LAK2 C Î 1 ra 1W. d M e. Py tt *yoI.f aýk u Maq &tu âyand S ant iBtiaMr' gours. 0. L. Burdîitk. sa P.Wik-oz viitel vith n'Ia- SPU et Wanitegan ~.0. Payuoslt lest wPek ior Wieean- "$ art-spie for thbe upply 01 holiday 'ab mi ow mm mony for Gisuvooti Ipringe, Co. TItel vili haoat home atter Novlat et Labie Forest. COUNCIL. PROCEEDINGS. slzty.eeventb regeler meeting ai the Board af Trustes« oi tha village ai Ares et te village hall, Mongay, Oct. 5,1914. Pressai, Watson, preiitint; truse", Welle. Irving, Russell, Knigge, Murris. Absent, Albmctht. T@ minutes.of lte prevlous meeting vers neant anti approvsd on motion of au" MdntiMurris. The cteasrer than rmtbis rogniar *entbls repodrt vIticI vs.anditati by lis uaaa coumittgsMaw cepteti on Mmoio Welle etit Irving. Thatollout- iug buis v ers mati: Laite Ca.lutepeutient, unbllshing.8 2 50 W. J. Williamns,. aussi vont...... 90 Publie Service Cao. ereet lgbto .... 44 83 It vas moved by Mrnie and Irving tbat ail bills be alloved and ,warrants tirawu on the treàsorer lu payment ai semae. Motion carried. Moral by Wells and Marrie that the Publie Service Co.. be inetrttcted ta instali twa additianal treet ligbte an Widwood Ave. Motion earried. O . Wels mantifamlly spent thé.' eet- Meeting adjournest on motion of Wesi VI th relative» iu Chieago. andtIlrving. m.ý Wat. Cr,piey contetaineti ber T. F. Swanu. Village Clark. ban. Oit-ar Penny ut Chicago Saunday. .- roard suFau wad n Chicago viitor ~DLAMOIT AK D rut-y in@talleti a new ipool table Quality-Bc-tdA Studio,-Prit-q right. l barber sîaop this veet. tire. Geo. Ray andi Pearl were Weuke- endàe! eveing a number oifients gan visitons sedalestay. Mllti Mnr. andud lre E. . Wels et Idr. andi 11re Frank John-ton andi home tanti epent a very piesant daoghter ai Weukegan are spendinit e 489 ut uchre. two-weeks' variation et H. Bartlett'd. a. Katbryn Fitzgerald Vent ta The P. N. C. wili meet with tirs. Pou]- keganMonday to attende a nquet ton Saturday afiterunn, tOct. 1-4 Pm bl the Kigbte of Columbus. I*oivddiàgSaturtiay eveang is. 1 ilady- aofVaukegàea aghl MM7e baquet anti barrhi" ama ta~Iý .Wèkeffl ala lteasMW Llâg et #i"ft beag dumpolateti st 1 lIà on9»hrdeAs Mi e, eit.vt Oladaowanti@Mr~elst l,'wm t.laIg lte traie cfor I.ugb îw»'ut. mbmVe fLgIte Forasl, 'oèEà. lise b, a bd£ ob mire. boq.vae f wite romaal1 Mïmet. g ou e Te i bie ar Miss ai ct vaiisay. le rdis lacdedcarfist a basket of pini Mud vhite daims. Te@ yonou 1. aI mmediatly tm lb.hecere- luth Grade .undry Work Particular peoplg vil Sud E astiefasitionin tise clas af oérk doua by- thae 4.ake Forest Laundry W. Hlave the agenny for cbsooucenas and ara prepar- Led te giva you finit claem service. Bing iu the femly vaiL x' à"take advautage. of aur Lmily 'rates. Ait Wonk ~IA ARBERSHOP EODMJRY, Prop. i.L. Tripe, Wr.sýâident. Mir. and Mire. Einemen leit Friday for a vseit'm visit vlth the ionmer's sister lu iebgau. Mr. J. Bartlett and chiitiren loft Satur- day for Piedmont, Mo., where they viii @pendt Ie vinter. lira. Halme andi Miss Olga are @pendi. log a veek le Chicgo. SeoiBunday wvii ha lly day at the church. Mr. Carme.. hop«e ta hav eyeT &ry oneOtton. N.A. Woetiin vas a Chicago vistor BêturdeyaniMda Y. Mr. Pelaro andi taauiy of Chicago epe;Ot Sneoa athaîr cottade. Mr. and Mmra.B. Eaueanti Mr. andi Mm . acMiltebsîl apsat Suntoi a t H. Kuhrl'a leChicago. Mr. Otrong of Chicago le vlatlng at H. Kanea H. Drukuni as a ev telephone. Unr, . .chroqdur vas a Laie Bluff vis lbvr Wetine.v Mimaes Anna anti Bannette Loveil, Dorotby Penfili and Wili Loveli andi ant fien isters gusetaet A. Lovel'. on Suntiar. 9. ficrater andi famlly vers Barrlng- ton visiter@ Suutiay and attentistia blrtbday surprise an Mr. Croas at 11gb. vood lu thse eveninut. IVANHOE lire. J. H. Wels ai Area @peut part ai lait vees it the home oiftMr. and lire. H. Grabbe. Friands tram Leitbton andi Chicago vers entertaineti et the Kuebiter home dantiay. Miss Emma itadte Wvent ta Chicago Baturday ta epend a couple oaivese vith ber brother ,Dan and famiiy. Frank Smith le painting et Ingleside this weki. Mr. andi Mise Bates oi Wanconda vers peta oi their ister, lire. H. C. Payne, the fi ret of the week. The Ladies Aidaif the Ares cbnrch mat vith the twa tire Dunne Wednesday. Emma Chamberlin wes e Wauitegan caller Saturtiey. Ths Misses Avis Parue andi Ada Knob- ker epent Sunday at home. Jutige C. C. Etivanti today grautati a divorce in the casa of Tlle Hard- Ing agaînst John J. Haralng of Lake Forest. Drunkeuness and cruelty wera chargati. R. F. Route VicesPresident. Irving E. Payne.. Cashien, 66THE RES!RVUSTSP9 Have hmecît albd out in ail the great natioDsi Urope. Have Y( >1 a reservt- FUND to cili onin iiie Open a Savings Account. 3% Iotefest on Savings 3% TH E CITIZENS9 BANK AR!AlItL. 'MMoS Tusa " Your Business Horne." PRAME VMW Qualty-Boyd'a Studio-Pric. igbt. lir. anti lir. Arthur Nel endniamllp @pent catnvtiyan SaBodai' vhsthe iarmsr's parente et Loou Lake. Mir. anti lère. 0. L Bichartie of janes- ville, Win .*dMsegladys Rutchinga oi <lnvieta, Mr. anti Uns. . L. Trlpp ai Anea.anti Mr. anti lir. Jas Richards ver. thesogute ofiMr. anti lir. A. C. Bebards, Montiay. Mr.,liaekinion anti son of Chbicago, apont Bunday et W m. Balvards. Mir. and lira. Fred Gerb>ert anti taugli. ter Nellis vers Chieffo vialipre OZ lut wee... , -neU lir. anti lire. WM ISaesr of Waucoutia, @pont Banday vlth tb. latter's parent., Mir. aund Mm. Wmi. Stanclif. Mise Leurs, Sprague anti Mmr. H. Caon @peut Tuesstay vith lir. Ayers et Ae. Choa. Knpieger retunneti Moutiey tram e tva mouthe trip tbrougb the west. Hie @pont e few days wth Biarry Mitchell lu itoundup. Mont. John Kuapf ai the U. S. Navy le spend- ing e fev veeke vithhbis parants, Mr. andi Mrs. H. A. kuapi. MIr. and Mmr. S. E. Knadier andi family opent Snndny vlth relatives9 In Chicago. The Ladies' Vernon Cemetery eoclety will ineet wlith tirs A. Webernberg on Thuray aiternoon. Oct 22. LAM ZUCH3 Chas &-haiz of Chicago, Mimes Hannah St-,Icand %I rs REd Yong of Haringion, vimtýîî. vih tbrîr paàruetsbore Sunda>-. Many tram boeaattendedtheb.luit picuie af the oreao et Deer Grave, @un- day. John Hein ai Chcago, visiteti r.etives ha n iatay. Otto Frankitriansectet busiess ai Berington Tueetiey. OBITUARY John, littie oiti of Hinry C. Bumihng, diti Ot. 7, 1914, of convol- @tons mter e sboit ilimoss f ont day. The foumerawvasbeldti Selofritrael Laie Zurich, Pastor Honrichooeciatedi. T%8 doceasewtih uniroolyaoiaant isi dietb se ma agrues shoci tu h is pWartsanti relatives. Ie vas hafoveti by aUlbat mev hlm. Hisebkm yl h maouruetihb ie parents,, o s ater, anti maiy oter relativsand fl&ati. CAR10OF THANKli W. wieb to thani our fnisude anti relativu for tlb kintinoehove us dur, log lbe ickneesanti deatb of aur lictie son, John. Aloo for tbe haautiui Dlorai tributs.sateti tsilgera. M. anti Lira. H. C. Bueschlug. EDEAVRERS RELU A COIJNY AILY AT LK.FOREST CIURCI! First Congregational1 Church of Waukegan Won Banner for Largest Attendance. ITWO LECTURES ARE GI YEN. Local Endeavorers Urged to Boom 'Three in One' RaIIy in Chicago Next Year. ChristianuEndeavorers tatae nom- ber of tva hundrati attentat the county Christian Enteavr rally halti l,1 the Prashytanlan chunch et Laite Forest. Thena vas a large tielegation pissant trot Wau'kegan. The int Congreational chonch of thîs ctty hati twetyone delegates preeant. Thtis iras te argast rapresentation tram uiy o! tha dilerent churcis 5andtheb local church vas ewant.ti the Chris- tian Endeavor banner vblnh (bey wihi retain util the uaxt rally whlch will b. helti iomt (lin at vInte.. At that tineta ha ioclety bavlng the langest numben o! mambers present lu proportion ot he mambership viilr.- ce!ve the banner. Thora la elvniw more or les nvalry ovar (hie honor. E. P. Gatas state fiait secratary ai 1lite soclaty vas prasant and gave au iateregting steroptIcon lictute lu whlch ha shoved vneye cifviat the Christian Endeavar le doing lu other countnies lu thse vont. Mauy of tbe Illcturas came frot countrias wvIcI ara nowaiet an vth each othar. Tb. lecture vas ont' ai tht' most Intarest- Iut heard bere ln some tima. It vas enjayeti greatly. George Fegert, president of (ha Chrnistian Endeai-or society, vas the otiter speaker of (ha aranlng. Ha spoka wiib regard ta tht' big conven- tion wht-h Is ta lie bald lu Chicago ln 1915. This will ha a urea corner- ei convention ail lu one-thera vwiii lic a stata convention, a national con- vention anti mont convention ail hait l-i Chicagoaet the aame time. Mn.IPa- gent urgeti tht' Lake County Enta- oniers ta -do ail in (heir power ta msatce the convention a bit- eut-cees. Half Day Church 10:30 e. t. Churcit Servic-e. 1:30 p. tn. Engillsh Suudny Scbool. 2:340 P. t. Praacbhing. 7:80 p. t. Preachlug. :30 pt. Tbunitey midmweet meeting. Pastor, L. E. Tbaman. L- ---- ---- - , il FI. il,. 1, ý ý .- ý*mbmm===cà urb. Charles Everts, Awning Manu- lire. William J. Fyffe, ex.preoe t o! the Ossili Club, ton, le busy msklg facturer, Starts Suit Against tha question imowan. 5h. la gettlug Alfred G. Taylor. ,ot literature that viii state preseut_____ conditions anti tel vhy tko, suborb la reaiy ta do avay mith thet gono<ttiwaokagan, Oct. 10. mayor andi alderman. Charles Ermite. thnoîtgh Attornny The reason given for thse proposeti A. V. Smith, today startat suit against change le that in a tom o! 990 voter. Alfred G. Taylor, a North Sida grocer, the people shauld hava more volca lu ior $5,000 dameges. Mn. Tayiar le bbc public affaire tban la possible with amnar o! a naw two-tory brick hulît-J vend goverument. lng. Evants lu bis daclaratlon relates tbat lio bat been emplayet by Taylor ta IOWAEDITR UGES OM. place sunawning an the iront o! the MISSION FORM AT HIGH. PK. building. The awnlng bad beau put iu _________Place but Taylor mas fat satisilet i vtb Lafayette Young, editor o! thea Des the way It aperateti. -Ha cniled upon Moines Capital. cusseti anti tiscusseatEvants it a land remedi- the lîttie y-ard polities Thutrsay nlght In bis defect. This was ou May 29, 1913. talk bei-Qra memnbers of (ha Offilb club Evert baed eboopeti aven ta pick up anti the Highland Park Women's club ana ai0hi toolm. As hoe started ta rise et tae Elm Place st-liol, a brick lu a carnait-eai the building "Pa'rty Par cent ai the vert polîtî- hecame ioosenad antiffe], strikîng hlm clans are slmîdY seat vantera,' sait an the slîoulden andi coller boue, anti NIr. Young. 'Flighlant Park shoulti breaklng bath boues. have a cammiesioti troraigavern* As e resRult af the Inlury lie daims. meut. lu muscS sYRtema there le ai- ha wee ahîlgedta tospeuti large emoonts may plitceani pliîc le(h crsaOnimnneY In seeking ta lie cureS, but of business. Anerica leaniictlous lu lu SPIte af (bis tact ha dlaims ha vili iha ayas of Europe an accaunt ai 'orbarhaPenmanently isableti ta a certain queear, oltical sytems.' -. autant. Heaesks damages, Dot ouly 1It le gcnarally cancedeti et igland fan tha pensonal Injurias, but aien ion Pajft aven eang the apponenutso!flthe maney ha clataua ha Iotthrougb (ha uev frt aifgavrnmnttat tha balig unébia ta pursoa bis calliiug for plan ta adapt it mIll carry at th. alec- a long pariaS oi time. Thse case soi dion. Oua clty oaiiai sait: "The Q 1 prove an Interesting ana. bas bit Highland Park and the peapie ToItpnetlni .l vewnt ta ryfit.' Th , pjan edoal il IL QoaitY-Boi'aStudio-Prlce right. Mies MargaretN.. Bobblne ot Nile, Obio, te vieitle«lire. Relehit, Jr. , 1The Suntiay maboulor ctheiPresterlan church gaye a long ad ntaereeting pro- gra;aitte Rally DW sirvicse belti suaday iuorning.i. oativicit 0t (Ibisango" avea plendd 15k onE t gnnday achool and lie relation la lte hqmea Tbe cradile raol Ites .also bati a 1part la ibepragrax. The Doreas'goclty heId a eeseful anti dslilgtlnl surprise package social at tha cutry home of Ur. Beicheit, Mr., Wetiueeday eveuing. The young people of the eburcb entertaineti the Company with songe, readinge and orchestra selactione. lire. H. Baise viii bave annnil day meeting of the Dorcas Society et ber home Wednesday. The R. N. A. gave a baby ehower et Mir@. Dieek. TneRady eternoon. Uir. end lire. Fred Horenîterger were the gueate of Mir. and lire. Henry' flubrene ai lencae, Sunday. Thelik4eeioners Society of tl1w lresiiy- tenian church viii bce ntertelncd by lMr@. Bert Easton and &Irs. tiabel 5.-baffer et the hume aiftC. B. Eaeton, Tburmday. Mr. erid ir@. Rey (lunctel and son Vrnaon, bave moveti beet ta (Iaeeburg. Lesoter Stanger leit Manday furanu extended trip tbrouirh the east and s uuth. A bey barber @hop bas be@n opened in ane raaan oi Duffy'a flat an Deerfleid Ave. Mir. and Mir@. Oso. Stanger ere vîeiting relatives In Minota. Miseeuse ManelofaiChcago, speut a lew deys at the home of Mise Eleenor Meyer. lira Ray Lard andi son Bai', oi Chica- go, are vlatlnn.tbe fovmer's parente, Mr. andi lra. C. W. Postie. C. B. Bealon and Mlra. MahasIdM. ficaffer openti everal day@ of lait vesitvislting frientis la Bigl. Mir@. J. T. Ozoneof Osbkosb, Wls., te vlalllug Mms.L. C. Noieswad other rela live,.. Uir. and Mm ra.emptsad ame morlug in t iboiS, »wvhome on Lincoln Ave. Mia m itk &ad dangbèt.s utShavuer. vil% vlet $lb.home of lte forme »Pu Tqsstiay. Ralpit PetersonhbaslSeued invitations por a Haloveen pariy. Thorn viii be a union C. B. il ganday evening ai the Preebytevia andi U. 9. cherces. lire. Lydia Hoyt @pent several tdey& ai lait veait vlitlng relative* lu Chicago anti Winetka. IIiLAND PARK 15 A<ilTATINQ M1E COMM1ISSION PLAN Ex-Senator, Lafayette Young, pub- licher of the Des Moines Capital. Des Moines. Iowa, addressed a macs meet- ing Thuraday night lu the auditorium af the Elm Place schooi, Highland Perk, on "1%@e Commisseion Porm of Government," whicb bas bean puch a great succes5 in the Iowa capital. Thae fortb shore a;uburb le greatiy Interested In the commission goveru-, ment mavemnent. Leading citizetis and the most pramInent mambhers of the three womens club-the Ossîli, thé Highland Park Wômen's club anti the Ravînta Clvlc club-have been clrculating petittons for an election on the question, ta bcha hir the let of this month. *'Ths election viliibacaenfletithe Sth, 1 have every reason ta believe." said! famuai Hlmes. attorney, of Highland Park, who hbasen appoint- eti publie exDIainer ai wbat commis-: sion goverumeut in. 1Commission questions ara alo an- swered at the campalgu heatiquarters,ý wblch have beau astablshed on thse nhe Lake C;Oot.y Chrîtian Endeavo r Bailly grasbalti Friday evenlng aiethe sbhUtcb vib about 800 ln attendance. Mr@. Baker bus beenvieil~lotira. Vau Wageon.AIllug. UmaJolia Thompoon ie go ha la the weddlog party orfUmissMar"baBouter. andiRobert Taft an Oct l7th. Uir. and Ulre. Henry Babblne mubvedl to ibeit .City home the.grot part of lte vSsk. Ptbk, Jenopn, vbo 7va4 I, 1Europe. vIt li war twrok. out; arriÏ;ti home "aaY lbu eek. j OCarles Gilroy, vho ba@ been spending tSe put tva ysart In Californie, roerne to his home boes aturday. ÉlDr. C. W. Young and Misa Sarah rCameron were married gaturtiay even. blag et7:80 a'clock at Area. A number of friends tram here attended the caers- mony. rlMr. anid liro. Walter Lefils wli move Into the Charles (Juann bouse on Foreut Ave., Nov. 1. Mir. and Mir@. W. E. Clow expect ta, close their Lakte Farset home and mare to the City this week. Monday et 3:30 p. in. the Camp Fire Onardians met et the Y.W 'C A. room@ ta receive nli tbaee wlo deslred ta register a" ineniberm The telepliorie operut(,rm ofi1he Laike Foreut exchange gev.' a daucet Ander- @ans@ hall, Wodueeday evî.niag, Oct. 14. This wna thoir annual lali. Mir. and lire. Linus Nl.qneyerrelebred theýir golden n,.ddinjra n'sie.rsarv Fr1- dey, Oct. i7tueste front Rogers Park, Englewuad. Eranston and Laile Forest attetided the celebratian. Misen Laura Steels visited Sundey %euh brise Mary Steiner of Wllmette. Uim Buth Bougon o1 chicago viaiteti vith fionde bers Satarday. TheV*.C. T. U. met ut the borne or Mira. William Oouriey on Thuraday. Oct. 15th. lir. aud lire. Frank Rlesd and chiltren vid iSund"y vltb lr. Beailda eemte in Chicago. ArthIur Cbantry returneti home t rous Wlaoondn luti vsek, vbore he bas beau apendisg lieput 1ev montha. liv. ant ni la.Charie" Onan ani lamly eipect to leave about the mnîiddie of November fur n vînter t, in tlrIda. Mies Leloyue Stafford of Arer, spent te week-end vith Mis Mariha Kelly. MMra.Thousa Atteridnela vieiting vith ber daugter. lira. John Allen of Oak Park. lire. Fredeulck C. Aldrich anti bar daugbters, the Misses Anita and RoHee of Lake lForent, have returnei troin Europe SCHOOL NOTES On Baturday Ct l7tb, Lake Fomint coliege foot bail team vwiii play Depanv tsatram Indiana. The .Sam@ vii ha on the Lake kareet college grounds, Farewell Fieldi. The DePauw team bas been the champion ofI ndiana for the Pontt Irff ser@, 90 the game la expecteti go ha a Rood ane. Evaryone welcome. The *'College Stentor" and "The Bpeclaior," the Lake Forait collage, and Lakte Forent eademy afficiel@ papers bath ised Iheir firet number for the echoal year lest week. Among the uew studante et the calleme are Edwin Olray, Thamea Findley nnd Virgil Smith, whoehomnes are lu Lakte Foreet."Vjrgit" ba-) Ieen el..etped as premi. dent ofaihiieclece 1918. The Leertield-Shield8 high echool foot- ball tean vpeet to play the t'hienga Latin Sehool team et 1). S. H. 8. groude, Vine Ave@, Highland Park, Saturday, Oct. l7tb. Everyone veicame. Ou Manday, Oct. 12th, a petiton matie out by the studente, &@king for a hait- holiday beceuseeai il being Columbus Day vraiegiven ta LMr. Bantivict,- vho thougbt studente coixld honor Columbus as mnsh by contlnuing< achool outil 3:00 P. M. I are ref tnded to btiyerii. Trip overy week. H. D. BOYD LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS OFFICE lN HANBY BLOCK, MILWÂIKEE-AVE. k WOMAN SAYS SUE CAN BUYA NYPOM LICEM OR JUD6E At Least This Is What Mrs. Dr. Bevan Is Said to Have Told Highland Park Police. Dr. Arthun Dean Bevan, a iamous Chicaga surgeon.,tnpkes is bote lu Lake Forest. Lest 'Pltrday aiteçuaau. Oscar Anderson, bis chauffeur, vas drlving home. Mca. fBevan occupiet the cent- seat. On the' Gt-ea Bay road a motaccycle Policemaan stoppedth le automobile. clebming it mas going et a speed o! 30 miles an haur. Tht' policemen tank (lie lit-sa num- han, the cbauffeur's8 naesanti oher 1Information anti then asheti bit irban hae couit appear lu court et Highlandi Park. Thera iras some litIle parley et (ha close of Wblch Mri. Bevan le said te have toldth te Policeman that the chauffeur tIid not have toaeppear e t aIl. Sha orderet bbm, ta driva ou. "1.She employas me. l'il bave ta do r1as se.gays or lge My job,» taechauf- feur saidt thetaVolema. "if Yeu move Pii place haislu sech O! YOur Urus," rePlied (ha polie- iman. "I eu drive vitisout tires," replieti tha chauffeur. "My next bullet will go through (ha angine. i gese you oes't go vithout an angine.' saiti the policemen. Mra. Bevan finally ortiered the driver ta go ta the police station. Thare sha te saldti t have stormati about et lte "lndigrilty of belnt arreatat by a pet- ty motorcycle policeman' Chiai Wlng suggasted ta hanr that sha moult better atidressesranrearante, (ha court. Wberaopou Mrs. Bevan le saidtotahava tunnat upon hlm anti ordereti imt(o retors bis bat viien hae spolte ta bier. "lbail due daierance ta your sax, t always respect a lady irben 1 meet bers anti recîprocate vhaevar cour- tesy le extandat." napliadthlie chIi politely. At thîs juncture Mns. Bevan la ai- legedti tahave decianeti she neyer sair a policeman on Jutige ebe couit not "boy off." Sha was advlsed nt any mar re narka oi (bat nature miglit gat bier lato trouble. lihe finaiby put up a cash bond anti vas ta bave appeaeet thîs moruiug wlth (ha chauffeur et the trial. Dr. Bevan saut a latter vlth tae chauffeur but the latter came alone. The latter stetedti (at lha voulti bave ta pay bie avn fiua asle ha ba acecptetillts po- sition an t(bsaterme. Anderson dd t ldeuy lha bat beau goiug 30 mlles an boor, but sait Mrs. Bevan bat arderat bibi ta driva fest. tîndar (ha cîrcumetancas (ha police gave Andierson a niinumum fiue of $&. NOTICE Reduced Prices to User of Money, Ordiems Comameing Octohar tb, Money Ordere puchaededat, our offles taie tha foliowing utieed ratie: OteS 3................................ 2 cm" 2.~te 10.0...* ........................ 5 " 104 te 850..... .......................... 10 " moi0te 75O.00..................-- ..... il 75.01 te 100.0 ................................ 20 These prices ensble a savlng ai one.tbird ta ans-haitover tb. reguiar co*t ai money ortiers. FIRST NATIONAL Bank UmlRyvlU. I Capit and Surplus - - 880000 Roe«. rs.ovw - S0,00U Thoodore K. Durst. Prosadent. W. B. Smîth. Vice President. F. W. Churchill, Secretsrvad Manager Hon. DeWitt.L. 4ones, Gon. Counel TELEPHONE 8 1 SEÇCURITY TITLE & TRUST Co. -ABSTcRACs 0F TITLE TILES GUARANTEED Capital$125OwOO. WAUKEGAN - - ILLINOIS Dairy La The Loeb-Hammel Re- alty Company, has a few very choice, partly improved fari n Taylor county Wisconsin, for sale at exceptionally low price@. These should be "een to be appreciated. Go and have a look.