LAKE COU-NTY INDEPENDENT WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XXIL.-NO. 50. SIXTEEN PAGES LI:BERTYVILLE-, LAKE COUNTY, ILL, F!RIAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1914. 0N" TO EIC3HT SI.t-o PER YEÂR iN AD)VANCh~ NURERWARRANT An Alaskan Miner Is Trail1- ed Herè From the Far North and Is Arrested. FOUNO AT LIBERTYVILLE. Unted States Detectives Have Been Seeking 'Him Since Alleged Murder in 1913. The. cese of W. Rt. Rogers, the' [4h. Arty'villie Matwho was arreeted lest flday on a murder charge' wa, glvi'n a l'enring before Commissioner Manon tu ChicagaoOn Saurday and bis case Wait 0coIoiied ta 4 ta et. abli thé gavernment t ogi-t witni'ase2 Witis the arreit in .iltertyî uIc of W. R. Rogers on a charge of having niurdered is priner In the wid narti country ovçr a year aga, rouie conflletlng statemnents. The' omciers Who made the' arrestit and the rela- tivei and friendm of the jrsoner tel rastiy dilerent accounts of the aî- fair. itecause of Ibis fact we prInt hotti versions of the affair lis fol6'wn Federsi officiai,, on I"lday arrested W R. Rogers. an Alaska ner,,: '.....Charged wih the murdt of N . H. WIx iii ai a Inely gold mine camp in Aiarka The' murder occurred Niay 1t 911, and fedprai offcials have h-in 'îearching fnr Rogers mintce tlat timeü. Wlxon'o body was fautai n the' '.now. high ul, In the hbis. wbere the twu mien bad been prospecting. Ha bail beeu bit on the bead wlth a baem- mncr and abot with a 32 caliber rifle. Rogers vas arrested uti Uhertyvlle by Deputy Marahai W. D. Roaid m coaplaimt of jamnef fleRav@& iot 'u the bureau of Investigaion et the de- xartment of Justice. The warrant was lilsailon a faderai Indiciment retuhn- ed ir. Alsaka soon &fter the murder ac- curred. Place lolfty Miles from afly Town. The place of the muraer, according tc Information recelveil lrom Joseph P. Warren. Alaska extradition officer. Io i. weird spot near Glacier vreek. ai tne junction of Iwo rivera It 18 ifty mlep tramn any town and la ri'achedl ani>' by dag sledges. Warren and other fëderal agents froni Aaska hav.e been on Ragers' [rail Il oser te country. A tew days, ata Chief Brui! received a ieiegram tran Warren et Seattle stating the governmant had Information that Rogers vas viiting relative i In lib- A 9M of the indictinent h&4J been fûswasded tn Chicago prevlously. A warraat was Issueil by Unitedl States * Cosmianer Lewis F Mason, berne- diately and Deputy Marahal Hoiden v"q pt on the trulli. The deputy ar- rived ini Chiaga wiih the prisoiner Ise. mlndg. * Wbile the Indictinent givea no'Inti- mction of the causes whlch led up to the monder. federal officiais belleve the two men quarreled over the' own- e'ahlp or division of a mlng claim. Relatives Make Dnail. The tollowlng tacti; were gis-en out livte court officials and the detec- tiveF, making the arreat. Relatives and trienda of Ragera living In Liber. tyviUle strongiy deny the foregoing faris. Thcy declare that ai the tîme Wix.j on waa lclled. Rogers was exanerateil by a corooer's Jury. As evîdence tbey preacot the ?llawlng copy of the ver- ditwirb was returned ai thal titre- * "We the jury emp,ýnnetIed andi sworu ln the Inqueéf heid on the' body of the persan lilled on what la lktawn sChristmnas CreqIc lu the PorcuM'ne eountrv on the morning or May 23rd, 1q][3, do fInd that deceasedj wna, N. H. Wlion; that he was about 45 yo.ars of age: that ha came ta is death by the injuries Inflicteil by tbe bliar ot a hammer a'id dIsebarge of a hallîtram a 30.30 rifle lu the banda Of tM. R. Rogers lu selt-defeni;e." 7 May 2Ptht 1913. *(Capy) W. B. Stout Ira King Jobn Rosene s. 3. W. Combe Harry Higgins Oea. Hitchinan. -Coroner's Jury. Rogersafter belng exonerated Iby1 the Jurya'.caordlng ta hia relatives.1 staye la Porcupine couttry for three1 mmitI,titen camp, ta Libertyville tu1 Oleleri 1918. ta visit friand8 and ha luter dedlded ta purrbase a hit ln- tutni bckm tarm hall! a tuile1 notmtb or eLiertyvîlle. Ne f *02 tu ltrat 40 v ,ba' cff e sIng ars ýl alk ver the feuatrY. They a th 1 tb' teokplace bus knownu FEW LOANS IN Co. INSTITUTE WAS tiNr as berW PoSvdtaitheR M PRODUCERS 'RUSSELL RACES MUNROIJRESL&W .odfbas eau raeîi ttCilohe DURINi IPAST WI3EK THE iREATEST IN ilrJode01tRundIfklias receiv mi DAY WlLL BE FEA- RW86CODSOPNiS fl fi p nt iiiOn iltiiasier in that 11 U Business of the recorder'soffice for 1IJSTORY-0F C0UNTY; 'lg. tte-e-iitxn ialo IURE OfTHi1E FAIR, The higgea, crowd flthafois at el ULJ O UT OFFR.flJ5IV r the week eoding Aug. 29, 1914.: con__rtiductildftr fourtii-cla-., poaîmasýters il 1wSoa ann da Number of trust deeds and mort- lepseSahge \iiiliit bn.r 'c<. t ack.rîaciîuraied oui b ei-___ gagea. 12. Attendance Reaches the Rec-: JW\illiam Roslng. caitdiî,tî- for iolntl Thursday, letme as .I e etsafSnaAgîa 0h Representative Writes Senator Number <of Instruments (ailier than y aurr.anete î,lîm iith' f3ceasthy f uy, psnsset t trs dcl admotael7. ord Figure of 203-Great 1 psr anthli>Iofhefic Been Set Aside a the Tie ad Il lWsin fine ravîngHcîo Lewis Asking Hlm to iTotal num ber of Instruments flled, lnterest in Sessions. ni, to that turne. Mr Irainerd v.ill frTiGahin.rehO teossPtrdadt,-rpr LwN !i4 i~~~~~~A, up the noeW posmiîe a's'ron as,________ t i l wbiciî they fitnlbed -_____ Totîaîal aunt or Juans, $12,800. i >-ueIlbn itiqsd1 Specîi Race. Threwa vryutledanglurelCLOSED THIS AFTERNOON. 1.' -ue'bsbo tî-l i adBIG PROBLEM TO BE MET.! 'tidit' S (Neilisi OBtEN FADN S Thr ilvr itl lngI lic i'tîl do It a da>iiior t,0ir, JyM (Miltigan) T EMEN FADN S Patate circles test week, apart frm'Ilanr uc.'I. i iîing ..' ia litre (Smith) afew asolitransactians tbe oil Teachers Commend Instruct- titý iîcniteli as as r. f1sandIiig W iII scussWhat WêilHappen P'est time--2:25 Putrs, 'o Believes Such a Step Would canivayance of any nlote belng te ion - Themes Show Pro- it-îbn te civil ."~tin if War Frcs p2h:30îd te aSce.iRlev h outyFo tranlater of flite oidBircît îroperty In "i i el.Fre pte IaiySeat(ct)RleeteCutyFo th athweat quarter of section 26, gressive Ideas of Work. ît.tybl. Price et Ail Food. î,.-Ill Stîi tut-gant . the High Food Cost. itî'eld,'containing 150, acres for al _____ hIii Ne!s,î,î nomitiait conideration !rom Charles Y. Xii aukegan. Auti C IC Irmimlt ,rts . - [t- ir ; 2 1 r e$Thefolilowng Iciter, wriîton lit, F. Fiahback ta William J. MacDonald. Tht- r-lati il s uIIujUta a t i] atiettîî.2i 41i Gren Rce wr.rpoenaiei plg T e West Coast Coampany filed]a! of toaf*i i. î,totî tatla-Si aIlGecRce uno.rprsnttieinstig certificatc showlng cbanîge of location[ ý,locciiroid lit ro iii' h AISE cii - S- tlin!.,i'- -rîtcm Rallie A <'tIilligaIiiiflidtfram tbis thf' 11h aenatoriat dis- f rom ilat kegan Ào ('hicat'aa-,dde-l itdtitîSoldawii Fit",ililh(i kegan ta Chicato.and iest-t a-tii and-w.iltiikiiir1Rt-tii'. tn! t, l a of Interest ta Lake ('ounty crcaing ilîir capital stock ta $Il errl SI chooh l lýk ose 1) 1Prdiirs Xiiiai,11ii idi 't<ar.0. e.dFita.jen i fdre osaflclak an ltt- l lie mlt pole Itmla j 'ere 2 ttiat titraiiislTii hno cý IR EJ l fFaIr AIt-ai i oxite Fa i t ud States Senate). ffbIlhI~AL" I~fl'~T ~ <v serî- aifil.-îîîsîiîîî- Ti.- ..atI-t's-tinte-2:4ý ia rse it D1rLU1IA.S SENT I1 :î:xls r- n tii iii .MnadWmnWoCaet iattai airaii t1wr R- -' iac. - teltigio, D. C., r-I"n i - i a it e at ia- te ienad oîlWoCnn od-thîmen oa ilte Initeti Sl vl lýsinb aingaprbo tt Il m liIeîmeYar mare gai lirat. tiahone' I't-ieaSenator Lewisl l allea in tisecond, . turne 56 seconds for liaif utile-. tin youi- attention the situation as elz.c ttî.trit t iirsdha 1'er Dîamond L*ke Sunday Ran 'to e a-o. îatcmiuhl' oin - nd s t-dit-OFJLI.Dtikown In the asol ihistary. a proh-.iPiir"e $25. ach-lrnyoliTbcsît WINE S 0F UNS Ir file jflitl i as a record sul î Up Against the Law. ', i:tWf ith. iud0ubtedly ) ' sr~ starter was R. T. Wlawelt. sf t nmla gra iy? hereasln of LEuCniAR I a] ngl nh l adi-1a -S-igPare i udges, Dr. Reil f)dl rde nragad lffl In h', a ronsperids f i,,ý l a taforc a rea majri ofd'ng. Iluail. tDr. Smith, Wailîiegan, tiîioughout smy District, factories are a.'slua at ditpa>id i'.prctltîî SWIMMING IN NUDE STATE? ttairvmen out ot business unie,,s edle.-%Ir. Alttpgens. Kenosha;tmesDrcîlgdomtaeblnlidf iThoaflt edit-h giersu.ged for iîtîî,,îe steopsare taken ta satiafactorih I pluO'n, Kenoaba. Mr. Sivers, Russell. aniliwa'iî la scarce. We arte apprescb. Sîxteen Boys and Girls in Coun- i tho osalima yT A,ra impsn aedfo Village of Area Has to Cal on - n i t y Are Given a Four Year IV; arr- itasure ftlie rogsnn0f th. Vilae1fUbrtcelfr %oi raging ;iîrougîioucttegreater D T IICIU TIt Beoms ta me a i&w preventing the Coure inNorml. reitl Villagaeaitft' lnrnUute.Xlforîilt of Rurote las not y>cimode iti ii lJi IIII 'lOrtatinonf loilproducts durlng Coure iFNoral.Assistance. -1 lfi 1l 10 ans extent innttis cauntry ieRrpa wnwudtiol \,]\lncfiîj ica In education wtt ;ibue l ta nlY a matier of a few short î DOiNi<jj TI M ' aborfienthe duratian of that wrrbut COURSE IS ENTIRELY NEW. tt neof tit( instilute. praîtitth' Mot s' a ilitatact i.-ittisaat lt il -outtidi- wht'othe great eatild relieve us trumibste luevitable I : 1 et the uc5wtre esiioneit, i-L imberr ai jisertyjlparmIi il aieonsumt'd and des- ~sfft-ring due ta exorbitant pricea for t9ce oare lrogress .ivi' ideas aIof nt 'utîý(ii ra Suinday iiiirijiiticwhen ir mc(d ailfood aliiffs 00w in hat counrt tht' eceasarieaf lita Ail of Those Winning Scholar- t Ii,in tht' scîooll 141-inqimiChc fti-,atiladetrmi wh e P-telayfo hein ssresîve ite or a shi Seure anAvrag Tîe lctresa! r. l5tt f (esiti tta DiaMond Lake foi tipt ' ta aturo ta Amnerica for asitance Ctl elesDfat sU .fil cotsifieration. of 95 P«e Cent. lanîd. t)., on achool management anid ha <reateil great djsturtianrt' sud bi-.1-1 \lien Sutfih at onitioin contes it asa", eryDeaeruiy yourssU.,S t-a lt-ttaic, udintrcton u tt t . itlu soeedth' -oîtittit' ,ti grain,, anti varians t-owfed Tuberculosis Quaran- 1. .MUNRO. rArthur Simops«. o t upr îaTîsiip by Mr.Faust of Chilcago werî- Ilîutîtbating without '-uttt. i i.ovtii the- latie:- ofhigli prlt'c., iv tife Starts. il têrdent or sebools. todlay Vaeiledinitraltant feainres of the' sut-ct.a i Maul iaimbarry riled [at lie ' h li'.and bl ndwhcn the' hecf mai. u r lI dIi'laflas for the SlXteeu studenta in il)-iteittte. Both of the gentttiî ita urlsdictbo lu Aralbuit aid 1-' reatizes uo0liratit rut ibe aky over POEILVS0 ABE.iII.W V Col cut Whotlweft suceasful hn are natianally kttaa-nedudator anaîd, if twarrant woe -eWorn ouituhohei, anil ail otherOFneceasitARe. cilmb i wlntmg ana of the Undlay Scbolar- d n i tP eesto lm Chue <1'e ipL~a~ ar.baduoelytitir addition ta [hep rograrn wa g i t-ui atrie il and 1 li>the arlt.far Iheyond the' rîach of tht' aversfe~ sid à aimone nmalle mi ocds saslnidsot iii eft At e IUýd ta do go If 1 t rialt-4hea whut la ta lie tht'îe v ho~ the j out te the winters. Ontihte part af Mr. Simipson. he(,nitd do th@ job, las', be It knowo idc th,- fariner for lis euh and dairi hrasîerous and resource, l The schantllas, provîdea tibat ftle "le lecturesus gît-en by Mr. SimP-!.afilralias no such imîîoaing a hraiucs' iaad h' osttgene en'.tavrae i î h kigtt bg--t-iiiere Ilntian1po nt acquisitions li)er;onaltîm aas a village marsail.IOnt you thinu yt)til0Wil (0to osyit wimeracr Prenagritthe hl% Ionlps1shahrofthlv fe hlrlgt tie it'prgoriiia. AMr.Simpton dis-; tte'tdl ttt yai.ily and vourst'lf 10alie iresentotn sud îl'.t.o!f aiat ofChicag' -- gcOd1 for four yt'ars lu asi of the nar- Played origtiality in lits lectuîresaait It ot <e nsuh IA dand se e hat arrange Annudel!an Me ÏM Mnua prot~~~~~~~~~~~ IsoVf htl aidtt ii hc h-tterntîdîtcîhn~i .î.î r.t Il t 1-'a'rluali3,r).t otmbr: de n Iai schoois ln the' state. This la thet' . Tosi)(rliidei ofilii l1 aeaC igl r D iret)ti' ac eing made ta i, t'with er.'l iusrariine tht' mcadows of ie to htVl Pla0is< of l ati tnthe biar- hlis lectures fi ilt-t-t o tal coud.i- _ tcrrani, hefrCL. H. Mrris. jus t'ûeoan_ Ming poil' Tue trognautm -id C rf<ook. Kano. nu Page,'ttc- lage on Wednesday. goiir 80received aret,-alli'dIindtey tio)ns. Ht' rouglît nui tioints not iat iitari .r lt.chargin t ix now heing arrangeil hy tfiecolt1 t t'uni. anti]laite, [t'edairy counties of st-holarshilîs. taine uith ite avrerage texl bitl lit' i lfii %%ut tiidisorderly cuind ti ' . 'ithecra oftfle Nlilk Prodot-ers Asso- iiool, no longer will lie sanciuaryREOT SHW P GES Se'pt.Simpîson receiveil tht'recardai aplttlcd the ,id ta tht' coot 5y. tsmin-1'Iii,. fUilii , namtes: ition lis tint, titat will inti-rott REPOirRuTeSitaSHOWil drvenfrm oli Otf flic arions ituhlis In the country 1 sbip satîtotwn.Ht' iltustrati flus talk 1 z-- hit--.t i lrT,'.,t unItlb.larmn hu littrainen nîl scmols at tht' close of st!hoOAlt fer Ih h' i !conamlt.Htact-lteOOfcl tilr meras ut'ttan iIheanî sl josa't". -n r f- ay e eb aeBe tan htro Ilththem carefuliy hie se- y h adofrtnyral Uetuc- J, lvnilgirIdena fl. n vl hyn -liuananllne vet mo er ct]sl a ew Me I fHave... lr-et l thboa'who were entillel bo tht' cdon tht'couil'.-organizatian and«agF . -doub.lieofcottu tun passingtgrho- but itreail a formidalte appoi- AdetOu flO sau sctaarhit ad hernaesweenettes in local ilhIs.Hia lectures Rd t arr ft irctt.tlti foli. t oothi wlll lias blct ineil up against It. teYa utCo d sent to fht' statf, superinteudeut Of Impressedt he fact on the' auditana ttlA iteX tr i rceigota nst,-nmt .-t.01tt a~re P'îuit- Instruîction a ith t ail g reques cn ei , otth ai.mnthemselves thit hty e me ahoiarshlps lit l-cabgnathmthnbach tit-lev. i.arions ofies-t-prescn ot utihers. I whtu are opposcil t0 tie measurgo The' turnee W. C. T, U. held their Th ese tacet, werc sont lu thert' oro!etd onttlisting thet bn andicouitti as F ithfil ohn Il .Maralialiiîtber- -i-art- theesn,'wa-.ociatiau batten t,uci as the cen fromt whorn thcy arnual meeting Weduesdal .Augus jtîty. tht' unitluiiireaching the' siate. ri tent ta Acra, ,rrested the six antI suît i l hoarc not already mecnt-h, t tt' hme o Mr. The rur yar acolanips aaril Thework f Mie Whiple f Wo - :"r'cd tht' oiiers rof the party of hi"s tcan juin the' rganization, if lhey aiihe hmhefir atocit.NIM id Ir this manner are absolutl'y fret'kegaît in Plie instruction of gaces sud twenty mnnanti womeu Who lhai todt'sire A fw direr poe . arhe-wravl Teaealer bieb ofb the oniy ost ta a student heing board ms ,fwdiyehWvr r i a eiwdatrwl te an- roie. ,bInthis case the wlnuling cuscwaas pit'ndi4.and creail mochi'.c i frotittit-ageo lu an auto t'otunttv f'airmi Scali sa teh. tuyalled iltlithe' ilaicrit. Ont' illon o0f lIers r th~ * r-tudents ail averageti 95 per cent or Intereat an tht' part of tht' attendalats. trat-k, Ihal liiy etiter clear out or Pdi aord trairn a numtmer of alefuera, 0f themn la C. H. Potti-r, president ne lei' a el h. asteillu teir: Mihi nmsar lsa Whipple introducedl ayentire- ewooid arreat them ail. The ather'. asaying that [mcv wiliisuft'ly lie pres- ile Il b oard of [rade, Anti from0 i'neldent-M a daaioceaduhlsx -etae -" " Aureon , Wnthropi tarbior. it-nw gacca and Inairucted tht' teacît- t toceatoh'sI eetk n titiiassistinhotht' program, amour cres thet rsi ultimuatum Vîil Preldent-Mrs. Aaa Whit. , agrtHwre.Rtsl rs on Iloa ta play tileul. Tht' games t-)l.lhertyville jilîeiug given a fine w.îam are President E. J. Feiioa', o h'il aPPostoldctn Ilaimr 1 eiaud Watson, Antioch. are espectliy deignel ta contaîn - niday carnimg. st. fCharle's, Illinois; Sortitav Ritle, rfi ftt ehol ilhwi 's s cceayMs lt l il'Pari King, Antloch Ipiîao hyîa.mna ndpect Fltients of tic village decared Cr>,,tal Lakte, Illinois; Dilrecton N. Ecin- tof 1ed t nolrsure an tlhe OV- rqparer-Mrs.MAié,e@e. sugurd Simouson, iverlh Ciuit-ago otht' pat of tt luat t oniit a laif dazen of tthe (atv.ert, Lhhertyvitie, Illinois an( aihcnîtn mi'ata1 ou~esWe le iMlls, Gfumiet' ui i oiufncogo in !he laite wibhooî aln er ttrong spleakers. Edt ta nev FoxGayLake.ppi. ~iîuumng Suittloit, tut ihat tht' crowil lile ttuarantine." saiti Pot- lie helil at Libertr-uulle,. - Samber Fdth Stanc~.FoxlAie 'he teachers wnao werrin atil u lîtr 1,or L, Ctadcore of Waulterlt-randti)ujigaasîtee îrice off eallit1, were as follaws: lire. BelO res. litzel Kapbeim, Northt Chicago. di il ,t.united lu atatiog thai île pro mtat arl tifi "e.ara etc Iietlitg hgan. 111wil l itiin charge af lte booth At-iltfs tht' dairymen are losing man- L'y, Misa Aima Rose' and Mra'Ada Atictia Allrecht, Arlg nwas tht' greateat lever affortid:e d asi ti te ae hi h nieporm h l Violet Parteous, Arts. [Ltili. They camnmended tht' wonk of 1hi l. tl h iero.rtt iurxt hýetr rgrm Tt r - Xtith tutextra bardienthey vill*i Wmmre. t.loinherelMllnîscl nsrttran toke hei lwîili egin ai 10:30. a. e. sharp hutît- to decand more for their proil- ir.Srbi'ulnrvseeda Ola rlo ar.leli MhienriTe-st-aii, ina- îructoar andh thauSarehFautht' wiffl cIdl t OlgaKehwat. llcbwoi chls in lucharge of tht' ingtitute Tt'sn uc u"-gî-naleai a i uill l), conr'uded îefore titi' tu-t, or îimey nay Juisi abandon the lt eeaet h'saecaete Anus G erbert, Prairie Vlew. Tht institute la a Waukegan fil f ort- Justice id i,.ic t-utt'Lyell H. Morts attr,ý lsart- placet] on tctiitlatirie iluohca oachr sd et vh dleatto h tat ClâtreticeI. John Pahtcan. Prairie View- lotion as it develil thai thora ha no lutday itl-i vho.initfine very Oretheîe rtiog bt-gins i atti tor s!togth r Tnda tel o Ohcber 8- eliet9.rlsIfilIl. FakKasBarrinatton itherrlcith le uouniy thai can pre- ol tiu.-bo *2._ titi1i ioit-. As e bcD ereThonitili r thatThurad'.--9. Frak Ksut'. - Iani coodtusfo od n s e .- .t't'iaimittiChicago get 1his 0511k?"Tht- meeting wasa n uuualy en- )IcHt'nry couuty product's more sacîcions.onattifr olig he be tut Pîîm 411ctitiies tliey weretaiît'n iltti.l , stht-big day of the fair and Il raisîng the prit-e of nit tir tiuiisth orle. The reports siowed cik ta tht' square nit'anea thar. Tht- later names ta tbe atdedta t theta r the coutljuif. that n01 anly fili yau ienelit h y thili hrt.iigt aa-hh o ufi 'euinh, rw aeseai uny ailier plece of landInluttht' morldil s-,ilicem 'tht' last puhîhîhet iut ct(-,rof dates sa fan as the f air fî_ ti c ever tîa ri'thit'et'ral suf'fi urhe9union as yeam. Mauy ue al anti stands tida;galfl oi-ls s. foliowa: -',sxxlitsàq rocenctibt u nwililtear' thr(mogaltu]on- tesgt (m'1a Hlobe A II ~ ~ t( t lvriit forothci, îuteIiigoerai(itv. lirahe av t e .adl ol me a ti-sh te ntei ttet.r'grthAl iîce IHolcoclit, Hellen A. Joues, Mina tîg.u ead otemtstainfoi the' tate. tlt,minbei gta'sen lnai 1 h. Meeting, of size. Hirkimer counli-. NewYork,. Ftoiiard *Cora Tllbury, HarryUas- fniS UP co goa aetaat i'rytrit stands frt, sa ne uacounty lit. en-'fel Edua McKinley, 'Ane M.Paul- TIR pPEOPLE'tma _r- i0fgrelvauetaai dir tti di tc-t rt)atyla.tyih.iuslnl nlawb avval sansseonwlil c-soS. D. Nelson, D. 0. Resaler, Ar- -IDtttfre acreenyat i~Oth n States un Lina. W. C. T. U. ailta-ver the st4teaad ilent) county la third. But McHcovit ore.Eve lao, nale Ciag.Xglaiii, on titis the' 00egreat FARMERS' 1Ciadualx-titi-other Sttes Off tht'nation ta increas theinsaembisrsbp coulnty leads tht' world per square tu ore li ElntnA-bll hcgo u.25.-(Eduo f tUi tIA y a!ail, Thurstiay, September 3 .ui' aehinOcigt hesadadierh aces iipve o XVellt, hicaDrew Hazl Bsflt', Tibun.) Te tePit'0f Lke Fr- t the iLake Couuty Faim. ',tombera of' arti ofpure ouil., but it Is changetiîd Ti l~hsbe lo Clt arke G. Wrl Dlla Shemwood, i-at anti of tetowns aloug the laite tht-' Itl tPraducens Association antitad tuoueîtt fotso hs Il ielsucs ha bau fl laes Independent: More'readers than aitlluG. Clia-t', Elva J. Nelson, Es- short' shouiti itt aihow ibenaseivatoa Ittairycen not morubers ofthne Or-t'ave tee grainich- ffot ofthosebuylug ith ba her. trial. n epi.a coany veailiesacombiued, ihe om. lie atampetieti lv the alarmuin; .tali guizaiioo tholti the 1h18 thetgreai t-t. Iftbeelrcaîam Thbas meer.tieu . hl en Praserlng PndU WrIing. made liy st'if-admcertislug fadlsta about est event ho the history of Lake Cotin-!()itt i-e tatpte. r.Speme 1 i i oeo Rogers whereabouts ail tht' tîce. If a peul leltter whili moih," anti "brown tai!l tcb." There 1_________ ' a a- sGv anratm ir.CalsNnn Mra Imeyofietvlewsy wnto epalnwhta tini tnt-rît-were matie art sfeguard thtb__________ araai nberry o! tberatvhtetva shouw allah ieandlowve lt th la nOt ont' of teat'mOths wthbluntar- Recognîze Lava cfel"Chanel I llinoias publie. A liva stock commis- loeriutRgersadlie ht tct as dtayat Oc a abamilwes5hfaChica-ver wltbTfe<l w of *"Chal ~or thea bbeary I LakaCountya ibig veekly-INDE- Ifbc hny oRaera antdi h aablht sklummd millk. When the palier l yataat ules cga nr ita iwas estabuliet, antd fallawiug NET diract bfiaratad hiam hclwald tahorouahly scainci ihrough lai thc haa tht'rceavn'ecofilauy sae ailuen- of probabilhties, ha-va bean adopted le li'apication ,off tht'tulierculatest. EDW irtethime tathio far er saiotimlii drain off, and dry ltha paper very tomnolaglis' cabinets. It la au outrage tht' men of acienca. UttIl recehy -i cerycut et is enaies tu the orbera country tradtaally. This mai e ti rilng tinat an "6aasiatauîtstate antonloioghi'heail peson a pro bnas th ra. ini l inlut lb cawdeaera ld ti aem raigbî aei ta maie trouble for bliffaS. t50 that litconna lie. sly ruhbsé0of Illinois shouiti ailow bIM"èitex- lubelcýbuthe pobblle tles vergine Ilaiya o'.Dnethe s l balthue dealewustai ta i emawfva reai gandic hJu t s, hi lahil 0& H. rsso a trMMiaaala 1' ald triélers sud spaculatIva matbema±iolaa. Itto lt'e figlit lubehaîf of the tubler- gouel obeyed. buàthle kg wblch retaed th aniciie bt Issai bu haefdone. -He hnaws thora la ta Nov the atudent of piapie la obligea - ilhotest and çjl amllit. He fouad Om]Mplethea airy counties vth l belar ttucb a tinmda of Ri ovgbas Mn k DT17. -ilydangerous linsecit abont Lake ta utanad thassud use thexdool 19iiithte sîstutes arl aclshgiv hlm cor- stoqe es e afra.1hM!bo t beaun l retuul reul s o t Rgrs*i yugt n t eu' 0 Forest; niaitiihere bas bea uleo for tantiY. stain pawers. snd pracaaded ta imsi such omdcmuad entie in oSier statills 'Rogers bals seversi relatiVes and ibOm oypatbotlo visIta?, "XpesUMe triiltuand 'iar s- I4e'iyviU> a 700 vi rr ta do beitte,.." <çý 114the lasi 30 yt'ara Hala ~u~rit or p~'-- roclamation tbat cattie bro«bî halo a, wone dgceptely i a4lun j let ebeMid110 ias. scantooii bguna,.* ~a mave If lhe ta correil Iloeo. s teu~liistuha rait acig.bbonug statin Mntt amnansd ulalii t trunds h a caisd.aregouldmt a vmanI arrod ofo. i~ ah he eapt'arebelig Woted'by uhe-sl rd kZ~Whfi V W * tmtuve passed the tubercullu eti lth. IVIluoisdairymes. Tl et 'pll be abld to, p'*tm tckulng tsmoley." tues. fadiss sund tatjil litbèe alaur" th" y«i v eeM.o. rd n»Ver in a ma ot tf hé tis f*ims e!uIl Vu&I -la mef tuI.1e va b ______ alu tiese. .bA A. aacs Mted io&» M*" MfM or Ilse int de quaU re'uaý ý. . 1lie more marale et,* viole mrslam. w'ucg. ' adntrd« Iodn vaut ao emfeot onu .n»L14, iv-- - -