LAKE COU= Y IDEPEXDENT, FRIDA.Y, ALGUST 28,.1914. A ERTIS IN G RATES 5c per line eacn insertion Lets than 6 lnes. 25c first insertion ..... ....+ 1 + ++.. + FOR SALE + ......... W@ have a numiier of fine homes for sale or rent. Dynond & Austin, Liberty- Ville. c-46tl FARM FOR SALE-128 acres, of heot î farmm lan1ud in Lake coun ty. Near louak. Toesttise lte. will oeil at a bergain, cash or terme. Write R. P. Bue, 6052 N. Bermitege Av. Chicago. p46-4 FOR SALE-9-Room Prame Bouse, cllar. omail barn, chicken bouse. Build- lin g ogod repair. ;î acre of graund. Two blocks troin raiiroad depot. Smali down paymeut. Easy terme. see or write B. D. Boyd, or LoebHammel liCo, 205-6 Marquette Bldg, Clagag. IIIc-48-t.f FOR SALE-Large genuine, Indian tan builala robe, green pluoh iDed. R. P. Colby, Lbert>ville. P48-3 *FOR SALE-Meyer praperty on Main St., Lake Zurich. A bargelu to close écéat. elfer & Prank, Laie Zurich, IlIni. c48t4 FOU SALE-Prulli a" stade tes, ail kiade srubo and omalUrults. Twen- $7ye0f experienc* enables me to serve on elI. If yau aultbte DEST, watt usifldonobeall. Oso. F. Rob- eta Ubertyville. -4gc4 FOR SALE--Second baud Mchinery. 2 boffe I. B. C. (lagoline Englue; 2% homse t. B. C. Gasolins Engiue happer coolsa; 15 bores 1. R. C. Portable Engins vi1ielm-bBlizzard Silo Piller; 6 hores Staver happer cooled englue: No. 8 Bowser mlii; No. Il Bocbîrîg Valley silo Flilor. Uheap. Sehanck Bron., Liberty. ville. 49el FOR. SALE-About 20 lied Duroc brOUd OV&. Henry Geai>, 4milesnort b o! Waucnda, aId Jim Monahan farim, GMra>laksP. 0. Phone 13-J-2 Round Lube exehauffge. 49p8 FOR SALE-Garland 4.hole Range, ans * ParirHeater and ons umalilBeater. Une. M. A. PralIne. c4ff + WAÂnTED + WANVED--Will taie sebool girl te board for vinter. Address L. B. Box 881, lberty sble. c49tl WANTED)-Rave purchasero for from 10 ta 80 acres farms. W rite sfatiug ail, jiartlculars. No agente. Addresc R.A.., ladependent office. SALESMEN vanfsd,,to advertlsu, ei- gars. Es* r o. Esa n$90 monthly and ail traveling e«pouese. . Experieuce Q»Dnemmsary. Also bandie popular cig- arettes and tobacuo. Norene Cîpar Go., New YorN Y. 12c46l + àNISCELLANEous + MONEV TO LOAN-On lmproved real set*tt. J. S. Gmna.îvY, Fit National Usai. MARRY IF YOU ARE LONELY-The Ilalile onfidential succeceful club bas large Bumber of wealtby eligible mem- bers of botb sexes-. wh1hlng tari> marri- Age. Descrption fres. Mm,. Wrubel, Box 26. Oakiand, Cal. P49-2 + LOSTand POUND + LOST-25.00 reward for recovery Or Pertainlng ta the recavery of % blaci spd whte female Beagle haund1 163t seen ntur Long Lake, Ill. Net,.- * VDr. W. A Bellown, wuukegan, Ii.1 Jul> 3-tf1 î»$OT-.0n countrv road 0onth of Lib. *etVtjle gold spectacles lu black cas. vf came "Dr. Thomson, 2o State St, OMoaga." on laMe. Also Eastern Star pla Mturn ta this office. 49p1 On«endiary ftebblt. A.Walla Walla Man la chaiged i wthj QUdnvOelag f0 auuhilt a ralibitt t .lIMY viflicthe ad of a plut of sera- m l 9 aInciter Mafch. A'rabblt as eaeic la tic llquld and touched w ith a match. wirupon. vltha beAutitul uuderelnding of tiefifuese « t flag, tic bl&slag creaure bur- P"od Into th. asaret hsy«taek, whi let *maga O f amuaed raxbifa atc Mu a" mw aicici thcft. No &lut * mmsoa.-O iPa. « IIIRONG (fiATIIERS ABOUT CAMPFIRE TO IIEAR PROiRAM Despite the Presence of Falling Raiti a Good Attendance Heard Numbers. SPLENDID ADDRESS GIVEN. Musical Numbers of Song and Instrument Heightened the Pleasures of Affair. Wifh tht fickering ighf ot tht camp fine castiucg a vierd giare over tht tacts o! tht auditnce, tht enter- tainers andi the speakers, and with a cuuopy uftfrets sarving as a shelfer ta thetfhroug tram thetrain thut feul scatterlng, tht camp fine pragrarntai- rungedfurfa tht finit day of fis sol- diers sud sailars reunbo atvs beld i u Eiectic park Wednesday evening. Despift tht tact that thet flreutea- ing rain of tht evening pneveafsd fron t atending tht park, there. vus greaf fhrarg ln attenancetof0heur tht progrînt. A stries of splendid addresses by able oratars, necitiug uoftressing remlnisacea by aged veferans, Iu- fsrmlngled vith tht paylng of barn- age te the national colora and oecm- siaucal hunît ot musiceta sang sand tram hfle and uuidruf,ýx corps snd te Aleudmit boys baud 1lkade tht event an Inspiring oas. The lengfby prograun of tht even- ing wvusfarted liy a concert given, by fthe Alleadale band, vbicb fur- lahed eplondid mnaia varions per- lads througbout tht evenlng. Then tallaved a concert b> tht veferans fife and drunt corps.i If ia doulttul If there vas ever a musical organisation, fiat has ever playsd belote a mare rscepfivs audi- ence than tht thnong thut heard tht efforts of tht filead ;>drum corps ut thé event*' As tht ged veterans panred ouf the saul-tlrriug strains froin t teir Instruments, every note of thue munic vu, rtctivtd b> tht vent mudience with eigeru'eas. If stemed ta hl thé throng lnai queer speil. Whenthelu numbers endefi thée psil of the crowd vu, brokea, upDarentiy vith a saap sud tht> gave venfta thair feeling and appreciatian, by louil> ippiuuding tht aged and bent tram the lire vers liorue on, th, breezes and lna any cases ere car- ried ta the clathlug of the speakers and the audience, for a tira the effect of a snow storm vu, dlsplayed. Members of the Grand Army who are holding thelr aunual reulon ut Electric Park con vened this morniug ut 9:30 n'cioci for Oie regulir unnual business meeting and election ot offi- cers. Tht tollawing committee on' nominations a appolnted: Contrade Herman Wheeler. G. E. Pruuty. C. E. Webb. A. T. White and C. Pullen. They eubmItted hie talowing lut of candi- dates. Preaident-Thomas Strang, Watis- worth. F'lrst Vice- Presiden t-D. L. Jone, Wuukegan. Second Vce-PreBident-Jotîn Butll- ard, Libertyville. Third Vice-President-Frank Sitel> ard, Gurnet. Secretary-Treasurer-Ilerman Hall, Waukegun. Executive committeo: Il. whc..1.r. Libertyville; George E. Prouf>, \Vau- couda; A. T. White, Wankegan; Jo- seph Haycock, Anfioch; Fred Worth, Wankegan; Jerome Burneft, Antiach. 1These names were auhmitted ta the veterans and upon motion tht candi- dates were elected hy a uuanimuus vote. Several ofluer little natteri. were ta- ken up and dlsposed of. Ont was a change ln the by-laws whereby ta fu- turc there wiii he three vice-prcesi- dents instead of but ont. The comnittee on resalutionB sac te have given a repart this morning but announced that fie report wauld he given until this if ternan. At Il oclack dinner was served ta aIl hy the W. R. C. A very dainty repat vas served. Mayor Bidinger hîd îrranged for a number of automobiles ta give rides about tht city teaail veterans desirous at taklng thent. Tbey regtstered tbeir names as heing deaîrous of going and vers thn aaîigned ta different mu' chines. Tbey wert taken ta any they cared ta viait. This vas chiely a courtesy ta the vlsitlng veterans. Recitutions. short faims by differnt veterans selectIons hy tht Allendule boys' band and the Chicago Veterin lIteand Drum Corps made up ftbe numbers on tht program. At 1:30 'clock tht vettrana retura- ed framn their rides about tht city and tht pragram was rtsumed. Tht Invo- cation vas offertd by Rev. J. A. J. Whipple and tht main addresof tht day wus made by Bishap Samuel FaI- music rnaiers. lova. departmtnt commander o! tht Tht Finn quarfet oft Ou cit> praved Grand Arm> of tht Republic for tht a splendid addition ta the t fe n-utsn tate oftIllinois. An uccouat ot this tertainere. speech wlll he tounfi la another ti. The prayer of tht gatherlag vus uma. lad b> Rev. Ganster ut Christ Epseo- Tht hall game ut 3 ocloci. thte nd pal churcix. coacetf t tht park front 4 t10f5 o',>ck Thets flloved thteufidrésof vel- ad tht baud concert ut tht Grand corne ta tht gtherng hy Mayor J. P'. Army hlI iii conduite thep rograrn Bidinger. The mayar la bis medresof vhat ha provef ta lie ont of fte vtry capably velcamed tht vettrans mast succeustui reunions lunflhe his- ta tht city and pld a glowiag trIbuts tory ot tht association. in vards ta their hanar. The resîpoaseta tht afidress ut vel- Waniagaa, Auguet 22. coma vas gisen b> S. F. Gretaisaf The big teature of toduy's session ot this cit> vha spolie mly la behaît of tht Lake Counfy Sold lers-Sui lors' > f the veterans. Association' thirty-alxth influai ra- A saies ut suloglas b> T. A. Rt>- union ia Wauktgan vas tht presence fflIds und D. L. Jones, tauching on, us tht guettoa honora nd speaker of tht deitha of departsd camrades vert tht du> ut Blshop Samuel Fallave uf rend b> fiait gentlemen. Ont of the Chicago, dtpartmtnt commander ot moat spactacular andi pretty aumbers thtIllinois G. Aý R. ofthfle affaîr vas fis fig sainte, Bishap Fuilowsaiut tht uttennoan sas- vhlch tallavefi u paper rnd b> Mre. alan dliverefi, as he alvaye dots, a EImpsaa. At the compîstian of tht povantul addtuait eloquent îddresa La rsudilg, a graup of fivs ladie, ach tht veterans and the hundreda of ofh- cirrytng a fmag mdé tler vu> ta en gueste vho vent ta Electric Pari the, pluffonan where tht fligs veretuta prticipate tu the ceremoalea. tanmsd Ltt an arch. At tue moment thé marnent Oie liard began piaytag The Indepeadent leide aIl. the ta Siia pgled tlaner fie audi-________ ence rose and men aacovered tlteirPR RES E CAD AE baneifsuntîl tOs saluts vas completti.PRGESV CAD AT la tht absence ot Prof P. C. U.«Van FOR LEGISLATURE, Steenderer5 Chas. Samimais of Dan- ville, Ill., midrassefi thé audience. The course tof his address Mn. Bai.. mas, Illustrated If vît b tht splendid rndition af a pottu. Ont of thetfeatunt tti1 a f tà evéaiug vu, givea b> David H. JaeV, son of Lat Forent. Hii aiadrs touched on the llvee o? the mon vha hud tasted tht smcfçe of Povder uni bad affenefi thein lives thit thé con- stitution of tht nation might ho pre- servad. Thraughaut tlhe couree et hie fali he pald tributs te the G. A. IL. und tht noble men lu u, tati. Hie remnaria vertvelilchassnanmd ahI> given. 'Ont af tht speakersiofthfe evtxulg vie Chus. Sikea of Racine, prsaidct s Of tht Raclas mai Kenosha couatUes association. Tht addreas of Mi. ghic. cantalned mmny Infertîting 'Incidenta of van tInte sonte af thent of hic o-vu persona] happening. He la a manM. Imhued vifli an unusual stase of bu- inor anI la bis fali be traasmttei II fa tht audience. 11i13ttcauatlag af huiponaus Incidents vas met witi HON. FRED L. HATCH mucbl auglter and îpplîusby the Aledgfaersocrsrsu suditora. Ht approved af the plan,. edn amr tmmnrad fusterefi b> tht Sua. ln tht organisa- diyaiwoeproa nest tienOL notb horereudonassW sud Invemttunts ans ldsntical viti lion. Hestatti the possiilitita ofthdorns otfierscnU e of aie. organisuflon sudlifs splendid reeul. dirmcen Of thdBoa flAe tant teitureo..1MHnyadBne Thraagiout thé satire event tlue Res. Antioch. Laie Coat [cap fire buruci brighfy. The ame P. O. Bprlag Grava, lMi WEDNESDAY, FAIR, WEEK, TO BE NORTHI SHIORE DAY, SEPT. 2 Ail of the ordiluance affaira ofIlite 1% il lie packefi in mothbails ut cunt- lîbr r 'd stowed away lu a cedar hesl of forgeffultness for four solîi days aext veti whiie iLake Ç(ountY ut- te~nds tht celeliratlon ot tht SuxtY- Çlti irtbduy of itji air. The fuir wili open Tuesday, Sept. l1;. Great forces of nuen aven n0W are trectlng eating hootius, repairing e'.luiitlon buildings.,jîreparlug ahady spoats for sbéiter on the amoofli ex- ranfsc 0f green that cantitutta tht fuir grounds, and grading snd srnooth- Ing dova the race track ln prearution for Laie Countys largest andi best agrîctutural, induafnial and amuse nient expoaition. CHa Tuesda>yl libethe bustis ot Preliaration tht alway,.i u<lMarnuis the initial tvsnty-faur of the fair, us ticket taiers tuke fleir positions ut th'e gates, ballyhoo mea mount their stands for tht irît bain ralslng sumn- moustot the crowd. andi exhihitors gise thef r displayi o! catile, horsts, poul. try, farm produce, needlework, pan- f ry stores., painting and a lundred other thlugs the tact "Once aval'" le- frn thet flrougo couic trooping dava th-e ruodvuys to clorai the, buildings. Wednesday viii sep the fuir la full bluet. If vîlIlibe Northî Sitarsday. Every exbtbit viiili e ln place, tram pris igesud doughauts f0 lee'i, well-ted and contantefi cova. vullov- ing hagesud meti tookng shttp. Tht grouinde vili hum wifh activîtY. Ev. Pry building viiilibe Jmmmed ta tht daurs wlth thiags repltfe with lateret ta tht clty men, wlîr consumes farta producte, as veil as to tht couatrY man. vba vishes to raise hetter pro. ducte than 9il his usighbors. This day alsa viiili e the, occasion of tht gret aniual juhilse of the children ut LeIte Caunty-thelr day. Tht "kiddles" vîli lie admittefi ta the fair graunds fret, of charge. On Thureduy tbousauuds ut Chicago- ans vil lînvade thei Lat caunt> fair grounds, suelling the ranks of tht courtless Lakte conuyt citixeas in et- teudance until, it is eliived. tht ca- pucit> of tht grouinfis ad thelr con- Venience vililibe taxefi ta the utter- wucst. Itl i u uidetiy expecfed that an attendance record or tva yl ha snishtd. Thursdiy misa vii li e tht day ot tht aîunuul boiese hov. Friday, as a grand finale, toau stren- nous veai, vililibe "Politlclun'a duy,' Everyliody kmay at hîtat means. Everydut. al day viii ha Lait coCo- fy duy. Itcs Lait county's tain so boy cauld ifl be otherwîes? Tht fallowîig are surve snap-shots if varions fir uctivifies: Base hall: t vo gumes dul>. begin- ning Wednesday morning. Races: Coofi cird ot barutens races, trottinugand pucing, eucb uffernoon.. Entries close Aug. 26. Ont running race or more duily. Midway: Linger and better thîn aver, viflu ail the oh iattractions and numberiess ntv one. Ilitsapromsei thafthis years midwuy viii exceed lu "big rity' Interst thut ot leat yein WhIch uîicersaliy vas concedtd "a hummer." No objectianahît shows. Fret attractions: Dally- lialluon as- ctnsion wltb double parachute drap tram mif air. Speciai nmetings: Miii Producers' Association vili hold sessions on tht graund8. GeneraI exhihlte: Large display of poultry, stock, txemplifications ot tht BOARD 0F REVIEW REPLIES TO STATE. MENTS 0F E. OR VIS BOARD OF REVIEW 0F LAKE, COUNTY. Waukegun, MI., Aug. 26, 1914.M Ta tht Edifor:-b 1 have had no desint or Intention f0 t mix la or fake uny part ln any poili- tica] canteat. but tht repeated attacks Mugie hy Candidate for County Jufige E. V,. Orvis agaînst bis appongent hy9 publishing articles reterrlug ta flue0 board of revlew are causing so muchla comment anid issitisfaction, that tht hourd of revicw teels calltd upon t a make nome explanation and ta Infarnu tht pecople and votera, that lu tht maind such accusatians are entîrely taise. At preseat, aur tMme lilg entlnely occupied with aur duties upon tht hoard, we are unalile ta fi ua a long- thy explanation. conched lu diploma- fic language, but yul slnply say that bis statement thut tht board bas fixed an arbifrary value of $80 upon horns la file. That tht people of Lake For- est are liuying taxes upan personul proptrty valued ut $100.000 and that Zion C'ity and North Chicago puy tmant taxes on personal praperty than Lake Fortit is taIse fa ihis extent, thîf Lakte Forent lo. as shao on the as- Btasors books. paylng persona) prop- erty fax ou properfy valued i ut$2,74à.- 495 and thut Narth Chicago aud Zion City cumuinefi are puying parsonal Property fax on property vaiutd ai $1,395,106, or juif about ont-hait of- tht Lake Forest vluitian. We find that upang tht assessorsa hooks lundi ln tht vicinity of Luit Fortnt valued at $2.000 lier acre andi many automobiles ut tram $1.000 tau $1.200 which we thii la ln fuir pro- poartion tu tht Pour exPrtssman'a horst if IIIo. That as counfy judge ha could have or coulfi exerciseauny authority or power over tht equalizatlan of as- sessments fnrther thun the appoint- ment outwtvamembers tant iront eaclx ut thetwtv leuding palitical parties. revlew la also faîa nd mnialeading. His statement 1n certain Jettera .shlch he hus sent ouft tosoume foi- payera. who have rtceivtd notice tram our hoard on mattera conctning their assesaments. that snbntievrt sent ont> ta faxpayers situated ta thte mechanical arts, turm Products, attile vank, fancy vank, panting, andi kitch- en science, vith $500 ln premuuns uni llue and red ribliona vithaut nuntnf0Iocampete fan. Refreshmcnts: Thsre wil lie no cen- tral diaing hanl but cauntlesa stands arouni fluegrounds, aperated b> tht hast cooki talaie kscounty, thtvatu- en ot tht church saciettes. vililiec eus- il> accessible. Reioanile prices. Transportation: Buti yUll meet tucli train and car: Convenieuces an tht grounds fan the Parking of thon- Bands ut automobiles and horst ve. hicita, Speclul service on Chicago & Milwauketeiectric and St. Paul rail- rad. Racing purses: The raqing purs viii uggregute $800l. Exteat ot exhîbits: Ban>y Inquiries îbav canclusivsiy ft fi ters viii ha mare extensive exhibita lnail branches coverefi b> tht fair than ever hatore. Tht vite of Robent C. Givia d fl JU[ 8Inooh E@ Ider8nn at the faml> nregidenCelt a LaitBluffL.. JOIi s5iUJUi Wedhesy marnlag. âtre. Giins vu, uauember of the Chicago Wom- of Lake Forest, Lake County tn'a club und ont af the orignutars -Candidate For- af thteachuol of doMestie science. lu-urirai ut 2 p. m. ffidu>. Biia STATE ut Rase Iii. Mm. (lviii. vas a sis- REpREZ7iTAfIVX ter-ln-iuv a1 Miss C. C. Givlae Of Wauuegan. Mn. (itans leaone af tht of the. 8th Senatorial District bsad tutu for the E.>A. Cnmntings Subjeet to the' Decision of mail tatate campais>, Chicaga. Mrs. the' Republican Prirnar- Gîvins vms bora la Chicago ta 1858g. ies, Sept. 9, 1914 She vai pramieut >ln charitable orSup tRe ecifl var's. Sie lais uryiai br ber, b oîrSîporuesetfî- baud. amd neusa n iss . '. le -e. nortb aod veet of Lakte Fornt, Wau- I PR V 1EN ST kegan and the lake shore, laentirely ji faine, as wtIl le proven foa 5fl one j who cures ta InvestIgate the officia] BE14 D INC M records ot aur proceeding. 1 have perBonally spoken f0 .1fr. *"!l7tbln a very short tinte contrat«g Orvis' about tie malter sud requested flpuftf- ng -' Ilf,1.000 vanti et him è Ivesigae. tosethigs ndlmprovements ln Libertyvîlle *111 be clmntine stîatu the th inga mdub.awarded. The ]argent portion a« thi lcnfin lslfto w thht trupith u bIscu-maney wilî be exPended blng c- liciion, t wlich e rplle th helng a bridge over the Des Pluixt y.Xlv waân't trYlng ta get et any 0f this er Tht blde for thîs impcau board, but. he sld. "you know 1 bave vm i ecie nSpms q tu lhive samething ta work on."aud1thecract prabanhSe If tiurough nompe unfareisen chance 1 aded the ume inte. Té ly lx; or miShip %Ir. Orvis should blie uefan aledtaigetthe strutue pTe WOg ceastul sud 1n the future shauld Wl th eon us posible asi Ifs nee .d long--ha grace and dlgnify occupy the seat up- 8bact, î. t i s la tmated that lise on flue bench 1 hope he wlll lavestlgate cist viiil be hetween $5,0001) ad *8,00ô0 and consider mutters whlcb camle un-' The rest of the money wîI li e ex- der hIe Juriadiction more caretully and peuiued tui road buIldings. The cam- adhere tb the trufli moresiricfly thaunru'F.ioners 0f ibertyville towns3hlp behe asdune in bis campalgn for can' intend ta @pend the maney ta, the didacy. best Vossthle advantage and It le JAMES G. WELCiH. thought tbat when ail of the improve- Cliairmin Bard utfltevtew. mente bave been put ln the remte wllise mont graflfyatg. WE AIM TO SATISFY T HE lîttIv ourtesies that we extend to) ou r cntst<>îers w min friu'ndm. Wot. sturted inî the' grocery anti îîîeat businiess determnined to give SrsreI uui.We have proved tlîat satisfaction g<>esband i hand witlî Svî'c-. We tvau satisfy you. Wtt artu.sîîecially proud of tonte thitg-our prompt 1ei'.e-ritî. Wtt fill orterm, large anud sîîîall, qutickly. The Model- CashûGrocery& Market Ml. L. SCOTT, Prop. Phone 307-J Libert)vitle, 111. AUTO DELIVERtY INSURES PROMPT SERVICE NEW CLOTHING STORE A oa tam swelas ontt- Iyiutg districts are' attract- ed to our store. We bave xîît-n's and boys' ready mîade clotiîing. We have two fir-st-cl.aes liîîem of sauîiules from leading tailoriîîg li<uses i~n clleago. Wei artc oId experieited tu e ni i n îîîeasuriîîg andi gtarali- tee perfect fits. No one is hetter prtipared inî ready mîade sîlîts andi odd pants, or elothing mîade to <irdt'r. Large anîd uoin- îîlete line of ne.n'e anîd hoye' shirts, nnderwear, neukwear, overalh', jackets, Iîats, ca;.s, slhoes a ià everthing tlîat is Icqut ini a .lotlîiîg store. We invite ispectioîî of our îner liarîdise and gualautet'e'. trythîîîg as repi-t"iented. Wt solicnt your tradie i ours truly. Te A. REYNOLDS To the votera of the Proiresoive Party rercid- i in the Countieu of Lake, McHenry end Boone, Greetingi Conforrng ta the Stat- utea of this Common- weajth portaining ta Prirnary Elotiona, in which Statuts. 1 amrn fuit and- hearty accord, 1 hereby publici7 au- noucne. rysf a Candi- date for eleotion ta the Leglalature frornt tie Eighth Senatorial Dis- trict, aubWet ta the. ohoio. of the votera et the Primary ta b. held Sep- will labor et ail tirneasud tember 9th. under ail cirournetaùees :ta am an suarneat advocate sdvan o thte.utuboat of rny cf tein!naIpeu-euncited biiity the political doctrine bythe platforrnof theNation. outlined lu the aaid pist- i Progressive Party, sud 1 forua. Imoast respectfully solicit your support. REES HERBERT. CARR. Lae Ceaty, ML 7i ame Eight oe O I il l lbA biti th# dal act pt gfi Chu net col Pet A dus Ica Bu Pot tu. bel TU enud o. Lai Ite th& E (i fNI 31A TF< log 71M ft miul cut di ors daà flie lag rat les tin Ina Yul car. tee pre lual he the * ma lt Cbi fhe the ta ed Mn, BQ. g, 'J: