CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 28 Aug 1914, p. 15

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umRECoUNTi INDEPENDENTr, FRIEDeY4 AUGUST 28, 1914. -. 00 3t.oc Adêa Lé . eeiviceà... 'Aaliu .Mers. At J. Mason, Justice feus..... R .Oreeu, Insifue féé ... . M.Mill, Justift e fé, 4 blle..- John Nelson, Justice fees - servAcés ............ John RectenAi. Constahle fées 9 hlls iL F. Sltuenkel, JuSttic*eué, 4 hille..- Hotel Wnshburn, meaIz 'La jurons .... A. .- Walc0r, servcs........... A. A. Walker, service............ Tiss W. Young, services ........... JohnGrat, services ........... it.34 p-. 10.-50 .1 1.00 8.83 11.40 24.34 6.-00 38-80 14.-90 30.79 23.85 24.30 15.00 12.00 13.50 6.-75 10.41 50.0 34.-90 16.00 10.-50 27.00 4.70 107.350 80 3". 05 w1.73 of the of t 0 mf icenlle lut -**- uat Iethé Bate. Aid Rz* Ê "t*ds Vule. have to ftIlot au WO bave wlth the assistance of 00 hPelqtednt aof Hrhwayl ex. a.ffld outld pa'rerg sd*i stéOsil 5 yp étté«tiou 0 'Oleé toiiowiItedmsé: That W@ fail fr' fld la sald papere Information as )IlJOwn: 1Plan or d'ii:nonaln for thé aés and phapes of the thre. standard l'MMé sections of roadway and eut- ter. fpecilctions or plios do not apéci- fi thichats of concret or macadam Pa e mand orf$tomr. Do oi iions b are tgl*u for théO construction of macadam shouid- ers. Tisai plUd*réas Indicati ofly 2" orown lale,18'of coùCr«e and macadau rond, tbé utuai minimum W Muonrete nonstrtiction. 1 qài, 4 teSo f crowna fillhii- 16 d à £ idth et 8' of coucrete ieam and ésrth shouiuier.. That no draimal gbprovi4el l eut. ta taite cars Of uMderround vater or watem which, mat drain under or trouci logé: and gader thé guters and Whlah vs eitsm. vouid 3lur Clay .amibonaisméseiccke betwogs thse guiter &sud lpubnttat wouid take more voter snd ,»Os causa fail- uré la thé road. Irhat the spécificatIons do not pro vide for thé mthod of construction of conci-ete pavement. That section» 64 te, 76 Inclusive are nultlu copy o1 spécification» recelved ad thst probabîy It la an uninténà- tional omission snd that théeSetions lit supplied would covtr part of aliove ltémkt. Thai no provision là made for ex- plinion Joints. W. wouid theréfore recommend that thé board aet la Conformity Wlth the. réquest of thé mtate kiigbwaî Commission m set forth An théir C7om- msunication adsudeathé e loutions therein contai.d, sand 4glo communi- csaswith said Staté Hhjbwsy Cola- mission callcg attention to the omis- sion and doubta which we havé here- In poldiont. Yespéctfolly submlttéd, M. W. Ferry. E.ll A. Vicié. Thsodoré H. Meyer. Suiervlsor Wéicb of Waukegan moved that the report hé acceptédl and adopted. Motion carried. .Thé folioing resolution mas pré- sesiéd. Fina sIf.olution of Céunty Board. Reolve. By the Cotmty Board o1 Laie Couaty, Thot the uénion of pub- lie highway iéscribed se folhws: P4ltaing at a point m. the pubili htgliwar deslguat.d on tid dauaty map of Lake County, ehowing pro- Voéed statle aid rotoit,,on fie la tié oMe of théefila- Highway Commis- 111h aI etSpringfildi n thé office 0f thé County Clark for Laite County. tg proposéd Bmaté Aid iRoud Route No. C. é»Id point being bégInuing aithtie mot ltlmite of thé Village of Lake Vili sud extending thencé alio said Routé No. 6 la -aierly dlrâeto fi lu hé nown as Sectin A WU@teAtH ReLae C tatthere is héreflby athre iriaîed fro rm futn oflath bada te se"@out tmurtésm f fThrthenplans an orHedé fftght-flv st18.115.0>ni Dor lr lra- muie, b s t hreo a, la h eess apra-t Véie Coné-hllthé ooretheof sldofn phrveen T; sd héour y caro A hereby dlrectsd to gve Opa. notice et onceý to the Staté Highmay Commis- sion and transmiit 4 certifled roî,y or tissraloldtio tu tsai Commission This action of thé Cosity Board hin> lu accordane t-etls 2and SI of Article IX et 'Au Act ta Révise the lAw ln Rletion tc, Boudeansd Bridges' wpproved June 27, 1913. Supervisor leger moved that thé Re sout ion tie secéptéit sud adoptét. M11otion carrited. Pupervisor Euer. Chirm-naor? th£ 't' ommttée oa Resoutions. submttéêd tibc followlu*: Wauiég*in, Ill., June 111h. 191,L To thé Chairmnan ani Board of Su- perviaors ci thé Couaty of Lake. ln vldw of thé e tethat loverai of the Couty Offiers terme expire tlds Thereforehécl reoivéd that teps btaken e4t tis liffiugl t-havé a complète a&It, ato. J ail e<t b Coenty Offien. Audit ta commence vhere tih., ba« aUit ift off adcou- dioue ~ithé, rstï Molday lu Deceam bé«, 10 4 au Lt tthé alidé coei mitte hée empowwétle obtain bila ff sei wvanduni vaithse camé' 10 the leurét résponéihie bidder. I IL R. g. 4.T. WVaté Ioperteoi&jUtevos! thât thse ré- Motion.carried. _' ~ éd aupdrvimoor Wleh of Wbuhéhan, ('hlairmaoutofthé Judllary £lommIttee. suobmitted theé following reporlt: Stâte et lluOls, IA» Colusei. M: l3ttrd of SupWtvimolls, Juné Ténus. A. D. 1914.. tir. Chirmau nd iiGéntien of thé Board of Suprvlsots: Tour Cimmlitteesn du liiry Ciaimes v'ould beg iealVé110téDM iOt tlt théYJ lav-eexaminaid ail daimas précéntait bieor tliem andi recoOhzw4th ment of thé followiiig. 'and! thkt 1ý1' Cark bu dil'eciedité lmsté Ondéfe d *0 esevari amouflute the sev"ft cllmants, to-mit: 4to li Nantse. For Wbat. & Amit. Aiioréd F. M. Baitcfi, ser Gr .....e... Antloch. %Vm. Hillebrand. mdee...... .... daae Wébb), midse............. Pranl J. Hunt. coal . . . .. . . . 8 s Grant Chas. Harisaugis Lumuset Go., coai.............. Fi. -Hmsdrieke, mdse............. W. iX. Kimbaîl, mise............. Ranis & Mille-, inise . . .. . .. . Avon. l~ .Hoo'i, groceniée..... It-! W. Keél & Ce., groceplea......... J)r. F. H. Mtrtin, ervice-----------. lire. C. Gý .g .Edliess, niie............ (1. CWilbuir Lumber (Co., Libentyvîl le. L'Pv. A. H. Chut'ehll. services.......... Corlett & Faedenlcks, milse. - Nor-man Ladà, live<y ............. J., 3., Morse & Cb.. clqing. .......... J. L. Taylor, seerAe« ........... Wm. Wah<nud. Méaiatnsdgrodeiei.. Frémont J. L. Taylor, servicit......... . Waucoatl. WV. F Dahuis, mise........... W,. P. aimé, mise............. J.H attersau Cc., ceaI.............. Ver-non. Péter Moyens,, wood............. Ail o! f tcis la reecifuiy niAttés!. Mafti RnUii Supervisas Pié 'uoves tisal Ait of wviicila nespectfuuly lm tod. James O. Weich, T. fi. Clark. Ediard Courus!. Supervisor Maetisu' move thil report hé acceptes!and sdIoptem Nlotion carri. Supervisai Ringitaii. iaIs Poor Commttée except Waul Shiteld si DéenlsPoon Ci -ubnttt.isefoll1wingreport. itute 01 lllnoAs, laie Couaty,1 Bloard of Superviass, Jane A. B. 1914-. 'lv. ChaSIrusn and Gentlemenc Rouad of Supervisors. Ion, Comusttteon Poorc (escPt Waksen. Uildeaned lie14) vouAs! beg leave to répw ibeY bavae xamiluesu lclaimi seutéd beloete liu Md recom tise pimnt of the. tolovtng lm thé OIlerk hé dreefei ta Ise c for the geveral aitoets ta thea8s caiusateto-vit: Amt. C .i-4me. Foi- Wisst & Ami. AI Illentn.. l5rocertls ...... Cha. Derrolng. 0. W. Billmoeér, service . .. .... B. J. Hopkins,. rent.............. lopima & Johnuson, hurle)* ........ Jane McAliter AHosptal, cane cf patilent5 . Js.saon Smsiths & Go., fuel ..............2 beander Dépt. Store, mise........ ...... Alciefeller Co., usiée............2 Annie R. SAâsss, caeeof bli person Mou neMécantle Go. i se ....... 9 Niewport. .Mnm A. Clark, P- A.,Heyde*est-& Go., M0 !s.............. CORI............. MI H. ILUX. mise............. laac fel, mise.............. rsais. t movési i adopt- r. Maou the alec. -e Drain. tiséI thsé il tise.e ,foresaid y h*ve isme. nussu or ake, es: Session. a, of thé id Salar. ion tous 'd opera- L". la O thse IltSi2.50 y,4 do te Trm 100 iUêthé sptedanamiadopffls. matr tlhud às814vproisérty et «Idi bon iLake, --- e*a- o" a Motion lar WishCharmn 0 th iC. 1. aiérf . mes. -Town. shop fer sale of maltIlîquors oui t ig oniux f t. - 10-6 e eev*r abb Chiraal etthe IL aisrtpursuant ta an act of thse Génerai At- 'u t 80COMMlhton Settienint wth the mae..... ... 4. U Aessed 9,-mbly of tise State o! Illnois, eutitted Ehuéli, sbmitted thé follawlng ré- I.It'érti>vUIO Llamber (a. Vaiustion. State Tex. County Tax. "Ar Act t Restrict the powers of$ 00jm!coai etc ?,0.2 Ei J, Kesler.(City of Wnukegan.. CosintAes, Ciles, Towa, and Villages q ef 1.00 W thé ommîUé setljt F. B. Loveil Co., I~u$ 9 $1.45 inliîcenasig dramn shops ta provide for ~ m ut~rrcmédta 6 e t e C muts a s e t e w t d a e 6 75 M é lI sd a S li D Y ., V il la g f, f L ib e r t y . g r a t i n g a Il ît é s e t a r t a il mi a l t il- r a m S o i e s q r n é a J h 2.0thé Shérif of Laie Coanly, Iliis.lé J. Dl. Morse & Co., quor4 SeParately and for Punisiaug Wcr M ak4 Sdap hop l a é'hant t Asl 2.0bave eamiried his report and finit clôthiir- 0.76 ville .. . -......... persans holding sncb separate tireuse ein nas thsé VAil -géf Voig upée thenos0orec. oJh horaih o,25 -. 171.27 for unlawful sale and gifts," appreved hiii enférrgng ut ond asneuig 5.40. . alsh a. .1Oltsfy .10 OFraLklyn R lseller, Village Of Lake June 151h, 1883, In force July-1. 1883, by isw aud paying thé li1censéfe ee el.9 Jaeo . Wich.5Ats .90 pn nbis complylng wltis sait!act cf 5(,o 12.W.Jms15elh ius...... 59 Bluff ......... ................ thé Géneral AssemblY and tisé Sta- Alil of which le respéctfaliy suis 29.r1srCor6tuaédtsa h M. Pester & Son,. 1161 8. oî 5.84 tutes of thse State of Illinois. mItîéd. treprthéaCoptnrdad oted.ta h repsirs ... 2." We furtisér recemmend that thé S'gned by W. Hencock and 476 H. A. Bag& 2.35reprt e RftPed nd doped. Puble Service Co.. (r. 7varlous tx hg odiesofRi wnOtes Motion carrlad. reuni axng 0fsad owu ohes.E.1..flmns 1?l95 uhtvis& CnoarMordta d-1. RRo.07 e 10 t nid pariels a lie ropotr- SuPervisor King, Chairman of Cous- A. J. Wla#) 13.91 uerisas oaradove orng al-1) P mRtuse,...tAen of erronéoue taxce., r y them. mîtteon Settieuseat witisCirruit Supervisor Stratton orf lte Villa 2.90 oclodi. Ii Ray, 2400 Al of which la respéctfuliy euh Cens, submitîed thé foliowing report. mcs-ed that the report hé acceptai sud 16.6 Motion carrIed. SmnîlurBr23. 2 5 nt Ld. Tutti,.. To thé Honorable Board of Supervi. Motion carrléd. W2.11 B a e purIl., ant e 12,oar914.t dseé. . 12.10 il, A. tRang,.cors of L.akeéCounty.IlîlînalB. Tise following pétition was red sd 12I.9r, iBoardm uantlctesdu nent . i.Taylor, Supervisor 2>aether moi-éd tIat the You1 Conimittee on Settleme nt wllh nîmoi motion 0f gYPervIFOr bqo6 servIcs - - 17.10 eporthé ecéptéd nd adanded circuit Cleri would respectfully ré- refeu-red ta thé Committée on JZOk 2.2r, thé toi)Iovpg niénihrs present: Su- Tréptow & Taylor.,i 1nc'red st that me have exaimme a iRe- eiAsmns ptim BlaurBagBroksMto ar d h ilportead Accounto of Lewis 0 o i- M Sr. Chairusnannsd Gentlemen of thé 6.0Cark.ior ar, RaBs rc furniture...... 10-21 Suýer-is.r King moved thlat Hi wlî ay, Circuit Cier ad Recorder for Board of Superylsor: - 6.0#lrkorna , E mmene, Ferry', rig ayoYourpe(ionrT. Esbou rÏu Fit-ké, Cous, Hoidridge, King. Kirsch-Tls&tyor,...... 0.5 Of A. W.Meyer for mérchandise héthe hall yaar auding November lotis u étOê. b Baa 100.63 lier. Meyer of Waukégau. Mîéther. r or......115 alowed for $21.07. 191:2, sud ale for tise halt yaar endlng hY S S. Holmest, bhieatARpey, reC ~ mcliongtb. Rocienbhs Strattonai f Tri&g Taylor. Motion carrîéd. May 31st, 1914 and find thé saumé seuls auto yaur hIoorlle »noprd4 tat 3.00 Granlt. S8siatton of Lité Villa Tutti,. Méat & grocenlés 568.456 flupérvisor Conrad movéd (bat théecrrct for thé year 1911hon e4mIiat ro.éWaflob, VN. h ofewpot. Bisous............18 bill of trait Petticiair for Constableéle Weind that during thé year théré Assesar hlt personal Pr9p.rty cê- 14S WùgMVbt.2.Pittshurg Plate Glanss Co., - evcsh llwcfr17. hav beén 5853 documents rectirded; nie tc- thé aniant vat00suof , th «ubruit- Alitnt: BuqpervAsors Meyer of FPt-. piti. 1 0 Matou cnriad. that thé earnings of said CIrcuit Cieri year 1912 te théempn SI;té moIt, Ringtil. Rîmns-3.. Supervisor Emtmons movéd thal thé during tise yéar amOunt Io S10811.20 ttélm fmin n cidl bit'.cf Phlllp Shenida for auto hire h1w andttishe recelpts of thse afie dunIng for the ymn 1918 hé vua tg Minutes or preceding meeting réad 182683.52 allowed for $.0. thé yesr ameunai of 881756; tht heS~outh Amer'c«, sad blésfamuly 1all~ nM".ais, mdupon motion of Sup rvîsor Ein- allowpd . .$2681.77 Aotc arrléd .r> xese ftéofieao 0lun nCicago, aud tisé Assesol! i Usaou Pprovéd. We bavé eaumlnéd the report of Supervisor Conradl moyéO ihattlise-tsésum o! 1193M1.97; thàtathe tséaraîugeApisieteon. pmade eut aaeciedule undor Tise foliowing pétition was neld- ,C. A Appley. Superlateadent of tise Purclsisng Coinraîttehé authorlréd -'cf thé office Inéxces cf éxpénses gr, the, Item of "Ail otiser propenty 905 bat tise Hon. Board of Supervsegra of Lli.éCoutti- Pru, sud inO t-sé nomé con- ta puncbaaé StatuteIon the Justices J1$816.23:; (bat théexpenom of te otliérwtswé listéd" ôt $9000.,Scd laie d. C.ounty, Ilinois, ret and that there h. a balance Iu hie o! tht Pence of the Counny. j office In éxcen; of recéipte amotiat te0 mère extanded sginmt leaon la n séé Gentlemen: hansde due tlaie (ounity of 152.68. .Motion carled. 1tieséum of $514.42. éd valuatione0fU.000. as shisvu non of *IAli cf abici As reapécîîully suis Superviser Maethen moi-éd Ihat tise We would therefore rremmend that 1echedulesansd fax receipta éttéd. almi) rpet ter if athry Alleanrmttted. Board apluropriate thé atm of $1250) Sthé report o a sa i Crcuit ClénS sud Tout thé total ausount o t$ e nrsal "a-' rpésnt de that brWaeA. lexnder o Wm. J. Stratton, fartise Farmers lastitute for the yéar.IRecorder hé appnoeed and an ordér propérty does net exceed §U00 se0 h as thé 17th day of May, A. D. 1913, at Csalnmnu. Motion carnIes. dt-iwtt on tise gunly Treguter for théefrfoe as tisat yaur li"oorai*i tise age of sevéaty-fonr years;.tha isaIhé0. D. (loss Superviser ing moi-éd the' thé thée aid sus et $514.42. board viii reund tise 51.4eé És! Coins- Tens. laIt surviving hlm thé ptitioner. Set-- Snfiervieor King mn',éd tsaI lise ré - onyCekb uorzdtIse Alorwiherspcfl ut-yTatah nteexs au ah Allen, hIe vifé. bath reiding alpr éactdadadote. W IStafltson thée(CouaIy Tréasurér mitéed.lion aI $2400 qpd rnecousxjndtrisai thé ofthe NO. 118 Washington Streetten ar-lé!, ! l ill t.)wd taî meIng Alfed P. Kihng.ri.rlo f nbvxa, axs Cminsaru. Ilinoais, sud four bratisérs al of fD il lol tti etn.AfedG ate, pooto rac citzi il ve-hisn, are marrléd and livng ouEtf Supervise ai mether, Chairman ut MS. tion. canried. Cmîtefépciil uultd iDe-thé couaty, and net contributiug lan the Sanatorium AtOlî lng Conimittée, Superiern RIng moi-éd tIsaI f'. e A-. SuprIor ÇrOoks moi-éd that thé SAM S. H'OLIiII. St tisat ay ay as'tesésupport 0f thé said sbmInitted tisé 'Iollowing report- Aplliehéemployed as Superîé n relian ehéaccépted and adoptes!. Superviser Clark of thé Town of na Pré- Serais Allen or Mary Allen. Tisé pe- Staté cfIlîlinois. Lake County, Os: dpnt o! the Counny Penni for thé en- Motion carnies. DecrSéld, oabusitted theé lbllovtng: umend titioner fartisen représgente tisat iéB adcfSprIos Jn u.site11Uns ear at a siars' of It1.000.00 per Superviser Wélc-h of Waukegen, Etîtei IllinoiaLaie Côunts', as-, Boar <fSuerisra JeTeni ynr. . 'baîrman o! thé JadIclers' Com mitte. Juil>'lotis. M94. ait ens at %the only source af support toalier'Jane 111h, A. B. 1914. tMotion carrled. lubaiitt< tise follamlng reýport. Mr'. Clmsrman sud litlamien cf thm eyrane d sthneisthn îhé ls!Mtr.Chairmau snd Gentlemena cf tisé Superviser Brooks éxténded to thé .To théeCairman sd Menbhrs fthé Board of Superviser@: liniIg no rel asie aud vers' litle IBoard of' Supél'vlsers: Connty Board sud Ceunty Ollicr Bard of Supervisai-s: 1 hêieliy recommeni th(at tise Town Clam. pergonal propet>. u opltao ae(o a -¶cordial Ivitain te attendtise TcJucar'C mAt,10isisf éféli.rdtct noOv Tise petitionter <aniser représente 1Seoto(r COM tteo LaeCut tri r, uiar omtetwhboferfl buottrIe oiv Ulomed tisatiber fathér darlng tisé Clvii War to repoa t sdltng would heg leavé Rlitrossi Day Célébration et Waurou vwas delegatéd thé daIs' of conferring Piection Pi-écinOls :11 fo1ious:ý treottiai les' havé examInai al da ou degay ue1,114 ihte ici ugs eale aT. M. CLARK. - va ausmbr f is 11hNe ~~i<c!almi présentait Isfore them andré- SpWviernee iné 17, 194. vtîs th CircutnJuofs nelaifea t ans a upervisof Mhethér mow Yédktisa thenépurchase af a set of law books SuévsrT u0fDéihl 22. R11 <aialry ad servéd durng tisé war irommenitté yelc iefle- P.ôard accept Superviser Brooks Au-Pi fr thé Court M-oise, heg leave ta nér&Ci5ti n! tisa rébellion belmean tise searq .g ad thesaI is Cent f hédred ta vitetion. 1 si 161and186. Tur etitonr iser. iand bacri er rk é aévr amota vtation crite.Port tiat before ans' books art pur- Baginnngai point on thée.rhi 5nIforeande1865.s t urat ti onets' brd Iseî resfr h eerlaont oin arechai-éd, thé Jaiges and Cemmltteof Uay of theChicago suit Nortivue.> fur 60 o! Lai t te Count'gatO ty oar tanr- e svéai clsîmants to-vît: SuPervisor Wéei ofnIWaukegan fée, that tisa Board of Sapérvisora arn RaDlye>Waiý Ia lt:z" X* ofLaéaefoi- brather Andolacrd-s .sbCuay antntnsevefi (bat fise.Chaîrmnua pmpAt should maie some arrangements te f0 the couter tilno of céAà 20.0 sue mth tse tatte i suis asé ane of ounCoramitteé nI (wo ta make arrane-miatrema isould hé occupîad for thîs themice nartiwsmterls' ta a point 20.f)adc t. anthevdS!.atients----------$171. curett .o.ty ieI ontransportatIon. put-hase ans! réspertfully recomnsend sald rlaht 0 et WaI iaitestt rucadpvie.Motion carnléd. tisat tise m ano cupied as grand a'itft thé conter lise of BI ;Ia é 40.00 MARY AAliE. -tof visîcilA s r-pecfults' suh Thé Ciaunappolnted Supervisens jury andi pettJury nooM sisall!lhe usad-tiseac4 Northiea*friy tu* oréfn 8tete of Illinois, (lounts' of Lake, ass:Oi1têe Consrad and Bistow. for the iibrary ad that a mont en thé 5icn&; tisfcn*r lue à( B,, at, 30.00 NMary Allen beling iret duiy emora A. (G. Iletetér, Superviser Emusons mvd tu ad-1m tain fIons cfr thé Court Homme hé tu it inf«ectiý wl$t s' déposes sud laysa tt eébas néad Chiarman, orsrn suhjéct te ral cf tiséChaîrmen. arrsngéd'for tisé conférence rnmeusIt io utf0Ce streét. thnel6~i 277.90 thsé aboyéad forégelug ptitIon sand G. T. Mcullo1ugh. Motion ranrli. finnors. Upon thé Board decidlng as ta taA litersection mth thé tantur a 260.97 thu faim e a i msanead Stmérm isor Maétbén moved thet tisé Wankégaa, mIl., mis' l6th, 1914. misst runt mlii héused. tise Commit- of Broadwas'avenlue. thancé Sa~. 26 ý97lufOr.1 qcrt he acceptes! and adoptad. Fofrni met pursuant to adjosrament tee can more Inteiligeutly act îtis tise On sali center ineo!o BroadW MARY ALLD§N. oin ar .wti Cisait-man Wélcis pneidig aid Circuit Judgés relative ta tisé pur- 'Avenue tai Laie Michigan, th . 231 (2h Subscrrisd and emoru to beforé né otonca*Ad.thé foliowiag membérapresent Sui 'chsséof las' books. Southeaiterls' aiong tiesehaore of Ibis 11]th day of lime A. D. 1914. 1 Supervisert- lSldidÉe. Chaimoisa et-vIsons B5li-utow. b 3ange. BrookS, Tise Committée -futher fande that Michigans btiste Intersection of a 39.4)(m iSeait JAMES G. WELCH. 1 - Pninting Cousustte snhmîîted tis erstk, Conrad, Eger, Emmons, Pet-y. (hère are tiAts'coainties In Ilmînol @sivcre lina ils ths conter llmeq .t&ypbi.following report: iié, Goes Holdrldge. ig isc-wIich have aw ibrarlesansd that o7atral Avenue, tisence Wéstéri.y If0 37710 Superv-isor tVlh cf WniegaSlate onIlîlli, La*e Ceuniy, se- uner, Maftiser. Meyer cf Fremoat, Mes'- Lake Caunty. visici 1. fnunntéentl n suthé, point'ot te#bunng, aIl in tae Tow,* - niai-d (bat tisé prayen cf thé pttion, Board 0f1SuPerIOUMue néTerni sur ot Waukegan. McCullougis. Rackéa- I iza cf ait thé Coalition of thé mate, O!f éeSd.Vun>'o L !)66. 59 hé grantéd. 'June 12, A. D. 1914. bsachs, UAmoai, ftratton or Grant. le tiereforO mprogreeeivé la lta pré. -.OoIfs Mlotion carried. I.Cheirsuen sud Gentlemen o! thé 'Itratton of Lakée Villa, Tistîlé. Walsh, sent llhrrns' IcilitIe, Precinet 2.t The foliowlag résolution vas pré B .rd cf Superviser&: Weich o! Newport, Welris of Wou- Réspertfnily suismities!, Be ip" t a point on tiqhe 0 qe s2.10 o t-4td b>' Superviser KAnucisuer: Your Commîttée ou PrfiâtIng Clime Itégan, Wist.-26. James G. Wul1ch. W 01 tise C caj f N0 i~a. 'PlIe Whéroas in tise County tif mould beg leave tlàimntisaI thés Absent: Supervisor Rtagdais.-î. isarman. tl-a .P.7ç Lêke tisera As aconsidérable mileae é-havée xamns!a«tou peéne -V tes of prece-dlng meeting rnd T .Cai.t !C A~u ~qj of State Afit éd d5whch wl ré- hefore tisertansd rzln d tisé puy- a-Id upon motion o!f Supervisor Brooks Coumitte. y thse*'4t0"1« e o 2.50 quit-e béan- curling and filling tta isnt no'té'bela1win,5dtia ieapproved. Supervisor Ilséthet- movei tisat tise o«DeerfilAi.tisence Nontis un a cArais sultabie grades., in édi~td1 sue onders for Tise foilomiog communicetion vas repont ha laid ovén te thé aaxt méaes IAn c ieTm a erés 6.15 And Whereas, t fasgénéralîs' necoit tuniérl m s làtthé sévère -ed: ng cf tisé Board. laIntersection vstib tisé NortshéMe aises!asudconrédéd tisatit in poli tr ýlsaahstovlCit te'c 0f Illinois, Counts' CI Léké, as: [Motion rarriei. sait Town. thsue sa* f0 Atoits intérse 13 9 prieefîcaand éngnéering tab rîltruet A*it. Cisin & lu tisé CeunIs' Cent-t ofL akéCoants'. Thb follomtng communication mas tion mitis ie sorlike 0 «, sMi - aphnmalnent pavlng Improvement ni)-i Namns For What. AmI, AlléseC Jué Law Ternim. AD. 1914. t-e:Igan, theuce Southesterly onsa 73.91 on1 & frlîy imade 1111 of coasîderable A. Il Anderson Pt-ntng Cc., Ir, the malter cf thé Bcard or Super- Methodist Déaroneés Orpisanage sud sore lApe 0f lAke Michiga ta deplis. and Justice Dociats $ . 54.0n. visors makilg a Juls' Liai Epvortis Chilirnus Home.. Interne o6 vifs thé conter lUe.À litéess It As tise opinicn o! tise Cu. D.Barnart-i& Co. It appearing ta tIhe undérslgaéd. Ar- Laie Bluff, II., Juls' 14. 1914. Brtsldva>'Aveue, theiscé veut aio 30.69 éusMtMera af tishe at-i cf SuperviIsera ibalot hoxes---------45.377ting Judgé cf tisé (ouaIs' Centt af said -Mn. James King, said conter liqe of Broadway Avéj tuaI certain reads lu Laie (CouuaIs'Oss,. I). Bat-nard & Co.. Ci'nty of Lake, tisait it-e are about Lar.e Furent, 111. t t 14 itersecton vstib tise eister 5 31.68 s-ti hé bepattially graded nas'eut-or brth cértificates ....-. 24 :; -ijxtceé'n rasés ne, iueading, relis' gui iBer Mn. Klag:- of Os2t etréetthencé <North ons5- te-en ativancé of pavlne; G(2e', B.Barnnit- & Co,.. sretîng for trial tn saI COurt b ] e Iam rn nting ta yen In tise Intet-ést çe l inte cf 0Otuéfè te t4 b oW 7.00 S. 2r, s1-1 boftsaf e-ofat-aouicenene -w doiséoideélgéd tiabuildfieinaségc eu nw ermtss'buidigonnd *ctin btI thtseeuaerli.1 o of o -- penvisors thst tisé Staté Hgismas'Cont.(Gec. B. Bat-net-i & Ce. , ére tîken on change o!fi-enté train wlisch avé at-e trs'ng ta t-ise so tisat itreet. tisnce Weserly nuam ut 69.37 mission lhé reqsistes! tq- co-operaté Agriclm-ture hooks .. -2.7.8 1Perrt-sL. Pet-sens. Cenîsty Juige cf llisérnagested condition la'tisé Home méfterîs' ou the g d ae linois vus tise Caunots'ladoing s certain CGeo. B. Barnard & Co.. ,aii Counts' sud of saliConrt. 1mas' hé réllévéi. W. alt-éadi havé Blocus Street té thé '*estrl>' uDM emouint 0 e issvsgradIng mcii etb hiootisa---------------6.41 It fsntéer appearng as'(othe undér- absot etgist tiosendInlatisébanc mad tisé Cisic: ago ibROtklétrna% a 14.50 s'ear and ta sivise tht., Board as tao Caliagisan & C'o., sigsséî (bat tise jorys'slection is1 oinutelen thousani subzctlb4i. Wé vîy. thqnçe SMstheâotély5tp héMon visi ouseadiacio mli set c- Statutes------------450 f' be-n exiseusted aud that another one, vaut ta butAi a llnéproof huilding of beginaluik, à la rithé 9o*u eét 6.7'0 romplisi tissend. Caliagisan & Co. souli hé faniseéiby thé sailiBoard J ht-ae étlmatéi coat Ohb éitbeabout field, Counts' of Laie mand 515. o Superviser Maetiser usovei that tlié 1 Statutes ......----.5.01f Supervisors cf saiCounts'. eo thaI 'thlrtý-five tisousaisund me tisolshtI Illinsois. 10.98 Rtésolution bie réflrred tsa thé Rosi ;Clsicago Légat Newe Ca.. administration cf justireabshai net bct)é tisipeSisil tisa Board o! Surseivi- Ppiut sud fBridge Commlîteé for a report nt ' Statures--------------56.(1 mnéd onriaes'lay d dtrial o! sali sors vouldI lue tlu asst us ase nbra Cciménclag at tise intersection or, 47.47 the adjoutedi reptini o! tissBoard. Chiclago Légal News ta., rases postponéd. tisuaisntisird o! tisé ristdren isera arae(lié conter lin;,,« Ch$ 19-u10a Motin carriesl. Stetutés------------12.00 , tlt tgrefore ordared tisaIt tsésali fronat Laie CountIr. Wé had hoped ,Irth **leihlIOtfa 79.65 ~ eeChairmînanounicesl as doté- Bal3 Sun, ('ruais' Board o! Supervisons of sai ta béginthebsébulding this fait. and o! tise hiCato * NerestraRal jiates ta tise Tments'-éigistb Annal printing------------ 405.50 iCoonts' shaîl asse h0iereaftér as usas' are auxions (bat thé amaunt necepsary may ûhenae West along thé conter a# Counetion of Supéu-vieors. Côtinty F ?uunkBoeiShop, hé, Sli a meeting ans! maie s sele- -sali b h tiUme o! thé meeting o! sali Chicago avenue te t4é West lDe* 10.00 Clenis 1ulad lîObmmzt>' Camusisl#lre0 supplies-------------.2t4.10 tien tram thé jury lsI o! a safflieaf 1t'iseBoas! Iu Sépteushér. 0f BéerléliTownshlp. tisone5<4 of tise Plate ofIlîlinois, Supervisgots Gazette Puis. Co. numier équel taonee hssndres! for encis1 Awaitiag s'eus repAs', me are oun sid mest Aîné of Deerfield Tov* 29.-17 lEger, Weicis a! Wauie-gan end s! as advértising-----------2.75 triai ternia! tise Cincut Court du 1ng Verys incerély ysont-s. siîptelils intrsection wvtisthé centir an4 Counts' Clrk Hendee. Gazette Pub Ce., thé sncééding s'ear. pursuant te rthé LUCY J. JIJDSON. line ut the, Deerfili Rosi, taén 141.50 Supei*-vIsÔr Strattan o! Grant, ChaIr- advi--Hing------------. 40 Statut,. n sors rases made sud pto- uperviser Conad moved (hat titis Nontiséasterîs'aloiti a14 poiter li* moa of Counts' Parus Auitlng Cou: lîlluele Prlnting Co,, a ied Boniappropriats théeaus ef $1000-00 e! Deerfiéls! Road to lis Atrsécu 1.10 puntiée, submitted- tisé follomlug ne- recorde---------------------It iz futtier ondréi that a caps '1te Laie Bluff Ot-pissagé ta assist in mitis -thé conter lina o! Central 4>Tis*1ý part: Illi'nois Pr-IntingCo., -of thîs crde ie étraasmitted and cavés! 1thé construcrtion af (hei neaévdormi- theuce h'eorthost i-ly ieontsali o*,- 17.41 Staté of Illinois, Lais Counts'. us: hianks-----------4. 00 opon tisé Cheirman of thé saed Boardi1tot-y building. tUr linao5f Centrai Avenue tuo tit Poard of Supervisera. Jane Terns. ldepeudént Times Ptg. Cc.. of Super-isera, as Weiliase tansmlttéd Motion crnned. West liue o!tise rlgist o! vms sif Mr. Cissiman andi Gentlemen of tise.-Lake rCe. Iliepesdeut. Ex Offlcio Clerk cf sai CotBtty-Dead. iills for tiséesmalt pax rasa hi thé sud thencé Nortlsmesteel atm- Sourd of Supervisons: publisiing proceéi- Dfttei Ibis 131h day of Juls', A. B. Cti- af Wauiégau hée referres! ta tise ralvwas' ta -tise point o! héglnutg 2.00 Tain, Ca41mittee Ou COnats For=m luge------------- 151.56 1414. Committea on Peur Cialms for Wou- natise Town c et ~ I.Ce» 21.12 Clalma moisis! hégleavé te report tisat P. F. Pettihoné Co., B. T. SMILmEY, kégan Siesléland Déértildl. Le ad Stàte SlIpa thèy have éxauiaéi ail claimé te- lanks--------15.0 0 Acting Juigé o! ssld Court. Motion cerrni. Preoiust 4 3.9 0 séolci befone ilieus snd necousmeai P. il. Pettiboné C.,Suparvisar Eger usovéd that tisé Supervisor KAng moi-éd that the Cbmnmentln; Atlise I*te e tine thé payTnent af tise 'ioming, uni 1hâ1 blanks----------------.06 Cîsairman appoint & Committée ta malter aI ornemental stréet ligistelhé tha conter lino o'otl. vnéM lil 7.95 the Cerk hé directed ta lInéueOrdurel~ ___ maSo ap a Jury Selection in compli- reent-éd (ctiséh Building Cammittée tise Wes qiào 4 rt o! mayd for the mvral aussinats t0 the ses'arai i$1011.6? sure mîti sanid! ien. witb Power ta acî. tIse Cuibage 5-dNa rtwestern Rail, 1.10 rlitimauts, to-mit: 1I1Al o! whIîch la respécîfishis subosit ltution carrild. Motion cent-led. mas'. thence Soutisméstérly alog saiW 'Amt. of Chaluts & tés!. Thé Cisaittan a ppoiated a5s ucîs Superviser Brooks moi-éd tisatishe cînrter Ilive of! C«XUaI Avenus ta lis tÏ4.84 Nomes. For Wiset Amt. Allomes!. I. W. Hlirigé, Commîtée Supervisera fEger.,Plice bil cf A. W. Mes'er Ion $35.00 hée ai- lntiqnqsctiu mi s ue ieo - C. A Apples', etc aI, Cisaîrman. ad owed. ', à 1t4tJmfseWeeterly and 91.21 *ervirèa -....I$581.00 tVm. J. Strittdn. Tisé ollowlag petAtions wvéer nda Motion rarriei. StsteU.isé l>' s g m»W Cénter lino Dr. O. F. Buttesfild, .Superviser Conrad! m4lWe0tisat thsé soi opon motion o! Superviser Ftrké Supervleurtaeéthén moi-es!tisatisheet<ifDuéeOW14Bsr4t t seWst ine a£ garvîrés..........S 5.00 report hé acceptai. reltet-éd tc tisé Commisttee ou Lcenee. (<onts' Clrk hé aathorizei ta Issue titi ?o*i o 1 Dbérleti, thénce 5.00Ar P. C. Buýes', Motion carri. Ta thé Honorable Chafirma and Board e Warrant lu pas'meab for Statut«s Sentit al West lino or Deeg. potatote---------45 -60 Supervisor Tuttie, Chslrptau of Ithé o! Superviser&: for Justices cf thé Pouea hsen snoibAiésiTown .pf ta Iintersection viii Crsléti & Proderli5is. Btnt'ius A&",,nf0n0 CpmnlDJtîe, We tise undéréignbd légal votera o! tatutés are deliveres! ta tise Caunts' tri B501141 U it !DegiSeliTowubhi#. 1.03 grocéles ... 30.324 auîhmtted thé 1l ju'report: tisé towu of Wtuconda. Couats' o! Cleni. thé= eWUif ales thé soutu lins et W. W. Carroll & Sons (Co.. Plat,. of Illinois. , Count>'.esa: La-( oi Staté of!Illinois. hérehs' ils- Mctcn carrted. D""6lé4 Twnnp t i neecl 69 isé-----------44.50 Board of Sapérvîs, 1914 IltAco your ionorablé boit; I.. ul Ia Sîpa,rvisanage, Chsirmn f Co wtth etlatisé rtgist Of wvy - Chicago Téléphsone (Co.,Mn. Chairna 7G ealen a! thé licéas tato cééP a DraZ ès y l téos tao Lrnssuuitt=s!thé fol.- of (ho 4Chlwads!Nortismestéru1Rie 3.0 - service------------i4.20 Board of SuperiO s, MVillage at.VoAol In aie ('mants'otelowlng report: mav-. tisanonNortisméstenîs' aioug W» limeont allowei. 2.45 Touri- (Ctaîtitt#é l il 0Ihos As- John Wartt. SriéolIlAosLaeCoas' S: suiriita a thespoint 0f14.a, B1 in&BunfrebgIé4W* *a o tt !Illom on> tLie s tr atofinan makete n cf ise rééiuqb5

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