n'en was s0 severe that their h,-arlug was allected for several bours after the incident. The repîort of tht thundpr sounded moreIlîke sn exposiom C('erks sud shopers ran intu tht street. ail bu- lieving that the llghtnlng had struck the building they were lu. Nany ex- aminations were made of roof sIn sonne cases a block away trom the scene of tht flash. Mr. Hennewurt and Mr. Maxwel state that they wpe&busy when the boit of lightrng entered tht room. It came wits suddeuness that over- whelmed them with fear. Tht light- uing played about the room for cev- CIIAIIOFS fUVSBAND WITH flRUNKENNESS AND GREAT CRUELTY Mrs. Tille Harding in Divorcq Bill Says He Struok, BeF4, Choked and Kiokeci Her. ALIMONY IS ASKED FOR. Says on One Occasion He Threw Her Down and Then Hurled a Chair at Her. Waukegan, July 25. That ber hushand strcwic ber lu tht face, klcked ber sud knocked ber down and thre w a clîsîr aitlier, la Onîe of the. ailegatlons eontaiued lu a hill for divorce fIlei lu circuit court today' by Mrs. Tîllie Harding of Lake Fmor- est agaînal ber lushand, John ". Harding. Nlrs . Hardi-g la reltreseut ed by Attorney E. Ni. Ruu>ard. Mrs. Hardilng relates that she sud ber bushauti were rnarried ou Aug. ea ùo',o.. -Ot11itngt 90110,A, a I17,1911. She ssys she resldes ociti pias pipe nîs sud doan ln 1ts coursint I 1 A sîrange part o! the Incident i lm u i) ta Aîrit 24, 1914. when aiqe that thtehbuilding dots not show the illeetiat hla condutiuade itl in- loat dainage front tht effecto nilise p ibefor ber ta luve sltîh lli an> llgltning E.e.te Wali paIer lunthte longer and taklng their lta-ý year <'Id liiterlor of il,- roua, lmnont si-or-led The l sî,tinuîîî enat on titi- as 111,:Iuechild s e,-mtuglit suother s'iodp. ahere l coursed ut, aud down sac I She declareta lita or(ly after tîteir not tastitrnishedd Marria,-e lier husîtuoti ht-an tht ex. vetoute use oif lntnxlt-attng liquot-. atnd dt-clart--. ilitt 'or ti l st t iso U N S END N16 T yars le lias bei-o aunlî-,îtaal îlruuk- IN A JAIL BECAUS E astilttntis-tcondition @slîv' s e illqarrelgouan sd litItr,-atslis tam- HlE WAS IN DEBI ilO.nutivgproionsau slipitîtayslit _________had etrucit. ieaten. kicketi sud cîtoi Unusual Situation Was. Pre- 1 d ber sudlitas falledta ptot-vide suit sented to Police Magistrate thee fond adcobu o ett!a- in Police Court Suniday. 1-ierishuband, she saya. inakes $17 a week salarv sud la ,'mlneutt> ahIl- MAN OWED ANOTHER $4.' ta care for her and thte,-hild. Sh.- 5a. il. thcturt ta granti-rolcor C red itor lnform ed P olice D e- f a ttî-t, rs ~ s l ie o lieaîd t ti-. partment There Was 'Trou- matelYwto irant liter.ais ,b.,.Ilue.fil- ble on Market Street.' ma- tlia1uotyat iergtl X'aiieoe.iri. Juîv ?7. The delter ta.enîin cornu- tion for a *aial Bum. lad 'acîtieti' anti was going ont."- Dealhbed quotation tram Dîcit- en& "LitleisDonritl" ohicit purged Engianti of lte laocmpriaoetlng men for tiebt. A hart back t 10hie alden days oa! tht debtors' prison ii New York Ctii> whictî as aholished betore WVaikegan cause inoaexistence, wasadioplayed Inl an Incident ahich occurred ltî tht la- cal P'olice, court Sunda>' monantg whenîtîs tI discoveredti lat Lonti Htrdesky hati spent a ulght Itn a celii ait the station because be osed anoîl. et- otari$4. Tht mnthath gainet iâ ua ,- t-Ihîe cehh aver itiglit ittrel>' because tht iphase "trouble- ou Niaritet street." nid sud lime-surit, itat meant ta tht offi- cer recelving tht teleishonteu that sanie miatiemaîîor litaiti f -tucommit- ted. Berdikys fallure 10 extîlain lits case. 10 tht palice a ten takentluthie station strengthened tIhe case against cas 51t-ht ýl@wiîî tlace aitîtout l- lm ing detecteti. It a~er is)atIliirdesky lad owtd another man money to tht amount o! tle police.k.tGage Aferwalg Borne lime for tht owne'rs lu show up, Furrar sud Ernest White decid tltiîe>' belter nolit>' tle Police anti Officer Nelson aras sent out. 'hite drove thetuo tb Lewis' garage wbere l is being helti pend- lng f urther developsuents. Tht police are matins an effort ta locale tht uwntr. The absence ai tht tate Il- ceuse, uakea Identification barder but It waa toIt tht owner might be iocattd turing tle day tbrougb the Chicago vebîcle bat wbich bati ual been ru- moreti ftom tht car. Was Blolon? Tht bllet la the car was atlen aM tha lthe tles'es ware making Ihaîr " ra> tu Chicago toward Milwraukeet, that tbey drove il as tfarase thty- coutti andti ten shoveti Il. into a eut-n fieldi lu bopes Ibat It muts ntl ha een before tht>' couiti returu wlth an ex. tra tire anti continue tbeir journe>'. Finder Expect@ Roward. Put-rer experts s rearard for filin tisa car. He as. that he aras tht firts one bo flud ti and theretore lsauhîttieti ta an>' reward arhlcb uta>'hava been offereti for Its recovet->. COME BACK FOR AUTO. Tht automobile founti abandoned lu tae 'fieldi norbh o! Lewis avenue, iaat igis anti taicen ln charge b>' the po- lice aras foundti 10 hathe properI>' ai Mat-eus Jacobaarsky ai Chicago, as- sistant treasurer ai Cookt count>'. aro carne 10thIscil>' hi _afiernoon to claim tht machine. Tbe car ,Was stol- en irorn lu front ot tht Plymnouth Ho- tel a' about 6:30, Saturds>' evanlug, aries ,Tcbpwly antia part>' ot frieuda eteppati mb tht hotel for iun- chen. Tht car aras iockai but tht ithieres braite tht lock. No ont saw tht thieves driva away witb tht ma- chine. $4 for s.orte tite. - erdesit> aslerteti tIaI ha aras lu straigliteneti citc-tTl stances andi aien the man frequentiy calleti for the moue>' bo aas unable la psy itim. Saturda>' tle patience ni îhe collector-a forelgner-was ex- hauoted. anti aren Berdeait>'faihedti 1 pa>' thtetiebt ha Ibreatened i hm wlth arrest. Berdest>' aE lgnorant oi tht iaws coverhng lndebteduffl tu the Unitedi States sud ha rtaiby !t5red ar- reet for tle emali detiel.but lhiti no rnuney lu psy It. Tht collector waa as cood as bis word, anti a short tflne afler le caileti up tht police station. Capt. Iac Lyons anuwered tht Cal and wheu ha arriveti ai lte supposai scen. et the trouble. bu began ta question tituse about te retitiance. He was tolti that Berdepky waa tbe man aranteti. Tht officer tout Mlm ta thé station anti lotiget i hm lu a celI for tise night. Sunda>' moruing ha aras brought ha- fore Police Magistrale Taylor arbo dis- chargeti hlm aitar hearing hic otor>'. Asistant Chief of Polce Tyrreji. llt- vestîgateti tht arreat anti faunti tht officens sera ualta Oblamhe for tht oir- Test anti bat acted upon a compiaint. Ignorance ai thtétar on tht part or bo1h tht compainant anti tht vîcîlîn ut tht arrest aras the cause of tIse otit situation. Tht wlll o! tht iste 'Mary E. Wells of Potonesaras probateti hetort Jutige Flbhian lu tle Prabate court Ioda>'. Sbe eaves $2.200 anti reai estate ta Te latives, $100 10 tht Chicago Deacon- ess home anti $100 ta tht Matbudlsb Deacautas Orpbanage ah Laite Bluff Il] -Joliet Heraiti. Thomtas U. Hicksa ot Chicago bas sold in1 H. J. Haggerty ofniUbertyvîlle for $15.000. the aId Et Stanaroot tart hcatat lu portions a! sections 25 sud 36, Newport township. fiNEUT OUALIIY LANOIS? V*SIETY Oml..' afr1n h ' h'. U»3c.'Bte.,fic..~Otrb ,MtMd.otr...ors c, tc UII1" iumi mmlrUfou lhpae115 le, d- -t u ~ SCI UNII 20-20sud ANVAS See t .wd ehlt ck ou,,lresoja'.' b Ae wl pogo I WNITIUoE 00 £0 Io the Best Tbat- Money Can Buy Ouribaoaaatlona i5re thowua dcomulat ln' ever, UT ht' coMue5nt refractionlacalye 0f chaîlc. We grlnd ounr own le.'. and malie our 0w.' fmeutu fAt each t'articular case. louis J. Yeoma MANUFACTURINCI OPTCIAN WAUKEGAIY. ILLINOIS F. BAURSTOW MANUFACTURE« OF Marbie and Granite monuments. Cemetery Work of E-very- Description correspondence solicited 116. GeneseeSt Weiiksgan LAKE (iOU1NTY 1INDPENT)ENT. FRLDAY, JULY 31, 1914. F( Hi b.u F( lu FC y', flt "l TCfi Es, et ,J B.1