CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 2 Oct 1914, p. 4

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~II1e Gunty lildependent Waukegan Weekly Sun Office Tlephone Number 1, kibertyvite Exchange. ftmed At the Pomtofflos at bibertyville, Ill., as Second Class Mail Ilatter Officiai-Pap-erfor -Lake County. bw»md Every Friday. Adertiming Rates Made Known on Application. OJB8ORIPTION PRICE. 31.60 PER VEAR STRICTLY IN AOVANCE W. 4. SMITH ............................. .1...................................... Editor or. a. SMITH ...................................... ........................... manager M. qJ. WEBER .......................................... Regdent Manager, Phone 68 Poor Teddy. Se han been shoved off the. front page of the newspapers by Kaisr Bill, Czaar Nicholas, King Gea., President Poincare anid orne of the. lesser potentates that are telling their boy to dis bravely. It is unfortunate, at this trne, Wen he la campalgning for the. Demo- ..< didna/ 5eauâ of Ciéderyvvlle 10F BEACH FOU"D m Wm. auxWISe IJOSPITAL Wm .MPridau cfS.Pî,Mi, 8 eoînt Wednesday a@ th@ 'guest of E. A. Bishop and fauîily. Mr. and Mm. Le@ Witney spent the latter part of la@% week wltb C. A. Bes. wick and faily la Delavan, Wl.., and a&e attended tbe Elkhora tair. B0W DELLS ANS SEORIE ia. TO RACE AT NILE TIACK FOR $1 SIDE sET Earl Wright, Beach Station Young Man, Located in the Insane Ward of Emergency Hospital in Mlwaukee. PICKED UP ON SUNDAY. la Unable to Tell How N4e Got There-L.arge Number Who Had Enhlted in Search Were CuJied Baok. BEINO TAXEN OUT Numbers at BlothCounty an, City Offices Show Increase .Over Other Seasons. Wueasept. 26. That Intereât ln houtlng thIs se- son la showlng greater features than: ln fermer periode, le proven by thel Vreat nutnher of licenses that have beau aued to local nlmroda duning the 12 days that have elapeed oince. the openioz of the huntlng beamo, 50e6. 15. At botb the offices of tbe city cloit and the county clork the licous«a is* oud durlng the 12 days bave aehôvu muclh large figure. than in formr years. At the city offices there has bees a total of nearly 200 lIcenses laued; e the offices of the county clent there ha. beert 132 lIcences l.sued up te date. It la beffeved that every man ln the etty who possessed a llcense was fol-, on Sunday, Hundrede of the nlmrods were out. 3tmny of the local hunters mnade trips fer Into thé, ecounty, epend- lo'g the day fn the region of the lakes througbout the county. That there bas beau piactlcally no violations oft he hunting laws reported s0 far titis season le declared te be due i te advanced education gaine>! hy the nmajorlty of hunters loto the de- niands oet he' govertiment under the new !ederal gamne law. fi 14 thought iliat none of the lînoters are taklng chances of coing a-fleld wlîlî(log and gun withot bcbIg provlled in the way of a liconce. # Nio repoirts or tavcIdenit o lil i tieen recvlveil se far thfs sea.4oiî I ujiter are î roving .carefi TIIREE OTJIER BIDS ON AUDIT 0f uauun. * ~~~Folloem r.ot barnesaraclng la Lberty- aeanSpt2. ville aud vcinity wlll he tornished a trent akguSet1. Leua than haif of the persona in the city of Chicago are in their favorte "port Bit week Katul- The quet for Eari Wright, the engaged in gainful occupations. 0f those 10 years old or day, Oct. 10, whso John Hanion'a "Bow Elcot Station young men who«had older 56.6 per cent are engaged in work. Âccording to a Belle' an>! J. <lackea e or»ge a.,. been mtyolterbouely misailg mince race nt the mile track ln Liberty ville for let Saturdoy, endced today when forthcorning report of the, censu bureau at Washington a side bae.t f100. ho wmio feund In the psychopathie there are 996,MS persona in Chicago who work for a live- l will ho remenibered that at the Word ot fte Emergency hompital lihood. They comprise but 456 per cent of the population recent Lake County fi in the special leI Mllwrauke.. Searchlng parties reoorded at the luat census. 0f this nuinber 759,778 are trot on Thursday, Row Belîsan>! Georgealwore recmled and those who hmd maie and236811 re emals.i. were fore>! te trot an extra heat t>) plmnend te .nllmî le the search thie malean_23.811are_____s decide the winner. Five boat@ ha>! ien afternOCff werme otifled thet ho rae>! and ecd of these herse. ha>! wcn had boomt Iocated. A littie courtesy among autoists who have these strong two. lu the. declidleg heat Bow Bel ' ho Sun called the asmitant electric headlights: DIM YOUR LIGHTS when driving in won ava ertil i argin, and se those superlntendernt ef the Emergency the country when meeting another car. It's hard to get wlîî attend itiiniest next Satnrday wilI optlbleehn heatr inîubtedly se>' a liotly contleste>! aid noon and was îefnrmed that the average driver accustorned to domig t, but, if everyone udnWih a ae otehsia g g > > "Y ~~~~~~~~ce.»race. Th ii'sde h..t îîîîte i ndi'atee rgtwmtkn eteheîa wbo lbas them will foilow the plan in a short trne "every- blat loth Hanlen, ani (lacten bar>' eb>' the Milwatikee police last Sun- body'il be don' it>' and it will be mucli safer criving in the gîeuîi'înflileneo in tfliir herse to beat day whon ho wae fourni near Six- cou.ntry.' 11 got every third machine to dim the light by 1thi>eotlier. teenth and Clybourne sireets ln a diiingmine every tixne I approacheci one last evening,'> dazcd condition. H. was placed sad neing t ody MISS ELIZABETH QMILIARDI ha. ,et been necessary 10 place DIED ON lUER 15TH1 BIRTlIDÂY hlm in actual cetraînt. it a Lake county again lias corne to the front at thýe state _____neceeear.y for a close watcht> 1 be fair in the matter of agricultural exhibits. It just goes to Eizahetî. the second daniriiier of Mr. kept on hlm. show ail that is necessary is to have SOMe individual land! lire arlii Gagliardi, whl esidi eimdatonat'rlinrg thaItiihe take'sufficient interest in exhibits to the fair and BroadwayLvlibertyville, paiacd awaY lit 1Iiidaeyatr].I sholnghcm An, tat> wht "hory>'Miler as bee hr hui und~rîar eveninîr a>tte, %iiîg macn s sai onlie, Mlwaii kep ShowigthS.And, hat' what"ShorybMller ias bei m e n at.>' an iii... (if>utiii e>itution the rc.latîc at once iett doing those past few years-he's been colecting Lake ' 1 i, -TI' ., air mouIl T eJý,a-d w os ftte i ttake lb il i ome te i ii i. Thelr county produce and taking the trouble to take theM to 'a Weil taown l i iîîî-'s an, s>as bou in belît l that lie r.d-t hav e ridlîied Springfield where lie placed them alongside exhibits fo seual ep 7.14f> îî a e at> mobiî îî u italîle i ici>lfe- other counities.Elier>>v i 1,. witti lier paren ts a nun iler w li i.ileon St o , atenlm te MI- _____________ofcI eua iiiea lapse or mas uî ieunable te H-er ul>'th oi îur>ril .Septelmisr -r 27îh nd lits aay home al iii> îadered about Gen, Villa lias now revolted against President Car- ius t,ë inte>shrtofbolgýflti i oý trets ail c>i, onig until Le raza. This news is nothing surprising to the world. Ev- i >u iu.theii>'nlIifji ber irîliheiugi ',"'bau>!id hefi 1luvin~g day. erybody fMilexpected sucli a tu.rn ln the Mexican situation. > ~l »in h ve!riii>. and ho'r diathî(_x.- 1.ccordiiig te iL. e ur( of tlhe es- l)own there it's always a case of "I arn It or I declare a norolii .. i' .a» taleîions n: ittai auihiti,t t tir' iitioii et thci revolution.'> Villa tried to make it appear all along that m"., aîl oh tjnI ntutho uMXîrovbeia -ýel , t 010. 1 V i' tintt.lime o lie was fighting for a CAUSE rather than individual aspir- 'in ciiciei hî.%ter r.unîgfîtheliii ad i erely alrprar,ýi ilnhe "simple,* ations, but people generally feit ho bimself was eyeing the hosptlîi s'le .e si-eiledt4 >ettinu onor childishi.' Iisu deuntia ait the presideflt> chair rather than seeking it for Carranza. And me",i but a rlais>. uiuitirred ahiut aipréent it Troca iniXe i voilent tiru the poor Meicans are being used as the tools. It's about w"k b~ie lier death. The direct can@ýai ayt time and tI miay hobe rce,4sary «me tha sonienationstepf litorSA E THE EOPLE.t>iheculosiis, having te seuil him lii sîiîie lipital for the fimitha som naionstep into AVE HE EO lee on trouiled uith enlargeîient ( if t iO.Jn. glands ofi lier tliiiat. W~rght lias licet oiiltenlng of epil- The appointment of Attorney Claire Ed.wards as cix'- jThim uerai servires were eondue-ted lis [ î>&sy for sono, ltie tfite an>d no bullies> cuit judge is flot entirely u.nexpected. It bas been in the Father Luttreil at StI.lîiphs Cailthîul.îfer Il ii-, mcciiir.ýi lai bc-n eniertain- windforsometim. Nauraly fiens o othr cndidtesfliemiiningt 1 o' e. HIils cetuiib eut lias hil ngrewlng windforsom tie. atuall frindsof the cadidtestheromains heiog carnie>!trou> the hone verse for boitte lîttie lie. Had lie thought their chances were good and not before the word te taecliarcli by nîcîhers et the Yoiung net becoutrounîd tnday his relatives came fromn Governor Dunne anybody know deftnltely.! Ladie. Sodallts:iit îvhîeà tihe deeeased pandlilîîcîacuci. at As circuit judge Mr'. Edwards should make good. Ho bas a a ne-aber. 8Ge of theunste asj nearîy as larg>v as that wlichi acoure>! bad extensive lega.l experience, ho bas been succesaful as iiowerbaarers au>! aller ths seryrep the te entire roîîtv for a missing Wau- Iawyr, . hs a ideacqaintnce an bisfrindsde-soiety.acompanied tIhe roains to Chii. kegazt weîîîaru several mentir a go. ;i awerhehasa ideacuaitacean hi fiens e- nwlere Fathen Luttrell lUless NanI Wrlgit. the misslng elare ho la eminontly qualified for the important position ais oe ceaducrte thtuâlat @ad!ieg over Etach I oung man turms ut> wfthin the iu every way. We predict for Judge Edwards a success- lthe grave in alrary cemetery. <nurse o! thie nexi day or two hie flamnttgnadwe wish him ail tue success that a AI friands are',rrepare>! te cenduet an fui~~~CR Odiitalo n F TI4ANKS uxtensîse ecarcli for him for' there fa man assuming siuch a position of important la entitled to. We wieh te liant ail eur nLihborsa, growlng fear tisat sometbing bas stae'sattrne canotfai tetak conizncoofan>! tieadi§for their assistante and 'bheuuaîîPaned te hlm. The staesatre antfv otk onz e fsmpathy shown ai la our rasent ho- Wright, Who la 22 years old, dîcai,. the verdict of the. coroners jury wbich stated inerp= aicreavemeas. Especially le we lhank Peare>! from bis home ith Beach fast >Worda tbat tue Nortu Cbicago mân's suicide wusiaseo Mesdames Poppenburg.Thomos.Brock. Saturday. At firtI nôo appralenso<n by asevre eatng hic a ertin ort Chcag poice mean.Boebhm ad Mr. and Mrs. Leati ,, feit hby hic relatives bfflsuse ho by seerebeaiùgwhih acerainNoith hicgo olie-an>! Theme Cadirsansd beret iaiseUIOloten hl>!wandas'ad awcr and had net umm gave hlm after arrestlng birn and taklng hlm te jail. te ail who gave ilnwets an>!thie young turne>! up for perhapc aut entir e dy. XàMhl Chiage officiais cannot afford not te take drastic LaieOda.,ty*. Ha usually stanteut n t e trtips action againstbirn-mere dischargo la ipsu.fficient, but os- C. Gagliardi an>! Faraiîy. sbIle suffering fronu an epfieptie nit ta suntial to tue proservation of tue city's self-respect. How- whlch be wai> cubjeet. e-rer, lt's hardly probable such summary action will b. ta- A WORD 0F APPRECIMIroN The young man aeemed ho bave a ken by North Ohicago's mayor because ho haln 't displayed FeaiDit we may net hoablhe te thaak mania for rlullngini automobiles. Mauy ach s lparsenally Whio ese>! la Jeont timas he meul>! atop autoetsInhalthe tue dosire to doal sumlnmarily with such matters. Thoro- EHanveut Roine. Fetil ltant Thunsday, roa>! an>! arj theni fer a ride,1 for, t soomi as if it la up tû one othor official who doesn't we wish throuscli the kiadnasa et your Thus wlien ha falled hoa arrive home lies tte lu such matters, namely, tue state's attorney. Any local parier le Ibu@ ppabltcly thaak yo Saturday evenlng ft was ah liret Offi« Wh unncesaril beas a risner fterge il. W>'are vary gratelci tu the liendm ticuglot that possibly haeha>! tartai offier ho nneessx'ly bats prsonr atergetîngwho responda>! te the appel and! wa out on another of these trips. Wheu him to jail, not only deserves dismissal at once but sIhould trust tiat la the future we niay always ha ha>! not reteumed borne on Snnday ble prosecuted to tue ful init. A policeman has no More ha oua>!n worhhy et yenr support. bowever hie relatives began to expen- righit, noe"more business beating a man tuan the average Si»n>'rely yours, fonce reai miegivinga. FlinAly hic citsen unlssin trstig aprione, o i foeedto seLucy J. Judson. fauiier, Alouzo Wrght sud Supervisor cltien-nlea, u aresinga pisoer, o l focedte se _________Hiram Ferry starhed ont bu an auto; force te got him to prison. Neyer can tue conditions b. such umobile snd made buquirien in au en.- that he finds it ;e=aayte bisat tho prrsoner APTER Preshyterian Services deavor te trace 'hie course. They no- Glglr.M MMThisis r ce f te aes dornlng worehip 10:80 a. mi. tile>! both the Waukegan sud Keno- GEltTING thlM seTO II.T ist lle a practic fe eain Sabbathi ehooili1145 a. i. aa Police sd loft a description ot plut-gn t th rsent It urrsed beepratce poent lu iistian Endeavor 645 p. m.* the Young man> no ho couldbe traceS, Md kog an but tiucrin baukprgreusd bn o d t uat o eint Evening service 7:30 p . un caae anyone saw hl. On Slonday, audwoete my ff cerlu aukgan nemater ho ie a, Bible heur cIndy oftheii.Lits of LCrist the Chicago am nd luauke police: uomay, lu future do such a tbig amtue Bortu i.Mcago eeYWdu"eenme :5 were notIfied ci t vas thought posai. 0cv o pel charged by the corouer's jury witb ba'ving R .Aiut atr bly one of the autoiuto Who baS takew â«s. The offense motb. overlooked; ainaneu lite in DnpIthe P " pffiu d~ae. 1dm t aVè MM dte bave beeu tue price ot this brutality. Suroly otuers Pièd mu ndtknhsfrS M" DMne .left te face tbe poubilltlei of runnhng Up ILo > 8I a hU oL SOvuOMride am.aepemd o "' 'M hisa t fa « e fflcai.'for'-a plcmnl ll pboweyer and alia iburu la uno trace 46 ZU8t 'sas Sat "pace . o. peWc.mL "~~ letima a"peae~og 9 bi» ~L tsWîereabîots. Hlm friemmnOW; ______________Wblpple. 6.45 p. ni. g rtL& . are ready ta o auolthe emrnh W *40"lvadveaàtee PMfear oeven>'.icee man added a elmîlen lneof 73 .a nabuMv .kca mtensive te" bavê ue bj r #110, for troubies and for78 m r thuglt lte h.Rod:y.ulne. l ay kuie Mayav»e-.b<y azv" @'TILL, ho openiy opposes hef hoho"d 41lBflaWile aynebnad ut-;z -W-l-on'* pl on erme, Veiy geai f*W U&.Tii*fmi-meru of Lake ________fied vale aundur tIhte Utouafce aU 10e mon, ocow <lao. mamiencouaV,, bave b.d splendid croMeand a b is h iiiyo bI u ~po.s aid nooagUoss. lsft thoy%'#* eeagtnu nnthei- money 8t.LaWreoeEpIIaop'%U"b ~buc earched car.fuly adthe llI h o. wants ta b. differentt wth the roseIt thmt they are buyln e na»S srPts.ecap uIOning trioiVI u otrd out«s exendvoly. Fuot la. W* have Rv nAmS lMpi6»CW urudn oooyWnb cuieL oold moeu canu srinq the past m0 Boly Communion evuny Sumday 7:.45 People living lI OthlO altilOepO.D MWa0«Wp 88luabtafanbettmr choae dy.stdunlng the etIre.seaon a&.mn. Flrtîundayinnioath l0:as. n. bably yl bu enilatud in the uerob. giSs"epy alocl unkrprevl@uely. This la due ta the tact Monnlng PMran vety Sund.p excep ifIo t thougbt tbat if »Mothing ba" $~e~ aunete bu pbet>'ehat thay have beeui elliflu their crope abois 10:30 a. ni. fo apn aIoYUBma leeuee bselia ncd thoîn nturnl5have been big. " ALL Sna ebo 145a i ouldhavéeds how ou ng Ibs lmehot tba el Oan F WHICI4 Indicatuethat Lake oounty unAIl oll s .vul aeeonupb eo Unisos f Umg ae lt ln half ne bellishape as man AilBoly Dey@. Holy t"omni .n ic iparents w-aniS at leat have dy. NMm. Sirne' centrart wlth [,site coun, ly cali5 for $1,250. Young an>! Com. uany, who audîte> thre books when the Aires shortage was foun>! lu lhe treas- uers office, hi>! for thielob et $1,000 but the board, on Egerls motion, gave the Job te NMr. Sime. A Wýauki!gan maDame>! Benson sent ln a ve!rbal hiîl for $954î but tte board dbd net con- eider IL. Independaut: More resders i ian RUt ceuuIty weekisan conabbd. Stoves and- We have a complete stock of "Stewart" and "Red Cross" Ranges, Cooks, Mot Blasts and Base Burners Bit Stock-Right Price Schanck Bros. Libertyville TEN DAYS' FREE TRIAL <>q You can try this beau- tiful Victrola FREE in your own borne. ji)iyluerits yu iii wili o o wu a 'icitr>rîa Ithe greitst o îf ail uuî i sival insetru ments. And t>!l îuin ige to VoitIhe V.rv l>st îo Iiiai'e>l i tllie 4cr y >es Matîbli the very licet art i.ts. 'l'lie ide ai pI:îîc to> lar>i. tir»udan- (l'ejr i. i tIl l ieno e îuigi live> Ilin. Vicîtonr ne ahîaîulnTî>itîd.iiei liei.abîc. Iricec $1 te LSI40. Try the New Dance Records H. B.eEG ER Libertyville iii 'i. A J J'ob Printing CLEAN WORK A FULL COUNT <4 Wr I J COUNTY'S RECORDS i Board af Supervisors Gives a Contract to Sims & Com- pany fur 1914 Audit. Waukegutn. Seuil. 24.j SE. Sinus, tle w hornthe hoard o! i slarted SurI. tGtay. NMr. Situe stal.e> thia ho wili do th>e work ini Lakeo I iunty liersîirally. adding tluat haolias tive other countlie unden contract le audit their 5 1011ws: Ford, 1 Xuglas. Laon, Hetidersen and Grun. eurec some trace ot hiM.

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