SEPTEMBER il, 1914.' Po frysake £ditd b F.l. OtiO, Posil OseaTken fer Job Work. IL L. Ubeer sud vie f i MIvakoo s%&bd on thea,toe'î aiter. Mise liarda WbWher. Suadar. MmesNom SBlirla ntertaliti - We moder. lire. Bizer trom OatItam. ifla. Louard Boock etated echailet àwoor Ilettuta Tusida,. Ths le hie pais geaduat. ysar et ht Place. b. annoaneemnet of Ch. enaemen fi Blaer Burge tuCoii Bth Krueemark va. given ont lait week Wedneedar at ** niant elab vhieh li-esKruseuark »tlotaiuod. BoCb are popular andweli keevu young people and both members etabc elub. MdiniKruvemark being the ~wrer of à" liar"a Wbeeler vitb ber brother a&W vile, lite@ NomaBlleraMd lire. JuM a llard motored ta Lake (eneva Jobn liarNabmara of Chicago. was a ggos eithe Walter Godfrey home over LaMer Da". MisJeece M"deanddmother of Chicg. vive guesse of Jo. Turner sud Kim emluhTurnier mt londay for Pratrie du Chats, vbire eh. vilà attend sehoçi. Oh. vais momauled hy ber siatei Mahal asd brother Joe, vbo lft tChe for Biseté, lava, wbere tbey viii epend a couple af *ee9. Olsim Mai LveRWbtman epees .SudaysLabo: day vIi sénir easter Bertha aud Irvlag Book viere Wanke. gaYi is idonday.* L. B. RElath and vile of Chicgo, vere9 gmet of Wmn. Parker and ville over Labor day.0 Roy Xprrie end lamily of Lake Villa, were guei of relatives bre Labor day. Chas. Book aid fasnly returned Co Chicago iMonda alt ependug a lewv days viCli Mr. and lire. Dan Book. Tom Mogg, nimbur ofSb@he arsb farme faitthCiii eek wlCh R. W. Seare forà Qu*ity-Boyd'a tudio-Price. rght, Serpentine Maze dancing party at Heriol'. Park PravitIov, 1Hall Day, Satur. day, sept. 12. li1e..licDonaid and son Joë, of Chisiga. vlited s te.ome of Mr. and lire.,£. M. Cebsch a fev daye lait lirs. Emma Kruger retfrned from tva wisA. rieit witb relative@ la bimuaesoa luit Frlday. Mr. and Unr. J. T. Menu 'bf Lake ,7otet. *Peut londay vith AMr. and lMr@. Mrv. aid lire. 9. E. Kuedier aud Ar. sud lim. J. P. Rttzeuhaler viiited relativai et Shernierville, Suuday. lire. H. Coou speut the tiret of tbe ves.ksteth hum@ .of lier son in Waute. Md. W. Kuedler and son Ted attended a ueraI in Chicago Muoday. Myrtie Richard. of Chicago, Opeut Saturdav sud Suuday with fier parents. lire. J. Rticharde epeut part of lant veek vitli lier daughter, lire. S. L. Tripp ut Ares. li re.Enesmt Fry and daughier Dorothy vere the gueits ot Mvi. Curtisi ut Liberty- ville.lait Fiday and Satuirday. Alie Sienuott and the leure. Bonder and Moore spent thre week-end at Cthe honmeof H. Airiglie. lir. and lire A. C. Rchards. lir. and lire. Fraudà Stenciff, Mise Nyrtie Bichasrds. aid Lvis Mille motored Ca Einsnnday. H. Albrlbt And f"Illiopen$ Suudayi stEsutn Aima Krueger aid Calta uillasesn epeu t Ch. v.kmsd ai te.former'.boues.1 Tb@ lissesCoraWulof Chicago, vers gaieete lirM. Geo Thasiser lait vesi. mi" esthl lui Mai"esYoung of Cii. efga, vrieiCd et G. M. Bayea uaday. Uir. Brathier a»d iamiy of Elgin, @peut e.week-end et lUr. tichroder',-. U. »d lire. Hiiman ver. Despiainei rieltore Mandai. Mies Tawnere ailov&adsudis e Wn. bans of Laie Farset. vers gumet u M.s Tovaere luit wve. blirnseapoîle and other points lu Wiscou- Th. Ladies Aid viii meett vie i r. B. du. 1 Bartett Tlinrsdayafteirnoon, Aug. 17. irsyasake echool opened Manda vlth au enroilinret of 150 icholarg. lirs Brompton sud grand danghCser ot Laie Villa, vislted triende bhee Tueday. lire. Jane Lougaaugb soeompanied hy lier mother. lire. Shente sud aleler Frez.ra aid lire. Wm. Ellias vere Wanks- gen callere Fridey. Harry Have aid lemily @pentth we«e-ed vitir relatives bore. l..ltlai Adams tloft Tue*day for Wauke- gsasto akre ber laet vear ini igh achuoo. Thle many f rieudi rt Mire. E. B. Sher- man vers greatly grieved 10 hear niflier death w hicir occurre latliondayunight. lire.Sherman vas well kuovu lier. sud vas held in igli ssteerr. Sire lived lir. mny year. duriug vhichli tme lier hue- baud couducted a îewelery store. whi!e lu Orayoaiae oe.weauanactive miember ru lubs sud lodgee. Severel imees ale held h. position as Wortliy latron lu th.e 9eteru Star as veil aisi.eing eleted ai presdeut of the Womans Club oee"ral lime. of whlch sic vas e charter men,- ber. She vaawomeu vith h igirideli sud a strong cliaracter. whose preeeuce o etili feit lu tire cireff weresire lies bies. The funeraI vas heid Wedneaday ase ler home st Park Ridge, hurial et tiraelaud cemetery. .4i@ thelb. ime to use Dr. IRobertsa Flv Ol, h. Slià are voree nov sud viii le for h. neit six veets than auy other linm. of h. year. luvest In a gallon or h aid gallon of ly où aid cave h stick. At h. Rezail Drug Store. Drue. Drug Store. Ed Wsîlhuru aud family have moveal Ircrm Lake Foret aid gill mate their home boey for a ime. Rer. E. T. Shayier of Washiugtou and Richard Coombe of Oa Park, "uet Sumday vîi Hiraàm Coombs sud fsmlly / ie yoracoltatrletesud peucils at Cie Reveil Drug Store. Drure Drug Co. FEED MILL NOTICE. 1 am prepared to do firet claie griud- Iug andi *1 i. e t my mil at Ares alter Sept. 10 ou Tnesdaym sud Seturdays until furtlier notice. Miii muet close at 4:30 oclock P. m. promptlY, Ou eccount oft power. Dight S. Doîpli, Prop. 2 Lake Caunty's big veekly-INDeH PINDENT. School Supplies AFine New Uine of Tablets, Penis Etc.ÂIAlo TEXT BOOKS WiLh cvery ou 'Iablet va give away ou. good peu bolder FREE! DRUCE DRUG CO. Ibo nexall Store Grayelake Lloyd Baysand tainy left Mouday for Waterloo, lova, altCer epending the nm-i mer ab . Id. Raye&. lire. ismen eneerteioed lire. Lulr- maina»d Are. Kellet of Chîcago, and Uns. Heller 01 Waterloo. lova, lait veet. Mir. and lire. Slüroder were called to Elgn by th. death of a uephev, Fred Vîsme, vho vas drowoed ini Fox river gaturday. Gordon Koigge ceebrated lits irth. day Sunda.y by givlug a panty tri hie frienu. Mire. Edie Iiiili of Elgin. vilted bler motrer lire. Lolirman, lait veek. Perey Andrewq of Lake Foreit, spent the week-end wth Rob Htuée. lire. Belen Oot and children left Setur- day for Pedmont, Mo., aller mpending several vete grieli r atives hore. Scirool opeured in tire Gridley diotrict ou Monday witli Mica E. Weiekopf ai eacher and au en rollzent of 2f) cholars. Serpentin. Msi.e dancing party et Hertel@ Park Pavilion, HaIt Day, Satur- day, Sept. 12. Mir. sud lire. Frank Scliolz of Chicago, vlited with Clie formers@ parents Sunday aid lionday. liii. NeCie Bilmen iis techiug the Englieli ichool at Feîrlleld thue year. MiesAnea Frauk le atteudiug h. business college et Wsukegan. E. A. Ficke lmaltendiug the supervisore meeting et Waukegan hie veee. Walter Probeh.le emnployedru a whole- sale bouse iu Chicago. Moet ail the resorters lef t for Chicago Monday. The cold veather ruade it very disagreeable over Lahor day for t hem. Fred liothveillhes takren Heury Bockelmau'a place austation agent et h P. L. Z & W. depot. The Coneomere Co.,banas fittecîrmonn working takiug dovu the old Bruce ie bouse. The lumber wii li e ehipped to Cryst aLke. Aug. Froellcli let for Wlecousl Sui)- day night bu buy a carload aI mu cows. Mir. and lire. Ed Brîxon are speudiug a two veekes vacation et Lîhertyville. The Lake Zurich echool starter] Mou- day moruiug vitli Mr. licTaggerd of Fox Lake, and Mises Due-re of Wauconda, ai teachere. MI@@ Duer taught here lest year. Wm. Prehm, Jr., who bai been visitiug vltb relatives lu Chcago the lait four weeki returned borne Saturday. NOMIE. The Long Grove GrioC and i 1,rMilii viii h. open for busines aller Sept. lot. Cane MIIi i lsQ ho beready for h. esason. 41)ci f#omnd cake .$eview CHARILE M ASON, Correspondent - Agen t PHONE 24.J Quality-Bld'a Studio-Price. iglît. School opsned boe Mouday. Oscar Joirneon la the principal. -Ï lir, sud Air..Charies Neles of Itogers Park vers th. gueste ut lir. nsd Ire. A. M. Wolfe Suuday. Oscar Tirommasd vifse olbnt Suuday aid lionday witb f rieuds lu Chiego. idre§. Jmspb [)&vie are tir proud parent. (if a baby girl, boru Sep- ember 2od. Sevsral froua here stended h Srrî game at Mc Heury Woduesd.v. BorunCa lir. and Ars. N. Luiteu, Aug. 27, a daughter. The Gnubb. Hoctsday spd Dndge achools opeu.d liauday. SiMis&iae Murrie of Grayalate. teacli- er oS Grubb sehool, in staying viCh Mire:' Jei.. Deaman. Faut Strang of Waukegaunlh building a aIllator V. 8. Straag. Chai. Truex opent a tev day. viCli frienda In Wimette. lira. lirrie of Gra&yehake, ad lMr. and Mr@. Lina Murrie of Ares, vieled st J. B. Deutas'. Sunday. Tu Auereaus Of Li ke Forset, callsd on relatvs lu Cis viclelty Saimey. Schr Deua» spmIt a 1e dau s MsOeibtéWdDldai st Wilaete. MieUlm Ulmiclivocon of Chiciglo, la Ch. gueit of Airsud lire. C. E. Deuman. Tb@ Ladie Aid viii bld hir reguler montbly amting Sept. 17i. Tb@ local Eseteru Star Chapter enter- sained h. vsrions loalgesof 1h. couaty 'Thursday siterc6on. ICKORYà scirool iegan Monday viCli MinesEthelt Griswold as@leomher. lire. J. Kainff entertsiued lier aliter aud family trou Hammond, Ilad., lait MmseMarie Petermen eu .pouding tbf veet lu Burlingtou. Harvey Mannuand mother of Heliron,a vere Sunday visitore et Aý T. Savegle'se. Mire. S. Ames irai returned frora th. licîllister liospital vhere eh. recentlyt uuderweut au operation.a Mir. and lire 1). B. Webb entertainedc relatives frtamChicagoi orer 8npda.- mies Irene Savege gill take the eighth 1 grade work as Antiorli tht. year. c Mn.r.sad lire. Baunirr(rA Chiceico vere i gueslte ou Lahor Day of L. Voigt. The ceneter *v euciety will meet et the churcir Thuredey, Sept. 17. Supe@rgill lie served. Al iuvited lu cotne. Mis@ .Ethel Brazie e isieting lier cous-» ine, h. Misses Tillotoon, et Pikevile. t tire G. A, Bermer sud eou George mipent Sunday vietîug, relatives at Zion City Independeut: More readens han ail9 county ieekiIes comblnsed.y .P FIND THIS DOO AND 4iUT $25.00 125.00 reward for recavery, or lu- tormationu ladlig In recovery af te- maie beagle ioud lost, an stolcu tram near Grayslae, Ill., June ICi; bas a black and vht.lbody, black head sud ears, e round bravu spat aver each eye. and a white strlp inn- ning fron Cie endi ot nase Co top af hesd. Rangy ln u huIlansd stanuds 1 luches meaanired up and dovu ai ehoulder. Due t0 bave pupples June 23. sud probably bas hein nov. Na- titi DR. W. 9. BNLLWS. Phone 42 or 46, Wa*egan, 19. WktaS WMÙCdNDA Our echool aphned Tne8day vitli i largs enrollaeçi ofpuptîs Prof. Moore bai charge af the sdvanedroom,. mise Miyrte Kuebftit luiterurediate room, Mdis Ales Poale Ch prnimsry roon,. Clyde Carr veet ta Weukegan Mou. day vh.n h hoieusecured employmeuî aia linotype aperator st h. Gazette office. W. vleh him suceelunhie uev popition. Eighty guesie sook diuuc-r ai the Lake. aide Inn Labor dy Mlise RestiMurray, vu, lias bse spending Ch.enuomer mouCha et lir home lu our villagle returud lu the City Mouday to reumehber vortesin@îructor in the Chicago schoe. F 0ttirFrank of Late LîirrclIi. vas e buernese relier la Our vrllage Tuiesdaýy. Mie Pae alman iospeurlug lie vee il[h relativeb à in c cd, At Cire meeting ai the village huard ou Mouday eveniug Preeiderir Kent lu- strurted the epecidi cou) irit t..eapîrointed to looak into Ch. matter of cularigthei corporation, lu continue thirr ort sud get Cie matter ln shape ta Ire voled upon se Che village @priagt electirn. Hiarold Starter returned btirte city Muuday vlier e. ii resumne bis studies et tb. Lun e hol. Misse Lillian and Winifred Brown, Grâce Wells, Ira Cook and Harry Kirwan are atseudlng ihcin ai Palatine Chia year makiug th. trip dsily an tb. P. L. Z. & W. Misses Litai Olynch suni lieue Kens veut tu DeerfibId Mliay vhere th.y are employai sa lootructrm in th. Deerfield achool. lir. aid lir&. C. k. Golding and family of Chlcaga, @pu#s Bnday sud Monda, vlth Mr. and lira.K. Galding. Mrr, a" MlMra.nsolaC Gesry opeus Snda-.q vm iC h Mr.sud lire Mx.dlir a r. (lii. Codtr of Chilcago, spent Sunday vriti lira. Margaret Roney et ber home la West; F1remout. H. E. liata"ai F. L. Cern von tiret and secouai priona on peaches aet heLie couuty fair laitsviSk. The greestetylqe ravie - in Cire vorld viii be given et tâte Lakeside Theatre lu moving pictures on Saturday elternoon sud eveuing, Sept. 26, 1914, by H. E. Malynu vin hmiarranged Chie rare treat for Ch. people of Wancond and viciulCy. As le le helng brought hem aet e heavy expene a 0"1il charge of toc sud 1 5c wililibe ma&de Calp defrsy »rt of the. cost but vition reach of ail @0 Chat nuoune nee'l MI« aeelug ChId Inter- esling exhibit. 'tde Sayi. Show vas giren Aug. lIsClinluCicago in Ch. largesl auditoîrium lu the city seats ere provideu by 4500 peaple sud etill Ch. spae@vas inadequâe t laccommodate the gueeto sud maiy cauld nus gain admisîrr. Tire show' vas giron by Che Chicagor Germent Manulacture Associa- tion st au expeuse of $2154000, shoving ai ofthCie neweet aud lateet fali sud wluten styles oS Ladies', lisses and Girlldrens garuintg sud no lady sliould fail Su aveu heprseli of Chis opportunity ta gee met wrlat r. golngtlu h o ru. The meu shonîri le just as interesled a@ they vaut la cee t11cm vire., mothers, sseresuad eveetirearte dreeied in the b iet rîtashionid ud1 mate the show doubly intereslirrg we have srenged Sor tva cumir reeIs tobe ehovu during the show. Don't noce il or ynu viii h. sorry tiret you di. Our Grand Faîl Openlug grill bb luornu h. saine day at oun strare au Marin street vhere the germenta vii ie e\lrblted on models for your inspeclirru. Iur tMen'@ asdBoys@ Suite sud Overcoaf e. Slioeesud ail Faîl sud Wiuter Ferurclrngs viii also be an exhibition on thir day sud aeh who atteend Ch. shrrw %i l b. preS.uted witir a coupou gond for $ 1.00 ania $10 cash purcliase if presentId before Oct. 17, '14. H. E. Mdaiman, I loChier and General Funiser. LOW MAN, A DEMOCRAT. LANDED, DESPITE CIVIL SERVICE LAW OF DEPT. It develops lIat Mr. Brainerd, the ugaý Round La'ie poaCmater vho le s Democrat, was nuaL ppolnted ta h. position under civil service hrougli blcg h mar inbChe x-cent civil service examinallon held for fourili case postznastrr. Thle tact is, lie vair loy man. Mi. Glese',e vue hîgh Man, t6 1-2 Der cent while William Roelug vas second, having 86; Per cent Co his cred- it. Mr. Glcsekc was aonc porpeut lav- er Chan tire aCIers. eccordlug tb yard recelveri tram Washingtan. Ilowever. it5§ seems hat lesclît vus the only Domocrat af he arles vli>tnak the examînation sud her.. fore, as %vas expPetced, he ecurcd the p.lace. Mr. Rogîne lied filled h. nt.- 117'. witI crerlît aud satisfaction for sarti years and had Plauned gtvtug ît up anyvway even lietare ho entoreai h. race for carinly treastlrer « lit toak Co iucli a! hIeCIme tor vhat there vas lu tt. Ou the ninîli bellot, Cardinal Gbo- coma Della Chiesa wvs. elsoelpape. Théeannouncement aofC«Le elecion came sas a great surprisa te Cia Catho- 11e lafty cf America. Cai-dUW iChiesa ta oine of the YOURugoat Of 0cainsie Ife vas given the ted Mha oily lest lia$,.Heola archblehop o« Dologna Jand vas forrneriy papaj uoutery, Ni ,à"assuncd h titis a faedotus Tire Mount tRest Gemetery eoclety met with lire. Allen ldxrrn W.eeoday alter- [1u011. 'he hMurray lemily beld their annuel reunion et tGrent Reunelte's louday. Tire Willhy aud Bain famille. had e reunion et F. R. Willhy's Moudey, aïbout 40 belng preceut. 1 lira. 0. A. Sirer entertained compeny Nionday. David Murrie and R. G. Murrie aud lamily epeut .Sunday wiCli C. M. Gor- irame femily lu Waukegan. Mloe Nellie and LoretCe Keuselle end NIonas ayle suent e week vith Mlre. A. C. Corne@. Mr. and lire. Mev Murrie of Kenoshe, speut Sundey aud Mander vitli thein sou Eimer Murrie. NOTICE TO READERS Evsry vesia the INDEPENDE14T receives neya itemns hy maill vhicr in maît instances@ alaisgood rcaalîng mattersi 80-softhemne contai. tram eue Ca a dis.. ites frrnm a cammunlty, hut the wvliter having failled lta sia làior ber naie Cc the crtiesChsy are aot publishel, s thia paper strictiy salleres Ca Cih. ruie Chat no un- signoal communrications eh b. printeal-no matr boy gondl the Dcv@ May bh. Vfyon bare items ai an impartant erint plue doa't farget t aae ur mime, eo Chat WB May knav the auther of th. ommaitie vhoe Wî have regula-r o @--à ey itemsehcssld ho uivtathem latissi di semingS it:ste à* EPEN. DENT esice. i1li Fart» Jnterests 1 cIves veré urned.out aui onl*0 alite with BeParated mllk, a litie Da- seed cake, and crulied onain;la"ert» mcillk vas disconîinued snd the oaCi anti bay lncreed. Ail h. Calvai ver. castratsd vhen about six mondMa aId, sud Chen ted througbout h. sis. Cer on llnsssd cake. Cotton cake, bey and sllcsd moats. During ChIa perla the calvsvere velghed tvlce, w"h tue resultsa seen lu Ch. follovlag ta. -cake flillaf 1, Mrs. W. . . ebora and cli d ren returu- ed limt veek fron, an exiended vtoit vltb Mir. Sehora', people et inaction Ci M, tWii. Mr. Sehora joiurd-hé1--'ra ew edaye. WlMr. aid lire. P. W. Gray and sou ot Chicago, epeuit SundieîandLebor day vlsb Lake Villa relatives. Mieu Faisie Gormliey audaiese of Chlcago. returued to tWer home lait vse*after aviek epent vrth Mr. aud lire. A. K*pple. ,r Outrhote w eref'ull w overtlowinx over Labor day.- liMre. Sarali Slerwood enterteiued heèr @inter, ire. Frank Hall and liuebaud of Euglevood, the first ol tire c. lIre. [Cusel i iawtson and un A CJ(,eo lit,. are vit.iting liere. Mire. J. (6. Rowling i.. entertainirgbler frieud, 0. T. Gard trou, the wegt. Mir. GarJl vas a former pastor here. 1 F. Potter, Who hi v..ry ill remerus a zbout Ch. sinWe. Dr. HazPlton of Chira go, vas calied for consultation laet visA. 1 C. B. Harnansd family epent Suuday at4Graye"ae. Geo. Mitchell aid Ray Kerr spent a f ew day. recentiy et a faite near lMadison eou a flsblng trip. Walter laieli wae a Waukegau visie t hétirât of Che.vsk. Miaieliary Stantord returned to ber haone la Chicago Wednssday. Bsn la"tn »d A. .R. Combe attidai a" saeua Wii4 atrd a*-. urday th.y @pent Sunday aid Idouday. @Mr. and lire. Henry Bork. ot Chtcago, Arthur Stenfodad iter Mary,_Mr. and lire. W. gykes sud lir. NelieHe. ton vire relIera aithte homne of lira. C. E. rombe Sunday ahternoon. Mir. sud lre. Richard Tovnused , e- tnrned lait veek f ront Dakota vhere Cliey vluited vrth relatives. iMr. aid lire. J. W..Gray visited friende ln Kenoilia Sunday. J. R. Bracher oi1 Libertsville, in vddt. iug hie ion L. W. Brecber sua family. BaiebaU score Sunday vai Gurus. 6 aid Waukegau Creicenti 2. George Pattereon received tveive fi rets and six second premiums on vegetabies et the fair lait veet. Mir. aid lire. N. H. Brown rcturned Sunday from a wsek's auto trip tlirough northeru Wiconsin. Mr. aid Mai. H. W. Keel eutertained Chicago relatives@Cthe &ret of the we ek.> Sehool began bere Mouday with Mie Vera Metcalf aud Mie Ethel Haines in! ithe primsry roome. Thomas lirCullougli who hlas been on the eick jet the pant week, R. eomewhet improved. A uumher from here fflan wo atteud the Milwaukee fair next week. lirs. Deliuth aud daughter of Wauke- gan, viofted Mir@. Campbiell &iouday. IRUSSELL Real Estate 1P il oprbs an dIéd COLLECTION AOENCY I NSURAN'CE Durani & Durand Tdmphou.No, 2 Do you order your printing for reais6ns * of personal friendship? If so, lets lxi friends. If however, you want the best stock and workînanship you;ýmoney wilI buy, plus highly srtiBfactory iiervice, send your orderit to the Independent's Job Dtepartiît.nt. Rgardiess of pers onai couelderationi vlea1 tisfy you beeause aur facilibies are the beat. - - -- Hl Bell Sytm A New Telephone Dfrectory Wil Soon go to Pres Persons conternplating taking telephone service should sign contracts at once. Delay may mean failure to have your namne included in the new directory. Notify the Manager by telephorie or post ' and a salesman wiIl cali at your address with contract blanks, prepared to give fuit information as to service and rates.1 Chicago TeIephqnc Company C. T. Ford, Distict Iand e TW41plces U Prodution utheMidde West g1e. eThnt.e rlagesitaioesof athel luct re.. lu poplto s. lmot teuahly apl encre as lu e atn plrductio lu lbr Mide lusic h rlo t ouragricul7ture ta a range ofas br 16,000ed0f0herad o ie tclnthe lar elLranchou- u eet arfectived attentonfeme. in- alarm lug abor th ttaeflveeok. St- stitîe so hat snincte 19o7nChe. %Portae o! oer 16g0i0s000nhead Ilstock rlfund. arUo telL of Sncb o- Cou. andecrIfeaetioduayilu- Aslont o!umlng lu hee ,osra ha« Pr9sn Ii place au an ellicient and l6i&P f eed lu cambluatlan vlth etllmd mlk te calf Production. Woburn sperimeant station, England. baLS basal vorklng ou the problsm or cbsan ad efficient calt feed for soins Ysirs, and bas he follavlug tu re- Port af a recent exPeriment: "lu exPerlments conducCsd ai the .Wobwa.. agls*lseatal tsr' . .lots fsd aIne veeks ou thre ffaiting feueB: LoC 1, cad-lier OUaIlad Sepa, rate mlii; lot 2, a pnrchaaed «Mit insal' alaag vîti vhols milir and sapa- rated mllk; lmt 8, çruai congsisttaet eix Ponais flueaatmsdan ad ane PoundUdffl ita ansgallon at vatsr.* viti espaluisaimift; Lot 4. .11k; Lot f4 crushed«a ivaIrndey and spauitsd mJiii "PoUoivna hia feedlng perlod Che .là ip.1 Caif.RemrtaagExperInientu. second tend Firet Indngu ld ltpeaind ?là 5 veigi. menthe. Gain per oit aetgnniA.alai ut. per wvsk. lrZejl al aa Pou nde. l. eq 4. 1283 Am là& "tt as cnnciuded hat Cie e«VIy fond- 11n9 Ot calves bai su Important hem ,1g on thelr ater dereloamsmt. &"l Chat a 'good atart' la Tory @sntiL. The Impravement effected th early fe.diug vtth dry ernaboui oats vas (huas iantained for a per"aI09 qulte seven mouChe ater Cia seocim feedlng haed been dropped.'" Tire ahove figures are of great latet- est ta corn beit tarmere. if s gala et 13.3 ptunds uer veek per eau c= b& accomplished at a cast of about tB Cents a pouud, hers le god rami ta belleehat he production et là llmlted number of caives on Che aver- agi tamin la a paylug ludustry, but ase a generel rul., Cie ont crp ai the corn hait ia coneldorably intertor te Chat of he Britishb Iien. Balanclng Che plantfood lu Che eMU aione bas hasteued Cie busdng et ont! s eek ai mare, aM ai re.iuie lu 1:011 fihlsd grain, vherau daims' tllmd eails êsreattacisai viii d ms mvais poar fl7 id. The donbiiug af the ont cr09 or SM. Midle West viti a naèkisd improle- tunt n uquallty of the grn veuli give znaiai e na*urs.gsat ta po- dnctian'of mu-y«Seagek., -aw ait, *6a Who eau ai. Cie bilmuisaci *'. acter attaine bh y i dUbsal Ow race vitaut feeing dMt Skae ta piedge lu Chie that vitat Mh e'M ahresdylinlshe udlrîduat110M 7ut me, acoaied in theBlntioMdsel0 W. . *5 tem