e' Ciu lyàIdependentW4 Waukegan Weekly Sun _____ ____ __ of Office Tolephon. Number 1, Libertyville Exchange. e*ft t tho postottle et Libertyville, Ill., as Second Clasa Mail Matter___ O1à ta Pper for Lake Colifty. .a Iuu.d Every Frld y Adertising Rate@ tMade Known on Application. Antiocb PRICE, $1.60 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN AOVANCE Holmer W, .S IM ......-............................................ Editor rltv a .. ....... .............-................................. .... .......... Manager R. B. SWEBER........ - .......... ...... Reident Manager, Phone 68 CouneiI Chicago1 hqearly, urge the merchants. It helps the clerks, w.t. bolpe the. marchants, it helps the public itself. Sure!1 nesday1 »tut IIow! Firat corne, best served..Ba Mm ot arma? Formerly it used to be: "Our Bibles surpriat me oui arm."1 Why the change? Surely t 1i Zo[tus afair bel bvui't become les rliglous, bave they? cada, A by the1 *ccordiaig to ZMon reporta, Voliva has ordered bis peo- Mr&. 8. t'Itvaccination, even atthe point of a ahot.gun. drove lm 'aattWa diet tha ey used t. pr1o4m lu Z o . Mx Ode m sd o.1kw Isers said: 1"1f your enemy unite . bd up>non.cheo~ ta ti. ohersud1.11hlmt. w l.<au *~ te'r wlin t igt vn it ho~g0 t ae H. B.] *rteachunga operative? Or did\ Voiva's press agent.rothte ov#*step Ia boundsinl saying thatk Voliva would resis t Firet tn vacci»Uaou wfth arma? due o It took a lot of nerve t. prit the front page of the Chi- capo Rerd Wednesday-only those who aaw it knowt u~twe refer to. But, at that, the editor of the Herald 'vuaabsoutoIy rigiti What that editor said about "1breed- ~Ibetore you de" vus 5 poiuted, so true t. conditions r*dthateven 1th mot modest person who rnlght read1 Soeuld mo take offense at the statements but t. himseif ma~usfuder bis breath mutI say: «"Well, hat's rlght 1 ?âmm9w;, seems bard t. print, but it's the tact, Just the t Ume.. Theruthiegsaslaughter of men lu th. great wari iia n la sométbing wbIch causes the OIVILIZR toD stand aghast. That the ruie seme a disastrous ZI ou their countries by the. bas of lite in quite. evident Ï* theoi having restQrted t. the national cry: "Breed bé- ý4'eyou die." But, as the Herald laya: "Wbat sort of a ,ýafâom wil tua sort of breedlng hring forth?" It ..to look as if the hig point of civilisation wau reach- teml ime ago and that the, decadence ban started SuIthe - world, .speclafy lu Eurpe. SJudge Claire 0. Edwards, the new man appointed tot .~vacaacy caused by Judge Whltuey's deatb1 bas been1 circuit court lu Boone rcounty, one of the. ther of the district, duing the. put week and, accord- LUWte eporta recoeved lu Lake county, bis appearance and otuera wondere.d boy the new judge would adudst lunhMa important position. General atis- aof bis work la heard on ail aides, not only lu Lake ,but lu the other counties wh.re hebas h.ld court. c'o ls, trom what can be Iearned, tue new judge seema Mb. getting away with the important duties in a monta i- k-ý'Èst sud satisfsctory manner, an attaiment wbich his j kldsand even others lu.Lake county cannot belp but ~*1gratifted aI. Judge Edwards la young, strong, ener- gsitc snd bas the chance of bis lite lu bis new position. %MIa he is eudavoring t. make the mosî of the opportziniy ad, from the start, pursue a course which will make hima wôoety succeasor 1<> the late Judge Whitney, seenis ta be ,h.t generAl beief in the district. CAR 0F APPLE ON THE TRACK FRIDAY -THE BEST- Price $2.00 aBb C. D. SHAFTON & CO. hdqýIMVeet CIa"srie Ads Pa<j. Ask auty user 01 them il ~~****.-* "f*il 0 PPORTILNITILS, tuke eelà, are lippery and liard to hold, anlesa firmly seaked. Tbey lilde *roagh ltae fingers aud are gone are une is avare. Te mae lie most of opportunities that mey ba grsqod by edvertisiug, use Tii. Idependent'a clas- miM Pages. It le e mighîy elusive.opportuutty thet mse" tiaoae vho adit atise iu The Inapendeut. .$ssr l' hucada of msadan The Independet le pntty sure to afford tie abdv"rlsev iut th* oppartanhtnes ibet ho la seeking m "BsIly lie obSen ebuncli. 0i 10 O' Itour at1 thenstel r erjvde EYE WITI BORN 0f R. . îgîn wre COW9; VISION SAVED h iltors Sunday. Matt Son, Residing on Wiscan- r Heudee of Autiocle i callhng on sin Avenue- Is Victim of a e and frieud@ here tuet week. Peculiar Accident. ýSwift oas a delegate to tie WAS SHOOINGOFF FLIES. of the National Dalry Shaw at ____ thie week. Youth Was Assisting Another r Taylor of Antioci, apent Wed- Member of Famly in MiIk- h ete wiii hie daughter, tia. igaCwTedyEe .yes, and femily. igaCwTedyEe os@. Kohout vas the victin of e Waukegan, Oct. 22. ie Party Tussday evenlng, th, Malt Sou, ilie amatI eon ut Mf. and ,Ing giron lu honon aoflier bltth- Mn. 1-A. Son of Wliscousin avenue, lien a piquanut eveýàn Ptngset )g wae the vlctim of a painful lnJury, sus- sinsauente, vhic en. lie rongtbt tined lit a pecalles accident vhich guette, wve. nrvad. Mn. sud occurred about 6 o'clock Tueaday 1J. Delulein ot Morton orove, eventng vien lh. vas gored lu the. eye hmO te ho probant. iy the lian or ae*. Thé accident lonay igh a umbr 0 peplealthoughinot hetng attended vill a e ed tigits nuhmen dai epiegnegloas festares, neverthelesa nea". [vont E. J. Kuii sud is"la lWproved diatroas for the jouta. la"Mv.msdMia. Kunke." The The contact oft.e caw's horu vlth affir ppe tobae ben joetic boy's oye created a very pointai flairgb gpet riuars th oe njury but tiho uoti oscaped Impair- tnrlng 10 gel artiulora the piet of tie violon of the uni. nlc vn ldt it eddn tof The boy ve s astlng another mem. leae ofa. frilbet u o r of the famlly in mll'dug a cov. era aara f.Re vas eugaged lu "siootug the files". Egetrv wav atded thscontact l as standing close lu the iead ut 1 oniatructiOn 01 a vater main 00itthe animal. The cow suddenly reet and Nowberry avenus, tiloo swung li ad. about. One of the i asi Park avenue, at au ad. bornes slnuck the yonth inl the rigit imeeting of the village board hOld eYc. Tlhe Impact of tbe blov knock- %Y evauing. et vhich tirne bide ed the yui ta leite grouud. ouned. tir. Eger'@ bld for laylng The Parents of tic bo)- feeriug lieu usn was $1.00 Per foet, tti. Ibc laid sustained soma lnjury to the Irants te coat $45.00 extra lot siglit of the oye, hastfly liad hlm ra- s. The Malloy Construction Co. nc val to tle offite, of e physicien ented bids, there bld for layl"X dovit tovit Au ozaminatlon of lie btrmains beiug $1.10. The dis- lrOury proved thm the yont atl id es- ianager of the Publia Service Co. cared impalrmusat touilie vision Of the t trou Wankegaa to attend lie eya. but tiat ire ira.!suistainad a very g, bolng anied lu ho peesont morne paluful lnjuny. go Iliroagi an officiel notice frontl ltiteahuglat tuai lthe blov must erd. li e asured lii.memiera bave inJured one oie the ductz leadlng 1e '~iaeligitiug eystsm had 1ta the eye as ItlaIs steteilthal lie isoidol'ably improved *urlng lte vaten la bein& unîtteil lnceasantlY rosi sud thal henesinell thore f rom the orh. TIi. condition fa net nt ho suv rerAon for eomplalut. ccnsldored serions, liovaver, and ltlual galan meeting of lie bosrd viii be beleved the boy vIS ornerait frouatle :1t Monday nigit.- accIdent vîthout any 111 resait. IL ILChurci Nof.WALINWTH A ly Day" for lie Bandey sebool vili Dved nezi Sunday at the M. E u n a ~ rr w Roth the Sunday achtolhor u Ký(jgJ,.fflf d'cock sud the pnoachlunn evice ti1 o'clock *y1l ho glveDoup 10 troa of loca~l Sundait sehuol b AN i iTO I vork sud eveny effort la.b1.ugmode b, the IsseWersand aons 10 tomie set Buda arad letton" day fon the SBau- daff ichuol. At the maring service ]%av. T. B. Bothe poster vîlîgive a sermon on the. subject: '*The Seudsy aehel-lte Work lu Ibis Onrateo." e The m oatyly social sud business mteet- I ing et the Epvorli Leegue vilieobeld t tbisé veoliSatarday evenlng ln theohcreh ] parlers. Ail member ansd I iendé are coriilaly luvted la ho present. 4 licît Sunde" eveuing ai 7:30 the @eh- jectutiBe. lear's sermon vili h: I "Jüy-Bov Il Came." Epwortl Lesgus Service in the-enening et 6t45. Leader, P. PE Overk!oa. FATHER OF LIBERTYVILLE MAN DIES AT HOME IN RACINEt Frank Ovenson. a pioncer resîdenti nf Racine county. dled Wednasday. Oîet. 21 e-tthie home ut blis son. Ed-à ward Ovarsun, ln the tuvu of Derer, Racie n unty. He li e ien a rai-. dent of tie luvu ut Norvay since 1840 vian ho came lu Amerîca. Had ho lived until Oct. 23, lie vould hava been 89 yeara of age. Survivlng Mr. Ovarson are laine children. Tliay are: Henry M-. Day- ar; Isabel, vite cf Edwerd Perce, Dover; Thomas Overson on the home. ened lu Norvay; Ellen Jasephino, Ra- cine; Edinund. Doyen; James, a 1ev. yer of Kokornu, In&; Frank Ezae, nf lberuyvilla; John B.. Raelne. PreebYterian Servces Maorning vorahlp 10:30 a. m. Thou- "The Otory ai Mass." Saibati achool 11:45 a. m. Mr. Roy Wrlghl. Superlntendeut. Chrnistian Endeavor 6:45 p. m. Toplc, "The Work Vers." Mcl. Wt 10. Leaders, Mdittu Boole and Christine Smith. Mvelng service 7:30 p,. m. There- "Pinu Chi abit." Bible hoan tudY 0uth<le 1Lite utChrist every Wednasdfky evenlng at 7:45. R. M. AlibairI. Paetor. 8tlwreneEpoopl'hurcl' Boy. Enviàan . Wurtz, Prinin-ucborge Boly Communion ovory Sanday 7:45 o. m. ralfiuadaytu mouthl 1:30.m. Miorin Ptae.r every BadY eXosPi above 10:30 a. M. uanday school 11-45 a. m. Ail Boly Day., Boly Communion 19:00 CARO 0F THANKS W. visi to Ihank oas relatives, naigli. bqrs sud finends for thein me» kind. naes daing the sickneuansd dati af aur ltte daughter. Also the slmpre. the peston. and thon viho canLtrlbatsd faotsl. Wtn. Schraak aud Famtly. Idks Coty's big veakly-4NDJ& PENDENT. Miss Clara Aibrigtt of Zian La VIctIm of Enraged Wife'a SuddenAftauk.. ZMon City, Oct. 26.-A& big fight ov, curned ln Zion City en- flday eceur. tng, according 10 the relports as made to the police department. Mra. Rilufe Humphrey vis golng- home- from lier voil. etithe lace Iectory vith Mnr. Loblov. vian aie met ler hushand, Cliarley Humphrey. ln, company villa- Miss Clara Albright. The party met face to face on 29th street and Mrs. Humphrey went up to Mies Albrlglit, struck ber ln the face several times, skinned ber noie. and otharviae dia. fignred lier. Charley Humphrey step- pad lu and eeparated hie vife from the woman but ot outiltee as con-, siderably brutsed. 'lits Clara AI-! brlght then w'ent to' tie police station and swore out a warrant for the ar- naît of '.%I umîlhrey and the case vas set for hearlng. Oct. 27tfl.j Mr. J. A. Camrn-on. father of Mrs. Humphrey, slgned' the bonds and lte case yul no doubt prove a very ln- tareetlng one. lIts. Humphrey claitn- lui; she had reason to ha Jealous o! i Miss Albright before. (tIrs. Humphrey some Urne ago filed a divorce action agafasu lier lins baud and proef vas heard ln circuit court tiioraoing. Mrs. Humphrey' In lier bill uamed Misa Albnigit aa co-respondent ln her dtvorce action.) Mather Jeannettetart, hea ofi the Order of Nuns of the Recred Heart tliroegliout the world and e lin. eal deacepdant of ihe royal hanse of Stuart, ta dead ai Roehampton. Eng- land. Motiier 'Stuarn' deati te bellev- ed ta have been due to the itardahipa she auffered wlien the Germen Inva- sion ueccaalteted tae ahandoiment Of tie Sacred Haart cop*ent lIn Bnsels.j Sile bail Juat cumpleted a tour of the varld and lied relurned to Brussels Wlien the ver vas declared. 8h. and thie nuit.- were torcedl to fiee to Eng- tend. CIVIL SERICE EXAMINATION An elarnination ior eleni wili beho hed at tha Libertyvillo poatofflooNovember 28, 1014. Aite unit. 1& ta 45 yebre. ÉMarnted vornen wili flot b. odOitted to, tlieoxaminetion. Tii. prohibition. boy. aven, daca flot epply 10 voue. vbo an dlvoresd or thone whoara separated moumtbeir huabanda and support thein- selves. , Âppllcantq muet lho phyoically aound, sMd a"e pplicants maet ho fot lm. than 6 lest 4 incisa nbolght ta bans bost and veigi flot le@@ thon 125 pounda vithoat overcoat or baot. Fer application bleuis sud for fll Informnation eddreaa imm.dlaielly Edmond L. ecbvsntzentbng, Becratarji, Board ot Civil Senvict Ex&- minera, Postoffice Llbertyvlie, -Ililnois. UNDER THlE NME IN EL61N IHOSPITAL Former Antioch Pastor Has a Sudden Attack of Appendici- tis While Moving Goods. Friends of Rev. Stixrud, wlio for "ome litile Ure a pastor of the Methodîst churclie nic n wlio was one of the best known pas tors ln the county, havlng cone tutu the IlWight lest sprtng vhen lie de. bated the liquor question vith Winp- die, the great saloon orator, 'gre sliocked to lesyn that he ha, heen placed, under the ecnife lnt su Elgin hoopital, due te a sudden ettack of appendieltis. Rey. Stizrud vas trons- fenred to Elgin et the recent Moili. odist chanci conference and presch- ed his first sermon lIn the churchln i thet City lest Suaday. Monday mo*nlng lhe hoarded the au- to truck which was te couver Mu househoid gooda ta bu nov locati and arrived et Aniioch i n the midli otth l'orenown. Vwbn lho raea thore ho spwe o f mot fooutingVary Weolbut s.oeedtupar Tory littie et. tention to the. auter. Thi ernae ei- tornoon Mr. Radtke teck: the. Stlrud fa-ll'yta Einela lItS machine. on the way ReT. fDtlxrad gr.w mach vorce and liy the. urne end of the C journey vas reaclied lie vas too Ill to tell the location af ithe parsnege. A doctor vas called who qulckly ln- formed them that the patient vas sufferlng from a severe case of ap- pendlcitis and ihet sau:: pentloaM as tnecessary. He w~st nto a bos- pitaIand operated upon Weditesdey mornlng. Word was recelved bore ln the afternoon that he passed through the ordeai very weit and that al sympiomas were favorable for a efpee- dy recovery. Enectmnent oý e 1ev relsing the crnm- puisory age limit-Jinicisaf rom 14 3ta 16 years wlll be alçed of the nezi legislature by the Illinois Federatin, of Lebor et its Peorla ineetlug Wed- t nesdey. The comrnitee ln charge of the malter ba8 recelved which elso proTides for vocationzl education. Rmw Your OId Car- , that's chespst. Let Lb overbaul yaur unotor and tran8iimiofl. Replace woru or bro- kien parts., Repaint or revannish yonr car. * Make it LIKE NEW. * Er Oua ESTIMAiT a"d NOWs th.eIME Expert mechanies and liarffl a. neascoable m h cnitent wilwh good wortmaasllip. Just's Garage 1111.i~ Iwp Las& Besk Equlpped la N. flIilusl ------- Stoves and Rani We have a complete stock of "Stewart" and "Red Cross" Ranges, Coolks, -Hot 'Blasts and Base Burners 6 Big Stock-Right Price Schanck Bros. Libertyville TEN. DAYS FRERA EJ You can try th18 beau- tihil Victr<,Ia FREE in your own home. By making amait monthly pcymeuto you yl aSOODown a Victrola-tbe greatest of al musical instruments. And it brings ta you the veny best o mtaio of every kind, sung ami played in the very bast vey by thne very beau artiste. The ide- ai place to learuthe nev dan- ces in l inte home aud bere the Victor is ehsolutely indis- pensable. Pnioe $1.5 to $100. Try the New Danme 1Recov&. H. B.EGER ýJobj[ Pr itin - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - le's the Great, Big NO W! You will learn that the palsy of liei delay, Trhat fortune will beckon and then fiee away, If you wait. For this is the mystical edict of fate; But once Opportunity knockt3 on your gale, And after that eall 'tis forever too late, If you wait. -Betected. The timae t buy Life Insurance is when you can gel il. The Old Michigan Mutual Lif e is looking for good healthy riskig.21, JOHN IIODGE District Manager. r- CLEÂN WORK vA FULL COUNT Edîti Adits lloy' takien in Kelly 'bualueu@ Ch»s Barlîngi Md Dr Biles. Mma. 't'litor 1 El. V. Misa Chicago Corne snd les Ga. Ses Bouée, st Foi Now lora Vi line. L Baver T weed' day. Ruby ver. C Ed B Monda Jo0 t ~rTi gàn, ai tbis wo Monde id ro. viaited Md te. imothe ysek. lirs. J5-' iLke i Oso. -days s Dan ependî sud la Miss open t 0. P. 1