M0TIIER SAVES5 CHJLD ALTIIOUÛil INJURED IIERSELF - -~ Five Others, Three Residents of Waukegan, Bruised ile sa, lm'UIN<i YSTERY 0f SHUS MSSCWKE IS TiNT, INSECTS IAtooNie ýTie,ý,ý- M R SLVE ý FÀ R' "« MRALL SWÂRS IVOE ONEDRIVER IS ARRESTED. TUSCT ~$E OLILAW AM3 INEOE AL SMMSIVD Accident Oc rd*on Milwau- RE<iSTRTIONLAW PIJSUEDA TflIEF AT BINSTITUTE MANYRESIDENCES kee;Aene e Fa Lberty-n Antialoon Forpe Wlt Sulmi Chioken Thief Pursued by Peut- Miss flelen, Cooke Out Adds Insect as SrnaiI as Head of a onue voiani Si5injureti sud five Proposition at the> Élection try Raiser Latter Fired Sev- Even Superintendent of Cook, Pin,: or Smaller,, Are Be- 1Iltg an aulotuuîu,î,- nartY t rom Wauke- Nov. 3, 1914. erai Shots at Man. County's Sohools. coming Pestiferous. ed lsZ'naiauo bile accidet w i oct urred on %Iilwaukee avenue, about two mlles norst of 1iberyl ieI t ystery taIla s urrounded etecsadbsns aie fFrdyatrin h a otifn TO COMPEL REGISTRATION. flýreot ora shootingaffalr. t aiBIG CREDIT TO OUR SYSTEM J id usar in veius h. Fry aeon earnd iuin wl! sippçiýdto aveocerre rerlbY anunusuail lu-it- a tiny amalin.Ed J.lanhr.ofîrhilrîc t0idiI i o soert. ndapparent]> liki-a.5fly. It5 la heacde ocnrr-luutn i t-'w tîî imIn f Io Ctyani u kegn acher Wins an setaltatis-stnature varinot lie IPrpsto sAotdThere ' a Il h heZion ('itN poilie l-Ilevpdetermined.i. "Ili ualler than ',he (f rvnIvJne htedm Must Be a, Registration Be- Ille, a number of %Waukegaau petafleï Hoflor Seldoml Accorded- ibeati of a pin a'idti Te swarms whilh a lromînu-nt C'hicago ar, it,1 i. uitît fore AilElections. sol-e Inspatd. ofben a srtly Given Big Ovation. arja to befouiud (n esery aide, Cor..- ffc (Oansfie \Iial,,,k 1t lnu in tefillid -ît uurler ast was ai tirst strît- tite lusect or l a itte buses b lte olinuson iniachîinu- liobe. Ji as prven I lienothig Nfis Heln Cooe, o Wauk Illelàsec Tastne itd boses t The tiitectcoth licliinin was The citurches or thilcfyrelresectt- l e,t as provanenra10 li etlug Misae\cle o,aho 'uri'aukehan, paricuar 'being ceu i n great swarxns 1 u.u rt-hean lIaI ais nragetifarineraretccria_ 1i naahol urnrIb'eaî'fCcally TucdaN usening after terrible. lu la iXtte iloiait ti, I lnglI atl~aIoumoemTti, reci jat-ned cîth t gun chaseda chlkîr t year andagraduate or \\uitie- tgîei( ase a chtutrine 'va' 'rii-îNi' .i2 t a deavorina 10 brng Wattkegatî tderlen ThueT abtout a oite dowu Eberitiu an l 11gh seîtoot. rlasof W1t7, troed 10 tttts e llilitwmenrpr-fotsouTîcu lui.u îcîn flit section of theIlîlinolsis a s-hlicli 1 rcntt T 'rucie ?re io ttt 0leIe oîtrfce 'rtttu-,cItitat lte triss usaret m Ie lciOnmaureT'w m , i sosah-n, requires taI Uicr tînt-ttc aî ni-rs ma i' e e seta sreporetiC-on. ('ounlY lnstltuic- un Civago thi,'bouse by goîigilirough te acreens'ac, oun foi-t sa1!,c srt traiontefre -vey lccli'7i.a 1ts tiiiudoulîîedly lrredtfi)ri delte ~eiof al preselil, 'adtirul,,wn hn itebiotTlrigi vn rh on froin tlw î,. iisîard l whleh le enformvres stnîctiy lthtfi- 'or' givpeit an entirely tilfcrent trentidetto(ok 'uut1u-obu o tt -tbes msdcith. i ihi' iwrme een f lt M it.Stt. ofi1 unol- <ago. To tiis <enitia petition TeariiugiTutIýnfi ci-itrler accon rtK elirnination u-tntu-51unlung iii.,ieW aiefot. pandcoid n(beie- rieaifs h, iaChsSa( i I'l tdistrict near fite soutitlimita >11vý, Coolie liaviiguwunîotaiiilung tThi , pîînwn îown r-i are "tre n Jantes street ws i n5111, fronit -,i n 703t signaturesu, uas tubiiti-ed1filColin- or Zion (li, habeen su biectd 10 wcnîen. aobeng icIi- iii lusinesus b nuseis tii'machine. lu lit-r riîus. 5,15lier1 il Jutige Pereons todav asking hbit,,10tuiflnraids (of cbcken tIlv ,durn l. e u oar u- tok-cs e b ua lu suc-fiîlbuiness bluses, fow moutniod joujus Thi' uîrce of take te necessary fucps to lisse thIli e s151t wo yt-urs. EIery few 1 liti oft? (reit on the ss'teiiu of1howes. JUtat bt TleY are or where the collision tiluteuslier tortuarti lier proposition placed ujroua the -ballti nonth. a raid on te roosts lunte add'tiou us lui as ter- n lui,ý, thoi cmefo ' uno nwuf head crashed tinte, the usittdivielti Aj ro'îzhborttood Is rearteti. as a rul l fia n sChotalf;unter SuperiunteneyrhcCaefontbassuchar. nson o ltrrible glialt uas iîîi i- ie te net generai ealection ahicitisla tIlle ilteesaucornpllit Ilîcir wori dent Tboniisor. rfor, te lfi 1> neVr èore ha'tii ar unvaion _lif h hapegtso iier 'tnoken el hetiere ou Nov. 3. 19i14. lutige %istitthorougituess ant i ejilt ln one Ionakribe ft-r e uttOti agtsor tht-y'171,:arut wt siei lB.buscbacor-ttefri Iigaruc uce-ddi seln a% (eiv yu'tra-Tley havealogntbsi.etdn PIlua ount te peition to lie reg-ne 1 iiy uceei useln Vtn iie iurciuyu ri f te infant s-thtlier farme sud sas-eti t'itieken. mi."" ler reîulys itressTont m.tout froini sther .ile of te ieati; the ~f'inijr-,atîîgîheato uta ani lterupo isuet anordrIO ln, of the Ilvswasnai WOrtc on hias laid sîtecial srssolite fun wlugs seM o hliang nul 10 a distanc eliy preventëd lber froinholding sud the counly clerk. itistrrtcttîtg 10 base Monday igbt ea ne 'of ltecoop dair, OTais anti lits s>stcm iflans tudir aven grester tiatshne main portion ofsav rd. lfasa roniin uiisplafou- te necessary ballots anti tally alîcets sNhAn le was surlrriss'tity tIre owner. IetTty ret elteti iredit for lier ssork aits e O , engur mci i aeuIrs. IL sacrifice. dspa>ti proviiet ia(t litIte question rcunitbolIe matie gontdbis escaîte, itos-eser. t'uiintlapOdetti he tail. '-h dinfi asacieh sr utt ouosns titfil 5listrougit bis abillyludodg tuThursdav the mien uWho alleu'.i -___talle_____thfan voteti upon. îlanuîng tu lastail s nmssort of a sig- Iu uilue a tenpî bt hne Whovree los- Jonsnni. ua sstm.50tia l lteluur f cilthrnti cte a er pus ui n a tm Thre proposition s-lct wililibe putl sys't opt. Botefiitnte>. ivt îtpliiiinitoart test, TonwK GANent s.Citas. stake anti iabs, t2 up o te otea f Mauega wll e "eýOOJ 1 moeser]IhYY l!Il"111.1tott"ibares utreer ns ? l ..au et Jmenstee, %aaiîgu y up~ it otran Wukga ii btmeulaîely informet hi signalstt-hrTI-e u', V;ierte tir 'VAUNION utit.a1bout fac as toilas-s: o,.,urrenleeuc ofîtherother t r ut. i ý a wM' î UfI~C trs. P' A. Fait-lt amnillu luto? "An actt o amnend an set entitleti Its' v bail of hulleis. i Ns t he eimination usent on. H,ît 11F Wi, 1. CeeUsSH WS VauueL-an, 'An act reguiating the holding of eleca- Thte farmers lnnfle tii-triet ra-'1 were matie ou stuiecti aria( S-tiiue"aRN Ue 1l 'ne t,,t Onue of ilie farinera lu the district curseaIIrvFIf tons andi teclarinu te resuit thersof Il talet WilbsaYiug taItlIt, î-k AI fast SuîîtT.Toi'norsun . Ifil [U NDID URU?! H Mr8. itclatclit-n tatdulaugluer M 1 in citice, villages andtI icorporated la' s-lI tolep petty lt9or for wtie ter-Is- the fast man uit itolf iimnee. towns ln telite, 51.approvei June 19, t!eie s-ho atterri to t-nIer an> or Then. Frida>. lte wouen starTeutiu lir El Johnson, of Gurue lU nfreJl .1 .a m ni> m cooýps lu fite future. A siese s-îi' cliic.srion ant ienî,,.CoùtIteprivtu oT lhe' aurIdent ocru.rredti unas the- 1885in frce uly1, 185. s fe l ieture a a lîiarticle erompartul i)fi l(tntîst of SU.ureat SLidmes of Branch in the toinu-onniachine s-as eruerutlInfroitu ed by at tapproveti .une 18, 1801, fhiuir she.n 1gel troughtli elii-utnu 'Competes Witit Tobin. PastYear Recounted at An- Ia ll h ieSi ew rir'thaI liati lîen n force July 1, 181.' (Approveti Aprîl *TiePn s-he Miss C'oolie andttI \i To ipuai eu(un Milw-aukee- avenue, abolit 2.19,in force July 1, 1899.) As bit were lulrbet as winucrc (if men 1 nual Meeting Friday. i two ttt. nort of lierîv Il,' Tht' antinow for.. M N A .IJS IJ 0 adu usmen, they tad 10tii met . To ciaitâ usas reîuning Ioth leir born îýd le ueirIy hN pptnt ut s ianti llirnieeftiler altentiiu That Iis stop would blie aken vsaesi-îru' *sa o krson the lioard hefore lituntretiOFIES AR EEÇE. th'aîr .tî l.bert>-îlle. Tluev rIau roceieilnmeiatlyale lt rcel te~airhetr, Thte crous-ulclîeruil anti ver. cloui y hronghfiue lied of gratepl local option election nesIlte dry sourk II4 uuoe ioleifrSisIoî.teas the uondttlori of te bîghuuav de. Blelrrg fenr r-Tot:K IAppoint Odegates to Convent- m.uIed dIluwl eeIof.i'nej ers et I-nt flime coulentictiilausmil>N)- ND R ON uo prolimswr l-nieî -lrtemp tHGt r ci sîtenthey('iuvgfo mcine Illegal voter& cest teir ballots. Tbey N S ToRBO D" luin ont 1e1I os-ýV# temtt Gt ^ auon et Ithal limie fluitIl troi, o ut on Ce theic I t State'Meet Here. biure- titwn uluon beunIlfusas travel. wol jevr obigWukgnmd f a ut inut-ev hWk Sept uinPfast. lu carie incatior,. lu anotiter wolieruevo 0bi* 'uleaiDetails Show That Capture of of, -i ie. %iguns t'oo ta'l Whlm lit -ept. 5. tmoent ifl iaiticrastet itb te -tohu nîîdr it 1w itrhenoru ,rgis- Man Wtae'Affec-.$ô,4 kit i al tt irm eo nt Th rme sui Tii-5'iCar, sîqrig iha glaI n-ir.' ious-. Irations befurp everyelection. ln fart ' ' m'csuren clicuret ienrisily.She hlt ueu al nen i iteona's danti tearungOluffite entier antht t-turne of te uloalardent tiry-support- zens Wednesday A. M. t uucl o e thu-l,,vitor-of :ail. :hft~î~frt-ns-edon te bIcIsitio h-r ers deriaredt iaIttey uoulti riotlbe Mtas ( ooke goes to Evaulorini"uxT tus-tu Tthe meeting iricIttiet readi ng b lt( drivers. The C'hicago auflo affilateti wlth te local noption move- HD A HRO SRGLE ta.,eeuien f tai nt e e o it tf lte local itrani, lfor te bit,- was aloladiv datageti. ment anoîber 3ear unles lte regis ______panlure front >aukcgan la geelîs ieur costi. h ondenini sîrides Jaines i'hallerdami, te diver of te, traio fatretainfocehee.itr(-tteti iteause site la consiticred tousmrlt irogresa matie by te orgar- Chicago machineusa itetiately traio fetue u t frceitre Men ...LÂ .-in(Streetu 15114kAn- ooui f te itywlieut lustrricturs. îai uruug lte pst Ielve mtoniia taPen inro c-ittotix lit a cnu',sabie h For tefasat several tisys members ruîît, î%v~iu __________uas recounîti, Tite mellng ali -ai u aî-çeued to lie rn.ean t-cscelle of the of te anti-saloon moveenth av-e been ton Petkus as Victor in the i<tdeiuceleetion of officers for lte occident.lie s-as taken 10 lAberri- iiii~-'r' ftl 1'lA et-muini. iar sud lte delegates 10 ne- sîî,e inot msa ter nelt-ascti onlbondis. îiuietly cîrculabing te petitions aboutI Resultant Capture. riiCE OF ICAL î uitut ni libranch t aibot thlie routîns fy r.Cts55k t urlijr lIte ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a. ty Th-as'poîesltIteNA E.tIstati- conventions. titis >ear, were olte -part> usas tukeri 10 literlyillle ptition miutst cortairi at Icaut one- haler dteails of the captur of W11,il. £'JTV t-le.t where site rfepiei'.c medical alteuriots liamitITusNkaiitkoursethelieameeing lie ali-sirie -rutnecessari- to closte r~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~O THEi uftt eglvtntsh tîe aEtskuka ieinush l I- niii er, inaninouslY voledtu 10se- lbhe gapiug s-oundin lber uveek. She ai te last preceaing eleciion. Irreul to have billen off bis wîfe's FOcureV riPJLiosuibIe lte sI-Ie conventionuss laier reniov cd 10 ber home iu titis Oine promînent local optionisI- sheu nome, tieveloîts that the sole honora RiiI.W ofithefl IdUY for tilla City in 191.5. The dîtf '! inters-tes-eti ith- regard ro te mat- of te capture citoulti go tb the tugen- _____dceegates (o tise nIaIsconvention tia MuliJonison hat] bis mracitine fer oda deiedthâ th reisatio uly ad curae o a ort Chcag t.ir suiii preseul lite Invitation. TO iruugit to hone 1ewis garage n fVau- béoer toadedlttthresatnut>anicrgefi t hionWt eago fly ity inState t )e cons, ulionites. Jegan -loday. Tite Chicago machine liefre lcal plectons la te cililen. Artil Pt.resitiing et 1114 W jkgn sy ~ . Titvi)alieuditdprogresof lte lorai wsu hcuedtu, l.iberryvllle. niy end' sougiattb> te tatest move. LfaroIu tleeb anti Who up toa a week Where a Standardf Price is W. CT. t', dufng ltfastliaI .iit as Startur lite cause so? the accidtie He aysfifiplane tr pui polagn s-asTa saloonzeeper on Tenth Maintaîned on Soft Coal. et utenrelnli)te, utlarged menthter- tlecClicagoan sid it"ie ]belcontrot o? He ny i t plunti0pari> pilsîre t The saloonkeeper effeceetia ______fI l fTlue brancit. Twenty at-yen the machtine.- tics by itavug itis plantatiopted tait alrusep ofcapture te nan us-ibis par- lS.ut5e nietr-Te atdedti o the roi __________ eecions, ThonIthere s-hi always , Lia;lý' falleti, Tien ites-as force to Waukegau, Sept. 4. te, of Tlic organisation witicb now theassrane tatnou ba qulifedpursue te, in ufor some distance fila The- trice tf liard anti sofî rosi for bliiîgf, totiailttembersbip uîîto e4< theasuracelitI ion ntiqulilet te street. s-hre lte nally overîook fie seat-on,litas beau estatishet by Plans fttc ic caMJItipauof lte nsuiin'tLEAKS IN 1MAINS votera cast their ballots. Theéefele . t.TheItiwo rîten engageti lu a ibandltii.,-dealers, the present prlceà f ttee Yan smerru uso diacutidaI ie tCet hie saiti, will lie 10 gel t bet Iposai-'t)tandistruggIe, usikhitresulled ii tu eîl <o hemainîsinedti Ibrougiout hie clasa of uten t lli te pîulieof- thevm-salujon Ieeluer heinug the vIcior 'l"' entire uinIer season. Theies iii - un>CSveftion of te, UEîiîTEIenV 1 isî,kanka usa arnalueti liefore- oî liardti oal lu le itery la stateti luil bcu iloi ai bert>'siîle, on'. Ti iij IlrTIs ires, batha courity andtiycil . tusire J.V. liaIt Wý'eduestiay e venlr,.z the dealers as heiug: dvo i.twfc ahbac en AI te perserît flime teplan of cieg ant is btolcndt snIliedi St$2.000. fils Rgg anti range noal,.25per ton. tj eho -nfltone delegate ion eu el-% W iii PRESSURE? u-.ratlon lu Waukegan la not an en- ite.ring uas coulluocti ur'il Tuestias Nu* coal, $8.50 per ton. u'nit-ut îuu-uîhurs. As lte lclIruul tTeBre sek litaal haiei firlysaisfctryon. Vtea r Se 1 iTiutprice of softrcoausiI liecas foi- ha.- ii-trs tlii Membera Ihev are itt su si tuun'di. te cit: s-nIer main., uirey stisaetny oue olea hae T ti-teaile o? the capture ws-e Ions titiedto tihuit- elegates anti tlirecah lritItultt i>rrnt> u ieu stipposet Il10regisier once s year ibut lIcuri-ti root ftr l't-Tkis. fliebd 0tF io(-kmng Valley,.00 ton,00tomrtate's. tr- i-sust-tue cîîren tiyaindaueIo ru the maJOritY Of cases lte>.do not Il as tuuilows. Illinois, $5 a ton. - 'liti, ,t-c'onventior'. of ftle tittti itlutthbpressoure taie dsomet T'lave to go ta I-e polis, for the nines '1 tnus- Jumu'kauka antialso kues- Tit,- rice ai liardi rosi showsa s-lIt bcu-il ihCtarleston, Ot Tout-r f0- e istrose o aptravineIrcau Liant i, uas s-anuctifor a crime i eiele tecrease ouer te price lunuand 7 T fXaukegan lîrunictu ii tauidl fiis thougltiaIier-r- fron ote ol lII 1 .ttottc ae Ians faulegun.So uietinidmet fimu oncoller cilles lu the stale, but lte prIre tItlot-t ,sunul Iwo tielegates saul it iou,-stîîaîr lealus n te mni- î-itdTe-tlltretrc, ffetîneetitt riorning I otlisard rosi shows an increase. I lo att ISe, 1ruhothecyutfwihte If th-,t--czeusdtie t10revert tu decidedt 10tri- a,.- i ioî i lmnitfîpossble Aut-a. ,for instance.te prîce ioi har(]tiI,îtIil- ttion of the Ofilcer:. fIns. matr'jehioutei yand tfwiich th e fli ne pln f %-fi beneelsry orunti 1 coumîtiplace flm un te bauds cmal ranges from $9 10 $92,5 ltIon C-là.ii,.î sho ion mai-y >ear-t[lasatilTuttlfiue cause, partiali>-, of flic- titi- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~o es tailu-i eutrfa>foaite police. 1 met hint near te ws-lte srî rcosIlunlittytvretaillat at dttedtih,-local organlaatlouingu-î uutmasfsae sai Ta , a seperate regîstralion before ever> Stlaraki saloon on Tenît elceet. $4.50t a Ian. aufuir elîtîscît as prualdeut. i rett- irit o cil>.5t tatex electlon. Titis woulti require taI-a "ie relghnubakt m 0 "Tise relaîl prîce un mauy ifI-be The tlosiug have beer. i-Ici tt(i ho Sircth te earlier iays of suranîier, man musI lie a legal voler anti lu aîmy sIeu n mbtht saloon anti haie a drin'. olhercr eîeofte nIaI- luschangeti mie the ilestinies of the organtaiuîn i iil bîgit pressure haithicriamair.ainj let accepteti my invitatmon. 1 bougitt Just twlcut a ysar, Ihat ntessis a de- for tlint' euinig yesJ': et in lte mains oflIme cil>. Thte rases witere a question arose bis place fims a giassof bei-r. While i-s-as crasse ln te sprlng anti au Increase TsIIiT tr.C.J. lt. risurwsas estalishedti 1 enahle Of residence cmuid le looket ilup anti drlnklug, 1 steppeti ouItI-be toor, mulu inte fal." lstateti a local dealer,t- Nî'lel'rcs.-Mrs. E. D. yosî cItsensin lire sprayîug of reeuu, to lt@ lnvesI-gator could delarmine slie- linipes ltai Irnlgtt si-e an ofiicer sud day. Buni luWaukegan tite-dealers I:ccorîb Secy.-Mrs. Grace Peitr renmîre Inveeta frotta lhem. Thteec- Polrtilillir tu lait: a moment on te folîw a diffeenu sysîcin-lnteatiof bu.Ms Sel Sts ai-1lsitnent of ltehigla pressurfi litr o no h la SIye lie crrct ien curs tapusue bu at Itili o ootiug-te price ail ai one at te Fi'Seî t-<If. E.C. Tager. lttus d te agitation ioi arlier of te informatîion. te mon evitieutly feareti my pmpose endi ai I-e isesson, te prime Trea.-nfis. M. R Sedgwick I te .boi, due ho lte great nUmber of ACCortilng ta taos. wito avor hlit l dalilug Ouitte front door but l3 ralsedt en renia on AlunI 1 anti then Th(- detegabea ta te couulty conmu-cu-inlu-tclualunuuilr onflit resof Iluea riew Plantera lis faliianoîhen thîug rn!?1 5&ont intr bs iaay aeil ai tuftunets continues on theti ait LilerlyvIlle. Septembet utl, 'ity. 1 herij iff mele bs haty xit lrjt ofever mothunit)alie ail-r ee Alec.d s-i-news:Dseicite-dscusioashof cll owe- usicis IL wauid permit, lu case an>. anti1 I tissbae ac m lie saloon 1. As te pice la los-ereti 60 cents Delegates: M]71. 8. P. Li.hlTfoot. 1nu Iedica-u htî,rt'ot discussion arose s.terwarui as 10 I-he Juit lu ilGtose. hlm ditssapearluengc itnag.Ithe serWesof rmines bringa Mis. Chas. Christa, tirs. L. Younîg, edat.. onsideret tht purmitase oi a apnayiug macineaut iulte latten s-as legeIlIl of Certain atl voîîug,them troul the front door, 1 alartuttIifilback b ia nos'taalposIilfof tihîe lIts Carnie Slmntoîp, Mi4%Sites. fîîre nilwa eieit Io purugil. I riaà uearl a block liefore fall, of the year preceding. ienta i.N .if.M. durelt tgtpear ult an plare aireidececoltili lokei U. oeiloi Mm (elus weigha about "The standUad plet of 0f t coal Pranlu James, Mrs. Il. 1). Yoat. 'r-or Indications lte move bas 1uSd t Ipreviaun lecttiasiIL hatanualalways 210 Wpesa)- 1 grasptd bixu ant i t maintaineti sUr e eyear araund. Ilelegats la lie.4late convention aiIltie Peeoromrel feitîtrea, tuasmuctu tison possible tb trace te residence ofr rusÉit<l.W*,u4 iltin te rosi Il le asnurned tMtutb*e wgi lie uo Chiarleston, Octobet' 6 anti 7s-ere titat IL bas itupired lte mains 10 a votera. This edigeloty wa5s «portncslfruflme ie, - h easuttiraine lliste price*o!- miter -h0, eecteti asIioWls: lange exteet &Mîomgecnmoue>. has itack lie or isard coal duitsi;bu oIn De- fellgae MM'rs M. Il. Sedgtelck,he eped alie autuneo e dioilowiug tlui.t loea&oplou elect- piaced - hi»ar so.- -- Miotgoe -. C J JoI.liexlhpeer joli emteanca lit Ion, et 7iwil. y or I wtll "As ltse coeil Il 1 lut Wfule- Aleruates: tirS.Jli Sprng, Mrs. aerdp&$«tTe lle frcet lh ____________ shoot lbj hm. baarily Cha'.luhistan. --sse IpIm..Tebleai -i gar, sanie in ~~~~plait"elt be ocdt DIEDP AT GURNEK. "1 i ' t is>pped irelglit rates* - teioh.local - helr full causoil>. thuougboul lte1 Clark. John Clark. beoved hbusitni "î.f t -iktm l lme 514 h. l' etI inlav . uTebsa Il hei ia eraliwmon.erba ai Miggle (nos Weir), brother a lmbW beei ama"în it v o.l ~l t*rSs'luît'san a-ilu elot4evnno s Kiltrr -nd Wlliam. il hié, -lOUidebeet, tise N t ic«g police station. Th e tqu ,mitlly, mwp. oÊ tees "'If biu . d on, 00"8more titan OMMe41L, Feneral fi'OmIR AS brOltt*r,-Chiet ai Police Recklenwaid Came andti UIof'a d 4-1lvahte of lpag oa-Ll in-lawa, resitieneé,.8338 Sthitl klyock charge of te min, afterwards icuit V .thW, n»f t1f iii* m ut tcois. rwu orted int. "_.I- due-lta- s -s u &e4aNome Word bas been rerelveti ln Wanj.e- gn To Wsic out for lthe army wormn itloitn siithont- roloreti s-mg Titi- sing lu anhiicialIv coloreti accortiiug lii lie ntýtoný anti bas bfen literate b>. gov- erurreut agents. Thtenuovemerit bas bcoru followittifonrlthe punI-oue of det- trr'ining s-beller lthe maths wb1cb I av- inuadedti s coury>, il>.timrect>. uvius or nri hanti ios- quirkly anti far lIme> wiill preati. Agents of lthe deilarmatt acfAgi- ru-uturre are catching a,î'my worms Nutîerc Ut-s are ilentiful ring one Ming tof Pcriandti Itm lilieraîlng ilium lunbthe saine lerrto>.. A betler kitos-tetgpetthe hbtis of lthe Pest (an lacgainedti hraugt the metitoi le- mut folios-eti Ounliuiug acqualuleti ai ttIe habit% oflthe pest ite deparîmneul uîli b teteler eclripliet ionrlthe pre- %înruan of thutir spreat bu titis coun- tr>y. No uotita are tletIsioose witere tuient literalion coulti liossitalY adtut - Vite naitural diamage. Tite-lutths bave showed titemnelves iu uarge rwumlers in thte esansd It le tnuglul are worklug westwsnd. "culens af Portsmouth are a net statn 10 lte s-ing, tittse at Cltarlottesville a iutack on veltos-stalu, andti hse aI ll'uPý,ei-nho, a violet colon. Then lthe rnoth, are set freet' 10folIos-lthe ual- tirs- course Ithey would haie puraucti. -Loo0k for bth eanmy s-on) math wilt n robin-il wing tirlng tis r'onlia." contaited bthe tisutcit re- citutt here. WVien is Inet-cure bas li-en noredth Ie molth sitîîi li b-de- et-o et anti tti- malter shutti e ru- lorledt thie buureau o? entormoiogs'ai fit auhinuttîr Tht wiugs of lthe atm> usuirutuotit t. n iii-mtsliread, rieutsur' abut t t-2 ilutrites front rip to tilt. The bout s l tout liait ifius I-ut.Tue gencral oifm tuflb. nmuttbIh ithlis uings ot- stueaî lalutriangulan. The tnthu s ilI hou-cv about lthetilgitalul the yený lit-- Oit farnus, titiy s-li lie ?ouut on titi oumuidut of screens and duoor'. ob"ervet ixl the tiytîme. On dark, brou. cRise ulgit, surit as precedut thituder atormit. tht>. wiiI prohab>. te egiueclailly noliceahble. The army worm Petas a causei rînulderaie tdamage I-o lthe rops anti NorLberu United Statuts east of te Miiassippi. The s-orns araeatt>. nos- ti.Iappearing lu uort.beru Maxin. tad Micitlganwhicb s-oe eprobably- balcitetifronth<buteggs ai motte uali gîtIng trami more southeru poattIès 0f lthe country.. Wllls tie umt~tiquaI khos-letge lthat t1i erlmet il rive, -tetiepartlment bopes lun céra- I-oi tis preiai l the Pest more eilim- lpletely lu oomlng years. 1 . 7'r, Old.;d tuf a-rs'M i > r If Do unyeui are to b.- overCoslq Cob We do the work an ai-, vîde the bifl mie 2 monthly papinents. The. coni for Laser houss.e in propor'tion- aîeiy losu. Let us eslîuasle on your boume. Public, Seirvke' Company of Northen, UwiI Ma' blé *.' mitÛÎ Con.QrY Wk 00 Evei 7 77pI. -g- HJEAD NURSE FOR DR. PRICE RET LAKE CO. JIOSPI= BUT $38,O0O; I, TAL IS EMPLOYED IIAD MADE NO WI Miss Grace Welch, Sister of Fouinder of Price Baking Powd. Chairman Welch of Super- er Company Left a Swqxis- visors, Gets Position. ingly SmaII Estate. "HE IS A V -ERY ABLE NURSE.,WF S A MNSRTI Dîr. VInent C. Price. found« ofth%~ rccBkt"g Powder comptuy an* Cornes Here Frorn Chicago fier a realdent of Waukegan. did With the Very Highest Pos- t<Yîî propety I estlmated at a val- sible Recommendations. ofition or l"'00 aceurdlng to paperi 'Irs. Harriet E. Price, hie vidoi1 Miss t rac- eIrli. a ýIstei* of? tsuu. ea nad hb the judge of Cook G. %%e.\ ecithairman of the Lake 'ou 1 %In3 arte adiniatzarijLX. M lv Bocard orfiSupervisorsud also of Ili ce la lising with her' daugh»r MW the 1'oard of Rei lew. lias talien charge A. t. Fiseher. 765 Grand avetue, WaiX, a..i head nurse ofi lie Lake ('ountY keian (1 tr8I b ospi al in,\% aukegan an i ha, 1 For i ars lDr. Frice was eredited a unseuîened t0 rernîin with that in sttTýýini rîr a ni Ilonaire. It wali realaIef tiii' fur a 3 car io gel (itulion a Su i lit souai frientis titat this estîiMa8U startal basis. va, on 0 large. that he neyer attalmeo, il sould a piar tha't -('otînt% the rniitonaire ranks but W» vewvj i; tri lie congrIto lateci iipin sevuiring Si vthy, tlie sers ires of sut-h an excellent head Fllewever. dutring the past svl licefor Nliâs XWel is a ighctasiý1,, r- lie hati investeti exteuràlh'yey vnran In everv respîect. For three ýoi! InMslinnTexas and lunother Iu ý 3, Ilr: Mils Wel, lî taulît il. thie An-tri' ; hiclî titi fot pan out weniw 1:ochI sehool%, Then she wei tîTo \We>s 1, %s-.gerierally felt that he bad W4 e% finsî,ral In Chbicago whepre she coîtiderable of bis fortune. r, i, uet hec t ra ining. The heatts o,' Tiat tits le the case la evldeneed T ii ii.:îuîonhast- assirret 'ounitv the tact that his estate as fled ri aî n A. E, Brown that no better reî-ord in (Cook Couinty ais1irm»tjý ciic-oul haie heen rmadie. ri rc y ai $38i,000. l'or six monîbs Miss Welcli had TTher, are rrany befis besîdes 4 fi II (ha r-t 0f the u drla]teparînient wllci, lncludlng the dan<bhtems.M' . hbi- Wesley IHospitasl. Site also First er andi ttra.Holliiugsworth, IL t0,0. a four nîonthis -our:ie ir. lte Lyi- sous. R. C. anti Vir.'ent -nd----e l 1 osit al tinter the celebrated [>r. gcrudrhltren, including lhe chlr lieý Le non ofth, Most fanons oh-or bit, deeeaseti son, Ouerdon. stç.rlciaine"in the usorlit -la ying left no will. telb. * la fart Mis\Nl'lc h crnes to te conleg ln for ber Maire Indes the-li olx al istitu ton wi:t the bigh -st pos- sttî,!r rec onîmrenust ions and It seemafi Inot fort mate that surit an alte wo- mailt siouid have heert. securred. SIe will have full supervision ofbolh ilit L.ake Cotinty General H-ospital andi Cie L.ake County Sanitorxumu but site will devote ber attention priucipal4y PtNEST~JiJ li i f rrntiut. X\'ork on the new county liospital la progressir., lu fine shaîe. It laelex- lerled that the roof wIll te on instille o0r another wecXi and then the finish- In, tourbes will be put on as rapidly as lp-sslble. A number or people bave bcErt out tb Juspect lte work as It ptrogresses andi ail are enthufeti witb lte splendid hospital that la being erected. L WATCJI FOR AR14Y MOTH WIT'COOR- Wg & n Im& W ED WINIi IN LAKE CO