CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 30 Oct 1914, p. 14

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LARE COUNTY 1NDRE~ENI~ENT. FRIJ>à. Y. UTQal<?JL :ItL N14. -- -------- -'--y----. - .- -. ai n. Tbis report was ,igpe4 .by cyery in mbcr, of the ron- " foltôws: tpm 1) . 8u c4hfr*1n, J. lW. Aliâtol, M. D-9- C. 8. Ileiarn, Alexander Lane, M. D., S. C. l>cmberton, à- J. O1i, Frank W. Sbepherd, Guyi L. Bus4h, 24C 'John C. MeKcnzie and Thoinas ipt rIrs Inu pursuane 0ëf thîs report tmio billIA Weré iintiodttced in the-lo%cr bonne at Spring fieldby Frank W. S'hepbter»d, ii this fjmt î ncm'er of the cinimifte, ani bouse inmber from El~ginî, Kane êounty. o/ Bill No. 55, as foI1ows. ic~go uberc'!*Pt it u*ail be unlawful for aniy city, vilage, ineor- 'Lk4ô 'Tubere to*hi; counity or otb.èr sorporate auth.rit i h "sf"iof Illinois, by vidimazice, ruie or r-egtiI#tigî other "TeTubercu' 1: 4lv e sfbisld by tuie lawv of fuis Mtet, to de- iare Deal."'irIfi, stabiish oér réquire thre tuberculin -test to be * "lédto dAiry aüth*is ai;a-à U"ns or ineMure of regl 6 Supported by fr 'wttrg and puirifytg ng ilk, skimnied tnilk, efearu and le. who ha'vo'uteéý dkW y roduiets of said animais, in any mariner whatever, fh fpur SgùrêW(è I',and every sueh ordinance, mile, by-law or regulation 'be 88= r2 e "hepetofare« or heredter. passed4 demanded, fixed, cstab- 'the tp* f-WI lîshe oi r equired bhy av such city, village, incorporated à law. retffi town, eomîîîîf other corporate atithority other thain against milk fi-ont "the stafe of. Illinois la hereby declored to be void and of' "no efreet." be ~Ftrrther, House Bill No. 540 was introdnceed to r-ari-v tmO ontthe other relconiuendations as to shippiîîg dairv anà 'Z~5~IOralreediiug caffle infto the staf e of Ilinois,' and if î-equIliledl ~ ~ that tiiey slould roic with a certifleute of health front the state froin which fhey were shipped, showing thiat the a of %feirfai. i aiiùivals wcre frec anid lear of ail other discases, iîîeludiîig foliowing f îibereuosis, but did flot require the tuberculiîî test. 15, 1.414, olwn i Both bis were presenfed to the legisltfure i)v the ini- tining the state of! vestigating eonunittet'. Mr. Shurfheff drafted tule bills. Cattie, whieb werîr as cehuii-itnau of tht. coiimitfee, ini onsultation ii Mi'. rder of the- United Shepherd and flic other ruenbers of flic c<niiiitte: and m of Anîimal Indus- they %verle bofli introduced in the loNver bouse 1w- Franîk ,ohibitkng the Kip- W. Shepherd. House Bil 55 and 540 bof h paissed the of Iilinois-Cook lower house ii 1911. House Bill 540) was wanfed in Illinois bijei becarn e efeet- -.11 ver flie state, oufaide of the dairv district. 4bu1Se the resuifs o!flhe Bill 55 wax a special bill and ouly anitedb* tedar.d 'thre Illinois legis- triet. llotse Bill 55 passed thie ?ouse first, and oîîlv passed tuberculin test, flic thefliciuse upon flic pledged word of its frieîîds that Hbuse and ,whieh ruadle a . Bill540 would aiso lter pass the house, oi- be preseufed in Januarv, 1911 . for a roll <ail. If later was preseufcd fo flie bouse and with referenees to passed hy 120 votes. House Bill 55 liad oîîlv received 79 "This conmittelt votes. These two bis wenf fo flic sonate, wheretelflich saine sied by the stafe of couirse was pursued, and bouse Bitl 55 finally passed tlie ny niunepalitv in s<nafe -upon the pledged word o! ifs sponsers that House ror deinanding the Bil 5-l0 shoutd aiso e w eseîîted to tlic senate aud passed niens of proteetiîîg as a voîîîpanion nicasuire. l'tius Hon<se Bill No. 55. whieih *killed the Chicago ordiiaiîes, passed both biouses o!flice mendation flîroughu legistature and becaîne a law, upoîî the pledged w-ord o!fthe- situation, the ecru- ienîbers froin thie dairv district thaf louse Bill 5401 shoutd of its prinfed îce- also be pagoed as a co'upanion bill, but affer flic passage «r refconnend that of bouse Bitl 55 lu the sellate, flic ci lier bill (flic priee paidi a into tlic state of for if), H6ùse Bill 540, wvax kilted ini coinuittee in tflic sun- hies out8ide o!flhc- af c at a mîeetinîg ealted ten minutes before tlic rfgular ad- ith theni upon en- vertised trne, witli only thrte rnemlcrs present, andl neyer Ms disas te includ- vote. Tu tier wornes. th peopie oif Iteos ve trihaved m itetat fes, inclue wvote. it te f0orne tethe polocf Ithenos et o aea iý_1 -11 - ...-and4e<atd in fthc passage of the n"easure for which fliere it wvas a public denmini ail ovýî. the state, and the bill vas passed that was onflY espeeially demanded in the dairy diýs- trict. Thus the* light lias licou kept- Ui and ry~intaiiued and fl1e dairy distriet a(ritated, and it haA brought dowîî on its ,ovn head t*o ,)qmaraîitines, one fwmr Springh(eld and one miroin Waslingtiîi, andc nom, the moveeent is. 9w4,>. the stato e , ý i o~ i h 55.. tue gfNo. M55 utUst t ce rep . I* That mîeame the t40cu1ýý.testing of jt4 the viet, Whlch HouÈe E o 5pÔ tect 1 protacte4. N<'rthiin vi.l Ii'<te<'t the<lairy IIfrds in It.l(is fi-oni tubîerculin tçiting hy the ie dt o« Chicago exeept a. leei- lati ve act, aaoh as 1 lotise ÉBil No. 55, because iý.haà beeîî he011 iin 1<( o<P i<ih» Qin v ydani; s. The Cite uto Mi1lvaukey, 144 Wis. 371, àffiined by the Suprenie Court o r the Unîted States, that an ordinanee of a city, rcquiriîîg *the tuberculin test foi-r dairv cattie as an index of pure milk, is a reasonable ordinance. The s#xe ile lias heen laid dlown in State vs. Nelson, 66 Minn. 166, and ini New Or- leans vs. (llarouleaii, b*1 a. 890. TIi. pution is, we. House Bill No. 55 ahail b. repMld? Il muai not b. repeled. Tt 18 îiot the tinie for the dairv distriet to fight the governmnent quarantine, but it is tlie time foi- the dairv district to fulifill ifs pledges to the statet of Illinois, and have a 1aw~ in Illinois, tlic saine aisin Wiseonsiuî. Jowa, Minnesota and -thirtv-tive other * states in t1tbeun as to) the shiprnent of dairv cattle in and ofut of the state. Wheither it is a good law~ or a bad law * as fo shipm " t it the state niakes no difference. It cafl b. lived unlor, and iîîust be lin vonforrnitv îvith the other .tatf's of the union anid ith the U'nited StAtes governinent. SEVENTEEN MILLION SAVED TO THE STATE D)ee p Waterway$20,000,000 Bond Issue Bursted Bn bble Th'le 4upwenî Court of flie United States, li. Junie of tîmis vear, finally deeided the case of ftic State of Illinois \"S. 'Élie, Economyv Lighit and Power Cortîpany, and the wva- ier powver righfs ini the 1)csplaiines'river at Dresden 1 leiglits, and licld that the Desplaines river was îiotý a na- gable streani, and f bat the wvater power riglits at Dresden i leights in the Despiaines. river helongcd to the Econoniv i glît anid Power ConipanN. Th "oexî>enditurc of $20,0 LK1O to di- a deeip "ater- %\,a* v dlowiî the Desplaines river, as proposed bY Governor )cneefl <uring. the tast foui- years of his administration. j woild have riéstlted ini spending ~000O0to bhuild up a great 'vater power plant foi- the luteretif of private cor- îp>1atiolis. .1 E. 1). Sljiii-tleff, as a nieier of the bouse froni this diý- riet, bitteri v opposed this planî, and an atteînpt w-as muade to drive liina (fu t of politics on aceouint of bis position on i lic deep Nwater-wày question. Fngieel- havç._1atekI figured upon the entire pi'0p4351 tlo>i, 4,id th(e Chicago IlgrAgd, iiper date of Friday, 16, 11414, arnong other thiiie ài. "Plan No. 3, suinitted recenfly by a number 4 expert eîiglneers, is t heo ne the administration i adIvanee iii the ifgislaturc flîls coming winfer.. Ati estimaeed eo.stf o$3,075,(M0 it would *f b u~ ing 1ink hotw<en deep wýatçr;gt jouiet jSevý1yfm depth linflic Itlinois îvrblWL8l wou furnish a ae-ogl ifrdiamu1w f"v,4 1 1 ot d srervo'!a-rin1t ii' eve Th'is meamîs tlîatfiwthe ' ixe ntar6d Ir iiel 'viii be divei'ted front t e D e ie ivr1fo t- ihhticils andl ifhigau canal, iwhieýidhe ate of t Jl owns; and af an expendfire o! afiou $300,f w a ehanuel N>iicli will a water-way for ail purposes, eonneeting Chicago with the 1 hnrs andMU sippi rivers, and will develop ail of the , er W U 4itue f0 be dcveloped by tht water in tÉele Ciao An district eliannel. 0FP,$10 ANI) WE WILL BECLL 100 ILs Fine Grask. 44 Ir w w.rg. mpu5a Our Vmeryâ fct BniouP.abmir7Oof» l 1 .a10 lb. 1Û Oùr Very Best lapan Toi, réé" 6 ga~,par 16 . Our Choice lapa Tea,- rLegular 4f pu&;, per, lb .... Surai Tender Early lune Pnuý e«Lodés. Solid Pack Can Corn, nov Puck , pr du. cflà . Soid Pack'Ripe Oaa Tomatoos,lirge c*a, d i..4 PUll ick dfi.é.., a ~5 Ibn. sacb.,per, Puritan Flour, none boiter ai _aüy rié, W'b"r~. Car of Fancy Appl.. In Barrels and'"'hIB~~ on Tra. WeW a ePrIé rM 4Ë$lm- p rT# WQMLN'8' f1À41kO COUNTY cLU ______________________________________________________________ -5.5, ~ . 0(For 8soial T PARY FdO TktUSTÉEgS0F UNIVERSITY 0F ILLINOtS: [3 M.CRANDLECISTAR ALFAED COWLE8 1130 Lake Shore Drive. Chicago. FOR CLER14W MOfttLfI COURT: Sycmere. Si GCLIST PARTY. FOR TRUSTIEFS 0F UMI'ii*1lsitV 0F ILLINOIS: UWINNI]g BRANSTTTER MW0 WiIton Ave., Chicago. El àïïÈM 6051 Kenwood Ave. Chicago. 412 lN AvonMI"A",canton. FOR CLERN'OF APPELLA" COUJRT: SECOND DISTRICT. $41 Ff~ t.Aurora. O PROIIIIITION PARTY. FOR TRUSTEES 0F UNIVERSITY 0F ILLINOIS: E]MAME N. WILSN 510 Gary Ave, Wheaton. El ELA Monroe St., Pittaffiod. 1107 N. Watér St, Decatur. FOR CLERK OF APP!U..ATE COURT: SECOND DISTRICT.' o skIÂu~I LA~JU #~t~ FOR TRUSTM OP0FUNIVEMMITV09f LLINÔIS: 584 Aldin. Av*., ChIoegs M M. REGENAUM.: FOR CIIrRK OF AÀ!èI4h* OOURT: SEC,6ODDSH E ........................... f. LLiI~0IS: LARE COUNTY INDEPE.NUEN'I'. Ffilj)iý i-. OcTQULUýw. 1911.

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