CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 30 Oct 1914, p. 5

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710 ROM MS Edited by F.J. DRU CE, Pnone Il Ord e aTaken lar Job W.,k. Advertcsinig rates on application.- ilOY-Ps Studi-Have Xmas pIhotas taten iciNiev. I5%dio. giventb tisImutb.h Kelly Kiiîclisl ofl Fox Lats. traactedl businetss lire Tuosday. Chas Fenion vas a Iuinesesiiler ai ,urlington, Tuesday- Bd Drnknwlue purchassd the Mitchell 'toarlugear that vas ovned by L. Y. Bk. MmreWmn. Kapple vas aà Chicago ule@itor Weduoeda. H. V. Clvinad spent uday viii frieuds lu Chicago- Misa Nelou epent tise week-end In Chicago. Corne lu sud oses aur une 0i Victrolai »ud hear the ev recorde. Druce Drug 'Go. &0e the borne talent Play ut the opera Hou@es,gsturds'y nlgbt- Ooly 25 and 35 ete sud vort $100- Don't mIs lb. John Laugsbaugb traneacted busines. ut Foi Lake. Nov la the lime ta place jour orders for a Victrola. Core n lasd ses ur fine IlinsrutDrtg Ca. Baverai ram bhers attended lMM Tweeds@gunderai st fngie@îîc' e àt Satur- iloy. Rulcy Saut vii o!fi)en 5.r, (t i lii4 vlsiting ut t4lcilen home. Mir@.1t. G, White and dengbisr Aletha v@esChîcago viitors Mouds>. Ed Biller rturnsd romn bis vacution lionday moraing. Joe Pester af Lihrty ville, vas a rails ,eeTueday. lins. J. A. Ritsber sud baby of Wsuke. gais, are gueseta the Wu. Kappie boie ibis weet. lire. Fiant Lawean visited t Autiorb Monday. ire. toses Garvaod 0i WaukPgac vieted f riended here duuday. lire. Saubaru ai Chenoa, vilted bel brother, S. L. larfield sud astser la, lail 4ieet. lire. Wuî. Wilson o! Zenda, Wis., i viiting ber siter, misa Susie Whiteisead Jeuse Longshaugh sud famiy drove4( cLae Giseva ëunday. ûsa, coombe uof Oat Part, mipet a le" -day e at Gagealotsàk. toan foot rsturned Teseday afteh epending the week vith lici son Charie nad Iamlly lu Chicago. ies,. Beudee sud Parker ai Woute gaMe, worm bere lest Tueeday. ies Blanche laughton of Chicago epent bunday vith ber mother, Mr@ 0. P. Barran. A.Chard sud ianiy ol Chicago spen the week-end with reatives hsn' Mime Edus Kapple of Wsutegeu ieý lust veet bes' ils 1-r parents. N. Marc.Icol Evenstun sPeut Salcirili and Suuday t E E. Mahs.- fF. IL. Vau Zstidt sic-nt Saisi îles ai Sunduy i dîica&gu n iii ricîicls lir, eî'îi lre 'An u. ic iiecîn kegli, $euet ueveral da3 s ci iii dccgter lire. F. Cicrd anc I;tiiii.c lire. m.liate ai Icstin î1iencthce ccci eesd t I-an Lavrencesj. erant tirunînn ad udn-îe of1,tour Lake spent Sunday et Jas. Triggs'. tir. d). F. liutterfieid sud rblidren un MisChaud ai Libertyvilis spet Sonde vith Mlre. E. Chard. T. Moag vass Chicaga vistar Satu' day. Mirs. Morton visi ted ber ean Geaiý and faiiy iat week. Ilrs. Ed Topai of Libertyville i@ spend- log a week at iDean Hunneycutt'o. Miss Dariseea ranger ofaIMEflenry, vlsited 1fre C. E. Combe the pat wKek. lire. Louis Luek entertained the Volo Aid soelety lut Thursday. Mfr. and Mire. Levi Watt of Waukegan, are vieting tt the home of D. V. Wat. Mir@. Wrn. Vickery oi Area vas a calier ut lirs. C. E. Combe Sunday. faeo. Beuveil, Rtay Paddock and A. f. Combe were ln Waukegau this e wsk. Independent* More readers than &Hl connty veakicornbined. FREEI RE!FREE $1.50 Standard Atlas &" Mmoutcy of the World With purcbazes amouuting to $5. Coame lu and get your purcbaqlng card and tart nov. i DRUCE DBUG CO. 111e Rxall Store Grayake M ~ ~ ~ ~ JOe A i. cen i___TY; OTHE] MA.Kappît ni l te ndold a, godi C4ewti Liiiakon îiîrr'ary rl-iitj CHA.RLES E. blASON, aot Ca l IationSy atB "tt Correspondent - Agent Jury in Coulty C( aieta bi about towil ugain alter is PHONE 24J edcti i eliims. _______________ on Saturday Mir. andci 'Ars. Frank fhaillof cl ile-i Wocod, epc-t Fri6ay nîght iîîîd Setiiriay ltcblc ttuïli1V,iii-l'c' Mkes 'lcibt. e UT W S Mfr. aud Mms. E .1. llimiÀrtare gîttlng J See "W bat Happened to joues" et ith- ittied tbis week lu their fine new home Opeira Hoaee, Monday evenîug, Nov. 2. Enoch Pearson1 jut cnrnpistscl by flamîju lBrothers. E. Richardson bas a cernent wakin ce He Was Assaul t The new barn being bulit for Wmn. front ot is place of business. A goodPocmn Waiter waa raloed )Ist Wednleeday. improvement.Poie n Frank Strsng and wis hbave reuted Mmr. Bnci Ford of Cary, fil., le; visitiig Of the tour Zion Ci roome 01 W. 6. Bucter and are teplul aut the hume of ber sîster, Mmre Wrn.mnwh reca houes. h r cai A number ai the meenhers af our R. fo. Sam McCintock retarnsd WsduesdaV wih a deadly weaic A. Camp. 0f which lire. Ida Tweed bhaevenng rom a tva veeke faing tnp lun svarn out hy Enoch llong been a member, altended lier fanerai uortbern Wsconsin. City reel dent, only on at lugielde lat Maturday. lgnehraom basting la the paituren vas found guiity byl Lait Wedesday vas liothers Day a around tavu le the popui&r pstime the ty court whicb retun acbooi end a nuniber ai the inotheresund t ew veeke. urday eVening. The inende atteuded the ai ternoon session ",Whai Happeded to joue@", o three fendants were di 19 ad thoroughiy euîoysd tihe vork ai the act comedy at Round Late, Opera Dames are: John1 children wvb lh la credit ta aur splendid Roue, Manday svsulng. Nov, 2. Ticklets Main and Albert ffl atoachere. oa sale at the drug store. tance aiter Lb had heen armr 5 Nir, admi re. Herman Witt are enter- show. jury reburned befon teinling the latterc@ brother sud vile, Logan Siyensore, thse veili tuow Saturday evenlng the sa recenr.iy married. piaisfrom Chieaga, spent tbe week-end tum, recelve the ve Work au the Frank Hitunbungalow 1vitis frisadii berse. r. iyeuors f carge' the jury. Af :e id beong rusheci ta geltihe coniste work Moaday for Cincinuati in the interest A. verdict wouid haveb don 0 befure f reezing. the finyder Miusic Co. moilon for a new t 9lesers. E. L. Wald and F. it. S her. ,E. A.Brown, of Brown & jisiith trailmaersin te csf . vood attsuded thé Suidey ciool con- attended thse laicY shocw luin Cicago nPet asontse i1 rviniou lu Waukegan leist Tbureday and Tuesday. n iîy fstsurom hag vI P. S. taniele le erving on jury lu the lande lo)ran ew 1 iti-i %agicen ibure sieclai policemen eîîunty eat thîs veet. dyOc.llh.te Zion City polio la G. B. Gable ofIGrjaelate. vas la tovo lMr. and lire. Peter Plary receîvec he sat s be vat-struc Saturday vîtislbis fine nsv iluiet. word that th" fivi. yarîîld -ou o! Mr. aieao oer the headi )a O.tto iLbîianulies eieredaeerail aud Mme. Joh l acr .ieci Suaday et he salod inlicted ad cow@in te Vary Slow ow luinFrauteville. Wi8. 1 11,;deatb vas causeci A Zion ('ly physi r Cio . l eLarySo o n by iucic jaW. having treated Pea Wieâaeoday wes Gond itoade day lu u.UiY The defendauts i ;-Lake %Villa and bbe varions road officels RUJSSELL appear that if Pas llio tbe cou nty met berse ud vere enter- h scny e uThrd- ihhadh lgthv tainec by thse ComnoIrcial Club sud aiter- pInht he »vTrda laspmetcted ubsdanewt tate Orosdinnotir Ch wad lpcto h ereaera DwM.u. I- MIville. state vas that Peat belug built. David Murrie, Rtobert and William medical attention fit Morrne aud Wili Carrie attended tbe ir Mr anLUR J 1rsd lMre C. M. Gorham cailed au LU IMDUR] àt;relatives Sunday. MiessOrs (ierry of Alta Vista, Iowa, , lMièse 'canVîet ni West Allie, lis hoard- EIKW viaited thse pit ev dayé wthber iW E 15 uneesud aut, Mir. sud Mmr. Hesnry Ing vith Mm.r Cores. Sbs le teacher oi ld Eclinds. thse Worth slbool. Buiness of the re 40> Mm. Ai Arno of Soutb Datai W Mr. sud lir. J. Rt Cîrri@ vere greatly the week ending c viitlng ber mother audeleter, lire Mary suried an Mouday sveniig wben Numtîer ot transt lw uleandMr. Pil eltuir, r. about tvsuty of tiseir neigbbors vaitsd Number of Trust v r anl sd MlmReyJîl e@ nd-'r, f or. lU.r IL vastheir tenth wedding anuiver- gages-15. Mi.sudlir. toy ame su bay a; ary. Ail enjoyed tbeesvsaiug immenseiY Total number ai wr Chicago. @pet the week-end wîtis 1r. snd departed a% s late bour wisblug 1Mr. -104. se and Mmr. H. B. Taver. ansd lire, orrlemauy mare anuivereare. Tota amount of TheInfnt augterof r. nd r«. Mis. G. A. Su er le able ta ride ansig. Real estate vas e- Horaces. Taver te suffering vitb sore veek and the numb u, M. J. Canuan spent tbe week-end witb 930a r. eran iduda Sho. s. frleude lu Chicago. 93 .m emnSna col Wm. lirOuire apent Snnday vith is 10:30 a, m. Cbnrch Services. _______ brother John lu Atiacb. 1:30 p. m. Engliili Suuday fichool. 2:30 p. m. fireaching. ) A dlaner sud shover vas given Mis@ 7:30 p. m, Preacbiug. Faye Daveon, Saturday at tbe borne oa 1.30 p. m, Tbureday mid-veek meeting. Mrs, Ermna Strang. Gavere veore laid for l'asnar, L. E. Tlioiuwt. R 't thîrty. Miss Dawsou received may_________ ieaulan ed uislai îreet. ut Miss L. Faye lDawsconiasd lie 1 S.SIGNIFICANT SUGGESTION. licicner were marriedcial.crday. Oct, 29, ay et tise bolîîne icIthe brile e parentm. Mr. Rector Ganster Declares Menc sud 'Ilra J. l. lîîi'oSii, eat if Milbîru. at Once Classify Women In- iXunr wholecoc id 11. ail XM to Certain Place. puîr cistrict, e- ilcîni-r aiciiii u ii O li cdrinuc eiltic __________ cry h-e o f thee c a-Park iRidigeSuudis t-c i-it Mr. and \auegnOct. 26. cîîi.-ct with the li ,,Ir Mrccis rici. cin' Xici-n n'îîc-c a iomnan go down richiy deservtS tirs Ilcirace (jerry of X'anligan, iî. mthe sirei t dressed, or flot dressed, ln ek. sîceiiing e week la thltevicinty wîttiî ber an outilit icat causes bhem to tbm mcticcr alic]g catl a lier, tlcey immediatoly td Th,- liiclicr boyci gai cacisîtag iilctclr 1(liiosift Icir accordlng toa acertain Mcîuday ecening in bunur of leslie r classification. Then they say ta o ïnd Sonner. vhbccbcaiii'a eeieici tlisthemnelses:'uigrabefui that she "'rum my obsi, vu et. A file ie îeas enoyed by al. fant my sister, or mY danghter or my floar of the floië Mr, Strang, mon ut George Straug of wife. Thse garb lent supîcased tau iarn very glacit u Msrahfieid, Wi;., vieibed relatives the 1c .unt for --ch but lb doee" remarked nost cefficient lut paéîtveet. Rect.r anster Inlois i5sermon Sunday In speaking on the theme of the man absolutely fearle ge whvo went ta the marriage feast sud asy partisan ail, 1WAUCOND did nob bave on the veddiag gr Lr. Margaret Riine3 sud son Frank have moved Into tis efct hou8esou choies treet. ire. itoney hec rcnted ber farrn ta Edvsrd Turner. fienry Maiman visited frjends lu Chicago Sunday sud iionday. 1ev. T. D. Murphy traoisa('ted businepe ta Chicago, Wednesday. Mr.,sud lire. John Zimmer and eon Lea of Long Grave, visited t the home of Mn. sud Mrs, H. Gsary, Suuday. Harry Samccey vaes aChicago, visitai Tuesday. A numher ai aur yutnigpeopieatteudcd thee daue t Long Grave, Baturday eveing. li. n.udlins, W. J. Soyer euertained Irleuds over Snuday. liMre. Chs. Cady and Mise Genevleve Rooey cturned ta, Chicago Wodues dei, ater a fev daye visit vils thoir mothen. lire. Alces Gsry sud @eau Led tran- sacted business ln Wautegan Monday. Mis ElBla D. Lamphere of Elgin,, vu home aven Susday. ILais.Coutye big veekly-INDU PEINDENT. Mr. Ford Owner: We hive lntailed speeiai baols for proper and quicc repair et Fcord cars. tiefftted bearînge, re@eated valve@ aud remnovai ai carbon viii mate the average Ford motar "gccod as 0e." Substtutian of aversise pistons le frequeutly neeffsary to regain the original snap and paver pas- segmed by your motor wbeu nelv. Our chzarges are as low a@ le cou- sisenet ville good workrnanshlp. W. guarantee our work. Ltus oetirnate jour joh and right nov la the tirne to have It done. We are prepared ta repalt or revarailh jouàr car. Just's Garage '2 4k %AubeNad to th.e ffmrfe Hot. Laigutd c!But Uqulpped la N. Ililos wlth the recorder fell ofr considerabiyj Implements. etc. One lumber valg RED Of ~from the preceding wee. Among tbe On, 2 buggies, 1 hay rackt, 1 set work 1c ~D~ I~ transfers theonly unes of Importance harneas. 1ml wn i se PuCAT RitI ]acel Jr Est. to Vclwa'd .1. tlruce of mower, 1rae 1fed nter 1se M C TA M H s I1 ,iet clairy il RS FREED < acres in sctio:002., Avon town- I, 11,îî 1ts OO N IM A ' :!c'jcer of about Court Returned c: Ac' n on ccd;, town- cîk1 uiîlks p cis. -1 îîalkîg plow ,s , paats maerS> in City Case 1a sli Mr laîe miiigriii.icii t-ilr. 1I roI O ktIg Evening. for a nominal consciration alcout ccci a, 1 baivrrel ictirir iart ti t 10 ages in sectVIîn 2l132 and 331 bol. i li ard coau conter. THE CHARGE. -'a town-ship. i.asD y nd @* 'The A. Montgomnery IX arciproperty' MRS. W.G.Mcbli. anw a.itseontng-. In sections 1 and 12 Liberlyville town- E. M. Ames. auctioneer. wkiytttý ii t :*ada nerent. N it la nyo Had Carged hlp and 1n section 21, Warren towfl- cei ing salcýcs or ceas. IUU4 Ilt by Special ship was conveyed tn George B. Mer-. i hae decied to o out f Oie airy o rub te 1in Jail. '-ick fo ra nominal consideration. business. sowill sell ailluf my coy.s r..jýCtiOnS- NelectricityorvbmU±on on - ~~at public auction on my larm one-, 9 'àth hus. otin of that kWz' City sPecial police- c' A iIO hait mlle west of York Hlouse churcb LrIed lth aBauI on town line road, on LgdOnI waran~t Tuesday, Nov. 10, 1914. i Pearson, a Zion one, George Stied, AIl acchon sales published ln the y le Jury in couo- Indepondent are chargod for at the med a verdict Sat- rate of 5 cents a lino when ans ordor se other bhree de- for auctian bille accornpanima the ismlessed. Their nlotice, otherwlse thse regular raié, Wright. Madîsoce of 10 conte par lina viii b. charged. cboepp. unged that If the The underelgned viii ssii ab public n. seven O'clock auction on the Backuo farm. sltuated ce Judge would re, three sud one-half mlle, vesb of Gur- verdict and dis- nec aud ans mile est of Druce's lake, fter thai a sealed an besu returnod 5.& Wednesday, Nov. 4. triai was at once 1914, commencing ai 10 a'clorl, the of George Striod, bollowing property,to-wit: Iu court tîcat on c Tvwenty six b ead of cattie; 2 nov se had returned tamîkes:4 seavy epringers. 5 spricig lasit b Wý%aulcegan. calves; 5 sows with plgs, 21 shoatcî. ,arrest-d lly the double work harness. 1 lurnber cc- and vas talion tb on; 1 3 loch tire truck wagon; 1 hay ce station. There rackt; balance epringers and mllkers; »* In the tacs sud 5 2-year oid beifers; 1 puiverizer. witb vîbleh a club vhlcb trucks; 1 coi-n planter; 1 land plan'i; deep scalp vound. 1 double cultivatar; 1 single cultiva- rscian tesiied t-2 ter; 1 Deering corn harvester; 14-year eareon for bis lu- nid hrown geldlng; 1 brown vork hers:g1Ctapio0gmankendrit 'rson inJured i.i , done so by tallfng broUghb ont hy the aron vas given no for his iajury, UNG THIE EU 3$419025 recorderls office tfi- Oct. 24, 1914: Stem'e89. stDeeds and Mort- ) Instruments 5usd loanse-$4,025. quiet during the ber of papera f5usd gaivanized vater tank; 1 bob sleigh; 20 acres of good co-n lusbock; a quantlty af tame hay ln barn, a quan- tity of slough bal, In barn, s large straw sact and other ar'icles ba nu- meraus ta mention. Free lunch ai noan. i'sual termes of sale. W, J,. BECKEY. Proprietor. George Vogel, Auctioneer. Gea. Fenion, C ierk. k y O t . We, the undersigned, viii offer at Public Auction on the McGulre tarni, thrce-fourbhs of a mile south of Mili- bumn, an Saturday afternoou, 650 shacks good coi-n. 800 -ats; quantity o! hayrin barn. bushele Seven cows. miling; three spring- ers, one thre,&year oidseringer, twa two-year aid springers, two yearing heifers, one yearling bull, thre spring c-iter caives, on.e ow wtth efght plgs. Sale wlll begin promptly ati1 o'clock. Usual terme of sale. ELMER E. HAWKINS, Proprietor. Henry Sine, auctînneer. wklyNov6 i~% 'J", - - 3stantly auccessful. You do no4 ha"e ta rait, and linger aud payant a lot oft money. ou can stop itover nigt-and 1 vil ly @i yuu bcw-F1tEE 1 arn flot a doctor .cd this la not a so-csiied doctors prescrip. on-but 1 amn cnred and my frieuds. are ured ' andiyou can h. cured. 'Our suifer ag v1iiistop at once 1k. magie. -'c AjnFm -Yo am Si Fm@ Mr c.iarh vms fithy scadioalie. Il 'ai,', Ii. fdoild ai,,ia. ,.emieLN& But Pa v e and 1am rd se m 5O Ir. M Micbjan A.. i a de. lu ed by Lee Mcflononigle. fare for thie CharleW. Vail ofChi.-sgo, candidate eatety of hie brother who le a Soidier for i'r ofet .u he supre mortcofilihnia, ln the Belgiam armylMe han uot ie tnown in sery ccîuiity itise tate. beard trom hie relaUive since the Eu. - oA a trbute t a h ie efficient vor t a s elr t, i-c>eau w ar started , e or s tiat ib a ai the eusoriarcorot of Cant Couuisy 12 beart frram hlm regnarly. He thllis oi the iudgee of the courtdilewtsp andeaigu- Ileat If somethlng had not befallon ed tise oiinîaîg sUir»euenut. Hanîug hie brother les vould bats founi bad the oppartnuity in tise course oi our officiai dislep ta, observe the administra- eorie means 0f couîmuutcatiîeg tu, W»i- tien af the office aifbbhent ai oftise supoît- efore this tîme aud for that rossa on court oaiCook Cauuty. vs, tles unden- l'eare fon the vonat, He lsarali signed judgss cci th@ superior court ai that hie brother may have M la n ccc Coot Co. bereby express our camumetida- one o! the hioody conStaets thse Bel. tion ai the bigbly efficient matîner lu glane have had viltlete Germau<oro vblc'bthat office lias been admiuisterede. by Charles W. Vail. He ieuýaiso eudoreed 'c by 500 lieading attorneys ai Chicago. 1 he IudependBiit leada &IL. l ce what others the work of1 Congressman Thomson say about 9 Colonel Rooseveit--Progressive ba~ci;a mei-ited the suppcîort of ail gumcciitizonv in oc~ics f party. It cis m e v iîiic-ct h lief ticct a dc arcter, vision arncdcci 'cr oi havî e g i cii ci I1 cccrt tc opular ecaviîcxt artise 1icls, whuIl-i it Mu l 'h lic lu e Rooseelot.- ongressman Lenroot.-Republican cmcvation of hie work in the conimittee anîd iipcn the msc, together witî lits votes tiponi importanit measuers, to say that; 1 regard Mm. Thiîoso as tise ablest anti coucher of the Progresive P'arty in tise Iloue.Ili j ,vIes and at all bimeis planes the. public ccelfarc before cýacitago." (Signed) i-1. L Leuruot. Congresanean Ferris-Democrat &uN0memiser of tise committee bas @tri ven hiarder t) diahicsfuil dutv, na member isas icoon more aient in the interest of tise public, nar more helpful iii assi-ting ta salve rigisteocîsly tisemany vset 1roblems tisat bave coîfronted tise clomXmitttd minces ycurcoennection withi it. No one bas iu nicone attintive ta detai lm, more diligent in attending the. meetings, icor mare honeet and earccest in ii i viewe, hi@ vote, and hie caîvictions, (Signed) Scott Fernie, Chairman ('onimitico on the Public Lande. Congressanain Kent-Independent -Iiiie my privilege ta know hbis cleariseacled tisoroughness, hie euergy ancd bis giest publie spirit before lie came ta tise House of Represeetatives. Thise qualities bc hae brooglît witis hlm jato bis work at the national capital. He is greatly eeteemed aud rempected by hie colleagues and ha@ doue splendid work on tise Pubslie Lands Cosmittae.. Iamn sure thaitishe verdict of ail wisa knaw iim wonld b. ta tise effect that les is a mont efficient and usefulniicîember, cao- bining vision witis an abiliiy ta embody tîcat vision in practical terme.", (Signed) William Kent The letters from which tii... quot"ma are taken are printed in fulllin Mr. Thomuo' campagn literature, which ta h" g st ot under regular postageDot iznder gv~mn f rank. 1 ment. 1 1

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