CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 28 Aug 1914, p. 4

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Waukegan Weekly Sun Office Telephorse Number 1. Libertyville Exchange. Ittered aé Ihe PoetoilicneaiLibertyvilie. Ili, .an Second Clan. Mail Natter OFficiai Paper for Lake CountY. teaud Every Friday. Adertiing Rate Made Known ou Application. BUSSOUpTioN PRiCE. $1.60 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE 1V. J. SMITH .............-........................................................ Editor 9. 0. SMITH .._............. .............................................. Manager M. sJ. WIE1ER .......................................... Reaident Manager, Phone 68 d& # dIaeorvis, one of the most conspicuous "Bull oOi"two Yemarsag, wu8 couuusl o up 10 a few *weeks ago, and tlien-he's now meklng Ppublicau sup- port.____ __ Voliva mxght have added to bis "lthree D's" (Dances, Dra and Devils), another 'ID" for Dowie. Then lie would have had tliem ail as invaders of wliat was fornierly juil Lake county land, but since the latter "D 's" arrivai bas been chaos, with a big 11C." The Medical Journal declares that the. present fad in regard to out of door sleeping'porches s li able to produce more disease than il combats. The writer declares that most of theni are flot sufficiently prolecled against severe weatber and dainpness, and thus the chili and shock to the nervous systemn whicb they sometimes produce i8 apt te have an u.nhappy effect on the capacity to resust dlsease, and go you are. The request of tie G. A. R. that flags b. floated over -a&R sohools of Lake county is flot inconaistent, il là fot out of place. In fact, where, next to federal buildings and G. A. IL. buildings, lias th. flag a better riglit t float tiai oiver lh. buildings.wherein future statesmen of th. county, the state and the nation are being prepared? The ides, and suggestion likely will b. and should b. adopted and every loyal and patrlotic citizen will commend the plan heartily. The unqualifled praises wbich Inspector Oooney 0f lb. state departmient has given thi. dainies of Lake county as a whole Idicatus Ihal Lake county farmers are abreat oftthe Urnes and deairous of keeping their places lookiug fi sud sanitary as far as possible. Tbey must feel a sourop of pride and satisfaction at the admissions made by lhe stt inspecter wbo declares the condition as a wbole is a r sas any county-which lie las vsited-and h li as been 10au of lhem. Ris notation of the improvements tiat have bomnimade in the daires te comply withb the state require- agents la also important, sio'wing as it does the willingness of the liake couîty men te do as the state officers request. la looking over some of the roade of Waukegan town- sble Waren townsbip, sud in fact, almoat every tewnship et MAk oouty, one wonders where 1he highrway commis- ahIUaWn put the money thal la coilected for road work. Tie rumb1s nuu't veryappareil, iu fact, oie bas te searci sud uepukfor.spots viiere tiey have done work-yet lie M$au s-e oloed jusl theaune. We are incined te b.- M"w that b~wycmu4nr do. not realize tlie im- or espnsiilty thïrpositions., "Any-old- os ont after the job, gel ilaid then jusl retains ~ pae oflieoffice wllh 11111. concern over wliallhe ac- ~~pIshes If hey would jusl realize liaI lhey have .~u o!1h oatImportant'jobs lu lb. counly and ris. te ý'* occasion, Lakce counls roada would be better Ilian *@oy are. SThe prisent Summner bais slown a substantial increase in degtuclive parasites whici prey upon trees. The plie- numou in serions enough te have caused anxiely, and o» e oomuxty, Lakeo'el, blia lan:e einitiative for '4= ou âintececin the lvasion. The massmeetiig called f or n uit Tusdy lu LaiïSe :Foresl , ieh i repr mm t ativesa of al l. enorth shore lowns bave .bee nkvted, aliould avwaken publc opinion 101the support o! prompt aid prac- tl measu. Ithe people o! tie nortu shore stop te -thinin of wbal lew Englatd bas suffered front the browi muoth liey viii nol b. ludifferent te tie present enligten- -ed attempIte protectlb. chie! beauly of Iheir district. It la uot a malter for privaI. action merely. -It is a formn of public de! m ie theIb fighilg of disease epidemica, or of lre Therefore ail the norti aliore tevis sbould co-oper- -te il% a consistent plan based on scientific knowledge and carried o«I by experts. iFriends o! John OXeefe, who have watched his con- duct of the Railroad Men's Home aI Highland Park, nat- urally rosent lie venomous circular whici a resident o! thal city bas seen filte send out broadcast. Mn. O'Keefe in to eil kiown among railroad men and men who have -charge of directing the affairs, o! the borne 1 have sucli an aflacin bmlng any iUl-effects. Hia fii purpose in caring for th. inmates and lie home aid in rnaking il tie greatest Institution of the kind hinlbhe country, 18 teo well known 10 ýpmi an unknown mai sucli as signed thie circular, to bring any serions considerallon o! the malter ite hi.e pub - lic mid. OnKeefe bas "made good" in his place more tia the average man who lieads sucli an institution, hence. 'lhe attacin fails on shoulders liat are broad aid wblcli are MSpoted by loyal officiais who have been in close touch *,wthle supermntenden anid viose greatest confidence .,,in pousmes. Naturally Mr. 0'Keefe wiIl demaîd liaI *a. Wp«u of the venomous circulan corne forwand aid ÏÏ *.le bold assertions lielias dared to make. Pailing C TWÇ thilis l a recourse unden the la*, even if lhe MmUs mually may not be nesponsible, sud Mr. 0'Keefe wiLJd vR imsel! o! it. Il'. nmsy enougli toenedeavor toI làkp sma nofficia'. methoda; its quit. anotier lbing 'tom'0"dms wiicb, ith. case 'o! Mr. O'Keefe, are flot qp«~gbMe but te fniend Il lis nonvi ley are impos- fi l thle malling of midi a circular, containing iî~~ poeU.w~$ako whicl itI doos, almost justifies fed-. ora Iau~plsmfor ulig lb. mails for mcli a purpose., Of oCéhtprt'z Mrc. and Mm. Geurge Wright, jam'es B. Swau and family, and linesce. W. IE. Davis, Juliug Treptaw, N. B. Ladd. John McCurdie attued~ the talc at Waod- stock Wednudny. A special "Pence" nrmon has heen planned for by Patar H. M. Allbnct t the Presbyterlau ehurch aext Bunday morcuagisite sbjectot airiW .addem, beljag *PrYage for Peet."l Mins LilIh lMciotmick will &ina $lng a colo "lt une bave Pence.", Ban. Raymond Robins, candidate fac United State Senatar andil naaI euker 01 national ceputation Wilttosake a tour ai Lake couoty on Satnrday, Ang. 21Il, and wIlie in Libertyville on that date et about 12:30 p. in , chen ho ciii mall' a publie atidreae. *'Deerfleid lDy' cili undanhte'dly t- tract many ci aur people ta I)eecield next Satnrdav. tht29th. l a ltter ta W. B. Coef Oncar lieechami of the cncep- tion comeilîs.. etends a general ib'ita- tion ta the rpopie cif Lihertyville. Thre clebratiouly iqta nignatlize the t'ac"ie- lion ai Deerid'e s-aler corkn eytinî. Among tILs. front I.ihertyviliî' whîî &qtended the aiîtoîîiubitc. raceesIn Elfin is.t l'ciday a;NI riatur4uy wfre: . aud'Mrtt W. H. Dymond, ýY. and Mr&. E A. Crane, kensrm elîanc, foyruu. Clarms'e Loveil, .>an ltay, Ll>nd'fayliîr. Laiurre Juini. %oel tîranti. Arthjur Miller, tleorgs. Qu-.tin. Mr and Mrm. Charle Seller. NI r andi Pitre C. Il. Keisr, W. 1. Colline and taiai>y and A. t lioane. PUAY il BE GI YEN NOR UIil6SCIIOL IUN. "Mrc Bobi" a coms'dy play il lis giveu at t4e Auditourinu Lbertycllle, ,Sept. 17 und ix The eUt ugo taa'acdm a usd flac .gyrnaainm tfo'tht High Scioal. Tht caet, it wii lie romembered. ttram tht niar clate of 1913, cha gateun feu gond plai hu yaar. "1Diamatrsieaud Heut@t" &.id "*Who«#3 tiiWia Him" Thétclaââe le o"'atly interented inu tacting the fond and wasitn ta get'ont lseinteceisted toi- the bettermitofaiour sehoel. ( AST 0<?Pf1HlXiiuTLIiO Ph i*p Roy son... . .........urent Sînitb ltflhert IBroweloyt of ensén, &, 1 4ten ....... ...._......Lyle Trip: Jtokic. Mine Rtebe-can brticabn ...... ... ......Harvey Mtio Itélenaa Lake, a u lilen lady...- ............... ena Mami 8mahu- Katharine Itog r. hître .... .... .... ....Madoly& M£ok Marion Bryant, Kaharine'. trlend ......................~. Edtlamae Patty, Mine@Itebeccsa.mad..KattJaroi The Lake County rael Ca., wlilch la operatlug an Im»nse. plant ir ibebrty. ville, near lb. Deeplaines river, Ios la couple af monthe tai have ohe af th largest and mefaIcomplete graveli 918011 in th.e @,aie. Cantcactar 8. F. Wo- ridge ie now emetlng thp lare Att5itt5l7ý junt sunîl i o the C. M. & 8t. Pauli railroad whlcb cUl support the nalcock ai trestifa many fret abuvet lise buildinga. The main #ualdlng Whou coMPh4 wilS bu 19955 fet and W ftest Thla lnfllmg ulitb6 uacd as bn, eand and gravrel wIth numeraun pluces ~ giganîle machines ta raine andi dumï. the niaterial hito the blos. Th. ston« crocher buildint, ineyra. I-rm the otberone, wiit kwb. 22 iet square and 58 fwet bigh. 'The nec buildings onu ehieli worh ew» nogun aver a montisaire wil; not ho cîîrsleted fer %tea moniha et lesnt. ae lt buildinge and îL neftwork oai tretia are @,0 etrongly bilt .'nocîon welghs out he e înahNuery hiffh up tise air. Tise ns.w plant i4 beweeu mix and neveu leet futhei n,,rti5b of tise M une The ostpnut ofthe nec plant cli about double that ut t ht oli plant, and tht psveecr equired wahen hs new iieîeiiery ciliilie n*ttiii otioi. nelzt opring wJIll e nuppiied l, vthrce 5i)ihý p.. ilîotore, tcu 20> b. P. sîi or'5 hInP., tititi psuffiient ruafli iii th.. planrt ta' add i.r.. muelitiry an i tii.' ,inee ,r tti. Uancing lAIR WEEK IDERTY VILLE WDITORIUM V uodaThuraday apke's Orchestra The new tlant a iii I.'r,î'jdtd wl iuart. traekasiefi. euaiàh1h l.' -oipany tu- 1 tondt urrire earcts&diniij-,,. (lirt thau ix w :oillil. is reerî t.tose là n. th.. ite ýqffldiuigm are ueaps5.f îîîd rendy ti, lii..Vethe lqw nitelirnur ' v re4 r,îl ani ~ WILLIAM A. ROSING wtli t1w torud,>wn. wc h 'lî .i îui'n t1-".j l'î ;it,' l,,r dlesulanîling out aluau.l'. Aoi ula11C OUe.lR AS wcrh of mtetv'cîal iCO1 NT TR ASURE CAUSE 0F LT 40T KNOWN. 1 ,rl.191 1. Wankegan. Au.g. 25.i IYOUR SUPPORT RESPLCFlWULLY Thati the tichin1e whiuih piayed a SOUCITFD par-. lnithe auto accidet iaich uccur- rv'i airand aMenue, aorttt Of the City HU PLÀTFORM. iltte. Mbnday atterneon and which obuîces to reîîcs.ent t1wi ,eymiîlco Joh-n lPôpe. noir of Atty. J. D. Pope aof ' rikrtyCh>wtse, ofiei' louery Tr..aa tais city owner anffdriver of the ma- i ier. anid 1if eieted. 1 ciii a'ut-pa»' ce_ chuine. met injuries, tmwnet over tcîce nnseation fersuîy ebuile Oui. anîl tfils wth tht young ien lni tht sent, ine oaa besstlnin,'s#lam)i diiîntrarw t'rlit Stateci ilY the principl, in ttht acci- 1,Iaiomet. malary aliiw'l h . " Co5'iuu dent. TaIe mlcaculousesecape or thety 4u" r"-'.-' . YXu1ng i bm frOuadeatti tins caused I 'NI, i , l h ri,i'1., r'î,~iiai mnny Commentea trxoat the City. ungu ioi the exI>iteu.vecy's.vre'i'î Tiie ather occupant af the machine i ra". intepftt on puliîr irtsi.lbu H4ayes. escaped iÉuniY. John PopeI t 'h ica'itl'enîi l cnerged fi-arn tht acc'ident cith as. belne ethe-natacy ailaceti livhje le'd i ere brunèes, au lir as its known, ie.mlainmlon andi a:. w4liig te. h'owuver. lb ln e ared thtahle may be gis. the cwrk Myhatt't. totr litsîn*gafly fie coutupline stiti'leqii rcmimlrof»ve-Ppaoi inth ca.licibt tht npot ii" Àla mch.tltatlof nev infusln thjt te vnnwlén tàw outy cita honfflk mach. l~e is un lu mg in tht anad efficient a.lnîe ctlioti.pbe MrAlsterliospitai. Tht machine vas t WLuinAM atoat tple.I j -bffly danuagtd. m_ In M4nnory.', ,* whu sbeparted tram es Aug. 17,. 1»14. Sileaaiy the chadtitofaievenuing Oslher roîund oaarlouelv dos Biletsly they bring ielore un Tht dear face wu eue nu mure. Na more yaur tau.'essep un th&tu"nir,. NOmare Jonc fac e eme. But lai thie lîittie takan tell ThaI ce &realcayc thuakingoL thu, L.auiz« hearte clig alwayn.liager Round tht grave. cwher. yim are lad. Ptatlully b. thy cent dear. Martin Uil e ment again. Frotayone Iaving brather ad inîa.b CARD) QI i iIANICS. W. cinh ta expresa Ouc tb&anke. t. the neighhors and fionde foac their' kiadueme __ andl &ympathv ehowu ne djriaig ti. cik- M&*E= SM lBinG 1wm ne»anddeah ooursonandbrohwr, Amnenuy, Sà& DintseM Voe For n.aad eah lor unao ~~ JOSEPH W.FREUNI> aisa to thone eho gave tiocers. 11 WMH I Ch"_J._Youngan DEMOCRÀTIC CANDIDATE SANS SUITOR FORPuae.apmbr914 DÀUITER'S HMNI ASSAULTEDIRM Vukegan, A«. M W 'il tan Richairdean, a man pant 64 yi ai-e, appeared ln the Office et State n Attorney ItiIph J. DBdy titIn morfias '.og~ and retnted the incidents 0f a case Nuhen he clalmet ht had been bru- tnt.? beaten hi James Cat$lonl. a Joung man who ha@n fot yet acnivesi . tt hie majorlty. one of hlm eyes la M-ai kentd and ntarly scollen ehttt; twui or threu. teeth are miscîng. He charges that he receivesi 'hene lu- - " jurîir at the hande of Catîlont. Jun- ,e ttue WVeiss wan summontul and a war- rant wa, Ceai-n ont for tht arrest of tie alleged aseallant. .,Rawleigh's Producta Wait fîîr my wagon. 1i ar cooslng with a flllinlof t M.wleighe Medicine@ * Extracte, Spleen and Tallete articles. A. A. McMlILLEN Bave takpn Mc. f'lnne 8hedis route cho Grayalake. 111. han been on tht wagon toc 12 years. A Demmocraile Candidat* fer nuppl l'anulie hati at my home o" Orehard etreet neac Firnt. Lenard H L K DineUbrtvlit1. c49.iE P F of Lake. Çounty The JnuteDendent lasde &IL "*1Wil,Apprecl.te Y.w Vote" ,ÏEN DAYS' q El Y cm<a try " 1.bgmu- tiflha-Victrola FREE in your oWDm o. By mahmng mali moli.hîy piymenta Yeu ciii boon ove, a Victrola --te grcatest of ail inuejoal .instruuentn. And ih brings to yott *e voq bhut of wuasc kwa, à ,7bi~,udýw played in the vevy bet wàyli the very beet avoins. The ide- ai place ta learn the new dan. ee àe inthe home aindhere the V xctor te abenlteiy india- Spensable. Price $1.5 to $100). Try the New Douce Recordi H. B. E GE R Lub.tyville j- (I :4 if e Buyers to Share in Profits Lower Prices on Ford Cars Effective irom Ang. 1. '1 4. tu Augt. 1,'15. and guaranteed againe;t aoy reduction during that tine: Touring Car - $490 Rulnabout - - - «40 Town Car - - 690 F. (X È. Deicett. au cati llyui)yappedý Fucliier. w. will b. able ta obtaiu the umaxi- mnimetticiency lu aur tactary production, and tht minimau post lua ur pucebatnlng and sale, 'ltpiertmentoi If w.e eau reach au output of 300. Awi lhund se reiicb thin production, weawcrs ta pay an the buyer'a chace fecm $40 tu $64) per car (au or ata.ê Aug. 1.1'l>-»ta evecy ru. tail buyasp who purebmco a new Ford car be- tween Auû 1, 1914 aud Ang. 1, 1915. F-e, f=eti.pactieheneacdmîsg lb. .e and profi t gpan i. AN K BCOS , LibectyvIlI I. t . Cnt 1 Hoa 16ke tanil She laie, auto la tw Wri ed lbn Uri birayi id c attelà ()Wil 1cut Mr. C lir l'Oumg Tu.ed Hal Thln i eanuo0 bande Tht R t'Mc. tec E. N fmed, DIr. Hency mvlle botuda t .tI]. Krit c Mc. siuî,ck liiildi Mir. El Sidn fir hum li eiee il - 1 'il w

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