CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 2 Oct 1914, p. 5

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LAKEFORESTER FILES TWO BILLS f 0 R INJUNCTIONS Complains That Two of His Neighbors Dump Sewage ln- to Ravine Near Homes. Irving Book bu a cepted a position SATS THE UDUIiS ARE BAD. wlth Survoyor Anderson et Lake Forent.-_ __ Dou't misa the. Trevef Talit at thse Fears That if Practice Con- ()para Bonis, Thnrsdoy oesnng. tinues Price of His Property tir. Borgeurd eni.rtainsd bis brother WiII Depreciate. and fauiiy of Chicago, tâtéoai. U. B. Atwef f sud wilI wette Chinlago Walt,r R. Kirk, a wealtity reaident Tuesday ta saisisln focsebratlng tihe o! Lake Forest, titrough Attorney De- 7tb enuiversary of thir son, Marshall vid H. Jackson, today lu ctrcuit court Atwelf. ' lfed two blls for ljuctilon agaînst Mr@. Wm. Smith ia viniting frlends la two Lakte Foret ramilles lu wbicb Weuketa, Win. tbey esit thet titey be restrained from Mfr. and lia. Fred Kuebker and MIss dePpiting uitri-ated scwage lu a ra- Suashitebead were Chicago passengems vine whlhrtnuis hast îîeîr bomne. tionday. Tietittîciof tlic cases are as fol- L. Y. Silen and motorér ta lues3: Milfwauke, Snndey. Walter It. KIrk, et aI., v'a. ChemIesa fi. Preacitet ai. T. A. Rteyuodsanutertaitled bis f ri.-nd, Walter R. Kirk. et aI., Auna Sar- Ikes Batuberger ot Chicago, Sn.ue. gi-ut Glbert, et ai. Fred Kuebter tis eerving on tire- jury lu lu the lrst case lb Is eated tiiet Chicago tii weet. lMr. and Mmc. Kirk are lu possssieon ut a ineai-m-,deucv valued et $50.000 tirs. Alm, Fenion lsspendiiig the- wcck inclîl.rlîfi tey reiide. t'onttguous and witb ber son, Leo and teiiir et <usue îda'iitI.- a biouse and lot oîcaed by Mirs. Pias. Fenton asilo]alîtu.eir Ier. Iti i Frl"entcit cutIwlfe abidwhilcb dine argiwndig tireý-oc'vth Mr.ind j by William P.Martin as din ar sj-cdng ue n.- cili m uiida tu'tîant. Ii'nweea tie tinohomes tire. Fenli>u et Wiu,'fialtert' Is a surtîilravine titrough whlcb Juih, tichuruatii b'nkig( h-ifswt. lIonea shîaowtrench of a crietk. Sunudy w itî thiWgii îtoa iiri3'Thieti ouiit of ite iKIrks i titat .larotin ieltains aeepool. iseptir Ttîpe aIl t,e r,ý i nl i tilîlren' inen, r iet t ir ,c. tiltbaein and eliows bis etlit Nclr.w' N .u i. Siiîî1i ate f.- t*oai runinii tli u tthe ravinhe. Titis. It Donîou t 4:15,. itunN'Alute a htlgive an ', mllaînîn,. caiuses a fouI and noi- ~idrc, nsm 'ii î'.i'îtlltn.,uî. i ic edlor to arise, rt'udcriug It most ii.îr i h e to, i '.li fi tbe i ei ll ty. lime 'iiis . iiîlSutu r Ilit.-ý, n1'5 ut 'fih i il r.Iitic tuatit hc necissary M.tiuI ay niti l MIi- Mry ii,, ,t to, ki'-p ttetiiu, ne e so! thieî-Kirk boiule Rihit.- o-i ant. it .u, vtti un nhen th.-odors lii-. Stu ti uîî'rifh îî'ng,î i- çiiil.tir'~ui.î~f Tie' ctaionîiitr suide. Mi-Stt)w )&jiiýr(if( iiitic(j i si ri 1t 'i.- Ilamgs'd liiet sce raI coin- lug is fs'nudai s wc i liii sismter, Mrme îtîtî lai hae hein mode- tu bath Mar- J. , Si 1,1,ii i,.,-r ii ui ii tu a j iicr of itth p olîemy lut lits. ,l of 0 .1i1't , lo.. ii'i-C ii ri o c i as ics n- n u-,or proin crut~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~> ri. hr ,,uh r]ilr C-ue't m u blitfor iijuui'tiiiutl it, Pol iti o- butr bi i t l..t na, IMartin blis- utt'iI i ai (itiC5I iit .,' th ii' senag,' t o enter the ra- 'îtie ii îtlier ria'.ýtti 'tleriit untihe i i e unu iii t ia elien unit 1 i lutw St(rioîd billIl 1 . rîargnîl titat les Frit ii ciii ii ua cuce - iu t h-to rrî' t i C loit, r i.-..upies flic-' Idilbeurt $11)> cc i l,-ctliilîiILS Ii. tnis' a ea itint.Titi- n ii i.-cliiimn' nul, puit . .-large sa. tisual tisi. ,-ur s t ir' d i- iri ti ncase ace ii'aoIi.ui muefn i arr.- awa3 ett hie i fuir . en iinthie ol it'.r(ýsii ina lu lii i' îgrtcî'uio -d tac nicdsy IAT IA RF4N1 Is-ens, w liii ticu a greet i iiuy -e mcof E fartu and 4rot, ruhlas doue smmbI, i iru- OF PR0POSED 1LAKE Jain.lurt isntu tlîs i es .a i ett. p 'u iri itiilwiamtd t (i flod COUNTY RAILROAD? nei», it.' Elle[ thi- eriîrS uvtluîMn euiial aiuI neî.r iniiiree-d u'tIutini uî lits Residents in the Inner County Wntiot h 's cal thi cndIfilsg ru-t 1.1)11itv tu, autai if lelic@cas diimnul i y ae Wonder if the Project has Wbho tu.w fiît n r,'Falien Through. Buy an F..,,unnKoidak t' tae.-miitt joonui tliose tlong rides and lkîs. ion What bas become or the îplanu la con- g,. t- -tttti eaîttim ure ireueFox Lake district. wlt(Chi- brugCio. r'sgo ai Elton. tlelmht sud (aliter. E. B. Iiîihttu-e an aity are enter- nia avenue ln thiat t'lty whicb was pro. taiuing trienus ont ulttawn titis week. îîoned la the carler part of tue eum- mer. Titi plan wag alr-d ln a llvely We regret ta reptort Juilge Fitchi lu asitton ali?uîttat lime, but bas since verv [seille tueltit. Sîown a ten<lneY to become a nueul- Chas. Mefrine0le ay n a tlsilng 9t>. an advlce.e show theu practically no trip lu nortiterunb isunstu. action hb i tceuun lante furlter- Taile a Kodak witb you. See the auce o! te echeme. different styles rauging frmîm $1.00 tu Titi-,pan was betug pramoted by 810.00 ut the Reluit Store-Dru,e.-Dug resîdeuts lu titi- uuthwest district a( Co. Chicago. Tite inteest ay u l n the A. K. Orvis of wauk-gan. was e taller heem Tneedey. Tb@ St. Audrew'e Guild met wltb Mm. Md Wagner, Wedesdai. Rey. White of Libertsnllle, spots at the Harveot oflsriug et the i'iîgrege. 1,. onaI cburcb lest Frlday evenlug. The diiuett Club wili meet Frlday evening et the Straug bell. Druggists Meet Considerable Difficuity in Keeping Stocks Up at Any Price. Accodlng to local druggsts the war lu Europe bas bad a serions effect on their business. Staple articles bave adv'auced lI price lu orne Instances 400 per cent. Not only bave they ad- vanced but there le no certalnty of the price of thez. gooda from day t o day. Wiîolesalers are sendlng out circu- fers hin*iiich bundreda of articles which heretofore bave beau quoted at a regular price but whleh are now eold vith the. undersandlng that the price b. flzedby the, whoealr la eut- cordace wth the amount h. le cota- p.lId io pay for the. goods on the. day on viciitiiey a cipe. The. vholeor, as w.ll an taller bas groat dlfficnty la mecurlng1 the. gondsaie any pria. aad wiiea the wilo.aioe recelves ant order h. la1 trsquetly obllgM tb pwrche.4froma te stock of a rival. If the. rival wlUi »I ef i hm,- Scol Supplie A .Fine New Line of 'ableta, PendliUs Et*. io TB=T BOOKS With every lie Tablet wo give away on. good peu holder FREE! DRUCE DRUG CO. 'Tii Rexalf Store Grayslaks estabhIshing of te terminus a! au industriel ceater. Tise associetion whiîcitis promollug thte plan la stated as te Nortitwi-sb ideMaret-tassocie- týon. It wec tated etaite time that the moatI rouid ci-ik e franchie tram ;tut culy of Ciicago andI a certtllcate of neceselty and couvealence from titi Ilinoicst Utilittes; commission. Titi naei-o! titi road waa to hi- the Chti- cago sud Nantit-m Transportetion company. cliliugh prtiacalty no action bas bei-a takei-nlutiti- urtiter promotion of titi-road. ila nevertitehies maintalu cd by the Chicago organtzattou titat titi prou-ct bas ual bei-a abandoned. Tue plana are to carry bath tri-igitI and pesseugers over the liai-. Its frelgbt service would Iavade te gar- den section and dalry districts of Lake ccunty and Interveaiug poinhs lu Cook couuty. In order to secure tiseir franchise ln Chicago the road offered to excisauge tranafers vith ltiser the surface lmes or' the elevated reilways lu Ciicago. Saturday eveig a largo deelgatton a! La"e caunty membrs o!ft.e 1.0. 0. F. treveled ho Palatiue, Cook coun- ty, viseretey atteuded t.emeeting o! tise Palatn.e rder. Tise meeting prov.d 10 b.e avonenjo«yable ans sud oonasted partfally of buejuusasd a period of pleaunre. At the Meeting the asuacletion o!ftie oouaty appropriat- Od fundIS mmouDUh itg10$50 tu et io bomnes of the nociety. The. donations vere equeily divd.d. 8 going taute 01111 ellovs' home for orphansansd a like emouat ha tie home 'for sied members. lu la belieel the donations ver. t.efiret o! thir nature glveu h 't.' haines by a eoouty ogaaiaation o! Me order. Tise deiegatlot i ic atteuded frem iýn 1 0v: Dr. R. H. T. Neeblt. C. T. Beydekr. Judge Perry U Permoni.4 Sherman Havthoru. T. MoClala. George Killeu, Bluter Elues. John. Coliros. parry Austin, Charles Lutter. Ton lodgea' were represenhed bY delegateg eh tithe meeting. 1.1 Edf ted by F. J. DRUCE, PhonoefIl Orders Ten for Job Work. Advortiaing rates on application. b'ii, ici,'tiun S nuet et t ýh.- i,n of i'aih lfnntt iut Nb enkega,îr, îsiîed frwi-ds hiem Saturolianduuîlsuuic3 lime. J. N. Zil ii i t'and cin 1*, o! L Uug Grii ru, n-ti elatunne bore Satan- day. 1fr ccd lins.tii, aeer euîertelnud rilativecsImru. hîtago Sannrday and Suinday. Mr. and lM@. Jolia Hodge ad iss taY Of Iitanti.nuI Lake, atte'idid the Style 8how hi-ne Seturdey eu'ening. . Mr. and Mme. Wm. Tldtnar-it entier- teiued a numuber of frieude iron Chitcago oser Sunday. HenrY liaiman viited - relatives lu Wautegan, Thursday aud FrIda>'. Pr. and Mms. L.. E.Goling of liberty- vifle, were Wauconda visitore Suuda.y. lire. EFAIMarinuaudceblîdren of Barrrlngton, @peut Saturday and Sun- day etaite home of ber parent sr. lin. and Mirs. Joe i- II-y o!fibtertyviîte, wemc gueste et the home of M. and lire. Hernuan Hicks, Sudeay. Mise Helen Murpity visited et titi home ai ber parents lietSetnrday andI Suu- day. MILBURIN Au - N t'K. 1iuii.- svustiuîg hur cuter. Mieiiur'ti, Bunier at Park, I . lt,îî rut,rn uitChicago, cluilit tie w"rk endt unth h ilsparents. Ir uh %1- e lucre uing anuwhlii e eic'tit Suiiuita - tvandSunde3 iniili NMr alrd NI1 r.- 'hii, li.-e Rctenb s. Gu'u N Jîîîîîînuîîî and motiter n.-uîîîrsd Nhe(ulfm'ii in ud Coma St neîîg an.-d lin eul i re lb'J, White mtîourrd to Racine monjda3 Ili ncîd Mis. Aberut Jack o! Chîurego, sPetit Firuitay au tIieim farta. Daird lb hit,-ic.caféring witit n1iuuie- tism. Mises Foutit uiuctiug wiîb lites Une Minto et Lotit Lake thie eeol. lire. C. Gant îî Higîhland Park.c@iet several days wuthu lîrs. Mtizo nWebb. lira Matha liait of Higbland Part, sonulseveret da ' %cswitis ber sister, lire. Menzo Wbebb anl ettsuded the 'uinner for Mr@. Coigiote. Thes Ladîne id society hi-id titeir meeting Thiitr.da * v andidrs. laggie W bite essiet-ru i lIre. MarY White andl lins Mina tlttuiit crred dinuer. lire. fetitznlbý,i gave a diinuer panîy lest Frîday inii uutur of lir@ Colugrune Mire. R, Kitnbcrty and deugitter Ruth, 87th bîrtlîdav. fier tinJ iiate o! Chicago. speni Ssinday eit the bomne fn-nrde aun(jnugii,uîun were invi ted 01 Mn. and Mme. Chas. Danlun. It wes euupciit that Spencer n%ÀNelle Mies Fraudes Kent, who bas bei-n il] auj Miss (nn,'Arnuour wsre married for thte peet wei-t l. muni t ster et Suuday. hreent wittug. Ber. Preetituge ofi Moody lustitute Titi style show gîren ity H. E. tiaiman Chicago tilleul the ' îulpttSnudsy. et the Lateside Theatre lait Satnrday lire. J. S. linain and Mii,, Hoppitai evsnlng proved a grand suocee, nearly spent Frîdat witlî tie former'@ parents 500 people belng lu ettendauce et thi. ai Loon Lake. evenlng's eutertainment, lte bail be[ng filledto, hoverflowiug getI many could not gain admission. Tbs stylei mol v.wu fh~fiHD the flnesi avrs siowu lu Wauconds, TAII NQ SM~UhIII ebuwlng &Il the, nov falilsud vîinter stylou ladies nd cidren'a garmne À NAB EN but thisongi a defect lu tise moving piclure machins the. filme ver. not as plain au uhey sisould haro beau. Afler M U R Y O te moving picture dispay thoeezblllon Benefit to People, He Argues, an ltlug'modela by th. young people o!fi,. Wacnsproved of unusual Interees, Would Outweigfl In ith ost nsary 50 modela appesrlnun lb. ..lo 0f Merchant MUrine. dreasd hi H. E. tIalman lin its »&wA marchaent marine vidai viiiput etyléesof mon sud boys, ladies sud menufecturers and dsaler in t.e chillirens tieli sud vîntes garments. Uuitedates on an equai footing vitis the.imerciiente &Md mufaturnrof Tva uuadeo! u.,a~<~ ~ other varid povera la aivocateit by Two quae o meber cdtheeorge Edmund Fons, former cbairtuan Chicagao yollng club ma. e tury af the.Houses Camitheeou Naval Am- Ruay over theU Lbertyvil1.Wauko. tair. x«n corae. Theit. trt w« front Ci- "Witis a merchsant marine. backed aveua ud ii.Lao foredrieun by an adequate uavy," b. ai11, ao viea n h ake Sbo___dr v s ecould nov carry ou echlpplng un- The slw rder mae Ub gtawr nierrupted, tisereby rsapiag line- at e Lm. ad aour &Madsalf Inte diste proeperity for odurelvea tram the. sochera '%mti t" 10 waetaniseheunfortunate etruggle abroad. As viiere they.imetteir more lefley 1il le, vo are absoiutely beiples ven felliw omelp. Tiieretura .trip- te oreigu countrles, vlldraw tiseir vie, rort SMrMldnt'o te stering poin1t. ebipafrom aur porta. NI ii.l1,inclettinutt.'il ieyw.sgîn, lia * ' t)iitr, :1 sets- luariece, 1001 rpais o oa iposot .au. î,i..ttîtiunotiîy bsuy 10lue tîehed, 1000 Pooasfo oaImpoeet huchets of oiits. Free lunch et notîn Office of te Board of Local ImpIrovsu. NIr luuiict inai irillite1r-dI 'mete, LibertYvîllîs, M., Sept. 25, 1914. sIro niii radec e.nngiig I,'g 10s'sU, ual inus. CIY AISeincd propsosais will he receivsd by MtIlinn Alth'AIIY ENaiiithéeBoard of Locali mprovements of the Arthuur Meeker, Prul. villae sof Libertyville, Illinois, Mtli 8 Heut G-id.reiu .- iII.urty . J. il. Love, Auutiiiaeu-. jp. ta. ou Octoiter S. 1914, as the 21ill111. île.-. F'ak Fale r Iiie suttirti. ' It . Ni.hurrl,luIh. i 1c hal lunsaîd village o!.LbertyviflW.fer nh Sndythe construction of tbe following in- Th Nne citoot cee i-,> eIl, provement, to-wit: art-rid,-d on Siunday. Thte',uudersigued navtug sold ber A counncted mystem of six inchs cm$ Juuuîs Lttin aud tt- sirtiSuide: armu will siIl et publi cauctionou trou watersuppiy pipes, together viii J.tiem Lttl andwileýj)nt Sn t, lieJamues Gallagiter farma, 2 12 miles tise bydrants, @but off valves and ail wîîb bus niuther, %Ins. G. . Siter. weslt of Nontt Chicago, Sud four miles otiter necessgary adjunets to b. cou. (latte e nuiiber alîtciudiiui the fair at i-ast o! Libertyville t tires miles north etructed sud laid In, along and under Ettboa tstcee.of Roadout. ou Saturday. Oct. 3, 1914: Newberry Ave. and Fini SOt. so-cafld Elkhrtilait weltse tollowing descriti-d property, com- commsncing at anaI consctlug wlihu îaeudiag et 12:30 oclock: water supply pipes now conutructed te. Si-v-aitorses black htorsi-, 12 years' Newbsrry Ave, aiea point 12 feot isarlb IraTtA Tsold. welght 1,350; bmood mare. 13 yeams of the esnter line of ald Newberry Ave. ÂLLEINUALE BOYS' oltI. wnigit. 1,350; hanse. 12 yearg and 12 feet voot of the conter itae ON old. wsiglit, 1,450; gray mare, 16 years. produced tiortil of Rifey Sit,, ma"a SCHO LCONDIION aod, welght, 1.400; ane 3-year old mare thecce easserlY 12 foot nortis o!aad11. colt, 1 300; oui- 2-year oId mare colt; parallel witb the centerfines oftb 2rs 1U 4-nthts nid mare colt; 9 bards eat- ieid Newiterry Ave. 10, a point -18 fs. ti-; 6 milcit cows (oui- wlth caîf t eiast uf the west lins prodncsd northériy à MOS PRO PERO saide); oue l-moathe 0111 ball; three of FiresiSt., tissuce souuis 18 fést Melly 6-montite nid beifema t one boar pîg' of aud perall lwiuii lb. west lineoa! aiM one wagon. 3 l-4xl0j top buggy; ruaitiFfrut St. te sud conneci4ng wiiitlb. Treasurer's Report at Business buggy. Desrlug greanbluder; Doeritg at St. ait apinta.12 Ott aIoIsbof Metig hos arDef ct ~'-ub ~~'rzr obecl eter lins of North Avenue, lua .Ii Meetng SowsWar efii plw, 6-inh; plveizer doble ul-vIllaglieo! Llbertyville. Lake ouMjy, Fear to Be Baseless. Uvatar; slpugle cultivator; has boa; Ilinois, more laB des badla si-di-r; drag; bey rack; uvavel box; ordinsIace yaa ed udsproved19 mt wagon box; two slip scrapers; pair Village Board ut Truale of !thé vigm ELECTIVE SYSTEM PREVAIL bobt cleigit:; cornsiieller; bey for k; of Li tyvlls, on thei hua 467,01 itauss; et Dhi t ra A. D. 1913,5a certifled COse o tIi- benese; 35 tous balsd bey; 8 tons wilc la ehtacised to thebeiton oflli Shown That Boys Who Attend bali-d mtxed bey end alfahfa; tree village of Libertyvlle ho lvy an ao tuas baied alfalfe; 8 toue baied straw t ment for sait] Improvement, flelaui " Schol Ar Beig Taght 260 shocka corn; 160 bu. cets; 20 bu. office o! ube Cark of the ConUVcour$ o! Usetul Occupations. iteniey; 26 bu. wbiet; 18 ducits. Lake Couuty, Ilois, Septeinber, 1, AndI many otiter articles ton, numer- 1914, and docleted lu eald Courftse oua to mention. Libertyvilis Speclal Asmement. 1 Trusts-is and officers e! tite Allen- Usuel terme o! sale. 8eid wort to ho constructied îccording dali- Association, whicb matains titi No gonds to its remnoved until si-t- to plans und apecileattona uow om'ýiis AIis-adale Farm andI Scisool for Boys lIed for. in te office of the President ofihe Board MRS. H. J. GALLAGHER. Prop. of Local 1 mprovemi-ute of s&id village et at Lakte Villa, Ill., were encourageui R. E.EPKER, Auctionuer. wky-1î Liliertyvili.. and uopiées nithe-saineoml wîuen thme reasuri-r's report wes red b. nittained u pon applicationu 10théi.@*M et lie motblybusîCea eet-president o! the Board of Frldayettemnhybsnsme- Proposaise for Local Improvements ment@, or et thetofofice 0f Paul tiseama, ing et thitCty Club. It bad beau tsar- Office of tbe Board of Local lmprore- attorne, Lake Couuty National Saab ed titat wer condititns mtght cause a mente, L.iberlyville, Il., Sept. 25,. t914 Bidg.. ibrty ville, or ai the aoffl.o large deficît. SeaistI proposaIs will ho receli-ed hiy Esrl H. Corisît, village clerk. "Titi elective system prevaile afthths Ie Board of Local lmprovemente of the Propoosas muet b. mode oui tIMo ecitool tis yeer.' seld Director E.L. village o! Lihortyvlle, Illina., ountil 8SMbières fnrnahoid aih the abov u~ Bradley. "Te boys dcide whelteu o'clock p. m. on Octohr 8, 1914, st te placesd be addrsssd o tiil. W- Village bal lun @&d village uf Lbertyvllle. ofte Board o! Locailmrovualwt#,i titiy will etudy Latin or agriculture, for thme construction o! the lolfowlng Mai11 village, bu.ra Prg~lIot Ws- aresien devaloplng vocatitîna improvemeul. <>wlt. .et"ls Oen 1o!tvm-er whereguMar osvs hicmltd A oonnectod systein o! sixIn chi caslbe accompainiaml by cesh the reulmer tcourse.renilaed dtuif ron vater supply pipe@, together vwltb check payable 1te ht %,Z tot amir t e.Poit-graduat work tire bydrants. @but off valve@ aud ail prosdeus ai the Do.rd0fcg lu farmiug, carpentor wosk and pinmb. otiier neneimary uIMieta h be cou- mente on somd v.epomu" a~Wa lutn. stauced sud laid le, &lang snd uads rnaMoueequal m visa r"~ ~i** Elgity-tiree boYe. recruited large- Park, Avenue Mommsoclng ait and con. t~rae poosi iy tram the,-.attlemsut or(f-blnectng vîisth h isutqr auppli pis "'hIdvil . opsai by thlb S. ce cegu, are exthcig ljbor for au edu- nov conuîructed ln Park Avent» ah a Local Improvealla opsm'*l catln e tu Ahlicaie flUttUton. pon 12 lest nortis ofIthe conter linso! of cobp .Oth.8 94 7.1 Competîtbaut la athiloes ha. be.n s"I Park: Avenue sud 12 bot1 veat of vilbmahbl la qWAla ilage o! Uâkqiq. sllmrlaed by orgaalalng hie itudaita the cncer lino prodnasd eonlb of Fourtlavins, mulak luto tire, cluba-ITale, ERarvard sud Strest. tissu.. masS 12 sh.ljQorth of Md Coiwmetose viiib. peu b Ipll," Princeton. Membera of eecii club parallel wltb tb. conter fine o! aformaeiassaslvaaue aal'oI tman elght-aared buase inexclting park Avent ta apoint 12 telt viii 0fs UbeftWvill Siaul Anst- fl raes. tht conter linespradnced omtbof 1111h irasI haabs 1,1914. l.éi Officers o! the. auaookaton ar- e: o. Street lin 11 vilflgeof Uboelyville, bau a one laameUl. fHigglueou Jr., resMeuh; Samuel Lake County, Iflicole, more fuit! de.- I o! Local IaoproveiâMh FDancby, vice profealit; Lovret acnbed ln su ordicance psesoàd drsselisntlaeu ay aia Thompeon, secrotery; Douglas Simth, approvsd by th@ Villlgs Board of b, sla~5imyest trsasurer, and D4vid Dangier, asie- Truatesa oYîhe village of LibostjrvJl. an Gmeleo lisbdlgvi lent eecrotary ad trltreur Ir. W . thIi 11ciedlo! December, A. D. 1913, l a11nlniso iim Burlîngisei, WllIlam B. Hale. George a certlfled cap yof aielh la attacboid 10 eompndaw ltheampany or Dim Ilk Hlgglusou Jr.. Lawrence Buck, Davld the petition of mai11villae aofLlbe ly.eiur 'sisetlre addrsssesu ed ,#À 111W Dangier, Samunel Dauaiiy, Leverstville te, ievy anaumaament for -salI ua."daadirseoftea! b rm. Thompeon, Dougas suu and Md- Improvemeut. Bled lu thse offics of lb IL p. gUC5NAEURiE. presii o0f îli, 'sard Yosmane are tb. trustes. Clerk 0f tise CouulY Courbtf * m Bfoard af Local Improvaemns. Couuh'y, Illinois, Soptemisqr 1, 1914, ani P. G. Cauap ludependent: More readers tiss uai dockiled in salid Court se Librtyvllle '.&RWGI r peciai Ausmsnt Moriersencf tiheBoard of county weekibes aombiued. SaIdvwork ta b. coustructad amcrdiag provemente. 2 0 nd o &k r. Sant Mr@ Fralo~i, t, Il'if faîue" ~Mr and Mrs, KifurofIntisto, M in., J Were gu.sts eutt ire S A t lhîi..brn --y,l.' I, îtH. % lî utlen lien'Martin 5l*'it it.» 1-e, .4erd et Mre. Jane Palînir ls cry iliiet the hum. fairîr îrnm . i,,.- i îîîîîv .r.- lie ' * CHARLES E. MMASON,"Q Mrs lPe-ter Smithi ati iii f wau.but îs iiîpriong Mî E (Cbardf iisIwr,,Iirg FL fer,'dits@s " M n' j Correspondent - Agent kegau wcre callers etlNvîU: t'E ojobse' Mr. ai.d its j,,. KoeImtrabave a new wtirltvsi iirg n tmi. UE. PHONE 24-J IMouday wbtle enroule 1.-bu,..,.fruitMe. ,dmugbtnr. hum tlast ccik Wedneâday. Alilwere éshol-ked tu ieuir of the .udden 3 COURSES EXACTLY AUKE EHenry. lirs. Grace fiallulof (Chic'ago, and Mire. deatb of R. W. Seuls. Monday. Cus or.RCqs Mir and Mr@A, ai À ancd daugh- Young ofUCeelanîd. Othio, visitedr:!rda-CusaAcoseBIoreC Quality-fioyd'a Studio-,Prie@ rfilît. ter Phyllas and Mr. andîiMri Lievi watt titres beri ttire lt of te lr u reSls gtthe I.iberty. ED.:vg5s aiR8.1gsAt %AA Severaltfrom bore atteuded theElkborn Iettended tbe play et lit,d- Lake Mon- Wulter Daniig spent Sonday and Mon-l ville, called on friends hore une day lesIt m& is t* fair Tbureday eand Friday. Meny wnt dey eveoitia day wîtb Zion City and Waukega en ý 4 1ii by auto. A B. Ctombeansd mnitbî'r vere caltera frienils. C. C. Ames and famiy entertained SOLND c.21,92A,14 Brainards bhorsuid fot race et Elk- at P. Anderon'@.1filg Lakc, Suiiday lMr. and Mire. J. G.Poulton entertairindcompany Sunday. IRELÀND, Oct.28 e ,X .8 born on accourtt of antI ltursd foot. atternioon. frienda fron Zion City Sunday. Neit Sunday Rev. Wili will preecb a C. F. sityles, the Foi Laeke tailor, wao A partsv01fmn front, sahcmi, Win., ars Albsrt Kappî e ai unfortunate lu farswsll solumon as il id the lest Sonday .EU tJ~~ v busineus caller hem Friday. Pttting la a cernent bridge raclonis the fosîing a purses contaîning nearîy ;$50 on of the conference year. A gond attend lA Ii.sZB Oliaf Oison, wbo bas worked eit tigle- M. B. Huson fairi. the ruait between Rollins and Haines-. suce id desired. P%6 e oy.. aide ail stimuer, le visitiug v itb frienule (alleri t ;Mmd C. i 'l,,i.î,cmond&y ville lest Snnday. A ouitable reward in ire. Paul VanZandt of River Fo lent, SALE TCKET O . C~ boe tii week. ai ternoon we rs n.Frentes Borks and offered for its recovery. epent one day thîs week Wttb F. $4. $31 $2.5êos ~t~.C. Joseph Rosing, wbo bas hi-en In the sîst.r, Miâss Urtbe Cileîeîr of Chicago, Mise Villa Lardon Of iiutioclu. @penit VanZandt and îemiîy. MAIL ODE employ of the Illinois Central raifirî,ad et lirs. ouseSvkeis of LaAi'and 8uday witb ber est.ere lbere. Chicago for sonetime, has made arrange Mire S. A. Doris of Rout Lke.Aleck Henso4n hb a teke charge of the Indepeudeut: More rentiers then ail mente@ tu ove to Round Lake. He- las M. B fHnuaon. &li eu t11a,tAîi IC .rnbhadepot restaurant, oalifigtu, the il health 1county ircekles comblned.topaendpeletosnwonI. rented the boutes lormerly ocuti.-îl hy andi Lee Huoeof N'îi,. .-iîpyecd an auto of Mr. Potter. Mr. Haneni l gie yîui lit the office ut the Pregideut al tb. Dr. Martin and bas acceted a ption ride to the fair et Elkhli isiat Tiurs- the eaile courteium îrmatinerit u fliavep 'î"NTBoard Of Local lmproi-ementsoofssoi witb the lForest (!feu îreauîery Co. GUYr witb [tav Pacdisi, alweyd rec.ived at the p.lace, ATvillange o! f Libertyvyille ami copies Of tu AnWdFl@dnewiib edi l e ý are gla.d to me, Giie,. Statiford R. Spaliord of Antiocb. mnias in town to the eaid preeldent of the Board of Opera Hou;es, Saturday overrncg, ct t:1, Out eijYing ltherie Pitiait fi daYe- on buainess Munday.1 UC M SA E Local lmprovpmputs, or eit tbe office of n i j u e r b s u s p i e s i i i i . l t î u n d l . a .% l i r e . i l j o r e uo f C h î i a g , b a s l e n , a i l m a i G u ti n , a t t o r n e y , L a i e C o u t y Fraterlnl Assoiation. Miii-,lîjBraîînd - -______ _ pëndiiig msuetine %iilieur iter, lIre. Alilauction tales published in the National Bank ldg., Lihert.yvilîs, oradi uteter.Ticet@75c AliRir iivit'i.GUME Bet Hope. 1ndependent are charged for et the the Offlice of Earl H. Corlett, ville.. str. Aics 75(.Att r.winîe.GUu E ur o I ple vIl i itli I-A 1i rate of 5 cents a Ilne when an order Prîposals iniîit .b,.-madesout npon vitîng ter i Uîg ti' ~ t. ii,ne lit. Nrs Thiorn and deitliilr -îr tii'a o lîptat ire V. eukpdaî a.-Bilnî,t ial notice, otherwise the regular rate tiare and lite addrcsed to thc Pregident lire. Alla. Whtt, vrn i-l ied , tic' lei.- li . sturiay. ttii- ntct1ofthe e, ir' ît .,. tire glcàd tOo f 10 cents per ins wîîî be chargsd .1 tiir- Board ofLocal lmprovctenîs of Il ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ k A ignb .b- tu-h., liili ui .îi' tiili]t tlivnty fti1, , . t 't.,' t dthe report ber utn tie gi,, iiagain.ciii village. cudîtrecl ProposiaIs for Fridy iortuig.T,,- har i far>iat lllir jc,îrnnei'l s-tidRvt i fweter pipes.," and tl,.-v acre n- hi iig , - i, e i aliti 'liîtt.-îîdeu c'.n .1 1 ti tat., West of t., c î A leus.-,- i.-ii in 'îaîss. Fia' 1r latn,ai a, Viiîla , 1- iii .ill rh-lî r çîpalipte tiitc od rol te«et lirs Allai,,- i î ade' ai ttj)tiii tii ctit ti[, lt Siîritîiitetd Ilsii a*'t 1ilii' ai't' îîîîal[ ifi Ill~ iacliirv elb. Iti r ul f theca i stjsv - ut, c lii.- li iIl, ai*i il Th, l lipii.iji.t ,edennt Ntit.' , iOftr f""t'he"'--""--Board......... i.-ofîtai, îlrti'teoeufîndgai îîîîîî e1îa ,. et rrcnto t wii5 lii'lli t Ni iiciiiotjr*, Tleiii' UC3ir ru it,,'. JRUokSnSELL fIlehv n .,Il'it 'nsilet;t r.'turîind a,. ru, i t 'îii'îiliiitcl il nid)~~grai îaltr i.i,,i t ichi a ikt îî wtiti-teu.agu-galtcriipiiseue cn o h Tii,- F'icItIr froni ,«eiiii, ,îteii 2ttFtti-, iiRUSSELLdehich ia i .iipru oveiîw thethetfaidli. ingý NI îlF A iri- aild ];t V liai[,i- lit :Mr.andit W WKil i Ir n h F w -fll l- ed - iiis s ,rs l ' .iiiS i.i l e 0 pn. ettîter 1, 1 14,e inoard 1o ~ciel h., î, irti',ii.egi,() îE. iiitt-idi..i r k- 1ini ,wl.eiie dNl mi el i,tt a î.. Like illa Litiatl lpriieniunts lu upemn session i vimittim. lest mnunda. 1,i vier ms(in TltiIaiie aftetnîilii As! Till t tItiN ()i ('T.Mii e illigethait. tin.subd village ni Liberty. fis kat]t t t hîî a .'eiiîiall îiieeîiiîrT. iti'tîlîîîiîîg 1(t Ii i,i',i .i n . has rp, ville. lilitîîîis. ~1.Ci. i.~ ~ ~ .s.iihiinn eid I 'i 1 \ i u ito,, i'scver,- iitil lîeîteî . irte tioihi'i 20. illiiiitciîn ttih-ni-t Cotiiiit'rs wiii lic, paid liv speeif et ii. i'ii'î.îti li..î,r lii I lt littiuav Li,1ii--'i'l itei <.i t r. E if 1ht ufrtýiýti m 'fii1h i or eRme-nitert warrants, payable ont o! ir. n.l ,nj c iiiiirtyî iii,.Spécial .Nseesunent, con- dimi.. jie f-ln ,a iîii M. 1 î l ittie.îî iIt\'I' l.'anrMetirar, iNI, i. i Ll' Iixn,. wt i51>,îg-14.;hîî hord,,e t il004>1 iiruiîcd Septenitur 21. 1914, tbe lane ~~... n'., i v-yîiiiiriv.tiure,,a vii ioo, e 12. 4 hors",c'S bT it- urdo fo a ruroeands& i i il is, 2 i re vinrc te riglît t,, reîFe-tan au l iil ,a o, S . i.--iîtt I. \r li i i . Nf, Nîr. î.uî,îî i.. I'ititii.ui îîîîî o I. iir ii ut iPc -tt as theblla rd iier ileet. r îî.îr t Irih t i. iofi t'gl.îa1- r- t IIi llîîk'et i iiiiii.ýC iiio r itIivIi lirii lhai'riîer.tier li t iieiw' tlir ind-îidu îesels as of tell abs maid: DoirL orý %ýUr 'r \Il- N 1) ý,U ot an il)- iii- r!6ii h-L -struîaiiecgrann eoaildri tir -io tif y tb fil him i ii ii it arîiIîc.c cl î i,,iri, I-,eNkI.inte%% 3 - -ai cIj,,, n Eliriii 'i liilîiiliui iîlOairîe.4-i,,iiI niii.r, mîile bvlce reP. Si- ild mne. s el atheflb liIt re- lta t-'ioiinti i ii t . li iUnk i iip eiii 'drill ~ h n, , c. i tre.' II .- ,-'tii a ,Cttc, tado icl Inpiîcu ns le It P. E. Eidpusof te bIc. gal tutu In.- rahkamuagne iîî , ti . tbihipi tic trietint, t. i. ni'Usilar rfa%,,.-.i l liui îtîB.oa-î k' NIn rsdo!liteal uad of Local 1 fainerr i ettil nii ti ii,- job.n ar t i rii i- il frontilinr e, rati'ii i î,.îî, I Nfoi sîîîîi t tîîi 111 .&I'iYiit suit ouhex l îiîws. rube 2L ig 2 c it Ieut, and P. 0meuts. 1c2 mid.u iii -i.- ctIi tiir motb,'r Ii1iia,îîc, olr rn. .hay ml, ii, , li'l'oiittk m mnu its i nI 2 f- FRib4iý' ômi'.ý 2,1914. 1

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