lof I~Uôsf L] & ApedidVa&of fineletei... owna aremacle of. Sizes up to; 4 yemr. Actually »RPIAL tO is .the Lest ap.ad citer wevt ever mad. Scaoed; fun si=., new dsiu. d ny ta New sti,., checkà "adpIj -6fie«vyIo6 hst COLoe. Limted Beuiulmesusiju ailpettcoats of umau. +:ual qua e Plain or Jersy tops. Alti Yard-wid bleacled, *wwlin of fine thresd cloaey -wov- eno; sot finish. Lmt Aspeclal lotcf 150 Ugbt wet; *ailcon- tructe& 26-iuch *.e fraines OPCOAL NO. 7. nle POpUlar uttUty moms lu tan a&»4 bIus; set nlme. Guarantftd to'shed 'water iIerectly. IlI -ý This is o'ir first special general sale,%ement of the sena"d wllcauo tldethuium. The. publie Who tusuully follows clpsely thes m rtn snbe sales at the. Globe, 1wil in to7FaW8Iply Sale that we've made Our -bârgaixis blgger than ever. F7 Abl cl Sevieral, new Redingote cveiIws are represented in the groups. Poplins, serges and chcviots, in al the newest shades. Guaranteed satin linings. Suits for which y@o ul beta>cxed $17. ýo and, $2o'.oo at most stores. * AHaduni Gu~ At~.ive Rduoesuite -peciaL,$1095 Yau wil Le aarprWad at*the SiitÏ,we offer yoù at thia price. Long, Redingote sud tuuic 'modela in splendid fabric» a v.ed t u on. Saine trimmed witb braid. Satin lininga. PàiticlarrSw $2abd27.4>Suis (xclsiv Moels a$19.75 Eaily l thre m aral siosrgo'ti so Broadcoth,'poplins, etc.. in at- ~ractime- model. The new ahà spavi.A4 unmiaul(,opportunity.ta get a really higli-gad it a amail price.> yw4Winter Stok . It bas required four full pàges t ivyo tme proper ides f hetrmeae u titi.meet important Uea8Oable occ8où. E.c eatme a clamored for heavy space, emgortot 01youo!the merthandise offéred at gmetestuvlg th'9 oio To thiuk that thoSe smiancape-eiect ý coas are ta be badat a price apýlow u s real- Ly amazing. Plain MOd") il"" stfab- riaand sahde arebe2s1jÏýtcd. ~i unj er fýod Tat 1 ý L- $4.98 for the pretti5e«II maç ondtica mode). we-ve 'm mtus ll;eBrowu, gen blue sud black. Cgràdes I~we have said a~, worth $7.50 to $ sa for p-4. Of Pcpulm,* Si lkia (wofth UPto $15) A mnagnificent iiSaaemblý of new mO"el of crepe de chines sis, poplh.s aud otlirpopular.-ailk fibric. ' eudti *effects. Que of.theSupply Sale'. biggest'bar- pis lareprimmted lio " klot c&uw'SWEA i, oe unusual at this price. Oxford, mnùSôpu, cardinal sud Women's Sweatum,, $3.9--A big lot bought at a discount frofn regular prices. Extra'heavy and figbt weight. Plain or fancy knit. Al l "r.'Shawlla r Very Specal-ChlRe' Sweews, *JJ1-An excep- tional value secred throv iah rtn4e porchas.of a big lt.Feavy sud medium. w o irwoe iucluded. Byron or shawl collars. ACicoa. __ _ .!fetmo 91 ,Amihtl'Iood valu. A:: ~ - Saleof I iy -Y- 49c 'j E"' Ob,-mmw- or :711.& LA~2RS ~ i A lrge group of lihtl aoilçd, À l1ot of a41k, voile andI liUm.re in ttiieive stylet , Vorth Team waistgod, ql4a*ýj. n III %- afl féta:Pd Âbig rm 0fAIIWooI Serge.* i i (VoeY specl)-. - Ali-woad sees are wbat "e low-priced dre salrts are made from. -Ilaplain or tunic modela; Mu. sud blaek; a&l azes. Nothing like them hma ever Leen offéred' near this Sup- ply Sale price.. i A group of fashioiableskirtsni1 -t ~and poplis. Tii. latut off ,cteids ar Iworth $5. am em à. àdtewe speclaly pur- A OMM,&scid .1mà- Al Li' 38c -lot oflO doac. Ne* Pxtt & detaffeta R= iI white, Pink, cmii, Copoiýieediral, ii- 7l c W6iimu'shetnstîtch- id hundberchiefa of 'fia lawu am well as linen.A oaelot- w'orth 1IOc sud 15c-at tSiA O. il. Wý<~late* and th« pr~y ye. in ,S3S-AI-wolsarge CoA n thtIiewcora -41r pItty im 6ýttâ 4,- mii ~ -Before even the 8esson begmns, for plush énd ural Iamb coate we offer them at this low uce.Ail the Iatêst modela; the neweast effecta.s, doil lined and fi;, ishea Remeujîbr only $1 4.85. ýk 0- c5ffloffft 1914 Tb. 1 1 i 91