CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 9 Oct 1914, p. 8

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,AIDVERTIS IN G RATES Sc per linse en insertion Lots thon 5 lines, 25cfirst insertion FOR BA Z W. have a number oflfie homes for eleur ren)t. Dyvmoud & Autin, Lberty- Ville. --tf ORSALE-9-Boom Fraine Bouse, osilar, sinali barn. chicken bouse. Build- Ings lu good repair. % acre of «round. Twa bloets froin rafiroad depot. fimal down payment. Eai@y terms. fiee ori ,Writs B. D. Boyd, or Loeb.Hammel Beaity Co., 205-6 Marquette Bldg, Chicgo, 11.C-2-ti FOR SALE-One Parlor flester iudi1 @%nail Heater. Mrs. M. A. i'rotine. c2ti FOR SALE-7-roum bouse, on easy terme. J. R. Mack, Broadway. 2,ti FOR SALE-110 Pa'r live Wild Gwss ,I)ecys. 075 Bay Mare, 1100 Ibe ,ouad, good worker. C. Zeims, Everett, Ili. C52t[ FOR SALE-A tew ltegistered Host,îu btoiero. bred rigbt and priced rght. Bons extra good tarin mares and horsesi eathargamnprices. (iatzeît, Lterty-Villa Stock Faim. Phone 46. Lit-ertyvllée, III. C52tf FOR SALE-lOlfi, 10 h. p. 4-elyinder Henderso,goodasucw. $195 Arthur iller, Libertyviir. Phone 56 or 12(;-L. FOR SALE-tiood Hard Coal Basel Berner ileatiuig Stove. The Citizerns' Bank, Ares. c2tf 'FOR SALE-2O shoate, 3 sows with pigd; 2frsshcows. J. F. Doyle, Everett,1 111. P. 0. Prairie Vew. 2R2 1 * FOR SALE-Bay driving mare, weigbt M54; harnue, rubbsr-tire Staver buggy wieh auto est. Bargain for rigbt par. ty. L. A. Murrie, Phote 244, Ares. 2e2 ' FOR SALE-Higbgrade Stewart Eleater * ove. snd top iunfâne shape, 1 good Oil Beatsr, 1 snsll Laundry Stove, new. Fred Lart huret. 8c2 FOR SALE-BoIstein Bull Caives, 47 Chester White Pige, about 35 lbo. eacb. ,L B. Combe, Round Lake, 1Wi Phone 1()-U-1. fel FOR SALE-1914 demantrator Chevro- W B ioadâter, gond se new. C. A. chrock, sales agent. Phone 267-M-.2 lbertyville. catl FOR SALE-Oine eigt boree power International gaealine eugins qa tructe, neariy DOw. Will be sold on ten daye fres trial. luquire at the Long Grove mm. 73c4 FOR SALE-Onions ut $110 s bu: Butat 75e bu., Canrote at 75e a bu.* Cabbaas ut 2 meats a pouud. Wtii deliver injÂhiertyvjIle and Area or at my pas % mile west of Liberty ville. F. W. Sechilkeir. cfltf FOR SALE-Base bumner lu gond candi. tiou. lrs. Frances Colby. esft + FOR RENT + FOR REf.T-Furnisbed room, tscing scutb.euitable Icr ont or two for ligbt houeteeping. entral location. Inquire %bis office. cîtf FOR RENT-My bouse on Division Otreet. Sarah G. Dusenberry, Cok'rado Springs. Colo. 2e2 FOR SENT-fi modern Bungalows will be ready for occupancy tbie week. Tent vOrY re"Gsonble. Inqulre Pbone No. 2, Biel MONEY TO LOAN-On lmproved real asIate. J. . GRIDLEY, First National Bank."-S-t MA^RRY OF VOU ARE LONELY-Tbe Eséilable Cantidential succSuul club bas large number ot wealtby eligible Inein bore 01 bath sexes, wisblng early marri. aga. Description fiee. Mrs. Wrubel. sox,2O, Oakland.-Cal. P-3-2 Deraad&IDurand haveetblsea beemel oglesla Lake Bluff. CLon3e456. fiel + +e wpà41Mi-0av. p«rnýbaers for [rom 10 to 80 *" 9sma Ville sating all pssgl.latu No agents. Addn»Ree . A., I.iqins.t oas.1>241 WAUKEGAN PEOPLE INTERESTED IN RULsi ING 0f ILL. BOARD Rules Laid Down on Saturday Is Aid to ail Consumners of Gas and Electricity. RULES EFFECTIVE NOV. 1. Provide That ail Complaints by Consumners Must Be Investi- gated and Recorded. '«aukegan People, aud for that mat- ten people ail Over the country sud la othen lakre ahane Cies are rnucb la. terested lu a set of ruies Issued an Saturdsy by the state board af util- Mtes and which ruiez establIib stand. ards for gas sud electric service,. The rulea becoine efective November 1, inl coutain rnany provisions ta te advantage of consumners. Arnoug then, la tLe provisian that each complaint muet be investigated, a report Le nmade therean and adjust« ment or disposaI thereof lie recarded. Titis means thai no matter bow lu. sl.gui.ieant the complaint made the publie utllity corporation may nat ig- nare It but muet give it Juat as mueh attention a, tbougb it were ans of major importance. By demndtug that a record be minitained of tLs disposai of ail Sucb Complainte the state board of utilities is able ta keep a check on ail mattere ta ses that the ut]Ilties do ese demuded. If a eýter le found an test to Le ton fast thé Company, under the 05w set Of rules laid dowu by the state com- mission, sbaîl refund ta the causuin- et. lu tb e saine rate of percentage la excess for tbe six mouths preeeding the test. The commission inaintains 'hat s m eter will ual go wrng sud- denly sud It l, beld that the con- sumer ls entîtled 10 the beneflt of tLe doubt as ta how long the condition bas ex Isted. Restitution for losi gas or electri- City because of a slow meter may bce had enly lu cases of Importance sud then through s li rendered by the utilitY ta the consumer. These set ot noIes laid dowu by the Commission are eaid ta bave been due1 partly ta a number of complainte illed by North Shore people against the utilities. partloularly the gag coin- Psny. At the time the condition of the gas ail alcng the nnrtb aboie was go Lad the nunaber of complaints train consuiners was very numerous. The commission evideutiy thougbt It WoulId do no harin tohave the saine set of rules apply ta bath public util. Ities. Situation 81usd Up. The young girl bad heen eugaged as an amanuensis by a society warnan. Bihe diaeovered hat uearly every day te huahband and wife bad a quarret, n tbe gave notice hat asewas going ta leave. "Why?' inquired the lady, lu surprise. "Oh, you don't nesi an arnanuenas, inadkin," replled tbe girl.i "What you want la a war corrsepond- ent" World'a Dorkest Moment. The dankest moment ls mald ta bu mest before dawn. This in uow dit- covered not ta be so. The dar lent moment, relatively epeaking. le uhen Bis uoonday sun shines. Then It la that living things on the earth are ltnded by the dazzle aofltse snon d laul ta recognize the light that neyer Mils out la space. Double Work. -Wby le ht that a man won't wusil hie lacs witb a usehclvtht'" dernAnded Mms. Wombat. "Men haven't tins 1or aU that foolishuessa." aaid Mr. Warn- baL. "First you bave ta wash your face sud iben yau bave ta wasb the wasbciot."-Louleville Courler-Jau.r- nal. Poor Povîder. An aId negro lu Texas wuas akedf he vws galas ta reg>4tr.lHe vishi ta mnou bau Le uould bave ta pru cesd. Ou belng toid hat be had t swear ta support tbe constitution, bt eyez wldeued. sud. drauing a loil breatb, Le sald he couid't do It, tg cause hb, couldu't supporti birmsIL How Could Ho Know7 'Kln Lear la a great character remarked Bis frleud. "Tea,*ai swsred h. actar; "I suppose you r meinher rny penformance aset me son?" "No, 1 muet coutesa I Lai never sen you lu he part." "Il deed! " was h rejoinder ln a tor cf getîs surprise. 'Then, hou t eartb dld you nou It vas a gre characesiF -Roy GUI 17 years ald. use baui aven Ca tbe grand Jury il, bonds $250 ou a charge of lanceny preformi by the Lake Forest polices ubo 1 vas arraigned belons Police Magl traCe 'Walter Taylor af Wsukeffl Saturday evening. Ih us a rgsd tI boy niole clothing ta the vains cf frtraneisOuventela Club. Slark-Caroliha Mark, nes liedi died Sept 29; resîdence, 6617 Carpe er street. Beloved wIte af Itali niece aI lins. Herzog, sister-in-aisu lira. Kanten of Lake F'orest aud Kansten. FaneraI friday at 1 p.à hY autos ta Mount Gresuuood cen tery, Chicago. Indspendent resehas ilUpoints lake Countty. NÂARRIÂGE 1LIOINSE& Dionisas Autonoflos. Milwail.zee 23 Paraskevi Papavasîlin, ane...19 Aiburt C. Jackson, Pleassat Pr. ..5 3 Editb Wllsou, Hamiuîtenfi Can. .27 Charles H. Ray. Waukegan ...27 I .tptta R. Toniga, garne....28 Hebert Eake, Milvauke....21 Ma. tua Teiafsanie............18 Reuben ÂAwnsend, Racine ....21 Caroline Beuts, saute ............ 18 Méichael Buchinan, Kenosha ...24 Anna Mead, Rociford ........... 23 Barry D. Kline, Chicaga ......... 30 Christine MacDonald saine.24 Rbéa Smilth, Chicago........... 28 Helen M. Leonard. arne ....35 George E. Pischer, Town of Lake, Wisconsin ....................29 Clama Outknecht, Milwaukee ...26 Âudrew TribLe, Milwaukee...22 Emma Wandrub, sarne............ 18 Artbur Ituckenbeeker, Milwsukee 22 Helen Reikoult!e, saine .........24 Thos. Lyonâ, Waukegau . . egal age Katherlue Graham,. saine . . egal age Charles F. Geelbart, Milwaukee ..-. .22 Esther Cbalups'y, saine.,........ 19 Wayne Bacon, Waucona........ 21 Lattis Davis, samne.............. 20 Rudolph Vendt, Oconto, Wln...22 Auna Murphy, .saxe............. 22 Ernest Miller, Savanna, 11....41 Atinle Hill, Mlwaukee............ 31 Conrad Starke, Milwaukee....11.2 Katharine Opperman. saine ...23 William Kobis, Shebnygan ....34 Augusta Gollbardt, saine ... . . 33 Denuy Nelson, Racine.......... 21 GlertrudeGll,. sain . ............19 Issi Ooldberg, Chicago ..........26 Anna Teichuer, saine............. 29 Boir Sperbeck. Osbkosh......... 25 Anus Arndt, Milwaukee ..........22 George B. Rogers, Chicago ....38 Rachel Elmer, saine............. 27 John Johnson, Zion City......... 415 Annie 1. Smyth. saine ........... 5 Frank Zaugea. North Chicago... 8 Keld Augetuca, saine,........... 21 Roy O. Crawford, St. Charles, 111. .21 Helen Simmous, saine........... 18 Arthur Lîbben. Appeton Wis..29 Louise Bannes. Fou du Lac, '«la. ... 28 John Strang, Chicago age Helen Isabelle Grant, Highland Park .. ............... legal age Arthur G. Cochran. Muskagee. 0k. .35 Aima Grace Mendenhaîl, Highland Park....................... 27 Felîx Lackowski. Milwaukee...27 Augusta Marlfke. saine............ 26 Edward H. Ricbardson, Minneapo- lis. Mirai. ................... 23 Floneluce Bartbolomew, Ares I.2 Hanry Jobaunsen, Mlwaukee ...22 TulleQ Hintz. saine............... 25 Michael MeGuire. Milwaukee...44 Lucy M. Rook. saine ........ ..... 43 Jobn Hartinan. Mlwaukee......33 May Hainer. saine ............... 34 Tonels Tomulesis. Waukegau ...30 Moneiso Macaicuka, saine ......... 22 Stanley E. Jeukins, ......... legal age Bertha L. Jones, saine age Ernil Nolinski, Milwaukee ....25 Bertha Haivenson, same......... 21 Suntoul Guisseppe, HIghwood .... 28 Cruella Bareauti, came ..........21 William A. Haeket. Chicago...27 Esther M. Webb, sanie.......... 22 John D. Lund, Mîlwatifeee....27 Nell A. Charbontet. Ispernlng..27 Gustav R. Sveuson, Chicago ...41 Krthenine Mt. J. Bopp, saine...21 Albert W. Logan, Ladd, 111 27 Laura N. Frazier. RusseU ........ 20 Henly Webr. Port Wayne.....30) Elsie Schneider. sainie . .. v . 27 Frank Madjeskî. Kenosa ........ 21 Mata M. Sorensen. saine.......... 19 John U. Sobys, MU.waukee ....38 Otillie Krauso. sains ............31I Henry Theilin, Racine........... 22 Helen Philipe, garne .............. 18 Spencer Wells, Lake Villa ....25 Jeanle Amour, Neuport.....21 Ilankus Kotz, Milwaukees......... 28 Anua Matelske, sainie........... 28 Frank Proelich, Milwaukee...28 Eleanora Sonuen, sainie.......... 22 Royal Wheeler. Milwaukee ....26 Leons D. Wlrlng, saine.......... 24 REAL ESTATE TRANSFI Fuvni,,hed by LAKE COUNTY TITL & TRUST 0.. Abstracto or TitI.. Tilles Guaranteed. Masônic Temple Bldg, Waukegan. Oetl 2, 1914.-8!enry G. Beuchinann and wlfe ta Frarf, Bnuckmann and Wlfe, part S. E. qr. seetion 19 45 12 W. D. $1. Arthur C. Purdy (bacb) ta Jullus H. Zîmmer, lot 29, block 8, C. L. Wrennsa addition ta Hlghland Par&e. W, D. $10. Arthur C. Purdy (baoh) te DeWitt C. Purdy, S. 100 test, lot 7, block 29, City af Highland Park. W. D. $10. Everets Wrenn and wlle te William P'. lieil, S. hall lot 6. black 2. G. U. Wrenn's addition ta Highland Park. W. D. $1200. Lea. Delhaye and wlfe te Tladora, Pavelli, E. 40 let. E. 183 test W. 333 leet, N. 150 lest block 4, plat "S" Hlghwood. W. D. $650. Carl Wessel and wlfle ta eNeman Kernatz, S. E. qr. S. W. qr. and W. 4 ach. S. W. or 8. E. qr section 36, 43 1Ofi. W. D. $8.500. William C. Parkeer (bach( et al ta Mary C. Parker et ai, E. 62.8 lest lot 7 and W. 46.2 teet lot 6, Osiers sub- division. Q. C. $1. Oct. 1, 1914.-Bars E. Campbell and busband te Dougald Campbell, lot 6, block 22. Zion City subdivision, lu sec- ,ton 28. Asat. $1,000. J. LeRoy Jobnson and wlfe teaÂug- uet X. Johnson, lot 18 bloeci 14, Zion City subdivision. inssetion 27. Agit. $1 Benjamin Parmales sudutife ta Wil- liam J. Flck, lots 1 and 2, Benjamin Psrmslee&s subdivision. W. D. $10. Sept. 30, 1914.-George M. Rogars aud wlfe ta Emma M. Klnn. part lot 2 sud aIl lot 7, ln uortbeast quarter>see- tien 7, Avon township. W. D. $5.000. John T. Strahan, et ai., te Margaret Speers. lot 7. Wilton's subdivision lu southwest quarter section 8, Antloch township. W. D. $2,000. Stanlslaw Kuls and wlle te Michal Rogalski and wlfe, lot 6. black 10, .Dflr' subdivision city of North Chicago. W. D. $5,600 lamel R. Runnssy and wife ta Mar- garet Appleton, Part lots 1 and 2, ln W. A. Nîchols' division. L.ake Forest. W. D. $10. Joseph S. Haaa sud wlfe ta Sher- inuCase. aouthwest Quarter, soutî- east quarter, section 25, Wsuconda township. W. D. $4.000. George Hermann. Jr., ta Leo Barz- awskl sud wlfe, lots 1 snd 2, resubdl- vision of lots 1 ta 12 block 10, Deer- field, Park Land and improvement As- sociation subdivision, Deerlield. W. D. $10. Sept. 28, 1914-Oea. E. Titayer (i,%dr) ta Edward Brook.SS 3-4. E. 1-2 N. E. 1-4. section 35, Antlocb towu- tIîlp. Q. C. $1. John W. Murray sud wlfe ta Lyel H Marris, lot 6, ýlock 2, Psrkhurst & Cummingham's subdivision, lu Vil- lage of LIbertyluIe. W. D. $10. Frank C. Seare and wife ta Eusa C. Wledemaun, lots 10 sud il of F'lse& Lasher's subdivision of Indiana Point, Fox Lake. W. D. $10. SPtany Wojelehoskl*apd wlfe ta John RozmUud. lots 33 ad 34, block 14, Dryer's subdivision, Waukegau. W. D. $1540. James Niban aud ulfe ta John Werth. W. 36 fi. a. 128 ft. lot 5. block 2'.. %[cKay's 2nd addition ta City of Waukegan. W. D. $1. John Wereb sud wife ta James Ni- bon and wlfe, 5 acres ln S. E. 1-4 S. W. 1-4 section 20, Wankegau, W. D. C. E.' Smitb sud wife ta Gea. Fiesel aud mwlfe, lot 23, Wshingtnn Pariz, Waukegan. -W. D. $2100. C. E. Smiîth sud uJfe ta Gustal Swanson sud wife, lot 1$- Wasbîug. tan Park. Wsukegsn. W. D. $2.000. Sept. 29, 1914.-Chas J. Arbagast aud wife ta Herman A. Pretzel. lo t 8, block 6, ln Heury Kue's resubdlvi. sien ln. Amtfn..1 *,.,,,,hil) .-.D. lo1 waitr wyoc-l, wuxean .....ZriskT W. An Smiatb sud wY.1) l'f .t Salie Saurfea, Chicago........... 20 DRS. GAVE HER SHORT LIFE. Theodore W mt n ret ________________________ ltrry W. sud Sarah H. Harder, lots it 156 sud 157.' luJ. 1, Sbaw's eubdlvî. Se -yduey Haies, audîton of the Cati- Waul<egau sud Lake Forest resîd- Moin, Avon township. W. B. $200. roUec automobile campany, the man ente will Le sbocked ta bes.r of tis Octave C. Lepouce sud wîfe et ai tg wbo was ljured a couple of weeka deaib in St. Jas, Mo., of Mrs. James ta Ernest J. Lepouce, o-id. 1-2 ut pi. af S. W. 1-4. S. WV. 1-4. section 37. lis ago uben au auto lu ubicitbe wuse Mbyte, wtt. aof the former NMaster 0 or u owsîp(Q). 1 nta ridlug turned turtis. usa remaved EnglisL at Lake 'FanstI Academy. Robert P. Brooks sud ulfe ta John bd& froin the Jane M.cAlis- bospîtal ta NMm. 'Lyte Is the sou of Mr. sud Mrs. A. Baab sud P. EarI '«elton, lot 3, Lie home ta Chicago George Mbyte of Grand avenue sud a blockt 97, Zion City subdivision, lu brother of Charles, John, Han-y, '«îîî section 22. '. rD. $400. sud Robent of Waukegau, aliea of Mrs. Sept. 26. 1914-'l. H. Hussey sud Frank R. Covey, former member af O. S. Thomîmmon, Mrs. Lawrence Boa- wife ta City of North Chicago, lands Ln he legisîsture lroinhie district sud li'tlc- sud lIre. Robert Brysdsle. lu section 4, lu City of North Chicago. n-an attorney ai lau at Boividere forn Mrs. Whyte's deatb oceurred at St. Q C. $10. r» many years, bas taken lu a partuer lu Joe lasi W44neday sud the remaine db tle persan a! Eduard B. Roberte sud wltl Le takien ta 1.ake Geneva, for Auna Ni. Yeoraa'esud huhbsnd ta Le te- uew lau Sm u ll l e known as buril, the funeral being delayed lun.City of North Chicago, E 40 il, lot 2, I- Cavey & Roberts, ultb Offices ai 138 order to permit lier taitler Ca corne block 8, Bard du Lac Bluffs, City of ,e North State street, Belvidere, Ill.-Oau tram Caifornia. The body uill an- NrhCiao .D 35 ou Harvard Herald. rive ln Cbica.go Monday aud viiih Nrb hcao W . 35 Bat tslien at once to Lake Geneva. Alken Engineering Ca. ta '«i. Siat- Judgs Persoa Saturday receIved 51rs. «byte vas about tonty years er sud wtt e, part of N. W. 1-4 section fromi ighland Pk. s petition contain- aId sud lesyse a daugbter about 13 jEf, Benton township. W. B. $1. iug saine 600 signatures at'ing hat au years ofag ie. The decedeut use talc- Carl E. alradwf oAop nd election ho set for lbe submitting ta su sick saine twelve moutits ago sud -Sye u let dli or~ the votera of tite proposition a$ ta at Christmnas site came ta Waukegan Knaus and vite, lots 10 sud 11, bloci ral hether ar nN thbe commission form witLhber hnsbaad, cousulting &selps- 2, Lenox Subdivision. W. D. $350. of goverumeut ebal l e estabilised cialist lu Chicago ubo gave ber titres Wrn. B. Walrath sud vite ta, Anus he ihere. _The Judge set Octaber, 24 as -noutilu nbit ta live. 14 la said elle (îles NichaIs, lot 67, lu J. L. Shbaw's ia- lte day. for holding th. election. vent back ta Missouri sud ernbraced on the Chnisilan Science falliand sînce subdivision, Autloch township. WV. B. te Aunouncing that, as a resuit of the titen bad looked most bopefully tow- $400. eIncrease lu print paper it bas been ard ultîmais recc'very. She usa trou- Rose McLaughlin Ca John ONeli. 26 torced ta ake tbe step, the ÂntIoch bled uitb cancer and Il rsacbed auch lot 8, block 6, Kirk & Paweli's adi. News le the inet usuepaper n lu Laits $tais hat, for two menthe past it. .D 1 Céunty ta announce an lneressed sub- le sald se@bad 80 radlins tna LMorris . ion, Ciy o! Wauksgan.W..$1 er, sorlptlon rate. Tbe pricesLas been chair ail the tirne. not 'beng able ta $1,90 a year but annonncsrmsnt la uou go ta, bed aI any tin». She vas sait! Sheniff Green bas recelved a notice m~uade that it la ta ho $1,50 a year lbe. ta passess a moet vondertl nature tram Cositoctan, 0., aukIng hlm ta <t. ginning Jan. lut. l 5ad hadl hop« omlU ilongtihat ah. kesp s vateit for George sud James -- ouid get ueil sie long. Mort, aged 18 sud 29, wha, ogether _________________________ Mr. Whyt e a »Il kuoun lu Wan- ulCh'their wlves, disappeared au Àug. SÀY $5TO 18 n lw Nw kan.WbenUMstrof Engllsh ai 1and have flot lissa heard tram aines. UL - PEL$5HTT t1e acdsrny, lit froquetlY Preeebed They are traveling asegypoise. A me- Vee e seU1. VeoeuMe rues l th Wi afpttchurcli. * e arsi of1$10 la offened fr lulInor- TUOH > aeis, hpsIasaumlng th m #a*Mhip Of IeTbe reward le offered.bY the tailler cf T20 Tu U IetU183 l C Sift paeýklng pla« atSt. Jas. He the min. la et ~ ~ bas lisen her. ever ince sud le anse________ la 858ofn the company's most trusted em- ployes. Ilidepefldut ado--simd Iy 3100&. Ce..,eta. 1914 ~ Sa.. & t& I - 011 Mis Wsy. "Wby do«Wnt hat dachsbund ons whan 1 eaU hlm? The Ides of euh-. tug on me." "H3e'@ corning as fasat as Leho, sal»àd te man's vife. l"He mot bis front legs etarted-W&abinr tont Ieorld. Lîke Many Other Women. igra. Gfxip-"-ýThat; roratto Um Passe MayaCher. le a secret oonunsced wlCh hem blrCh." Um issPckle&--,m'go lrie h«amd. At 'C'ah. date."-Mev York Gile.- Neckwear anid Arrow Collars. Boots Ptnd Shoî's ini ail grades. Mexî's and Boys' Sweatmr Coats Overalls, Jarkets, Wasli Sliirts ami everytbirîg tîtat is ueuitaliy earried iii a iret-4lacs .1 thiug ptoru. No trotuble to show goods or to .411lotelîrices. Mothers thiat liave h9ys to out- fit uonld dio uclltoe. cl iat ur store. Vorîrs to serve, T. A. REYNOLDS, Prop. O PPOII'lUNITIES, lk.- sels, are lipp ry and Lard to bll1, ulileeirmmy âeezed. 'l'bey slide tlxrouvh the fingers sud are gone ere one ie awa e. 'lo make the nmust af opportunitce that înay bit gritsped by advertising, use Tlhe 1 dependeuie's clam- sitied patres. It ie s migiîtv elsive ol.portililitv thai esespes those who aditertise iii'IThe lndepeumîcut. Fromi It ionandii ot rpaders Tb*. tnilev.ýndënt le îpttî sure iii attord the adrertitser ment the opportunitiem that lie lae seekingý Bell System Thot Cynle Agein. qeis e bulieveeCthé bo& Mâtrimnuy voula ho more oopulav M titeY >aid euh divldaudo. For eà 1ok Room Takean ordinary wax candis and bum aun the taper liecomnes level: Chou put.cul Ch. dlame, sud ovar Ch. top uith a layer ut sait, leasing ou»i the blsckeusd sud ef Che wick e poaed. It wyul give out a fEitbat stssdy light. , À. The New Clothing Store at Libertyville, Illinois We are receing Fal -and Winter Géodin ail ines.ready towear for-MEand BOYS Beady.made Suite and O'coati§. ...... .... Suita made to order fro)m the êi ~,beftestablished tailoring bous«, in Chicago. ~ '~~'*~ Men's and Boys4' Fall and Win- 4 ~ ter Underwear, Fie Dress Slhirti3 ani Flannel SShirts. Welîandletlie celebrated Dutchees Trausere. Hats and Caps. Glov-es and Mittous.- * peak alowly and distinctly when using the telephone. Too rapid or careless enuncia- tion causes sentences to be but haif understood and makes time- consuming repetitions necessary. Undivided attention and clear, weIl-modulated tonies ensure sat- isfactory telephone -conversa- tions. Chicago Telephone Company A. R. Andrews, Manager Telephose 9901 l Pt l I t C ail bit ,ai ta Ti bu tho toi ti hi '1 Otc ai via t'ai -ai ~, i-" s. MqRS. RUMS WIIYTE DIES AT IER HOME IN ST. JOSEPHI, No. Relative of Waukegan Whyte Family Sucoumbs to lllness of Many Months.

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