CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 Sep 1914, p. 8

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WEAIM TO SATISFY FATEUOTFOUND AMD: CIDK; TiEN ýKILLEI) BYMIA T HElittie courtesies that we extend to ON IJXÂ&1-SHOIRES fiJS 'COL) FEET' MER. R. TRAI ini the grocery and meat business determined Portions of Cahin, Showung a eoh opeGtToOf- hitpe eesno ih KenoshaeCouple Got Two Offe have atophertPeter8onsofutiof togie ATSFrnN Wehae roedthtNew Breakago andMi ter basOto ed at 1 O'Clock wood, Retrng From VisitUM Ztififactlon go band 'n band with Succuffl. This Moriig. to Waukegan, KiiIed. We can satiofy you. Wie are especallY Equipment la Found. proud of one thing-onr prompt deliverieti. WHAT SHIP MET DISASTER? ,akgn n. ISATNOus. We fil orders, large and small, quickly. That tlere', manny a slip twist the DEATH N ATIE Wreckage Unquestionably ls concîussively in a Uilte incident which christopiier Petertion. 60 years nid, From Some Fine Yacht - liste moWatog egaishoat forOthe lent ove r Mxe l Mystery Surrounds Case. At tst our an automobile con- reari, . stestruck ad lnstantly kil!- tiigSepeople who claimied they el Priday night about six oclock by Waukegan. Aug. 28. vetis trois enoaba, arrived ln Waï- Uwukeflyer an the Chicago and LI' n the motde of the nortk Iegan, and Inquirest for Justice of te Ncrthwestern rairoad at Morraine ('L a& mariet . a Ofl oa wv es-Pa J. V.Bals. The Justice vas Road In Highwood. Witumeemde- 'M e IdDe# Cabshc witban ocas&oMarketlaIt-akened redfound Ibat two of the lare the train vas travelling et the 1plng over t,. a.shattered poriion of a rt faMl iuewe h c . ISCOTT, Prop. Phone 307-i Liberil lf. cati.ofavastilfound by OOla o te patya to leget mar- rateno leamnt ie h AI l Dvenort asistnt u, arbr alet tat as hei aserton. , thappened. mater Larson. whie msj<lng a pt Me proceeded ta cail CountY Clay Peterson bad spent the day ln Wal- AUTO DEIJVERY INSURES PROMPT SERVICE of the beach fflday. a. M. About eLeHndeotabdan the a-kga m wso bswy oea ter official dressed t mselt and vent the time the accident bappened. H4e portion of thbe shattcred cabLfl wee ova to the court bouse vhere he bad taken the treet car to Hlghvood, wa anu brfoutrortic le that tfunt! the party waling for hlmt. and alighting atari-eS ta valk acrons O _________________________________________________________ wveHehaUbrougt frolsobesfofHeice.ckephie oftce. penedthe th Nortbesterntracis HIs hmeme, known depth of the late. Lying vatulta and bronght out the marrlage la jura vest of the trackcm et tuas point. along the shore halt »lnbed . I ihe Icense bookali an nounced that he, Apparently b. did not Dos rlght or, To ii.voer.of hesanfi they ttere mute evîdence of a vas ready to proceed. loft viien h. tarted i-o crose the To te vter ofthedîraster. that ham occurred within the Tien i-be Young man who had go tratfts. The engineer of the flyer sig- pntt few daya In the receus of tble intent on getting married evidently Dalladit rantIcally but Peterson was Progressive Party rcuîd-ý laie and In which s fine pleasure grt :"cold teet" for be eaisi he guoe-, partly dent and dld flot heed the whig ing i the coatie of *ctV bhas played a principal part. ed 'he waant quilte ready ta get mar Ce. A second later be was truck and Lobe Mcenr an 'The shattered portion of woad con-é ried and tiat hie soulai have ta, thini hurleS tuany teet. hie legs being brok- l Lake,________________sud__ taint, two port halles, bath with the it over a littie more. The yaung wo- et. and bIs body and head crushed con- ______________________ eav - glass windows broken. Evet-y mRn baieS surprsed but salit noth- effets iat sbeivd 0hvePo Bouffie____________________ at-i on the portion of wâll shows lir. been lnstani-aneous for lire w.-, te is Sat a tbü v as shattered recently. The T'lm sort-y ta have causeS you men tiret vheti he was picked up tramt the cno inteth tt isaster bas na doubt occurred vithîn ail the trouble 1 bave," hie saisi ta aidie of the tracks. o, uteo hm Ctmt-he past i-wo or three days anS maybe jurtice Bals gnd the county clerk. Ths, engineer applied, the bites D= w-edtls pertalist~~~~ ~ E~'etIn the night, off of the tocal port. '"Here, talie tis for your trouble anSd bce i ri otepitvsk w th pran« *eEetthe acrews protruidng tfl'6m the wlIai tsuae"lheritthe vIctime body la>'. The vic- othefe- P~~mat~ Elcotiona, of ala are free froturuet, . letshband lie held a iel cigar ttutsaikesp n patSliteltm PrlayB061111 nScattered along thbe beach at Inter- whch he proffered ta the colleciais batgage car. A giance was sufficieni-itI whe ttt. nmvals was a bed pring, three quarter They ver. £o surprised that the L show hie vas dead. He was i-aiea Siatel ghe ttts1a nIl be. brand new, a Jug. a box of coutd flot think what ta say until the ta Highland Park and »vs removed to The flti d betty accord, sitoe blaclting, a pair of water vIngs pr>thd oe.îe Pryar pndertalalng eatablishmnent 1 adohrarticles. The presence of "Carty lonbeati,"iby eedl here the coroners lnquoet viliibe Dfatraic$10tI the rey publcly a. articles lylaz along Isn.anSdliien returned lta their beld Monday morning ai- ten o'cloek. To th.e D 'omt Votera ofthe h dla noua". mysesfa aCandi- the ewheregiarth o s a lle boat bornes and vent ta bei. esAlthousb Petereon is sais ltahave a -011 1 +e,,4.deteet thwekg gapr fsm ot «Ab.ol*Wthe-echeap t proposi- A Wife they hadl nai-been living to- ,j eàtohual Di.astrict:.,.han a duft for elooton to th. which has met disai-er sorne vhere donm ft uver bas been my minfortune gether for some lit-le trne and Peter- I aehd h oolode cetn hs itit umsi 4tutheImmediate vicinlty i he local t meet."I Justice Balssai today. sont vas living entirely alone. just Ihaeldte o rofep fetig hsdsrctMssst loAsiature fron the. port on the laie. _________ hat bils mission to Waukogan vasalrI BIgIEtIS Senatorial J)j.Il la ihaught that i-be refuse mlght W .MMlInHdnomsdtOoneuaeoms tafi<now but t le sai- the democratlc ide, in the lorer honnie of the General An- f the itro, uet te l 14-tlrow ome light oni themytery i-bat W .MMla a rMSdsumeS he came hbre ta visît friends. embly, for the pat two yeara, I have endeavored during The trnobi«tttebserofocnetaditeofaastrin k>SI* Pledge But He Got 1_____.-___ - that period to honestly and consclientiol look alter the an cO"s of the voter et a etortu severai deys, aga, anS vhich Drunk Again Instead. MUNRO STRONOLY INDORSEO N' interiesta o! our district and haye registered my vote on ail detoci te. Primat-y te b. held Sep- wil Jabot- ut ail turnes and %vas the subjeet of seat-ch of i-beflge Waukegan, Aug. 29.'.-.-GISLATIVE VOTER$ atr oig eoeta uo h iethtItot -its, savers of Racine and Kenosha fat- sev- William McMillan. aged 41 years. LEAGUE, ""'s olun bfret at oyuonteadbea h tMdi tomber 9th. under ail circum»tance te et-ai daym.un b M.Da nidv a chnc theile90dgreateaatveVoer eauegO-ooddbefo forraies grefrahteeltet ute. 'c The Sebrîs vas fudb' hnet ni <e' Ttîysav oe- ege r forboemr. 1Iaman "rueant advocste advancte tthe utmost ef My veapori- white maing bis usnât patrol b>' an officer ot the local police do- ganilecl seberai yoare ago by George have oppoued ail vicions leglation and beartily suppor- relati- ofeh rîcplaeaniae aity~ pltim <<o1-ae of i-be shore floving sa tot-m ar pe- pari-ment but be violai-eSiho bene- E. Cole for the puripse of zîvlng the , of th prineiple noSted f hlgb seasoliton i-berin 0a e Tifactions of i-be officer anS ts nov lying public correct information concernlng edai uetaini-Os that I thought contained real metlt. By b,'eplatform of tiiNation- outiuned in the a,îd plat- cust-oml of pairolling tbe shore, follov- inui-be cii-y jail. chargeS vith beaibte wvanand chat-acter of niemberg my activity in the interet of the flsh and gamea flsh Ing an>' unusuai action o! the vater.,Stunk anSd Isorderl>'. The charge vaso!fi-be Legielature. anS actingi strict- 'hstchory han been iocated at Sprimg Grove, whlch has lotion ai. Progressive Party. and 1 form. bas been tollovoS b>' Harbot- Vaster preferred by bis vite. 1>' non-partiain n recommendlng 1CUo h Larson andbils assistent AI Daven- McMillan wlhhibs Ilte and several membera taui-be votera, bas issue scned he stockig of our waters wtth mnany hundred 1 mont reepectfusoli elityour support, part, for gavet-ai years. Evei-y morn- naaîelIdaen bave heen spendlng ti-e report fori,-be conilng prmaries. The thousand gaule fish. I believe that 1 have beeoni tonoh IA RE SHE JER AR .-lug afi-er a heavy si-orm of the laie, lensi- v eeks camping In a tent en ralpor Si-ai-es:BA frolthei-bearber, non-i. loti- pari- of i-be clty. Týey live in airt-eio sound a warning to i-be vott-mes6 ii ititadhv ie yumot i - OCoO, i. Time' la posaîbi>' the onl>' factor Chicago but Are pendlng mveral et-s of Illinois who at-e lni-eested infaies6 h dtrcan hvege m awpo oal - thi-vll anearti ihe name anS orIgin veeke going about tie country in a meîn deceai- mon elec-eS i-o i-he 49th IflOBuUt that have been to their intereet- Being a tartier of i-be craat tiat ban met isaulter. i wagon, camping br anSdlitere anS General Assembi>'. White i-bre 'Islmyii and havlng a praetical kuwledge, 1 believe, o! aiingte pleasnrem of a vacation flot a Seati-iof goost carllsuI ... ... ... . Eperod n te cunty.Aitwen Wel mniaofit e wnaortl istictantedwhahiswathatn tatdirctinI tbeen hae abn bl + W NTE+ XPECTS BROThER o tetrpand tMartaîl tis irla eco croitof undesirabl:s. to vote intelligently upon suchb bilean have beel preat. of i-he best uniil test- Tiui-day evn f the Iiilfedo oeta n ...... ...... + + ++ ++++ +MWAXE lng vhen t le saisMMUlan came i-bou-sand candidates, an unprecedeat-,'cd itheir interest.u TOhome Intoxicai-es after a tri-tio Wau- oS numbet-. it le Dot an exaggeraiat Particularly have I been itereuted i dalry legislation H WANTED--Wililtai e scool girl to k egan. tu sa> i-at almoat i-su-thlrds sa-re board lot- vîatet-. ASSreae L. B. Box atus________men vbo vauld ho ontitely out- o! and the great auditerestig questions oonnected there- A DVERTIS 1 N G 881, Lîhrtyvilie. c49ti 14ENT IN TU OTASE pîlace'lai-bte Illinois General Assemn- iwthand I believe s! 1 amn returned to the legisiature ait RATES WANTED-Bave purciesters lot- frotu Notice is boeh>' given ta ail persans "b.:n lncOnse<uentlal and there are, tiis time I wiii be cf even greater servlc>e to the district AP lo to 80 acreslat-m. W rite s .11 Jal oseph Sohweiger of Ham. intellesi-od abat i-be Village Board ofloht mdeds ave mon, r ang e-rm ouwitanIhv ena o em e. Ibieeta h Se ar ino.,c iaeraonTrusieeséf bvillage of Libertyviie, i-vae, wh.bae ben hareS u- Bc *t lie acninerton particulars. No agents. Address R. Aý,n, MITesteU aifAvon Park Illinois, having ut-SeteS Ébat a i-si vaions crimes and al. teasi- one vogodr slegisation shonid be amended to more closely ci luepndma ffe.c-0.t modi-on l ca~ees mstanaisx ci I h voe t-sal 'i-o do theheir dute>- Aotic ounwandilre Leusthan S5iUnesldpnetofie m0t Hotel, la Not Worried. inprovemeut consimuung of tihe consti-ra-s da ie'cnomt h da !th iiiuicuteadI -- SALESMEN wanted ta adverisemetc- Joseph Scivelger of 1* mannd, centtr wlt-uaier supply pipes, iogsuhet- Oisprimat-y day or Sa not lise iecritu undt h owrbueIw iedevrt rn bu lad.. vio vas arreai-eS tGaaok viti lire bydrants, &but off valve@ and inailon, i-bey vili se. scores of unde- such changes. Umm. Easy vork. Ern$90moithi>' an a ps cîcev &flter b. la alle ail&Uotier hacessar>'adjancteansdepecial it-inbles tiominatel. anS ail itavlling expensee. ExPOrieneio have taken $80 belongina i-e a bard- casi-Iage b. c0nsruci-eSsu d laid Ia, The Progressive of Laie Couait>' I wouid iike very much to return te the iower houge at .. .q.q. G .. >. .. . . . . naaeoesry. Aima bandie popular cii- vor'ing vldov ai - Iamond, In en- aogsiandsu ta r -s su. andinsonthave 11e nd tidcolaytte.teunro or h wrkhtel dbes b en santed su tato I b ah noume of nl q. - . ariuse nS tbacco Norns Ciar (, Sovorn - aoib atrrti-under Firtstit. fhotuNewberry Avenue HiIghland Park and vere pleazed i-o mid for the benefit of t1o district snd lte state at lare. I + S ENov YOM, N Y.x20" aniSup so lliai- bo vill net bave te ne-.i-o North Avsule aIlooumasoulg îth note vbat i-he Leegue, saiS af hlm: therefore respetuily solicit the support o!fhhd m %caats . .. ..4 .. .. ui-t-nio Mammont ainsfase ti-bne:aic.ibe vater suppi>' pipes.unovîlai la @aid 'Mt-. Mnnro's firtesi-ca5record In 67f -1' G -1- G G 4GG ~ ~ Mehas camualcted vlli bi moi-- ~ l i-liev"llae 0f îtertlullei-beilitlogebl> ladîcted tat ho titishistritson epte 9h, beievin liai u. god tie Weave a numben of, fine bomes for . .+.G.G.G.G.. . il x .GG+G+ et- 'or hoconducta aasaloon laObcago 0Laie Cant>', Ililluois, i-berdinanee for bas hîgi quali-les as a legleilatot-. He deserves another. Very truly yourm, Th sar in yon tn, t-ert- +auS assires i-be ani-hotItes filet :be Mime banson filesli-bte officesofte i-be s! d e renominated vu-bout fat" T O S GR& Ahave villand& AustinUety IB EL NOU + yul sta-aitan i-be mai-uer outtei-oi-bevillage cleri. bavlng opplied ao the Wily hi- - II GE l Lothera c-50-ti -+++,+ G++ . .. . saislfaction c! ail concerneS. Coaai>'Court of Laie Cocti, llîlnols, endIl Wben atresteS SOciveiger vas aon- foraau epiement of tie. colts of sad m u an FOR SALE-9-Boom Prame Bouse, MONEY TO LOAN--9at Improved tes! joying aili-be luxuries affot-ed b>' a improvemnent, according ta tene, aSngwaucu - cb loge liiflood repair. % seao r!a-nuS. Bank. "- v as paelng as a man off veaîtb end made and roiurneS ta. sais court. the m utm ilai- e_______________ spendlng mane>' via&laviai banS, §final bearnag tiiereon vili ho biaSitn(-nho Suits Tw h Hon a arrivot Slelet tihle botel lait veel ioi-n Sa>'of ci.ltmlir. A. D 1914, 1Four Ro al aI tshaea Tvbice!o rliod eai. tai ARY FYO R ONELY beThureda>' anS vhen arrested on Sun- or as soon thereattet- ss iho business n;t donpaymient. - lai>; trtARYIFYU R L-Teneaý&u Soya H. EasBydotLe-me.feorReliablo Coaiudoniaaiuceesatul club bass day iad but $13 l itbupocket. Ten o!ri-be court wiîî permît Ail petsous.HEN John McGraw et-atla mIe . .BoS.orLei-Hmmllarge nuber ý î atiYi a*ib mette. o -larsfoi-is îe iurneS oyert -i -b the eâina z >' Ifie Obeciof'n& in po! b -accota Usait>'C, 205-6 Marquette MOUd, [es0 uilsx@,-o n l et. kee~ ~per -of itho botel i- setUle a board court- helore sais dey sud ma>' appeat- on tbati poen rbt-,aialu Cilcaga, Lii. c-tgro-i-f horsr bll.the iiearnag aud maie tiieir Setense. alreure fon hl ___________________ age. Decription lt-es Mrs. Wruhoi, Accardir..' io iho charges maSe in L.iber-y ville,Ililinois, Sept. UinS, A. Dvi oris abaSa Bo 6,OkanCl.fe dtour testîn prare - li nd ac BOR ALE*6,geOaiiandIndenal. P-49-2 iha case Schveiger stole $80 front bis 1914. j kiNn-ar buffarote, grenuplasb linoS. R. P. - harding bouse mitrensa n t lu amm d. Wliam H. Studor, the petson appoint- e- i t I laYit - ma aematr CobLbr -83Wuealu.2. The mono>' is sais ta bave been a eoS yth> -e Pr2oidentaifi-be BoarS fa! tof lanecuedinCina. *.. mît- O ouLtryville. 14- Wuean n. 8 t-le ti-bei-i-opoor vonsan baS board- hotal lcuprovems-nte aifi-he illagefte rpaisdarroM. t _____________________________ Tw bis for divorce vere filet! In ed togethet- b> dit of mucb effort. Libetniîlle, Lake, Couni-> Iflino-t . o -r l a i -h nl vsSa-n c Sr., lale Zut-ic. A bat-gain io closeva sefoonacago!der gave iho police of Hammond i-be clev elta levi ý btltiolit. h. re, ti-In anSdihoeoier an a cruelty ti-at ho visas la Grayalake. Ul,.e Caurt- SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE.i-isattt -l-HaiSiabaiShp .C Illinois. ffc4 atyrnsH Cot -oa' ibog 1O11 -u-a. n tlittaofies Notice ia hereb>' gisen ta ail ppersans @ Thomas H. eloeta tFdanitLai-e Zurichucharge t>'.estIii. ffce4 'n NewvYort- he miade' lu Intoa aRoyaîlof Ai-iorne>' W. A. Donne. ilodt a bill for arrivei lu Grayslake anS d i-be iaii-reted thai- lie Village Board ut -TaTlliteSSumeosit Ji y FO SAL-Fruit aiS siade i-retes,aIl iorce affaai- ils Vite, cbarngabr tacte lnthe case belons entariMcueeso - bevlae !Lhryvie ( anlSommi-e ra>sit. csraaoie kinde ai bruiis anS emalilfruits. Twen- ltb doser-bnt. HeMe eatesti-al Qn Milan Who prollisen io bandie t»îu s- ios, bv~ tSrSibtalclV atledeeraSabyra -. p ty'veansmut iexperiencSe enalie meta rlitmao Day, 1910, he vas marrieS case@o> xhbie i-be tprOvemteaitor sudi- ago!I-selana-t-u- thel Sev o el lynvsn h ET aTutileton, Pol Cauniy, Teanessee. petcrrd whc biad iteen sent tromu itin o! a connaecte~ssysi-eaitcf six filich tj habst ln men'@ Wear. , lasejiine t -ieC1 sere ouvel. l 'onvaS -teBETta AMY Splurllag. Ho saidi e>'liveS the Avoni Park boltl. asti rou vai-er uppl>' pipes, together -i Ibsprhsdn e.ihnfu oa veste me if1ido no caai. Geo. F. Bioci-er until Christmas Day of the iirhlMMllav-t -e botol tirefit- varauas. sclit off valves anS bu sueva> Nnfoilm an i-vr o uainesa c 't st.LbettyIIIe. 49e4 tollaig pear andSnys i-at Sespts on Bona>' eInlanS ftoth oucslii-aaii-ohoe -osar' juhtte asudàpea-al oîýtoNrok n w uie.pCu i-be fact i-bai- ioalvay5 conductatit no mar i- be Dae of Sebveiger ciie ho nsi-ruci-ed anS laid tu.aeoir Dis FO AEAot2 e irehîmeelf as a trousad dutitul hubnd ~t~b'anS uimier Pari Avelne beivi-en Fourtb . .Yan canat-dat- jour Fai elothes Royal POP SALg-Àbuu 20 lue i s ieîenamontedaelu ft.w Ii-e t-oS ibrae't-n111rIbe*Se-tii-anS Filich Si-.asdconnecilnge- wiitei tt> util itotntolsT bjood soss. Henry Geay, 4 Uiles Dora i it -bs o eIaela us rtipiion ho baSl howsaer, ie doter- ib vta upl'pîe ovlidli aS betRooaimasuwtaietret-eSêta'a I ti-on and buas otInUeSi-o absent ber- mineSi-bat i-be Hamtiond taan t 'W5 ar veue, luie.@Voldla aitets i ce u.O a b!epoure od>'linos adsn oi eS WucodaolSJianMouhanfatrnself troan bis bone ever slocal.HHotrav-ellng unader an aai. Schvelger. ville, Lais Colni->'. Illinois,i-h. ardîn- gIkeP.O.Phne13J- Buatiase oranaboltedioreho vas informeS, bas le!- tor a drive a&noe for i-be same bein« au file lsUheotuah e Royal Seegnag roolme la Cimcin l,~e-eabage.49p8' Mr&. &%se Halle>' tirOUgb er COUD- oaalies lns i-e morulns. Tie mosiaaloffice 0aIboii.village oisni. baviaig applied s.Ait>'. Alec Beaubée, lai-e ffriSa>tieon- aite dtrecton o!foylX -Lae ta unl>' kg nOUD ar LaieYCanai-o, - SL-CeP: One set o Interna- a fen onlid a bill tor divorce laieatch o! civeiger sanslearned illînois, lot-an lsoesemeni, o1 the colts You select jour frhris;irom hall a tboa. -Judi S 1s yclopeda;15 volumes.,la a:gAîlnsi- bet- ilbahd. JohnBti Ao>. liai- ho baS pasésilthrl015Rond o ai d improvesisut, 5Sug tiOhoe-.senSi noeentwoola~n 'esves tbt jour o-(fj Oke a«yai>e. av ited lam. i i e on lieM vha > liai to iee Oài-l isaan mi e.mmt tefar bavi dealer bas ou disa>'. -- W J

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