CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 7 Aug 1914, p. 6

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LAKE ,FCOITNY- INDFE»aiNT . RIDAY. krrGirSTr7.'i1914. NOR S I A EFlesh Made SitnlGl H i~ng iOUNG IEC ME Matter Up-No Final Order TO GET PAPERS TO Ncsayi optl TO CITY; WOJTON ISIsEteda li.., . Wm. Jus' kauskas thîe s'orn' !irTU Waukegan, luti>, 31. VOID 11E ~<>~lh ose nose iras bitten off by ber bus- U E~II The Washington atreet paing mat- bainid a weelk ago, wsas operated on ter camne before County court tbis il inorning at the bospital when iiornlng and Judge Persons entered a War Scare Has Not Brought clr s aetrub the ra Father Relents From Obdurate ieal i h aee ioewopo Any Unusual Rush for Nat- lIng of skin. to aise ber a new nose. Attitude at Sight of De- Inient through Cooke and Pope. uralization Papers Here. 11r, Oourley trafted skin froni ber mure Daughter-in-Law. Thei objections are similar t. those ai, ir nebsn ttar made before and made by aimost the MANY ARE SUBJECT TO CALL erati pieces because the- entiré end:Of bttsband. The operation loits as if In General, However, the Men It swilwerk ount successfulY and, if it, Have Becomne Residents Here deés. the womauWs diafi'gurement Wini and Want to Remnain. not be neari,' sa bad as It wasex _______ed after she was taken te thé bespital.1 Circuit Cier'ç Breckway today stat- The husband bas flot yet beenla I- ed tat her basbee alcated but circuleashave bée sentteut ed tat tere as ben 'c unusu al ahoser te cotuntry trYîng ta locale rush iu the matter of proci'ng nat- hlm on the charge or maybem, an of. uralfization papers as a resuit of the fénae wich zpea»ns thé pententlaryl war scare. Men have until Sept, 22 for hlm If caht. te fie applicat.ions for the Decémbér serngn there ts ne reason for an,'O FL unnaual rush t ths tinte. Thé Keno- O VIS FL S PETI- sa News -reports a rush for papers uIt'~ thers b,' foreiguers wbe seesitat maké TION ASCANDIDATE theinseivea citizens of the Uisted Stt«Satha thécn t ecalied O ESC.JJ6 back tat figbt for their couutry. Noà F R I. O J N suris situation bas developed lu Lake Ceunt,: Desertion of BuH Moose Ranks - There are about. 1A0 men ln Watt- by Commissioner Orvis Is kegan who wouid be snbject ta 5tlty Cueo upie Service in Austrla and Ruasia." said Cueo upie one of the leadit,« représentattves et the Save ln Waukegan this ntorning.ITO OPPOSE JUDGE PERSONS Semée of these men are anxlous and ready te return and do arnty service. However, Politicians See in thei but semée thérs who bave establih' ed themaelves lu this, their né. hoe, Move a Step Merely to do flot want. teati subject te mlitaryl 'Be Ready.' service, Thefie men dlaim that their Interests are r'.w centered lu Wauke- Commissioner E. V. Ors is iaté gan and net lu Austrla and that for M'P'dr.qsdaý afiernoon fled a netItion1 this ré,a-ion the-y are seeking prote ss IiCettniY ('teck Ilindeé asking tion front draft fer aroy dut,' by se- thaI bis name lie rtared on the Repub- curiny cttlzeneBip papers. It ia b,' ican ticket as a candidate for the no meane certain that thèse men wiiî nomination for County Judge et LaWip be prolécted agaleet a cai te arme, Count,'. but tes" et us beleve titat titere s'i Thé action ias a surprise- te politi- be war eri.ugb te dentsnd the returun (ans geueraliy liecause es er sîncé the( of loyal subjecîs le Ausrla- Bul Nloosers acre leur. -ied imb ex-I Thé war sud the posible outceé 'tenre, Mr. Orsis a-as one- et the big- et Il le the eue topie of discussion I ast Nloosers ot Lake Count,'. Ilu lu thé saloons OPerated by Austrian a tact, be sud Hunter Cooke s'ere about la Waukegan. Grmans lu thé cît,' do thé oui,'consPîrmieus loosers et thei Det seem tat be taling thé internestlu citY. the possible cenflict that la shown hy Theréfoeé bis désertIon ot thé Bull thei représermtatives ot the Calls lGaose Party by hie Opien step ia ask- athe. There are oui,' a few Sér. ing that hé hé given a place ou the Vianu ln Waukegau and man,' cf these Republican ballot, t-soie- as a surptrise.i are citizens of thé United States. Thé question aeke-d by Bull Mgoosera Of thé Kensha situation as regards sud thosé wbo plat-éd hlm IN that1 lte feeling of the foreiguters there. coîunseta: Why dîdu't hé run ont thé thé Kenosha News says: Progressive ticket sud gel thé nom- Prospectaet a genersl war lis Eu- luatlen front thé party whoeélutter- rope began ta show its effertin l Keno- este hé servéd 11n Lake County two1 sa tedyaynsd while scores et Aus- years ago.1 tias, Ruaians. Germans and Sers- The filing et Orsias' ptition aiseo tans lu Kenosha are shewlng loyaly blrings up another pottt.t fer argu-9 te their native landeansd are deciar- meut antlng Politicians. Orvis Is a( irg thelr willlngneas te returu te thé strong advocaté rer Edwarda 'for rir-i home country ta folle. thé iiag, inu cuit judgé ln thé seat iéft vacant hy1 of thawn are sa*feguarding therneélvés Judgé Whtney's death. Thus, hé bas against being recalled b,' seékiug iled hI; e pétion wbich dlrectiy1 ,etizpehiplp n thé United States. places hlm fOrvis) asaua oppenent1 The war scaré bas brought rénew- ýte County Judgé Persoa for the cantu-1 ed activit,' lu the naturalizatten hi- ty, Judge9býpt Orvst lidoésli.t. tbihkj Meu fer Kenosha rounty, and lis thé fer a minuté that hé ceuid tïefetat Per-1 -Past fé. days' a large numbér of itrat sens for thé nomination for ceunt- papers bave been issued ta lhem s-ho judité hence tite déduction is that hé sasol te tiis country freet thé comm lfigures that in réatity Persons nia,' li tries uew on thé serge etfsatbitter s-ar. éiésatéd ta thé circuit judgeship hé- Many et tht-se- foreitîners h ic ès- foré thé prîmaries are lîéld, w.hicli tahlilbed their homes lu Kénost.a aud aould lpermit P'ersons teatt.bhdraw have raiséd théir familleés h itéré ' lhis name fron thtet counity ticket. they want te make certain t'tit e,' ani-n aouud léavé Orvis alerte on the ,%-Il] net lie fort-éd te returu t lta Prirnar,' ballet asking thé Republi nid country te go into thé armiesil a risDomination. Il Isfitgured ity-pal- case et a général draft, lu '-aýns- itlains tîat this Is Orvs i' dédnction1 ctl-s totnsu1s réîresentlsg th,- 'us andmltheiti1tferençé lvilmait 17L.thusi trian aud Russian governmrné4t3 haie ilgures hersons' rhances for appoint- aIre-ad,' Is'uéd s cati for peple et' ment on thé circuit liencli are hettér that natiîintmiilvintrIi -tui omi and tItan Emisards' afler ail alîlîeegh lie go loto thé arms. mm tmt-t.m no- t mî mmt a'- l ,7 ,:. dv Ohers der basi>e, n lesuemi foirilis b (-io- i titi-n tl i iî' -im i, takinita An,' ial for aid s-ouid - mmmo'wiî' m ihaut-'D. iim.t hi, tettiot On Ili,- abs threiiîLh thé coneul rt-pr-. ml7 iriuici i -tlit i tt ian * ttiug slltd thesé nat insluChicago, a mi, hi-l ithinlusitaîtete take-te nomination. MAN O ER TIO S 3 ut, it' ltepdesertion oftt.Le 13"ll .~~ ~ %oer-,orîthlie tR-rmbliçan han,' svhont AT THE11 HOSP~ITAL tt i' - 'ilt 'ilon-ers tougthitsio 1 yéars ago, that lias ranspI 1é ioiticiat. bAvI tLm , m-trîtiip ad iIle a, Ors is' W'sul'égan, JUIN' t ov la thé eatinr of 'inil simd î-lirri-s As one itan- pt Iil- ...-l ireyear; ago especl&lly causinué an excplitlolOf nutn (Ir%,I and i t milir ltîfli 'itoosérs ditd ber et appéndiis ccaver tin \m'.m- I1 h i iiiitlmi tmii-lttée éuliR t gi. èeare nea s lleiis furnhshed t h e S u n o d a ,' s - i h i n d i c a e a n o t h r c t d d i s s i n l m ' a î îLI d a t gpefl of appéndicitis luinii,' oinun - orked for aBlli Mtî îir'iet. for, tt*lu nationat snil etl-miprt-l t.ré- 1000 DBéssie NIDrnitîtt ot Belvi- sulîéd lu Républicans beiîg dceéated dere streét wae taknIonl tcAlislér isQel&i sosia, for an operalion fer Simd ie-merats beini si'aled. Nos- appedettis. two vears later Orvis sud otiiers cerne Gsutof ltrdbeck of Motl avenue unu-eut and asait thse saine Reîuhlcans -ieoeuault an opration for appendictts s-bosIntereste tbéy opposed tac at the licÂlisier hespital this stter- yasao aspotee o e jjj coditon ls epotedta. publcan office. Ilsa rathér iiip-iiop. 'voabl _____________ ptng, lant t "' A Be.W ulvOl'tlb lngptut in léar Wgrfem cometer whlob necesatatés Independent raeche. ail pinte ln UMgdo*fét through a dit. - btke Count,' 15. A BIT 0F ROMANCE. Parent Had Stated That the Police Would Keep Him There-He Signs Bond Waplcegan, Juiy 30. A s-éek age, John îÇotonsou ot Al- derman Stanley WoVjton et North Chi- cago waa takén luIb iis cit, b,' thé po- lice. for thé aiiéged ferglng et checkts. He was plscéd lu thé city ' il await- iln- triai. His father heard cf the Boeoi'piight sud lmraedisteiy infornt- ed the policé te "kéép b1dm thére." Man,' lntere-ating phases ceuteréd around thé Incarceratlon et thé s-eh knewn ,'eung inu, but his father ré- tused te relent d thée,'oung in rentsleéd a prisil.r. Yéstérday a prétty denture ,'oung lad,' tlppéd làte thé polile station and stated te thé police that shé wishéd te ose ber bus- band. Alderman Wojteu telloed the ,'oung lad,' tbrough the door. Sevéral inutes istér John Wejtou s-stked out et thé cît,' jaîl. baud ln band with bis s-ité. They s-ère as haîppy as two rhildrén. Wojton, thé father héanted on thént. Hé bad aiguéd s bond fou- ýl,000 that bad réléaset i bs sou, iitthé appéarauce ot thé giniteh bridéetofthreé s-ée'is of théeeungér Wojton with possibi,' a tear or I1we, appéal ta thé rélenilesas piril et thé fathér, sud cause hlm ita change bis décision that hé s-ould net assist lthe young man? il lvs asettied tact that thé arrivaI o! the young bridées-as thé incenîlvé of thée omeuing et thé reit deersanadt lie réstite et treédont nos- lîéiug enjo'.. et is lier moitng linstianti Tht-ré is a bit ot romtance wrspped upm lu thé aboie affair, anyway. santé persons wbo ojecired irevious- ly. Their dlaim la that the pas'ing as pianned la not what thév want lu tbe matter cf construction. The éntraisce of the order. of default means that any others who ina,'désire te abject are naw prevented from doing se. The Judge has fot entered an,' or- ýSE YEN ARE.IN THE RACE FOR SEAT 0f LATE C. WHIITNEY, Judge DeWolf of Boone County Is One of the Latest to File His Name. CANDIDATES FOR THE CIRCUIT .UDGESMIP APPOINTMENT. Judge P. L. Persona. (liaire Edwards. Clar".ries Diver. Paul MacGuffin. Homer Coolce. Judge DeWolf, Boone county. Attorney Cascy (Woodstock). The chose le aut officIalI iiet cf the nmon ato are s'iling te accept the api- poln tmént te thé Circuit judgéshlp and whose namnes bave formally been pre- seeted te Governer Dunne for con- 8ideration. Iu the buncble but oue Democrat, oer conniruang or lcnecklng eut the Mr, Diver. The réat are ait Reltubli- Below la theé Ilrat oOfciai notice stat- Improvemnent as a whale. cana. Oppanents of Mr: Dîver dlaini lng that a tax bas béen levIed by the, hée bas flot been practlclng at the bar new draintage district beard ln order LU E M FOIII3ST'S tbe réqutred Èive yéare whlch thé lsw te raisesmoeé, with whicb te carry on prescrlbes for a man s ho hecomneat s ta preliinar,' work. Creuit judge. Itle noticed thât thé board lévies CIFIF 0f POLICE 1S Attorney' Sebunakér of Hlghiand b,' ordinanré, a ta-s of $15,000 on the Park la now ln Europe. but bls friands district, whicb. tn the total spread UNDE À OT IRE ha vs filed lus naine witl te goer- over the district., 'elli net be notlréd UND R fOTnor as a candidate. nturh It being at the ration et s miii The fact that ('ount,' Judge DeWoifasdi a hat per dollar._ Alfred L. Baker and Others of of Boone tg a candidate wilirausas Thé amount wss tevied at a rerel City Are Insisting on Inves - surprise ln LiOté cousty homese it mieetirg of thé board and wiii be tiaionofthéChrge. as net keown fie vas te be. spread againat n yea 'setax. l'ea tgato ftéCags It wasenet génerali,' kueva that At- der- the law. the boart. on the present torney Divér had filiet! hl& mne mé butsion, couii ev,' up te $50,000 but WHOLE FORCE IN DANGER. thats. thé fa,. R ta feit Lhat $11Î.000 la sufficiént te Wiltb thé esceptn of Mus. De-, taki- are ei the aseds for soine time. Admitted by the Marshal-ot the Wolf and Cazey. ail the candidates are Thqi officiai notice folows: City That Sentiment Is frin nsger to County. DE IT OUDA Ill) BY THE BOARD a Change Is Needed. Uniese the attorneys et Lake coun- OF TRUSTEES OFt THE NORTH t,' are able ta Set. togetiier and sift SIIORE 8ANITARY DISTRICT: A shakeup vtth possible dianitisal doîvîthlie possible candldâtew Ieew Sect.isc 1. That the nin cofFiMttéén of the 'olice Iorce of ll'e Fer- thé iuber of sevén roneldérably lt Thousand Dollars <$15.000)>lb. and et la hIr, the air and the clty ls stîr- ls repartéd there le grave danger nie, m ine ta bereby lésied andasé- red 1iXe it neyer bas beén stirred bc- Geverur or nne decIdIng that lie wili do h eisdproslpoet fore as a resuit et a situation whlcb place the cppettmneatîlu eue of the withln thte-North Shere Sanitary Dio- bas deéveioped during t he past Yew tbree otiter coutîties of the district. 't triet euhjéct to taxatn accordtng te day%. 1 Issaist lte lias been iteard te Bay':1te auioofslpretysth ('bief Police Albert Ilofma of 'Its too bad If lte field of asprants tsaIoassn of sad poertas théfu Luake F'orest la under ire and City cant é reduced te a ptoint wiîere tuel state and ceunt,' purjuospe for the Ilarabal Timotby Hi-Dits.oda-y ln anrtatter can belilandied utore '.afIsfac.Ya 14 téIp-.I.Ii n s Interview admitîed that is jredica tetriis-.9 . ,î-î :m,m, I»iY!.t, -ri ad .ufo mient ikely wouid be te basis for 1:1 fart, froî,î siat tiatiellr lias the eorp«srate purpeseiq of thé Bai consideratien of the city councîl 'tien- heiard, uniés8 thére le a wlliiugness for North Shoré Saniîary Ditrrt. dav teira, 'ir.dng ni)tlils admission tht- attorneeste get together, thl 1ng.,; Sect.ionr. 2 Time Clerk of this Dis- Mi th', li ae--mar'k . aresîang Ihemsels es se that Gos . .. - j oremopie ef thé it,'are of the bel thlie ahute iaitce forcé lmmetiatéiv afttr thé yeung manj should lie tiimcarged anti a ne-w oe again breathed thé air ef treédont out- 1 iiret be-au-se- teslire not working sidéet thé reil, hé matie a solemu nwéil titgeLhe-r. - promise ta bris yonug site that front And, il's rei(tftii mat sncb a de- lieucéfertbhé s-as gnlng te héeseloprént May le s-n eré longý .1square." I.sst ese-niug thé clriliHoffmnan's Case.. wifé, tolti a reporter, "I know lie la Thé report., wlmîh lasîreét gessip going te lié god, liecausé hée prom- and whicb bas stirréti thé rity Is lu ised me hées-ouîd" éffect this- TOalt Hoftman, oee-i-,ght Thé Incarcératteu et thé yeung man réce-ti,,look s gos erue-s atathé AI- wae fraugbt with mauv festurés. Hé, fred Baker ferre- te lir home andi thal badl beeu lu thé céfi but ore day wheu aller lebe ail accmoianied lier to the, hé bad grown morusé and stated tîtat' thé,' sould neyer senid bletutejait as hé "wonid kiltl bmself Ilrat." Then folios-éd a bumgér stu-lie ou thé part et thé young man, s-heu hé réfuséd te est thé food glveu hlma and, lnst.ead. t.fre-s-Il on thé fluor. -Theu a message s-as récévivédtell- tee et is young s-ife, It s-as a ruse pogsibi,' te maure is hast,' returit home te La Salie-, as il was flot knos-e aI thé tinte that hé s-as lu jaii, but the ,'eung man neari,' gres- trantîr, Another locitier,î la ttd etthé éariie-rhIfe- cf thé yoîîng utan b, hlm- Ift. Hé stalethat et-erai 'ears cge bis fathér had buit blet a dwelin Ile Nortb Chicaguoslttti lie s-as te oc- cuti,' upon thé eve-ut et bis belng mac- rind. The yeung man was keéptng cempany wsitb a young lad@, s-ho tilt1 net pie-ast- lus fatimer. At hie fatbrs1 wslsl hée aveup the- girl ard acéptedi bis parents choîce, but aflér lie had l setuwsith thé girl for sernte tinté. hîs1 tathér suddeui,' sotI4 thé dwellng, sudi as thé son diti net cané for thée,'oengi lad:l. lme quît goiug s-th her s'-lich il s - 'ati tilsplasaéd his father.1 SUES FOR $39000 FOR DÀMMiED AUTO TIrîiagi D. T. Sutîltey'oftWeîîdsteî'k anti Géminée Féiti etWaukégan Wil- Manm 13tisit-tl t f'ieHetsrs-bas Ilied s (laît< intuage action sgaînst the C. ammd M, itîîric lu Lakrl otunty' Mr- c it colt, tI Theiti' m the resîtit of au accident s lit-h tonsléi lal eItoccurred msimé ms-t-nil prrmrago St llghweod s-heu an Ehcil-car bt its auto sand snoashedi il i lm nîît kuesi-u s-b's many Sean- ici-ré silos-éd le pasB bé- ftore- suit w as Illét. Thé Wauke-gsn sun bas a tintél,' de- insnd fer sasîîiîsa,'at Gurue. *That St. Pautl ces-lu-aI i téeold Beilir place, Gurnee, Is t-n lime-s se than thé IRas-Ia ni'eaidg-sunc t4 jl-tea tintes as easy te créat a aubs-a, at the Gurnés crssit-g as Itlal at RavIuîa, because on éltber sidé et the tracks la a steep apProacb. eapécisliy front the s-est'Lake Ceunt,' bas sevérali crosnge needîug attention. Loek at Dérfied.-Laçse Forester.1 kitchén, hé endeavoréd te get tamil- lac with be-r, that shé resented It sud that at Ist shé i-se scréaauleg Into anethér reom:t. hat shée eRd ta hlm that Mfr. Baker was comng sud thet hé Cen,-esiit.e-d. hat Mr. Baker dld' arrive sudasîkedti he gltl s-ltshe srreame-d bart site- s'outd net tell hlm; that istér W!.rBaker lutercédéd sud' bati anelliér gos -mess inquire s-itiî thé résuit Iltat the irai geverneas sad- mitéd s-laI bail lakén place. Mr.Hakte-r, oeeoe!thé wéaitb,' men et Lamie Foré -. deciaréd ai once hé w-ouId dernanti an invest.Wation a4I',di !is said lie rémorlcil the matter tu, Mr frîttr Dunne bs about read,' te atep hut otneéof thé otite-r coutnies in ortier net te gét mixeti up lu a bitter pérson- ai st-rap ln Lakte ceuuty. PEOPLES RIGHTS ALSO WORTHV 0F CONBIOERATION. EDITOR'8 NOTE-It doessft foi- 10w that the man whom certain attor- neya of' Lake count,' mîght formally e ider for the Circuit judgeship WOULD BE the beau judge FOR THE PEOPL.E of ithedistrict. In fact, J,.,- miglit De a reason why THE ATFTOR- NEVO mlght not wieh the man WHO WOULO *EST SERVE THE PEO- PLE In the Judge's seut. Au w. re- rali lt with poaltîveneas, the lis Judge Chares Whtney' WAS NOT 13Y ANY MEAN114 the choir. o! the ettbrneys o! Lake county for the postlon-and THE ATTORNEYS beau him twice wlsen- ils an for 1he judgeship-but THE PEOPLE finaiiy elected hlm. Tht asa an Instance of where a ma- Jos-Ity of the attorneys were again"t Mr. Whitney DESPITE TI-IE FACT that they could flot heip but admit H16 ABILITV MADE HlM T4E LOG-ý ICAL MAN for the pace. THEN lt 1,ý -- -nuie e,,e w ,. a-»Personaiities, and t'a possible the tes-énud tîmer tîlilcialesud that thé,' BamSe situation prevalîs NOV<, AS TO wlll imiace thet- îîter betore théet-ounu- Ful ESS, Judge Peras la recog- cili for action. niked as fulIy efficient; as a vote-get- "I doulit islmther theré la much 10 ter next year when théeuman appointed Il," sald Mar4hal [tes-e, "fer Heffmau row must rue for re-election, its a bas be-eu a geîd oelictr ansd soeéotf Rmown fart that he raun get votes thé oth-r4 mav lié jealous; 1 have throughout the district btter than any etnheard thal tbeofit-ers are re- other man who ia tryin-g 10 land the tiortne lemtre -hbv ee place. Judge Petsons se a Republicasm clrculatéd, indicaling that thé,' are le flot an avowéd candidate for thse merel,' jésloim- hfeffmsri, has béen office, aud a't making any daim foc chief for t155e stara Hées-as ou thé I he position un thse tiseor,' that MiE Yoe a '-car prei ious te headîné thé USED TO BE A DEMtOCRAT. Cet- départment.tii-'s5 a geeti officer.' taln attorneys oppose him for the Cir- 'lIas le iii iii uapénded?" cuit judgeship-PRACTICALLv THE 'No, notet.- Thé mette-r bas met SAME ONE opposed hlm when lie ran [t-et up for officai action ,'ét bnlt1 for Count,' judge. ln fart, litvs wsouldul lié sîipriséil te have It OIt et known 9é6t hé neyer veau the choir. thé néxt comîncil meeting." of thé attorneys as a whole, BUT HE Mn. Baker, il ha said!la us-iilIug te WAS THE C401CE 0F THE PEO- ltl thé rnîltîer tirei, but, fuate-ad, PLE by a majotit,' whlch caused thé wlttles a thorough Investlgatiom; rit,' opposing attorneys ta gasp In amaze- officiais fée-I te sautées-s,, fer. they ment at his abiiity to get vote@, ln- maintalu that If Hoffmau la gulit,'lhé dicatirtg thé confidence THE PEOPLE shouîd lie iuIsuied sud If Innocenut had ln him and hie sbiIity to flit the et théet-barge% a-hidi are trécit gos office. Hlm judirial mmmd, bie fairnes, slp. lie shoulît Iep cleareti. Ileffrnu s his knowiedge of thé iaw, etc., surpris- r4arrie itut lias ne chiltiren. ed even those opposing attorneys att- et- thé,' came to practîce before hlmn. i Mrs F'annié Yanc,'. 61 ,'éars eid, But, itls natural that soeéof them stîli o! 377 Mnroe avenue, Giéncoeé.dléd oppose hlm-b .poi ee u Wednésday ln thé Coek count,' hospi- to b, wîth the strong man because tsi oif hydtroîîhebia. Mrs. Yanc,' sas they're, Just a littîe-a very litte- bittén six s-et-kv ago b,' ber pet deg. Jealous and envlous of hlm. In thîs Joseph G. C'annen. fermer speaker judgeshlp matter, petsonalilsa nd ot théei-ouse of Représeutatives gt personal elevation shouîd flot bé con- DanvIlle Wedneda,' madé fermai au- sldered. Finae, abilIty nad the nouncement tuf hls caudîdar,' fer re- etrength of thé man named now ta gel ipresetatire of the eigbitesuth llinlei votes A VEAR HENCE WHEN It wIIl congressiensl dIitIcll be d.clded If Lake county shall or @hallflot have.s judge are the thinge IThe Independent ieads aRt uppernsost for cohideratton. trict 15 nereby tItre-tte-o wisceru!, ou or be-fore tue second Tuesday of Ané- ust, 1914, te the Ceunty r lerk o! Lakte ('-otut,, thé ameunt reqîired te hée ralseti b,' ax nursuset te this ordin- suce, sud te that enud 'çlMe ft sali Ceunt,' Clerit a coltofet ciib rdinatire Ilul, cértlllî'd b, ltée Cler- riet sald Section ?. This ordinance shall laite-effert sud lie In. forcé fu-cm asu atter tassage.5é DAVIDu Il. JACKSON, Prealdent. W'ILLIA'tiIIAIOE 1 béreltv certif,' that thé tou-égetng la a 'rue cep,' ot au ordinance wbirh s-as di,' passet i a thé regisr meet- ing of thé Trustesetofthé, North 2hore Sanitary D)istrict helti at thé rit,'IM la n théeGt, ty faukegan, Il- linols, ou théeIs-éntiétt day oet .ly A. DL 1914. Cierk f et bN7orth, Shore Saultar,' Dlscrlrt. THlE LAST DOWIE LINI( TO BE SEVERED Montagne, 'iicb, Aug. 1. iSpecial.) -Marking s-bat la probabi,' thé dis- appearancé et thé cor-meeting lnks bets-een thé once- famous Dos-lé tan- ly anti thé equal,' tameus Dos-lé home-. tieu Mac tihulé, on White ta%é, thé remuants of thé once splen- di furniahinga ot thé bouse havé bée-n effere-tifer salé anti slItlié dis- poseti ef. Soli mahogan,' pièces, tés- tifying te thé spie-tsore et thé placé lu thé héigbt et thé rppitt,'o! John Alexander Dos-le, s-libhékuock- éd dos->totethé higliesî t itdriértpri- s-aIe-sale- Mra. Dos-lé, s-be s-tl ber son. Glatistone, matie-ber bonté be-réfor s nuuntliofr eteare toiiowing thé dé- position anti subse-tucnt déatb et thé sif-etyleti "prophe-t" lv et présent living lu Pas-buska, OkIa., s-hère be-r sotn la récter e& an Episcopal cburcb, hé haviî.g takèn a dîvinit,' course af- ter makinit an unsuccéstul attémpt te practicé las- hère. Nobody, la Fit prèsént et thé fermer résidence hère and thé bouse la open se that People crntesud go as thé,' wlah, Thé preri,' le lu thé bande ef Charles E. Seule, et Grand Hav-en, to s-itm It rame tbrough thé forerle- sure ef a nionigage &gainai il. 1 Lake Couty'sbig s-eekly-INIIE- PENDENT. WAR MAY AFFECT SOME W IGNlA 1725 LOCAL RESIDENTS. W A À A général Fîtrolîtémiar ssuM tiil-t 2ND CACTUS BED IN eetlitatéti hy se-ieral tereilît esîîientî ULBW O lu thé cltm Hère are tbe figures5: V. A. Ray of Porter Street 15 00 Hunganians anti Aîstnimîns Brings Back Six Different 75 Se-rsans Vreis fCci 150 Croatlans. areie o aci DRAINMiE BOARD LE VIES A $159000 TAX ON DISTRICT First Tax For the Preliminary Work Is Deoided on a Re- cent Meeting of Board. SUM WON'T BE FELI MUCK. Is the Beet That Money Can Buy 0ur ezactinstîsus are tlioroueti said comptet ln every way hi' ottttetetretrartotsntree ot ettarge We geltulou, 0.uileu& and [cake Our owntframes to fit eseti tarittrutar rase. Louis J. Yeoman MANUFACTURING OPTICIAN WAIJKEGAIY. ILLINOIS F. BAIRSTOW MANUFACTURER 0F Marble and Granite Monuments Cemetery Work of Every Description Correspondence Sollclted 116 Genesee St Wa'xkegan V. A. Ras, 1(07 Pot-ter street chai lenges John Laux in tbe malter of lîaviîg lthe oi-ijs cactus lied In Wauke- gan. Mtr. Ray returned flot long age tfrott Oklahoma and lie brougbt witb hlmi six different varieties ofthe cac- tua plant wbich bave Ijeen planted In bis yard and have been tbe center of attraction of neighibors. Live Prairie Dog There. AM toenakis the scene more real, Mr. Ray brougbtti$ack wilth hlm a real 11ve Prairie dog whieh la making bis home LIn the cac~tus plant and seents te feel that hem dowa on the atdy prairies of lisalco or Oktlahoma. Be- aides thetse things. Mr. Ray brought lsck a variety ef stuffed birda of rare splectes, stuffed prairie doge, etc, ammw u on, quiie a collection of Valamble suevu rnproductions. Former (eareaamean George Ed. mud Feisnt ofthe Evançt<m lUniversity' Club bam gene te Boston te meet bis tuo duaghters, wbo have bepn atudy,- Ing in Europe for tire ast yesr. On tbeir retiarn lIey ,' uit.keheir hoe lit titis clty for the S&~.Jas ton News. The Trilli Sum of One Cent W1IM Buy Considerable Electric Service. It wilipay forseeutiy sulicientto o atea candie-power a bon ap ý.0eAer '«i ugter oer a I c r iý o ileaiter 45 inttutes, or a waeiîing nmachîttie (tmint utem, or keep a 6-lb. diat iron ihot :b ninutes, or miake e ; t ~of t<tffee int an electrîc iserc<tlator, et- coîîk s welsh rarebiit it a Chafing îlieh, or îuake 1 oltcets of toast. Electric Service is a. lux- ury in everything bI ut cost. la your bouse. wir.d? Public Service Company of Northera Illinois pagre Six I pbi J v ~éIq i ý

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