We have recelved our FaIl and. Winter LUne of Pat= rlck Duluth Mackinaws and the Bradley Knitting Couupany's Celebrated Sweaters and Navajo Coats the finest line ever&shown in town. No better goods mtade. Almo the MeMilIon and Dutchesm pants, Mishanaka Rubber Goods, the Bail Brand and Vac Rubber Boots and heavy A rtics. l'ou have bought theRe good of us for years and know what tliey are. We also carry a full Une of Gent's Dres. and Work Shoes. E. W. PARKHURST Mt-asuîements taken for thm, Iîitnr- nationali and Mark G. Haî-ri-- Tail- (rltg Cos. lOOOj4&îBple b)toselect tîoîîî X-k tci see amîy of the above golsvite-rt, iný tovtt. Aiways viliing to mhow gooIs. - = - Libertyville~ Job Printing LA WR A 1 FULLIICOUNT SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY Four acres on eat aide of Butier Lake for sale . . Two blocksi f roi Mi!waukee-ave. and main business dis- trict. This property for sale cheap for qmick sale. Chance to mnake big inoney. Buy and subdlvide this four acre tract in Libertyville's choicest reidence district. Remeni- ber the exc.41ent train service~ we have to(Chicago. Durand & Durand, Sole Agents REAL ESTATE A Word ta the Farmer We haudie ail kinds of farut propcrtieà. if you vaut te bny vo viii seil you a farm. If you vant to.sou vo vwiii find you a buyer. List yeur property rigbt away. W. have a fine line of city properties for sale Iiouees, ail sizes and styles, and ail cheap. Ask for our rentai lint-get a nies home of your owu. If vo haven't a house to suit you v'!! build one tor yoo. Get corfortably located before (-oId veather, for vo are going ta have a long ooid wwnter. Gt a varm house and save boat bill 5Smai1 chiekren farm-tWo acre& of the best land in Lake county. Modern bungalow, orchard, gardon and garage. Ail apparatus necessary ta chicken raising. This place will be sold at a sacrifice. Ex- cellent location. We are sole agents. We write inBurance in good comnpanies. Get your automo- bile insured. W~u can't afford to mn the risk. We can insure again st collision, fire theft, etc. Durand & Durand's Collection Agency can get the money. Try us and ses. Durand & Durand RolEtae,"a,'M~Phone No. 2 PREACHER ADVISIED FERTILIZING. (Journal cf Agriculture and Standard Plaruus', Dec. 6, 191J Thinktng IL net out of the ëcope of his vork to talk ovor tarm problems wlth the mombers of bis cOfgregatiou., a preacher in Morgan CeUIIII, Ohio. frequeutly advanced IdeuAb eihch lhe thousht would b. of vaineu h0 its peo- pie. Among other ings lasi apring, ho encouraged the ue cf a gond grade cf fertilizer on tihe corn ground whielà va toho planted ln tisat comrnity. That hls advins bad a gond eff..ct la explained by one of the tanners hilm- soif who aald. We baie a preacher wbo said va cught to une fertllizeri. *That la sometislng 1 bat! jiever done. 'but 1 thought 1 would try So t bought euough of a gond tertiUizer e tisaIt1 could pot on from 300 te 400 pounda in each acre. Thse fertiliser COst Eme $20 per ton or about $3'or $4 an acre. Nov, 1 bave boeu gett±ni about 40 buabeiu of Smr"In the acre ln the past, wilie I au ure the yild viii go up to 60 or 70 bushela this Yser. 1 am getlng a gocd return for the $3 or $4 1I ltvested lu fertilizeri for each acre. 1 am abead at oýsai*10 buaheis of cern for each acrp, andIbis1 ougbt tu be worth $12 or $15 1 arn cOnvnced of oneS thing and that la, it Pays 10 1use fertilizer If you get the right kxnd and buy It ai the rlght place." WHAT A FAYETTE COUNTY (OHIO) BOY HAS DONE. "Raiaing 111.76 buihels of shelled cern per acre.-, la producing a high y1eldîîîg acre of crn, 1 conidered tbr- minl points: Fit-at, the soliand li.~s aut- Ing elements whIch are tob bo xîppltOû by fertilizer; seccau4, the m-con. sud tIbrd, the cultvation of the crop. lu the fait of 1912, seed coirn of Duuseth Yelow Dent variety mas se- iected. This vas uas-ded front se- vere freetting Surins tise vînter and tested for germination laie lu Febru- ary. .The eors standing this test vere carefully gelected and mated to one type which aimed .t dsptb of keruel anS amooint ot ail. These speclal se- lected ears vere ihelled aud te obelled cern graded by hanS plcklug the graine, eue by one. This mas slow wonk. but IIl meureS lthe seed jlanted te ho of neariy perfect quali!y. Turning the sol.i, selected an acre nnderlying a tmothy end vîth a scat- terlng et clover. The soil vas a black PrIas Cern 0mwn by W. C. Kit*, Washilngton Courtlseuee, Om.. bau. DurIng lie vinter tise ground vas covered with manune. Late lu tise vinter vhen the grouind waz nol frozen. I eut the seS admanure viti a iseavy cutter. This puiveriod tise scd. so su ta maie It avalalbe iuter on for tise plant roota. 1 brau»etise grcund elght anS eue-hafftaicises deep ia Marcl4. Cloe behind tisepi0w 1 tolloved vitis a drag ta ieep tise moisture. After the Sloodeansd chier beavy rainm ot Marcis anS April.thie ground vwu harrowed to conserve tise moilure. On May 8 lie soilva double «cut, harrowed and dragged. On tise toilowing day 320 peanaisct teztllier. analying oeeper cent am- uMOUssimx ver cent. availabie PiGe- pioic mid and elai per cent. potmui. vus As-ileS ltthle seed b.d. Tise sane day the corns va& piatsd drilled Ln ravs three fot tva Imcbue -parh.Anlcocra ruineS by vire v m wu psomphiy replanteS. Iater a Iront isifed thus replanteS corn viseà but a fev incis.hio.is. eil vwutoc late to replant, 1 reset plants tram a re- serve plot cf corn plante. lu the cultivaion. a harrov neS oa atter corn came tbrough grounad sud lire piovInga, served in couses-ve moiuture and eathle g marne eop tise greund lbase. After the. second culivatlon 1 aimeS at shaiîov piov- Ing. In July tise corn vas suckéred andS "bOutlise ganms lime hoed. On Juiy 6 a vrty severo vindstormx nearly ruined the acre. Ou tise Sth anA 91h much lime vas spont lnansuet- tempt ta atraighteu and prop up the tviited and broken s3talis. Tht. maSo l possible for many hushels of corns ta mature. Al amutty talks vere SapeS vush a mixture of fungicidos on Juiy 17. A second application provedS uccemful. Aise ail tasseis vere cult rou imutly and barreon italie. No thes- von vas doue ta thse cs-op funlil husing, lu Octoher. Tise yted vas 111.76 busheis o! shelfledCoas-al et visich s aln a matureS anAd mon, hetable condition. la conclusion, 1 tblnk tisat tise cm bit ftctr lu the cultivation. fs-m ar ta t lub wauI, asholding thse Miua. (*Wud) wILA.RD C. KIRK. REAL ESTÀTE TRANSFERS Furnished by LAKECOUNTY TITLE & TRUST Co. Abstracts of Tille. Tities Guaranteed. Masonic Temple Bldg. Waul.egan. Aug. 24, 1914.-Emma [,. Slild, et al. te Mary Tliom.î-n, lots l5a ad 16 block 2, Slytitds suhîiîvigiou, Wau* kegan. W. D. 2251 Jessie F. Golding and l,husad t,, TIIIEF PREPARFO FOR THE WINTER; STEALSOVERCOAT Had Wandered Into Room Oc- cupied by a Woman-Ran- August Kuebker, wvat '19 feet lot '12, sacks Suitcases in Dark Wauconda. W. D. $2. Stefan Karasek. te Johin lrinka, lot Waukegan, Aut. 28. 4 sud forth 25' feet lot 5,Iock 7, Fore.gight. if nothing else Cao he St liroerssubiviion Neth hicgo.trittuted as a qualiiy possessed by an Dreyr'ssubiviion Noth "'ego'aileged tielf vho entêred a room on w. D. $1,30. the second fleor of the saloon Condurt. Aug. 27, 1914.-Henry llî-rrmanu Pd l.ý Joe Davsata 111 Spring street. and wife ta Louis Vallon. eight acres Thursday evenlug and emerge.d vith on orti adeC. M.E. alioadinan evercoat. The aleged thief vas on orta adeC. M.E. alioadlu xioremely carelems. boweyer. fer ho uorthwest quarter section 23. Lberty- donneS the coat and alleved the ce- ville township. W. D. $1.200. ner of the garmout, thp saloon keper, C, A. Newcomb. Jr. te C. Eý Sayler, te recognize I. Hia careleas action retauteS ln bis arresi and bis appear- lot :5, block 7, Northt Clicage. I)eed, arùCC efore Police Miagistrale Walter $1o. Taylor Friday a. nm. vbo bounid hlmt G. f). lorrow. et ai., In Wiida H. evAr tb anait the action cf the grand NMorrow, lot al ueî.thaat corner ot 3017. Franklinuaud Geriest-e streets Wau- Theallpged thief gave the namne cf legan .Q. . $1. Gee. Williams, aged 34 years. andi qtated that hie had heen a foremien in Rt.1C. Kent and e% ife t0 Alli A. th,, eniplos- cf the Sells Flot0 cîrcus, l'oile. lot 11, Baîtg's third adiditionîtot but had spvorod hia cenuoctien vith "'Vaticouida. W. 1). $2. tht-showat this city, Thursday. l a aliegêd Ihai Williams, wh,, had 0. F. Churchil and vife 10 E. ~H eemi drlrfýlug heavily lu tht. saloon Bîrow n, lot in village e01Libertys lie. Ibail vent in the second floor of te W. 1). $.0..building vith the evldênt Intention August Lg. 1144 -Ans,-] Woitsof golng to the bathrcom. Apparently. -' lnstoad of eterlng the hathroom. hoe Pt al 10 Dermes (aulpv, 6 acres in S. eitPtretiasroom tenanted by a woman. lE 1-1 sec tio a, ren townshilp tfI le aated that the0 mac ransacked fi.b $90u. the suit cas.belonglug te the vo. niaiami rmc Pd a nunîher of Ruî:ll Aîîno t dutotis 0 .XttHe articles viticli ei-t-tond i n lits îock- Eitnond-t. lot on sotith stde Grand ets uton his arrest. ie cue vest of tili1 sreeî, W:iukecan After ralisacking th, etitîases. it l V.. 1). $1. Iallpgced taI Oc donned an overcoat Johin Griffithiand vite tu A, R. Waxhanvig in l lte reîm aud ehich -as stt 'lot 34.RoeTra sbvl the proîierty cf Nlr. Davis. île tîten sien Lae Fre Taest,îbS), ivi iwlkd dowu the siairs fute the sa- aton l.ae Foeet D $lootnu. The saloon kpepf-r readily re T, W. Simitht ar wife te E A. Jack- ugînized the cont, and huivrrledlv lu. s )n. lot 7fi. Shaws L.ong Le satbdi- formed the ItoliCe of te affair. s toton. W'. D. $100. Pairoiman Met>onald vas put ou T'.W. Smithl and elfe, te tIarv Val-te case and vent te nie saloon vhere entiiIA) 7., I)n Lae sbdiisin.hg arroeited- Williama. The offier enîm, ot7,b.n l$k1u00jaO. searcitei the man and fouud the var- Vi l. $110.tota articos takon from the suitcase. P. H.Ktiebk.-r ant i efe Ie E. C.on bis perocu. tViianîs vas lbhin S SMere trai. N ]-'- loi 4, sud W aui sccompany the officer io the station. lee lot :;. block 1,. <Jers subdivisiou but soon decided that lit vould be bei- (;rayslake.'V.1). $1 1ter te do se. 'liliSwasor te1(l fi Buklig HoietoiS the ofiBcer that lhe vas I ,iî Svnsî'tb îlaIl hlckiug mruk niad dld net knev what Se vas lot 117, Sha:w.s Long Lake subdivision- Sein.l. w ut$20 The man vas breught beforo Po- lesale B. Wtal aud husband Ie J. L. lcv lagistrate Taylor ibis morning Shaw,. lot 22, Shava 2nd subdivision uewoncdeS le biud blmni over te avait Fox L.ake. W. ). $. the action of the grand jury on the (3odfrey Johnson sud vife tn C. . C age orburgiary. Doi-ohaugh, part licI"(1, Marbie sud vARRIAGE LICENSES Convecraseosudivision, Fox Lake. Q. M ele Amnesanad husbaud to B. A. Mungon. 15 acres lu section 39, Fro- mont teownship. W. D. $1. Aug. 25. 1914. John Funki sud vite te J. J. Funk, lot 3, Kreusers subdi- vision of Lot 21, Itonsetts subdivision of Eagle Peint. W. Dl. $500. Minnie E. Smith and bushand to Augusta Yvauew. lt 9, block 22. Waslhurn Springs, Waukegau. W. D. $1.000- Auguai 28, 1914-C. W. Buckley and vite to Margaret S. Latean. East 200 foot, lot 1. biock 45, Highland Pari. W. D. $10. T. W. Smith and vite to Henrietta L.helun lot 48, Shava Long Lake sub- division, W. D. $l100. Margaret H-. Brown te Carl Aller- hory, part loto 1 sud 2, block 40, Or- ignal Waukegau W. D. $1850. Albert Meyer 10 J BD.Neubof et aI part block 6. Kugers subdiviaien, Libertyville. W. D. $500. Tý W. Smith and vife to B. Gý Tighe. lotg 17 and 18. Shave Long Laî(e ub- di% imion. W.D. $1200. MARRIÂQE LUC18E8. David A. Chambers, Zion City-.. 6 Rose Einîiel. saine............... 41 Heury Alto. Waukeganm............3 Ethel E. 'tiakie. saine............ 22 Nicholas itecktenwald. Deerfleld ... 48 Mary Scheskie, Highland Park... 35 William Ahrens Mlwvauke....21 Ruth Baddaker. same ............. 18 Beflamin Diotz. Chicago.......... 35 Jonnie Heffuer, saine... ........ 42 Corl Pelerson , Rie Wis .......... 32 iidp JerJurson, saine----------..31 Harold Oatman. Enia. Penn....135 Jounie Carponior, Fond du Lac ... .40 Wiliam Carter. Milwauktee ...26 Heletn Puka, saine............... 22 1. vi SR.Cunu, Minneapolis...24 Eva M. Riel. saine--------------..2 Lewis E. Waide, Reciford-.....t3 NeilIe M. Stoan. Highland Park ....- 26 Fürest R. Eyer. Hudson Falls, N. Y. 27 lienrielta Ford, Parla. Ky ....21 Erntl .T a. Green Bay, ........ 19 Mfargaret Bt-ouette. Preshtlgo, Wis. 32 Wivdicla Walantlnovisla, clty ..25 ,Myrona fBzozai(at îclty .........20 Alfred fiole. Chicago ... ........ 24 Armet Klosch. saute.............. 25 Edeward Fraudas, Chilcago---------2.r lillian Tauhe. Konosha..... ..... 22 Jchn Schaner, Hlartford......... 49 Hoprietta Vaille same........... 40 Ernil Kirschuer. Keosha ....28 Ida Krsiise. came...ý............30 Frank A. C.op.ldeu, Mlwaukee .... 22 Emuma ilawoikee, saine----------.22 William Il..toues. Chicago-....27 Talîlîla Johnusen, saineo........... 28 Johin t)Eratise, Chicago-.....19 Clara M. Kohersîlue. Sterling .... .28 William A. Schalk, Chicago...24 Elsle Evaldi. saine--------------..231 Theoore F. Bahcox, Waukegau -..25 %lary Smih, La'ie Bluff------..2.--2 LeRoy E. Dittuter, Pekîn.... 29 Emily Stricleer. Waukegan-....18 Edvard PF Bebu. Milvattfcee ...29 Elizabeth Broyer. saine---------..25 FraucIs Rauvoîf, Chicagoe -....24 Golden Mt. Temple, Chicago-....24 MaintYnites. waukegau ......... 21 Stcpun Stepunka. No. Chticago . . ..20 Joseph Blshop, Moen City---------..70 Lucy M. cyplea,sasme........... 54 Wilhur G. Walker. Decatur-....24 -Ama IM'sk, Wauiegau----------.24 Roûbert R. DeBonier. Racine-...22 Bessio Sheffield, lamte......... ý.23 Leuis n Rath. Nev Yorki...- .29 Edua Eagan, Deroi-----------.19 Fii] Rach, BIste Wbs--------...26 Fvah M. Herton. Antlech.......... 20 James H. Kelley. Gunuison. Col. . .38 Clara H. Baker, Lake Bluff-....34 lames' W. Gstely. Chicago legal age Noras aimon. Waukegau -.Aegal age JosephbPF Crago. Wiffllev -.....26 MaihîlSa Walenter. Waukegan . ... 24 Charles B. Sioddard. Chicago-...59 Sotie L. Rahn. Chicagoe......... 39 CHANCERV NOTICE. State of Illinois, CountY of Lake. as. Circuit Court ef Laie CountY, Oct- obet- Terni, A. D. 1914. Auna Shaw Ysa Edvard B. Shaw, lu Chancery. No. 6936. The requisîte affidavit baviug heen fIeS tru the office oetihe Clerk et eaid Court, notIce la therefore hereby giv- en ie theo Ald Edvard B. Shaw. the defondani ahove named ihaitbe above "Med10 Complainant heretofore OeS, ber Bill of <',otplaînt lu trid Court, on the t'bancery aide ibereof, anS that a summous ibereupan Issued eut of said Court agalust tihe ahavo uatned Sefendant. retumnable on the fint day of the terni et the Circuit Court o! Laie County. to be bolS at thse Court House ln Waniegan lu saiS Lake Ceunty. on the Finit Monday of Oct- oher. A. D. 1914. as la by lav required, and vbicb suit la stIhi pouding. LEWIS 0. BROCKWAY, Clrk. WauW.egan, Illinois, August 28, A. D. 1914. l4eydecker & Jorgeusen Cemaplain- auto Solicitors. vkly Aug. 28-Sept 4-11-18 CHANCERY NOTICE. Sîteo f Illinois, Couuty of Lake. as. Circuit Court of Laie Couuty, Oct- cher Tern. A. D. 1914. FloreucoItogalaka va. Edward Eeg- alaka. lu Chancery Ne.6935. Tîhe requistafidavit bsvlug heon tuleS lu the officeeofethte Clerk of saiS C'ourt, notice Is tîtrere bore hey gtv- on to te satîl ahuse named dofendani Edvard Rogansiata h the ahoeo nain- ed Comrplatutîtt hlieofore fileS ber BiII cf Corutplairit iniisld Court, ou tbe Chaucery Ide thereof. sud lIrat a surm- nions tlioreupon Issueul eut of saiS Court againtuathle ahove nanied defend- ut., relîîruabîe on the first day e! the terni of the, Circuit Court of Laie Couuty. te tic e od SI bIte Court House lu Waukegaîî lu said Lake Ceuuty, ou the FInal Menday of October, A. D). 1814. as ta I)y lac required. sud vhichi soit le stl pouding. LEWIS O. BROCKWAY. Clerk. IVau'Xegan, tIllnoisAugual 28, A. D. 1911 lIe3docker & forgeusoi. Complial. aniSolicitors. vkiy-Aug 28-Sept 4-11-13 Lake Couny's big veekly-INZDD PENDENT. DYMOND t AUSTINý Loani Inm-Staac, Real Estate and House Renting. Office in Kaiser Block. LIBERTYVILLE, - ILLINOIS. DR, GOLDING DENTIST Houri 8 la 12 a.m.-l to, 5 P.M. Ovor Fit National Bank ottice Phone 194J. "e. Phone 1574J. LIbertyvIlle.linolu DIL E. I.SITH DUNTIST. 3YBU LÀ".A OUK?? NATIONAL DAUK. cOm-a- tec12 & .Mu Il Bp PHYSICIAN AND SURIGEON CHAS. N. STEPIIENS, &. D. IIOUMB-10 toII12:2 u5;7t0a Telephono100. OMMfice Ai esDen PUBLIC AUCTIONEERING Claosi atention pald tu answag moction s an sd boit remnit@ la hbad Ai l ide of bornés, wagons Mud baron«..for sale or oehange at adltiese HENRY SINE Plans 18 om48 ZIONCITY."IL J. L . REDDINO, D.V. M. VEtIERiNARY SUROMN Greduat. Chlocge, Vit. cfle Office, at Redminos. 779 Guai Ave. Phono 1130-W. DR. VICTOR c. HOEPNER osTEOPATHmIe PI-Y&ICIA14 215 MadSon et. Waukegan Ui ae Boumi 9-2A L :; 1-4 P IL; 78P. IL Sundayi by Appolart Only*1 Tolephgpt 9 Talking Machines ml in French, Gorman, Italien and Spanish Language Outfits. When ' Fou vaut a mâchin. or records. rail nu Wittntka 600W or VeutcsJl MM. JANM L LTONS 25 West Lake St.. Chicigo Dr. N. W. Shelbogs - iII b. ai MNr. LC.. oag<s on orrddSt. Springfield, Aug. 26.-The lUtois branch et the National League of Post- imasters. third and fourth clans, wlUl mneet lu Springfield Sept. 24 and 25 for lIs annuel convention. The convent- Ion viii be held in the senate chainher. and as 'the state fair occurse t thi time. a record attendanceo f pooimast- ers la expected. The cai for the con- vention Win s sed by Prealdent Char- Isu H. Brownofo Meredosla. Oter officers or the league are: Fred WII. son, Broughton, secrtary; John IaWc- or. MeLean. vlce-presîdent, and- ain G. Brown, Fox Lake. troasurer. ELHANAN W. COLBY Attorney-at-Law Money te Loan on Good Approved Real Estate. Office in Trlggs Building. LIBERTYVILLE, - ILLINOIS. LYEL FL MORMI ÂTTC>REY-ÀT-LA W Libertyville . Illinois LoCe BuIdiucz. 152 KPo~ ~ . OffcelPboue 14 MARTIN C. DECKRR 4TT0RI(FY-AT-LAW Utie Opp. 18th St. Electrie Stalon )ffice Phone 848l Ras. Phone 186SOB N03TEI CHICÂUO. ILLINOIS PAUL MAC GUFFIN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. [libertyvillle, 111mb! PRfOMU 88 DR. 0. P. BUTTERFIBLD. VETERINARY SURGEON ABUSTAIT STATB VRTE5INAIA. Libortyvfle. 1lUinolig. TeI.Ph.one 14M M 5,1 Better preparcd 15.5 y "exupspe. ever godo nour work. J. M. Graves A UCT ION EER 144 EInwood Avr.. Wasshsam, Ilimioj Som me beoro nsaldng your date DR. E. V. SMITHI PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON du.-,8 go 10 a. In. 2 g 4 and 710o58P. M Office over lRay Pun.toe More. 1 LIHERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS DR. I. IL..TAYLOR Office in Fit Natiossi UBank Bdadis« RogUa:-1l t 8 :30 sud la S8tm.* Biestlemice n Broadway. oppuetts Park Ines-iyvtLmiio inois.