The store Of Good Tuate We areAlwfys ,ý îJing For Yur Tadàe' INDUCEMENTS: TIMGoe &T AYOR S.ceueit. phoas 94 & 25 I ]Keats and Groceries ORDER TH-AT' .SUIT, NOW This Ia theoUtieoto put in your order for your fpli suit because the stock of fabrica id complote ai the ruBlihau not yet begun. E¶vn though you are not qunite rea.dy you ma~y order uow anrd we wil hold your suit for your conveutonce. In this way you get the boe'e- lit o! a wlder raýnge o! nelection and btter service. We have over one thousanti aam- pie te choose from and It Ia a simple matter te lot us take your your measure for a suit that will aatlsfy you in ovory particular. .Every tabrie Ia guaranteed ail wool o! the best quality andi the garanents are tailoreti to your measured and according te your choosing. Naturelly you :,want , o be dreosed in'seson m take a littie tUp from ths cloth.ixg man and place your order Now. R . Morse &Co. Evrythlit or Meni UNm7TYVEJL HI , r5mi14> p -e..-... mi.... ut feI for profit better b"uy your suppies early. e e,. ~ Seoe bec.LU Quai ity -ç ess Miô'ëi -te Prices QM kSevce G&TCH ONTO THEMS: Club Ilouse Brand Telmo Brand Charm Brand Lloyd Taylor retnrned Saturday 10 te Norliawetern Unversity et Evane. tan sebere be bua*alna ti. nUVitgI coliege courses. Frank Waight et Rogers Park, sebe ahso attends lb. Unversty returned wllh bIte. Lait Friday the force of motion picture Operatore sWho werb teklng pîctumeof the crowde &t'the fair geltub totrouble boe sehen lhe driver of, tisîr automoiable se arreeted for opeedtag hi Marehal Limherry. Thichauffeur vas fined $10 and ccctl., whîeb wau paid. At the. reguler monthly meeting of 4h village boaad held Mdondav nlght the blde for tht covering of the rieer pipe weie rejected and lte board dleclded to give the work ut building ltas f railjacet 10 contracter C. 9.Boie. Titi board aloa decided to purchame au autoauatlc shut- off for the vater tank. Lait Frlday nlgbt Narebal Llmb.rry arrested a man seho va. Iatoxisated, And next morpair" ws Oud $8 and caltas. Ou Mondai ye a iter min. Bd Brlirson and Oie Oison. wore anested Ont the Mmre charge sMd on Noeday mosnln both vers laid $10 anut os. lu each Instance liemoanid tb..y procnred tbilr "jar,' in noighborlng tovuS. Mdal. yen, pIsa Se».ef4Mr. Bob", a flnidîlu twofesttet te Auditprisa orauuand sudowmagauina.eoph.17 ad 18. TceaO~al~asuovd Insurbae on an, ABl66"AhIlé aRond1 m otlult. 1P tom."7cU à s5l "'*b sA , Rs .Prad. ui' te ~sev-iîrr; ~ Si I I I I Notice to îail Stokholdirs of the i!heIdon University Pres Yon are hoeeby pçt'Oied hhat there vIS es ameeting of lthe stockholders of t4oa Sheldon Univsity proes t l ofce ot 5510 comue ,ç *bleflns kuovu as titi Trlggs building on gatmasg October 101h, 1914, *eli ebot of l10 lek I latb. loia0,Bt anc And îour' ara" jtistlnga pro~~$ tabin u ta ttans .~p 4~ of saui, Comnpany freté DflIbUie fuboAres. picure ai XL O 911 -Pl m (j jjt ,TR.lhqy, ubllcOl eth 1Inclé li.a'U ebwtaly a a" teit paa.icular notIet t tis effet. (Addtioatl L.oxat , Nom on Page 4) PYrMdBtu~ taria itiie weekend wlt bbig uncle lit Austin. B. W. Kramer of Si,. Louis, visitid bis aunt, Mrs. C. 13. Averill ever Sunday. B. Y. OrideY çad failît et ChIeuo, spent Labor Dm3- with relatives bers. Adelph Citard and tamlly 01, Austin, vere gueue ta Dr. 0. F. Botterieldea lesb veek.* lits. F. Eberwine o! Chicaigu, viîlted ber parente, Mr. anad tirs. Fred Jochhbela lait wsek. Serpentins Naze dancing parti at Berïel'e Park Pavillon, HllI Day, Satur- day, sept. 12. The Trin Chapter wilt have a Bakery Bale at Paul Ray'@' Saturday, Sept. 12, et 2:30 P. ln. J. M. Murphy ofItowa, wae here &ai lait week as pint demnuntratur for Treptow & Taylor. Mr, and Mms. A. 0. Ullrich of Chicago, ipelseverai day. lasitesk with relatives li Ibis vlitity. John C. Aleman of Mlwaukee, spent Baturday and Snnday with bis brother, J. B. Aleman and wlte. Mayor Hauntof St. Charle, and P. D. Alsman oft tat nity, attended the talc bhr lait wsek Thursday. iss Bertha Wieuold and Miss Mue Cbilders of Sprlugfild, are vlitIng Mr. and Mms. Barry Doebler. Tiie C. M. & St. Paul railroadwIll mun a speclal train froin Chcago to Elkhoru, Wl.., for the fair tob e held there. The play "Mr. Bob" wlll be giveu by the clamsof 1913 et te Auditoriusa Thareay and Priday eveniaag, Sept. 17 and 18. Tht monthiy meeting of tb. Earueil Wnrkers S. S. claie will be held Fclday siternoon, Sept. 11, at lb. home of Mise Ella Parkrer. Fred Jochhein and lauaily entsrtalued Mies Poînsette, Mi»s Hoffman, Albeart and Lee Polusette and tir. Ford, alilot Pert Wayne, Ind., lait week. MIèseNabel Wbitney of Aldon, Iowa, and MIos Maude Whituy of Delavan, Wle., violted witb the lattera brother Lis Whtney and faally lait weeký A speclalmeeting o1 the Preebytenlan Ladies' Atd will Le heid at the citnrch ne11 TuomdaY atternoon, Sept. 15, ab 21 o dlock, lb. purpote o! tie meeting hslng on tii oooters. M. Robertson of the Lyrle Titsatre bas arraaged wlth the Cbicago Herald te show tb. movlng plture, laken et the Llertyville tala st hie theatre Tbnreda .voing, Sept. i7th. Ohatauqua Leagus bas appointsd a eomittes te s«luttaienttforlhe Lyceuni course thls wltir. Tha comrntte con- @lose et!). J. L. Taylor, Paul 0. Ray, &.0.Mrray, Mrm.b. Mattocirs and Mmr Clara Colby.# Mise Ha I.I Whlgham retumiid lait luI ~b grndCanyon la Arluona, a ditstano Tof intest, the pati experi. bert lathe ti.primari ?dffrtmunt of 4he wlll5Peu n-Dlxon q1bo6t1w Tuéoday. E.A., lwoôp, manager of thi Llberty. vhs' I- &paab Company. chsed an Impottantl0i la@$ wSs o Whurih' L. porebasid Ilb. Dssrfleld Lumbarf~qmusy for the fiuter.sî of the stckholdsrs of hie eçoÎnp#A.Y, Ele took poo@ssuionof!the propsl'llsscd!the Deueld cimpany I$eptemberlirsî, and boas retaluwsdth former manager. P. J. Dut!y, 10 look a(tsrtbi.companys@ intereettlite. The Derr Pld Lumber C'o. boa out bien a viry lIbgi tancern, but already plans ane under way t0 mate big adltlûns to the yards. . NIasAngle M@esr ol Mantee, Nichi. gan, Who bas beeai traveling abroad for the pat ires mnontha, arrived Bt the home of ber sleter, lldrs. F. B. Lovol Sonday o!thie week. MIi Neiger staten that otiier titan pour hotel service, cli. experleced nao trouble whatever la tt#llolr aith ough everyone semed deprosid and the women and choldren of lte waring couritries wsre dresaed lu muuriug. Mas. Loeliso enlertaised a brother, C. F. emsr of CoffsevIlle, Kanah; a nephew. Henry Patik of ebleagu, and ber eblîdren. and wlts of RAcice and Kennethoftilwankee, over SBO&dy and Lebor day. USME WI ILE PUBLIC SCIOL OPENES IIONDAY The LIbirtyville publice chool opened Mund6y moruing wth aillite teachers ready to commuence.their duties f or the terni. While the eurolîment was Dot coanpleted up tu prese ine lte followaug figures will give au ide& of how many boys aund girls will attend the local echool tbhs year. Thpeetilguresne doubt will lua nmrly alil thi.grades Le conaider. ably Increased hefore the close of the week. The total enrolîment given in 8M.3,of whlch 144) are boy@ and 193 are girls. Boy@ Girls Flrst grade.................... 20 20 Second grade ..............24 21 Thîrd grade ... . ............ 17 20 Fourtherade ................. 17 16 Fittb grade .................18 21 Bliad grade ................19 21 Seventh grade 12 Klgblh grade .. .......... ....... 10 Hifflg Sehool Fîrsi Year..................... 4 15 BSond year ................... 1 18 Thîrd year .................4 8 Fourth year .................. 3 il ANNUAL UARVEST 101! CHAS. D. PROCTOR INSURANCE FIE, TORNADO, LIFE' pIIONE 154-R AMO 50 UBERTY VILE, ILUNIOS and you cma loop in perfect peace, kno wlng that it cannot get away, and that wheu jou want it you only have to sigu your naine to a check andi hhayours. Thore whoowe you gafttct. '.o«toix ail Wheyou umuet neeti ±lwm. but au.&=ount at, Our, baut l,1wýa'ya stande *!th open arma to <receive yon When -ywi týeo4 1eboiaù il help. elà ao) ltd> to cultivate such frieotlip ýWhy fot bogin today?' Brap d'P - 'ames A re In some Wsys the county fait at LWI enywi)ie thti yer dd not seesu IJ. a real county tl-at hanst It bor, a tstbave,, bain heldii ik county ln thé peit..Thiss u âs 'te*everal chanme that wsri leaugurateG. Iu the ilirt place there were 14, qambuit ;divîcai or brace games. Thé sharpera w"o alwaye. have operate«d tbese gamet at the fair were deni.d a.dmssion. Only legîtîmate games et chance sucb as paddle wheeis lu wbtch sofa pilows, doits and teddy bearé are given away every tiane the wheel spins were permîtted. Games wlth a nuniher of 'cappers" and a "'canut vin'" system are net ailowed on the greundi thîs year.1 Another change la in the characteri of the aide shows on t.he mîdway. Onl- entaI shows or any show lu whlcb there le the leset suggestlveness have heen tabooed and one need have- lit- tle hesitation ln snterlng those that are on the grounds. TiIs le qulte in contrant to the shows that have been sbowlng Ibere some years. The raclus pool ln another tbing whlch le consPlcuous by its absence titIs year. To many a borne race la ot a race unlees they are permltted tu make soin, lîttie wager oua the te- suite and where they are able te take a long shot there te some excîtement. This le not possible this year, for tiiere are ne "bookies" on te greunds. Tiiere are a number of peuple. however, wbo malte bets among theinseives on tite cestilts. These are thres of lte principal changes, but they are qulte noticeable ones. Those who were lu charge of the fair this year aunounced that titey would make great limprovements la the nature of tbhe affala and they kept IikCounty National Bank Capital. Surplus andi Pronita, - SAO0 Total Eesuroemm 70000 Why Not "6CoaI-up?9 UIl Ordere toi C0aJ booketi now WUI be deliverod at presot low prioseL As oold weather iota in, prlces are bound to go up. Rurning the candie at both ends doeaîî't 'nî both end» meet." A bbtter way is to burn our reliable, higb.grado oal.Il I produces the greateât amouat Of heat with the aminallei4t amount o! aubse. (u =2wisotM 7«. musho.. host,' 30 whcautbm 't m u as<hop? 1~omêIiuummNrgooupuy 0F L!3ERTYVILLU flou. 50 I (HOIOE GROONRIEMT, J V GETÂBI1ES ÂND FRUIT.I CORLETT & FREDERICKS flioue 30. TAItT YVILLE, ILI. Yen cmt b. hapv sud contenîteil over our Cake@, Pie@, Tarta, JeIly RoUeé and everything we mûk. We don't use faire jame and jellieit and flavor@. Ware bqnoeî. Alto we are clean. Bakeeho re gularly inspecteti. Wby flot tbeti, tradte witb' USe We (atarantue a Citan Bakury. LIBERTYVILLE FEND im OCaHEiaN. BAXERY Prop. Seasonable Goocis for DiscrI ý,u iiating , Shoppers Corne in and tee ýus. It will sirnplify your buying., Excellent values in ,Dress Uoods, Undertnuslins, Hosierv, Corsets, SitIçs, Ribbo ns and Trimmings a~i UriI~eIk an Prasolsanýd LoUs'and ( hiIdren"Shoes £'gr SE OVR AD NEIrTWÉEK' âA LL &SONS COPJN , - >11 . l j. , h... jr e 00i IS SEPT. 17 The annuel lHa-net Home Day for the Là&@e Bluff Orpbâùégs la sept. 171k. Llbertiville bha. boesnaked lacoaatubute toward tIte dinsr andlorotbersupplles. Everycue l bt a e llai Ibis Ile nstitution whlcb cart for chlidten ot alI denomlna. lions. If jour houes bai Dot been canvamsd pleam e,'onsider that yctu have been aiked te contribatte. The cecivlng station elîl Le the.OGai office. Articlesiamy Le toit there Wed. esday and 1Turaday, Sept. 16 and 17. Kirdly remember lihi date and leavo sometbing tor the chldre. Mms A. C. Ndurray, Chaîrman. What Every Young Lady Should Knew If you are not ready for niarriage. If yuu are tilking or macclage or i! you are married. Send 50 cente, cash or clamDa and we will èend ion postage ires any place in U. S. or Canada. WhatEvery Young badyShould Know. The Co6mo Co. Bo x 457, Chcago, Ili. 5lc4 ~(~( 4-o "t. bull '-inn "f. -'j, -T alla ,r:,tll, 0-014 ltA' i. HI. ",v, .1 -0- theln word Lu the letter. It le asserted that the saine plan la te b. fellowe<I lu other years. State's Attorney Dady had annouuc- ed Prevlouely that ho would not permit sny gambling te exist tis year. but If was' not neceesary tor hlm tu act, foa the heade of the fair had forestalied auy exigency b> seslug t10lit that no questfonAblé gani4s were %flowed te set up. Set yourseil lu moriug pleturenset the Lvrlc Theatre, Thureday eveclng. Sept. l7ta. 5S1c 1 Blow are your test? Are they are, trisd snd iweaty? Bave tai- got a long dietance sineil? If Do remesubr Barter'a Auîineptic will cure this trouble. For sel>y F. B. LoveiliCoi General admission t0 the Lîbertyvilis Fair st the Lyclc Thsatre, Thursday, dept. l7th, 10 cents. 51CI Colonial Reg sud Bag Carpet Wevng, ail faaeY wiave@. Mrs. J. A. Gravis. Tèlepbone 140-lM, Libertyvlle. c-5Ou