CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 Sep 1914, p. 9

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LAR.E COUN TY INDEPEN D EN T, S~WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VuLe XXuI.-NO. 49. PAWT TWO. LIBERTYVILE. ILL., RDA.EI>rEMBER 4,1914.EIHPA S 10FRYARlN PA<. FWI3RL MII3NT S ÂIIMSlST COOLK;SAY HIE RAISED BILLS H16RIIAND PARK YOUN MNTAKEN AS A SPY IN PARIS L. R. Schauff er Writes From Paris How Camera Got Hlm in Trouble. HIS FILM WAS DESTROYED. BEI. i LER ~A~s ROY'FOWLER 0F CHICAGO, WORKING FOR THREE HOURS Frightful Experience of Grad-- - Balloon Ascension and High E V IlLIERY ILE ESAUAN, RABE B CICGO uate of a Lake County High [Ben H. Miler Issues a Formiai Trapez Work and High Dive 1 . O.rvis, eandidate for the Republican nomination IN M YIL ETUA T A beglua aCHIfAGOs i .:taeeloi-li nCRa Ae moqth Lst ty ' judge. it is recalled, ivas a Progressive adher- DES ALOFCESWH UTENMBC OLLAR BoIS ited 1 soaentor Oidttirg R ae cn heLst nt; iii filt, for two vears. until a fw weeks ago, he was IE OLARS. ficLouffier, . gtaduated at the Libertyville. Sept. 2.-.(Speciai)- one of the Ioul(etshouters for B3ull 5oose and Bull Moose lih ati ak Hlgb sehool tast June, The following latter la "Iffexlilana- Th? slxty-flrst affluaI county fair,.con Utbstyville Sept . -(Specla)- been ralsing money as tated, w. f reibtuan year ln Cornait unvergit>' rai association la In full sway ai the Ilc xt-nt to the count 'v conîventioni of B1ill1 Moosers cali- Roy Powier,. aged 30, Who Tuesday loge nlghts white doing hIL The charge this year. But that vIii hae a ornait lilbertyvie. Ill.. Aug. ,1 914 yfi mno hs il' aitaemao started work as pastry cook ls that be changeti the word '" -" tisap as compared with the fat-t TO TIIE VOTERS OP' !,AKb, O'N- courl i r- nati vla e. in llhibetvvilh' somie wccks agoî. le sat ini the couvent- la th 11obertson restaurant at Li berty ta "l'EN" b>' cleveriy using peu andi tlet ha recentl>' vas arresteti andi ai- TY.'T-he day dawned wlth a very salis- ville, vaàarresteti lata ln the aler- lnk. It la claimeti that three or four IMoSst tforthwith as a spy ln Parle. Wben my pétition for lbhe R>lpibli-fattory flot of exhihîts ln aIl deparC i u hall w ith the 30) other îîcn frontvalrions parts of Lake nom,. threeours after he vent ta sut-h. buis can ha changeti lu nulht' Ochauffler. who Io i9 years old, ,il] -nnomination for Coutv >Judge wag ments, wlth the nouainumber of raid- vork.wa by wo adeai1pertnvselnt ork tae curseoOa a-k w anttawngy atturrafthtiornsa gand wit.h pnendti o b-on>ofn a-ti>-wacattactonssudwit plut>ortheiiimeeting dgaterc atthemeeingcahed pectiell out fqosn Chi«go hy Inhpecter Porter, lx seeanthat the Lame lsn't very profit-1 ma5hedsabout the Eiffel tOwer ahen nicandidate fer Ibis office on]-> i the places where eas saud drinks <-so he tîi -c <tîivet ktti go i iidfer the lîading of "PRO- the apflc charge agfalnst Fowier lie- able.'happeneti. e .0 f the apPointmeuî of .t'ounty senirad under dlean ani reamanahl i na in ,ii. .u sath a counterfelting Unitedi 12 Returned et '"Bad." Writes of Experience. Judge Perry L. Persons ta the vacao c(iditioSI slates money. Ittievelops that ln ail 12 such He telle about It lu a latter ta bis cyl cauaeq hy the death of Circuit The three principal eating hootha. The charge le Illst l i aseti82 bile'aati"hbis have beeu returoedti tefather. C. E- cauiler aueng neerJu gChartes Wbteeney, whlc h eFute l>-sro i , are u chads iwrgethR R Iwt ttîsgtu u gi ihdtr ta $10 bille. Chicago banksasaa onterfeita. Tbiree o'Highland aPrk. Haemaya- Ptettuant ecordhng to te navaîca t ee soceetis MathotilofEptorthro- Mis wl"Woudenieneyereriiiaceerrent-d1par sud otherereporta.terfetenbbllsevedeLeaoudrM tevdr wiladies»,Aidnander and otterireportti1 'lien lecgiaîd 1' tii th, i)tildcip AldofntheiPro- ed a Cic.aole owhere vas reet fthesn nwe a l e nsa ntetbutIsoe1what do you thint ifitgisnov'> .ust vas Prohable. it nov, appears fithat pl'ccopal Gcld. Women and men etilu hiagot-v bursbafrethe font onFovers prso bt nuethls: 1 get telien up as a Germen sp>'* tbe ereports ver. erroneous. ami are holdinz forth Iu eacb boh.Thegi 91 s.poîîsiî that 1118 interest in the party's Suc- dltait ves nded y th bu s and.Ab Tef de*"lwon es e Po lerhappened ii hs va>', sud gave me iuaPtmuch as Juige P'ersons vilI bha aun hs1skalcis \\ns big("5was as keeî as ever anîd that IE intended to stick bas a ver ltbby. Unid tatsue v-as he wdetm'ctives lnbo herestauor aawaik although in a different dlrec- candidate for r"-eection for Count> 0ee (Yit-be featuras or the arrange- bel oer lgt y UittiStaesCo- a h wa vrkng u heresauan froni vhat 1 expecteti: Judgc. 1 have wvtdrawn Myni> rnme Mants.. 1) -lyithencw gl'et party. mlmiouier Lewis PF Masan of Wauke- were Peter C.. Drautzburg aud B. Brat- ]Il have beau taking pictures of the froni the primar>' ticket, ln ordar that Tht- W. C. T YT. as nuaieliq-slu thcîte îIîeiî thîcre gatherîed earne to nomination of gali> peutilug arrivai back lu t-he cit> t-an. oldiers ln Paris, wblcb 1 aivays d i>' M friands througlaout t-ha Count>', If charge of the rest room where vomen of t-éb Durlug far vaek Mr. Rtobertson del ver>' opanly, andi uohodY seamed ta ilt")e>Bo desire. usay support ,Jadeand -hldren may go and rest If tîreti. tal îdhtts for- the varions offices w-ho should go under the The. hearlng of hoth vas set for sirati additi9nal belp andti tab abject. but yesterday ailtuMy pîcture Persanns lu the Républcain primarles Pire! ahd service for 111 persans Is aisea 1 Bat-nids>'morning. «1n the mnleautie ha bppenedt i tre s owiar. Heaiar- taking vas brought ta anend « SFi,tcmler Dib. for the Office w hi ch he mantained bere. Progressive iîading. Varions meii were nanxed, some of dateactives are looklng for t-he voni- riveti Tuestia> afternoon andi startedi "They bati piacati a turret gun ln 'bas lied go creditabi>' during the The Chicago Taiephona compauvn>ys an* brother. (Charles Hasten. wbo le work ou pastr>'. H-e bat net beau there front of the E-tlffaI taver ta keep ofn ri ,nt fterni, bas Ils booth near the eecretary'os of- w\-toui atonce w~ithdi'ew tîîir naines from thie convention, Mid tao ha ln Kentucky. 60 fules fro. long before the détectves enterati the a eropianea, and I vaut-ad a picture BENJAMIN H. MILLER. ficc. for public taienhona customers.dclrigte-ii îtcsctob cad aesOhespr Cciuatl. MRarrest le expéectetau! iplace, asked for hlm anti. belug abown o0fit. The, cannon wait surroundeti Tht-- iîtidravai of 'Mr. Millecr f rom A f(-ature la a "talklng dummy", a hvd ntesrtobea iae.Ohr p - heuir, lie la chargeti vit-b ailig is te the kitchen, piaced inhlmlu an-est. b>' soidiaro. Nov I real>' knav that 1 t-he judgeahip race iusur>-s vittory Ifeature vhlch attracta much ealtan- niittt'd tlit-' înaines to go t-p and to find that they had relatives lu passlng the moue>'. saarching htm Immediatai>' andi finti : secret pitura taking mhght look had without much effort ounlthe part of lion. helng an Ithenianakîn Order etc-hy wornan Confesse.. log th -e aileged *"bad" bis. Fowler, IfBseau. 90 1 vaikati directiy ln front Judat- P. L. Persona for tha repuhlcan a% wassosean ait thaalumni bauquet, cîitt r \>()fiil- oxtsIt oit that their nanes cither 'would b. Mms. Povier confessi. accorting to protentet iebi Innocence but vas taken Of six or hven soldlers vbo vare nomination. Wlth Mr. Mliler lu the Waukegan lu 191-1. fadérai officers.. that ber huaband il back anYvaY. saltigon henches anti, after takiug race, the Ibrea cornoreti contest mlght Tht. big show au t-be graunds la the oniithec lProgressive ticket oit Sept. 9, or that il'would niât a long slght, took my picture. I vas ha% e matie Jutige Parsons hostie a wlld vest tent attraction wbere lu-~ o t Just going ta valk off vhen eue eo'i lit-.e more than lie ne wwIli have ta. itans. niarksmen anti ridera are boiti BANS QURD VS. TWo RÀRMS IN ~th, wmidiers grablieti ne hy the era, J Mr Miller wthdrew hie naome. It de- lng fOrth. h eae an oCiitljde IJANKS EjIJARD VS. TWO MAChINES I t-okrny caméra awa>, anti marcheti cilops. from the ballot lu the tuae ai- Special attractions for flice public lu- Tedc ts iichConv*jge me f atheannn here nofcrltý te lav anti bis atatement ilittie: The Haine of E. V. Orvis was 1resented as a candidate! FAIRSSI3KI4Î O IT 1I ON NE R asUnable ta Spaak Frenech. ha lHt- huiler ).as beau a stauncb ad- High dive whereln man dives 100 Mr. Orvis sat thei'e rather satisfied because it was a FÀIRRSSE MNOTO M R 140M. MU R ..~~~~~As i don't Stnov au>' Francb, 1i irer of Jutige Persans ant i bs de- fp-t tIntonet. nw fath hdgoeotecnv gl Po j tbautietithani ni>'permîtte., en aition that lha al uppîort i eBalcon ascenshon anti double para- ko' ath a oet h ovninsrnl . the ity&nd he aperwhih ehw -dmains that the Millier strengtb viii go chuté drap. mÀS B OR U I E 'i E toh ctznofteUitt t0 ug etsn.m n g acte, ta-o men anti ona va_ iievîng and strongly ini hope that ho would b. pl*Sd ce PASS MONEY BULKLEY B R I 1> m t-a aCi>' tizenofpa er c Uiedf lîaJuige Parsans benmapontei lbn double trapea; h iktfr ug. SacrdnlH X> Sttt-at-es. Tha omcearkl cuiersde esos ee ppine Hgetgt rpewIlr.te ieeHfrighe Si cthgnly X Otf and wrtyvi1tcouln udDurtangnFair, OnerSiighpulyeantioa-hueetpcomarties.drat th, luthbe merry-go-rouuil, WR..A'W HMO NAM, e fi ,no v -' Ld l.ieSn&DuigFiOeAuto S -Gamay _q, ait, i cttldn't anavar. i mate islm itbarwluud Inava WfY-ot!1lnr1W ryanti ail that goas h ufo Tuw Ow~ Hae rrngd e hage WhIeth ecndIsBate- avare of the tact anti avait-ad de:ai- 1shape teobe a srn aniasfor with a reffniar mldvay vebere people dîaw it. For Makung Change. ed up Considerably. nt a soidier anti spokèa littie Eng- t>' jutige. Seaing that indge Persoas sitnd their mouey. nia hnet Theni sonîebody else noininated V. V. Barnes of Zion Ils. camne up anti looketi ati>' papans vas net renioveti fron t-be cont>' Tht- Waukegan Business collage bal§ git-, a.thecadidte THÈl sudsketi me If the>' vere mhne. baencltb>' an appolttuent t-o the blgb an axhibit near the main hall, T ha stecniae APPLIES TO TRANSIENTS. TWO MEN DESERTTH CAR. «'I told i hm that tha>' certaily a-are ar court a-bit-h nan>'expecteti voulti La'ie Count>' tudependent anti Dahly Tevt vsptaddlgtsnwfre hte -but lia saldt -ey coulti't ha as thbe de- ha doue, fitha undarstooti that Mr'. Sun bas its tant lu Its usual place. Tevt a u n eeae o ogtwehr script-hon dlin't- fit me. After a lot of Miller, a conscîantioul anti alela Is-- Rciank anti Lux have thair big nMa- Orvis got two or three v'otes-Barnes got the rest and Wo Acton s De t th Fat Tat re eenbyFarmer Weman to fusain a soldler tenir me b>' the arm y er of Lake Count>-. deeideti net-te cliner>-auto axhibit t-o the left- onen The Hae Hd Uusul Mke ast Deartre f. it-h bIs gun reatyI>if 1shouittry tast-ndilu Jutige Petsons' va>' ln th' terIng t-be grndcs. came the Buîll Moose nomie for Countv judge. Requeste in Past. ter They Tipped Over. an Pparsndt-he rnarch bagan. o rnmntinfrthmoeattgaixiît oi>'si " a Iit hiîî a ver short lime after that Progressive con- Devu tha midle of tha atreat 1I alak- »tl. Miller titi not fonmali>' aitb- e'h(bits are ina. ILook at these a-bit- nto at hat-vean tha tvo mitiers. a-ho evi-ira- bis namne frein the> count-y clenka ute eil t.brtvle nto-uip, Mir. Orvis vas circuiating bis petition asking to CHNG-Tv uts et bt-editcb Juat denti>' thought I vas a German, un- records util the ver>'lant- minute alont' The sampies are about the bec1laeed on the Republican ticket as a candidate for the BOUGHT AND SOLO. Pont of t-be Des Plainas river bridge ti ! reachet t-ha log. aliotteti b>'t-he iaw, he anti othars lit-test 1 ever saa-. The entrante are - 810 or under--10 cent-s, Ou t-he iuley roati asat cf Liberty- "Tha>' telt me t-e go fin a rooni, feeling that Governor Dunne MIGIT ail lifting in fine shaica anti a -eaSlie offiee that he "'as (lesirouîs of taking on the Pro- S1. to 02&-ls cents..villeaNfonda>-. Ona vaut ever carllsi>'1 lun we i terpo acte ponmn frtebge OU fi l t- 2- cent-s, thaday aud thbe ovuers rightad I luevlcbIoiti, nti beuait-er po a letbeantt-en for th ateîbc1)-cc[ca fine assanîmeut of grain ant ei v ikt haofC iuyjdgitwsbe nor 060 t-oa Mcents. sud gotia-a>'ail niht.uat sataiuL---pi bt ba uheai uitbe alai au-,cn'oumpelretbedtefreor lîs.grBiV ieettat(f otables.",ît vs eae fr $16 te $lob--m cents. Much dluaaec oupe tmen a-ho couiti speak atidrawI. It did not came, hute M ilrsaé htaanti Tht- second, a Ford. nuniber 6852 i. Rugli-ahanti hegan quest-iofng ni. tle ievtbdraval g iyenr lha oulti taite Lake Couut-y ex- H ie h pttonadsut-uc as ,,eeticarv'uîg on a l'h, Lîbertyvlie bank ach 'en finales, turtietifinothe dît-ch andth-e 1 ]et them ni kaaail tha>'vaut-ad t-, hbitu->t-ot-be state fain ai Sprngufieldi.can i have beau peat-ered b>' the fakartt ant w i etvomawahaot-ccupiet it- a-re sean as t-oa-b>' I teok the picture. ant i a- t J n iiîhatyear ha captut-et second place caiagn. ter tiestro>'Iug m>' whol olandtetIl- n theu îîa nt-lt-cst-at-c ite'5 agter OretTali sta -etidauîi ~hp e'ite u an alliera at tha county fair. a-ho, at- t-be unnlug ava>' fron It Ininedhataoly lu e -btI lgt'aiy av ea iJUIIS 5 V DIhi-vao ni hth iigti a t-bei l ht efn iitNlpprittdhsn eud of thae tsys business hava ter, a uelghbort-ng friwmn se-Igm h'at i ghtesheur t-o hisait-!a lewllgtifi h fan venisu mea-umo aadmit-t-ads ha an dtii tlit'esttaotire'dhefof rmis wt aemt(e ht o li loti o iiithe oonetipatitoneareetintin 'Wheh tha>'havea skeattohave ex- There a-as uothing ieft lu the car, me. tht»' gace me t-be camera anti ny TO (iRAND JURYK OS ought ta bacc badit Iasot >ear. dfa nta atwi swîhn m eitl change-I for bulis. The raîulf bas beau a-bit-I.vas t-be foui' seat-ad type. t-alu. papara anti off 1 a-eut. Music for Osys. dfa nta atWoiswligimdaeyteefé t-bat effort- a topanse hati oncy have dit-at-i ovnerahlp. excaptlng a relu '0f course as t vas belng taken JJNIi url(- he vote'bctiItue othr "as-(Reecuh>-.on beau madie. the haukens theiseelves ca-t vhk-h bi heti ennme 'D. E. Kat- througb t-be treel the people alstar A CIIARi3 0F I4IBEL forth ft-t~tta- bave badl t-o &pendimuch tUie count-le,-" ouoeef tht-e pet-keta, eti. sud igbt un front of t-be Maria' _____Wetiuestay-Aliand ale Boys' baud. and ask thein thatthîev'nit(e hiî as THEIR candidate. fi; the moue>' a-t-h no direct- refoula- The second accident occurreti about as t-be>'cal it. a-as a crovti et people Thrîtu-da>- North Chicago baud, eration -for thefr ltme anti bave beau 6:30 o'ciock. The car vas consîi- vuaaliîg t-o get soinie sort of papers or W'autgan, Sept. 1. I-'-iav-Palatine anti Dali>' Neye As the REPUBLICANS ARE THE ONES Who wilI accomodatiug pensonsa-who neyer erabi>' daniageti, t-be 5'iiid sieid bing etlier, anti a-bn 1 came eut-of t-le George H. Morris, of Highland Park baud. clîoose their nominee, we leave il bo theni to read the facts agalu dîi business lu thaîr places. hadi>' amashati, t-be asies leut.,et-r. door atonte anti ieokng as happy ai vas given a pt-clit-tt-tai'> heariug thia The wilti aest show asa bas saîdaoendfmtei w-cnluo. 'is year the>' have "gel togethar" !l%$iéevr you shoutti have seau tha dia- monlng before IPolice Magisftrat-e bauda-bit-h pia>-s tal>' ttdaoe n o-nter w ocuin aud adoptedth -e plan of cbanghng t-is J. M. Porter sud taml appoint-ad ioc on thein faces. 1 Waler Taylor on a 0ltange of crÏinla LIBERTYVILLE DECORATE O Mr i'. tnay bc able t lît - b hîîself how he linti ef patrons for ther vork. They Gladys Owa-n returnati trous Dnuce's va'ctiddirect!>' home des-n t-nh i- lhhatprafarreti hy lott-n O'Kaefa. nman- Foiîna-ng tht>suggestion et t-beOrscx an maturati>' alpeet t- oses a dropplng off lake Moudsa-bohre tha>' a-reaiat-e diae ofthe atreet througl i -bithbatiager et t-be Hom e fot- Disaieti Rail- Lake Cont>'Indéendant. marchants conlsistently eould perforni the almost unheard of feat ef the requesta ton accemoedations. Epuscopai cottlage for a mont-h. lus'.comaevît-h au escort.Juet- tahow rositi Enployas a fHighland Park. bava decoratati vlth bultln uhouer which becfinds bimself il, buit, btte castiai reader, it isaa ______________________________________________________t-bt 1 vas alive anti kîcklng aud get Morris waasbount te t-be grand jury of t-be fat-r. Canroll Gridie yest-ar- licme, just- tn tuae for te.' lu bonds et $500 shicli a-re sîgneti tti> stanteti eut- anti asaistati la décor. rallier difficuit one to get awav with. PRAISES J'tJDGE PRISONS. The yauug minuanti bis relatihves b>' JehnGourle> of Highland Park at-lut snime etthe telaphone Pole$,______________ PR M SJ D I 3 SN .areasttil lu Parls vattng toi' a chance but fonniani>'of Waukagau, savera, yoaugi men asal- ffn lnu Com endngtuspaer or dvcalçti i. henmina.tion t-ogeltoaEnglant i. ts ltter adda Mr. O'Keefa charges Mr. Morris t-be a-etk. The nesoît-lat-sh-e tewnW . w*S.Bulock made good ini his position of aldermaa Com enin tis apr oradt-bat a-hile foodtinh plant-ifut lu t-be îtI having circutat-edtithrough the looks quit-e attractive, ef JdgePerons s lii epublia aniaefo eny French ett>.tbe lack of t-e a cause ai12h a flerlu-ic-h a s-atbing a- h polr> dépar-ii t-aa the Ihb- ln Waulegn, as mayor of Waukegan, as a tru se ib. JugPo.Jh4J asyo aePouIUtest-mu t- uffrlng , tact-islama ie u t-on Is nanunr etfrlyvill tair promises t-ola an at-- ntenIsn .yu o oryas scar m m 'ý4e' Ym' - John J. ~~~~~tneathng tbe fumâtes of tbe home an tractive teat-urt-hi Year. The show Nrhr naeAyu o oryu ,a himaM Ca tIfb g nérl ianuer l hhch tbe home bas bea cage i t-h unfor cooplng se crelary of the Republcan county central, one ofli eteuae n bgotcismnh ae A Organiszation t-h breeders of i cou ductei. Chargea o grsimis b t-tcourt-my oftht-aIllinois PoultE O E l1 aet nem u en ottl u c znyon whahog acolgpofuoIWty5fdo It-telu att-i. lnRacine anti Kano- management- anti rut-y t-ot-be lu- Fonciers associat-ion. DanilaLet'es THERE O , tsm ieo w u ean W uan*14 lime - lke ake ieeth aecul far e- eba count-as vais affect-ad at a meet-- mates are coutaînat Inlut-b ectrtotan.seintendent states t-bat- ut-rysvili i f nominated and elected le congneas from Ibis,, h*0 sT* caus hs 8l0 long_ logfiles:hn haltiet t t haubhlu nBristol ou A tacaîniule of Mn. Morris naine ap- ha necehved up t-e Weduesday e a ci i sow osrv h op 'stbie d E eet e lve S . u eA-ASOSat-urda> aft-rnoon andt tvaty-seYau peana at tha hottoni t est-h totter. ni, at- hich tînie ail muet le rend>'hylowl osreli u ,~lles.s Lake Forest, Ill., Aug. 31, 1914. broadars of Kenoaba ceunt> sigueti Mn. O'Keefe at once evore eut a fer jutig. make a good accounit ef hlmself. He'8 te onlyUt m a-mm t-le charter rotl et thaeorganiszatt-on. wvant fonrt-c at-test- et Morris on To The Editor: The grand jury viît oonvelle haro a charge otftruinai liliet. A prei-i-y man that bas ever enlered thei race. for If there is any one opinion in which the citizens ofLket-be firit- Monda>' tn Octohar ant it-ary heanhng a-as hati betora Justice jsp rnte,2 er lanmnto o ogu W - couny ogbt o h agredit i Ibt Jugeaker tate's Att-orney' Dati>'la-iactivai>' au- Welch lu t-be absentc etfPolice Msg- Jsp PoD-es 3>eans fore hnom nat frllcsog re PR e LAe h ý0,m cut u t ob ged ti htJdePryL. PÇçy- gage-i lu gett-îng bt-s vat-ous cases tstrata Taylor anti the rase vas con- formier neidanu et Barrinto.vsfrhon ualy ho d cieth ba'y sono sbould be elected to succeed hizself. For four years re&d>' t- préeant ta t-leus. Ho an- tnuuad unt-li totay. gt-van a beaning ton bis*sauty lu t-ha residents of this counly. ANID, that sup: =tIo* Jug esn a o nynounces t-bat- t-banc vîli hanoes. HeBnr'y'Coale. Jr.. a Print-ar living lu Cont-y court t-ht- aftennoon antiWvasuprof1te hia rg dàoklaU C* ofJudicial onducs t olymaintained the fine traditionIs ef unusuat Importance, thaniaientt>'Hghlanti Périta-as itiacoti0on t-le atjutigetInt-anansd ordereti commît-- uprto heOiae rM-aInl l.Ookoul of jdinal ondetestablished and handed down by Clark haiug t-lie.t-bat aIreati>' are buovit. st-antiandt estified that on Atigust- 21 tedtaothe Elgin asytun i. ts Meut-aiend of t ,odistict makes 31k. aooknar la i 1 .10 W. Upton, Charles Whitney, Francis E. Clarke and Dewitt Monday nutght t-bat t-bora hati beau culai' anti arrngedtivth hlm te got rauaet b>' a pressure ou ht-s braîn ai- coMnÎrng riares IT la HIGU Tm ," hat ob.. ODMY~ L. Joncs, buit lie lias made his own place in the respect and nome sert et a sliootlng affai' Désa' out- omalit-tle printed tislps ýta go thoogh au opérat-ion t-vo ers ago had a reprusentative icongrus. sa. m o O ber e admiratin of ai lhougbful monby his nflexibe mb- rty-thitrd st1ret antiShridan D~rond, vit-b t-. Conesai e prlntet 1,000 fatled te nmrov-ie; hie tCondtitou n eyoaecony Misaebo cae sth o ,a ity, bis thorougli and exact knowledge of tbe law5 biSs y5ursung anot-ben vit-b à gm. Morris. A c:p>'of t-bIss liptbliows: baisevere beadacises andi lapées et from the district. But thon, as for yeaueul c. be dignity, blcnded with fine courtesy, and bis alofînesa fom girls standing naarbyar saidta - bave PARK: teana bis tlot-les, He - la ad t- a co nt every ianner of pctty polit.ics. For such a man there is urged ht-m on. Ta-o automobile b.d.m Thte aucieseti t- a mat-tan vhlch Mer- van>' nols>' at- ught- aRqat- t-tmes bas county any recoenlon. Ngov lt's lerm-af nohig i te ffc le ass wllfild utîl '-t-~urgeti t-hapolice t-o hast-on t-ot-be iel1 t-e vIde polî-lt-y ant i viiiexplain lit-- ta bcrestrainet lnuàa trat-ght--jacket. organize gTp oto onisokcuv v n o h n n t e o f i e h a o w l i l d b t t e e m e The ZM on poi ce n sa > an effort l . e ing soit. H a as taken t- t -lée ke c o nt-ybon- ed a gr g tJ e o u. h O o c u l of the state and of is fellow itizens-and there le nothing mae t-o buh t-emattenup but- t-orl ThoBe poas8esse IfoVar ns5itive pl-aifr trt-ent- a short time ago workhig for Mr. EigOck Md' bis chane brl lu hei tht i to god fr hm.décetISi5t-fey 5a ciluedta t-o-Iink u tbjtdisposi-tions are ativisei ot tot-O'adtIL but titi not- Inlrove antilIt vas dolded Very bright for laading the. omInation. Lake intei ift st oog dfr i . Waukegan peeple vere mixeti up inj - h. shoolti ha sont teanuinsane as>'-1 hudsadbe fh FAIMISOPEN AND TURNMIJ DOWN BY PRO=ý CROWD ATTENDS FIRST DAY EVENTS' GiRESSIVES, JUD4E ASPIR= Exhibits Have Filed up With Satisfaction to the Promo- ters of the Event. MANY FREEATTRACTIONS., ANT SWITCIIES AND ASKS REPUBLIC iNS FOR IIONOR (CefltlnUed OR 1515 lnm p DS misL 1

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