WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XXTTT.-NO. 5. TWELVE PAGES LTRERTYVTLTLEA LAKE COUNTY, TTL., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1914. ONE TO EIGHT $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANC14 NWAGAINST TITIONLAW. Mlokena. ,., Oct.16 udge Mc- co'r, °'na deson hndd do rules3 against the high school tultion lawi In a nuit brought by Elmer Biv- enF, Matteson, Ill. against the local ahoc, oar for ref°s" to par hie Igh school. The reason for the rul- irig was the failure Of Bivens to get the consent of the local school board to hiespslection of school and failure °f hi. daughter tu take ail subsects an pescied by llnciss tudcos°e; hih schooi tultion law in Iinois. REPUBLICAN RALLY COUNTRAYK0 AN GUSTS. ISBI SCES D= The Wan egan 0 ,S. hursda, S PI1T E 'WEATHER M °a k .., el, ea: and incidentelv the-re were guests of fr the lodges at Gray s1ake and Lib- Dr. .John W. Hill, Speaker o ertvville among the 2, esos'ho National Prominenoe, De- gahereýd at Ibasonic Temple for the At six o'clok a f1ine supper was servedi and later ln the eývening ok AUDIENCE ENTHUSIA STIC. was, done by the Highiland Park lodge which provd411very interesting. Geo. E. Foss Was Another Speaker-W.8.' Smith Act- FIRE TROYS ed as Chairman of Rally. SUIHOME OF A UNIFORM MRRMENDD Washington,0! l-Te commit- le, n°° rigearý"dioe °" he nr-tional conifer":ee1o uniformi state 1 ws, which is in session here, todayI recommended un form stfate laws for- Inpceremnone af nforationmln- I<(alpd that the proposed union would he illegal 1 nany state. T he Co°'""t"ee o°" ""orni automoile leg- fislation recommended laws limiting to twenty-five miles an hour ln any ALL BUT ONE CON-, Waukegan, Ot. 15. Waukegan, Oct. if.1VII.iWa-gn e.:ý The Fox Lake saloon keepers; agInst ECHO OF FA1OUS WhIle the Republican rally held in Wi t gn , ct.e o TEST OF ELECTION whom Informations were filedl ap- the armory on Thursdayj nignit was not FOR tRS, 4TH LAKE mailpoxe-t in -n-caseo peared In court this afternoon and C SE a succegss sofar as attendance went psmalox existinghand withoe o Witt-out exception through their coun- R I IDNidulentothe inclement weather 1condi- Dssr- p uedyAte- ohrbail ity that perhascore of I D OP E se, Attorney E. V. Orvis, entered tiens, Iit was a success In every re- Diao us Fre TedyAtr te 'e i eeo sar- pleas of "not guilty" thereby signify- IN A SALE Of LAND spect and those Who braved the weath- non lin outhLae f"a bhe'"" expo.ed, zion City Ing their Intention of fdghting the pro- ertab prsent w eeano t çata for Residedée as onum aed fa×ces eb o peNmic of small- The One Contest Not Yet Dis-. sh- ein. atseron Ce tt inonmedohn H.Rikegan, audiencesare privileged to Port Of the condition has been re- missed IS With Regard to th dfedats rtune ad nfrmd oh H Rchardson Whose hear 'uch a distinguishedl orator as ceived here but Dr. N. J. LaRose, Sitjtio at Deerfield. Judge Persons hie wished to change Wife Was Ridden on Rail, Dr John WVesley IHill Who was t helLOSS CLOSE TO S10,000. health officer of zVan, admitted to. hi s Atontyguily t Onguil" Severs Last Tie to Volo. * Dak. fil heiPresidentof the Interna- dition existe. DrLathatote e- SUFFRAGE LA W HELD LEGAL rsteate'sbAttrn ietad toceurtolie tional PeaeForumonand one may say, Fire Started Tuesday Afternoon ed rather 'oath ta discuss the L prose al ut hefisttw cont i BSIESSSEMSBET ithout fear of contradiction that few -Nboyi Pac Sne situation. the findictmuent. These cover sales o E.men re, o el alified to discuss - ll ut ne oith cotectof lecion Sepemer ad 0. r.Coret ntioalisses H laston, force- Monday Afternoon, Is If a fact there are a number of capes which were, flied hers by Attor- conducts a saloon and dance hall at Real Estate Matters in County hneba rgumn ata ne el ae a inZ ty"h e E. V. Orvis shortly after the teefo Lk.ha bee nbuies Show an Üpward Trend- 1talk was receil id with the enthusiasm iThe fine summer honw <cf,,Mr and Ys e aea e asso tesr:ng election when several town- .9theeforsaonbe o byas but thin One Lar ealMa Thde ralysh oe ' h o dMrs Frank T. Fylier on the wilst dI ease ai the Pr*tent time--eight taoa h'p were voted "Dry," have been iuljs thertfoseason ew ha ee. i" fa hlIOned Re ublican rallie. T 1Iqn :of Fourth I ake buýirned ito the b.ý exac.t Ithink," he replied.jd(i>nmisses by Mr. Orvis. The latter business the.re ör at ewfyeast , slto h rmn Vl aiEarted off with a band concrtheldi grtiund Tuesday Ct bIs it a fact that a large number of 1salys his course followed the ruling Air.Dad delard tht s fa ashe A ec'Oorth efa outol aiIarle one f eesean as- -k . ..,g labout 5 NPeople have been exposled and that bhe cSupreme Court in another case hadben aleto etrmie r. or rffu cae as us coe utwithij ngton streets. The band fthenMwent ol sa euto ir hc trt. ma more cases of thle disease are, thai the Woman Suffrage Law 18 con- bet wa nt aba ciizn ad hathethe recording of a deed I ilte c ourt ýarn ry and played sveral si., inunknwn annr, entil Ing a "elubr aebe xosdehtoa. badl aever heard of his conducting an house soigta onH tcoard.t ongttintt mento it-inywhre r$!. nauwith -Jut hw a ny w donotkno: ,Among the twsisi ae moalp ace. H eidtere Inght , Psdofalo ii\ol fact that Dr. Hill was the speL@er, ilr 1rance aggregatinigS> uon Ihulýd- sntrltopeuetat mre:assI unY which were voted Dry at the be om bd alonkeprsin oxso h4 ispse o alotin\oo o ould havýe-packed the building toui and contenta. plpear."Ap-ril election were Libertyville, Half Lake btadtat lC et head ner ler Sorl oofonirtino t r. alill yoeto tI,' 'uebundt f n u giv.enme the names of the Da,,Lake Villa and Deerfield. W. I Sith, pr1identifcthedR.on ihosesburnd to te ground andIItients?" I hert tai M.Crbllsoeuof.1.5 r.Rcarsn ns lltis' publican Central (Committee acted as eflrts of farm hands and nebi;hbors -No, IInwntmetoaynme. ile ontest of election petitions "Iwn acopietyu pna-1Piece Of lot severed the last tif.,whicit chýlairmian of the meeting. it.imi dunvilngbt henersf- "MyI maethin addes ethenl" y Atorney 0Orvis in1the case Itwant to ompllmentsououpon ad upon the platform were seated Dr. -1"luyI -e - radiese ,, . o" ' the first three mentioned townships o mitting your gnfit.11the courtsi obound] him to the lnttle town Of NVOo l 1,former Congressman George Ed- ienti to Rsave i 'foreman'shoseto Ars thayeyesofthneZcases ongthe prtacipal reatson why t'h-etonEh Mfr. Corbett. "I think it Is commenda- 1In mwhlich is wife was so ignominious i nd(J -o ý ad Replresenitative Ed- rear and tthe vre den brns toadut rcide. wscnetdwsontegon9ht ble ~ ~ I upnyurpr. mti better for ly ridden on a rail by thec militant \1r. Smiithi introduced Ntr. Foss in Th"iAll children. v.men hadt been permitted t oe ou Iadvtes mbhette orte countywomien offthat townl. a few wel! chosen words, explaining tDcorws.nu dfr 400;m arRose was asked as torewh a ne, It was the contention Of the at- fo tsvsmc epne el After the Incident, with fthe reslt- that he d1id not intend to call upon the fcluld noet, be du 00. helie ma wsreade eidgtemic. en torniey that thewoasfrgeaw free to give you the benefit <ot the lant prosecution Of the m rirders, o-aroscut addtsbe re ilnulof haduwpliated fortir c 1 Wiesare ac fingtehedner asunontiuton. ffThe any leiecyinth mttr f dewhchcot asdelaedonRihadsnand Y lthi- de a along haelinen or e rn fa t wo htn eageldis osal oantine as fastas the cases de.. would have waited etil a ruling hadl might not feel hadl you gone to trialbuinesas fellaoff to sucharnanentdhat .alr. Fos decldtecunne-e c.astere was 130 fewetof spoh , ectors aierep discssngThe ad bi r teen made on the woman suffrage and been proved guilty by a jufy. uiess tobliged toagSvelupnhisgrocaer bas hadl a moreimportant electinaou h hm.pace <>r closing the Thirtieth street senool law befoete filing the conteste hadit ami convInced that a fine of $75 will hsto the e H gmved h is stock ntoebe 3d t i r. e siheld Thisab istthe famo hiclMeFoleuwere several of the cases haveClr. e oede- sok a nomer3 t been that thehs law states no con- r eopd n i l uie r ae e-ni ee ha te a sale n cn not be a hardship upon you ade iao a ndatldDt a - acelopedDi andti pattlis bquitepoerprobableeasd thishurMtest howIllc bele-counted unlesswll e cuitd is filedg lie the samie time it will show you the law Neither hie nor is wife ever interal for a little less than two years and has been using it for dairying uros_ The Sun le informed uopont reliable within a specified date after the ele- must lbe enforced. 1 will fine you $7;> hai failed miserably. The industrial yn prp hort h fu asso h I tion-. ulOn one of the counits and allow the to set foot In the village again. Then, conditions of the country, hie said, ts el but Mir. Fowler retained the resi- aau hv en ic Mr. Orvis did not dismiss the con. other count to hold Over until the Inodrta emgtbr ll his runa tHe instrialout that In Wal-uc e for hi own use, MIr. M.\eeker tieth street school within the last few tests hmmediately after the ruling was Jantuary terme of court. Wehray bigs esodhsls hligtee watthould be-acdtioria es a ng merel. the barns and the land. days . Two children su fering of it entered as an appeal for a rebearing thing Is done with the case at that FollowIng ls an accouant of the busi-, closed or running on only part. He \hor0'wlrTeeModyem e d fhrom . the hool t t e wsmd.Tespeecuth timie depends entirely upon yourself.," ness of the recorder's office for the' said the samie condition exists; in oth«-N - - eMr and sOo friends hadl practically every child In the School jusit denied the rehearing and thereby The court then asked Mr. Dady week endingr Oct. 17, 1914: Prrensofhe dcountry.pThe aneedi-been to thi lam i omCFriday ountil has been exposed, have allowed their first ruling with If the arranrgements were satisfactory Numiber of transfers, 111. 1vyasao.adi sawaste . agao Mon-1 Xbrother of one of the victimns was regard to the constitdtionaity Of the ta im and the state's attorney said Number of trust deeds and mort- samne whenever the Democratic party 1d a fternoont and leaving instructions 1 11 tewart s livery Wdesday night hIIw to stand. The was nothing left the arrangement was perfectlysais. gages, 22. renmes into power. He said a depres- iwt an lad o ean nupthe place erdinarointebnwheteytdoutdmsshectet. factory. Hie salod his Intention was not Total number of Instruments filed, 1irathasrlta e peer imto the Dem- adternifli or his retunaanren:ained together several hours. The The one contest which has not yet to place a hardship) upon Mr. Corbett 133. Hie declared with feeling that the neDandg-qeto rse st hte rntbe ropdi ihrgr oDe- O:' upon any of the defendants but Total amount of loans, $46,745. Democratic party has faile4. to Ilve aupýn there for a \acation. These work thesthbov will e ntrknownhemisease fid. In that case, according to Mr. that he merely wishes to have te Ielett bsns hogothehe-toitspromises orlits Iplatfbrm: it has mnad viin bi een to ithe inubtion perlit od is oewOv, hee ssoe uetinhe o failed in civiliervicenand itdhalfail...placeeTesde andanonenofthemscann'athea aw enforced- county is looking up, but the only big cil in foreign affairs. t accountr for th ý,tire which wsAllo-ortegedcaeess th o i caingthegal Pit oftn amspae.n Mr. Corbett thanked the court ,for, deal was thle deed fromn the Blodgett MIr. Foss said hie merely wishedt aiisl-frth ae s hydvloe adth r ei ion r. Orvis says he is leniency and said lhe would pay heirsof.10aacres on, the lake shore, cat, attention ft Ornoe of thesethingos1ere d iat 5 esDayafernoon. dh exf hilren, toreshe disease and de o nwa e uthwte the fine and costs today- east of, the Crab Tree dairy ait Lake fwl ichby dbe prini eamuchofh Frua vmh id bowing thlere is no means of even estimnating calse wili he disp)osed of. lThe ll stat e ttorey declare th rat Bluff to Edgar J. Uthlein of the evening. He then proceeded to in- fromi the west, carrying the dames the probabeelm e e teo the epmcit a s tex w t te Schlitz Brewing Company, for a nnmi. trodcr . vilege was for h Vat ward the lkfor the housae stwdtuefor toquaranticeuthieDhrest C K O N Y AR "no gilt" ndwil cmpetethmial consideration, but it's understood epet lse oschasekr right on thec bank of the tlake. Close where thTieaeeit tgi said thatthe pidrbetwee p35,000end $40,-Dr. HIillTalks, ti ts rear stands the foreman's bhouse, meractfas te ar sur toevelop inas.À nthsottposbetm. 000 for the samie. Dr. "Hill said hie was not disappoint- a substantial buiilding als. The wInd venatiothlm odinaterareveintieof S . SFO M L ru The plat of the Washington Circle ed at the size of the audience. Tak « carried th fl ames away froi t I and City. ch Nr.Orvis entered a motion tasubdivision at Lake Forest was filed saidthie was t r isoe sideratioarg e efrt fthe farmers saved it L>cal healthan hor th is afto A N H DA A T quash. One of these, the case of Gd frreodonusrwedb Jh A si was e aid eoeth ere ab i ou fom atehing fire.The barns also noontnd they were amiazed to think frey Johnson, was to be arguedto Chapman of the McC'ormicek estate and four ete s aypepeter sh wudsrevhvone hadl the wind ,iuch a condition of affairs could exist mcrrow morning but Mr. Orvis saldlhe JhHrift.e devted considerable timfe to aonGifih been fromt he opiposite direction, but, in Zion without the matter having at Officers Elected and a State would bie ready to have it disposed of. eulogy of Mir. Fosa and salidlit wasas it was. nonec of the macught fire-. h.ast been called to, their attention. Right Has Been Granted to this afternoon. In each of the other AtrnyGoreFelsW s e t"riuan a aa" ay-atIt was a -n the hta Pe m n ersnl a u rfes tucondmntacathorouho I'n. Palatine Promoters. ctlses the motion to quash was denied NtEto congres last election. It is safe to . t ieestlli'""n alu, oniof at2ionIvifto thenithen au' ad plea f 'not uilty, eeene ot XpeCted tt SrVV onnoubreviive ovnu, onsoinsioah i wllmen heesab esang wreenerStuda Nihterset"hvhan ofaemtheremanAhchweeoodkfrbyth tmeth lyhwnfoaacotet-bnanssoobAcooiCunyiaonasoiaio ahs Th hendidMr.Fos atthehans o Dr neghbrs rrid, he lac wa City products being brought Into Wau- Ecen formed at Palatine which skls lTwse cases were arra gned as foi- till- Mr osattebad f Dr.nioomedadtn th aslave. k ntefirst timthat hfil'e support of the entire county. 'The los:Waukegani, Oct. 19. >r. H11ll devoted the greater portione su association has been granted the right GODFREY JOHNS-ON - Motion to Friends of Attorney George H., of his talk to a denuinciation of te EmrJWos sdn thehe asiih"Ien cnsidehav acn u oby the state and also-n injunction quas -arguments ,.set for FrIdayFedpeieto h aeCutreis of the Democratieadmistra Mi rod1ic r sitonento nl ir o onnband hey aveex ivngtemte xcuiv rgtzo monng.Brasoito-adoeoftemsttra othr in esputoeialleasi of- his ofliii- 'ascia atio.ad a l nti a was thought the fear of hola a county fair In Cook county. OLIVER WOODS AND PETER CLAY- l'rominent and Most efficient attor- ivon theicremiovai of the protective pasceCalsI i u raigoti inws Thle peopleof the northeastern see- TON -- Woods present In court; neys in the city, were shocked today tariff. In this action hie sa id the ad- cte n .I eee ietrln rr i hd ihave lbeon given the opportunity sheriff ordered to produce Clayton whntemeandta o h atrinistration haildedone only the man- the organization, are made the prin- erdicsed f trh atoeStab)llihfthe association and a mass this a'iternoon. Motion to quash In- few days NMr. Fields has been critical- worrkneoathiirreparable b the jckpaosfiAnt ioifatta cby Ab r t eilland ithrehaks out fmroime týo etin illbedi ei' uio- fcrmation denied. Plea of 'not ly ill at thle Lake County General IIos- Ulnder the present tariff plan hie said etyotia ihr aebe aycssimi Palatine on Monday evening guilty' entered. '1ia. mrcn auatuesar ocd o casociation. Mr. Jack has ment m* ilwdseae here within the last October 19. All voters, men and Womlf Al'US SEHERAt>reyOris A few days ago Mr. Fields became hewnotd ec dontrada tcigthe a "orn obsewrvation It appears the e fPltn onhpadsron. demndslis ofjurrs nd itnss-1l quite suddenly and a physician inc(reased cost of production In this 1fIu for the, places they occupyFel- 1Zumct eat uhriisaeno n owsisae nie. el, forthwith. State's Attorney saidmwai; called In. He found hlimn suffer- country. This and this alone, hes1,)],al e p, al to c ope, with the situation sat. The following offIcers were elected he would furnish themn Friday morn- Ing of an exceedingly grave case of has caused many factories in this severe arraignruient for what ls charg. nd, tý icai ey of Waulegan ia.!tt serve until the annual meeting in i ing.Orvs aked hatinfrmaion rseic oisoing Hewasrushd t contrald to 1,el00000 steel work., ed to be wrongdoing au head of the tenids to convey the facts to the, State Nvmer hres Patten, president; be-quashed because original of the thte Lake County General hospital with ers are out of employmient, 200,0001 association.tIfI(althboardtwitha nreecommendation lý:1sa h Pek, vice president: G. H. ' Information was not signed by all possible haste and a trained nurse railroad men are Out Of employment iAmog therthins relw lmophs that the attger fvestigated thorer; ics, secrtaryW. . om ort ,s. state's attorney. Dady asked leave was assigned toe re for hM constnt- or working only part of the time and chrg w h avngueingthat th e o t e d u er;drcos aryH cop, o amend Information by signing ly. .00,000mn havr50 0 e ne n nv assget oih ims elf po licas gnmyb eucdt iiu. Charles E. Dean, J. A. Burlingame, am adproduced atoiist His condition grew very grave on idle in New York, 200,000 being fidle But the vital charge In the -Jack Tak of Closing Sthools. IacBlm r . P.Scherdinoand do en: Dady's pleas.rÉted, mueluu . Smuruay andulu was leru ewom"h Chicago and thousands unon thm - circular so faur as they relate to Foi. There was talk about Zion City tu- APeter Knowe rbp e f 1 to quash denied; plea. of 'not guilty' not survive Saturday night. On Sua- sands.being fidle in other large clities 1 ees concern his conducot of the Milk day of closing all of the city schloolswA yarlymmedAnaoraipeofn$1.50 F ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ «D teeyyeedndyh alidsmwa.D.Boni, n tlk," he asked. «' ere 1q News, the official organ of the associa.. as a result of the smallpox epidemic, weaskadoprithe Anapp rpr atinwl FEDNN O . SCHULTZ-Motion said today, while MA Fields conditiont any man outside of a Padd &cll A. tion and which Pellows edIted almost which hadl alarmed the people. Up tobe askted frIonhesat resuyeachais by Orvis to quash because Informa-, is still regarded as critical it -i nowe the Democratio payroll Who would enitirely as a polifleal paper. a late hour today no formai announce- year th omppyoaremud.dalo believed his chance for recovryia ment hadl been made about the schoolfrmteouybad. (,Conitinueî n Page 8) better. Cntnud ae )idpendent ad&-tead by.26,0M. situation. In éodta»4flD . GIRL Of TWELVE OUTWITS ROBBER AT HIGHLAND)PARK Finds Her Father's Pistol ad Makes Thief Give Back a Mother's Jewelry. WINS PR AISE OF THE THIEF* Past leees to the HDaner of Neighbors. "%hen little Helen Welch. the twelve Year old daughter of Attorney John W. Welch Of Highland Park, returned ho)me from school Tuesday afternon site ran almost right into the arm. 0f a big. ugly lOoxing burglar who was, rifling the house. Helen did not screami or become ".frozen w ith terror," as the story books pu t it , although her parents were 1n Chicago and she was alone With the terrible man. She stamped ber little foot and said accusi.agiy: -what are You d.ing in here,- The burglar, described by Helen as a "great big man with a dirty face," looked ait the girl and stammered something about -just looking around." His pockets were buliging with lilverware and trinkets. "Well, you just put those things right back where you got 'em and get Out Of here," Hielen sharply com. manded. "I think the man must have been a tramp or an amateur burglar, fer Hielen saYs he a peared frightened t death," said Mrs. Welch last night "Any.way, he obeyed her and left without a Word. "The man got into the '-hogg through the rear door, which I1haM forgotten to lock when i went fit the city." OR, was it this way? The above ls one version of the roi>. bery Incident. Here's another as ItI b printed in a Chicago paper: She heard some one walking Up, stairs when jihe came home frm school. So she tiptoed upstairs and into ber father' mosad shefinabg revolver In abureau derunda bi aho walked quietly into the tooM where the noise seemed to come frn= She saw a man putting things lnt& a bag-lilverware, bric-a-brac, rq mente, Jewelry-all her mothe pretty things. The girl drew In her breath sharpa ly. The burglar turned. His little ef glared at her a slim little e with a baie of golden hair and a ré& volver-and blue eyes thai looked in. to his unafraid. For a moment'they kept the pose. Then- "It's loaded," said the girl. "Don't you think you'd better drop my mam ma's silver comb?"» eThe burglar did. Likewise a rope of 'Hadn't you better turn the bag op- slee dlown on the bed there?" the gWi contInued. Th brgl'r, 'th-ut a -ord eo- Drives Him From House, Ten she made him turn hie potets inie out, and, keeping the revorver eps n ohnt hie ch im do1wn the And there he turned and soke "Say, kid, you're al right," he af- firmed, and walked awasy, And Helen went and tld the neiga. hors-and was afraid to go bx0it a the home she had just defended-untt the arrival of her mother. CONDEMN TESTINGu Of ALL CATTLE Secretary James D. Owens of the Elgn ilk Producers' association has prepared resolutions denouncing the government quarantine of cattle ln this section of Illinois, declarIng the tuberculin test unrellable and unsat. tsfactory and askting the government tosL>ML aScient Inaicctors to thedfaa trict to maLko a thorovgàinvestigating Of conditions her. These resolutions were endorsed by the executive oink, mittee Thursday afternoon and a* Soon as they are signed by Presdent Heniry Rohraen they will be forwarded ta Congressman Ira 0. Copley with &A request that he present the igat to the departmnent ofriniutat* a Moon Mas Ulo AKE COýUN Y IN PENIDEN ALL BUT ONE Of SALO0MEEPERS PLEADNOTGUILTY John Corbett at First Plead 'Guilty' Through Attorney, Then Changed Plea. COURT SHOWED CLEMENCY. Commended Corbett for His Aotion-Said Other Men Are to Fight the Case. ZION CITY FACES A SERIOUS EPIDE= MIC Of SMALLPOX Health Officer LaRose of That City Admits That Many Were Exposed to Disease. CHILDREN A RE VICTIMS. He Admits That One School Probably will Be Closed- Local Officials May A ct.