CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 Aug 1914, p. 6

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Cj By« Urv. and Mmr diW and Sun Bamrrlnt.1 turned wZh t B. A. wtgoi 'Tueeday. and scored wben the catcher threw wjld WARPJMMON tu an effort to bead hm off at third.J ~enfl9S t I e got Our fourth and final mun lu the Mir. and tIrs. Win. Hutchinson o! 1 eigth on two nice bite and a sacrifice Wnukegan, @pett mt week bore with ild this gave us whast proved to he a tioiý son George. sale margîn. There was a decided carrity Of bite on Mise Marie Kelly axocm1)nnied by ber botb @ide@ but we bad na.badp in thrit au"&, mies oeSeyl pnl~ department and there wu@ cor uch mouth et Denver, Col. T. F. SWAN doubt ne to the oulcome for Rudy wu@ Mr@, Buchanan and ebildrenofChicago. ondent and Agent going good and the bovs were gving are iitiung wtb àdre. John Kelly. ý bm almost perfect support. Mr@. Barrnatable bas returued te her _______The score: home in Chicago ater a lew days viait d'e Studio-Prrig , Am&a AH R B P A E boire witb ber eon, Erneot Barnotable. Kngge. lb .............O 0013 i1 0 iWin. Gomtel@peut Satur. Davis, 2h ...........4 0 0 1 U 0 Mr. and lite. James Rynu are enter- lay with relatives near T. Dortler, .......... 4 1 1 10 () O tainlug relatives tram Chifago. The former@ mother ty . ~Dorier, p....... 3 0 0<I1i1)l0O Miss RazelToa ite Wug 0. Kng, e ........ 4 1I O 1 ho 1vii dWn 0a be-e ater @pouding four J. Dfrtr3h ........4 2 2 0 2 1 friende ans day lait week. place. llsted, r! ...........3 0 0 1i 1 0 Mr. and li. John MeCaun entertained Swan, rf If........... 1 040)0o Oof 'n wa4 a Chicago visitari OUMIf-............ 2 0 0 0 0 0a nnmýr aChicaga rienda lat week. IM rr .. ...........i t)o 0O0 O O 0 MrS. Barry Flaod returned from Violet Porteoue la maklng an ex tended visit witb relatives it Wheaton. b Un. Chas. Wait and grandeon a! Chicago, are spending the week et theD iiuîy homne. li. WilIlKaige and Mr@. Louiseç 8pecht versChicago visitorsMa iaday. Mr@. Brt Swan vit bhem chftdren le 4epeuding the iweek viihbhem etter ceai Jîeflny. L. E. Hamden epet Sunday at bu larmer home in Antiocli. tire. Sylveter Schiele le viitiug thie week vitb relatives lu Michigan. Edwamd Fisher ha@ secured a position In Chicago and etarted to vont this veek. Keuneih Emamer of Highacd Part, apent Sunday wiîb is graudparents, M. sud tire. S. A. Kramer. Dorothy Hôlcomb. wbo le ntteu.ding achool IluCcago, vue, home aven Sun.- day. Rachel and Helen Sheldon are epend- Iiag the veek with relatives la Morgan1 Park. Be. J. Scott Carr of Faimmount, lad.,j le vsettng vith hia dauglîtene, ti rs. L. E.1 Newton and lire. K. . Du. Mise Kathyf ne teluback ytnrned fiueday ta bem home lu Chicago ater au extended viit witb ber cousin, tirs. E. 0. Wells.1 Leo Foulai and tamity left thîs wsek1 Jom a vist vitb relatives at Stevens 1 i5ginla, Wis. Rira. E. 8. Bîuhm la ontertaiulug her toutles, Gladys HuteinsaifGleuview, &»d Mtte Richards ot Prairie View. 4 4 2713 1 Naval Station A B R H P A E Dri,me ...............4 002 1il Neu, c ................ 2 0 012 O 0 idotee, p...........4 0 01 3 O Baytoîi. lb........... 4 Oi Il1;)0 i Snapp, ab............. ilO0O0O0 2 1 Meyer, *2b...........30 0 2 1 1 Cuter ................ 3 O O () 0 O Gravt,c.......... ...3 i i O O O Meiteon, r! .............'. 1 O 0 i1O0 O 1 2 24 7 41 Ai.........2o0 0001 1 x-4 Naval iStation .... 0 0où O 0O0O10-1 suiîmary: Twa base bits, BaYton; sacrifice bits, Meyers. Munson. Dri,Stvan, Kcigge. R. Iar.iier, @truck out, by 1 iot ler 9, by Niantes 12; base on balla, off PornIer 3, off Montes 1; staien bases, Graves, J. DornSer 2. T. Dorfier. Tliree bits in twenty-seven incings pretty poor, eh' Cap King mac bnck and mande a dandyi catch of î'utters My ini tbe serentb for the third out. Rudy & cepted ten fieldlng chances hoide facuicg dnioftbe opposition. The wind made It mighty bard to drive nut any long ones om t wonld hnd there been any of that klnd on tnp. J. Dorier carried off the bitting honore of the battie getting exactlY hall of the bingIeo made off Moteesa dellvery. We doc't suppos that It le neeeery to teit yon that we go to Wankegau next dnuday fon a game witb MeCamns team at the sou. th @ide groucds. If Von aresaloyal fàu ynu willsbowyoun colons by making the trip wtb the home boys and giving them jour moral support. Mir. and lire. Lumm sud dnughter ai1 GILMERj Dauth, Mina., have been ipendiug the pet fortnlght wth Mr. and Mr@. 1. E. Mn. and lira. E. V. Orvis o! Waukegnn. Payne and Mr. and lins. F. C. Shaddle. visited relatives lu ibis vieinltY over S. L. Trlpp tet lait week Sunday. tur a tntsp hraugh Illnois, Io wa, JohitAmauu and daughter Auna and &ud Kéasesand will visit wibh friende Mary Boehms ai Chicago, epeut Sunday a»d a"istve on the way. with Barney A mann and family. Nie Minute and Frances Myer BASE ALL»returned home Monday niternoon alter *AU SA.I...viltlng relatives in Chiago the latter The local boys chalked Up anather part ai tihe week. vltOry Uend&Y WhOn they tOak the Mleî Barbara Amaun vlited ber Naval Station teamr inta camp by a parents ons day ast week.' moo 4 to r. Inldeatally Rady kept AI Am.« la vistlng hie hyothsm, Dos op lé i»ng tre ad lt tevsitrsAmss fer a couple af wssks. A--e wstn u- nàe, ans0t vnsen va doaeldof ithe. scrtch aider sud the ouly rua sored againt hlm cames lu on a sapittei that broke so lov that it; got awoy lic. Toay ud the runure cored Ir" tbird. Ttiklg 1* alI thiough 1* vas a prsttj mane te at sor nthse home boys vus playlng gond bal bebln tismir aterlieg spit b ansd thei ehancisfor vwi" mg ainlas ers mlhty p e - llmss. lorthéi vistais wn plbeMsga pretty gond hesnd of baiaid it vwu hl@ work tbat kept tihe score 40vn a t our. Tii.esDora got thoir only markei la ths elglth on a very metby bit hi (froyer. The. hallvent dowu ta Jas on t hird sid btsthrow had the rouer ushet et firt b s couple aoftest, but tihe umpîree&alld Il sale. Ha ibIse second, vt ta third os te noanut anS seored whsaon maifRd'a mulet shoots bit tihe gi-oued ln front eit the pan aud iquitsd ta the bacli top. The locali put ove- a cquple cikrksetu the second ou es enor, a IM bl J. lorfier and a sacrifice M sab atd an ithe. ssvnth vhea JO$ led au wt blé esecond emateMol, secod 8. L Trlp. proaidont. Philllp Amas tot lait veek Frlday ion Lauslng. Nicb., ta attend hua aunt'i, Mr$. H. Coi-as, ueraI oi thit place. Mri. and lim R. D. Amas s@put Fs-day et LbertyviUe. $395 coliete F. 0. D DtM i For hfl tparticulars and demonstration, write4ca j or Phone 161-J. Warren A. Nicholas R. F. Rosas VIes President., Irving E. Payne, Catier. -I A SAVINGS ACCOUNT Means more independence, a better home, btter education for the children, more comfort and happiness. Isn't it worth while to begin right now with a dollar or. more? We pou 3% Compound nterest 3% TH1E CITIZENS' BANK ARIA. ILL1 u..~m [Id. Bmud~ Y~ Boumes. Ilomee5 Waukegan Tuesday. where she was called byths erfousilItnwseo! hem littie grand daughtem. Mr@. Ernet Barntable spent Tueday wlth friends lu Zon City. ,1 Mimses Mary and Olive Kelly of Chica- go, are ipendlng the week bey, with Mies Roeetta Carrolt hasl returned to Chîcago ailter a week's etny here witiî her parents. Tho@. Colh.v, a reslident of this place but of late years has reelded wth a sister ili the south, le spendinig n few daye bere wiah aId friende and! aequaitit- State luspector (aaley, acrompianied by Inopector Hlets ot WaukegatL, was lD thIl viinity Tuesdn.v lnspëetilig the dary berde o! farmners ber@. Qualitv-tloyd'e Studio-Pries riglît. Misses Tilt sud Blanche Mitchell @Pont the week-end wlth Mr. and Mr@. Hînton at Riverside. Marlou Lewis of Chicago, bas@beenr visiting ber aunt, Mr@. J. A. Mason. à Oladys Hutchinga ot1()lenview, epent meAt week with ber cousin, Myrtie Richards. Mr.nd Mrei. Beblendorf of Arlington jHeigbts, are visiting tbeir son, Chas. and family. Mrnd tirs. F. Lubkeman bave ai thein gueos, the formera@ sîster, MIr. Meyer aud î.hildren from Chicago. S. E. Kuedier and famlly spent Suuday at Nortbfietd. Myrtie Nelson of Dowcerî Grove, la speudiug a week with Bertha Steen. r M. W. Knedler and son Ted werei Chicago visitors Tueeday.1 J Mra. H. Coon retuned from iamp- Ssbire on Monday. AIma Krueger of Chicago, and Calta rRuilhereen aofItouelle speu t Satumilay aud rSunday at the former'@ home. r M. and Idra. Fred Berger and daugh- tera of Chicago, are viitlng Nr. and rar. C. C. Eleeert. Mr@. Emma Krneger nd son Chas. are s peuding Iwo weeka wlth relatives lu Sherburn, Miun. LZURICJ John Waeht.m sud tamllY eufaY a nov Hudson car. Chai. Codsssud Walter Prehâm taok lu ths, sigbteaiat RLveiev Park Ilut *uuda.. Auna FrakanS Cel* Solp ore vtstlug relativea l (imego tis vask 111fU .Prhm bei bongit a automobile of Citas. Andrewesud his son Albert, te snry Boeklujae, wvhm asacteds station agent af the P. L. Z. & W. R. Bl. the lait yeaî, viii esigu hie position the fiet af September. Henry bai made many fraunda bore sud Mey are sorry ta have hlm leave. James Davidsou. manager ai the eamery here ià speuding a tva wseke vactintla Canada. M. and Mr@. Dan Smth and daugliter ai Belpit, Wls., are spending tva vaes Vacation bore. Misse dafebolz ni Bqlit, ia îtaylug a Wm. Prehm, Our village marshat fi clesaing up the luxe abois by cutting the veeda. A. J. Redmoud' la building a garage at hie summer home bers. F. Hoef t l doing the vork. Ed ward Brandlng of Cblcamo,filapend. ing a vacatian vitb bis parente bers. Fred Folk sud Albert Hoef t are laid upý wlth rbeumatlsma at pissent w rittng. 4uite a number tram be-e attended the dancest Deer Grave tast tlunday nlgbt. Reidents ut Wnukegan and Lakte Cuty have been asked tbiough aù- vertisementé in the Sun ta keep a wratch for two dogs who have dlsap- peared. Dr. Belîown tact a valuable hutlag dog sorne tîme ago aad 19 acaurngu the conty I'. an effort te find IL. P. McArthur of IMt. Carm Ill, I letri'lng ta ffida bulîdog whlch was loa*t off a train at Roadaut. The dog was In tse haggage car but sac- ceeded in llpplng the caltai and chain and leaped through the. oPe 400v. The lant seen of the animal h. was boudins toward Wssgegan. Quallty-Boyd'i Studio-Price rlght.- DYeetietd Day, Aug. 29. A reai 'Home Comiug" rbhance tý) ueet ail your nid friende. Mies eFrancei and lualel Bidersledt rare ipendlug their vacation at Paw PaW Lake, Mich. tIrs. Fred Schwab entertained the Missionary society o! St. Paule Ernge- lient church lait Thursday. Mien Mahel llegert ipent sereral day. at the home of Mies Grace Sclroeder. Misa Elizabeth Beicheit gave a picnlc for hem guesa Misses Margaret and Gertrude Schnleder o! Jefferson Park, Fiday on the river. Labor Dar svaning the SunadaY achool of the Preshyterian church wyul bald a bandkecbli estle and lawn social onD theI lawn of the Ifichlt, Jr., home. Mise Marions Smltb of Minneapolis, min., la vislting nt the homne of B. H. Eresa. F. E. Mayer of the International SUn- day sbool 49ssocation was iu town Tuesday calliug on aId friends. W. W. Clark and wile are '.î'iting tîceir son, Wen. Clark. Miss Grace Scblie was 111- week-ecd gueet o! Mise Mamie iljs îmof Ilighlauad Park. lin Frida.y aiternoon ti fanerai (Il the infant socniftir. and lire. %m. Shestie was bield in st. Paule ail l;e(). ott o! sycatîtore. 1 1.1, îm vîisingi relatives and friende. Tuesday tirs. Fred t tiand cbldre.'n1 1 Texi'., retrnced hoine aft- esln-liDa n couple oailîuotbs ami)iîg î,Iat:'.îs and !iecde. B. H. Kess and sou Carl are viéitlug lu Voltaire, N. Dakota. M. and Mmrs Ed Bleiiuuebi andi @Ona retnrned Saturday iran Gýrand Rapide, M ichigan. lire. Chester Weeliîng and son 01 ins. J. A. Strykerand children returced Thursdny baving selnt seerai days ln St. Chantes, 111. Mims.Dorothy Si.pple. Sîisie Easton. Doothy Recheit anul Lllian Sbvnb were the geata at n bouge .paty givec hy Mie Kiucsid of larrngran. last week. Mr@. Hess of Chicago. wns the week. end guest noftire. J. C. WÇolff- Mrn. and tira. Hnrry [lotes and anu spent Suudsy at Bei wyc, .,i at the home of C. H. Botes. Mir. and Mm. Zabler wene called to Litentyvilte Sunda. iy the enddeu deatb ni Mis. ZahIer'o tatiier, Mr. Sebrect. Fred Rorsuhorger as thoir Sunday guaste, Mri. and tire. John Laits o! Irving Paît, sud tMrs. Oea. Bock aud cblidren o! Highland Park. C. B. Eastou and Mm. Nabel Shaier have retunued fromn a week's amy iu Grayalake. tira. Qoo. letter ai Chicaga, sPeut aeveral dey@ vîth relatives. returing' hom Thnreday accompausied by hem mother, tira. A. Snyder, who viii viit lu hiaofor anme lime. Harold Vant e ipending bu vacation at lte Dette acd Peubine, Wi., wl tbtir. Hasebro. b Radis Kuaak @pent dunday vith hie parent, Dr. sudMli. Knk. Msse. O. 1. Rockenbeeb entsrtaiued tseLadle' iissioaaij eclety of the Preahytemian cbumeh Thuraday alter.. REVNION 0F TUE SURIÂNFAUTL The third annual reunion 0! the Shei- man iamiiy, decendants of Pine an d Btsy Edie Sheman vas heldsat itie home of Mn. and Mis. Z. D. Roat at Park Ridge, Ili., Tburaday, Aug. 13, 1914. Thene uere 56 persons presut. Ohio vas represented hi 7, Wisconsint 3, Oregon 2, Pecusylvnia 1. upto about 4 o'ctock 54 bnd reglsteisd, being the. @am@enumer that attendsd the reunlon ai Cbag. n. Lamb home st Gumuse lait Augnet. but o!1sshlchtilve lu number hbave died antd 31 wers others whn vers nat press l ast year. The gatbering vas beld aIt what la kauvu as 'Aung Othets' home, One ni the second veneration of vhlcb there are noue living; o! the third geuenatioc there are 18 living, th@ isit heieg toerth and fiftb generatiace. AIl enjoyed the dpby of vsiting and at te business session the preeeut olicers were re.electod: James P. Sherman o! Grayslake, Ili., preeldeut; Mis Z. D. Root of Park Rtidge, Ili., vice president; Cayl Sherman Lamb of Pittsbumg, Penn., seretary aud tyaiuier. Ta mast vltb Mr@. fletha Sherman MorriUà at Bine Island, Ml., the iecond Thursdaj le Auguet 1915. On Salai-day, Aug. 15, a piente vas held ln Lincoln Park, Chicago, lu bonor ai tbe relatives o! ather @tate@, ail vbn vsre able ta do so atteuded and hsd one more day togethei-. The 0h1o idelegatiou came vis autoansd vlsited lu 1111 nais and Wiscosn betore isturnlug ta Ohio. Independant reachea aU isolats le lke Cousti. Id.. fer thewGlas Rangs& Tt ilent Weil known, but a mi-ral wul refleet beat as Weil î.5lght. AI mont nny hrlght a 'urface wlll. Bo If a brlght plece of tUn were placefi under &Ul the humnera of a gas range marS lient would be saved. 1 Thoebwa.ersnul Coty sup-krlii 01n o!Hibâ'sand eseCe the rîghrto eeet ofy atighail tuiewifthe igeeni h 1<, t anystu atiterdat f th deTonit onîte an to d". t)nted ut'eIlicoim. Ibis Itti day f Aiiit A l 11)i 1 CHAS-. E. RUSSELi.L' O. Sept. (If Blîcli- M HIGHWAY NOTICE PUBLIC LETTINGO0F CONTRACT Notice Ile 'reby itiven tînt sealed pro- pos4aIs nuli b..recelced by the uîîder*igiied Cou,îiiisolelreofiii 1gb w'ave iof Fi,4,1îut Townî, for the building u! île Viekery bridge, a six (6) foot @pan, infiucrued concrete bridge tocared neur the eiter ai the e,.ilîwest % of $et. 18, in the Town of Fremant, about ane and on. hallf miles nrrtf.westemty train Amen, ta b. bulit lu scordance wîth plane snd. specilfestlons prepareel by (P&a. P. Russe»,Count, Superiutendent oai Hlgh- ways. aud on fle at bis afile aud wltb the Tuwn Clemk, or each hlddsr may îrubmlt hie nwn plan sud ipeicilon, Isud plan snd specifieatlon ta conforma wlth the plan and rpeclteatian on fils ai ta dimensions and any bld aceepted on auj other plan and iemificatton titan those ou fle wîit have ta caufarm with Stats requlrementi aud te appmoved by Chai. E. Russell, County Superlutendent of Hlgbwvy, and the iltate fHighways Departuient ofIlltinois hefore vomIt le commenced. Sealed proposais will bc yeeived at the foui of tva p. m,, on the 22 day of Auguat A. D. 1914, et the meeting Place in the Village of lvnoe, tîtînols. Esch blditee yul ho îequlned ta lt wirhb ii a ertlfled check for an aitiunt Dot lee than lwenty.llve ('-), lier cent of tbke amount of bis bld: said eertitSed ceWk ta ho made payab:e to il. C. W. Myerts, Treaenrem ,of Fremont Town, ai a giaranntee of gond failli chat î! awarded contract , that lie or they wvll promptly enter Intoame and fil- good and aulliint SuretY Ltond.-4esqua -untract prit-e-le sanie reliable Liability Insturance Comtpnydoîng lusîneesglu the State o!Illinolm. or su-h ,ther bonid as May b.. acceptable ta the Slipenlnten- denti and Commiissinera of itoad4. 'The v ertilled check of thelunucessful biddor# 1 yul be returned sscion as caittmnet la awamded, but the check of the suceeseful bidder wuli ho retaiued uil he or tbev habve tlled a gond and sufficient bond according ta advertisement. sThe wî.rk la ta hoc etamted luinlures ti8) weeke from date o! cittact and coin- pleted in aixty (60) days front date of ntract , in ho paid for by Fremout Townuon cômpletiîîu aud accep"tance o! iwork. - Q.a. FRWI? W"he5 ladies- of' tie chro iIiiîôhwdliEeméati refmeaiînents ou the grounds at ressonable î.nies. COME EARLY AND SPEND THE DAY. DeCoudres Bros. Phone 53 Grayslake, 111. The Dairy Cow Makes tlon.ey...., Where pastures are green the whole season. Talk with the average Lincoln county fariner and get first-hand information. luvestigate for yourself before you buy. The state commissioner of inmmiigrationî furntshies us the following statistics: LINCOLN COUNTY YIELD FER ÂCRE, 1913 Wheat...................... 18.5 Oate ....................... 28.9 Rye...................... ..17.9 Corn................... ..... 28.8 Barley.................... .. 23.2L Potatoes ................... 135.0 Hay and Forage..........1. 3 tans AVER&GE RAMAYLL IN INCHES FOR THE PÂlT 10 YEÂARS: Janu ary............... .8 2 May.. ....... 4.35 Septessitr ...... ...... 4.00 February ...........s1 Jne................05osOctober.,............. .3.8 Marci..... ........... 1.50 Juty..... ..... 412 N vm e April... .............. 2.21 Auguat............... 3.64 I)ecernber...... ....... 1.2à 'Votai Average..... ....33.83 luches Total average for May, Jane, July aud Aug. (when crops nosS it mo@t) 17. 16 jechea AVIERÂGE TEMPERÂTURE FOR PAST 10 YEÂR PEIOD January .... ..............12 February ................ 12 Mardi........... April. . ............... 4 May ..................... 5 June .................. ..6 July ................... 7 Augutit............. ..... 67 Ocptober................4 November ................27 December ................16 Last week's trip to Lincoln county, Wis., 1 sold to the following parties: Chas. Byerly, St. Augustine, Knox Co., Ili., partly impnoved 160 a. for $4500; Dave Smith, of Avon, Fulton C., Ill., partly improved 80 for $2800; G. M. Brown, Knoxville, Knox ('a., Ill., ukim- proved 120 . for $2900; C. A. Harise, Swan Creek, Warren, Ca. Ill., unimproved 80 for $1400; ('barley McKay, Avon, Fulton Co., Ill., unimproved 80 for $1000. With the party wqâ also Sam and Cbarley Taylor, Tom Jenmings and wife, thnt hmd bnught last faîl. Tbey snid "the more we seé of the country the hetter we like it" and 11this cut-aver land beats paying rent", "Ibig improve- ment ainces Int year," "levery teamn we met going ta town was loaded with gometbing ta soîL". "Say, Boyd; thnt Mr. IHapper fîom Toronto, Kan., cut 10 ton of claver and timothy from tint 4 acres" and-but go and see for yaurself. You wiUl buy the same ai thsse people diS, for we bave ail the envirau.rnents for the making of the beat Dairy Section in the IUited States. Prices on pa4rtly improved land, $3G ta $70 per acre Cut-over land............. .. .$12 ta $25 per acre Fare refunded buyers. Trip every week. H. D. BOYD,-Gen'l Ageut, Libertyvile LOEBHAMMEL REALTY COMPANY MEflFO», WIS. CHICAGO OF'FICE. 205" Marqutte Dldg. We7showthe Iand fre:of cost to you. We are owners Trades Made. i 14 .5 AI j MA --Ass cli 1local1 sec ur. practi r.'coM <-r cli( tciti '.ilat'r i ilkt. rat fi ti , 1-. 1 câlil sire' ]1.- ai] part-rit lhf ilicr lt, g hi, i f ast tv lit rit c i liTIL Ip î,ki '.,cur(,i bis wii it b er his arr Accu lia ry iiril t lnulil ing an le mur ltai pi h.. bas intendF be'fore conin Secs. came c the mn 980 -an abando le Fan 11 ,, 1 1 SCORES OF Youit NEiGBBoRs DFPOSIT 'IRE!R 8ÀvîNs IN OtTE BANK. WUIY S11OU1.1)N'T YOU PB<>TECt'YYîîun SA%.iC~,l.. WEa PAIY8% 1INTEREBT oN S. IN4;s The First National Banik Uàb.styvlil, I Capital and Surplus, $50,000-00 Rosourcss ver $30O.O L,5 choice lots, 5 cottages, Hotel &I 3acres ON DRU CE LAKE IDOOD.

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