LAXIC (èO1NTY T 11DV Faïr Week Specials Fuj i Brand! V. C. J. Tea ............... 50e lb. .m~ ieiiBiend Coffee ......... 3 Ibe $1.00 Fruit3, a full line of the very best. Cookies and Cakes, aessortuments of 50 kinda to select frorn............ 10e to 80e lb. Cheese-Anserioan, Wia. Brick, Bine Label, Iimeuto, MacLeren's Nippy and Imperial. Ginger Aie, Root Beer, Sarsparilla aind Cherrv Phosphate. The best of everything in ]Keats ami Groceries at T rRIGGS LTYO J. Eli Triggs Lbryii Bee our Window Display oooooooealooooOoêooooooo@oo@oo~ "'Spruce Up"y for the Fair )UR Annual County Fair is due next week and of course you are ail goiug. And naturally rou want to slick up a bit for the occasion. We sve Iined np our stock of Men's Furnisbings in uadinees for the deînand and are able to fit you eit with ainything you need. Rate and caps of every style for ail kinds of people. An Exoeptlonally wide variety of dressy Shirts. Collars and Nqeoktie-a special new lino of the lat- tèr mast i and they are nilty. Shoos that have them ail topped for style, comfort and service and hosiery to go with them. In short we have the best of every- thing that is necessary te the well- dressed man. Let us help you sprnce up for the Fair. J. B. Morse & Co. Everything fer Men UBERTYVOIL, ILL. Phone 14 IF YOU infend to feedfo profit better buy your suppies early. e 4 See Libertyville Lumber Company E. A. ýISi40P, Wanager 0C16 ertyvi/le Item s- xxxxx xxx xxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxx To inaure publication in tih. indepen- dent. copy mluet be in the office notllter thon Tuelday af esch week. Adver- tisers.esapeclally isrîsaskedKo lakte particular notice to thisaeffect. (Additional Local News on Page 4) B. D. Boyd was lu Kenasha on busi- ne@Monday. James (llagher of Waukegan, @pent Sunîlay et hie henme boe.. W. J. Biume oi Lake Zurich, was a Libertyville viitor iionday. Mmr. C. M. Fuller sud M rs. F. E. Clark viisited et Grayslake laat Saturday. Giadys. a danrhter of tMr. aîd Mrp. B. B. Eîger, bas been on the sick li.t Ibis week. Bepresetative Edasard Shurtleff of Marengo. waa a viitor ber. Wednesday morning. Mrs. Sarab Mason and daughiter Miss Mary visited relatives inu Grayelake Wpdnesday. Harry Putnmam ba@ three borges enter- ed for tbe races at Ideal Park. tussIl. next Sundaby. Mise Blanche Triggs returned Sale- day evsning irorn a week's risit at Lake Kegonea, Wis. - James Kelly and farily are entertain- inir Mrs. Thomas Houston and daughter of Waukegan, ibis week. .leanette Wallace and Lelaud Wateon of Antiocb. spent several days ber.e witb 5Mr. and Mrs. John Welch. Misses Leona and Berthe Petgs lsft Tuesday evsnlng for Minnesota, where tbey will @Pend several weeke. The W iodstock fair I. being ettended hy quite a nember of people irorn Lîbertyville and viclnity %bi@ wèek. Mms. Carrall and daugbter Miss Urace. bave returnsd to Chicago afler spending two weeke with Mus. B. Krîstian. Mrs. Wm. Fulton and daugbters of Nortb Chcago, visited ber aunt, lira. C. Md Fuller and fanily lest Fridey. Mr@. F. E. Clark returned te, ber boni. in t;rbana, Ili., Monday alter aà wesk'@ visit with relative. and friende bers.. The Presbyterian Ladies' Aid will boid a bairery sale at tihe Ray Furuiturs stoe ibis wsek Saturday afternoon, Auit. 29. Mmp. Hewitt and danabter Miss Laurm of Highland Park, visited the tiret eotihe week wtb their cousins. tIrs. J. 8. (ridisy. Miss Sazsil Smale sntsrtained Miss Ethel libateott of Austin, Miss Amy Melins of Chicago, and Mios Nine Rouas of Fremont, ail of last week. Mise Mary Leighnton b.d therifortune to bave one of ber tet Injured quit. badly by a machine whils et work ln the Fould' Miiing Co. fectory Monday. Grac. Whitney, little daugbter of Mr. and Ira. Charies Whitney, hai th miefortune to break an armu juel above the wrist Monday ai ternoon whiis at play. J. B. loneps eîretarv and Chas. F. limaIs, Jr., superietendeet ni concessions oi the Lake Couity Fait, were in Beloit. Wis., and Woodstock. Tuesday sud Wednesday. Miss Hazel V. Easton ai Downer's Grove, wli gir a readieg ai Ihe M9. E. cburcb unuFriday evenînîr, Oct. 2ed, under the auspices of the Sarnt Workeê cloes. T6ý Sunday Bcboo Council ai lie Preabyterian cburch uilîlmesi ai the hume ai fi. F. Wrghtt i* blaek Frtday eveeing at wbicb tlmelupomvint motter@ wiii ho discuses. Bort Dillue, a clsrk la Triggs& Taylor@ stars, bas goue ta hi@ bomniluOia, bieg called ihere on accouni ai his mthera s@ickness. Foreet Smith ls tekiug hi@ place at the store. Dr.. aîîd Mrp. C. N. Stephene bave moved lotothe dii oertheNort bbSore Oaa Co. office ibis week. mmre.M. ÀL Protins sud ion are moricg Imb lish foriner%. home vacated by Dr. Stepbena. MIes Mary Welch bas accspisd a posI- lion as etenogrpher st ths Globe departmeet store la Wauk«gs. mies Welch was iormerly .nipioyed by ths Obeldon Sebool and umade ber homus bure for about a year. -W. I. Woodin ai Delta, Utah, paseed tbroug3> bore Monday cnante tu Ares. Mlr. Woodln wmaefarmner esedent oi Mlimer, but bas heen .psuding tbe Pest lve montha la the. West. 1Hî na&edeh trip by automobile lu eleven dais, a distance of neariy îwo tiouad mile.. Joues & Cran'@ production oi "Tbe virginian" sut the Auditoriumluet S.inr- dày nlgbî greatly pleàeed ib arge audience. The ceni wai backési hi siraug compaca, wbieb wîit lw owna lceuery mades e remerkablygoosi produc- tion of the play sncb as le liaI nuàll gouud lu towns thes@ fleaiLbertyville. Dancing Fair we.k ait LîhorlilDe Auditorium. Bapke's orcestre. CI S. J. ýfIein li as opeued a motion picture show et Iorton (irovq. He opened thé pia >v houpe oni Saturday eventng with gondmiczpd crowdo. Mr. Doinlin rsently sold Iiîîsempreas business and resideece boe G, lB. ?Mla@on. MIr. and Mrp. E A. Bi@hop returned Tbureday fromn their auto trip whlch they made to Frankfirt, lhd., lest week FrIday.ý Their daîîgliter Mie Frances, Iwbo bas sipent the lest tires wseks ID Clinton and Frankfort, md., accom- panled ber parents bol])e. Are the merchants of Libertyville go- Ing to derats their places nf business for thelfait? Miiwaîîkeavenue prettlly decorated witb flaga4 and bunting would attraet mucb attent ion ta the thousenda 0i people who wii use tiret street going ta and from the fair grounds. Mr. and Mr@. H. MI. Ailburt returneli lest wsek from tijeir tbree weeke viIt in th. eat. Tbeir trip took- them to IFreeport. Ohio. th bhomne of Mrp. Alburt'a parents. iand to Mn. Ailburta formier home, Pittsi,uiriz:aliio to Carlton, Harlem Springs,Ely ria aud Cleveland, 0. Chane Tbayen ha.. pld hisflins driving bors taBorti, R. Wilson whbe borne le ini Chicago but nu, neePli purchesed a fine taet oftland for $10,000 in Libertyrille acd who le building a ins summer homethiere. tir Wilson la beed 0i a famous ltrmailfarchiltects.-Kauke- gan SUn. MIr. and Mr@. F.LU loicli returned Mandey alter a vimit witb Cira. Boiceb parent. la Michigan, M rp. iolch bavinîg heen there tbe past month end MIr. Ilolch the paët we,-k. MIr. and Mra. Bolch entertaiued tho fornper'a brother Arthur.a auie of days thie week. %Ir. Bolch ecores ironi tri pple Creek, Colo. Last Friday ciglit amp boys secured a number of empty cae wbich tbey cannected witb wires and after placing. tbem acrosa a xait on Nswberry avenus fliled them wîîh wat,-r taken from an old greasy cen wlîch they ionnd iu thse rear of one of the business bouses on Milwaukee avenue. Sevealyoungladies a littîs latpr had their dresses badly spattered with the grea8y water as tbey came iu contact n itb tbe wires wbicb conuected tbe eus. One of the boys, alter admitticg ina own guili, gave hes naumes0o twu other boys tu tihe autuoci- îles, aIl thuse tben twsing lodged in lu and ou Baturday aiternoon were tined $10 and copte, the ins. being suapended after they received agood lecture. Tbey wer. rsleâed on parole to tbe marebel on condition thet ibey stay off of tbe street alter s:30 et nigbt. Word bas been received ber. of the dealhlreluMit, Kan., of John Spelîrnan et tbe ege ni 80yeara. Hewese formerý well kcown resident of Lake couunty. Hes mes tht, eldesi sou o! tbe lat@ Patrick and Mary Spelimtan of Libierty ville, bis birtbplace. Bdmarrled Miss MLarg&ret Serke oi Waukegan, baving lived in Wankegau sonne utile time. About 40 Jeers ago he r.moved to Kansas'w were ho bad lived ever sînce. Two years ago be and bis wife celebred tiroir izolden wedding annivers.ry. He made bis laet visit to Lake couniy about four yeara &go. [teides hig wife be leaves the lollowicg brothers and istera: Tim ýf Mekoose, Wis, Patrick of Lake Forest, William of Libertyville, tIns. Margaret Yege-r of Laks Forest. BePleaves îo tee cbildren. 'Deatbis aattributsd ta nid fg.-Waueegan SUn. On Sunday the St. Johns( Evang. Lutheran cnurch observed MIssion Fest." two visitiug ministers offciating at the mornlng and eveDing service.. Rev. Buerger ofai tonuin, the father of liev. R. 0. Buerger, preacLing ln the morniunad es. Mein of Kenosha. dslivering the sermon ln the norning. Nearls two bundred people attended botb services. A free dinner was served iD the basement of the cbureb, and refreshâments were served alil aternoon. The proceeds oi the sale of refresmett will ho used ta belp pay tue coit o! instailiîng elsctric Iwit. in the cburch la a wesk or ten daya. The collection@ whlcb amountesé ta nearly "0, wiIl b. uasd In missionary work. Neii Sunday unany of tbe pari.blouoeippet tu go to P1arlield to attend lb. celebration of the. filtieth anlvsrsary of th. dedication oi St. Matbews' chnrch there. colonial Eeg and Rag arpet Weaving, ail fancy weaveu lrs. J. A. Graves.. Telephons 140-M. Uibertyville. c.48tf Ou cantaloups, are now ripa and ready fur dell..ry. Cal at the buse. Robt 5111., Mlwaukee avenu.. 2 CHAS. D. PROCTOR INSURANCE FIRE TORNADO, LIFE. PHONES Il5sen AmD50 UDERTYVI.E, ELDOOS LIBEIFI VILLE PUBLIC SENOOL OPENS iIONI)AY, SEPT. 1 The following fecuity bave liesu retain- ed for the Elib lichool: Prof. P. L. Holcb, Principal. Mise il. Louls Cater, Asst. Principal. Mise Lois A MeGrew. la the grades tbere have be a nunîber oi change. aud the new corps of teacbers are as follaws: Prof. F. L. Holcb, Principal. Mi@@ N ettie Stol.l tetitret grade teuchier, cornes boe from Lincoln, Ili., wbere ibe bas taught for the peut dii yeeru, havlng been lu charge. o! the second grade rooni and then the irai grade room for the pat four years. Sh. le a graduate of th. Liecoln 51gb Bcbool, The LincoînCollege, Normaidepartment, and ha@ attended the Plate Normal liebool et liekalb, Ill , for two setrs. Ste cornes hlghiy recommended by ail lb. ahool authorities under w hom site bas worksd. Miss Foy Bueil Walker. the second grade isacher, la a graduate of tes 8tillwater Righ Sebool, Oklahoma A. and Md. Colsas, from whlch abs receivsd tii. degres of B. S., and ba@ done polt graduate work in tboth the Normai Ilepartment o! Okahoma State Cole and the Colorado Stete Coilege. k3hs boldo a teachers lire, certificate ln Oklahoma and a certificato from the Normal department of Site Chicago Art Instituts. Chicago. .Mie. Pearl Rowley, thesthird grade toacher. nseds no Introduction to the people of Libertyville s ti i ii e ber lii th ys#ar bpre. lihe le a graduate of th@ Illinois Stats Normal secoul et DeKalb sud ber work ber. speaka for herseif. Miss "aId . amm, ths fourtb grade teacher, la a graduses01 the L)eèkerville, Mici., Righl Sc1100, the Ferris Instituts et Bg Rapide. Mlch., and the @tâte Normal College et Ypsllanti, iche., froni which eh. boidsa alits certificats.. 1h. bas bad seven veare sucomseul teai experlsncq and la highly endorsed by boti Patron#suad sehool authorities under whom abs bas teught. Miss Fanny Coidren, the lufth grade teacher, la a graduate oi the .Topeka, Indiana, Higb lichool sud the State Normal Coliege et ypeilauti, Mieh * f rom wbîcb hholdo e lite certitliete. l$he bas badl specîsl training Ji, physIcal trainingr, gymnasin u ad play groued work, and wil prove au acceptable addition ta, the ai-boI aiong tbesse une.. Sbe boa badl four years succesalul ex- perience. Miss Litàne M. Rohinson, the aixtbsud ssventb grade teacher, lnas graduate ofi thes Tecumsdeh. Mlch.,Bigb Sehool sud Michgan SIxte Normai Coliego at 'Ypsilanti, Micb., froie wlîich ahe boldoaa tsar-ers lie certificate.. lie & bail. seven yeaya sîperiece and cames here frorn the sventiî grade room et Amose, Mary A. Lavidmon, -the sevenib andf eigbtb grade teecher, ld a graduats oi the Marshall, [l., 51gb 8chool, Inîdiana Stxte Normail School, Terra Haute, led.. and bas doue considerahle work lu the Illinois litais Giversity. She cornes 10 un from Marshalli, llinois, wlîere obe bas tauffbt lu the upper grade fir thie pesi Dnesyearn. Since .lenuarv lot oi the present year e@healesbsec tear-bing e revîew clde iluthe tiarsisel Towusblp Bigb &-bool. $he i. very bigbly recnm- meuded, boing e splendid lustructor aud e e4trong duau-iplnarian. Miss Stoli, the firet grade teaci-er, bail the mnisfrtune ta fracture lier lisr lu e runaway accident on Auguet let and, wili ei)t be abIe to esubie ber duties until about the middle ni Seeptember. Miss Marie Scbaudit bas@heen ecgaged lis the board ta substituts for miss d3tinh until abs arrives. lnmtffance on an Automobile in a gond lnvestment. Prutect youraeif against lire. las., damaged and thef t. les NocI Durand. c49tf lAkO COUntY's ig weekly-INDE, PENDENT. Are You a "Spender" or a "Success?" Ynî' CAN'THlE BOTI. If you, don't systt'îîatically smtve a part of wlîat yoit earîî, yoiî have a t'ery slight chiauce of becoinirîg a financial stctes. ,Start on youîr way to tlîis succies 'y opeuing a sarinuls accolint Lake County National-Bank Capital Surplus and Profits, - $100,OOQ.oo Total ReoUrces. -. - 750,000-00 Why N ot "CoaI=up?" Ail orders for coal booked now will be delivered at present low prices. As cold weather sets in, prices are bound to go up. Burning the candie at buth enîds dovsîî't "îîiake b<th ends meet." A btitter way iii t hîîrîî mir reliable, high-grade coal. It producom the' grt'atemt amotînt of heat with the minallest anonîît of ashei'. Iniltertime yenfu ait hav. hsst Sa why mot boy wh.n il Àe eh )? Phono 5 CHOICE GROCERIES, MÂS VEGETA2BLES "]~D FRUITS.I CORLETT & FREDERICKS Phone 30. IBERTYVLLE, ILL You Demand Purity and Quality! Von cari be happv anîd contenîtel over our Cakes Pies, Tarti, JetIy Ilis and everything we inake. We dou't tise fake jamm and jeijies and flavorm. We are hoîtuat. Also 're are dlean. Bakeshop re- gtiiarly inspec.ed. Why not then, trade with US:- WC OnarantieàaClean Bakay. LIBERTYVILILE BÂKERy PERD JOCHRI9UVProp. Don'twaittiliMAKE VOUR PREPARAT IONS the Ist m nuteFOR FAIRWEEK NOWI Corne in sud cee us. It will simplify your buying. Excellent vaiues ini Dress Ooods, Undermustins, Hosiery, Corsets, Sil.ks, Ribbons and Trimmings a nd Umbrellas a'nd Parasols an d Ladies' and- Chlldrens' Shoes LýW SEE OUR AD NEXT WÈEK W W.OCARROLL & SONS COMPANY 1North Store Phone 29 'I I~M Y( hâ Fl 3 e e e e e e 2 o o e e e e e e e i *1 o e e o o e o o o e a L DÛ for Wq mi Fri Shi anq c <v j> t. FRMAY. , 1 -1