LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT. FRmDAY. SEPTIEMBER 41914. Faîr Week Specials Fuji Birand 1'. C. J. Tea .........50c lb. :35e Special Blend Coffee .....3 Ibe. $1.00 Fruits3, a fulli hue of tbe very best. Cookies and Cakes, assortmentâ of 50O kinds to select f rom ............. 10c to 80e lb. ClleegeAerican, Wr.. Brick, Bine Label, Pimento, MacLaren'e Nippy and Imperial. Ginger Ale, Root Beer, Sarsaparilla and Cherry Phosphate. The best af everything in Meats and Groceries at T RIGGS PAYLOIR LXI Phono 24 & 25 J.Eli Tri«,, Libertyville Bee our Windaw, Display We Will Close for The Fair ln accordance with aur usual cuitom we will close ir mtore at noan on Wednesday, Thursday and Fni- 6jr this week on eccount of the Fair. We wihl hawever be on hand every f arenoon for tjie purpase of supplying your neecis in mens wear. % If you find at the last moment that there is some.. thig you have fargatten we will be here ta fit you out. .We extend an invitation ta aur out of town friends ta cafl on their way ta the grounds and visit us in aur new location. JB. Morsýe,& Co. IËverything for Men U5ERTYVUF, ILL. Pls.a. 14 IF YOU mntend to feed for profit better buy your supplies early. a se. 0cryvglIe Lumber Cowpauyr,- b *0 i O lot. Nue47 am N omeU t. J a mpiSOI, muer <C 16 ertyv//e fiem8- xxxxxxxxxxxXxxxxxx~'~-~xxx.~5x i To imaure publication in thes IndePen- C. S. Elong amndivife and Eldon Clark dent. capy muet be in the office no later and wife loft laýt Sattîrda.v niglt for a Ihan Tuesday of eacir week. Adver- two weeks llsbiug trip wt Madge, 'Nîu. tisera, eapeclally are asked to laaks Mr. and Mr@. M. , owers and daugi,. particular notice to this effect. ter of Austin, vieited over Sunday and the tiret of this ,Nek at the Gesorge ~(Additional Local News on Page 4) Eton borne Iere. Mr.audMrs Jon lulje o Anioh, Lest Satuirday ,nueo! the beadligbte weecliera bore Suuday. 0f Dr. J. L"ay lors automobile wae 1smasbed*by a bîuggy as the bornes draw. William Fiax and John Smith of Ke.' lug the veniule rau in front of the auto noub"ha e re vl Sors hore Tueedav. lstandine near riî. ontotte. Thr.rc Misa Eunlce C. Bond of Gurnee, tisited ber eousin, Mises Grare Bond, Succdey. MisesRosette Moitice i Miss Besie Jones nofthiefkgo t014 wpek. Miss Esther Pries spent several days of lst wsek witb relatives in Lake Forest. Fied Eniderlein and Christ Boysehion rot Belrij, Wim., viited ber,' frorîr Snnday to Tue8day. The W. C. T. V. wjlI neet at the home of tirs. Mafrel Shraw, 5111waîukep avenue. Sept. 8, et 2:30>. Tue Mise eiie Dvisýnalaet Elia- bethr Treetrruil of Waui.eran, ar,re vti-. itore bers Tuemday. W. C. 1T. U.TO UOLD CON- VENTION IN IJDERTYVILL3 The Lake County W. C. T. i.will bold' their annuel convection et the Liberty- ville ad. E. church on Tbureay, Sept. 10. ,. the eveuinrg there will Le a inatron's gold aredal contest, four of the routrsst. arlts conrlng froru Cook eotinty. Mms Carman, the world'e tonteet superinten. dont, i@ planning to attend. From tbe National W. C. T. U. eûmes a muil for ailljYhite Rit-boner to nuite la a prayer for poes eOu SuudaY, Sept. ti. The So(.iel nIon merubere wlll observe thre bout, tbree o'clock lu the aiternoon 8 o that day. OBITUARY amal boys Who wt.' r Ui hbuggy were uopSerc lboianBug unDurt. Monday a buggy Lad one of ateirifure3t, Wetpbalia. (lsrraeîry, ou Ite reer wLeeksi brîken Lv a paserug Sept. 9, 1845, hoecame to America lun tLe wagon. The ownrer ofitheb bors nd year of1t09, and died Aug. 16,4914. buggy Lad loft the rrntfit tandiig lot, His wtfe dled Oct. 18, 1918. He wae close ta thre aîley ~ro ssinrg. married June 1, 1875. $il Chritina Keraben, ait that tirne r.Ley moved to Prof. W. N SI,,,kirnr and son 11erold i Lbertyville, III., onua farta wbèeètlrey returned last ivî.,k totheir honje In lived ever sinre. Seven cbildrerr were Berea, Ohio. w11'r..Ille former will lt.s Lru tir tbem ,trio son@ and fSte daugh. up his drities a' profeusor at lire trs, of w ian six are living, tbose the fourth yeîrr of lis kroltege course R. F. S,hreck of Liberty ville, gre. it. Bl. tirere.MssE, . litrailoft ear lir.r Epker of Libertyvilte, Mro. Itudolpti futile week iiw attrîrl a housesParty Z ller of DeserSield, IlIl rs. J. B. belfore returuiî iýwt i 1r gsihooil work. 85 hottruaun ai Tentopolis, Ili, tIrs Sam idre. SPectuail.-th ih er rrorlcr. tirs. Burtireofaichirbgan City, Sud; wilIi&:y, Benaunn Jrii 111 I leavs sumo t1irie iB. . Lbertyvile. irs. Arthrur Krucir. this week foîr Ilca rorîiulir trniai', a daugliter, died sees,,ydar% aro. Libertyville warr Weillrepresented at i4ezer titHoas- e'.rar', ainrgranuuiiirrru rir the "Deerfield day' celetratron runileer- karly Sunda, î'vrërirnztwo strangere imloss. fied lest Saturday. j ilgtheif natiwai,a Chas W. Marckeft I Re.W .' ippie and famiiy went adonJ r.rî fCiaiwr}Thre vacant place, tire ernpty cbait U) 1cV. W. arr t epnisheedekby otfi et Lrbetry whbie tbeyi We ose therur day by day. ta ockor Moda tospui he we i tiree atof trig taforce thpir And Oh' its luiq our irsewisb care. witb lie. WLlppie's @jeter. attention up.'u two iYoung ladie(f Since Ouir loved father went away. Dr. C. W. Hawley of Chicago and MIeS Lbertyville. Their iirtatron beamne so Dorotby Donne of Sycamore, Ili , @p@n bold %bat the youug ladies atts'mpjlted ta AD0 AK thre week-end with lMr. and lire. W I utitnc1iai uttem1 eme CAfbti xResOF rrtianKS h Collins. determined ti, foîlow thein wben threne ihoendresforeur aknrînthes marcai chia,-îlthe rre amiurae ior srandtiryen us *lerrrinlute Dr. L. E. Golding srrived brome lest i @s OlrJtemuadmd, tdsmah hw n.1Tn h week from the Judith Banin lu Montanaithera murrch nuî r, n bere tire ouligd.ah fou'fteldob crt, wbere Le Lad @pont some time lu the ladie@ were, wiî i declared that the trî1u I elsof .te irg r and oe ho gavrek juteront of brs farts, tbere. Wre stra)g.'s t, thrra. The ruarebai 1 IBO te sino@adtooWogv tirenumade tihe' rreste aird both riere, lwr.Ti Chidren. A daugirfer wes baro, ta Mir. and tir,. fiued $3 aul rets on Monday, trrth1 George Mcflonald of Deerfleld lest Set- fines Ling pard. Tirent rangers doelered Light From the Earth. urday. Mr. and lMr@. MeDonald were tbet tbey bac] eirbitâ aet the farr Thre darkest part of the eky le al- former reidents of Libertyville. grounds. i Pour berug searched the w5.ys aglow. The earth ltself gîves C. M. Wbipple o! Chicago, a brother of iiarsb5i louar! ijuite a number of Luliotu ffalut of ligbt. Scientiste ut the R-V. W. L. Wippie of Libertyville. Les in tLer Posseseron, wbrcb they sadrd nlnIsiusbv esrdti un eriibit et tba fair boesbis wesk. elouged ta rirrir busineess eartb lîght and bave tound tiretlit tg Of tire order uf one-tenth part or the Heilegivlng illutrated lectures on tire lnteuslty uf a star or the tiret order uf Floride Evergiadeo. N0T T(Q SÇHOOL CHILOREN. magnitude. hletl attrlbuted. at tost Th ii ¶pe f h ëtiee h Ï11P&rtlallY, tu a permanent aurore bore, TbeTira Captr o tb Witniuse TeLrtyville Public Scirool will ,alawc arvauiytrecrrc Guid wll eetwit ie. , A N tbo .s teno iod&Y, Sp. 7. The pupils of, teriatic green ray obscrved ou obi. et ber borne on Fair street. Tueedaytre r t gtgrades will preskent tiroir ouengt utr hi evua eveing. Sept. 8tL, the meeting Leing Promotion tard@ athteteacber wba wiIl, er ihsI tewoehaea Postponed one week ou acroutit ort L have them ur ncbargle for the rmrng er fair. et 9:301 a-rm. ioaday, Sept 7. NOTID-E FOR BIDS Edwin Powell of Cleveland, Ohio,@peont The pupirîs of the igL ec.horjl wIlîl Publie notice in. berebY giver tbatj lestwes wlt W.J. Mnde andfamly.rgieter et 2 P. rm. of the ueme day. 1 ffaled bide for the rovering of tire rfser. Mnst well wb Mo d be@ nd istg et Al pcirpia are cautioned ontlta maLe 1:p>pc <rutbe village lot, iu the tvilage of the Mudre borne for oeveral weeks, re Uan purchafea of cbool ouprsutril Ltbsrtyvrlle, wi L eevdt h re- heY oceve drecionnfrýBard of Truetees et the Village ial turned witb ber hueband to Cleveland te eev Iet OU)ro the teacher. 'rok odyeennSt Saturday. 50c1_otil____________ venigOept Ch".J-.Keil ha puchaed te Too.7, 1914. Tire board reeerves thLs Ught Chas. bouse ric Lein beofe. ~*~, ~torîert any and .a iLds Sperillcatrrîrr etruction eoth of the electrlc depot. He IS JSEIAIHE WIRTZARD O fl e. ih h.eCvile e liag Ctr wiil ruove 10 bis uew borne early In tati MS I IT ÀRE 01 E.B OLTVlaeCe affer dtaposing of bis stock aird .Colonial Rug and Rag Carpet Weavlng, rnecinery on the famerst ai Ltberty., Saturriay moraing et urne o'rlock et ail fency weaves. lirs. J. A. Graves. ville, whicb Le recentiy a.pld. j tt arys Ctholic rhurrh et FremOnt Telepirone 140-M. Llbertyviiie. r.:rOrf C.entre, ucerrred tihe rurriage of Joseph Thre reguler business meting of rhe jOI.rnnut. sou orf' George itlrtueuf ' Of Our eentalonpsr are now ripe ami Ladie' Aid soclety of the M. E. ebureb Fremonî.Centre, ta Miss Mamie wlrîz ready for delvery. Cal et tLe boue. will meet Thnradey,. Sept. 10. The deugterrrf Mr. anrd ire. M. C. IWirt, Rot Ellie, Milwaukee avenue. 2 change of day and date le ou eccount of ijqsao Fremont Cetre, tLhe1ev. F. M tire Far and tihe W. C. T. U. meeting Bey of that chnrch odliciating. day. Tbere iriliLec te annuel report The bride, who wore wbrte satin and and elstion o! olfre. Mre. A. C. carried brde'$ roses and flliy of thre CHAS. D. PROCTOR Murray, preeldent. Valley, wes accompnaied by ber @inter, Postrnester Rosi M. Taylor returnied Miss Ida Wirts, dresSed ru yelrow crepe lest week troin Minneapolis, Min.. de chinueud eerrying pintk roses, as I wbere Le attended the National Pont- mciaiirrinor, aad the groom'@ ejter, ISUR ANCE meter's convention. He aiea made a Mires lartba Obeneuf iu biue crepe de business trip ta (irâceville. lilun.. et chine and carry iug plut roses, as bride'. FIREs TORNlAIO, LIFE whicb place ire owna a farta. Dr. J. L. ment. The grooms brother. Fred Taylor, wiro Led al»o bem ta (irqevitie Obellauf and tLe brides@ brother, John PIIONES 154-R AND so returaed earlier in tLe week. MI irt.', atteuded biru. The b ides ulitile LBRYILILN Satudaymornng ivetbousand laeke er rMargaret ected s hower girl, UETVIULNO baeuwrd a roring Fatnve e gavlcarry iug a basket of mized fia wers and ________________ Lacs wier plclu e yîos al thrael tht grooms* naelibrotberrGeorge bore ptt l) lisetile y aemploysGraof.te crings oauaawhite satinurllow. Abet Theuets FIe r e é ere x r ht heria orve. and Edw erd Obenant actd as umers' Tof ieL ree naieened b EoGb ieerta. t the borne of thre bride ILe weddlug ofPreeutave Thlaomas . ray am breakfast waa served to tire huudred Pra tcey vr l de ron t he La s t gh*Grov. atller.The young couple loft Wedresdea, o!f D o Iplathis week for LaMera, Iowa, where tbey D o At mn adjome moeeing o! tire village expect ta viil relatives for about ten board Tirenday rugit o! lest week 0Ottdo .Tlr.y wlll mekte tbelr home wltL -l bi m< 4 vieli wus awatd@d t" i re tat ta IL. brid'. paret, lire. iM. C. peint tir. watr.tok, hie bld belng Wirtz ab Fremont Centre. $144 for dohrg lb. varir. A (flleao aserpreemsd abld "for O0. 0Tb@e 1"tirs rateuis. As DOIT f A. Ws SiAVET i.y nbd vas*eeaed for tire eover- slow n o FORnU"w of tbe pIart12«M aa mrejeta __ ~ad me bld~ III ~Tire ramis. ofArn W. lfeavs, wbo Uued.y atu.moeameulai Umirrry db e teI,Gosorsle4An. 201h, ,wes *WWt ad 0 ions iVW. r. Sler-em bMtlo L4bsoivUl.adltre ques, a IMa, ula geel esa.don l k«WRm th tmw -m bOu.tirs .*0 eg.'d t.r-alsm.asaabaulmgeau*st bW Mv. IR. M Mb Ii'er b* w * iii nu Ids AmnW, 8gsp vwu bornabaIUt. bo~o. Wl do aq~*9 bn. Demer oa, nMaies sp28, 1951, a d s. U17b el&daug e ais, dlii à k, dM& vue &me. Qe am -Mm dm flAm ai* ontUso! Bl*'dfleMoue 1ha 0tbe hvseadiu Poon onomte aa Sd IMM tW.f-, gOýý l. lOrbtl a1 bmet. t -vm u aut1 I.m ' sUa..Mtyimd utlo b bo -uh i . 1=0 b mlM oi a si-e t'tiL4u4bêL Are You a "Spender" or a "Success?" VOU'CAN' îu BurBTîf.If you i oui'tsys4tmatically 81tvît a part of whiat yoti earîî, yon havei a vrery mlight ehance of becoîîîiug a flîtndal sîucess. Start on yîiirrway 1<) tliis SurNcms lry uneli i n a sas r r 2sar*c)IIIt Wjtl.b ( lii.8 t -0- Lake Counity National Bank Capital, Surplus and Profits, - $100,000.00 Total Resources. - . 750,000-00 IWhy Not,"CoaI=up?"I *All orders for coal booked now wlll be delivered at present low prices. As cold weather sets in, prices are bound to go Up. Burning the Candtlit at huth enrds doresît i ake hoth î'Dds meet." A bt-tter way i to bîit orur re-hablF. higli-gradle coal. It produceu thei grî'atest amnunt of ivat with the snialhrrt ainotuit of ashvie. (In' wictertim. yo u etshave rost. So whyrret bury hea i je4cheap? Ibome tomber Company 0F LIBVILL1 Phoine rio CHOICE GROCERIES, MEÂTS, VEGETÂ&BLES AND FRU-ITS. » CORLETT & FREDERICKS P hono 30. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL You Demand Purity and Qual ity! YOD can be happv and conterrted over our Cakes, P'ies, Tarts, JeIly Rolls andl cverytbing we make. We don't use false jam and jellies and lavors. We are honet. Also we rare clean. Bakrsbep ré- gnlarly inspected. Why flot then, trade with VS?ý We (juarantec aClean Bakery. LIBERTYVItILE BÂKEIRY,,ý FRED JOCHHEIK, Prop. taittili KE VOUR PR13PARATIONS minuteFOR FAIR WEEK MinuteNOWI Core neuadse un. It Vil .implify youx buying. Excellent vaines ini Dress Oods, Undermuslins, Iiosierv, Corsets,* S~i'ks, -RIbbQils and Triwlg adu n*reII ild. Parasols a n d Ladies' and, Chl e S 'loes LW- $51E OUR AD NEXT WB!K W. W CARROLL &SONS cOMÏPANVi' PaRe Two. We rici the fi Dutcl and 1 are. 4 op -ý ou i o i o o o o o o o o o o o o i I i .1 i e o i -e o o o o o~6 »01 là M%- 1 . 1