UMMAàE- COUNTY INDEPENDENT, F1U1)A Y, AIJOUST 28,1914- HICHWAY NOTICIE. CMAN4OEV NbOTICE, t* a nh *n 'I L. As9hore of Late 1Mchigar. and atc. PUBLIC LETTINQ (W COI4TRACT Stato of Illinois, County af Lake. s. RATON LOOKSI an"atLak Foen; le careshha FOR BRIDGE WORK. Circuit Court of Lake County, Oct- i lauWUai LakEForestMhe chagesflij Anna ShaX v. E1ar914. Sia aa local sagesln that township was LIBIERTYVILLE TOWN. -terniaw.v. E1914 . E ShNw, Inay@ Ieleeted after pledging hil atas- Noie eheey eleiChancery, No. 6936. IW NNERe ruper 8nsp the tax dodgers of that tawn for Noiel eeygiven thai ele The requlelte affidavit having been the year of 1913; that a biord of Re- Proposais wili bp e rrlved at thse rf. ,fileid ln thse office of the Cierk of Raid The Antiocli news bas thse foiiow- vIew ai the county seat cut them lice Of the TowD (1er'i of Libertyviile1 Court, notice le therefore hereby giv- Wjîih the above heading the Wood- I- aByo .V r,8 addt çn n de jeanutt h Town, b> the ('onmisîoners of 1-1gb- e te ftice sai<1 EdwardIB. Sihaw, tise tr.(ita say f E. V Orfe candidate2cwnsand aded aflr e aaunt 10 tis waYs 0f sald Town and tire load and 'defaîrdant aboyea ninrd tireit thesa aova tlubla fA, s li ad'frcut> ug:West Bide of tisa county. People ln l~'ig omorpof'i named Complainant beraetofore iiîed 1Blecent reporte front Lake l'ounty %Va beileve wlien E. V. OrviesSayn X.'aukegan who know "E. V."1 eay of fl oard 0fber BilloYComlaint in said Court, ar athr' tthtHn F l hwili appoint a non-politicai iBoard hig oarluhefettitHn.rdhofav Word l1a5 d s h .. ond aM Supîervisera, for tise construction of 011 the <Lancer>' aide thr'reuî, anrd thattefe fRe w, wlio will e(uralize the taxes that he wili do just what haegays. a bridlge over the Des Plaines River, a surmmans thereupon ieeued out or Haicli, of Antiocis, candidate or thpe tirougisout the count>', ihat he will do ln Section 15 in Lbryll Town: jnaid Court againet tihe above named ,,Ul Nose or Progressive nomi a- xactlv what lie gasn and that fi LiIntylll defendant. returnabie on tise iret day witild'bé a good plan for those people THE WAUCONDA LEADER. lrnown as tise Oak Sprlng bridge.,n of thse tarre of thse Circuit Court Of tVon for leglegatuma. wiil carry who do net want taxes equalized be h acnaLae xrse l #L rew road recenti>' laid out. Lake County, ta be heid et tise Court LaSîý count> aithtie prtiarles on Sept. ',eeselfe Foentandwaetrr.Lak 1. Bide wiii be ecived for a re. House ln Weukegan ln eaid Lake1'I ytvoefrBneth cdi firlrced cancre; e niais type of bridge County, an the P'lret Monday of Oct- ' 9. ver Fayette Muttro, thse Chicago ridate. Hie pubilshed declaralion. thugsot havingOn SixtY 460) Foot and Iwoaber, A. D. 1914, as Io by law raquirad, Jlrtwyer and prenant Progressive mem i ke borgte gehows o t the melOlWn& 0f thise ofSu 'hIrt>r (30) Foot apans. Ln accordance ulawrt W iit s OstOCKWAYin ber of tise lagisiature front this dis- 3#ri-nadp man, who was barni on the CosinrE . ri fWue wlth lansand eecifcatine <'lek. tict.qiores of Fox River,.lien of euch ha gen, who han beld variaus offices at by thePlastande tiha .'tiems lon. Wauk'ganlîlinis, Agusi I ror.eare hudiy needed ln public office. the county &st during the past ten coriPe of wbich will lieon file lnn iefir1 1914. TsifrHac llaryt Iln The wrilar bas watched bis record ta yPars lias taken a very decided stand chio ad i th OfIl0ftie 1ow leydecker & Jargennsi Compiatii. renne county over Munro at the pri. various offices In Waukegan for the "that the board a-f Reviaw sliould ofic ad n heofic o teow at'.sliitiq tton years. fitlias Often bean sald uaUtxetrmhelkMoet <'l'i uoîaforpssid Township, sendiyArg.IrSet ar ~ les has beq4,canceded amor te iba irs'word le as good sas isabond. eul txsrmIhlaehrea Syrî, ti. C'unî Suprintndety0fiuii. 28iVCi fo s4eral1p18 iont look like ver>'tirucir opponi. the 'tcHenry county'lr. Witt) heays. aIea a nafot sp, e CACEYNOIE ofP*Xesvmfr lea eýion ta E. V. Onvie ouIt th5 way. In i11e record as lty attorney and la- llhasaieoe1fatRa, I CACRYNTC.For sanie risanon, Munro has made tact h.leleabout tise co ne>' ana tejier as conmuasloner as weil as hie! l'ar<c«I concrete birdge- auxilirrry IIStata of Illinoie, Cousîy otf1Lake.s. n) c&nîpaign ln thisa unly or Roona 1lioned for iudge 0f tise eint>' court. lire afaremaid bridge. ('Ircuit Court of Lake Vo'nrnty, Oct ard If he las made any effort to 196 lï work for bis clients Ieadis one ta le- f.For a Stee'l bridge of Onaejifn. aber Terfs, A. D. 1914. arouse an>' Progressive sentiment ,Te ie-eve t'cri hcage Florence Rogalska vsi, Edward Rog -Laecuto vnm ea a-h-thflowgtasyétril n The tact tisat ha single handed and dred and Twenty <120>)Fot s5an, on aleka. In Cisancer>'. No. 6936. LaMeUEut>' oravn mke Pomli.ceis folowngta ay diorlîlteI cOncrete sbutmenîs. hsving a con. Ile roqulsîte aifidavitl îavîîîg iseen psign for uniseif in finit ceunty. theirse rissue Itis a :aton orcfiesPoice Mtais ntatesota (rate fluor, ln acrdancee with Iî atien IAIn irIh r lî-<tire V('lerI ot naid numaraus papera cftbLlke errîsi>' bavA Attorney. E. V. Orvis wbo iras an- leuosrtiigaceste.cru 51,1 sp".Ilcations prepareri Ib theIrîrrt. ir,ii htiir-rforp.tlirab>' iflird ta mak& an>' mertntio freetr eann ecs e.crue irîtîY 8I4Perlntesînd ' <rtofiig>,rwîi'ý. 'jrto theil iiii ri<re taineIlilýiieendanl nrtt-' lired hlmsel- an a candidjate for PaYingIlicensealncash ln place of irivrîl lîgirtrIrimer( îîî rrrrrty jrdge la maiting 'a record brairtickets. hie liglit befare tisa Utilît>' Vach liîddernia>' nubl ir wri l i s a îrs t 'îsora tla,1 ler Reports f-r , r corrrrr tarc, to ingcmPi through the country pre- Commission againt tise Gao company', plans snd elipeclica lions. sUnh'rtelu011oirti ioîf onipiali tIln iirid iCourt, onthiel. thIr.effec-L t Iat er -. tr rr s o-,adbspeg uapitaadsre ala.Hslvn qa fuiiii i Ihîrse un 61e n respiect 1taiirriircrty 4un,- tireot. afiltet a num- cinnr-uju.lîrsîcirwil cart-y Urat coutyit tinandbis *tee wio wîaquit anzd wStrerent a, ay aI] are n taail di!nernr.Ioiis and shaiîlconforn itwt, rlors tlirrreirpoîî ieirur-d 'oit 0f Raid aver Mutîro arr'] holftIrucirwii ire lioretee ffite hrepwtiin who wiep postedprove hie uter fe" l]aeknw oal- ar alsplioatioe sd reqrthe rit, reti ris -Ib e flrat day of tise tooiSir > at, rjri>.ove5 hfie motal oven If une did net tisnnsi nbmafttr. H la e. ah aaprodr>tieStafe rrrtr of tise 'ircit ('ourtt 0f Lakte t, IR aven rurnureni tirrt Mrrnro bas rrrow af bie services Sas yofficiai beoit-lctde im nJs iiighwaY Commission and the ('utint), 'otrirl>. lu be lrld at the Court flouse îrir.ctiuai;y glin ni)rîtire igbt, and tise or man>' years. encis pledgas, and bas always made S'Iîilrerntenden. of lligiswlîynlai-oren' rWaikrprgatiti said Laie<'u(7 - r fotatleaaddthl'irst Moirday pr Oe-tiber. A. D. .lc !a> rri wr bogs ite bas the endorsement of many 0f g)od 91, n str awàculed ha]whcsouWte isrit orNfnr gve ,chtise. leading lawyors and citizen, of As -the tume 0f tbis candidate la' he-aled prolroeaie wîilere reeveri t,14 sb a îeisrtwrcîfo iedsrc o rur i-5mc 't ir stîli panriiing. cridevr.r'a luliaI rutinor. 1,iX tkegan snd adjoining towns wbop lrat>'weii taken uit b> performance ti-e hur of îwa p. m.on the tis der LEISi- 0.> ( iIOî'Kvt.'Y. Th.,iairrs r',utrrr.urtirroughout kuot of lits abilit>'. He iae hardlled ol hle offiai duties far hlm ta see ev- loilf gp tibr iiA. g1,etheTown CWrkrcti liros.Ag erk. 'trer ree counties are stiliiwor-fng nome of tise mont Important cases in ery republican voler ipersan; but filîln he Vlaeof 19yi 1e a4k-aIlios ugsA Ilinis 114 liie beavers. feeling tlirailty are Lake. count>', among tham lise George tise piedget he bas made, tomeber Heydecker & Jorge',son. ('oitplain- burling a surre winnar. Tbey point Paddock case, whlclr ha af terwards Witli bis record for keepjng pledges Hacli bidiler will le requlred ta file arsSlicitars. ite tfart tiraI Mr. tiatcir islpad or- Irledinh the State of New York, a case ln the hast airilit10a appeal ta Ovei7 w:-îî lin bld a certifled chseck 10 the wkiy Aug 28-Sept 4-Il18 :nZ h Porsiepryl hso hhhowkdcntuua fr ai9 eor rpbla ndhud amout ofTweHunded (lleii.0) t.t'f. andi was pot on tisa Prtressive a'moat a year and whlcl invoived a secura hie haarty support of candidate Dollars. payable ta E. D. Hullard. ABOUT EQUAL TAXATION qtâ:r' ticket in 1912 for bis former or- bai],million dollar, the Burgess mur- F V Orvie ai the primar>' elaction Town Clerk of lilbertyville, Illinois. It Witt le just as easy ta cut off a fire of rriîu-,rsily trusee, andi that isede ncse Skokie drainage case, the ncxt mentI. 198 It 1)-W As a guaranîe of good talus that If icn nmillon dollar free liai on tire faiure r'alîad ise hisiiist vote of an>y van Fhuirburo.eas.. Steele vs. Steele a riwarded contract. ha or lise>'wili ex- 'Lor-, on taxes as fitwas ta eut offY di,rrle on lise stata Progressi ve iickaîtcrlithsheore land cass tnvolviug a hait Physlosî Psouîîaritle.. Ovul cotraî sd fla bod wtliTanTliulad Dlla fra laI n w 'lre ameranca people of tsatisTee n':'îîn dollars. AU of these and man>' Robet Boyle, the philosopher. and IP. ten days af-tisa date of aci-aptanca ter rente ln Waukegan. oIteth aer.hePzesiv 01! Propos~ai, as trmvIded yl .-C',,er--crirte si... , i~~-. tiie cecioiig.iiufl hoas Appleton asssned lise City :îîs r alsatjc ine .grsiveu tifed liek f ueuceneulbidders of Lakte Foreel. on% a pre_-lectlon ti- o r(, l ha e ir uy will le retumnad as gnon as conimaci îiedge in 1913, about $5500000 and Cenfanrmnat workar Ilaseir case It swardod and bond filed for tise tisaboard of review of tisat year cul anrd stands pledged te work for and work. o ne man's annunent froni $128,000is.pracol>otonihfeecd iTe w(5rkayla lterleieuncewfiten ue"0,000 ai the Hotel La Salle, and If ti bre is une chlracterisîic wbicb FI'oen<16 daî aleractptaco h 'or want of evidence, Whicli If was lhe a ~mamber oftthese!gislstura troin i i Conract and te le completed within <liii>'Of tise bard of review te fnrnieh dsrc htl aaI elsto two ad on-isai 1 fer21 olier ie tate's attorney' was beaten it knowledge of farming and daimylng. aller. Womk yul be tiaid for Jt court and it ivan reduced ta about Fred L. Halcis ifa quipped as iew men b' tise Town oft Llbertyville and tise SiI.neo.oo. in tlu5 district. A suoce8strîl, tiser. ('ointy o! Lake sccording tae pacifica- tf would lla lunt as easy for a cii>' nîngi, practicai and progressive fanm- tions.officiai to allow fflch tliin..go t slip ar, knowing tise wanis and wisbes of The undemigned Comissiloners Of 1> ai. If would for a Count>' Judge. e constituants and wbatlais hst for 11$thwayz, Supervisera aud Count>' Su- la tisane not juîl as mudli autisority as tirrin, and for 'lira ga'eral godof atis perittendent of lxigisways ervre tise well as dut>' on a cosrnl> judga te dis- teeaefwmnbte rhtaeeject an>' and al bld5as5ln charge tOrtlrwlir a mamber ar a board fitted to give lise district as gond sarv- their judgment ulia>'ma>' deem il t0 of res'lew anthra Io on a cil>' comi . e aa h e ilhacaile te legislale for tisee les nterests of lise Town and minsioner aor ivi ffrvlce Commisri Count>' no t0 do. Jouer tbdischarge an untatîtulin Dated ai Lllart>-ville. Illinois. titis ajiectOr of water rente? As a mas 0f iniegrity, bonst>' and "2nd day of August, A. D.l. Ii .kaFratsSaaemn o ar htrinatlon of pumposa. no one will C. Ni. M11ro oM'al Propari>', while considerahle dourta Fred Hiateis. Wisen matars of ERNEST i.DAVIS,x'î, irr4r than tise firsi figuras furniaeariun lortance slisal! coma up for action, W.M PETERSON, nie b>' Mn. about une- o wlfidHthntergtad, -Commiseloners ut H-igiswavs tra]f of wiat tise automobiles ln that and tisa rigist ide will always lia ln HIRAM W. FERRY, titwn are wortli and ara ana twan tise interaste af tisa daim>' tarmar. THFOhORE Hl. MEYERI. tretis as large au tise resft oftIhe coun- A voie ?or Fred b 1-atcismeasos a EMII. A. FICKE, 1>. die for y'iur own lntarets.-197 li -Rojid & Bridge ('umoitpea of This ewil!]lia food for tisougist for L)1 & W. - tise Board ai Sulterirsors. tisa saler good Judgment of the voters. MARRY IF YOU AR E LONEL- PD. HUJBBARD, E. V. ORVI S. Tise Rliabla conidantial succass- Town ClemIt. 198 If. fui club bas large number of wealtly CHAS. E. RUSSEiLclgi nemer f ot sxswi_ Co. Sujrî. of tgHîiway Tise Renson. igierymambia utescbots onsexes, is D & - « "I ut cant eeanito keap a dining.' Ninr si>rriaga.Bo Descriptin tacJ _________________rooinigirl"' -I bava oflan sondered I.WrbiBo26Oalda. «why yau naser ean keap arry irîp- i Wkiy 21+ TW km&neyer bave any sucis trouble.'" 1________-I_________ Mm is a husm iseaof u two CIasse.kuow, but my bueband lust vont flirt -ha Who.. muai.disagm .wth tb hmwlth them' and ha Who disagnes WIth bis mea"a jFOR Thatch.d Huta Are of thse Pat.CT ATir The disappearance of the pictur, aque roofs Of Samoan bute la aib trlbuted ta the lncreasing weath of tho natives and the partial detruê tion by ineoCts of tho wiid ugr cane uned for thatch. Corrugated tran la takIng bIo place of the oid matril T. ÀRTIIUR'SIMPSON COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT 0F SCIfOOLS. Candidate For REP1JB.ICARN NOF&INATION At thea prinmarieSptn*er 9. a>i ir.I ITREASURER CHAMMLESE HOO K 1 0 F 0ffAWàA WILLIAI S.o BUILQCI Candidate for CONGRESSMAN i. Tenth Congressional 'Dîsttict Qulfeb ralin1 .x Subject to theDecision 7r V~ h of the Rfpublican Primantes, CSIPiN5a sept. 9, 1914 Yuur Support Wil! be Appreciatetd more were ended ln the gkest O@ îoftheounders orI tRoyal 1<» aùcrmanydaysof rial beadeu s- tY. ould neyer overcame hie &ver-j aisirgimany dy.aftria, esde lon to the îound of water eplashlig si~tng i man athrs.tram a pipe, and ho has put on recorJ the case of one of his servant. who' GRAYSLAKE TIMES EDITORIAL. -nid nover hoar a knife eharpened The raylakeTim sas edtoral-or a sheot or brown paper tom, .witb. Th mylayT. aseitra-out blOodlng at the gunis. 1: V. Orvis who anaSuncad himseoif r~~ri~ as a candidate for the 41ieo0f county IdYO hear about Muggine taklng Jedge han been commo*ed for bis, OP sttlement wark?"' "ee; ho usui- determined stand that a-Board of P& 027iI works hie oreditors for 50 conte vleq ahould commence M the westUOrn ~the doUlar."--Town Tapirs. rge EJVO. TO ALL REPUBLICANS: I arn informed that a statement has gained circulation ta the effect that l'arn allied with and rnaking a carnpaign in the interest of another candidate for thc legisiature. I have no intercst in any other candidacy than my own. I arn ex- pecting or giving na assistance ta, any candidate, and any statements arc made simply to, injure my chances and Lake County's chances to representations in the legiulature. No alliance, wil b made by me and any person in the future mak- ing any such claims is untruthful and flot worthy consideration. Very truly yours, JAMES M.'WOODMAN Waukegan, Illinoià fi TRIE LAKE COUNTY INPEEDEN M8 ME MOsi POPUL« ARPPER nr LAIE OMMN. 1 eut off a Free List from the Water Department in Waukegan of $ 10,000 (98 per cent of these could well afford to pay, but had flot paid becèause of influence politically in the first year 1 was comm issioner. The next. year I found several thousand more. can do just what I say. I can appit a Board of Review who will do just what My inspectors did in Waukegan, Equalize Tiaxe-s La Va 4/r