LAK~E OOUNTY IDEPENDEN12. FRmÂY, AGST1,1914. IFORM PERMANENT ORGiAN- at~i6e<yvtYte e.9~'ms'- IZATION MONDÀY NIGITon te TeLîhbertyville Litîîvlr (Chautauqîja 'XXXX- X. X xx xxx x x :sxx League fornîed a 1,rllanent organiza- til iameeting liel lin the. village hall A great nhaïîy '00e >ahJookng baekward To flure publication in the Indepen- (ver wo hundrodfeet if int alks and a co-,rm mttee aîu ue to draft a W )l b-t gwlhý si) lîany o p)port unities have dent. copy mnust be intheoffice nolater were put lu this week on il adt aie f set of raies and by-lwm ti govern the zlimjed flirougli tlieir fingent. In mott cases than Tueeday of mach week. Adver- Second street, betwecn thý I, M&S. . ~orgaization. The offi, ire eýlevted are: th e uotîîfue oLn, OS R linera, eepecially are ssked to take ýràilway tu, North avenu-. fi id aidj C. a. tverill, presidîîît. ti eaiefiyfie oL)KowA particular notice to this effect. thait severai other pleces I î rîîperty 'la Jei. HB* Swani viceepre@iilet - that vîcialty, are tu, be n1,0pimed wttb Paul Ray, secrtary. HAEY UTID(Additional Local News Pages 21 & 4) cernent walke before fal(0. C. Oridiev. tceasiurer. LOOK FORWVARî) and Act NOVi" ilPI PERS MA-.M A Paul Ry ad f : setSndya risad ylwsI opoe f t There is o doubt in your mind tht tyo OR wente>lavdd nii eoo omd Lake.e. . .Whple PURdMIK B EADspathioadayatîuioad hlken a«urnssp fl The orgaaization now aumblers about suddenly. Save yotir (h'PîaI)Ty fda PUR M LK BR AD@pntModa a DamndLae. ream frrthe social hourai ater th- 48 ai..bernad several others have thiut bauk. For aisBy . M Fîser e eterainig aceglarineelng Trvas, enougb sîgnified their desire touhecome imembere Fe aeD rad1.M.aFghter MieLela etgar . 'pie artamoetgo abroî e vea ttpnetmeig he hmember. I4srIaIs nHter MesueeruofDri . Pemd"t, g aoin eblp wllth oelb.rmeting, out h aty_0 >IRIGS & Io L R e peadiou thie week wlth reatives here. Mlisa Clara B. Stewart J Puriie It la the purpose of the organization to THONE 24A YLO25 Stîchigau, epens the pain aeek at the promoe thie social and moral weltars PHNE2uadraCopy oflak eg . and es aneltre e of Mre. Win. Layrcîck and with of the community by aiding and provid. aeNt-2 mt Muryo akg n eevstr êeber mari> other friendm lir..M jis l ean ad iatereetiag catertainnients L ak h ILn y N atio n alEBa nk Wedaesday. Stewart was tbs teacer o ii t iret driagtbeummeraan wlater. Lyveiim hilesAgites Clemente of Chicago. i@ grade of ur publiceoebool ber, for luan> coursres willl ha 0ven la wlnter and the IE WILL. - speadinR several daye Ibis week with vùrarpmulain g bers orne ttree yearo ago Chautauqua will again b he In9bg t- Cptl ~rîaaa~nîaeroi, IOOoo CoatyurateaKntoox.eoonsT. rc.M trractraîcî ionertsmmr Arh r isn tnade nt S o sis ro .M. aullr enté.Franpd adCINYRRL ARES ______________________________ visitor hitre Frida>t. grand.dauXbter, Mca. farold Woo'nd aud hirs. W. J. Mundee le entertaialag lier ltte dauglîter f Suhnner. 1 -8a; Sre. MEET IN LIBERTY VILLE 1v a eal r esok o azother, hics. Powell of 0hvean, 1 ,i( E, . Potter of Fort Scott, Kan8ae,hIcsru for sevecal weeko. Ailelîne Manzer of Lake Villa, andl Sre. ,h Lake Couanty Rural Letter Carriers W aealresoko Mis_______ ndlitl eppAia Fenlon of Grayake bot Friday. association hed a meeting aithe Ltber- TLi! POSTS, SANOI BRICKO hils CrdeChad nd îtte nphe Mr. and Mca. Farrand ad Mis. Poter tyville postoffice Saturday inigbt and JonBterillpntSna i1-d la Lakecoaaty abý,îuît îîeîtv tive lwo new membe.s wpre aîided, thje total SE*WER IP. ___T N friends et Antiocti. yîr-' bave manv , 'l friende memberebip of the association now tic. S . E<.IP......II A i Fi0Minsena Mande and Hazel Butterfleld wIi.are la.d t0 eethecU. ing filten. N~ew U Footwear : 0 4ovtin hC. W. Eggentrot bas sol,] tis forty Acmitao w a tîoae o BUILDI N G ..M ATE R AL 0 te bllein i@( farm nacotbwest of Lilîýrîv îe 1 meut wlth the higbwav commimidonero « R E y o îî n e of îhe ila ny W h o uim p ly B U Y 0 C . V .Kereh , a elty cîlgineer fro nt M c. Bald wvin cf Chic go for $Gmî , , V i la the tr ne pame tn g ust e al a LORakeC I A0Janevlle, Wl.., wam h guest otfiB.1D. bas puccba*a a sixteea.aîre tract ofrVillatebThe latter ata ierscareG lO RPIE their Auloes.Ord you bebîîîg to the discri M' 0 Boyd an a isSna.ln f fteW.Bretfr we o. nmbe o auombils Attorney B. a. Miller andiA. j.strlviag bard to bave momne of the bad rw Illie wilom our stock appleals heause of it s tock wera ber, Wedncoday advertiein aà $ustn aer.e i >Slsue. tille ruadeae otuatv ovelrewhicb the car- I»the ticear y (au n tylair. Autin bougla the tarin about winter acote la. Ths carriers will report lisîtiintc-tstv-e nstylaes antd bualtieethtsehis.f V.tme qcturaiadthceacacga aes 0 Ilceemodelîd a lncadatadudcondtioit otbenig. , tChe YOU vIUh- 0 inake for î oîîfort anîd service-. ) mother , sJ.J. Rouôa of Fremons, hy Mc. Eotectrotfrontaon the l)eâplainewa'y conmmionec of the distctct la <0 <0 Ibon ,wea e h w ng te l1ts a g ro , te latter part o last week. rvra d tene w e o n w bi hi c b chconditions tre ud, ad a W. G.nWeltubas uranyewaavaran Dhowingfitwitfa ativeKengaanoobarn easonable time will e allowed efoe 4> ilie- famoîr, Univecsity and the lIolland welt, any of whiclî arn- <CF 1.1t. lies ba parbasc a vcantarovig 1hwitha drve wtl ai aliaMÉRUp * bîîy ilt ieilaltis f oower erecio.é lot frutu Warren Heath on Corok avenue. will he ecected Ibis fali S.N mrJga bodyaitthequaltie offoowearpere ton.The couamideration las aid to be $1000. haadsoiîîe resideace wil eba uil, and the roadm a lîch are in had order. Mc. ssetriit i to brek a cw oad he next meeting of the assoociation 1 A 1 k m u T'he Fair is flot.far and yoo wili perhaps e rîcîa nPair rof * H. B. Egec ba@ împrovcd the frcat of îî.îulwnec avdaae ea8tt,, u Wwîl l e ed.nlaAntloch. ~~i U I A our icsc to î'otîplete yonr attire foc tbat o,(amioni. Corne ti q i s i store building by having tbe Id ithh-urîorym intt~* uu v and let Us lit you ouf, o your satisfactioni. 0 andow@ and traîne torai ont and lagetyone wi@htng rage woven from otd hom e tom er g om pan Tiiee ar 411 a ew airsof argan -ii e Iet. Urnc <0 nw pate las wlniow potla.The ladieti Aid ccety of the Pre#3by. carpetm plee leave rdere with M .. v N v teai,,ntake brnh.aay fortheirregular m onthly France@ Colby.e- 5 1O B R Y I L 'w at te.aa fr0 I .P.Sheldon, preeldent, and Silveeter mtingcutrclbrneld of M.t 0.LIC.TIF. g i, $2, 52.500 Sciee eetar>. and treasocer ofathe Wiutl, ekTbcdyatronPIANO TUNING Poe5 $1, $2, $2.50 ~*Arcalititutcof Business Tecbnology, ' aituekTuma atrnoLoae re aRy'Fui large 'ow elng la attendence v odcea y'un torec. Pon 5 ei.hooett ea. oei h ntrs ftePlane were rmate toc the hszaac wbuch Wok donc by Mc. Alden. c>4641 aLhoo et rea.the undies have de idcd tugive la con- <0 JW . a t left laRt eek for Verm illion, ec tion wit b th ir an u el c bcke a pie Albtîerta, Canada, whece hi will 0elay toc dinnter and whîclî wlll lie belfi ah the rthe month of August with bis son town hall .1n the llrot Tharedas la CH&jeRO R I~,~ E..S *Edçvard and daughter, Mrm. Walter November, tuedaebeingthe 5tb. Final A ahtMis:luîrific tc Ub.eHR DSE AN .v u - . *Mary lait lest weck Wedacs.Iay for a la Case'. sîoods aortb cf tpvrs on Bear, Minanesota, and ho varions points and their fricadd deoiring transportation $395 Compicte * tw weks tp h St.Pan eadW re rTuesday o n t eek. The ni *lu sootheca Canada,.r eastdt ai> ieldaF. O. B. Dletroit O <0Frak J cigt ad faîl>end Shapter, who will arrange for voeîle Fran J.Wriht nd amis mt] eu.wbicb wilI leave the churccb t 10:30 <0H. Swananad family retrnd Snday hapb n he moning of that dey. O * froaz D~~~~~~~~~~~~ e la a . W e. w a e t e p n 0 wek w ith C. A . B e w ick and a xi t> on S ydney B elersdors, a Ch icago m anF or f i p rt c l r a d J. B. M orse & Co. 0 the shores of t)lavan Lake. wo an or Ph wude o ul d one 161-J. iecal CORLETT & FIREDERICKS 0 Te TriaChpse oftb Wetmi tr 3whe a auomoil Inwhih e ws doePonetrt161wrJ. ,aI Evrh o Mn. Th iraCape tenting teaped avec a culvert t ePhoebs. LIER Uwr EL Eve ythng fo*e Guild, will muet wth hic. K abl i lwaukee ruait forth of Lbertyyive, W arren A. NicholasPh n 30TY LL ,I ! * UBRTYVUZ H ii. * axt week Tueeday eveniag, removasi th a tirivete aanltariuanAG N Th e berave begou the sewiag forlaCcgot.mrln.Sceti GN *hre1 their annuel miionar> box. accident he baid been lylng ett hie Jane 0 ~McAlster boqîltat He sesaieatut A& L cwctebr e aotg a ae uffered a concussion of Abs briie, w w w w w. vue wim @ O @ @ @ * @ @ ooo o..,. vacation front bis dttea et the Poe : as a result of the accident and as i_ office ber. Th legth of ime tbt be nt regaied consclousneen as Yet, de- o De a dP rt an P It, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ bas been a posolfice lerk entitleo h m aPit e Ail tact t at m o e ha ram o th C H A S . D . P R O C T O R Y OD e a d P r y a nQ u li y tu, ilten orkng aysof etore. bas laped.Thegreterpar ortheYou eam b happy and ootented ver our Cakes, tîme bc lay qutte inert as though inl Pies, Tarte, Jelly Relia and everything we make. T eyoung a iu a yug m ua bise1 a s be oren l ast ' ul d t elirium Muse faite jam e and jeli . and iavors. ciaaffl the hi. E. Sonda> echoot eiiioyed and hIe wlld cries have been àlmost IN UR NC e mocpIfrùt picole ab the beach at Lake inlcesaent day and niglif. somurietes golerly inapect.ed. Why flot thea, trade with USe BlecuffSL Î e Mstau raGnffin, hrtaeo rthe bicoua. huard fur a couple of FIRF, ORNADO,ULFE WCIBERaTY Va L LnBaE B ÂE R teti > W in d o w uEno ohe, ewih o express anc beartet_ _ _______ ooisIrs. F. R. Peck and sister, Norma Les thenks ho friends andl relatives focrAbse A H .D oilLO&, l*nd w of Ottawa, Kasas. They expcct to kîndaeoseand sympati,> ehowa us ça remain hece througbont the month of our laies boreavement of filie desth of aMy (s l.Aagust. batoved wife Anale, and nephew William S ~ ~~The egular basincas meeting of the Firy, also for the heautiful fluiwere. u l y S asheC n, B ase, Epwortb League of the Si. E. charcc Oliver BoWa M o & * met lesit Fflday evening. Af hec at1 p-46-.1 Alvena Fry. Ee t a l aiebasiae. wes attended ho, the part> _ _ Balu ters, Mul aejounedto Butlerswood sud ene NOTICE OR BIDS ( l l d l F o So ~ e 1LaBarre Just, who ln company wltb pipe on tbe village tut, ln this villag fflo o d ndl F o %, meS iigtiLy a iag e Floyd Wlbr of Waakega, drove two Llhertyville, wil ha recived b> Abs ---ddebaker cars front Detroit, Mlch., Board cf Truetees et the Village Hal lest week errivefi bars Friday nlgbt. outil S ocdlock Taeeday evsning, Augnat SonieOily ateir ) .n ag l Oas of the cars was sold tri Peter Petigeo 18, 1914. The Board reoarve lb. rightW hNto w cf Lbertyvîlie, and the other ho tMr. toreject an ad alilbldd. Specificatlone Wlihr'e moîbercf Weukegan. TheJuet on file witb village cteck. Motor C., aIse sold e car te J. Ell E. H. CoRLETT, Village Clark. Bakes best Bread, cake and Pastry. It la flot bleached. Trlggs of thie village and one to Dr. __________ V ery C hea-p eadngmhof peopewi I:: iit: NOTICE FOR BIDS Ordei rnold MedalTooro s ubr fpoer dcbave sia] ulcntc . ceygvaA