CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 Sep 1914, p. 14

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mar I 1 DESTROY TIE BOXES AT ONCE A gaverument inspectaT Thurada aidflday vsiteid ever>' place la 2, Waukegmn which selle cigare, paiylg fipecil attention ta vholhor lts' pcosed a goi'ernmentlilcense aMd I.-,Idenfaily as ta whether or Mlt deaIers ui liy destroy overy dgr box the minute the cigare are=ai. He warned severai that tIi>'.r ceisethie practice of keeâg iSinO boxes ln theîr case. The ordei' lu that tbey must be destroyed vîthout auj dolay the mnlute the lait amaker la ta!en froîtenmj, WILL TEACII lie Misa Edlth Bray, eldet. 4".g1tr ofa Mr.and Mns. Artîn.' C., »M, .loft Saturday far Polo, ni., vhI eSIbl" ccpted a poaitian au a 409cber Jin the hlgh achol for the oog44 yPîar. Sliu wlll teach Aacent Iumhrygaad begnalng Algebra. Mk. Bray, Si. graduale ai the local blglýqcboql 40~ of Nrthwenteru Unveisw, wh"~ the msa taak a posigrmdog»q eou lut yean. Wtlb tbîa equimmsathoe ahauld mrce a luccesa nhaabomm la0 'COUNTY MME said viii Sp- puclte jour support lu the Republ-j Jie uelue=4ce fli'oui ent's references tath. Board aI Sp view woli foualddinl aw or iaçt,ýthi ualght neit sanie repl> froinsni., but ingainucli au yau kmcvthat the Coun- tyIüdge, mter le fléïplts 'oi, flieni berl-roui eao he'5tu a iuigP> ilIjm i rUs, ae.A k4ubéea Sdîsmîesatheo Matements imade .Ut uller attention. my n> coniuct ai tue County Court, 1 Leai.trled ta conserve jour luteresa aaiUtîies adis,'au vhav>e 1»d lqalges ln the cciaal'couct-4ulrhg the Pat four jeas. knoW boit haw wgli i bave succeéded luni>' endeavor. OiIng ta mY officIi wrk, wboçlu, caflol onselen*lqeAaqeilasiaé Ibai bisa unable ta se-mas>of ai ni>'inda 'PeiMuahi>'. but sOu leave My candi- ime>' lu jour bande. Vory iraI>' jours. PERRY L. PERSONS,ý WÎIF-lLCouat>' Jndge. -T~-'A-R~R fIfliTw'1w I .pW~VR!TJrI~ ~'1~Tfl A V c~WD'I't'aE1VL'fl A mIA .. - ~.,~- ~ ~ P.~ i 'i -i pT .ml.p Às, I Mer' the progressive 2LAen ~ta Iprlagie4 biý tiIs diotrie lttêbk. *boePersoan 5nlestmnents are al the fariners, atoi trymn of the couaiî bad i cHenry, a4dhi DîIttedl>' well qualîlloe 1 ud who vo progreg ýwas fin ardent a> ut supporter ln ti and who vIii at al standing firin aux leople af -his dlstric >ilcaga Interesiil ný Il ht If Munro la non e Ielalature. by lb s ept. 9th, ho wIll, lI be overvhelmîngly de lvonber electian. ectfuIiy yaurs, C. P. BARNffl. m imu B. Th.... m ln renderlaz a k' firme voice. m ' t ali il Ifs nd ,i ad mt ln le- Lit CHANCERY NOTICE. o g nos, (iiuut y L" #e., as. aber Terni, A. D. 1914. Walter -Fraser va. WIiiamn Ulire>', teMo Ullnoy ad. John J. Pfiie, fia Trustee. In ChancerY>. No. 6942... Il. nequlsîte affidavit bavlar been Al la the affloeaioftue Clark, of-amO,. Court nolice la tbere!ore, bereby gyivett tu tee &Mid above saàiwdi.tufanti that the above zaniei Comiplaimat herçtofore fIed isla911 ai Cainplaltt la salil Court, en the. Chanoery aIdef tuoreoand aithat aa ummnona tueh upon laued aut af sali COUA ialnt the gliave aained defefidanta. retura- abie on the firaI day of tue terin «À the, Circuit Court of Lakte auanty, ta, be heid at the Court Houa. ln atmke.' tan lià sali Lake Counyt, an the P'lrat; -Moody oi October. A. D. 1914, as la b>' law required, and which suIt la' MtOI pending. LEWIS 0. BROCKWAY, Cierk. Waukegan, Ill., Sept. lot, A. D. 1914. Elani L. Clarke. Camupilant'a Soli-[ citor. wly tig411-18-26. çlhe'ugQ poâ44fip the entih. castrai c4*1na, or whetli mo su uiuof the progressive Party in 'hie couinty wl aflOinI4fi mi lu order that lb mlght lie uaed solely lo rdei Sto secure the renomination and re- ingerese" ii I etion of Munro tu the Logisiature, identUcal wltý dMwro bau neyer In any way ex- uminera and ar -iied ta the cîtisens of Waodatock, ai Lmke, Boone1 çhe<arge repeatediy made againat man who le adm Ititu , the pipera of tlis clty,.that he for the. Position1 M, Aug 312t, W& II u4xed up wlth large carporate in- Rives amIl ?ow Woodai4î 111Aur lu 1044 tetChicago ln an ttempt made Iearnest Roeevel dcWer.*e Ooeityladependent, h î~te prevent thie Cityr of Wood-btte f112 MY J)ear-gir: ý; 14*ý-, -ý uriahngelectric light tle ofe19O2 a lOyi itt"atonbas been eaied t<, an , 1n OIe Cty llghtîng plant to ailo lai îtca fo e j kttick e t a pleared In the lait Ilue.tii. stores and Private resldences of and araînst Chi of your paper alrned by Fayette aur uit>'. Chicago politlciai ),unrct.ond 1 i lh ta say to the rend- , g wàita. tattnr any tther o er o jurp0>p:thloge vtk4ternce to the dîffer- l nly mor dhe. 1"t ?bthtli' lB ot the, first t. mIOe baiet* . funrobanted for a!e taek 4that .FPaette 1Çflflý bair xmo d1w* 't' fftth yef progressives on tkru~ lb lres MitDt ie oron- Mo tgt thiare aip and aniy >' judgment be tk-ghth Prssaglut m prsn-.tww>t"arinnSeptember fce i h O aly afdiue an attorney and agalnat StIIMF ?fU!e to a progressive Vote t h -Y standing as a, progreqalve. ,iauail 05 eleglalature from ' Cros 2. , 1 tala fi thMthe .progreeeIVea *ItidIork , &iIalB'Wbether the progres- et Laku Coty baasn* isj t k t -moý isia .4 - i. ',istt lwIknowingîy tMthr~liOe pressa stUung au ta any iggeP- tfor thl4urePresontatîl at lidirencea betWeen Mr Mm,. Ia4lôl KgChIc--mncc-poratîouî Gracloumeu rU ai yelf or' whetler eltier 4Mr. liyer- e.*Choggpoitic:anand a U trooumn 1ftcboMr. - ldnro wIlli:upo tnietun -Ja M . O~ln y judgmea nt,)na. Ilite. a hm mo tIOS loto 104An LatsCfflt>' la g. -and Chicago polîti- Rlot t hIWspei Court dirci. - theo Bi ii. Uabl ieatoruwDtg *11nomlamt.' lSon. 1'ýed 'h-Match f6r h. ýLoullatM ore etnib.r th>' Sncb au OVeowbétlnsnrmaor-y that MUnra. Will fot% kuow h. varunlng, or evqn a Candidats.. eOr vslu 01 te aoutlea.I Id U~aèti ~ ~>4la ti 'Ver U9whf4oI4 ienro ail know ho v"i u *ln rée, for :tihe Imperanne oeu,~ .ntlqfor lIth eaisi a trict ait SPringfleld, as ho la a Chi- capratlon lawyer, a Chlcç«a ni as wbose entlre 1>i tÉ~a*al t te Cty i Chicago,aid we1 MMeas laterests anid Wlth Chi- bué <lticlans, mand an evor>'one *M4suro haa'ao Intoreat lu coin- fion with the farunors, stock raiers. and daîrYnien of this dIstrict', ad It 16 IL »MM<O1"1ta c±thiît t u Cicaw PoItclans adChicago Intereala and F nat, tie farinera, atocl, raiera aed dirYken <t1hla district tiiat ceused ?tenr<t'nome ua.tabe . plaff an the ROqim0èelot -tIcket In, 191t 5. it la amait ontirel>' Chicago ln- a~s u&d. lbm »ltet"=, tlia± are nov backilug Munro in bIs present i effrti taugable eisct.d to tboeag aobadly that sinces1 bave bee n aup- r Ratch an iopoalutho renamîna. X H B tiOn afi Munra, r have been throstenod- br thA aRe. Chicago ltereoisusid prélmo Court Beach of tiIs atato ln 1915. t nover lntended ta make Il publie that mter the Naveniber lection ar 1912, MpnrorefuM.adta Daye Civeesas fris note for bIs.iegitinsete, abare of tIhe Progressive camiagn s'pensée af thra calty for Poatage, Prlntin.', rouI ai hail,, musî aid othor lafltlmate ex- Pauiîea, unI» atter I repeatedl> thet 041.4-ta au& hlm i aukeaanm l 1110>g bebfare the csunPalgn utarte. r Mufrei>romlaod ta rIve m ieh Uei m. for hieshaare af the campalga expena- en aa fast as the saine rere lnççirred. "I, Munro 1la81:t1îli *evlng o7 zte 7 r lit hti une. 94 pstvl refuieid ta turi oer ta h un- 4. 1zzx ,-* 'OR COUINTY FAIR ,UiI, Wîs. I III ~.~~U.Ui!! ij~-.~-l.LiII I 41- i g FOR Representative E ighth lDistrict. Hie Knows Lake Coup4y's PeQIe Hé Knows Lake County's Nèeds A vote for Woodmail will be a vote for'the dairy and -cattie interegts. He knows and wiII stand for what will best serve the milk pwoduoe. Woodrnan is supported by Lak<e County's most prominent men, in-, dustrially and commercially. Vote for Woodman OVE Are Even' Certain mombera af poltical argani. zations vîion I have comiDei b topsy water nent agahint thelr vîshes tlipmegb nu>'board ofiInspectai-s aI W#ukégan, havb been circulating aiqrfoa ibroughbt the caunt>' charg las Iliat i bave fleen assaclated vîti, 8uçomo tock deal on rallrcmd maltera, of Ijat t amn related or connectad ithi th* business of ont J. K. Oryla, chr- b# there la sonetbtng wrung wîtlu .s~ transactions, I ami ln no va> esettsd or related. excopt ver>' dis toMo4, to hlm or any suri transmet. > ~ êosanie Parties have lniuced îMRa Welcb ta make charges that 1 *md. eiLgiamentsinla aconversation vf11 hlm, ,whîeb charroi are abslute- l>'4tpie.Aun tehlig agures. h lIR a Weiii #që*&w ftet that anoelaite shore polil ilff gIuare not pafar their taxes. lI p"e the "me ludîviduala pay $Ijloe W atern INWaukegmn, vu bybai Ç»ri' joga. and -Oeuethey Im £% ~~t ati one#bldm gar. .VAND CA Ireiti*', More Impressive- Than Many Cars Costing Several Times the Price This, magnificent car hma won îts spu'rs, an d je large, powerful, convenient to operate, an ' quipped to the minutest detail , supçrb in appearance and riding qualio Heres ~ titis; this car li a -vtlue'pf more than ordinary worth. OVERAND It is possible to put so mucli value in Overland cars be- PLANT DAIGAIN cause a large put ut las reduced the cost 0f p eucti 'A, 1914 O'vèrland ecryistk othfor The 119a0r3 ,EPBURN M1~ae for Treasuref, ecision f<i e ~ries to be fteld er 9, 1914 1FAITIIFULLYO WILIATED WITII ANY 'ORiANIZATION, BUT il VE IOMUEF#bINNVIDUAL ANDO x PENSIVE CAMION AND AM AS'iNGi TuI VOTERS 0F LAKE COUNTY FOR seuls I WOIJLD ASK IT FROM ANY FIRM OR - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - JTOI%-- Il rïTn Av'- Zs

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