"ifMtUGfINANCE" CO. INTro CIRRIENT (Coftiflted Prom Page One.) Grave toward the new factory and, assumWlg that te be s0, we aiutborlzed the contracts to be made. We later bave found ot sucb la flot the case and the company bas thus assurned the Contracta. t was a case wbre the directors had it put over then. One of the frt things we shouid do, la My jmmd, la te change the na Me of tbe company 10o the Libertyville Fiower and Vegetable company." (rneaning. be wisbes to drop the nnoe of Meredith.) la discuiming details of the finan- dtat condition of the Company lt vas sbown that among other thinga the1 Comnpany loaned the Meredith Mlning1 and1Mlling company, a new concern, prornted by Meredith, sone $600; Meredfih ble$ 4,00 of campany notes, commssiafll an sale <of stock have been paid over a tbousat'd dal- lans, and, in the total, théO Mredth Compaybas iacurved cotracta hli-1 ides of sone $35.000 vwhat they have. Investigation show% that th visible asseta of the eoMD&iiy &t !Union Grave anv a $1.400 ebtaMer, $400 of which Ig paId for; a deep wel costing $400, which fIp9id. The land, Ove acres, vas donated by people wvi s fe S1400, thse provisto being It ran ta the comaiiîy atter thse greenhouse bad operated a year. Thus, tise land le net thse companys with the plant not In operation. In ail. h vwas sbown that the Union Grove people at varions tres bodit n- vetcd $20.000 In the tereditis coin- paruy at Libertyville. $9,000 o whlcb bld been pald in in stock %Ince thse Union Grave deal vas launcbed. Be- cause f iis tact tise Union Grove people bave a decided Interest In the affairs of tise Company and thats why sucb a large delegation drove duwn to tise Libertyville meeting. Atty. Beanisien. explalned details, In behaît of the stnckislders white Atty. MacGluffin, for nmre crediters urged co-operation in order ta cave tise coin- pany tram ging te the watt. Att>'. Munro spoke la bbasaIto! the Lord- Burubain company. Thse directors under wisese regime tise new Union Grove plant were sigo- cd and which the parent cempany n0w tu aaked to moite god were: W. B. Cmi, R. P. Ccinaebele, Win. Newton, J. E. Meredith, A. P. Cordes, W. C. Sanisorn, George Rohde sai being frern Libertyvilie excepting Rohde vis a Is ram Union Grove. Thse present directors are: J. E. Meredith,. A. P. Cordes, George Tohde. W B. Tncker, W. C. Sanisorn, Win. Newton, John Martin . H. Jarrett (treas), C. W. Stout, ecy. .tr. Stout attcnded thc meeting, as siseofeet tstockholders sald: "ffes ieen made the goat In this whole transaction." Loud were the utterances against' President Meredithi because of the apparent misstatement ed tacts wiich lie bail made te directors. The dir- ectors tliemselves were criticized tor sioing sucis lax attention te, the hig business deal which was talion or by thse main. cempany when It con- tracted for a $35.000 plant wlthout tIrst ascertaining that tise Union Grove people isad resly raisedl the mone>'. t vas stated that the con- cern whflbi had already sisWped $5,000 wrth et glass, boad agreed te taize t bac'< as t co be used elsewisere. Nt se wiih Lord-Burnham. They loUi on their framework ieing takeri and paid for. While the meet n.g Monday evening lasted lhree heurs. having been pre ceded by one during te day et sev. eral heurs. nothing furiher was done In the motter et deciding wirat te do thon tu name@ this commiilee te leves. tigate and tormulate plans for the fiý turc ot the cempany. Atty. BeaubleN Att>'. Macolite, '.%r. Bishop. Mr Tucker and John Smith, Union Grove lTiis commti-ee in te try and figure Ot a plan et reorganization, er soir plan whirb miay cave the assets o thse Company' If possible. The genersJ fear ha that bankruptcy may be forceÈ on theCcompany' but that Io what tht stockislders are trytag te torestal The Libertyville greenhonses havi $12000 wortb et glowing plants o band nov; tise viole plant Inbeb tyvilie la estimated at a vaine0 about $46.000. DELEGATES TO G. . P. - CONVENTIONAT PEORIA Tise Illinois Republican state coi ventian, tu te held on Priday, Sep 18, at Pearia. vili censat et 1,67 LA " FarmIneet 14aibUI QG MEL PROVE I? VOURSELF. Âooordiag te the tbtrteentbosls, ~~ ,&nets bas staod -ajF thi-ut-1 fées ai 3U.8 buabel ar aee In Iova It 610119 -A<~tad sua i~ed sdif Mro qâaslty afe the rousit or thc de- eUuet plaathod. Ne?tlons& gese ea boit farmers e.. doebtfaml ~at il, e pror eMd"ia avuable WIW Bot prove it for yoarself? Bonre ta asimple test, Mesaure c1, tve adlehsstag aseis e teWHmaili es near unifor. 'au possible. Tvc blocka sMS. ,20 rodealot& hi 8 iodz vide, viii gve 3,ou tic dealred avoea Wien yon bave vr"ed dova seed bed tata good shape, drill aisdui 200 ta 800 pounda of fertilser pcv SONi titrough the fertiliser attaciment 0i the whet ril. If yft bave a cont -ilantr -viii a fertilixer distrlbutii attachint, apply about 100 peundi additional through thia. On the average prairie las= soit. 1, viiibe veli ta use a fertiliser carrylol about 2 ta 3 per cent arnronia, 8 tx 10 pcv cent avallie pisospiserbe achg and 2 ta 4 per cent petasis. depending upon the previaus cropping et thi land. The ammenia or nitrogen increasei the grovis et tbe plant. Availabi. phospisorie acid bastens ts ripening and poaas gives strength ta tise stail and assisUta in1te fillltag oethte gralm fruit or roet 'Use tested secd corn of a good va riety. Give the se aal goed attentioi iNTI 13 UN-RACE rOR BOUSE; 9 fILE IFOR 1 CONGRESS SEAT (CanUinued Prom Page 0ne.) Greve. Tbat village la ln MeHenr>' Count>', 50. it la apparent, Mr. Hatris realli' is. despite the claim rnade ln La'ce Connty, a resident et Mclienry Ceunty lnstead ot Lakes County. 400 File on Lent Day. Sprlngfle4 d, 1.Ang. 1.--Approxi- matel>' 400 4emtaatlng petitians bcd been dumped lnto the secretary ot state's office up te 7 o'clock tantgbt. tise isst d4ayfor fillng. Of this nuimber 1,037 are petitions ofe candidates for the législatnre, 824 for the 111 lover baos éatt, and 213 9for thse tventy-six senate places. Fr the principal oilices the nom- Ibe of a&ae tkn oiain United Saties SenatOI .......... 10 State ireasurer .................24, Clark Appeflae court, Chicago .. 26 Clerk Supreme eourt ............ 20 Congreasmen ai large ............ 24 District coagresmen ........... 161 Otate central commitie....149 Appellate court clerks. four dis. .. 47 Legialature ....................1037 ff OUT FOR SENATOR SHere are the mena voisld fer V. S.Senator Ih Seing aotlced tisai Wm. la E. Maman, tarmerly e1 Wankegaa la fermaIlly in tise race: Hars> Woods, (Dci.) Cbioaso, James Traynor (Demn.) Chiche. jRoger C. Sullivan, (Dem.) Ciciago. Barrait O'Hara (Dem.) Cbicago. Dr Frank Hall Childe (Reb.) Chicago. la Lavrence Y. Shberman (RcP.) Springfield. It William E. Masen (Rcp.) Chicago. tg Raymond Robins (Preg.) Cisicago. to Myer S. Stein (Rep.) Oak Park. 1' Iavrence B. Stringer (Dem.) Lin- en ,. la- in CAPTe CLARK OF NAAL STATION TO BECOMI3 ADMIRAL? te bth plots. At barvest urne, veigi tise produci At Least This Is the Persistent Pl ofeuhc plot caretulli'. Do net failtet Report Among Off icers observe closli tise soundeese and 011l.atheS tin Ieg of cern tram eacci plot. theSain Webgh and observe tise ytied>i ibis plot as reccmen nded abev. CAPT. STANDS VERY HIGH. uý RAW PHOSPHATE OR ACIO PHOS. Acknowledged Fact That He 0' PH ATE. Stands Very High in Line ' Dy. Chas. E. Thonne, In Rural New F o hs lgbe Vorker. Tisai Captale George R. Clarke, U. v ('oncerning Uic discussion le receet 8. IN. commandant efthtie Cruat Lakes issues ot the Rural New Yorker. ne- Naval training station. yull soon ise spccting lie treaimeet t fnanune wt vus - t teadiait f h gypsuin, fiesta and aid phosphate,ad ted etieamrat> etis permit me te cai attention te tise navi' le nov tise repent tisat le rite 11 expeiments aitishe Ohio expenimnt ameng tise officcre efthtie station. It station, vhlcb have new been ln le general>' kr.awn tisai Captale progrestor 21 yesre, and tise latesi Clark le near tise top et the seeborit>' M summary oetvichIo lepubllished le list oI captains et tise ncvy antifi lai Circular No. 144. Taking tise sale- aise knewn tisat tise creation ef gev- ' mary ton tise entine peied, as given rlewamailabngcsdrd0 le Table XIX, IL viilSe seen tisai iy the naval departmeot. se Lhe ne-c tise net gaie freintise use o! loats pr antwtotabns bas beau se mucb greaier titan pr sntvtotcbsg tisait ram gypsuin that Lt would Commandant George R. Carke is have Seen cheaper tu use finals il geeeraIly consldered as one o01Lise mare titan deuble the price acluaiti' mont advanced cuthiniles on naval poid for Ilt tan le un ypeun had affaira le tise ceunir>'. Tise positioni Il ceaI noihing. tisai isenov Solda le cosded as As Seiveen flioas andi aclut pios-i an important one in tise navaIf.vorld. pisate, lb. table shows neani> tise saineF He came te tise naval station troin a relative differences In effect. This la, .psto f lbrntmt iebra it Weald bave Sean cieaper te une aci oiti oofhg akItebru popaeta50prcent greater i navigation. Hlm connecion wltln The nlyeffct tat anSe cetaiel>' bis selectben te bend tise local train- ascribeti te gypaun la tise arresi et ng Institution shows tise position et amoeea. and acid phsphate le more bis vortis and kpowledge ie naval a!--, effective tisco gypsun le ibis respect faire, le tise mndietftise ofilciais o! tînateat ie brating ammonla. aseone Lise avy tiepartiment. a! your correspondants states) and I alleCak a ee enett la aiee tise mont effective carrier o! atiCakbsbe once phsosphoras le use ait a fertîlîxer. vîitiste Unted States n-,y'fer over But tht. table doue net tell tise .1 years. He bas heid eîaey impor- .ise r>- Reterrbng te Table XVIII, tant commands. Betore bcbg cm- i w2l "Ia t,1vthe ign~t e d i ty la thse bureau of rav- manures bave prduced es eIn-!î igaîlonoefeta Saîleship o!flise navy. ci-case le yild durlng tise later yeara H. San been connected vILS lise o! the test than dnnieg the iret onsneGreat Laies naal training station B eaxv, tise manurc i'r-enforced witb fer tise Past yccr and a hait. lIe te- -~acid 'pfiôp&ate are tise o oee» ict . atî .F.Pisivs visicis bave caused a greater Jeté vas iaacndt abett.t & nci-case han tisat pradnced Si' theticerdteWsigo.t untreaU4, z41nui-e. This inIs cccil assume a responsible pesitiob in tise Ecotrar>' te 1mwlas e cpeciedviien offices a! tise aavy departmnt. tise, experlrneet vas ptcnned Tise Tise position ef Caplate le active floata, or raw phosphate, carries ap- service efthtie navi' la next i1Wk tpraximatel>' ivice as mucisphosphorult ia fna ia fnetr r * t ashli aid phosphate, and t vau ex. >'ars lie position 0f copunioare ex. - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e pe1dta usvuigana> e stdas tic nexi office lu rani tg the Yi 1ae valable In the soil and ihat ltu coaqece thise i et gain tram lie admirait>', but lie positionl han Seen fioat-treated manure vouid shov aSollslted or n ecases ot retirernent jreatcr mrsse han liait ro. the 1visere tic Poverameat vishez ta give smarne lrcated viii mid pisosphate. tho rtirt captai a higiser position Wilie lie fteate has nat boeanas 1tInrank, and dooa Bot belleve .birn effective a carrier et phosphsoruas musrilable o! thc biais raniCdf icar ad- n- scd phosphate, tier. eaa ho no douit IMirai. li tai hlt a giving up tmre phosphera Tere bas Sea me lOdiscussoa in 75ta lie crois. le the avera.,lie 820 Wasintaon receUtl>'of the appoint- Dapossads et fleats uaed la the manare igo oeamiati h ay n Sasuadded $886 per acreta lie valua Theg a! arsao mirais ta tisn avi.h of et ecrop. vbercas tle moti.r expe tis ssno h apbtn fts ~'ment ln vblch thse saie qugaUt>' ot admiras ia taied sdue te tic @car- r- fLots SasSeenantd atone ita arota. City of!the efficers of ihat iigis rani y. tien ot cora,oacta and claver feruni a th le eavy. Ofien lie sbipaeofthtie n 7Oea% it bu praduceti bt $2.60 bn val- Ualted States navy have be.n foredt ,r, eo!t Icresse. In conaldavtg tise.ta e e rilally unadertheiccommand t-m reula i'tmuai ho berne 'WMmini Ut02etmre foreiga admirai tivougis the li te experiatnahave Sbeamade on & absence 01a a rsi claaa admirai, vilS MUot buagri fer bell piosphoresa m ai'nhuqpeo. Mdi lla-itrog e a»M~by teleti, the rates of Stockage ar r>' ce rana i 11e*0 uu&lor W aiet vf ar Seing tisaI 15e bihesi amI c t lb.dssào.nitàs.offleer et rani er'th-le allonated rise, ~la tike eugrs. ofsituation. ONe US DROWND.1 Far Iinterestai ()NE isBIJRNeD AND ua.ib, uuyG. ~LL(Continued Prom Page One.) Io m launcis 200 teet tramnsisore set thse boat afire and caused tise occupants ta lcap mb tiste vater ratiser thoan ~~ face deathb iy ire. ~eIesu.thdsssdi .1ISoes THE DEAD: ~ Cree, I. George Jacôbsen, Albany avenue, 45 Chicago. Thomas StantoN. operator of beat; ~~ arm ratiser badly isnrned. THOSE WH-O ESCAPED PIRE AND DROWNING: e00 WNEAT PROM 0000 egRD Perey Wilson lira. AilesWilson. hie mother ~~L. %Ils. Martin Stanton ofthtie Stailten I' tie ftMMrsO! l. hs Ï'd1. Weel hetel. Long Lake. raf OM010 ouviaced of the vplue Oh Evylyn Scanlon te" 0ed, tiare là DO doubt tha-t titMrs. George 4ateobsee. iddlle West vould produce 20 ta second in Weuk « ceni more pev acre tbu 'U~ Bftausie Ibis vas tae second acci- gy> _t s.ad tbat ef infwatOU dent aftie kind In tise Fox Lake ne tt0i~3ji~,,.. - gion ia lesla tisan a week, tise tragody luit Iifl, tfaning Mille iOiM added unusital Interest ced sorrow te là Md blow eut ail sbrlivelsd. broie» tise rescrt-district In western Lake 4 uarsoi gr-lme.ConU. it ti. iaevio ~e.~ ~.On tbe previens Fniday W',gist ai If bw ureier»" g sl S M7mhdnlgist, ClIntan Shaad four coin- gmalli itue; but il la rSUSte nu panions ver. cnugit Iha aburati zoo& ,big, etirosig mm 170W OP foelauacb la ira, 1&ke vhen tise Shav Dmol. taq sioku> baby. launcis bumae ta tise waters edge. Tic =* s e Is iaset of i e». If Y« asontram a ' back-grrc" tieir escape apoo buinper nropsanmd banne qua elin,gl due oni>' te Intervention of r, »@ e ii 31e baby plaaa-.#àtProvidence .for, three Young vomen lite preserver vic one girl iead sehzed visca tise ve ileaped over- staiontoui laiboard; Pbaw beiped hold thie.up -té Mgil Seel IbM vawufanne Mt 09 *ile tise iftismember, a Young man, ils lWiuOOd 3.48 buabl l kmpot avAin a lial! mile te sisore for laid. wm ltaath1 geod 8mu9&."Tibéat ThwrsdoylsAccident. . 1 rade obtljed b>' fanniags Md ÎFiili .Tburgday tternoon Jacobsen and mdued 1.34 basl amrepevar aréisarelatives ee.gaged Stanton, 1'X9 à"an ~i i'J uquaht> of grain fsom livea at tise Stanton isotel ai. ihie he tbvelmagiih.*. brotiseri-in-aw visa opcrates tt ta ie Neur'sa d iit1 takee Lake and Fox River. Tise>' à a voti ail ie v-hile, tue. Inthticstarted off, meven members being In rproductive cells af tise si-Oinstise party on tise boat. lant, tbere ta the tendeuey ta prodilce Tise day was fins, tise 2.7,foottSeat wbite or ted visesi;soit or bard; ran beautitul>' until finaily a sndden Large, vell formed bouda fuiltf et ici.'back lire", caused a lire ta start andI, mois, or ammll bleadea vus mightY Utile very %non, tise boat was ablaze. Stan. L thete; man>' heads or tew ton slarted ta try le extînguls tise Wbile b. la vorking bis ova fan- flames and Ih vas In deinego tsait ointmil, t th limt, he ermr le burned one arm qulte isadi>', but lag~~~~~~~ ~ mittielmttiefreret se muct) tisai se will loge tise sould co-operate vush nature, te tise memiser. fuiest cItent. tu picking eut these , Kept Thein Heade Weil. esat ylclding strates or familles. W. i-owever. wlth tise exception et Ja- knov o! no Setter va>' ta accemplisis cobsen, wioso eenied te gel panic- is than b>' estabîbisîang a cied plot strictien. according te eue. member of on tise tarin. Here la tise va> ta do it: tise pariy. tise> ailIretained tisein coin- Buy enongis gond aeed la sow a con- Itaure and. whiseptise flames began ple of acres. W'ben tise crop la ripen- If' apread bisyonticentrel of Stanten. ig. go tisrongh lit ced pick eut 60 good 1 tbety ecri, wlth lthe excetion et dc- cobsen and Milse Scanion grcbbed a plants. Pull ibein up b>' th. rente. flite reserver, attaciset Ilte tteir ho- Durting vînten, tisresis cacis plant dies aed Ieaîed aven tlrite s aler. out b>' band and keep the seed ofet ecisJacobsen, scareti aed panir-stricken. In a sepanaLte enveiope or Papier bat did net attacs c preserven ta bis ibody Wben nezt plantlng unme cernes. mess- but leapeti off loto tise lakte witisoul nre eut, or veigis up an equal arnouni anyiising teaisold hlm ne. ot cacis loi. Plant ibis seed Inn ova "I don't belleve ise ver came up ot lequal lengtis. atfter masinr lise lump," salti one Watcb tise growing rave and mark memiser efthtie pcrly le talking ofthtie nisat nes you like Sest. Harvesi tise montter. Weman Stays an Baa. avws in sepancie sheavea and liail Mis Scanlon seenieti t etel ase them oui separatel>' durng tise vinter. vould oiseater onlise boalttaon In Pick eut tise Seat ten yleldorsanad tise ater. crguing teaiserseifthtisatise plant an equal amount ofet cison boat would mcrely bure to tise water's lquet sîzeti patches o! ground tise etige and tisaitisere vould bie enougis thIrd spring. In tise fait, veigis up tise buoyancy te keep ber ni). Tiierefore, graie tro accofethtie tee plots sep- ase took a stand on tise extrpnie endi aratety, and examine tisein sute quai- lof!tlise in andi renîaiied there after I.PIck oui tise Seat yi-elden ai Seat, Thhcotisers lieadoleaî,ed lrt thlie valer. t>'. Tiiecre ms v5founti Inter by latt quaiît>', ccd yen viii bave enougis saed ritin esr"v""sc place lthe tracedy> o! c pure -ariet>' ta 80w quite a seed vsa-trn. Liaîteneti lest eppo- patch. site lish MiIenplace. Do yen reclîze tise full value et Pitson isappenedti t ie un shtore sisaL yen bave? Tise seed patchla li orti>' atter tise Soat caugisttire and, so witis seed visicis three years cge jumping Iota bis passenger boatIlia came frein one plant tour years cge matie for the accele wrtis ail haste tremn one kernel. possible. He arrivpd le lime 10 luIck If ar I t4en teatraîn I usba-optise flue people aise sere lloating if rre l t$en. ise 15 ste>about in tise vater, be tisen get Miss iuteiy pure. More ihan tisai, it la tise Sulon off tise burninig boat anti. beat ylelding aecd o! besi quciity. <luickly tlie saved pensons were Areyenoueoettise people tisai'russetite sisore, deesn't beileve tiser, la mucis differ- Efforts ta lied Jacobsen falleti and soce le tise yleld and qualît>' o! vheat bis relatives anti irbenda hater engag- tram diffrent sixains or familles? cd lBen Stilling La go out anti drag tise Weiluai fonget your bellefs and wae o isbody. I-te vas success- tri' it ont. 1 tui and son ,bd lise body on sisore Tise>'didn't belleve Cprncaand ti lter vam taken ta NIuHenny Cpri"and thence Into Cisicago. visen ise said the eartb vas round. 1Jlarob,.Pn tvaýs 2? years oid anti es- Quite a tev Sellevo bis doctrine toyed eit liseWesterfleld visotesale day. I meat market, tsîlwaukee avenue, Chi Tisa sirain"' Sreeding, er nature's cage. lmits ie vas irestrated over tanning mili procesa, gave us liveed- hls dectît. )ah selct calte, Kleievanzlebenen sugar beets, Minnesota 149 viieci, Former Waukegan Newspaper Petkne rye, and a isundred etiser val- usisie familles et crepe. Editor and Former Resident Your boys and girls vould ibink it of Mexico to Meet. migisti'InterestIng utua t tri iis out- li cao maire faute for tiscin d dol- Whcr, Ceocrai Victoriens Huerta, lars for yen. Oct yaur god sced and the eseaoiog erestient eofIMexico. i!r j paicis ot vinter viseat this recies ParIs, tisat isaven of depea- sueinen. " 3 , , - .eti Latie-Amerîcan dirtatora, h ietll _________________IEL TH meet isis nid trlend, Joisn Wesley De 140W ERTIIZERS ELP Keyhc>, former Waukegan newspcper WHEAT CROP. man aed premeter, aroued vbom Available planttead helpe tue>' wbc&t troubles have gatheret se tisick he plant in tOve va>'.: can't secs tise utcone. DeKay, liL lo (1) Ag fertilisera dissolve Ln he ahd, t tise man vise ralseti the Ial soit, thise'tcreags lie strongili or non. mone>' Huerta had for bis dîclator- nentratIon of lie sali solution in Lb. shop. Saine montis ago ho vas crcd- top 8 mche. et sou. This drethliied witb bavlrg fOoated bonda te the vater up tram the, .ab@Oo3 LOtier-Msaunt et $50,000,000 wvh Ruropean gion viserein li na t1.5.- ankcnm. Tisese, it la aaid on gondi (2) As soonastle lii *ood OSD8antiorit>' bu Wasiîngten, îlî not t>. tgsaeou rvsiidlko L nedsrecognizcd b>' President Wilson as sosaivle iaiplaÏnt slr. engtmd valid deblis et tise nev Mlexican gov- g0etbosela h a pas ecrament. Tise Delta>'ma i lit as c and ly hai tOr vad ounvli arm'for iinon tise otiser side ofttli able food fer vosier Planta. Atlantic as It lis on tisa aide. (3) ttllaezInuresfflite activ- White Huerta la eailing tram ruIex. hi>' o! mail bacteeba. vidaila tura lettien, ced eKay Ia In Europe under In 1-0e More Pl-UDoOd-for lie o'sbai dictnt S>' an Americce grand jury (6) A gaoduPPly of avsillahle bis vrecklng et tise Atlar4lc National pi)A t ondale plLgie i Sa tProvidence la bcbng aireti vissa - plant as e artysian d hlia ea One of iesduinmy reotons. Elijal sysmsm answering telephone calls give the firm or individual name, the name of the person Ypeaking and the name of the Cepartment. Definite information of this character saves several questions and so saves time. If you have flot the information re- quested of you, do flot makethe tele- hone caller wait but arrange to cail hlm back in a Iew minutes. This leaves the line open for other cails. Chicago Telephone Comnpany A. R. Andvews, Muanss Tslqho 001 M Job Pninting A"FULL COUNT' BEN H UR FLOUR ADE trom gond, bard winter vist by One of tise largrent ,niilg 9co"in Ipania e ti e e rd. t bas ne equa-not anotiser flion!baies ncer brsad, cakes and pied. W. know ite value and punît.' and -ran uuarate It te give coUire satisfaction. Oece tried. always usad. Ben Hur Fleur wiii please the mmis oepticai. as it le always tbs sains. Aiwaymta ta picasiog satisfaction of inowinu bcforebcnd tisat the bakinq l la oig W turn out just iungit-no guesa vork about IL<rder a ack today. The onlyp$1 .30 y retunded sackis nly$ .30 if not uatioftctory The Mode! CashûGrocery&Market M. L. SCOTT, Prop. Phone 307-J Liberty vile, fil. AUTO DEIJVERY MNURES PROMPT SERVICE WIIAT'S THE USE 0F (IE'ING HOT beeause env tôvun bas gone dry? We have any amount of PURE ICE 1)elivered in any quantity ai any trne Libertyville Ice Co. Phone 41 Libertyville -THE- NEW CLOTHING STORJE lo1cal tradeý as wel as out-t Alying distrcts are ittrat t ed to oîr store. Wi.havetu's anîd hys i-t ady madi e ci thlîîîg We liave two fi-st cilis lines of satoples from leadIiiitailoriijliouses ii Chicrago. V/starf- o14 experieîî'e.d inii îi îi îîîeasiiring anid gliaran- tee 1erfect fitm. No oneC is better propared ini ready tond.' ..tîts atnd odil patîts, or elothiîig mîade ta ordt'r. l»arge anîd tom- hlete litie of Iliell'e atmi boys, slirits, mifierweai', îieckwear, $I.-rahis, jackt.4ý-, liaI.s. Lals, shines andl everthinrg that îs kep t in a fi-s Io.s thitg store. W îtinvitelispectioit fou ii, inrchanisthi-.and gilaralîtve eîytliîng as re le-set te'il.W e' 'hicit youtita le ' urs trîly. Te A. REYNOLDS Te John Ri (IIEAF ai .< b n Cbari .llins day ap change >ucot 6 oumrl Re p Wottld sensde Isuspend finsiot the JO tht-osa sbcd lu gags lu FOUR Boys shijj An Olt la Wau vhicis f vii b. attendin fipriagd, Octeben. as the n alen. ticS ave Albert Willil Murre] Laurel Georgg Prmacl Harolti Victor Jesse Ernest No dit a numbe ta taile cationst leen or î la rcaý rived ln la compi priacipa ver, ta, enducte Wutoen lie Cim ter ina' Tbiam the effit er scho< sacS 503 4a3nue seso. I acvibisg1 dahryti The 1 iimtes siving t lie lmp - ff Wba~v 111 Bell