CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 9 Oct 1914, p. 2

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HERE' But it isn't far by Telephone CALL 25-24 Ask for these and we wulI &end them promptly1 QITAKER Corn Puifs Puffed Wheat Puffed Rice KELLOO'S Wheat Flakes Corn Flaketi 10c-15c sizes CLrîî HîlisE Corn Flakest 3 for 2.5e T RIGGS & PrYLOR ýeo&te Phono 24 & 25 J. Eh Tnggs Libertyville Meats and Groceries Winter Shoes for Men Make your feet glad by fitting tbern with shoes that are built for comfort. The fit of a shoo, can do mueh to make or mar the comfort of the wearer so why not buy shoes that fit. We have a line of higli grade footwear for the man who cares. t includes the Iatest styles as the more conservative lasta and every pair selected for comfort, style and service. Prices from $3 2 to $e5 00 Boys and youths shoes ini button and lace. Rigli grade footwear for the younger generation. Prices $1IL-5 to $2 -- J. B. Morse & Co. Everyhlng for Men L1BER1TvaixILL. Ph... 14 JF YOU intend to feed for profit better buy your suppies early. e G See 'Ijbertyville Lumber Company OMM *0 Uw WDqpot. Phone. 47 Béeun ie 20 Y«er E. A. BI18HOP, Manager ct4b crityvilWeYer- xx xxx xxxxxcxx'x To inaure publication in the Indepen- dent. copv muai be in the office no hâter than Tuestiay of each week. Ativer- tisera, especialli' are asked to take particular notice ta Ibis eflect. (Additionîsl Local Newes on Page 4) C. B. Diekuet Lf ake Villa, was a visitor here Miînday. It W.Spafford î,f Antioeli was hors an bueiieams Wediiemday. James Neish waë un the sick list the latter part of last v.eek. H. E. Malinan o! WAauec-rnda, uvae in tien on t.uiiîess Nonday. S. O. Adaîns uif Chicago,. sîent Sunlday %t the home ut W. E. Miller. Postinaster B. L. Scott tf Fox Lake was% a viitor bore Tueeday. Jus lilcuer is now dejivery clerk for th. Model Cash Gronery & Market. little son was born o Mr. and Ms. Myron Lyonts. latnrday evening, Oct. 3l. MA lttielson was humn to Mir. anti Mis. ax Koliliner, Suniday evering, Oct 4tlî. MMre.Auna Fiiote nand dangliter la 0i Waukegnn, have returneti to theïn houte alter Fpeiliug a t-w days with the former'ms e.1 S.(lriale.. 1Mn. andi lre. Martini <ramer ot Fort Wayne, Imd.,visiteS uiver Sunday aith Mnr. anti Mrm.Henry Kernundns taili'. Mis@ Jennie Kerii retimned to F'ort Waynle wthh theii lor a teo weeks visit thore. M. W. Marvin of Linden, Wls., visited several days this veek with F. R Tripp and fainili'. Mr. Marvîn was fîîrmerly prominent lu l,ake couty o<itIlai circl.ei, belng superintenuleiîî of sehoola for a number ot yetrs. Mns. C. M. Fuller luIt Tuesday evening for a vieil wltlî lier sister, Mis Sarah (ileason and brî,tl-r, Ehmer Millard at Rockwell City' linwa. She wull vieit relatives and lriiitis at Riceville andi àumner, Iowa, letire returaing houle. i)eputy Sherifi l>ennis Limmerry l.p attendung ciiurt iii Waukeran thie week, l eaving ber@ lat.- in the murning andi rtuirnIng lnu tue aiternuon,- Hesboasa deputy maréhai tii lo aften thie village lutemeets duriug flue lîturs liat lhe le Cari H. iHughies has moved unto At- awy toriiey tM H, Miller'e tarinnorth-west ,of Sunday Schouil llally llay *will lebe lt town. at the Premhyteriaiî chiurch Boit hunday ('las. Vitrioey ioced tlîis aeek froîiî îl(niugat 10 :30,. aithi special services Secndstretint aboue n Ochrd y hybe Sunday sctiî,ul, larenti and Secnd tret iSu bose n Ochad. nem bers ufthte î'ougegation are urgeS street. tii be present and lencourage tue sluendid Chester Iribtile of Keniomlua, has ai- wurk o! the Sîiîuday svliool. cepted a position la F. B.1. Cvell & Co'e drugto1 Attorney B. H. Miller, Coroner J. il. drug tore Taylor, Suuevieur Il. B. Eger and A - J. NI F'uller anti laniily oit Wauconda, oistant ' ounty Clerlu J.F3.Mors.- were @pent Sunday wlth hie@ nuther, Mrs. the Libertyvllle gentlemen present ah C. M. Fuller. the meeting anSdbanquet ut the counry Mis. Ai-e Prie andi danghter, Mise repulcan central cornttee helti at the Esther have moveti into the Evilsizen Paricli Huusp. M'aukegan, Tueoday. houge on Fourth street. lWH. D. iBo37d ment to Taylor ounnîy, The W. C. T U. will meet at heisbomne @cou@ B, Saturday andi returned mon- o! hIcs. Welch, Tues , Ct. 13, at 2.30. day Bilât. Be reports the sale ut a Tupic, "The Everlaehing Whisper." quarter section lu that courity ho R. C. Win.J. ell ba moed romtheHolcomb o! Area, une ot the faniilys Warren Heath reideneun Cook avenuehOvn Tumdyevtieip lir. BoyS, lu 1 tui hie own home on Milwaukee avenue. nu»aenDgM.Byico. pany with Wlbur Hentie of Waukegan, Mis. A. Dethurn anti son moveti lait madie another trip tu Taylor county. wreek !rom ber home on Lake street tu the Chas. Appley honte un Appley avenue. Mme. Sttepliens ham upeneti Beauty1 Panuore aver the fias office. They aie Mr. anti hrs. Henry Doeller lift lait tuliy equippeti for general wurk. Mme. Montiay nîumng for an extended viil Stephens le tlîe bulder ut sevoral U. S. with the farmner'a relatives at Lancaster, Letter patents andt tate marks granted Penn. lints aUne' anS s known by reputation1 Cý W. Essentrot bai moved outo itfrom oatt lu cait. Mauy o!ber pupile new, tarin whicbhe recelitly purchaâed are runnieg moine o! t he largestanti muet truin Attorney iB H. Miller anti A. J. suceeftl parlors lu Chicago today.1 Austilu. Mme. Stephens makeu anti uses ber own'i Regular meeting o! the iystie Workers ei et She a Lotiesonti elle a tom-s Tuestiay evenlng, Oct 13, alter busin ess h l ainadsel on a social ime. Members crne anti bring prtea anyduois orlaie y our frientiseani bby Aluof the local churcheu observeS the national " Peace Prayer Day" lait Sun- day. fipeciiel services wene belti, whicb wers largely attendeti. Dr. A. El. Churchill, who recently re- morueS tram Libertyvîlle anti opsetid an offlice la Otwego, visiteti relatives anti f rieuSe boe this week. Mn. anti Mit:Win. Wingate anti lre Mary Wiugate ut Cryâhal Lake, visited aven Snntiay with their uncîs, E. MCDOnaiti anti family hors. Wm. I. Collin@ anti family went ho An- tiocli Montiay evening where lhey ah- tendeS a surprise part> lu honor o! John McOnire, It boing hi@ 59th blrthtiay. L. B. Hanhy bai gone ho Sotins, New York, to visit witb bis brothens anti while there wll] arrange ho bave several ýcarloadsofapplesthipped to Libertyville. The village huard belS the iegula monthly neetlng Monday nigbt, hu very lîttle important business boudes th -auditlng anti allowing of bille came ni Dr. J. C Taylor was preomut anti toi np the subject ofut hbianunal licesd Imposed on the Auditorium hy i ortiluance passeti tomselise agu. Tb reenît ut the open consultation re«&ax Ing this matter may very likely enti1 an amicable setulemnt, as the member of the huard o! managers o! the Auj" torinmn were to, prepere a stahement t presena to the hoard for the specie meeting Thurstiay night. Mockler& Darnow, the conlractci wbo we-e awarded the joli ut gratiui the ne Oaku Springs ruaS from the sae village liîîults to St. Mary@ ruaS, start.i wuimk Mînday. a carloati ut materie arrîcing fluat day. The job ut gradiri wac ]et on the Cuntract nnleeuof 29' lar )ut the 'p. Dge au 7hi rd- l- di ýal ne 'g 'lo ,ai 1, H. Bryant ant iflt are noie locateti cen ts a cubit yard. The contractors are aS 430 Cornet Ave, Long Beach, Cal.. a Seciruttîs ot euplovîng as marîy local carS having been recelveti here statlng rrinen n tennis as ài lepoteihle ho get. their removal ho the above Ptreet Mr.l)arrtuîvLias the coutnhachtu bulld number. the ltmttlge aurs the river, anti he MiRse Blanche Trigge ba@ eignet iher istartdS w rk lait week. Hurace Butler position as tashier anti boot-keeper ah o! Llliîrî ville, le the civil engrucer anti the rriggs & Taylor store, anti bai inspi-vtr in charge under the supervision acepteS aU position Iu the office ut the ut l'îîuîutc SuI)erintent î>f lighways Chcago Conservatany o! Music. Chai E. Russell. Jay Ray o! Naponee, Nebraska, who 5'rini1il F. D. Hulcb last week necelveti bai heen spentilu£ dis pash two weekethbrough it lie mail a package euntainlng wltb hie sisters§, Mnr. L. E. Ray anti a chili ot titrifleti wooti fruin a Sequala Mire. Sehuier Appisy, returnedtiet bis! tree lltedwooti> wblch was sent tuî bum home thons Tuestiay oft ibs wsek. by hic brother, A. E. Holch, wbu ie W. 9.. Weil@s anti famlly moveti Mai teacliing in a Bigh echool lu Çn)pple., week froin the Meredtb boume on Creek, Cîlurado. Praiea letter Principal BraluartiCourt ho the Laycoek hume, Holch lcarneS that bis brother baS where they willl tay untîl ibelr new broken ti@i, hp tr0u a stump elgbteon bous inCookaveue l copletd. est lu hetght anti twelvetett In dlamoter. bouse an Cok avenueBl compltt. ~ cnpar;ng the numben of annual The Pnmbbyerau Ladies' AId helti an rings as seen lu thiemalcblp tram tis &Il day meeting at the cbnrcb Thnreday tree anti by taking lte meainre otfais. of lait week, wlhh twînty.two tuembers halt o! ths hrei, thie relie of olieon tlmeu hqvlng lunch tbsre and tonty la attend- [w«s nu lest than 4,082 yiars old beture ance In the altemnoon. liuch wank was Ilite growth weai eoppeti, and 4o bave accomplabiti for tht approaehlng bazaan hecome ta tboroughly petrIfieS a Ilke whlcb le ta hi helti at the Iowa ball penloti muet have elaposi. The cblp la Thursday aftiruaen andi evoung, Nov, about the tise ot a pieu of elate unually 5th, at wblc time mauy d&lnty anti founti lu turnsceol andi welghed ser#kmeble artilbe w1fl b. on sale A exactly four ounnce. Tbe color of l la ehlekea pie dînnen will ho serveS that vbry much lIke woed &eh. eveulng. The neIt mettng wili a&Wnhb helS hil day at theicbuncb, Oetober 22ad. Pianosas heuS net h. uneS unIse cîtanetiantiregulsteti. I do expert W or" InsUrane an an Automobile le a goton ODPlanas, stron 0tUllieti a Inventaient. Proteet ynunselt agaet organsie, alunca.s alhg. Go sany- Or@. toeedamnagetiand Abolit Su. NoeI wbere lu counîy. 29 75S!, ixpenlence . Duranti 2tf, A. P. Smith, Grayrelake, 111. 52p4 fli o 'o o o o o o o ê i o o o i o o I <I I i o bue, o o o o o.5. Ili "South Store .1 ,Whe . t!he c quer Our 1CHAS. D. PROCTOR T HE COST 15 F cake materiaht is higher than ever. Every wo- 9 0 -snknows that, and su. dots the huahand aiio g. tlite bill l; N1KA Tbat's why more sensible wornen tîran ever boy their cakes, pas- INS RA CE try, bread anti other thingo frorîr his bakery. tIàci eaper andi FIRE, TORNADO, LIFE nu botîrer. I'rices rem min the sainu(Our hî.l q .alît> nieyer vantle@ Il ~LIBERTYVILLE ]BÂKERY LIBERTYVILL1E, ILLINIOS PE OHEX rp If QUALITY Counts, If QUALI Y ii groceries nîcans anythirig to you, you'1l surely be pleased with the Unes We handie. Tfhe items we mention here are tepical, thse best of their kind. Oold Medal Flour, Iiolland Creamery Buttebr,,. CreamQo Butterine. National Cook les and Crackers Monarch and White Mlorse canned goods, Beech Nut condiments and delicacies, White Beai a -nd Metzgers OGuatemala Coffees These QUALITY kinds coot no more than nnknowss brande, and we guarantee you satistaction. W W.-RR L & SONS COMPANY Tbuâe.imetleby t heEl-a.e$ Wo,&ereo ame Y the M. E. church lait Frlday eveng, wa" weli atteüded by a large crowd. Mien Hazpl V. Eston, the' principie entertainer of the cvenirig, gave reveral readinge wbieh h ,lind mucb taleint and training. Miss Eaiton lia heen a student ai Dvî,rek and id Dow taking a cîîurdeest the Cunock School of Oratory at Evanston. Tirenumi~iber given fi' Mr@. Clara Colty wae tiovel and lerteresting Ilt corimistpil uf personi. lied iArtistle Poses with vomoie,)liglit effeetë Other attractions ou tire pro- gram were a pipe urgan solo by Mr@. Lulu tlattockm, vocal solos by lire. M. E. Williaue3 with %Ir@. C. IN. l)urand an accoui)parliet and a piano duet by Arthur and Mien Affdie Miller, ail of which were well rendered. public notice le herely given that on Tuesday, Niiecînher 10, 1914, at 1 o'clock ln the atternoou of that dany, a aspecial iiîetinz of tire tockholulers of the l)e rflelid Lurjîher Comnpanîy Will be h-Id fuir the purpuse of votîug izothte tocreanirig oni tle ieumber if[directe rm. ln @nid com panY, tcom thru-e un ivme, at which mieeting your preoesee INirptuîîîsted. F. C. :n', Eý A. Bsfiiî' tsi lt 9. If'),23 OBITUARY Fran'ilin Briggs Mfarvin as lurn n Haln.etriIll, 111 , Nov 17. IN'-l. and(lied at Fox LCake, Ni., Sept. 29, 1914. B id early learm Were crient or)a a lrin two luiles West of HnirienVulle Iln M lie eaue a rehldenit tof Fuox Lake- and &fier a few yeurs êegaged li Ili., hue antd Iîcery' luslnecs, .whih le icretajti.eul miil hie death. Ii n 18¶ li e was uni ted Ili n ii rrialze w ith Ms e n elîr i iugî who surviies hlm.Tiithein ruas bhu one dugliter. Mary Anneýttc. noie -lîrs. Robesrt Minneban. Besides Ili@ wàte and dauuitî-r Il0 leavt treegradchlilenthre e isipe and onsetiruttuer. YORK STATE APPLES Leave your <rder for York Stats apples-Ureeningm, lBaldwins and 4liag- net'@ at Walruurds lroc.ry. Will have several cars on track ini near friturs. Price $2 75 plertlarrel troîîî esr. 3.1 Colonial Rug anti RagCarpet weavlnu, ail iancy weavea. Mr@. .1. î. lIraves. Telephune 140-M, Libprtyvville c-21f lntiepeurient reaches ail pointe In Lsske Coanty. Look liere! 1 sharpen Saies of ail kindg that can be dune witli a file and grind ail kinds of toois thîat are ground on a grindetone. To the ."«isEspeaiy-Brintzr your Shears and Corn knivem, if youubave-anv ue for tlîem- aimoot everyhordy ba@. It is prett.y Warin to ihink of sqkate., but 1 sbar1îco tbem. 1 also rt-pair brokLen furniture. i Andep, IN c HRABIT Lt is easy to forîîî a bad habit. Fortunately it is just as easy to forin a good habit. You ean @pend ait you earn or you eau save a portion of it. Lt ail depends on the habit you form. Our bank will help you forni the good habit of saving. Corne in and talk it ovair witlî us. Lake County National Bank Capital, Surplus and Profits, - $00,000.00 Total Resources. - . . 750,000-00 Why Not "CoiaI=up?" Ail orders for coal booked now will be delivered at presenit low prices. As cold weather sets in, prioes are bound to go up. Buiriing the candie at both ends doe-'n't -mîakê, both etids ms'et." A bttter way is t> btirn oîîr reliable, lîigh-grade coal. It productes the greatest amotitit of heat with the smîallest -anîoinrt of ashes. ( Il' wint"e rtj M u 0,mst have haut. So why mot buy when la i. cheapï h~ome Cmber Company 0F LBRYIL Phone 50 W WlBae a Car of AP eP lvL ES On the Traok about Oct. 2Oth. Car Consiste of Baldwin, Spy, King, Wagner Canada Red and Snow. LEÂVIE YOUR ORDERS NOW. CORLETT & FREDERICKS Phiono 30. IBERiTYVILLE, U& Phose = Ti bHONE: mmom

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