CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 28 Aug 1914, p. 5

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I dted by F. J. DRUOE, Phone Il Orders Taken for Job Work. Advertlaing ratés on application. LIra. BerkelY and daughter Chatrlotte of Woo.ter Lake, caled un friends bere Tnasday, DO't forgiet the une cet taal.aS ibee Rexali Drng store tblg week. bruite irsg Co. Judgp Prons of Waukegaa, was a Pleasaatnf aler her@ Tusad. John Brewer han accepted a position as the lÉtalon & Lewis ciothinq storp. Caah Pester ha ring resigned to attend si-bool. The youna people gave a pri vate hop at the tlùok hall laat Wednenday aven- iig. Ed MeCormlcek of Lbertyville. iurnihed the mune. 4dolph Chard sud family of <'llcagu, aie vibitiug friende bhere. The o Iniem uf the 8t. Aîdrew's (luild will go.'a bakery sai.'atk <B. (idfry's store Aîîig. 211. Several irout town attended the land selle t Drue@'se Lake lat Saturday, but a very iîw lot@ were sold. The luneral o!flte hâte Aifrs. Owen of Kisud Lake, was belli imuiiay. inrial at tirayAlake î'eretery. 4 bout tiftti- ofle wlîo atteudetisi WPîé,iaîaiSuudaY shool ticule etjoyed a&iila 11Y d outing e t ltutiiid Laàke lait F rida7, Siverti fioi le.-attiileîii te auto raoes ait Elgin lait week ir. and)Ar@.F F EL.osiliii )fAlioquin. are thé,ent. citsutT,u Walah and fâtîlil thj. weiL,. kis. Auna W. Simiot. bosntfr.-asêîl a lot limthbe-Tbhomson subîdivision a-rois the lax.. sud will erect siii Itage lunilhe iumediate ifuture, Airs. 1, Masser ui taki. Vlla, riturneil tbe)r bfnilialeater mienit a week wtb 1)Cill. 111 nd iaillilY. Ruii.-ii K apptle bis sluroucd boulie alter spesndiag aa weeL.' wiîh ilm bister et Wankeganý .frchie àMîîî,re bas reuigned his lioitsiou with the Niîrtls Shoire (;&à cii. Mdesdames iarnotable and Wald of Lk illa'uI, Wore i alles ure Satuniay. fe,. Blialger ba. reaigued biii pool. liua as pastor of tbe M. E.cliurrh and li Monday witii bis wiie lor their furaier home in Okahomia.Tthe muas -as made un accounlt ut temi beaîlli. Hobart Eety a«d damîgitieruofl>ruue L&111, wero gueste of Fred Wiibur sud iailly recently. Sherman Davis ana fistii utv f liound Laie, returned lat Thurmdar troui an auto trip ta lowra l'h. trip %vas maitie la two dayo caiway. Win. Edwarde o! Wakeiz;t, transts-. cd business heme Moiday. Mr@. Lalziel of Loon Lake, wai a birayslake viitor Tuesday. idrs. Henr-y Wellis ofRipait. imîs attended the tuner-ai oi lier inotiier, AMrs (Ilwon of Round Lake. lrving Book le entert.aiuing bis friend. Ar. Cook of Chicago, Ibis week. lirs. 1D. O. White sud Mr@. Jesse L.ongabaugb wcrc Waukegau ciitori 'Pueoday. Handaoma 4'aity Case for 1 cent. This week we aSm offering you witb evary eau of RieS Talcum Powder at 2:i- a haudalome Vaity Casa for one t-et. Titi Rexail Store-Druce tmg Co. M Ar. and Mmi. Win. Richardson were at the uountY âst ou business Tuésday. E. V. -Orvis of Waukegan, i'aliedu tneundse oreTueday. Dr. Col@e'and !amiiy aecolniuamed by Henry Kuebker snd family motored to M,-Ilenry Mondiay. Rd Druce rcently î,nci'hamed tiie Eruat ioîire ltin o! tbe Hiieheodale Co., il repiurted that several ufthtbe other Hos. LeudaI.' larme bave been sîîld. i .iiizeu ilîia r-cuîly urcbasced as Krit unr [roui Li Luat io! Wadswortb. Mr. WhiitueY 1iiiovlug lb,' hardware stick uof Egeré nto the G(eu. Strang 1-tuildiug wbieb was reeiiîly reuted by Air. Eger. .Sidney Carfield & Co. arc nîsw ready for business at the Kuebker store wbieh hé recenaly rented. The Ladies' Aid iOeieîy umeton day aiternoon wlîh Airs. Jý. ut Miei Josie Eddy bas beeu eane beach the sibool Ilîla yeer. Ver& Meteaif f uGrue, as 8orensen01oi 1 yvallia, @peut part wiOk wlth LIra. Corrna andt fainll Vern River fa apendiug ber vr wltbrelatives. Mr@. geo. DeForria l# oatertairi -,-c. MIesWWhseierir-om Bpringii sari Pedlsy spent SOundayi wl ýivs e Kenoeba. Ulau*Jkie aturabd trou; Prfday sud brongblt a fr-tend wiii C. M. Gorbam and family csi relatives on Fr-ldsy. UIr. and Mr-s. Koenea ipent8 wftb ber Mother, Mm. Corné. Ells and Esîber Carlson @peut8 with thoir latter. Mir, sud Air. 4lutins are Iiovini Mmr. Melil le bouse. RukbY Neities as a Kemisa vini Saturday. M"-.1-.1- Suer iPent part ( Webk with friands la Kenooha. Mir, sud Mm, irai-e havi e en the. Siver relative@. The Hioward tanily areata cottage S ate kilenla, V _ G. JýRNEE Miss H-Iýi 'l Iure left %W' ductd ean auto trip itu ehowltl mouie CI a griends. t Mrm K-el and 6ir.. l'i îîgc el Tuesdey irons theireasteru trip. Mis, t. W. Chandier @pont lte fi the week withiî llagîîfriends. Mis.,Ver,. lbel1îsreluru.'î1 rmt weeiis vacation Wedueds3. Eh-dtru-ladlie wenî-turucd ou(in tb.- irst tînie. Satiirday nlgbt. H. W. Keel suent Suuday wit dutiuli terrinsChicago. Mr"W. A. Camnpbell entertailt atoulIîrtY fiu. iigi, Monday. F-rîînk Sver o! Kenowha, wae i'n Li n buoelîsasa Tîesday. t H H. Sponen)iirg waga K lusiueas vwditor the irt of the wef Mr aundArs. Ker and .lsughtî Lake Villa epeut Siinday lu thîs vi' 7 M lasVîuîîîe J auîiesoui o o euding ber ration atl thii,- Iiîî.. MissHlnSafr Itiauj Morriao)nville, II., wbcrc mile- ilîl the coming i-car. Mies Pearl Ceveland w ealtînldiji Teacitera Inttute. Lanin l.enrian .f i ti i,,t te is lng tht.s eel with is o îs les-. A . M-Safford oulll.iated a tseddlig of Miss Budlong at Bow Ville. Ilii. C. E. Deuman and George Jan transis(-ted business lu Chicago Tuet Thresiting is uearly over audaiii ing le the order ioi the day. Mir. and Mrs J. J. Feezer audl de ter ut Gurne- autoed ltu Miliburti day. Nirs MeCan(jis lé steraining rels from Chicago. The Misses Hoppliaut and Krans% ed Aité. J. S. Douman Ibis week. Indepeudent: More readers 5 county weekliesa coznbined. FIND THIS D06i AND (lUT $25. $25.00 raward for rîcovery, or formation lisihn.g to reCovery of mate beagle itouud lbit, or ai f rom niar Grayalaki, Ill., June1 tas a black and Witite body, b bis! sud ears, a round brouni ovin eacb eye. aud a Witetriip ning Inmlte ai of nos. t. toi itiad. Rangy in build, and standi incitas measured up andl down sitoulder. IDueî bhave pupplesj 23, sud proitabîy itas ttem nDOW. tlfy DR. W. 9. BELLOws, Phono 42 or 46, Wa*ega, M.I wMVr )n Th villaINSTIUTE 1MAY BE d9?ound a EREATEST IN IMIS= ~aged 57eview Sorn, 10 AMr. and Mirs8t ' M. iaîî. TORY 0F LAKE CO. bud lleMonday, Aug. 17, a tIc u daugîster. 01 Ela CHARLES E. M.A ON, We extond congratulations. , Correspondent - Agent Mr. and Mr&. Richards irom s heil County School Officiais State acahion PHONE 24-J Rock, Iowa, vied ]&ai t e-k at Alfred That Sessions in Progress Rich"ardo and wfth otiier relativ. er@.Her ------g- ber They made the trip by ato. returing* er Are Big Success. eld Quaity-Boyd's Studio-Price rlght. the léest o! the week, a cîtnpauied by tmd lim. Jos, Amaunusud son Aille r isBl ihrsfraist SHOW MUCH ENTHUSIASM. th l-Chicago visitors Monday. Mirs. George êtrangol Mdarmiiild, Win,, AuoeAt the Morin« picture sow Bunday er-s on " '-aak lifur aadir wt Au ore, 0 o o!lt flnscubttr adrlatir-ee Splendid Program Adds to Its c eli e de l O It w r - : . f a c t m e t j a b M r P U C s u i f e é e t s u , . t , S u c o s a- O v e r 1 4 .0 R e g i s - hall bas a very wlde &Warway and extra the Potter- boo.ted M n. Sunday wlde doora no ose wae hart and no A law enforcesment Imago,'Iusas ltrmed 7rUE8DAV, AUGUST 25, 1914. damiage sa done lave a lîttle scorcbtug lait week, witb ise pur-pom as. îîîy eplil. That thse prisent Lake connty teacit- Snnday o! tlîe woodwork. ed l'y tbe Dame. The tolloming chincers ers' titituta uow lu sessioin promises The businsma mon of Round Lake bave wvene lected. Pednt. Li nest Shepard. fair ta e he it moat succesulIin point xg loto sieur-ad a yicdian la locatere, ,"c Pr-ealdnt, E. L '1. W . Sei ne.rtary 0f attîndance. enthusiasm n sd inter- Byle of Chicsgo, Who bas had ilJasîudTesrr V .Siei est ever belli!Ini tbe caunty, sas tihe loer ou axpense lu a childrau'î hospital in Tait auto parties. iiIiîllld u-s statemint ot une of the officiais of thte Philadepbia and thir-teen moit; u1 F. Straug, F. T. ilamlilu. s lIindi, Institute today. The suîces s due o atgeneral boupital lu Wasblngton, 1). C., am Avery, E. Willan, C. Mlir. 1,I, Ailler-lit a large measure t thie splendid (I atwell aithraa years generat pris-tics, hr. aud lieu. Bornait att-iti tlise auto linograin arranged for the- "sslon by Byle ilîl locale lunttie Bank blue raes t Elgin gaturday. Suierintendent Simnpsons of tii,'cisunty i4iting 4apteuiber- firsI. AMr. sud Mm. R. E. His, t as-. nue Miss Margaret Meraty oft (ien-, nuii'ly setled lu thoir new-1u1 There wee 40 arrivaI alit tiraiti Iliair md., ftl us flr.PtrFèrlMs atrAwl, ii1 entute ibis morning, brntgigus tis he (FerF a irs W1,ter-n thellin. ,li ain tteudance up tu 140 ai uooîî il Is lii. ~ ~ an tbswe. 1it II en ti an tiiotglît tuaI attendance figure,i-wII The Wsukegan lMusicia it i eal cd HeurrylPotter le cOuuni.d t,,îei- hee raeecds 'n tbcir annueltacting sud îîic t 'ut vi 'Y iluese rat ecra a Park laéit Sunday.I Suiperlntemidett Simpsonu i.. bisg Mim l'rsPlat f Faulsvlle Wm.,im Mrn sd Mr@. AlfredI 1: lards are î-ominendcd ouai aidiles for sîcunîusg Miesor ira Planhe ofmrserîle, iutrtaîusng Sir. and Ars ti,,,,,j,1 , 1,'if suci-lt nable staff of Iustructsu.t visîin Stth boisA.tMiss Harseî ssuî Ieisiue nSmst ido. 'bicago Bush. teisiue r ipo a r- Sheran Dvis nd frnil reently S oui sili bagin a wse-irý,iir,, M 'îday. pareil the prograni of the prescrit si- Shrnd aeatrtrma oIsus l laItie-Ftyion sornie osonths ago.le succeeded turednidea npthougl ttr li uer autîîIIGHWAY NOTICE ilasecuring ttsep nesence of Nîr. Elson P fis f Au axcblaigi-ssu.ta ln I mwean sî(tt1PUBLIC LETTI NG 0F CONTRACT cf Cleveland, O., tiseriatîonally-knousn C I the l. cowm. e. -g-nie.- t îané tisura I educaton as one of ttîe instructors ity M 1011k. Jolielhreby.given tuit-. ml,.,ipris seeklîîg lisservices latît W'nten .rG a two HaveraI auto lbals tranber.-e-eut tii Pobsais wssiI boe-aeived by t Ifs.-isiiîgued Elson te tise auti of thei Elson sys- theroa rw-e@ai lgi Saurdy: Cetimmisioners o! Hlgbe-aua« IAs-ou the ead is-a StI-lgu Smtuidsys luen Iir the coustruelioiu of It. Hisiin tent of readens. used in the sclîcols of lifo n a*.-ount - tihe dance at Long Lake bridge. ai eigbtemen tittui jotipan, WAaukegan and In many otho itie tî- k' Saturda> es-.nung tiser.- wae îîuîy a fairr enlonced concrete bridg, t' i».lucated Ntach Interest la manlfested iiluiibR lbh blé crowîd ut Aiiai. I Ttickets eee eld. vne fhetof a M'lu e o'lue-ntuvarions perloda Of tIte sessiotns.Tb B iteniemi-rtient Sitlrda3-. Avon. aud isa about une toile sîîutîu taika tv Mn. Elaoîî are belîug neu'iived1) ed an Mn. andî's. Win.l'roust oh Vol. and s""t"yt, rom %he village (if l,îiiud I ai, e; m,îth s -peclal tas-on. Mr, Elson us otie Si 8 id bridge is lu hoi hat litiim,.rîsî-o f the leadiisg exponents of tIse court Juhnu Nter eu p-t Suuday e-ttil, Mrs. e-itbîplan@ ansd aallcJeî, ueîn lu unr ICbas. Masun a riaîi-r of M rm. Frost sud sy Ch'm* E.E Ruseli, t;onistv S sl'-uueii try in prunuoting fundansenlal tjipove. Nir AMeye-r.denttf ci ghways, sud 1i !, et biss eiits along thte lIn, cf progressivueN îîthee aisîl wiîb the Teown'erk.or l'aIIb educatucusal tlsughî. The lectures Mý 'uceba Thme tiuuid I ate Fratertial .A-ocîation bisuuer îîssy submit bis c-n pliane and vnb r lo cnj h o-Ni !ek bas-e iiîade arratngemjenus for a Lyi-enm se.pecilcattin s, sid plans at"'s J -Rin yNr loncn~5 ie o course lunlise opera iu usons. Wati'b tiolitsst couform with thi-plIane and loeiug Ilemnes: Orgaîsizaticîs of R forîtheiaicaleemuiiiou file aihiK iîsaaiusSchooIs, Modern Discipline, Conduct,\V - lurthe ntiuiueteen assl ay id sc-pr-d unany '-tliser plans Stuily and Reitation, TeactiensCon- "" Chias. Brainard liai been appuunted aud spi-csications tbsu tiome on flei.wil rcawt uii n aet.adFi posimaster et tîuuîud Lake, te ttaa liav-e tu i-uîrm witlj @tâte retiiuinta rcsWttPpfladPrns n tes o efer asaotri m maef;në(e@gar a suad lie aîîîrovedl by Chai E. Russell, tue Teaciter as a 13ocial Factor in1 the 1 ar c elet sson e iemae ns-ssrs a-Coun'îutv puîerintendent utflligliwaye, (aOmmliuity. A rinity. rangeuseneta. Mn. Braunard bas beld the aud 1Tie i..te Higbwaya Departument of ThAdiino r.Futo h-D lia, lée uttlre bfore snd Se are surs e hi -llbhaIlilinoisé hettre work Il commienced. Thadion fMnFs oCl- tcilté. abie tî handis il in a pîeaging ulanuer. tSeaied proposaa iyl ha retrais-ad at cage o t tieprogrant laease canuler AI We wsh hm te bflt o iç4ýffpg the hur ut 2 P- M- OÙ the 8h daY Of. id as Important. Mr. Faust la receg- E- ay for W lbhmtebs tsîes Sept A . 11914, at tJte Town ]litêiof nlzeîi as ose of lte graatest instmuc-W PHOEEJONSO.t-evillage uit irayslakg. Ilibuois. t ietrsuD.cla înasiî ai Eacb biddor sili horsquir-ed tifl aaofmsMa eimnh el PHOBFýOHNONOWEN with bis bld a eertlfied cbeck toi an tfei antor of the Fauset systens ofM1 Ig IL. 1'heebe Oween was hemn JuIy 22, I1e32, anieutit uot le"s that twenty v 2)penmausbip, in uaîd in nîs cilles NE it Iteford, Cuy oga Co., Ohio, and died per ceur-ct the amount of! bi bld(s5i osrtilld id ibc- ehami! a aet-throughout titi country. Mn. Faust Pli îped-~ prayss Agui 2. 1>4, 1 hi ude-T. White, treoarr r0o!As-on bas itee connîcted wllh the instituteI honte ot ber daugbuîr, ltns. S. C. Lite-ler- loirn. asna guarautie of Rond faiîb litat for tlîe past four year as ais Instrîîc- it ', a Round Lake. if awarded coutract, titathe vor tbey e-hi tor. Ris systîmt of. peumansip itin Phoebe Johnson aud Adan Owen were promptiv enter loto saine.ani! filea .man- god sud sutilient Sîîrety Boqd-ssualIslaInthe achools of tite county. unised lu matrimony ut Bedford, Obio, to contrai-h price-in some reliabia It ls estfimated by one.'futtIe local t Jniy 4. 1851. Ater living tbîre suveraI Liabilits In@ursut-. Comp.ey doing achool authoillîs that teaîaet ien years lhey mos-ad tu Iowa, bancs ta businea, lu the Statiet lîlisofsl, or-macithiuveageCe mday. Laacuthuuii hc uaebspereîîuai bond as osas- beamcptable to Penmansbip lu Lake county achoots * Lats oun y, llin iswhie plce a Superin ende un I d co méileio urs have ncreased ln lgbiliy over 50 i 11111- i.,, bain their lione, et Reads. The i-t'i"df-d eheek uofltse per cent store lte Introduction of tise n1( Tbree eclîdrcuen.' hum ornte biestheir tunsuesstul budid,-rswill bc rvttrned as as ytn n tebgnigo 7 ýaugh- unien: Ars. HenryvWells of Ripan, Wls., seon as contrit sJe -ardeil, hut the instutiony rten adhe]b egin bleg o ilSin saBwi asc byn toyer eekof the suî-ui'ts!ful bidder wull hle iiircinfrtecesyli beli t Su. Aa B, eho assd byou teo JansretainEd until b.- tr ttîev bave. filel a educator.h ag sund Ars. S. C. Litw-ler-, sith e-hum geod and iuficient, bond. Ms ht fHgln ak n c maisec sinci tha demi, of ber bushaul ee2n The werk is lii be dat-ted ileitree 18) Ms ileo igtalPr.i-ter years ago, the nueothar bas made ber waiks fromn date oii nntradî aud cota- structar of prîniany instruction and1 vii-home. There are aise, Lit tol miss tis pîeted lu sixty (60) ilsys fron date of Miss Wlipple of Ibis city, Instmuctor lIn lovaI oua Awo brothare snd te-o sisters couiract loi ho paud fuor by Avon tqwu of muaic sud gaines, are meeting wîth 1ut on complelion and s-eptanci o! work. led scs Ithrpatote 1 lu Ohilo, nine grandcildren sud oes Theunudariguil l'istmliosers o fsl1 i ucs I tm Pr ttt great uraudchlld. igbways and County'SuperintÀdent of Institution. The are itotit capable su La au Bigh ways reerva the rigbt toi reject any lectursansd 'instructors and ara con- 1.n and i al hidi If theY daim 1hte théehast sidered valuable acquisitions to ltegis lmmortelîiy Intereos t tthe Tue-n sund Connîy @su leq Lita lu a golden irlet runs. do lrogrsmt. Jü Dated St Craysilaku. Illinois, Ibis '23îb Those hreseut are: el), Witb ne baginuiug sud nu end; day of A guest A. ut. 1h14. Florence Caroatin. Vil It flashaeu fnrein Sung te sune, Ggosusg P. RFNkII . ,CoMMisoners HeîtuMonroe- T And wîtt al tides cf hiug blonds. L. J. WictXs or!a -le te the producî of thaegoal, GEOsUE SnEI u Fi-. Hfghuays Demsie Frye sou Without it uotbiug bresthas or mosés. C .Rîî [ .,C t. utlTo wn aysr. Ileife tarla. lSu Lita luth ait things lu @Pace coutrol, C -Rl4E,, t Ut fBaWV3 eseCrla.S And Il, mmortal belug prîusee, NOTIE. Eily Felton. 'I, .0 Thare is no daatb, the ficwears bluomiN TICilara ,uIawri'iicî -.VIl joFrom spriug tausîsriug l in eauty rare, The Long Gros, irtatnsd Cidar MiIll ll l,- hghes. E Tisay iII tbe air with i-b parfums., ulîl ho ope-n fuir iiiu.iessalter Septt. it liiiuerN a Davis. No And tmalle ail ife su sweeîîy tain. Cana Mill wili I not le resdy for- tii. IieusF. Train.t lI There is no dm.aîb. the soul rene-e easn.49e:1 Mars- Paddock.G litsputen -y frnt, thoilr tus bour. i'dii f11ei5Suii 1~ &i n e e r i a n l i s l u s t r e l o s aP e s m t i .î lau - e w t h n t e t , n e rT h e b o a t l u c k a n y - - a n o a a b v e l a A rl l P o l e FrodEt-rua;JeIs wjiiu, noyerr b bave becs, born; but ibat ol. Natl -aci (1ud lu the mont thaî's fraed frmmiéun o Cpel t sooeusi,ýEdRlards.0 Pros-es Everiastlug Lu.'sud Poer- Elizabeths Kuebtiet s Tu h ia nausgrand, aternal doser. C_____ atcsu, -Kel,-',. titi Pella-Il'evelaund. fut Mr. and Mme. Womden Y. Wells 0f1 'JO OUR SUBSCRIIERS lîcnice Davis. L!giland avenue wlll have as thelr Rtuthi Di . T guesta ni-or the week-end Mr. and Tuesiday, Septemben ir . marks A lus- sisihu Mme. Lawmence . . iemnan and daugb. theopennu ,,y ofthe reat màe Muriel D. ttoliîîsnNeillieWilliams, ri- ter, .Margaret Jane of Genou, Mr. and' Conaty Fair and ynu are undoubt- tîcrîssi ily. (letrude Zabnlu, Wllma tf f- Mne. W. A. Nichlas of Libertyvilile, odiy iplaniangu to attend etijouet1 tge,'ui.(lsrid SoyJted alan Mr. and Mr&. Rez Wells of Wankegan onue day. We sili bhis reara«as- tglbrerlîsulrtueSerJOl a 8tht; andl Mr. and Mrs. Hamry Rots. of Area, uFal have a lent on the grouaIs F Atlîulsoi Ida Bourlier, Elmer u black 111. Mms. Kiernan wtfl emain I l. asnd cor-hall y invite a&l ouraubarib. spet glu for a wee'-Elgin Couier, s s visit. W.* " i0 suii. .,cilo Martin, Nina Davis, - ____________moanos aligt henaeof Nettie hîiliioan. Frances Murphy, Eve-uu )IFof - ______ ur- auhscrisr-s te faci bhat lbt lnMxoFltiDwlAieRn-la la1 Ornamemts of the Gyster. ctemoney lu operae a nwgu liaisl,îsIl-is Payne. Emma Chtambter- is A kinderganhan laachem, afler ex. per and would respectfullir no- tain. Esolviu Clarke, Justqe Simpson, i-), n a plaint.g tu ber nsucb Interestal clasa For Sale ltýi-uiul Sumnien Hme, e-l oate. A Bargain. See-roomsn Bungalow. new, aboutey modern. Cottage, gold location, modern, prie right fir uns-I sale. LsitruuuSturco Histima, modarn, gool location. Large Home on Milauktîave , bars, oeshard, îe, Nine-ruisin Houâe. geed barn, orchard, modern. N:na-reenî Bouse, harn, hast location lu tOun, prICe rgt for cah al. Nw Six-rom House, modern; quick ale ill get it nt a lue- prire.. 20 acre tarm, silImprote. 9 acre Farm, a gocul bargaîn, close l to wn. 20 acre Farmn, 1.', miles trom Daarfield; a good bar-gain: sili take mortgsga t fr balf. 17 acre Farn, lose te tuen. 13 ' 'and sdil impmos-ad. 10 - weil mprovel; hast lu the country. 55, .,- huaI- sud we I upros-id. Some Excellent Lake Properties Proj*urtieslf,ir'rpnt lnninranic wnuttîuin tihe tet custipiimîes. Durand & Durand Real EsIate, Insurance, Collections Uhobrtyvilia, 111. Telephone«No.'2 'tuiline Smart. Nellie Kpou1gh, Haiî.l IIT I Clarki, Iernic- Lund, t.era 4letcalf , label Kampi.rt, llenriettt Kaipert, D ~ 4N M K GergaCrwMole .Pearl Triegr- AD À M ST Rt lester Beebe. Elsie Wesskopt, Caro- ne Pope. Mabel Murrie, Mertie Kueb- J R I f er. Frances E. Smith, Mahel I'dwards, RISuiBi MonUflLLIi. Rachel Colegrove. Clors Kellogg, Wkukegan, Aug. 26. Blanche D)ole Alice Dean. Ediih A climax toalte circulation of the Dolinage. Marie Sclianick, Ada Tîllot- venomous cîrculars whîch attaeke on. Tessle Cunningham. ('hristine Me- John O'Keefe, nuperintendent of the Mahon. Stella Haines. Ethel H-aines. Rallroad Men's Home at Highland lssie Jullan, Pearl Faulkner. Mary Park. came today when Mr. O'Xoel Uctann, Margaret Ward, Marion Lee, appelre before Magistrate Taylor argaret Doyle, Josepine DIelhaye, and swore ont a warrant charging elietourtrieN. liiez Baconi. Miidred crîminai libel agaluat George H. Mig- Uîzenthaler ttagilaleue leebe, Estella ris, 506 Lincoln place Highland Park. lîlte. Jessie Watt, Lelab Webbh Ade- M orrislit a paloter ;whose nainswau rie Mîller. Coa Walsh, Blanche Bush. algned to the cîrculair which conste- -orence O'Boyle. Eva tiranil. Hattie eli charges agaînst fMr. O'Keefe la Lndsay. Margaret Iluera, Eva Browne, wblcls is-management, etc.. was onna Mectredle IL. H. Tuttie. Eva cîalmed hy Morris. Loollttle, Vit-lan Thomson, Frances ThacinoM. 'efddnt Ulen, Mary Daley, Florence MathéwscThe asatiouorprise Oe he dl fot ýdith I)arhy, Lillian Augenstein. Ethel cohe wasrantrfr letwhateu en oo Nheeler. Ileen Kent. Cora S. White,thwarnor adbekow L MrTaggart, Cecelia E. Gentry, ta ecuepae uhaup o ary E. Hcook, Vera Phelps, Olve E . a rdia wousaitîais Mr elon §and Snyder. Blanche E. rswud avail notïlmï, à la said, for e ho an no property on which Mr. O'Keefe coutl recover ln caue ho won NTEREST IS GRATIFYING.aMttor bdmais. rulr rit la Waukegan, Aug. 26. a Chicago printing hop and thoen mail- Theî attendance at the Lake court- ed out 2,000 lu Highland Park tu rosi. yteachers instîtute In session aithne dents, officias, etc. Mr., OqKeee&V 'nlral school building ln titis city once charged themt as being fallu and .ised record features .shortly after irnmediately began ta consfider taking On, todaly, when the figures shiledstops againat Morris. 7(; teachers of the cluî prisent. What Penalty le. il, 10w estimatel tîjat tttîre wîîî -Crimînal libel under theo i>w la a lemer 190 h, sîhers ln attendance serions offene One who 113 gtaity la cfore the, 0l14-e. next Friday at- subJeet ta a fine of $500 ORt one yoor ernoon. in jl. The later naines reglstered at the' Crimînal lîbel la dellned Je the étîttte and flot stated lu yesterdaya statutesaua: «"Maliclious dêfanatom sua o uthe Sun are as follows: either by prlnting, or by signa. oé ,Mary E. }îuili, Esther G. Paif. Hel-.rîletures, or the like tending to Il. n lernan. W. F. Adams, Lillan peacit the boneaty,. lntegrity virtu nate, F.,IL Holcb, îGeorgie Ward, Mar- or reputation of any person, andS thors. rît Gilbert. Ruth Jtohnson, Magda by expose hlm ta public hstred, cn. bhnilon, H. P. Hillbieh, Clara M. Net- iempt, ridicule or finaneWal njury -tir, Vuena fleaehears, Rutht Catlow. The procedure under suobt actions au 'vien Robinson, Edith Taylor, F. J. started by Mr. O'Kee today la toi 'E lor, Ad line Epllng, Clara M. N el- bring M orris before the mau istral qu. LoAnnle Caîdren, Emma Hall, Adi- aud, if thei evIdence la aufficient Wble ne Morey, Rida Albrant, Jesse U hl to the grand Jury for turthor mitlî. Jennie. Heuneeta Mosi,- hearing, then, If indicted, ho wiil face 'c., t)orothy Dunne. Mary P. ttook. a trial In Circuit court. ta Phelps, Olive E. Nelson.,IBlanche Federai Offîcera Alto? Eddy, -Maude Snyder, Miss Grace The tact that crîminal libel la charg- otehooni. Elizabeth Jackson, Anna ed ln the warrants as sworn out and llowell, Elizabeth NlcKee, Minnie lthaIt te circulars were malled out la aham, Margaret t)eL.anej*, Nel]lie ighlandî Park. leada to the report 1DeLaney sud Lela W. Glyncit. that NMc O'Keefe înay also taire stop$ interest lu the luerlods seeniâ10t trugs tie goverrument lu bring about rgress wltlîeacl day's sessions. One tedlerai action against Morris bu the fthei officiaIs of the lustîtute states theory that libel was committed andS ii the enthaslasot 1ahow ly ttat the mails were used ln doing so. muvcera b itih lectures, la greater Reports are that the federal atOMo sun was ever dlsî'îayed at any ai tht'if round to he based on substantWs )tiser normal courses. grounds, are hiable la prove more sorl aua than the other action. *IEY WANT TO GET HOME. Shîrif Green was ta ho given the warant or MorisaeatrIbgIsat or. Moriste ailaintieday. br-lnglag hlm to Waukgan for ieartg. Rtobert Ortitant. 30 yearo nid, lte negro Who was ound In a dying co- (Ihilon lu théefont ard nf the 19. U 't', Il homo on Northt Sherian rosi!, died l in heJaneeMoAiter bospîtal about tour O'clock Monday atencoo. 1H12 rmans have beau removeil to lte Conrad & Hart undertakhug os- ta nt H e tn t. B efo re h s d e a t it O r. thant declamoil that ha bail at Cmore wld unripe graies and tha hI tougit to have een ne caua etc his deatit. 13cause 0f titis ON probably will not hé necqalà, t bol! an lnquet although ibis fW j» Dot beau detomnlned podtttveIy à r Tue aboya vsulîtginireculved to- y bv ilsa. 0. il. Stetfe.nso! of(hi- igo, e-be le carnigfor the home of s- tuothe-, Mrs. J. 13. Perrnnof Norli 'uîcme streel, Waukegau Sile heu ulbh,s-elutahriisd ta vsit han auglier Mtrs. lfalley.Smitit at Paria. itie ilrst delinite Word ltahaé a suit' regardlng titi safety of lthe Per- [i family. Titi Halley-Smiths tarm- s1 lis-edln uChicago but moi-éd to ,i. sJýome years ago uheme Dr. Hal- - Smih le a prominînt pitysiclat. e-was sitit hlm sud hi& wif ltaï; ra. Perrin planuid a viol* shen, ou ne 61h, sitelat New York. On uly ILs er lion William C. Portiji rChicago, a prominent daneing ln- tuctur bitt ho loin hle relaUvesj SAXON ROADSTER $395 Complete F. 0. B. Detroit For full particulars and denionstration, wnite,caUl 'or Phon,16I.J. Warren 'A. Nicholas AGENT, ubryie - - ial -fý

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