- MM eiim I..-LAKEMJ6UY~TNDEI th'"oietuberculosis bas appear EVÂNSIdbN ClIEF ledIn hse oun lies and on account of ~g tl the goter*nmer.t bas ruled that ne, catil a es^lesblîtd front Ibese reu-t M 1IA *E LARES MILLEN tet for dairy or breeding plurl)oses ;u: n U V lees accompanied by foderai certîii ,uUhPLIP tjp~raes showing tiîey have beeti eubEXN AN _ _jected te the tuiterculin test DENT;our Thits la thte format notice servedl on Evasto CNt ssus S~te Icatitl deiers ar.'i daîrymen that the Atu îîitualI concident le ioted in ment Covering Case Whifih Paninc who isitueil a prolamation Ja tî1felefact that two weil known wmn Came Here Recently. of »Cattle. lt uerttntsort of an accident. Here are thet i Ismen and caille dealer, are nlt Zato.Aug. 30. ci t( it f5t r of te orîler itdi niant TO WHO[IO N I AY CON('FRN- of thent are orcantzlng te Mlirt the Bath have injureil knees. Thî crtiie tat rak ~tîenregulatien. Altitoulit no date tv :e ti s the left knee in each casie. vrswrn»gtully ficcuctgdin. n'îe.5. or, lcmia t IikPoc, oth austainedtherm in faite. Illns ere' n awëllssion Assoiation.ieumbirs of te or- Th, %Ictus arc: créeal r. sn wrltt' enfganination deciari, iUt îtte. are rend tivILIN RIIT 1 faie pleasure te niakintitisstate st' glthe tiiti c t t-îtînîii t I .kt 't. souil, for iîir. Milieuas la has bren T a .the « ,îuie '.ti ':oî.t1 Itu ii ,kl v"t\.i2 grfsfiy annoyod and uatarrassodd.rtne ftel-tt\trîngnate. thiaugli thse mistaka lmade tlî«the uic $me2of Mutrnked . \i ihwgonensnîog be ldr r' action takenltit isren p .111v. mi Fw.1 mef <' t cheir ci tUtti Vours t rry iruIr', A'orint for ytu I\ttoe poil. eets, are btter known titan Mrst FRD . e A of'Pie. Ot t lti, o iat t Ile MtiPrîitit r' <\c Iiglit antd trs Pillil'ant, ttîerv1or, The bovestaemenChrinthef Poiref ALeMpition wiSI calke and offiiaIs out the seinguarity of hotb beiett laid iii) TofatwIvestam ent f dbro t cechef tý aasorianSiaîr- îow over Illte nuiikat the sainetinme witb thr sanie %or: dlearr thse former unttdloye of Ille <~pC. rlg district IL .tt' xew and M. lestie'ne f th chrgeand crys stx, entitmîet Of tuaccident and with the lnjury ln slacegM aag&ntib ieno of lythe a lri lgc tîhlite. t'e saine pltace, naturalsconcern, plac4 aaint tin rcenly y tu Robert 4nann of Ilitteý.s. 5,tt tte tiicer ntsny frirnds- ]Cvaiston poice whsn tey teephond -ard vrl s »Ue Wsukegan police te aitpr'ciend l.c rIctet.td t tirt('0 i tirs. lirigbt wtîs visittng liter nîr'-c t hlmt becaiuse they wanted im. ate b. ee. u îu î.îtt eHae lt apois 'Ic_ IcamtîaÏgn. %hile \V. J. lt.. tWc.IldeaCsatis. tc. In arysows that %filIen evidentiy tac) of the association, auti S. I_ .et:t sone t our week, agit Sh sticlted -)i was the vletlmn of a scared man who coin, a fii woj;cr. tatr lso « a nittfloor and fuil, injurier 'be- agaet M lmu tona tuay. t elne a i ereeri iltiît. mttj"as nrcrssary te put'ttihi nora eittetecag uadar!al nracn î'ti -t nec-t nscb a a era Jiiiy loth. askeaua Evanston man te' ln the dcnîsnd for 12 nmi i i cast. She was Irouglit borne cash a cierk fer $30, signed by the tbe wnter nonuhy. r Ontean e' Y;t tîn' tit! searsthe rast. Wwlitant asier-cf the For.ýD)CarbornitPrsducers are justitied, addîine iha q wetWensav trslt 1).ni, Chicago, i li-Oe& encpioy hie-tfred is ntcch hcbr t i i ear ane. atw-kWdedaMs 11 hall heen« Tbe check was casbed t vitttucoý, oais nd ot .-,,!,, w i tas tn tue rcbard of lber tone: but, a couple of bellra afterwarda. tle lakeit a lui)upwsrd- ut.\n i sut s:tO0ýI tii a tacder, tîeing titI a flan la question gt arared. rn*bhed le I r, la salso Irc n a tei t-a rht ituit o7«fet off the ground rite te pole and rlaimed ftlai, Xlien hall i proiucels nusa tta'cc' Watt'for tiittc't t, ý ttth.td a dunr t.pul.tir, sbc- miadt hiem the vieillie of a confidence 'etîtt. br. Omaite insist'. i game thtie ihait casbeit a ece fi atnd i îees farniers rce ee ytîtcn ýrt' f -', itItt ýinfl iu sot rained the lig- ta.Il Itvasn good. 1their mutk. Mtr. Oua.in helicves the aiutni-' of lieri]ft 'nee te surh an, Tise, olke. vithout Iio'astigstinz. sîtecint ProlciciA l tpeccret in ituer Pe cc i ttt' s!:" hattc-un laid up enrF according tte'tîtten, gel out the war- %iuite hlIrs hecause ' 'flite irevaln,'- ,t,. -!tl t,îttrsing whiat is prot tng rani. pioned thet Waukegan police and hgb priceg Ibatenter lto ils iro'îctiti iinu ndtoueom n lter tqiillea as faken 'ietoconfarenge tien. Fromt aow untIl 1î ,o ':îtfu n-crotteetej w'iis Ue cbltf wben ha voluntarly ,raet date fer tue e i(01oirt_ st J vent: te thea sation t Se, w t tenîonths. officiais ao tte nultita"oi' - rnawus vas about. The man whit bad tien is male a thlorugit Uts' iè.)S , rglt, tax rollector o! oas-fledthe. ebetk oUptted ta drop tise oic-r tbe district it an effort te str ' town of Fit-hit:tortd in NMHnrtr mat.' if Milteptwould retira h bie hdup lterest and te he ocf enliai - Ct ntt west ef Antioch for many that.'ut %eien g gd, the mat n Ingthe aid cf every ntik produce-. th, -,n -;,,,.d a resident of tVint ictare for that.tte chck ein go" li mut purpLseae ieg te include et ery pct . 4--yrars, crtmtittil icdirde last Fr1- l«i.'llit lta go iIaIoisgh the b&nn te durer of mitkit oth5 - nialonday by lakitier arbolic arld.-M r. pVMig t t -&" liha d s. The tlit order te stand to2elber and thais Iwrýght, wbo was abouît 65 ters oid' glie* iras hotored ad thus the basty t obain the prica thet ee! la raseitiat ita,' taeIr. pler bealtb for some tInta «M fta h police andl the man WhIO trealîge the profits ter are plititied CIaItt ~pner srbspyi esbMi.the chec vere founi tetalie tafor tise inior involved it the pro -naiitin is iievd eaebise n t e mufl3ttOd. uuciton of mîr, rî,sc f bis ta'itbaonlte NMin a eil kaown ln Lie Couin________ ThE appearanre Of hOg choiera la ty andi the Incident causit hlm much i ýome miscreaat entered Utaetiare of I'brsc okedai i te aUMno M ,uaiuntliedly. accordag t k parte af nortberss Ilintois la sufficieisti Ifralineit tatement of lte Evanston Ber- Wells yesterday wbcte lbe was;Ici arouse Lake rounty farntera te) al- aBout 'cirkng andi clippadl off lthe tail of bis i tOi lest the piague may visit this andiii a ear lige, and sipe out hundreds excepelonaIiy fine adorawalamost of thsaunands of dolara Wvorth of hoga. toucised the grounit isaore--now it 15 nuy farmsers hereabouts a year ago jar bove hekisee. An tabeard of austaWinldîvîduai loanea as hkh £s OU T &* thcir entire herdsa Lâw'Ula. lui .Waukegan. Ang. 11 Whso la lteman vito drive the bS'ge #xeyUnger, neven passenger,[ macILias. afier dark about te cty. f ad vbo- ILla etated, has -ctspreae.chd a aumber of Young ladies on thse armet, la a atteinPt t entice them ta ride viliahlm nlns the machne? Ai far an ca.b. taarutcd he bas corne to Iscity from, ChlcIpg. AU of the Younlg ladies vho bave ieen approacis. cd by hlm cMaie tisaI lb la a ma about 37 yeuxz aid and he la ltsUalyj atllreit la a bine or back suit ad veare a feuora liaI. Tise police de-t partment isalis possession of tihe nosm- ber of Ilie machine. There bas neen maay complante frein Young ladies lnithte city. tating tisI they hava heen approached biy tise stranger la tihe machine. Ha usnAgly selecte some dank spot where ha Intercepta tise Younsg women. * Wisai.er ha bas hem sucîcrssful in entieah any Young ladies Imb lise machine baasflot heem earaed. Baturday evening. the man made hisi appearance at tise corner oh Mat- Ion street and Browning avenue it tle machinle. Notclag two young la- dis waikiitg acroas tise Street ha tuuttedis iemachine about adtht.n Inlterceptad thent aftar tbey bal turit- ait ap May Street. Ha ples.ad v;i on.sof tha Young ladies ho gel la thse machine, makiag ail sorts of promises. Suie refusait, l1owiýver. Whea h, depanlt e cltat- e1 he Msttaiha vae goito bLaite ]FOrOit tU get a girl." but deslste tisat deciaation he retui'aad again ta tise .gsau corner iatar ln -tise evetilng. Prti±es bacoming lriogrmed of tisa fcbrea gtalr of tise evaniag. iterideit, lu iaforin the police of the matttr- upon hie raturit. but thse mais dapart- ai "dthe l" plnwas given ut.Cap- c t&al* IspcLYons of tise igbt force of p<-~ olIee van informait lalar ln thse aven- le Ut,* isa mai's tactîrs. Efforts wili be zatde 10 look uit the identity of thea ma ths'OU >stise numiser ot bis ta- ..~talqed- Federsi aa.~Me touity juudge of Lakle CowMty Ncw serving his fiNt terin and Wtpubliean eandi- date for re-election. i ri we %êh. T inWb~t f~ *11as alotliers, -bave heen.,safe.ii hisihandse PRIDE. AY.- EPMRER4, 1D14 à dl ~& È~ Vtteth, MWIi hUei flic Fiîrnd of. Lake CôwâwQ Itepublican Caud'i<à(e éfo'r Congress Tenh District ev . Vî k g ;t Iti i'a rb o I d ffce i >el v ei"t' l >itt iii ýiti-(gitta Rual ExFîsi. rpve Posth<'ùtal'~ Mnrinv Hospial. -i-:l'. wit h lis col ivagitiatiin ail fedéfîaIittr ltî' ('hieaýo. iîilflitg l'hiprovî'il ei t îof Nnfî ranch tof (ueg ~r .S h IXtrlothicak,41, aS11illuand b1iblîuîe fori-iii- nittse Naval Rvsci-ve, U. S. Tràliik S46t~- titi. thîl btstiin tht. world, at Northi Chi- t'agi i.TIiîîv'ît<îî Ilis tof U. S. Navv attîî- izi' hanîd tipi îopriated for -whih' chairmn oft1w utNaval UCîmiuitt t , Avo at.daid >1îî1il tt otI d Plire"loOd, Nleât îs>ttin Conîîservattion <of Natîi'ral L<esoure's, Po";iât;i SavîigIiîtk, arvel I>ost, 'Ri'itrtoad ' îltîtîîit. Ntîî-îartisan Seien'tif'tc Tariff Commîiîissioni, Anti-trust legimiation tîand anl Jiruigressi ve I-epuihBallpolicies tîîndeî' 'Roosevel,<t and Taft. PréiorIs,l S9-Wed., SýJp1. 9 ÉeetôÔh., TtodâV, 14. - - sc; -~-t'~.m,~.v---'t .4 s.~pj1ê See aüéi neeàarThemBe Victroks.anVit, Each üns h sa janseen, oWtf Sch éje ad veêi Coünty. W»MW, oUîi qý,Çf for your ineâ Ii Eajr ~ f . I.MW . -". ý. %ffl-ýW ý - -- ý ÏF ; ; e 1. jk f ý IF T IL ÂW 1%