CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 14 Aug 1914, p. 9

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LAKE COLJUNTY INDL,.EPENDENT WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN PA TTWO. I TBR"IVVTfTIL' l TJ.T ri%,.£A V ATtiTri.IA - a.a.a. a v £ mania,. Preferred to Make One of Hlm Friends Hlm Banker-Fol- lowed Plan for Years. DID HE LEAVE A HUARD? Some Think He Left fConsider- able Money-WiO Any Huirs Appear Heue to lalm It? The @Udden dath of AndrewHl tihe tact that ho neyer plecpd mue?, confidence la banite and as a reauIti neyer would depouit any money ln thani. llialead itlai. aibiha wouid ai- wayz select snme individuel la keep bis money for him, praferring to de- poui i1l thie manner'. Thus, whila to all appearances he dled a poor man It lat mid ta ha very probeble thêt ho laft considerable money lu the pos. stession 0f men hlie l iedngicit aut as bi@ friands. Wban ('harleg Gilbert conduclud a drugstore lu the cty, lifggins piacait Inlcit confidence lu hlm and always mUefit a point ta dePosît wth hlm mil money hi did flot neait for Irne- dite purpome. When beoseeded a UtUe money ln addition to bis sasyT ho wonld go to Gibert end draw what- ever ha wiaiisd. WhouGilîbert disposait of hie itrug toreand left tbe City Ulggins direct- ait is attention ta flndiig sorence elin to boIbis money for hum, na Devai- coulit ha inited tta explaîn lust vby ha vouli t uluse one of 1the baâtbut lei ut appear Ibat ha hait a tesson vhlsh wvas uflneaut te hlm ait vbich ha considereit a gond oe. POuai bo ha securei tut assstrous- Use for hlm la nat known but ibome Wbe kaov hlm sit he mae Ih a ~ratc* to tata, ils spare cash ta 11e.eue. Far ibis reagan hIs probable tint wbmi the propar tîrne comas ibis ifn Wrhoever ha may ha. vil! step forvard msd tara over »W suy heirs vh0 rnay tppmmr, vhatavar niony hala teap- ing la trust. Ih le possible that Hig- gius hait a private agreement wilth hlmu vieraby ha tlId hlm ha mlght re- tain the rnoney bha haitla bis posses- Mon, la case of bis iteatb. Durtng lacent yaars Huggna hait %"at but a small salary btnt veu tis éit ual pravent hm froni ti4ng over a litte of h cvary mont?, gccordiug tu thosa vho tnaw hirn. FOUR BIRTHDAYS IN THE SAME FAMILY SAME DAY. Notable Event at the Shultis Home on West Side -Satur- day Evening Last. Wautagau, Aug. il. It uant very ofttn that four meni- bera cf a famiiy bave bribitays ou ile smrn date, yet sncb la the c 'se !n thea hultis famnliy of the veut sida. Luit Saturday, Augusi th vas tha birthday of: Mr. sud Mrs. Archie Shuliu. Mr@. Arthur Casimare. Perey Shula. AIl four are members ofthte Shultis famlly, hence. as thaîr birthdays aIl cama on the aie day. Mr. and Mn,. Bdt Shutis arrangedaitsbirtbdsy parti- for- ihir eblidren ai their borne on Clarke avenue. The avant vas la the nature of e dînfflr psrty an ut proyait a mont iteltghttui ana lu avery Te- spect STATE INSPI3CTOR VISIfkTNEiDAIRIES tta Inspactor Caanay arrIvait lu ,Wskegan iodai- sud un compani- vith Itipactor Hcks of Waukagau starteit on s tour ihrough variaus parts of the county. Tbay vil? vîsIt dîffarant dair- les and vilI saa ta vbat citent the rules laid itovu are belua follovait hi the italryrnen. Mr. Coonai- vas be soma uItile urle egaoanitai ibsi urne gava the daîrymen Instructions as to varions changes ha vîshas mait.e, h in ibougit ha vllibch hreataileast s coulIe of veaus. Itlai possible ha mai look Imb the smallpoz situationi in Zion City whtle bars. seaing to vbbt mtant. If ani-. It endaugers the min& supply. à. WAR SITUATION HAITS SALE 0F TROLLEY LINE. War in Europe bas Interfered wlth the reale of the Chicago & Mlwaukee lectric reilway as orderad by the United State Circuit court or Ap- peels. Mater in Chaucery Charles Morrison, wbo was dlrected ta sell the Property, fIled a petition ln the Pad- eraI court In Chicago Monday asklug for an extension of time. *ROWE SCHOOL REUNION THIS VEAR ON 20TH The date of the lirme echoal reunion 'ion lu Aug. 20th, at the old eachool grounds west of wadsworth. It la steted t tat tbàyé«-èèr Of theaioder puIjls of theacheool wbo bav no ate~Iedthe reuu?.on in- Years wili be present andt thue add ta the Intèrest ofthie annuel affeir. OFFICIAL PROiRAM FOR TUEF RI3UNION IS NOW ARRANuiED Committee -in Charge of Sold- iers and Sailors' Reunion Make Arrangements. PROVIDE ENTERTAINNENT. VeteranS Delare Affair This Year WilI Eclipse Any in the N-istoryof Association. Follovung the usuel customi the SoliharsdutSaiora el Lake counn- vuli mach lunruuion ai Waukegau Wadnasday suit ThursaR, Aug 19tb sait 20th ta shaka the bands of aid camraies, nomne of viom bave not met %Ince tic close of the arar.sM tu agLun tait over thaîr stories of bardaiPeansui dangers durlng the itark dais fronI '61 to '65, asuit t ont op tie flvlng, andt ta enbogiza the ites. ail of thsm berces. The soiers suit salbors of Racine sud Kenoua counties isvlrg accept- dait suInvitation ta John vuth Lake counnu- lnreuntati vili ha hare tu force tu belp boom tie occasion. The itixeadsuit cii-councIl are rnaking great praparation ta racaive sud entertain the crovits on tbase dayas, nual abna the aId sliiers but al cornera aId sud Young. - The varions commtteas bsving the reuuian un. baud met and agreed on tbe toliovlng Program suijecita ani- ISECOND MACHINE 0F AUTOISTS SAW FAÀTAÀL ACCIDENT it Developed- at Coroner's In- quest That East-Bound Par- ty Waited for Train. MILLER GAVE NEW FACTS. Tells How Party Approached, Crossing-Were Trying to Induce Guest to Park. - dnability ta ai -tbh., itwae-ft h"- îbi Ràidule tragedy of sanie two weks ego whan fiva livea were last as a Northwestarn train. struck an auto, r«ufla11l the coroner's jury Monday returuing the open verdict. The wit. Dnsses, Miss Alice Iterler and Georgp 31111cr ware unehie to expiain why the auto was it," sait Coroner Taylor, "sud the jury tait ibat the autoigs were aqually to blame wtth the rail- road because the crossing epiproach la n'o worse than the average crosslng abong the system.- Mies Barler wlth the wtuass who, when the Inquesi flrst started, refused ta apPear and tesify. Howaver, li daveiopadie talked much ta repor- ters sud otiiers. describlng. Itlaissait, bow sbe was carriait on the angtue pUot, how she tait hersaîf thrown througb the air, etc. Attnemesquait, however, abe wag very avalve sud le- ticaut. Asked whether she haît masta the remark: 'Lookout for tbe traiN5" she askeit: "tilt soinebodi- Bey tual 1 sahita?" hI asteit iou if i-ou dit?" atit Corý anar Taylor. 0 "Not tiat 1 ramerber-i mont bave tahulcd hefore the train bIt us,' sait The savon boys sud a Mrs. DaMulli, via vas auer the croslng ai the tîme, daciarait thai- earitsorneboiti, a vomans voice ehout: 'LIook out for the train." Wbo sait it canno ha sas- certaliait hecause Miss Bariar and Miller do flot racal. et least thai yl sOt »YI- f ibai- enow, vho sait it. Amother Auto Waited. A uev featura ta tha accident 'blch bas Dot coma out hefore la that anather sutols vaàa e iacrass- lng vbau the train made lils fatal crash. Ha vas on the veat ide and. saaiug the train coma, b0 balltdbhs car sanie distance awai- tue tracks ta permit the train tu pas. liJ. WA1 ( JS J~)W'14, 1914. POUR PVAGEB 81M PER YEÂR IN ADVA1«flL thn Ig I knew of lnipending danger' wam when 1 saw the eW~n.-5 head- liglit reflected on the chauffeur. Then camue the terrible crash. 1 heard n(> body yeII i-oct( out for the trrain.' Barnas the Chauffeur. Thus, the testimouy of Miller and Miss Harler would, hy Infp.rpncp, biame the chauffieur for failure to note the approaeh of the train ai- tliough nether smid so lu w, rny word8 at the irquest. SIX MEN CIIAEF 'WITft ROBERY ARE TAKENAT FOX LAKE Two Village Officers A ff ect the Capture of a Large Group of Men Who Were Camped. ARE BROUGHT TO THIS CITY. Accused of Robbing a Saloon- Are Bound Over to the Grand Jury Under $500 Bonds. Six men, cornposing a veli orgauized gang af thiaves, are nov lylng in the connity jailitli Wankegan. awalting tbec action of the grand jury on. a charge of robbary whlch It la aaid they se- camplehed bY snteriug the Illinois sa- loon et Foi Lake Sunitay avening. The six men warc taken by Marahai George liingham and biB aseistiut, C. Brown, of Fox Lake whie tiey vare encamp- ed lu the fiesnear Foi Lake Man- day eveuing. The twaottficers aucceedait In round- log up the antirs gang and iodged theni ln thc village jaill. Sheriff Green af this city vas callai t t Fox Lake MNonday avcning and hroughtthe cmen t0 Waukegan in an automobile. The men arreateit garVe ibair names as folowa: George Harzoc. Frank Mittgard. Axai Pearca. R. F. D. Beaucourt. Peter Greanbacit. Jack Warner. Ilits stateit that the men entared the Ight ait secureit a large quantty of vhisky and other lqnors. We capturrit by tic tva officers tiare .as ueccssari- changez. This mars, lif Misa Barler, vanît session. The forenaou of the firaI day wilI Doti cama ta tic Inquasi untîl Coroner The men vera gîvenaertg ou ha ivle ta vlsittug among the val- Taylor, datermnei t aeahlm, sent day evenlng and wara heato thet eraus suit friands. an officer tao, lencoeansd ordarei hlm granit Jury untiar bonds of $500 ench. The bauds yl arrive about il a. ni. tiare. Hie evidauca mareli- vas in 2:30 p. sivlI proceeat b Elec- affect thai ha approachait the cr-ose- Sherif Green vas givan a surprise trie park hall ganie. ing, sav the train anc net'alteit. vian ha raacbed Fox Lake ou the 3 P. ta. hall gaea ni ne calier. "fi aav theo ailer auto comng tram trip ta bring the gronp of men ta this 6:15 ta 7:15 P. ni. baud concert la the Ceai but of course fit they vaulit citi-. A teleplione message recalvait front ai O. A. R. hall. alops. The next îîîng 1 knev vas a b hihm gava hlm the impression ibat 8 P. rm. camp f re et Elactrlc paet. crasi-not van- ond bacausa the there vas but one man ta ha brought Camnp Fire Progrsrn. train niaite mci a nois. Then 1 mv a tiath county Jaol vian vian ha ar- 8 p. mn. music, Allaudale boys band, s flash oftfire andt aIl vas quiet for a rivait et Fox Lake hie gazaevga niai Mnsic, Vetaran F andt D dorpa. minuta. Then I1tt',av the ancomiug by the group of six men. lncludlug CallInt oritar. Pres. treenleaa. auto hait bean sim uckad va ail got the officers, tbare vara tan men vho Prayer. out In help the lnurait.' made the trhp back ta Ibis clty In the Sang, Flua Quartette. Tui a n inlasaidt ta bava deciarait automobile. Aditress of Webcom, May-or Biding- lie voulit nat iestify unlesa "some- or. bodty cama acrosvih $25" accord- #U I ALSyI Rasponse, Pros. Greanjeaf. ing ta information «Ivea sms coroner.M SS 1 S Y S Soug, FIni> Quartette. The coroner. hawvvr, nseai big au- ,,,, ElgeT. A. Rey-nolds and tiars. tbortty ar% it aihm ai lie Iuquisiion M IIV K . RA Soug. Fua Quartette. anit ha got notblag for ht À E Y A KF O Munie, Alleuitale baya baud. George Miller. toasai hurt of tie men TR P O M E AdiLesa, D. U. Jouesasnui othars. gave detallai nformation vilci hait Music, Vet, F. sud D. corps. ual cama oui betore._____ Storias, Comrsitaa. In substance ha sait: "We haitfd MuiAttendais, boys bandt. driIvent ram Chicago, lie aigut of us.,.saugiiier of Lake Forest Pro- Remaili, Citisen.suitd comraite. leavlug Chicago ai 4:30. Wa hait a fessor Reaches Home-Ship Munic, Vat . a.nuitD. corps, basket lunch ai Breesita. By the lima Chased by Germans? Daucing et the pavillion during tic va gaitirough vîithor lunch, ve evenlug. found hivas duka sd vs baittto sae Miss Katharine Haisai- vi ana Second Day. tva canitIes vblch oue of the vamen beau lu Europe, attaudlug Y. W. C. A, 9:30 a. m. Business meeting, batl vîti bar, in pick up the dishes. conventon lu Sveden aNi t imient 11:00 Recasa. Tie W. R. C. vilI etc. The chauffeur thon thrav hie convention lu Halant, raturnei tot sarvea dînner au the grounits. Refresi- ligits au the tableaneu afiar thai va Latkeittrasi Tnesday. Sbm came on mania on the groundts botb ays. tartad non?,. the AlltULna steamer Hasperian, 1:30 mnusic Aliatidala boys baud. "*We vers ail haviug a go i tue l saileit froni Gasgovw.&ug. 1 Cal? ta oritor, Pras, Greanleat, sud lrylng ta, Inituca Mise Marier toansui reacheit Quabec Aug. lff-ý Prayer. returu viii us te, Ravinta Park for Afiar thm second day oui thm llgbts Comimauder Dapt. stirkioG Il g77 tia eveïslngs concert but she Instat vmre axtilgulsabndui the vassal vas Aitiress, Bihop Fallava, on goîug ta the Moraine boltai e High- speaditregarilesa of fog sud t er Dept. atlii11 G. A. R. landt Park, vhere aha vas stopplug. danger frounitee ou the nortbern routa, Munic, Vet. F. suit D. corps. Thara vere fiva o? us lun1the bact of The usual course ibnongh the Dirait Aitirees, Voluffmar. tie car. t vas aseaven passetigar of Belle Iolelaesgo infestai thIfeic 3 p. ni. bal game. auto. 1I&astbeiveen tva vomen oauIis SUMmer. ibai ibtheaperian caei 4 ta 6, baud concert, the rear seat vhite Mn.,suit Mr& south of Nmvfotniitiaxi. Uven tie ton Dancing afiarucon ait avanitg. James Beuhani vare an the frot tsent Wvas tuaitluth. Gunl f St. lavrence Other entartainmnta are auto andit viithe driver. (Thai- araeibme(tuas Wbile Do Gannan cruisers vereamn trolley ride, movien i- vsaçan& -" -ware tillai t.. togmubar %btie the mblp vas notifieaitfrout-Offl %s Thilstbe Stii sat reunion a=Z;alchauffeur Mati Taris.) e2t t.eprevenca 0f oftva omita tha ha long remambaffmi. - "Wm vwoe rivIng van- slov as lic nafborbooi of the Miqnedo eans Il vilI flot ha lcoig Ibat the od vals car approachei t he croasing ait' 1 bere thay ig ht vallIot Lfor s uP- can matea aabowing. thon let aveny-1iton'i reaillvbethar ibe chauffeur PIF eo? Ilh bcoal. At Québcime e body -attend sud man t thebmhut r-se- tpvii that spemit or reitucadIl vlie te Hmmi" waas searcheut for OGerm union aven haldI la Le Conty-. ve vara a etthe a. Tie Ira au m >re mtrvw&4 glovat. ZION UAN STRUCK BY FLYER; DIED IN LOCALJHOSPITAL, Matthew Ryan, Employe of the Cook Factory in Zion, Re- ceives Fatal Injuries. HAD BEEN TO WAUKEGAN. Returning Home, He Stepped From Behind One Train In- to Path of the Flyer. NMattliew RYau. aged about 61)i l' 1" et 3014 Emmaui. avenue. Zion City,1 was struet and fataily Injured by ab ('hIcago and Noth Western fiyer nlu Zion C'ity shartly after seven oclock ,ionday evening. Hle was rushed toi theat' tane MeAlister ospofal in Wa kegan, but (ied thîs mornlug ait Ilre iasteellnto fwr s o'clock. - rybody who loges anything. avery-1 body wlio wants te buy anthing or MNr. Ryan had resided ln Zian (City reut fit or salli t, uses Sun ads every fer two yaars, bavlng moved thera tîme hYwtreuâ.POL from Chicago ta take a Position asWAC TES ML.AS N racelvlng clcrt for the Cook hlfftric TUE SUN. camPany. a concern wlth whom ha _______ ha ee onetdfor sevarai years.OV [lie waa anc of the mont veluable men R 4TP lu the office force of the Cook plant. i ISO E Hc quit work about rive o'iack M A M N MNonday night and tack the train ta M AU E T BUT Wsukegan that leaves Zion City shrty ftrtht eu.Ha returned D RIVEY R E C P ta Zion City on the train tbat arrives thereaia 7:06 p. m. As the train pull- cd ont be walked behlnd it, crossing Inexplainable Termination of the tracts an thc Shiloh boulevard Accident on Dugdale Road, crossipg- near the depot. Ha did not South of Waukegan. note tlie approach of the flyer on the south bound tract as the noise or th. departlng train druwned ail other NOT DEAD,_BUT DEAD DRUNK Bounds. This train does net mate ar %top a- Zion and passes througii that Victim Was Declared to Be city et a raPld rate of Bpecd. Dead by the Men Who Rush- Tbe victim waa burleit some little ed to Scene at Once. distance andt ianded et the ide or the traclt. The train was stappeit aud Waukegsn, Ang. 12. backed ta the dapot. Ryan dtd flot T atpe vra6fo ma seni ta think that bis injuries vers eb ipdoera6fn mak serioug andt at tirat astait that ha be ment and av ohebrge andlilgbt ieft alone. Ha vas llfted lute the wagor% fail on top of hlm andt yet ap- haggage car. howcver and waa Parantly escape wittout Dnm burt- brought te Wau'iegan viare the Con. Probabîy because ha vas no drunk thint rad au.d Uart ambulance vas waiting he couldu't be hurt-vas the expar- at the dapot. Ha vas removed tet the Jane NIcAlIster hospl with ail pas- lance Tuesday evenlng 0f Wodrlck sible haste. Ail the way ta the hos- Hnu wba ]ives on Tant?, atreet near Pital ha pratested agalusi being toFi- the elsctric lina. au te the hospîtal as ha sait bis In. The accident toot place on the Dug- Jurica ware not auffcisutly serions to dale roait Juet sout?, of taenth, atreat warrant this being doue.abu ieolok Dir. E. P. Gavîn, thc rallraad com- panys physiclan andi surgeon, vas A Weuîegan autoist wae comlug waiting at the haspital. Ha conduct- home tram Ubertyville. As ha reach- ait an examnation and hecame con- Id the spot, he a 5evtvamen ln the, vinceti et once that the victirn as roed, ana holding a tlorse and they lr,.j suffering of InternaiIinjuries. lu ad. formaithlm amit raet excilemeut: ditian ha had suffcrad a savare gaeh "Tip ovar: man dead lu the ditcli." on the lett leg, a compaund fracture The autaiel luveatlaated, found thet of the fibula or amaîl bouc af the log, man lYing under the ahana 0of the rlg Bavera brutes on the lefi blp and on but, iliteait a1 belt'g dead. ha vas the torchead and a deep cut an bis brealhing beavily.t riglit anm. Not iteai-but baitly hurt," sait As soon as passible the victlm's theasutoist. Ha than triai tet get the vite and twa o nmlu Zian City ware men ta help lift the vIetîni lu the uotlfiad af the accident and ihey bas- auto te taka hlm te the hoapital but tenai tet the haspital. Oua of the thay declineit. Hurring ta a phone. sons remainait WIth bis father ai tbe aulolsi callari Courait and Hart nlgbt bu the grief of the vite and andit tey ruslied the ambulance to the other son vas go great that thay re- Be. rrlvad thara theY roundt the turnad ta Zion. iclIM'a son had arrIvea sua, vltni Ryan, vas not affiliated it vii ny of the twa forelguers was mat pullng the secte lu Zion. It la beileveit the tie wagon off the man's body snd inquest will ha bald this atternoon or vara about. te re-hlteh the berna tonighl. vhich tha forelguera vho baitbeauq _______________ cellei tetatha scena y he m.mng yclI- ing an.i the horse's kicleiug, hait un- SEA CIIS AR OR hitchedin lathe irst place.t SEAR HESfÀR OR he abulncemen fait sure the vti as badly burt. Tiay startit IIORSE; FINDS IT AT tectîk m t h opva u h so naiitad an tating hlm hgme. NEA BY EI III RSThere Dr. Jolley was calad. Ha told tbem of bavIng the horse; Peu- nock neyer consuited the police, but, on fanding the animal bad eecaped the panture, be startad a search inl the neighborbood but later werut into the country as fer as Wadsworth. lie oh- tained no dlue. Tuesday of this week, Mr. Coigrove edverted the borne In the Sun and Pennocýi got It back about 4:30 o'ciock -Juet about twa blocks trom where ha lises. MORAL-If yau lbat a borne, etc gparch about the nelghhorhood berore You bother going Into the cuntry look- img for II. Anther Instance of the eficlency of _%n adls: Charles Russell, county road iomssionar, inserted an. id telling of the lons of a tai l lght and lcense tag of an auto. Thla mornlng M. Ai- dadlaite touf calledl the Sun office aud sait lie bad the articles lu ques- tion. Tait about the quis'k work of Sun. ads! John Cqlgrove Holds Horse Whilè 'N eighbor Goes Into Country in Search. Wautegsu, Aug. 12. That a persan vbo logess s horse, s cov or any animai, shoulit Inlu vestîgate lu biseinimediala nelgbbor- hoot 'Meforeaspandlrag imeansuiteffort la golng far lo the country-, vas empiasizeit Tuesdai- vben Mr. Pan- nock of the noribveet aite, recovenait bis borse, for vhlch ha hait beau aearchlng eluce lest veet Weduesitay. Rm toundIt In luaebasa vutil. tva blocks of hils ovuhome. Joha Col- grava havlng taten Ibm animal lu charge vian Ih strayed luto buhe ar ai tha mlectrlc rosit auitGranit avenue, Thursitai-mornlng. Mr, Colgrove calleit the police ait colfnîano naInjuries bnt fetthIere nilghb haInternai burts sa suggesteit thai the victini ha teu to lia haspl- tel. "No, jusi itrunt. bat drunt. He's1 beau that vay befora," sait tbe vIte, andt bar protasi prevalisit. The dot,- tor vas parti- of lie sanie conclu- sion and finally lafi the victinietaiei1 home, suit, ta date t ia not tronovu vhatber serions itavlopmnns hava arisan or not, The victini muet hava fallen direct-. hi- unitar the borasbaessthe barse snrely' muat have tramplait about cou- sidarably afier tallung over theamarn hsuniment. tia vagon vas upaite1 itand sitalmoat oves the vitîim- thus, boy ha ascapait serions Injurias la Oeeof thase unsecauciable accu- dents vierein sanman vho la baaslly itrunt le able to escape helug burt ville Ona vio mishi ha sober voulit havaenianyzboues broten unitér ulut- lier circuàitucas. t0 Knaack Drug Store at Deer- f ield Is Invaded by Masked' Young Man Carrying Maga- zine Revolver Which He Used Effectively. LINED UP CUSTOMERS AGAINST COUNTER AND MADE CLERK SURRENDER Most Sensationat Robbery of, the Kind in Many Years in Lake County-Auto Loads of Men Pursue Rot>ber But He Eluded Them and Is StiI at Large. - A votng manî, wearing a bie hid(kere~hief as a inask, andlcrring a magazine re- vovrand backed up witha deterination to make good at bis hold-up gaine, entered the T. J. Knaack drug store at Deerfield at.- 9 o'clock Tuesday evening and lined five etistorners ilp againts the counter. Hie then ordered the elerk, Charles Russell, to open the tili. Taiking the con- tents-$30-the daring thief haeked out of the store, with a warning that he would shoot the first man to make a move after him. 1The robber then escape througli a carn field au tha MerrIman place, é althougb a haIt dosan autos loadeit vlth men vho quickly armai t tem- sel vas, started ln pursuit, and althougb many men aiarted a huni througb the corufaeld anit uearby ferme, no trace of the roibar vas securet Litéto date nana bas beau touat. Il was the mosntitariug robbary tbe village of bearfli or vlciiy ba evar ha. That ail intareatet are.. escapet vîthout being luJurad la cou- aiderait forfuuate because or th@ tact that thay ail, ai irai, coasidareit the entrauce or the masked men os as Jokeand et firit atartad tu, tre&t fh as sncb. Hovever, Si dit flot iake ibe visitor. long ta impreas upon thom la tbe store, that ha meaut husins.& lu the store ai tha turne the rab. ber eutered, vara thes e il knoWa mati of the village: Dr. Knaack, fethar of druggial Harry Muhlke. Ed Clsppmr: Lester Stanger. Char-les Nuil.clark. T. J. Knaset. When the rebbary vas going on, the proprlalor was la the raar 0f ibe store, back of the prescription parti- tion. Ha hourd the gommotion. »tort- a oui to livaaiigate, av therevolv- er laveliad et bie cleit and iben bus- lai back sitar bis ovu revolver de- terminait to "gai" ihe tobýer. 310v- evar, ha aisies ha couli t otfini bi avu weapou, ibarefore Knaack sgt mained quletly la the rear 0f tue store vhila the robbar fitiahaitnis t&M whicb, appareuuiy, vas velI ezecutait sud doue as if ha ver.s aprofeasoaL. Cornes ln Qulatiy. The robber enieraed tm torery quietly sud ratiear uidealy am, ai though ibe village atrfte es ae lm wtth People. uoboity remcallsesmaa hlm waît along alb. stretmeHals peareit as hy mage la the do«wavy or the store suit ditflot lam ay lime makiug bis demande kBova. Walkling quloktly dovat. the alalie or the store. 'ha slid oajml. as hoadai. dressai tiha Ove oustoumari la the Place: "Gentlemen, yen yul plm lUneup s5mngibmhe ounter send donb maea avaor Smabody vilI gmt hurt. QUICLckrasulu s burry.» The mcanaIl vue standing et the lime saidthebmrobbmr tin.turnait te Russell. tha clark blbia the couatar. "«Opanthat MI ansd gîve me tiches- eY,' ssld ihe rohher as ha Ptmated the gun ai Russeliasl. i »Utiembi (Coutinuitounpage Ibrea 1 ADij WOILDNT TRUST MONEY TO BOIKS 0 ani g bet- REN RICICVINC. fi -l a q h p ti a ti d t t IRAý lmwulàâv IA 1flIA lDà%TTIM -A-- 'l'

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