LAKE CO-UNTY INDE)PENDE)NT WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN V rOL~ XXI 1.-NO. 2. TWELVE PAGES LI3ERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILL., FRIJ ). Y, OCTOBEIR 2, 1914. ON k TO El( HT $1.-50 P1ER YEAR iN ADVANC>I. Ne A. SIM ELE LEF'. Intercepted Her onStetW il HC f W d N I.oaon BdyU ercu 9With Another Manreed Whe CiC iny of High Cost of Living """j sMIs' LL $1,9 0,Ooo ESTATE Fotrished a Knife. DROWNS WIIEN SHI Investigators. PASSED AWAY SUN= Aerng Wuukegan, Sept. 26. Sn11311 aI,!rs.e and i idIent. DA[A TO Rb 2 CIIILDREN badulancrch I r rer hndband CATCHIES fi CU FR! ijhave:comîmluilm, i..I 1),gos I H M onedher ire bemdesforcng 'Igi 1 ainofat îe ii(-îatmm ,a i WAUEGN BNKR' WIL enlî o he u vrlos bicsIons, Chicago Womnan Becomnes E»-!tîitgtOlwl i diii Despite Fact It Was Known He IS FILED FOR PROBAT-E IN Mruî Ellei Irons of Hiîghlanid Park ait- cited Over Catching Small I "t .vsaur thée ilgini i Ment- Could Not Live Oeath Cornes péared before Justice o! thé Peace1 Fish and Overturns Boat. ler h1 kOf wîiçch 113s il) m uprise asj WAKEAN B I, ISRn I-owners ln sot '- -in asicoa Kec n Shock. H-o>I. Mallon. in ibis city today sadnicl1 i 'n lwirItr.îrttîia, bond-NCO EINO LLmuea llashule ier tred der DEAD BUT BODY FLOATED. 1oui, made défendant It11il antiitrust WAS A PROMINENT MAN. 0F IS PROPERTY AT THE btil*t ssr erftrep'e.A-suitlîroaglit b>'thé g'îm-rnmenî. ter hearlng thbe testimony ln thé case1 At thé timé thé suit lo a- ingltlaerd ENDO0F FIVE YEARS-THE Justice lason décîdeil ta placé de. Peculiar Feature Presented j i ;h wAs ehtrgéd that l ti. îttrttmttîeo!'f Robiert M, ngattm, 11)u siars lt t hour,ý,d s mcm ber5 tr lv fixeil patwsel away mîîî ia - îormmt i amo CHILOREN GET SMALL fondiant, F-rari Irons under lieacé Accident-Husband Broken- Imi'tt-nc fhIrm 'm hs BEQUEST FOR PRESENT. iôis iuaonto h odbig Hearted Over Affair. - ,:i- 7 acepted tii- l,:y!1,t flm, i tm iammi imco ilie firmer spouse a téf at a-heEcîeemanerih ctcno.a rm;l-eîra pos - im -detriiilimt ,îitiîtat. l--m g The will of the lote Nelson A. Steele, Ifl'te( l tat mice their séparatIon xieetoethcahofa; -.1Pilri rO 1,i nd 'reol wýnt i. president of the Fret Nstional bank IrousehllI freituîntly tolbar that hé mimait fish on lier fie, causel the î-m tetadare mittttchile iiwîmtmm amlv ofWaukegan, a adtnîtted to probate v.outd fot allow lier ta "go with any- overturnirg of the boat, ard thébadai I, iý ri oej<:binkloi o ilýalf in counit court Mcrday a. m. anid tlit n ut lr. Shéstated that the uo a ct rwnngc M. t - I 'i îdis granted i l'mtIn.h-vel hlIi -mt m, m - shw olf ninaevle i 11fi ali lhait lreîueotly aanlerel lier iam Adamrs, agel 50 years, of tlu,tlion gauîîst ite amioprillm mion it.Itle tiH los ism i, ii si t shwsli Ifta1eta-es-el t -33820 thSetcNsoee.rhtah, - in tc- rcrdngti i tîtmm-mmlifo liCthimicagomi mt - 7.0.0fhsS10,00wsnper- "na(ai Round Lake Pnidu>', Sept. 25. A p e - acrlgt a t .i t tfoIi l(,m,;,mli, or îmmt,- m semai propert n > d$500.000inrital ii-Cillîiii ,eîllîlIi5 cutiar fa t-é 0f the druwning t o!l i;j i,,Ili propert>'. liii m -aI iclgiluiid l'aark. She toii thé woman msthat lier body nevl r0ilStaites ttim -t mm -ti~~li-n, Au was generaîlly expected, filr. -oi-ii- UtI reictI>' aîlerîd,',d a ov-r.i er w e tlwsthe surface of thée v'3m >slirdayfiluet ---cm l mo Il- mas a -sitiil,r lit, Steel*, wth the exception of abe-- ii ii uc hwI iîllua a k îte, but intead, floated about orn li riibahwti- -mmîiln ilust cf $10000 to his son Charles and it'()O"]Vally wh a youngOani. who té surface. from the urne that '-itliaitd een receis î-i luimm imr 1lteth i hgatl'. mi ho i--taljl,lm-îi il iter Bertha to be pl Ioce, lwworked ti ic uelaundry . Wbenî>thé boat overturneruntil the amc ng "lmc ast week. lcomi-Iry store in ii tiil%.s le omi lefi the remainder of hi, estate fn l d . e- to éd cout of th-3 thoater Witt' t rival of re-cuers. -- flic- m nuîainLs a"--c - '!ii hIo 'i)ri ,'ilWauk '- i t\i q. 1-j t- I i trust, haîf ta lie turned over te hi& tie yiuug mian, she was notired by -îttttoi<oîmté i i-ittiOirom 'iîaelt i i ittt gril cidaghoterilreyears after hies lit- fumierbe bas asiniaaoi.tathee (tatl thal , desth ard the remaînder to hé paid he fottowed fleéradown thé sîtreet and rXtm.tgthrwt1o-bu tii tdtîa h -1 i-ie iO'-, \*leutiIli, satimîith At,, riîmîm fiarî %di- aîm s lm, aho lu empiy LundiS s b iing tiotaita l m ltlr. them fva ysairs afterlis death. Citaun - Iîtercep~ting titera, le dréw aut a knIfé c colt, J. Jones of Waukegan and John andil îrc-atened tbém with lit. Shé bold -i1,mlrstc ltthé,irm0f('I>0e *W'iare going t i) mm'ot ie u- liroXr'e out lie suigi m itli I Boe lCiaoaemade e c he yourg man I-o leave. Aftér thé lie-- 12Fdrl streetClitirtisltre.-coir, Charei- tglsssîmb, Ucomr cfChicgo re eecu-I rigmî, i-n tti tiRoîund tLaki-oThursday -l'ie attegel actions (m Il i lmiEt -n ritied thé buineîîss taîîîuýhPîl b> hlt tor c té stte ta bnd b In s iaruré o!th youe man, shae lttm moý itiiiii N utthétone of Mr-s tîirird aIllie conuilderedil, i. mi\ na; laitier. Of Mtr. Itîgatta' war irord flxed et $3400000 but under the terme rns'Idbr ht h'oudtot t '-~î-ji-llin, t citfe(t on thé big'm --mt nf liS tîmoire walti hesalit lmtér. of thé wil l te>'are not requlred to go witli hMIor nobody. s\\ cnn but1).oldih t1 lt ubti. tra t WsMrîe èe furnîsli an>' securit>' on their bond. T la-inîîî 'Itegabu oo'fa.Scurtng i titmér- cloue of tIt-l, wr liried e retuîe Thie willl&l an unusuall>' long anc. ,&,-i, ohihng ttîigilo' e Thm tIe rvoe n r si b~ott es'rowed toa aIpoint abliu' t lits] agcnts of the I)l, ,,tmiito! 1fl ls fltm f,,.je li "oiem revhes an> htausmde. I816 IIAIJb SUIT a(.ofeeci labore where they caut 1-1 t ie, îOllecting data regacmîîxîgmoulir-t 1" ketnadsaîî feraîbf Piî rcliealem> erua ,Ii i,-,fasîd trices. wil l e h--i-Ito Oh- fîîr tLaad it> S. 1I. fleur the cils' o! The pesefît wll was nmade aut Mardi 0 D! n io bjg lme o onelgetaininîfomtionconcernm i gfieEt-in lîm 1- -r leopnd ewl îti aortiraivlyré IS T DEr, SlED, ,rtaiiilzhdtforinmeatdo -mi ao tngtie ,msilice tod Ttr i oî'e neeriencîné anyntuck. 1- Gr-nt ni tter tioîî,ardeit5nOlaci utcion Otwiirr>store, About a y> c abter lie re, O\crh'. ila . Jones and Char- ufai RC sr, Mr. Alanîs bal succet-dod in tt v sitlemént of thé anitrtrsiuit, 'r les B, Hicks, ail employés or thé Fiat lKI J i l iitliree atI sAdamu dt akgnadwsuie National bank of whlcb .Mr. Siéele ua oi i as ucu'u. Sh a ' iairae1 î-s E'mille XMurray. primlent. Thé second item directs thé I ei tglt none, but she made a firm ré- B IISG T'I-to bswfet eiuCtnadcn payment of ail just débteanad funerai -dite filîatccrlieancbefore ber bushaîtd Il' LAK IL til ii iiituies thi-re for abotut a gxpenses. Thé oather Items ln bu-le! Husband of Womnan Who W as- cauglit aigother. Site uphéld ber dé- ÂYIn ar lot get Thoni lie iisîtosel o! bis are as follows: In raan n DtI la .l forTkuaIlIew moments ter thée1 tr n eurîd IoXatea RD TE --. e atoobie 'te thé obewandr t hé $3,500 A CRE F R soeadrtre a Wuea be eTHIRd teM-iea utomobile Are wes..p'ar.Plthcari-o uthé obbhe and sAhe ri ahère hé bécamé a parteer of bis lueaiuetbéd te dagbtr Are *.-s.p.uend ofith bInewuI a salai fT AT $1 l«,ter ln the jewelry business under l-O-itch ad lt!M-and ng apuarélorne hitltriun hîaftv tu lîir usbato tii À $ ýli irunmeo ,.F nglsand menteita sn. hbuanlpronlon0ACIIE MS SOK i sAhe diGssueeraiued ta lier t îtroîîer. Net sa ver>- long aga I-be FIFTH ITENI -Vartous valuable _____et InthéetbcilThé sullen motion cne-fth - -ascane t n tileceg of5rMai egato in the ciI-y. Includ- Crpldl.ADcae i loi turni-i the lioat i Edgar Uihlein Purchases Land aéothfrmwsbngl1t- Ing thé telhome, garage and Iîm- Ci ite ua-and D m tri 11another tmomen!thé ecouple wéré Frogallso DrothadMis e ersa0téfru ts n pîroeétg. now used aum thebornte- f~ eîh sNtî- struggling in file chmlng watér. Thé CaniMs.raBîdgetansdiM el. year aga theaul Thrsdan stedi, logether wlîh iîIt îouslîolî hbsiauil craspmuilhi- i ole. and hélpged areBogt.-Isdd AyraatstTudy gouda, furniture. Pîcturés. books and pi'oved Since Ordeal. 10 thé aide of thé overlurned boat Xt1 nal arelMs taMct trie a-brac ta thé on and daughter as _____neither could swuim, but théir Iloess- i I nglamridMsEleak joint enantsbut flt agi enantein mlnt struggles lepItiîhem freim slp- NORTH 0F LAKE BLUFF. iurss. [le lettres basides bis wîdow, coint ont bt a s eat eWauk@gan. Sept. 24. îing unler théetai-es. - 1-ja-eitildli y is tirsI- wifé and an In- SIXTPI-tTEM-Sum nf StéoQo obc. Jolin licharasott wes le town Ioda>' For a long lime fitsééméd, to them 1 uglfn oiafé éIsaowieh quabdta sari for support sud mrain- frogm Chicago. and. aftler tranmacting ttey lung ta thé boat and caltel St Iin Wih aeWas liI ln thé Chilcago hospital. Hé tennceun-illiéreelva ie bra s mo nme businésashèrs, loft for lRo~und îoudîy for liélp. Thé bout lépt turc-1 Henry 'Iodgett PurChased aisoi baves Ihree lirothers, Charles, annuai Instalîment from thé net in-jî a look Ibtémle f ng about and finally théir bandaeae O o' comeof he xpIaned loo th mater f t@grew numb fromnI-the constant train Many Years Ago. JmsadGy caeo -e rs sate . s xpaîe1 sale of tifs obd store building whîcb oe holding ta thé aides of thé orafit. he yIfrain SEVENTU ITEM-Samé asount b'- orcupied when hé was runnîng I-be SoI-h slituîd away. Thé buahand 1Too large imit-a realty lalong Séveral wéeks ugo thé many frienla gie aduhe1store Ibère provieous ta thé sensational managél tafiueép bis héad h aaeins -Irvngîsweestheet ltr EIGHTH ITEM-Inte its Item theél'aie rall-idicg casé. Waler. Thé wife continued er strog- 1 luc thsmare fi-'rdintrncatins! un llt rItîal condItio. Hé ta legon folowicg bequesta are made: aies 10 kéép ber body afloat. Socion te ati'.ti i iay.Indctn n fhiscil onaviptrorm elat hén To m>' cousin, Margaret Elle Doug- Mr. Rchardson, It la recalled. was ber strugglés seéméd to céase, Still nouai atvt uta section, Mrae. -ta Chicago t aeprom- hth las, wile of R. J. Douglas, $5"Q. fcrié ta abandon business in Vole as théelbody floatéil. Thé bgusbacd con- Sctt Duranî and ltée Boldgétt éstate'sîpposed was a simple opération. lit To m>' second cousin, Anna M. Fox, a resuît Of théeIrouble, bing entre. tînuéd bis efforts. have sold to Edgar Uihlein, who lias awas titén taIfit was reulized that hé $2.500. cizél b>'tbe people of I-be commucîI-y Thréé employésatithé Armour Ie - lasi wsueni-rofmi tatecf 2 res hewas sufférina o! a rnuch more serionus To my second cousin. Charles H. le bnnehéard falot cries for belp com-tetewSmosatrcof2ars Vox.,1112.6011g.followlng thé indictmnt and -rial or lng écrcnssthé surfacé of Ihé lake and haing a froîttage (It 100 font on Lake aliment, In fact- biscondition wi< ta To m>' sécond cousin, Edwau-d H. thé womén who wené found guilty of looklng out I-bey saw Ihé over4urned Micbgan and exfotlîiug back ta Wau- serions that songeons for nomne tîmé Fox, $2,50Ô1. ldicg Mus, Ricthardson on a rail bi-.iboat and bodies ln I-ue watér.un oré« kegan (Sheridant I rostan ud thé Chi- bellitatedl about operating. For sev-1 To my second cousin. Georgie F. cause thé>' disapproved of ber conduet thé mec, Frank Buosky, leaped c ago & Miliwaukee Etectrie line. wlihichî oral weéks hé rémaîned at a Chicago To Roert . Doglas.Jr. 2,50. wiu réfrenc to br tîotbé-In-aaskiff andl begase r0wit0alte the IéPurchaser plaît-mta Improve mi Clakewif ofEla Clrke $2500ta er roter-n-lwdue o! thé couple. Hé was followéd dîstél>' witb a huîmîsmîme country'iontéie. losital and Il was net nilsurgeons f4INTH ITEM-Ail thé restio!fI-eXVm, Dunnill, by Péter Thompeon and Paul Tohé lc Thé dousiiiermitm'f paid for the tractI announeel theré waa no hope of ré- reltaé béquetheil "ta my frIenîs." ýRichardsonu bter tmavai l isstock t0a arow boat. lias not. been îicelovî,ut lut ias rn- rover'filt hhéwaabrough-totats Cliauncé>' J. Joués and John Boomer Clticago wlieré, ou Soulliport avenue, XXi-en thé rescuérs arrived, thé bus- portél about ii-car gago tbîM h-lc me in Wý'aukegan, and their nuccessors le trust. and réeo- b spective hein,. administratou-s and ho d.poas.d o! most l!î.i-téHelabel>' band was on thé point o! giving up bis Durand liIhu-ii l aitoffer of $5,00oi Fîr the tast two or three wéé'us bis a s- tq~r aîl neranma-truggle. Thé bat rowél b>' Bronsky an acre for a 25 i cro tract, lconidtion liaut growîvo orse constant- signa, but subject* te*or thédis fnlrtowingatwas Ihé flrst ta reacb thé scène. Thé Miss Carri,'ii.mcilo! Waulkegaris1,munIiiodrlmtlu iltléf trusts: >ho will do ni ouinîtin uwervel the boat around and - negotiatel lithe iifom ber relative-iirtatlemih e rm Fit-su h trustées shalpsy thé net ieHé and biu wife bave liéen kéépbng todhiI-e mni ta grasp thé sténo. TienIanitltndrmiitleu-pton-i ttuunisoapuitth Beni annual incarne o! thé trust éstate ln tlsudrio herpri Ifi a iii lniea osbe h on théeinlOf Januuany and thé tiret a!fhouséeter sitîce Iho>s-ny Cli Ionsky startél ta heîp Ihé éxbaustéd Iletatwotimicsadta h> ilic arcme hebol !tr- man lI-to thé boat. About I-bat timé ilsécuré$3 iti-i ln ie land, ou- $3,3tlilv)dan Roal on wbiclihé eIvel sa that al Jlt>'eticl yéau- I-othé son and dagugte- -cage- iheatiter boat arivéiaeced.îmfi ot ae atl nté tem ln equal ahanés. ilit Ver>' Nervous. As thé réacuers graaPed thé man. n cr.Bauglit ut $7 mn Acre. I mirou-. h% t ae nte Secoîud-Thé trustées shall on1thé-1It 1lu recallel fibat, Iuring the trial, ho- hegan ptealhng: Ti anlî( ttm lisdma> - air lIs s lnary ada u> s bcl m îhnsnwa éFoowE~ bavé my wife, dont minI me, do't aiuo y Juîge liîllttfor $7 an'acre. h tuiian raéotm alait odeur trrettlirée yéars aftu-er e1Nr.RihrsnIs evu -ei l ait i i raeotms deciase. estimaté thé valué or eacTheliTlexpérience at Vola and it-lat fol-minI mq. l té uuI, i iîyasté'hvemthlteimtDi-ulrdyh ol Thé two men then sécunéd thé body'beI-ie prîl,tr fit s valey bae' n "lit this wife1 is lierudéat oulde Item i-f thé trust éstate and loch estI--llowed, couseil ber I-o liconue I11 and, o! thé woman whlch mas fleatluugicbel f i i irté. Titislu bslé - olu visiitîl a ib o ueD rn g maIed valués siailhbl nding upon ail ccording ta NflînRichardson,mile lias about on thé. maI-eu-. crlae 34: iiai.Ti aeI-m l aepasfrftr.D pensons mbo may lié I-len lntenestéd ln donsultéii a doctor twuce a miel éever Thé bousteIhec maIe fior thé shoreaugurates teimitial mot'éeteit in titi vi'tr'Iuig orleals. his mife mbo 'lie trusot estaté and shall psy and s c whère tbe work o!fu-viving Mna. procent>- along iI, lieg shore narthIlh0 .wlces-- ohpIme ale tom veu on-itîf ! th trst staé -Adams began, but It uas fourni that ltiak lfititlts'all Il ,,ifrontfi rot ln cash or propeuty aI- sucli estImaI-éd "Shé la net Improved xéry mucli," masl ue@less, Lire was apparécti>' ox ageéln Lake Blumff aind Lake Forest m, îte-fa1rn valués I-o Ihé on and daugten le saId Mn, Richardson as hé tol o! tbé tinct. havina licen di-. îîsl e! soeéu-jie Mmd Ber Unconciaus. equal gitanes.. nervous effet I-be rab-rlding épisode Déput>' Coroner El Conral 'o! Ibis ago. Thé tract îtmmîlved tu thé ires l'or fileétast titrée on four layisMu-. Tbiud-The trustéles shal on I-be hal on br,@e.lti- was callé ta préside avoir thé le- ent sale !ornîîîlthi,- ou-lbpart of! Mrs Iglsblbé no lu.A Januau-y lot A jujy lat uhîcli shah bret. tiest wmilutwas bell ai Round Lacte IDurnd's Cmli Trois farme and adjoinsIglsha enucoslu.A occur rive yéau's afler bis décessé put> Suit flot Dropped. Ibis aftennoon. Thé verdict of thé thé 400acre rt î- nown as Laite-1 tintes lis frienda Ihouglit hé régalced and turc ailer l thé trust éstaté then Itlalurecald that white thé Volo cooér'a jury wusaaccidentel déatb, Woods, owned blilime syndîcaté opéraI emsciousness fer a fie' moments bIrb remaining Ilà thélr bande I-o I-e son wmrne we founî guilt>'and finel Duina thé Inquest tlie husbacd éd b>' thé remîtîs irîtu of McGulre a s lie nffered no aigri o! recognition and daughter lueéqual shares. pt nny showel ha éemotion ami Once Onu-. they coul not lié sure. On I-be a>' Fourti-te caséeItbe son or daugltér $100 éach for IheinIréaI-ment of hem, sIitte: "T ulalufil wéu- me I-bat thé>' Twenly-Eeight Acres Sold. alitîldié ai an>'ligme prier ta thé lié- I-hé flnes latér being suspendel on wereboling tée lnquest over Instéal ThéeIhrcile îtliîvîving couti shore lie tapsel htItilestate o! coma, hé trIbution o!f1the ubalé or an>' part of neiluesI- o! staI-'s attorney' Dal>'.thaI- o! my déar wlfé." acréage lulmaohiwereli>'Ernest- M. rallemi R. J. Doiuglastu, one of isdear- I-be trust, estaté, léavlng a wlfé On Mr Ricbau-dson bal alu-ady filél a Bowrnan, seeretary o! thé Bowman est friénîs, ta bis bédeldé, ansd tobI husband. child or chilîdren, thé pa>'$11-100 esn]daaesi gint Gog ariyo ihln ai Dtgr opn.acurdfot .1hmh hdpse gn0ih n monte bérélnbefore providél shaîllié ,0beloa amg si aantheore rI' !HgmanwI Pahrcort , Dla'mpeny .bburqualtracfu-mMe ir ébl28sé oa n maIe b>' trustéestosuri ulfe. hus.I-be womec uho maltratsd ber liaI he a bmt o r rceetyWlIm er uibrthrctc 8naI- héwas sure lé uculd get botter bad hl r lrn r fsc ae uy gt Tesi a ol thé custody o!flis four chldren. acres aI- Ihé nortit end of Lake For- bacd.prietlorthe iu-en; o f rihae Jilcmtatial-. é It bas neyer ieau arraligcéd éhorireCouet> Julge est on Green Ray road. adjacent te thé from I-at trne. Hé askéd Mr. Doug. lIe pnor -o hé isribtio cfthecam Io tial>'é. X- aled 1on the kVersoca tola>' sol uas ordérol te pma'country' éstaté of Edward S. bMooré. las I-o vîsit bim ever> dey ai be whole oran at> part of mY trust staté lochet ever sincc. Aiked g bout t. Superviser T. M. Clarke a! Higitisu vice présîldénI-o! the. Rock lotndy-tîugtlwcdbephmracbi I-be pa mnts shaîl bé mas te othér80dss nuhItwl epbiargnbs e! sa ' 5ldé.i f1a, lhrsedcae ltI > ema5Park $30 monthl>' touard te iniporI-tetou, thte casideratlon hOia Wlecneld.msrgt.T1MrDuunlua- or ai t Ie b lrppe, ~ tha bi tcfthé childu'e. (aurit>'bu ervedlit la undérstoid I-at ireiaeuty tu ibis ithough Mr. IngIIII&IS neyer agaiui ré- leavlng a wlfe or a itushand. ithild o uI abedmpfadigt i tfteenl, ayh lu Jolilon a vsgrancy viclnttyla valuél d etuesé $m 2,500c ebildrec, te Ioate I- hédivîded equml>'. wuhieboudalréadY tbila uéek Commltei chasrge and baufive Isys Umete mal p.oo an acre. . oacied hlm. Sibh---in casé thé soc and daugiter bar Iauyer uho toIt ber the CaMe iké- serve. Thé court gave hlm MMb, Qek The. tract la imprevet ultk te Lits Hung9 Dy Thread. mend itthe ether persoaswbe uculd 1 emieteButpylgoi v lqno fhe .e li iorth i-fidy«bl odto hé entUed te receivé paymenti, tho 1>' Voûd lcoma up at the Oote ero r 15t atmgaie t l bit ol'*noit; dont tel<h s eso!uit hW rl-- e la eieus lat Idi onwutex. die t an>' tilceprier ta thé dimne fizedcf 0ceurt aIt WaUiogan.rt>itlae ho eîl10dO tts0ocp'wibhméémeouoilaIahuaex for thé final distributioc lei ate "Wle Intendteil"ta 51bthei éte e ébut wu adavisel I-o IbId be ttéor e Lbgýb h.,lt jeit bapce l me omul.R lateb I-o gaeeéIuecu addis- ver>' lmt," saMtRiciardion, adding: ' Harry 'Pututainof Ubortyvlll v ý 5eInkeepint i b olft cet éxpected le -live fréoiee heur tributel almeng thé persecs uhe weld 1*1 fonniit necessr I aCloue got Myi mère, LoWs GmaIto a, i ty, Thé Hb tkIhu .te the nemit, but pau«mos olf ta strng ~be hoieat la ut! theé bath of Mu-. 9teele hadt ocerret on thé datée!fthél steck lu ChlSao et a a cnils eo4«ils l kI t saumTburm >. *Mbuisl mmeng Ith e less et lse censtitution hé bal s réuakablo vi- -destI of te lait one of surit persens. Itcget lte nemmar>' mone>' tà p*thé .ue mch béut bon - J»Y ruumt Isving aqls!téuçtsytalit>' uhiçistOgOd hula od steal. la <ther uttrdathé saine bolf hnbaliat l>a i t v*ué *10= .etro Soto~i mU.' Hl@ War Reoisi. ufisdiilt5lte. a f adt,« gtottetO«Wel i thèfer e 1ý le April, 1898, Robert M. lagafla, la ~. I.. 8 tréatel 1Mr Ufé aU d t btWbu-u go i0~ 1 o ua"m14 wbléçeu Orhome." - g 1M1â*lai--1 <i iio Pm- - lah5 BHi of Complaint Is Filed by aý L IE R A b Number of lnterested Zion CL IREED ARIPJ CityResidents. NAMED JUDME VICE i .rit or In iu ction rosi raitili)Lz 9 W' ('C ARL SWHT E b r Oleonn Volica front tm or different jmailis in Zion Cir,. w a, a s IAf L SWIIT Pd for In a bill of comumiaint ttted in il lrait court N%(ednesdIas p. ni i *cae Govcrior Duinne Makes Long- ifr Williami Tanibting. et ai %' Tho Expected Appointment in ity of 7Àon. Those behind Mr. Tanim- Timre f or October Term. i;' antd wtîose namî-q apmear on thte tmilt of complaint are: WIlIiam H-. llmht, Frederick E. BVII rudit nEOWARDS TO OUALIFY AND týimnmons, tora K. ttellowu, Charles P. BE JUDGE IN TWO DAYS. ie, tmw and V iltlam Il. Fuhry. In til,, t,!lt of complaint it la set DaiIy Sun GesheFrtW d firtm that att mit th. defendants ptur-ad n es the MessageWor 1,o Ii . on ('ils-front the late adCnesteMsaet tir iiowie atnd lus wife. They pur-I Judge Edwards. ea-.o Ille lots con the clleven hundred 1 car Iase cplan andtin thoe l eases I lonitac n on the aigvqin ré- tIi-- ctai tm Iri t forth that the îîarks cficed this telegrain from i ti. ttîriog. in qti.,srloîî siot](1reoain adjacent t, Pfeldtomrrespiondent- tl.î ili- opris Ttmc clitotItat ail <GOvernor Oîinne today appoint- o- th.-e 1tt 14 '11oIltle tplats or cd Claire C. Edwarde of Wauke- lotFthatweresel al he Tpir gar, Judge of the circuit court in I o~ ht eeaedattetiti hî the aeventeenth Judicial circuit f0 ,iiilimaint noss iat \¾itli% abs (le- auccecil Chas. Whitney of Wauke- ciered tiose arlis fmi hoprivaiteprioip- gar deceased. erli andt is siubdlsidlng theni Into Tlîus. lthe appointment te titt the va. -Ii.uil trmc.-.and it îposing of theni, rancx caused hy the dealli ot Judge This (i1oi conend epreiat (' harle,, WhitneY éome months ago the, aieof theircots nd dePecask has bleen inadie andl the prolongei the vlue ! ther tuu undtby a-k umpîaign for the office waged hy var- tîmat Voliva and th1e City officials of iûuq aspirants la endeil. MIon hé restrained front tbe plan. It Judge Tdwards, for hé la now a çaul- ha. been known for sorne Uitile tîrne fleigel judge, was one 0f those Who that *hia action was planned. a$Pire!d 10 the position and hé lad _____________ the hacking o! a goodly numiier of eitzenas and attorneys. He ana bu» ~~Ifrtend. ueémed confident for a long BOOS ER NLtII~4II el hy thé gotiernor while other candli- tiatesthat s o l losttaieonfIe slt- 0f REPUBLICANS dTe apiteto r s&d IIELD ON SATURDAY hih 11atorny lay sie In the race for te appbintmont were included these men, -Bolie of Republican Central Commitfel, them as avowed candidates. otkeB BD and Successful Candidates toreste furI-hered b>' thelr friendu: Hold a Dinner. Judge Persoas tcounty judge.) Paul MacGufIBn. Clarence Diver. ALL EXPRESS OPTIMISM. HomérOocle. Ju#é D. LU Joues. Atty. Schumakér. Declare That From Prospects Peare bail beau held that. beeause Nothinq But a Republican a, man>' Lake County men sought the Landslide Can Be Seen. despitthe fact that that county W ________bas a Judgé. However, It Beelés thilt Govérnor Dunne feit otherwis. mnd 'The Lake County Central commît- delayed bis Belection until héovWU teewere houasai a roat béef dinner réady to pick a Lake Couni>' man for glv n this noon In thé grill room of thé position. lthe Parlli FHouse. Commitéemen 1Su Tel da& from practleally every precinct In theé h Sun astee £diwa. couiy were tîresent thirty-flve Bit- TéSnwatéfrtiiWuea ting down Lu the spread. In addition to ber défioitél>' of thé a.ppotiiutaS.t tii th e committee tbère wéré a num- Immediatel>' Mr. Edwards was loca" ie, .fté uc0fu euhia alaithé Elkis club. filte s ezu rpbiancn How are fou, Judge' Bsallia renor- Thé affuju- mas ln thé cabure of a booster meeting talinîrngthé répuh- licuns o! thé count>' togeI-eluén a dloser bond of sympaîli>. Prom ex- pressions maIe b>' thosé présent It ls ver> clear I-bat I-be sIrent of I-be Republican part>' ls na gréaI-as evér and ait Ihé coming léectien ln Novém- ber t.u'té Count>' again will sftep Int thc téal as the banner i relubîIcac crunt> o! thésI-aI-e. Al Ibosé present expressed the1 greutesI- confidene In thé prospects. Some o! thé oldér anes présent recal- éd thé many y>eans cof their allegiaci ta- the G. 0. P. and dil not liésîtate I-o lecture f bat I-hé prospects never tooiel brigliler Iban aI présent. Thé>' t ilicted a hweîmlng Républican vie- tory. Thé dlîîner provel sucli a sueceBs tiýat it wîîs lcided b bal a simbar aflhr lnthie sume hall nexI- Saturda>' a I-hé sumé hour, At thal timé cal rt'tv thé pu-écluct committéemen and tc surcesfuil repubtican candidates m'tt, tie lrésent but also thé deféatél candidîates as itla l~ t their ussishance la neeldin reatorîng thé népubliieu pati,-Io Its former prestige. Amnong théeî-andidates presenI- ut the linner mus former congresman George E. Fosa hlm . Foss gavé a abort IaIkln in ch hé expressel ahtII. misnu. Thé ladies o! thé O. E.S. sers-el thé houepr und meré tendénél a voté o! thanita for lteir splendid efforts, POSTOFFICE IS NOW TO (iIVE OUT DATA Hereafiér l il Ilibe possélileI-o oh- tain Information négarllng parcel post raté, zones, etc. ovér I-le téléphonut from thé postoffie. tn thé pasI- thé postal authou-liés havé discouragel thé givlng out e! ln- formation aveu- thé téléphoce b>' pou- t clerks, adIitwuaImpossibile to gel Information coccereing mailt mal- ter except ln cases e! extreme nece- st>'. Poatmasters havéeu-ceived an orlor froin thé pestai authantti«es t Washington lustrunnhlm tut thé department mou authorsiaem the gtlag eut o! lefermulnaon pareelpil Mtaes, motaIeof paéking, etc. The crIer 0ce>' dove.ý the »mrdé} Pett, mand 18iiiueLap. a recult cfthé oaIabllshmemlt4f uth bM 'ts h 0ftieè ter. 'What's that?"'ail Judge Eluarda. 'Heven't iiou béard" ua5 a'aed. "NÔ, uhat la I?"' "You'vé liéenr camél Judge," wu I-hé nepl>'. "tlaI-bat right?" askéd I-be eau judge. .'Haven't you beard cf il yét? wu asked. "Wall, I iéard soméI-icg te thut ef. féct. I-is morncng but il uasn ct dolta- t,qe Have >'ou get word direct frein fipricgflel&" queriel thé 'floujudge as bia vaicé liftel and i be ntural Bal-, isIactian uas Oéée. Whén I-aId liaI thé Sun hai t récla- éd a Ielegram, hé caturaîll> us plés»- éd and matisliéd. ý1 liaI oatur&bl>' boPéd for- tbe place and are glad o! ceu-se titl1Ibave béen named.'1 'WiII you tale it?" musél thé re. porter. 'i guéas I wiII." ssiI hé aithaut mn>' hésitatIon. "Willlng la givé ut) Youn practicé te bpcciînicircuit Judge?- asked lhé re. porter. "'tes. lbmnéven réal>' and williOg tu du thal. Takes Charge le Few Dey&. Judgé EluarsiutIl assumé thé po. sillon left vacant b>' Julgé Whltléy Inlsilé o! a coupbe o! laye. Ail the formabit>' Ihat la ncessar>' ta for im lé file hi5 s lu o! oflIce with lte mec- u-tanv o! BIaIs. uhîcu autornatlcajly' makes hüm circuit Judge. Hé <II49 ouI- thé oatb as aconn I-be fermai uio. lice camés fnom Govérner Duan&e Thé latter abould lébêe ethla aller. noce on tomau-row mormng. Jîudge Edwsnd7s fa11 that it ucull ho abottwtuada>'s beoere hé uaullhé es'-r mally in I-be position of circuit julgo Thus, b>' thé appelI-tmont. julge Edwards wulîlibe I-hoeéWho ufIl 514 aI- thé Octeber terra e! thé clu-cut court uhicit hégina October 5th, Mes- day. Il hue beau.It aH1aag Ibat thé governor wuuitnaie a mac fer thé Place In tluiigfor bim te mit at ltée Oc- I-aber terra et court. Il thus la appasr- ent that Bncer. mbus plans In mak- ,Icg Iho appedalment rigbt ceu aid. tunieal «O ouiet lie othél'pules ihavlng to oe.. hou-o on thé Stit. jobg Siluards ullitakesbhs seat asdol pmé court. JImGEs WAROS' LIFL Msr. Clair.C. Uduarda lua amm02» of Lai" efflsU. avmg beau ibeis M the Toea et AvOu. nm '&uumt 8151, lm. lot. ,,. duards vua Sas' m>'W of the mueut Pm!ile the Board e Sof viéé wardm' caseer ila taI- of a western hu>'u. ne ano* d 0- , Oolhndom~i , 5.