1 V -Our' etestore hm, ee mn-our d oor eteLadies-ol à ind admiCaMon D*badefbu, i*ed >fior thléent, el <ountyr that they Wtt t0 F al' i d Wlnter, 1,9144915, -r -I if yeve t1 ro ty bu ado>Ctl atyoufl)esL of~ "è'" 'teIw W. am.eliow imIg%tl e agst' iqrarwa ',e Ubicito J»r- monie th ia~t modes in BUIts Tlke woms0i of, taste- and iefinn4*tf find thIa atore of more thnusual Y#Iue ifii olving th# iipoftÏt pîob1em of what tW wear. Iu n Ë ifierprýetatioli of -thé,-vN1togmoes we have en- deavore ~iegarmexitý to lu liýoùs P",monaiieas well -,asdieet tjé 'JBeéaue oô! t»is 'tact, env .aer4îigaswell a' styliali. Theiteoi coa t ai uisng M Oïctly adapted to ahinost .any'inidividal requ*,ieàtaz The diqçrimmnating pu*hauà>, r q~t t make her oliVer r ments the very -best a&bl4,epee1no!hreIf, wbo ' demýand U~inad ',.'4t r > -.*wll find it a refreagh- çb t-)Iade.ýof O Md dn linedi. . Jacket - faneM thr.bout with peau LiI d, 1 ou~t. 801 t im de eygîe Faney silk ýdgy ý ai. sl" ývélvetvet. ,detaeh. a4dbî able' Trimmçd with m8~fdeta rn ith Ve 40lk braid. uma - 'cd ýwfth rascoon ir. with @s tümie skirt witb pleat- .4GNàge fot, -and, buttons, cd bottoni. back.sea Lace Elouso-Silkis, under lace,, satiný ttrpes, etc. Many models a sGe-*7 rng pleasure to try on à coat, or suit from-iesr store. .The FUigarmenta are now on diapIaq at ibis .store wberc voit wift find many other styrles besides the ones illustrated here. Yoq anre rdialyinvited W ina*peèet tbeM# ndmiyou wxllap- preciate the funlheAutcy and-rielmeés Oftheae eroatiens. Itouin il appreciate.too, the colora, the fafrJcs and the master craftaman- ship that bas entetjed ie the making-the elements tbat assre, you of's»tisacton up tWthe last day of use. You wM *"aise vrices that are reasonable, and. the anxiety as welas the abi o sere you in ths sore.. Foliowing is a destription of a few of our modela: roe C 0ai - f eponge che- iedto hips with in. Collar, euffs acek' trimmed 'ivlvet. Flunhed a. Cornes in shades. Oblldren's Ceta-Large varicty of mater- jais in the latent Fali colors; size 'Q to 14 yCUar; $1.98 ýp to.-.... Drusy Sut- Made of solieL Jacket lined thmobt with peau de cygne. Collar and enfla trnuued witb embroidered, sik vel- vet. Back o! jacket is finished with silk or- îiarnent. *~.4go1a SU it- Ma -oot-gra-te chev- iot, jacket;lned with satin W hiýýpo. coUa, cufis sud hack trim- mcd',with braigi Tailor made plested sk irt. SU1 Pettàcoa-Co1ora tô match the new .lresses and suito; jersey and98af otleir uilks; priem frein *298 te a.4MORéIANT FAIL SI4OWINO' de c1àtIh brS&deoth, ot<é te colors aremodteuing, sd satMatory. We~~~~~~t diht aIprfiiratulie t atelàsowuinhi'Our, r~, atei; prkded fro 50o up t L 0outh - 'pietty veet ca fancy fies, etc., are the Ieading styles, ni nec-kweax ,for Fail and we are showing* the beét line in, the city. Your inqpeet- ion is invited. - v y, me w gs.ur Unlie làrepletewith thé, igteat olrs anüd 1/ V7i * t. t K may, pans Mr v£ pr.us sho'v 700,C son& prop Au te. que. dauig lef t truzt non 1 denti thesw £cey' soor tort flxed of tl Kivei El folko Tg las,, To $2,51 Tg Vox. Tg Fox, To Clar Ti Ni estat C'ha and trust Fti on tL juty ter 1 Sc deceî Item Matu perst the humn ln ca value equul Th Januî anîdt rema shali trIiu the huabi ment mail band, died whol the of si lesyt Cblld. be 0 forI tribu eteel -4deatl In 0~ 41.4 Ell 71 1 te