CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 16 Oct 1914, p. 1

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LAKE COUNTY II) DPEND:)ENT WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN--- VOL. XXIII.-NO. 4. TWELVE PAGES LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, nLL.a FRII)AY, OCTOBEIR 16, 1914 ONE TO EIGHT 81.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANflI. FORM PROTECTIVE ASSN. BLOOD1IOUNDS TO TRACK TIlE VES People in East Libertyville and! West Fremont Have Become Very Desperate of Late. TO DRING 260 WOMEN HERE LOSSES ARE VERY IIEAVY. MwWn-WU D.MutImpoi- On Othe PlaoM'WbMr Chick- mot tutaEv~t~vo Heid ens Have Reen Mtoen, the inIt o W ulegn. Same Courue luPlanned. 'Il 3l~ng m#t* ovntimo f t e ]rnmr rm in uZ&MtLiberty. WoLMaas'trsta Tezaperailco Un- vlle snd Wet Fromont have beome Ioe-nliIbe hela tuWskea n iD19161dseaooo b.rpao ho Waukga nsmeoted ast. lb.. pr. . t.aced bgo frhlditg'ho annual convention, etnitolesale quantitles of chichono an the etin tsin ! h. lIaI. moot- fsrm produce and bave ortanlsd a ing edOc.69ai Charleson, 111- Protectivo ansociaion e-th duly elet- Thc meeting nfil be beld Juml about e fiesfrteproeo ibi- the *mre"t year mthough lt dofcr o thepuosoflgtn dale ailho flied lober. 1thte efforts of thé thieves ln a ytoma- la ianding the convention for 1915 tic manDer. John Ahmrt of Liberty- the Lake <eouny delegate,. feei montl1v.ile la one of the prime movers. happy for l a helb.lirai lime thomstte Ahan been decided ta ecure blood- W. C. T. U. bas n honored Wauke-1h1 nst rc b.blv u bs gan. The delegates tram Lel<e Coun- acnmaii a xpoteti lavea bin ty noce: Mr*. Lake, county presi-anmlar petdoariewhi dent; Mir. lFaukner cf Warren,;te course of the oeit: twc-cl' tIre. Mr@. Juil and Mn. ffedgwlck. Mtm. jda >e from Indiana. The farmers bae- andti r. Faulkner returned' lotging la the neniy formed praoc- home Fnldily ngt.Ot. PIb nhlle the tîter delegates came a day laer. 1 ice association have agreedt 1 stand There wpre 252 delegatos at Charles- JclntllY te co3t of hlring the 'thief- ton meeting andi it te foît thal the ai- takr. tendance reiai year wIl! ho even larger1 On Tuosday or tis week tbe Otin than tis yeur hence Lie County; prlnted an article lelling of the whoie white rlhhonerg have a tank on thelr al hfse bcesfo ifre bande 10 prepare fer the enlertain- aetet fcikn rn ifrn ment of te noeen who will ho Wau-. pùrts of the counly. Complainte ce- kgan'î guests. - ccii eti yhe local Police depacîment R-elect President. from departiments 9ii ever the county Helen HooE nas re-elecled ilote aaXs for co-operatlon lu seeking the presidont of Ihe association. The con- f tleses. In a number of Instances ventian votai! 10 have as lis nork for tb,ý comlng year lte establishment oft - lot ves have stoien a bundreti or national prohbtion sud nork for îî, more chiekens tram one fariner lu a a.i a memoris ta thé list natioal tgbt. Somitma two or three of lacoldent. Mibi. lon Slavons. e ag bIs aetie lc Diemlond Modal ce~ agotN"t bv lkn ic Oit Tburefay eveniàg 'agrasui dis, ie aiiht.'The losers are of lbe moud modal cotit nas beid lb.heopinion ltaI lthé» theftare bong lv voYOnngMMouContestants hing vie- Msade hY an onganizod bandi of crooks torm lu privions silver. goid, grand as they bave flgucod il eut that ne gpid and dianont modal Content hold ýte ragmn oi aebe hy tb. W. C. T. U. The ninner of 0 riîeetwu. aehe thte grand diamond moedal was Eck- atlended nith the. me success. Thon hart Vissolng of Detroit. nho, nhen too, lbeY have figured taIIfrttis sters ho. contesteti for te other medais. liv- net the cage the Ibloves wouid hardly cd ln Illinois. He roturned from De- dare oke ptei prtogi troit lusi 10 take part ln the contest. eepupheroraon b Medai la toben- t he same neighborhood nlghl afler Attr lnnngtheme-l iser nl ght and they would have dlfficulty placed lt on his dressaui and later. ln hîdlng and diposln.g of their plun- lut the suit le bis gril).He thon1 der unies they noce organized. Thou- stEnt out for lunch and wben ho re- sands and thousands of chickons bave turnted the medal bad dîsappoareti. lien stolen and the situation bas Secch was matie but h la net knonn whether l was recovereti or not..D,- ccached serious proportions. agates to the Convention fei vry The thefîs cf tarin produtce &l80 is badly over the theft which. il was bo- a serlous matter, Prodtace of ail kinde Ilieted. vas porpetrated by some of l cgsoe u ll lue h the notltmen about the otage or some- Ebigsoe n iJ iue h body wbo had beaus natching for a tltievem muet have itrovideti thein- Chance ta gel the 150 prise. selves wllb suilaitie conveysueoe as The New Offieers. j0otewisethbey ould net lie able le The nov Ilte olticecalerteit for carcry away such large quantltics. 1915 are:i The nboie western Part of the Con.1 Preitent-Helen JU..Hood. (Chicago. tv le aro)used ovor the depredations.1 Vice Presdent-Mrs. Etta Rot Ed- wards, PickneyvtIli. Efforts have been made to fleeP a Corresponding Socretacy - Misse atch foc the Ihieves but when lhey Epha MarshIal, Chicago. i acre watcbed ln one viclnlly tbey * Rording Seretary-Mrs. Rosete' î obu nanîe laea Trebee, JermoyvIlle. 1wedhl pI nte lc n Treasurer - Mia L. Jngrsm iMace' s large theft vould lie repocted the Bioomington . foliowing mocnlng.1 Audtilr-Mrs. L. Belle Goodman et, Il vas agcoed hy the farmera le Canpaign. JhEnnt Ubortyville sud West Freont1 Etitor of Watcb Tower-Mrs. Ni. B Morning, iEvanstoxt.1 thal soins more draelic measures Secrotary of "Y" brancb-Mis ould have ta o latkon. At a meeting Kathryn Sawyer. Chicago. il vas decided le organise the protec- Socretai* L. T. L. ruch-Mrs. Lu. tive asocation sud procure blooti- cille lArlag Evans, Decalur. Mrs. Evans was also made stato orgsuiser Itounda. Thon nheu a titeftlal discov- fer 1 T. L. ered the animale wilI ho taken bo the AIl of the former officers nere re-' iceno beoeolte scenl becornos cold eiectednithblb.ex«Cepition of Mille andithey nl ho sent out 10 tcack Nelle Botanalto bas srvot as super- downa lb. Ileves. This plan nillI intenant t the Layai Temnpernce p Leglon for Ove Ysar@, nhlcb in thelme P suc 9cîaful unlesa the Ibievas lîmit. are using su automobile or a wagon. Mns. J. M. Daiauel nas elected dols- I»ltat cemO titeir tr&4 would hecome gale at large ta attend the. national 10it as âoon as lbey enteredth Ie va- convention at Atlanta, Ga.. lu Noveen- bice. ber. Among the clU« bs nh c ontandeti Honoves-, farmor lu ail perla ort1h VUthWankoganfor lte 1916 caon- County mre natehlng te proposoti lion noro Joliet[tanville and Lincoln. Plan nitb interoat md filla salti thal Report t t* Meedtg honsi the Ifi IlprtvOs 'mucusofuother prelectlvec mtot1111 iut. ti association* y*l ho fonmetiand more f 2y.J non e. eoa tom oito sni emous.This la cf ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ M 20 w fm tdr10ya.thé 1filet lime luth* hlsliiry of the and 10ev CoUIllehae maiet siI ountywen t lbu bem,,neossry tla of 109 or more ThmeoooUn OOrtsl Rock Jiland, 30 Buvies, Wfluklb seur. bloohonda fte' the purPose &m feury. o f titis! tracktat. The total reeetpbs cf-tb. orgai- Local authortlos&Mor.ppariug ta ldon for thé e yogWU. 810.88.. WIkeep a sharp natoh lu Waakpogaa te &u expendilure of $M~07.60. A banesethtn st0acepcebts di 1,374.56 le reportoti ln thoe os htn hft'4 ie oe g un- The expensos cf te recont con- It la bellevedt iat if lte thlevem mldf 'rottion le la ho palti out of Ibis bal- It 18 beCOMing tOo bot for them luc Sertary's Report lte country districts 1h07 may change Mime pha arabal, sate cr- toîr base of operations for lhe tm rospondbng socrolary. submltted te belng anid corne 10 Ibis locality. followlng report on liday: S "As a requit cf lte varins;virel Fourtoon employez ci The Wauke- commission Invesigations and thcough gan Daly Sun office *ore takon on tie influence of the wamen some ofauuh Our icense citiez are having a house- auato trip Sundaiy îhraugb western cleaniag. Chicago bas cleanod Up the Lake ceunty and over lot McHenry love. nItile Peoria bas awaltenedti 1 counly, golng 10 McJ*onry, Cmyta te tact tbata iegregated district la a 'Lako andi Woootepk. The ostng proy-ed a dellghlful one, te neether <Continutdon Page 8) being ideal for suaIt e jauni. FO'URTEEN IÏNDICI RE TURNI3,DBY1 WAUI(EGAWINS STATIýI W. C. t. U. 14EET FOR YR. 1916 Lake,. County Delogates Suc- cusseful ln Lan4n tt Convention. CELEBRATED 25T11 ANNIYERSARY; THE QUESTS WERE MANY MRS. C. AMES, A PROMINENT LAKE COi WOMÀN, DIESi Miller Family of Libertyville Mca ICheserC. Amn, .oneof oh Enterta.ined Thurs.-Many m"st Prominecîl onien eoflte county, vol! kno*ii a. a phianthropic and From Here Atterded. churcb werker, passeti anay aI ber home ceai- Gravulake ai 3:30 o'clock Mc. and Mrs. Joseph Miller nhO Oct Ober 8ttb a the age et 44 yearî., reside aI LîbertyvIllie celebrateti their1 Deatit vas duc te tuborcaloela anti twenty-filth veddiug annvbresary on O(t. 71h, anti h proveti t e hoene or the mosl onjoyabie affairaetofa similan nature ever Iteiti lte coucty. The Miliers. vIt e eide an a tai-m near Ltberlyvlle. are oneofetIhe bost known familles ln lthe coanty. A namber ot people tram Weukegan noce present et the celebration. The tinat featare efthlIe day's pro- grain laok place nben higli, maso vas observeti ai 9 o'clock bslte mernag et lte Catholle chai-ch ln Uhertyville. Immedbabeiy aller Ibis lte ganstae-e palred te tbe Miller homo. AI none au elaborate dinner vas sorvai. The Hapke slx-pbece orchestra furntsbeti musictrougbout lte day sud Ibis aid- ed on onjoyabie teature le the program as Il permitteti et dancing on th. part vas arttslically decoraomtet Amien-isurvive- ber. ou Beauty rosesanti camations. on Ituntredti Inalive gueisevere pse- IAJTV kTffl O enl. Tvo ipeciai daterons froin CIti- Ud 4ILIY .' Guipta ver, priment freinCclago, Fort Wayne, loIn& Denver, Col. Roha- terMin, ad Waltean.Business Otflte necendWi ofide for Ion, Mnts.. nti Wabeghe lienek eading Oct. 10. 1»14: There are nîne culidrea lu lie MI'I.The rniaite husîaon.darsig te or failir. Miss Atielne, a sditool veok broughout the cointyvWs fir' teacher, la si ta bave non more ion- .ly bnisk, but no big tieplaw none ore lu penrnushp tItan any alter, liceti. teacer n te eunty Mie Rnaac- A 120 acre farmIn h section 28, Grant leaite l lb cunt. liiRoa, n-townshbp, soiti by John Ilre.anti othen daugtpen. la saidti ta hle vile le C. A. Herbes for 16.0011 anti champbon basket bail ployer a! the Henry D. rhIeilon anci vite oIdti 1 couny.,She as laye Ingame InAnna Denemore six acres In the norîl. ccutsy.,1She bs plyeti a ganes l quarter et section 12- , tnporl ail parts of thte caunty andi neariy ai- tc'cîiiîî) for $2000. 1 vaya canrboe aff Si-st honore vhere- The ebty ot Waukegan bob itle to ever sho plays. the lot aI lite nortbvesl ornret o It bs ben alon tïm sice tereUtico anti Aasîingten itreete. la be Il bs hon alon Orn mice torauseti for a clly hall. bas heen a netitng aeelversary vhich 1 iThe Cyris ,'Il. McCormidc etate anti vas se largeiy attendeti or se generul- John Griffith ai-e pytting cente mac- l7 enjoyeti as ltaI of Weaneaey. ket a ncv subdivision of 77 ioti; bu jLake Foi-es-t te ho known asulte Wasiu- ladepetstenl: Moe rradeni than aIuigo ice utliln county veefihes ceminled. The. Itdependenf leade aiL. foiiowing an Iiijes O! severai veeka. Mirs. Ames uas.the ficher of lier- olti T. Ames, nienîber O et Ioibng Arcm et Bidînger Ames Of WoLukega. The deceosed tati beSce promineet tbroughoul lIc c-ounby for ber actîvjty ln the work ort Octlerng conditions of humanity. Hec wAork vas confineti ln a lange nîcasure le lh. locallty le vbbcb she liveti but lthe faine of bon many gacti decis bas uPneodti trough- out the wheîe o! the coanly. SIte vas e@PectaliY active ln churci clrcles et the counby. Becides ber habanti, CiiestsT C. Aines she Is surviveti 17 lire, sons: Hiaroldi T., Howard and Canitan. anti Ivo daughters, Misses Phila and Dem- mine5. lire moîler. Mrs. Jééepli Tay-1 lor o! Taylor Gi-ove, sunt Io sislers. BrS. Wilian Cannon O! Birchvood, anti -Mre. EaclHenry et Taylor Orove. The Octoher Grand Jury Completed tegadIw.atravstt h lit orklai Frdayaflrno nd mi unty jail, 0ommIended Sherif Green made ies report to Circuit Judge pnhext Claire C. Edwardm at four o'clock. Upilbs ient care of the prison. The report ehowod that twonty cases ers and theh1aniy conditions of the had beon luvotigaiod and out of that Inatituttion'. numbor fourtoon indilclmonla were Jude. u lb. tanked 'the jury rondered, Twa of the lndictrments wore wih for the OZïw manner in which belit by the tate's attorney for thetey- have àl up an.d disposedi of tîmotblug in osier that ho mlght got the WOtJeils" .Ho dischargod servi". On the Mmm çsnd have thom tlem witb aufdrtanding th&t plaisodlu castody. Thobs men were or- rested Prday night. Their noms. th07wi a s.~ e ledhc n are: Âdam Graogorewmkl, a Nortb heirta=vd p dOemenofmeomat. Chicaao POliceManchared wlth hav. 1ter IL UP amje,s thtonc mre big ausaulted Joseph Kundo whilo ho ltta a ,dvipdrn b wun uthe 0117 JOU n t North Chicao; tn. ,t lpdrn and James Butaney.of Gmysiuk. who wf-at »CenaArt. waa oharged with baving drivoti anar Thomas 1Mmrli who ntas indicted vltk a homse lbeioging t0 Ehra F. on charge lug guiiy of all un- Shanks. "malt for fna" as ho explain- natureli crime, v«n luHighland Park. Il. The -crime lé Oheged to bave boots kThen Crzegorewouî case la wefl COiumitted lua onoction with John, knw.Kundo waa placed In jaîl. Stajison. lie tlid bis wrfe and others Ihat Po- Harry MuUmD and John Dacey of tileman Grzegorewski had beaten G- * 01f *r$,ýlleged t have stolon hlm severeiy wbilp lie nas ln a ceîî. articles Of c"1119n etc, cdfJaeob Bah] Ater hoein dismlîseil Kundo et once on July 41h. ccmmitied suicide. Ail these fal John W~,o, Peter Greenhack, were testilled to et the oonr i-ROY De Boaucourt Firank Mitîgaard. quest. The widow of Kundo bas res- George Herzog and Alex Pearson of talnod Attorney Orvis to start a $1 ' Fox Late, are charged wlth bavIng 000) damage action aliainst the police- broken loto the bote! of John Jones man. It was generally cenceded he Of, Auguet 9 and niole set eral articles. wnuld be lndicted.CGlen l3ostlan and Luke Brooks o!ý TIhosc lndlcled were: LI-rtyvilie are charged with havlng Adamn (rzegore%,,j, Assault wlîh stoien money and diamonds fromihr a dealy wepon. mployer, Norman Ladd who con.ý a dadl "'ajin.d.cts a lil-ery stable ai Lihertyvilie. James i)elaney-ltancluus mlschlef 1l'lie men lied to another state wherel Janmes Carret-Larceuy. tne3 were iocated by Sheriff Green Charles Kuebne - Rape: 2 Indiet sec wpe brougbt back io face trîsi. 111.nLs (Charles Kuebue 0f Lake Forest, le Gien Bostian and Luke Brooks- :iisrged with baving taken Indecenti Larceny. librtes wilh 1wo little girls, Mary non Anna Kent, aged 9 and 7 years. John W'srncr, et ai-Burgiary and Thr aloeged Offenses toqi place on J.nrceny. March 17. Harry Mullen and John Dacey Lr- Ji' mes Garrot 1a chaLrged.wlth having ceny. 8'0len a watcb of Herber i PIb!oe Thomnas Masel-UTnnaturel crime. Ziots City on Afguat 26. George H. Morris-Libel. John itronaki ot North Chicago la ROYGil1-Lrcey;2 idiemens. c harged wth h&ving %truck Frank Roy IIILareny 2 nditmets. Bianka on the heai ~tb a iarge piece WAilliam Yuskauskoa-Maba.p. OfcLnder on < ht Italeged at- John Bronskl-Amsault nut ifllOnt'ltacli canaed such an ijury that illan- 10 murder. ka a i yInýthe Melister hospîtal for Compliment the Sherlff. sesrai Wks and for a thsfe itwa The grand jury report nas submi t houghî he wouid die. Il ... thought', ted hy iRobert C. Kent of Wauconda for a tinte he hiait sufefll a fracîured *ho acled as foreman nf that body. 8XulI The affair' le nid to have' In addition to -he regular Indicîment aga-wn out of a dlspûte over a fencel "'MENTS IKNOW-NOTIIINfiS FOX LA K- SA GD j~yCARRY Off LAUREL 9 GD. URYBEFoREEIR. JURY LOIS-M 1 lle Yukmks la ila ot o aeRsdnsDis-i Yuskauske, la al cged o have bittee nIli.cI' or the end i e I fe's nose on the pl y a u es t 3nighl Of July1J I had Oee reporbed Observe' Things. lIa osdheef a fotreconcillation and htsevuinov teebify againat banm before the. grandSTT CH GE TAT S. TTES TOR Y D - Jury but th. Indicîment nould Indcale SAE CAGD TCIS TTS ATRE . te contrasy. TIR.FIE 1 oy GlU o! Lakte Forest ta chargeti Reason Dady Switohed ta the HR.F1 0M 1nilb baving stolon articles frein the Pn.1s 'isn4,5 Onwnela club on Boptember 15.The o unty Cout WasSGrand TIONS AGAINST 1 . indcîmutsnoc rournti Dgatsi Jury Évidence FalIed. LK O ~ E M S hlm. The. indicsntent la for alioged AE S m E Ç theft fr~ onvd R.Forgan, 'c ep- Wîeî mntea ia lao A- DCAISTE George RX Morislanchargeti niIh erney Dady nili fnot expliI lte ru,. eTlhtsal libel. itla le ieged filscircu-. son ltaI ho changed is I&M pla e . c RO S T N leled Pmpbitm dercgatory Ite John lionn wltreforeote te 1hz Lte oKe fe fthe Iballcatimens Homo, saiconkesiiors hereby liho01.6uin-r. THEIR PLACS -F W US rellectbag dlacredlt agaleat bis mats- mlettos aainsI them rather titan ur- agimont !ette Institution. glng anti gottiBg ilaseuîs t be!oi-e NESS-CLMSE O SU* Â the grand jury, It la dincoyer-ot *bat The No Truc Bills. I i.eiy aas ack tofte change lun .-TEN COUNTS .'niEnCi4 pi ocelure. Six No True Bille nere returned by it nos due le, the fact Ibat but a INFORMATION S O M E lte grand jury. Follonlng la an oc, very ton et the fanty reoîttentso comet of the charges which vere dis- Fox Lako nbo nere called as vînes- W NDR H OfIT misseti:ao before the grand Jury In lteeffort Etivord Ahîstroin lad been charged il) prove that lte salonnkeepere bai MENTS W E R E MOT Witit SheobIng a valuable dog belong. broken lteir promises of keeplogtheir lîîg te Fra*-pcMctanamlan, onuIai-ch Pluces ecoed on Sundays, vaulti ad- SOUGHT-DADY DECLIN.. 2a. xcii thox kee.w ANYTI<ING. l-arry ROSE wlbh havlng stolen a And, Staie'g Attorney Ilady dîde't ED TO GIVE NATURE OF borse frem Ernest Baacle on the 12th r are te Put forth ail, té evideae ho I et une.hau, befoce the gr-anti jury. saiti prîn EVIDENCE. Haroldi Waters, a Waukegao young icrpai esIdence canslsting, il la saiti. mni vas cbarged witlit baving stoien of that furnisheti hy deteclîves vbcm a hanse frn Newton F. Chamborlin 'h, hîrc and senttelanFe Laice fer State's Attor~ney Raiph J. Dady l of Lîberbyvîlle. on June 7. WVaters thal express purpose. These mon.,'ipruno a au rpni.. on October ,8, whe Jlmed ai the time hol had i smpîy lîcîvldiee their evîdence nent betlore ho flied criminllfratuo ntè horroweti the hersle and look It bock te grand Jury.,noultihave shown lteeUlfratn .lm Cafter he hati driven a young lady rceabest amnount of evidence lt elaaeccunly cout agaînsti IIIII-tOP fr'cnd homo. TItis young neman ap- porsessed hence bis plan wnes.l1t le Lake Oloenkepo In. laiee s e I îeared In Waukegaa one day Ibis Rali. te Merely put lte ovideuce of char", la that of keeplas thola plane iwiek andi made a Pirea te State's AI- vîllagees belfore te grand jut-y sud 'of hasinen openi on Suasdy. torrey Dady, hoaring eut statement thon laler aItbIte trial In case lhey miade hy Waters. This aitpareaîly, bed Coco indic.teti, produce the e tecîlves Thosoe egaint whom tlafesmatef.o the effect et causitsg the prOsecution Clos: Up Like0 Piami. , WOiCflilOU are: t0 e h o cppeci. -Howevec when ile terly personi ' qGODFREVVffl SON' John O'Connor vas charget i vth frein the labo regions reeciedth Ie OLIVER WOoQs AND UYg baving stolen articles from the On- grand jury room, tItey nere evencomo tT£f venîseia club et Lake Forest. wlh the deepent silence ltat one cou CLAYTON. IGeorge Willams vas charge<b nitb Imagine. Their bump ot torgttuinon AUQLIST SENIM *Lurglary sud larcsny, both of nItich t ns uc-h ltaI hey aU appued M asif PERDINANS DW.« CHULTZ offenses nere allegedte lahave eccurrot Inla Odase. coniplainsut. drinks lentte lous on Sutiay. or LOUIS C. DEPROFT Joseph Turk vals chargedti WIbtaI If tbey bcd seon tItan enter theo ploc. JOHN COftBETT , temPbed burglary on Aprîl 15. Il vas os. or If they kuen of anyhotir abo SOREN MATWESEN charge-I ho triedtelabrels.x lmb the Hull hati ebloinotidrinks or triedtitelt ALSET BORtN rHardware store bore. them-all of thein, nhth te exceptions XLHSS ______________ etf a vory ton, Il li anid, reeponded inbs AE.M8B s,'istance nlith: "I don'l '<non a Ibing PETER JOH4NSON AD 8'TEPHtEN j'~aFm~~w ~ n'ett-J didn't notice." PANESI DIVORCE ui~rÇiTED cotohig~GEORGE . OCTH vît0 vas calleti. Btote's Attorney 1 aty ANALCPE IEA~'~V~fl san -1p agaleet ilt', for the Jury noulti IN N U YVI NATTER; riî<i~o ubsa:nns h Broke Their Promis"s SETTL13 OUT 0f CT ed to atopt a non pin-h. docidedteila 'pTheir saceitofor pflstou c 1 drpsumuuerblly Iti plan cf badict- okeep the place ! h ion cioo - mg the isaloorlieepece i-alIter taho et]Sna u:Ieyhv r'o i 'C.rred te bring his detectiyes before1 promises.', the etato's att4mrey dicta>- Sensational Bill Filed by Wife lte Jury, anti. Instead, lairo cd this tbmaernoon vhen cakot vitla 1.. ts Thrown Out But a Decree tectbves vidence directliytito ouîty gr e Iematr Ther4 r Wip Was Entered-. Thus, vîthout oxtrorn: effort &atethe l.oce sOloonkeepor n l U la, - ..AU Fox Lako people Itat tesiileti. Mr. lte rosI o!fIblin bave kopt thebir,po. Anagled voc as granlotil Datut dropped lte grand jury aetbon lo2 fli ecase of Mrs. J. K. Orvis egainst dabo Ifi ed taho cakey candnItîc. * Rhoitly aflar .lthellst -hatèb cd0 r hsbad, oar lIe abudyby Thte grand Jury Iberefore dîi t ese-tilctmoets w ere, ieiurnoti by tiseo Iaà J'Ittge Rivards. The sensational hil! bureay "no trne bIllie" againit lte Couaty grand jury,- ail t1tê'asloqui whicb wa illet nome lie ego by Fox laite mon, l at h7dild epr tFitk Mcsad OriticIt ysh e sargti or I la soiti. even vote aonlte cales 1hé- o husani lth may ~eesaioal cause lMc. Dady realizédth Ie "ovi- meeting ai nIticb i h07 lee tîtings, vas thi-ove ouf of court by dence" whicb the resldentg b.d agiven malter et Sund1ay celsgt Jutige Etivards afier nbicbho grant- amoune e itt111e or tso"iig. lia Ibn acoerd wtha iia Uuln ed the divorce on motion e!flte do- the delectîves givon ihebi- evidence, Ibt osgt' teae.A ~ tendants counsel. Paul MacOuffin. la fitîthe slale noulti have bai a bard ytetal Scîtle Out o! Court. time 10 convict laier al sach evidenc il ira teidiaby a unasl'-ià ms j. It I reall(j hat rs.Orvs l us a b aksout aternartis even, iceep thebr P'le o oioued. «rn- It v ecll4 ha Ms.Orisinthe îi-om grandi mries, cWutaci anti eeryy me.eto! iomuda- Il1sb place filed a suit for dibvorce, Sa, insteati of the cases being fougb c sOuemu promsc e t. tîten modulboti il anti asked for separ- in circuit Court Don, Iiey viiiaIl ho aie maintenanco but, lenlte connse o! le County courl.tey ouI4 abus dr i suim the action as lakren Saburday Iflab ___________ understoed that te couple bnonghî a resuit af! this actioa y î.y . about a settlement out et court wvbe eroS AiPdlte lutlmnto lia le-»b byNr rvspl is vIte certain S EOffICER ceturtsed agaiM sonnerne, thliemUas tees ant Ini the total gave ber suffi- FR T ,,,P lee dient te satlsfy hen. Itlba net kncvn In~~A N eptetoE Jus(wha ths setleentwas utwnt RcNiPw Ofloto il bas Corne te the attention vas ogreeabloel et partiels. Itlbeîîo! Mn.DadyltaI a number of tié î 00f knoove hetben Mr@. Orvis nm SAlTUenJIu>rickeepers bave flot kepI houU'Il genIe home on West alreet abece L I IRY iLt leu1rmancstioSudy she lives. Mc. Orvia corne la Waukcgem Bat. The nbeal crop soen tibla it l h lte lamlton wdaus therMe have urtiay andtihIe case vas la.1son ,p ho. Immediate danger ot very serions hi.-«lalent roportta Mr. Ded tare Jatige EdWarim. Itlai undtiiociJur by tbe Houston fly unIon the vol, le lIlt e alerbe thaï. Ilftle evhdenoe nas proacated se.unteer vbeat non groning lIOd 1 j nturcyorun«dno because ofet l b l relatlle ho .. itle fieldis anti on fil bordera ta s Ivoon lte busauiantnd it.for soin, promptly destroyeti by pîonîng anmer. oral eeeos.Itlha n-pla yor el ecre. nos acceptable te %a .ea Tbya therongb dlsking etF ox Lakte m«nni holt. thTrè hia volunteer wgtia MiXr Dady asud 06. I.ny of oae..very havly nfested, t lb o ilorn o aeleihw l h ttehy an esony generatioa of IbPNi3i~. Tho roa et ale15 sovulu blessiats fly, nbbcb tm nov ba ail it&ag a Juil nhbY Mr. DBod det. tac't Ial Jutige EdwUs-di ossthle trom lte young larve or maguote th@ e sgrand, jury o raug h 3- final disposition o!fttI. cai..Mr- Bd' vinged Insect, andti ust ma ni n ln ot known but li o wandm for years va. 3. K Oi. Ian te ornerge anti iay lIteauxinI them on liW parluer. Time, pansactandti h7 eynp- laves of the youag nbeat of lteé rea-fueo il alu »oe02 hItI* ratei lanti eadlt Conthlueti Ite ular soning. If Ihe early generation ncnid file0lufOalrn1111 o s the ail, saine Ilin.for remis, Tien Mr. Onvla' O! the 1YlhI.a&Il allonedti e come te ladogo wm eOals htru lae. divonce dame up and vas dragged matui-ity on lb, voluateer vbeat la l ule la sc intoruatlêm relumm aîongt meny montlis.At )tslMr. NBd- certain te Infemt te nov vbeat beav- eanlleFrtk aoue8 varda von appolaled i te sud one lly Ibis fat]; whie If litlaIsdestroy ain h xLk of thte very tiraice e hbard vas wilh lte nheat plante binItîicI bI hi there aie tascoute, lioan ooveW~ tat et the divorce maller r bsf IhireIt icvelopîng. lte danger o! tet from lts idhfforut 8uimdays hositli humlness-associate la the tan business. Hesaan 1Whnjury vuli ho greatiy llgeitahae boo o - dImînîsheti. The soonen li nerk la eausdt aebe 9 Kenosha Itonsemen n4o are anxbous donc t> bof 1er. Net cnly lb.etulyl- Mr. Daiy dlInedti e dIseuos 1b te se the pontes go anti vte o rght due] vheat grener, but te commun- *viaU0ft O nitiOU presoanan t . te baie a drIving por on the vory lim- ity anti the -counIry genoraîîy a&e et- mSn. Aà.1IOed aat.enitether c-rue!fi» lia et Kenouha, have gîven up le dis- feileti byibis situation, for th.elies- bM oa eure deteelivos from OItboa guet andtihIe Kenomba Dniving slihaen fly sPneads raltidly, andtihleteg heviac teau o ocganîzed only a short tlme ega. bas eoîergîIng Insecte at-o a general mon-. ~ h vdoc IeiM alastdonedth le plan et. building a'secagalAIiel the other maloooepers f track anti ecandalanti on a place otf tai-mers shoult i"gel busy" et once th. caunly vhta receutly we lg lad te the nOrt o et lit ly. The ln ploving l'IOder ail voiuunloer nta. trial8 itsceunIhod clag M e gwm platn bas been abandonod on actiaunt IEPHPIN A. MORDS, _________ ta_______ ufte fore thah1Il falleti te gelthe Stale Entomologist Iteottrad.a oa.h ttpnclal supiport et the bersenten o! Libana, IdpIII.,shel a otol the Ciby. Odlobor 9, 1914. teiko Coont>'. ONE TO BIGHT $1.50 PER YBAR IN ADVANC-E

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