0F iT c~;Eflis n t often waa aaAd tit ahi. poaseimf the. brute of a much older child. Her vonk uften vas held up as an exaxnPle to some 0f the. other pupiswo d Il. boun able 10 survve as long as Most <ld. Tb.y agres, the case wai a Mot unustial one.. "le ObIucL Q%$ 4"o *inê h .-mâ4 om i WNav,#(egan, Oct. 27. er-a he-bliacuiter, ex PIjntes 4g 1111e Marjor1p gt."< rgJd<ocaler. " ;uelm--iteYwmr 14 daugbteor et1*?>'watp b ttusomesort 11*. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ * h"0%.WAlai.tIkc A- Cbt. IcIlttile*M p ermit me- ~gA.tewumhp. tid au palbar- W«r .10<10*tilt MOres Ift111<u ersat uthe e mimi vbch vus hMM mt nva1 vfbe. the e i-.W.yst. 1iobrdwe etff- - et1 utwo "on 'Oc1. Y40,t~ fl W~~ q e IatOl.. a eîr.4hlet WHIRLWliNUCAMPAIGN., ýe j"r*i w arg.ly ;ttonkdod aid W4eu.Ot The. ebild vas a gener, agl tevltii CO<r1 mi hale1 M Tose ei vie Imev ber »di er Aatit là,sarrtid n W&ukegai Iis monulng breibitroirrvAto muny homes. an&. for thre days, be vAl be buev ytwb-Soreccbld dw Iix thé je»ain hie eapalgavhicb. 10 date. be bas XeMlmW f boqftalOUrly unda>' peldléIth attention te becauso b.0 mmeuWU ebettenhreunthee cîcaia g ionnof!ou the early puxit 0f Augut vien .[vs t on citledboed poIson rom aaimali peau., *efÏ"tdb on le ef ber fet..1 got to Waukegan at 8:25 ths TIU Maïdom 0.1601 vwhich the chAla mornln g, bavig arrlved from Wasb* attded b9tome i.bucie rn liSto unda>'. 1 amnnov An tbé cieo" tqfay aiagdMÏI imn> he b.cuila- ' non att.ued the funeral. bALke Mar. Mmpali for the rernalng fO*<aya jutie *was ieue tfelb lgbîost OPuil- i vt bbotifeet. 1I shi.lI petid eiMt for g l( éfélan-theii e. lu tbel;ImInute frOMM nov until lect$bèn d&y Otoe ifs Is~th LI WSm.gms St. t w thé Tentb diVk'ct eAnà of my consttutents au posbl. 1 have nothilu tbb- '.bout my op a'l ot. i0J 1 e t.eforan 0 imob b1, layéu 1d for cmtgtý. Tborefore tuer. laAjga eowrd uz My *B0t m4tacê liait o4co and 0on 1161 trecord 1 arn. aubmtthng my candllacy to tihe people.,," Accordi« he lestatemiIlent 0, b>'y nwuIuicilae in tliAi ,distrct, ùfr.,'osa aît Mr. Thao" ltey bave ipýut toe .sumoi:41 tient campalgu: Mn. Poiu $585.64; lMr. Thoomuon: $944.81. VOTE POtRC. KENT. VjoteIN 0f Waueonda, vhons are j<oO goin o fDp~ or cont> cierkl, il tir i> ~e1-rogdidate. l~ilia tien, coniidered. ton air félov tovWoftfli Rgbert C. Kent. r, Re nt bas dv.lt suxonsuà FXiauY Yeats; and ln &Il thal tie me shbsevir knowî of auinstance viien Ie conducl bai been auytbunï but tbt of a mai. HIe An comnpétent, hei laboot .and courteo»u sfho f ~be choen te «U, th* bhcokie for vhicii bi part y bas uonnated hlm Will Ir> te earn th salI>' ani lho b.content wth tiat loi. as remunération for bAe services. H. wlin turninto the. trémas. un>' evehy cent of th. eaang anasad Incomeo f bis ofice aud vii treut ail j onn alAke n the. dhiarge of his [offeica dutîes. For the. remua quoI- id above Mr. R. C. Kent Ain, vo b.- 11lev.. entltl.d to ever>' vote cait n aid t, vil b. a plosur., 1 feel mure. Poet.*% in luurgina aupmrf, for MU , a . t Casing rietA",,Î0 oedit. ap»osth.eee~Ier îid auiplrait for re-.ectlefl. aslà au ablq ,auid. eCAi~ e rk hha. thé NuU6»ct oMr. ,ta4m. 0 Wd, ,or Ibis rei:,,bug. e bas, - -h ae flone ternu i i 104 -a&ived Ia chef deputy for p' YreMé. abd the Ute of Mai la 0o abort. hé,bu few maos ah thé able 16 '! U«hout , ail ~oouaty p< mab~venthiehoixor, eventh l a c»àl« e made etiy W4.o ndfot "adt.t w oit t o tavqisq O jyportof thq,,votera M W.?. t* K~e Caif110h Wfe slie ileofffée 0?oTy v4àtb«bê tàreé.,w io re tol<l *00 <at for bis. Why àemn shah votO et W Uorit ovudeçu lii opporbiilty tôt 11*t""*- loyâfiý *y ione estub iff M.cAti- îen "0< bu nover tut aib .116w? fonty <o b«iplungany way. any.*oitby perion Au tii. towf oe aiy cause Wor- tby of the. support of men. Lpt çvqry voter keep, tuA, n slnd, S and on elecîton day let un ail tur t ' and ouat our vote for R. C. Kent fo county lerk.F.L ÂR P.L AsaitRitW Th 1* ~mpdgn starti, lpaco pol ts espv0ument, thrco f ry 6f tkê Apieuitua1E ÙiMt46f #IfP eât1gintÇ ive,=obe 1 114, and r~p~o te,Ieiulaturu !fut rpbrt -found andm "flInos poà *.ng and "tho stte ef-DMkuois fr< Âùn h o.mer to get thpJeWaigg»reand to sel uutt.ee fuiherroeonu (oreign fi Sitrance into te ttoï . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ -.. e à 0r**rI r-r* al' d -J one-thitdins Stiit is -inthe 'ýii*e mel"i, arë.e: 1! mostg ornf sefettr LIE 4*UI US 4US~V~ O Il' Q *IP~< putt VORk 1itiI<fS0 NvUiUiV FiLIé 412 * . fi t týèvi. 1 Ym. FOL4 5AE. E jtI c Jy4,4 T9G T ALME? (~U a. LU IIU*S OLe me M ., pÀ '4ev i. iand * -,Tuber Lau 'of il ivd bya .thle righti "-klLi ý,!l ý lý ýý 1 ý iL 'Our