CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 30 Oct 1914, p. 6

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lu * y T. F. SWAN Correspondent and Agent Bei d'a itudit-Have N îîîae lhttts taken in Nov. 15% isuegîVî*rî that uîoîth. S. J.. topley cvas a t hîagi vitîtor lira. Uo Huil and daîiglitîievelyn @eumt Satnrday ini Chicago. A feu from bore attemidi the Vernion (lemetery at Hall Day, Tuesday evectng. Mmr. Cliara VanRorn of lPalatine, epent thse ceek-ed with lira Dean. mi"e.Ni& Bo..e pent à iec days this ws* cllîh ira. Robert Lantmene. M".a.m .Bodba.d of Pullman, vait- *4 tuit Wek at the home of Ben Brod- &Mdi. or. Mr. a"Mmdla. 8. L Tripp and Mr.. ad Mim. 3. a. Siubm motore>!ta Bigl Mms. 1. J. Rodgsra of Racine. @P13 oewer daya tht. week clth relativeo Wu. Zersen and Win. Weber vieited l est ce& itb 5ev. Ceaten and famiiy at Aurera. W. and lire 8. J. Cropley enterWaned a flamber a9 rien>!, et carda lait Setur- ayeveing. I.A. £r*mer c.g elle>! liaLima. obi*, 1%1«e"ay moralnDg by the deeth oif big brulbor. TIo rk et P«tting atone on liapie @"«& ~et itoc. I. nearima comtpe- T1%0i*a"hall team l making a fine "0 wmelarotthebsgtening oi the semeon. n ba ve won two couateatfron LibetY.lie »d t a bard battie ta (lrgya" ake li rdai evîing by e mm ofe Ils3 ta10. Oraysiekecilii bo &M sea t o-idht j<Fiday) and! a gaod l"Ila.. late obsi fer. lire. Cara VanHaoru of Paltine. vieil-. md ire J. L. Chambherlain andit ther Arthur Wlti of Rogers Park, @pont the week-end st ti hanoe oi his grand- mather., L-eie adaide cm, e Chicago vioitor Qxite a delegation frain hore attende>! the sebool convention in Wauks. Ma.Tltmdey and! ail report an intereet.. mag meeting. Mr. snd!Ui. Otis Smith are spending Iblew ceeks cUitte former'@ parente, t, ir. and! lire. Frank Smith. H. C. Payne lfit for (iiidden, Wi., BetardaY tamsubit hi, brother la getting Chrietanai traem an>!reen. Borneof titi Young men of tuei plaie naît vicnity have orgenized e baaket bail teiain an>! meet at the Wooduas hiail for practiee on saturilay evettltgH. iti Wunane §eotioty of th- etiurcit met weth Mm. ilrainerd, Wednedday. làr. an>! lireAbert Sapiter epent 8un- day cith relativen in Barrngton. Te Sitmley erbo lwbglnnutîg Io 151bkelolans for the >hri4ttîae îîrogramt and tree. ' Mir. and! igres. ltemey Atuno andi f aebter Autelis apont Sumday with hie : atiher an>! gltir, Anna Amena. ~etb abd BEmea )"keent Seturday and Sendey et their homte Misa JOwiei Amena la wîirking for lir. Teaikempe. tturelly. Maud--"Raa't hies Oldaa sot aeirching oyea r Mare-"ý,WeUj. dosa( cWonder at IL. Si. bain searcit. mi f<or a hnaband fuo r eam. ~DMrNDLAKE PORZST Ueo. Weit ai Loda waa the guest oif Mr. and lire. Win. Fareottb ave t'ltîed hie, Cousin, >1ev M itch l. last trei. jtheir Lake Ftreet homtie titi1 iioveil Iv tire arby andi Mn. lIter atteuti iltitir tinter hîtuti,, tt ut the Sitilai eiiiuii 'l ititiiiiîuat Wai BoJ *] H Mrs.4-im lrîe1.Mci îu.ciitmnr k gali V i*. t di 1 -, a ge n a m itmntsi i tY at t FtIridty oe ii.g r iet iti iier A îîitîier ioffrieiid- gai"e t Nir.adMsJmst:i ion-% f Utîlti id S, lii u!,,'uir N~tul, î.ttiii t-at urplile litit tri,i ii niMi.Juît liiItn l Tiu,-leîamiîî tln t .i r litY 1 î ii.i nt h ir tiiw il,î: i eiu t h ie witli tiieut trith Mi->Me veiuiir. I, -k 1 ieii City i. î Nsîtitt . »at e. 7 vtitti it itg XI tac 'i igiret amid Uurtitilt' >litt.r%%'îit i LaIe Iitip.ttthe tu i. li- cpelt i rday in iich'i, g- S. ipi tder iof i liuutiei. at fle bomne o vi l'tuuam Steele. M r. of tt iiLatke F.ire.t ît at Ilrs. Towrnera Friday. Mr. Crase le harîng a leatitig lit inutalied in hie bone@. Mir. an>! lre 1B. Krine and taastly miti tare>! ta Elgin Sundey. M. and Mrs. tueo. lMitchell made e trip ta Chicago Tuee>!ey. lire. Leniker seompanted thené ta Deepleines. E. fichroder an>! tassly "pnt Snndey a% Dundee. lire. R. fchrader an>! MielMary Ryan @pont Tueey ctit lMre. R. Liii. or. Tite R. N. C. ciii met cititFlorence ERonger Satumday eveniag, Oct. 31. Paul Rey and iamily of Llbertyvle, WiilBey an>! iamily of Ares, epest Sun. day at 0G M. Ray« Wm. Limiter. Geo. Mitchell an>! John Barber attendeti e stock se aet Bernng- tan lait uek. W. D. Lemiter estertaine>! a Jrîen>! tram Chicago Sunn>ay. LAEZMCIH Mir. an>! lr@. Emul Frank vited reia- tires in Chicago We>neday. A number ai yaang peaple frout bers attende>! the dance et Long Grave Set- aday nigitt. Mr@. Math&@anad @on@ have mare>! bacis ta Chicago for tte clatir. Hernien Wpereerg ciii move te tiral ai Novenier lto the bouse ocai>! by J. S. Eiat on Lake-et. Fred Scbenaing o! Bine Iland in let-er tousti NIiin titibospital there. Hi cas eevereiy borne>! by eieetricity chen e ielac iemploya eecidentaiiy turne>! on lb. power chile Scbennsing asvworking on sanie cire. on a paie near the power bouse. Scbenung basIwovabrothere,,e Mater an>! hi@ father living hr, ta chant the nece of the accident came ai a sevîni @bockt. Chai. Corder, iommerly empioye>! et Fred Bleu', barber »bop, le manager oi e three-cealr etop, corner Rtobey-st. an>! Armltn)ge-eve., Chitcago. OBITUARY Josephine Bock, Infant deugittr ai Mr. an>! Mm. William Bock. ce bora an liept. 28. an>! die>! Oct. 15, agi>! 2 ceets an>! 2 daye. We oannot doubt thte Fethere cwiedoutan>! love in takisg homelie sonilte litle ,one. la Hie gardes He caste not osl.v the stur>!y Oak tif tueno>!, but also the iy tof YOutb asthteiMnre bnd iif inanacy. Tie bod!y liemi inteiliait 11evcetittery. ClARO 0F 1 HANKS We wiýtoliesîrese our Ituartfelt thanke ta tiie of our ienîls an>! relatives who utoce>! us nov maune ate ofL itititii durisg tii ilîtit-s aind!after the death of utur infant datiîlter. blr, anti Srs. William iButi. CARO 0F THANKS We wieh to thask tihe many fr;etido anti igiiîro iheir tintinesta our love>! tne lu ber long ilines anti >eah. We appreclate> titi maur beautifol floral offerings anti the kintisestii the iagere. Alex Tweed and FamlIy. FEED MILL NOTICE Aller Nov. lst. 1 cil> gris>! iee>!on Mondaye. Taesdaye, Tbure>!eys an>! Satnrdaye, exept legal holi>!eya until iurther notice. 5c2 Itwigbt S. Doipit, Prop. Thti Indepezident leds aiL l-%its-tlmai),ieiidirtadt ui! figlilantd Pa1, . mas titi week-end gîtet oft1::r parents. Mr. ait>! tre Fred Bederstatit. Dr. C.J. Davis returne>! Wedneeday alter betediag a few day. vielttng et the boute oai Mr. Aid ai Cblicotite. Ohio. Mi@@ Rutht Relcitellil ciigive an ester. tainnient an>! baiket scdi alt e Sauge. tuck achooi Frl>!ey evenisg, Nov. 6tht. A union Chriellen Endeavor service ce. beldinlathe United! Evangelicel churcb Bundey ivoung. Miltan Frents toit an>! thei ubjicî c.a "Chritien C'titlsnhp A 'Sacre>! Concert" ce. gîvenIn tite Roty Croi e iurcit Bunday evenlng under tite direction aifMma. Agnie Rapp Lampe, chose beautiful soprano oolue. amoag wctei tre "A Perfect Day" an>! 'launade " lAve Merle" cure a deight. lira. William Rooney an>! lra. Lampe sang 0 on'@aA ve. lai&. Titi progreni wee conciude>! citb piano salos by Mm. Rooney wcitaeu te Eeetatton Weltz an>! 'Ion Noe>!Sympatity." The Dorcai society cl bol>! au ail-day meeting et the haute oiflir. George Pettie, Tburday. Titi Parent-Teecher Association wdli baid eanmeettng la the scitool FrIday aiternoon. lir@. John A. Roeel estertaine>! te leachere of the gremmar scbool eit a dinner Mos>!ey evening. MIse Ethel Reynolds of Grayciake. la viling ettlite home oi C.B. Eeetoa. REIPUBLICANS IN FIRST POSITION ON NOVEMBER BALLOTf Assigning of Positions on Bal- lot Is up to the County Clerk of Each County. REPS. HAVE ADVANTAGE. Develops That lnstead of the Demnocrats Having Been Giv- en Place, Reps. Have It. Il dM<elops thal. atter ail,te Dem- ocrai, wcl inat occupy the lett han>! Piositian va the etertlon ballot os No- t ember SM!, but, Insteati. tln l9e cous- ty, titi reî uhbllcsns wilt be ln that Position. Iluitesigation shows fituaItils o p ta tiec ecint lcer'z to designale posl flotus ui t le Parties ou the ballot sud tutu hurt tîtat tue democrats mai- haie tad the iarger votie ln tte previotia, election itoûas ot gie them ad%-anta2,e of PosCitin uuiess thotue bat i charge o' ut' gt-lng cul fIte tallots cuîî it to fi iutîî Il îrce e. hut te eieu.ioi tae ., u mi lregard: FruniSuictil . ;utklti(p f ]15cr- twin u, tue lituofcnialstes tif thti i-evcrai parties sud groupe rof ;îetitioue'rs Shall iii plaeci ln seprase rolutmui on the ballo in snch orticr as the anthonitues i i ha rget i t1h lte lirinting of the balots shail dinlde.' 'ccordlaghe, in the arrangement of thte tickets on titietLakeCaunty bal- lot, tetPosiions aili be as folioce anj Nov. i.>!: Repulcas, Democratic. progressive, iocialist, prohbition, en- cialist labor. Acror>ing la this lac. theretane, In case a democrat had charge of le. suisg the ballots, titis hi likily coul>! alte hie party tit i ret positian. It le thue sein bac. ln sanie counties te republicans tilt heInlufiraI posi- tios. in 5cm. te demuocrats and ls otters, titi progressit-es. VOLIVA FÀILS TO A1TACK THtE DOCTOUIRS OF STATE Volîva Aflows Health Officers to Visit Zion City With- out Interference. The threal to use ehotguue ta c'(lisse te rasisi dortars and! their diabolicai vaccimnes lu Tolîbet" cee tiot ca'-rieit ont by t13iereeiriVlbur leunuVotIva Fridai-. Ileftlth officiais arrive>! ln Zion Ctyt. Tht-i offert'> t vacctnati any pereotiu alto dbai ies expose>! and>! ansouarîti that tiey coul>! maintals a strit t ulirauline. Thent litev sutto ivtrk ta fumigati every ii; ipt rlre Luire cas any lsts. hucîvu cf a ucalîpox virlini having carried infection, The .snîtool uthit waseclose>! nay hi reoPîaed Xt.mdaY sccording ta Dr. N. J. Laltr.e. 14je Countyes big weekly-INDe 1 PENDENT.a Mr- and tire. C.t'. Aitit, e.ho Cl)Pit the tiiner at Otwe'ititlubulttb ave ru-lurnroe! v tir borne inii iiiago. Garret liax ritetiSundai St hie home ini Racine. Mr. an>! Mr@. Eticarti Atteritige bave taken a cottage et Lake Ville, ubere they ciii apend! a mnotb untisg. Âmong tbe petrane@es for lte tes dance to b. given Wode!edey, Nov. 141h for titi benoîtl ai titi Unite>!Ciarite. et thse ii>! c"yTes Gardon are tb. iollow. Ing Lake Foraet ladies: lir@. Arthur Mdeeker, Counntme. Osice, lire. Ohetild- Taylor and! lra. Robert licOann. Chemise Gliroy, Wcita ceehome far a ceek's rioit, bai agaîn relurne>! ta Cei- famns. Lait ceek ity membere iro thlie Eeeenay Flm Co., came la Lake Fores ta drametize Hoitari C Chatiiel>!.Teyor's book, "The Crlateon W ing.' lir. Taylor, cita te a reeldint of Lake 1onîat, croie tis book about tin yeare ega. Titi acting cee donseInteliteariies ai Harold WiCormick's reeldenie. Among lte f rien>!, oi M. Taylor thît acte>!fothlie film campasy cere: NIr. att>! Mre. Harold! Shaw, lira. Charles T. Askinson, Mies Mludre>! Fltzitagit. E>ward Baker, lira. Orviiie Babcock, tIr, an>! Mm,. Caitled-Taylor. SCHOOL NOTES The Lake Foret Gollege football liais ca defsate>! by Monmoutht et Fercefi Fiel>!, Lakre Forest. Batur>!ey, 0.1. 24th, by ascore o17 to16. The gamecaa gond ose, Iitough it di>! bring diloaI bo titi hante tent. Tte college ha.d!fur- oihi>! music et intercalé dnrag lte gainte. The citier leadera fur bath "en gan City limita, on Saturday, Nov. 7. (Sale commencesaet 10 a. M.) Hornse cattie, Inipiements. furnittri On@ pair or bey mares; ose somre homse; one broo>! mare; I il icb caca. 6 Hoisteins; oui lot o! Broca LÉg- kus h-n un, 1nest Mo. nonce.1At criel bed kepî buay.e de Red! bine; ose Deeilng mocer, 5-foot DiefildSiiels igt eitalte. e-cul; one John Der cultlvatar; tcc feete>! Penker igit scitool un titi formeir'* John Deer place. If-incit; ose Champ- grounds 8atur>!ay muaring. by e ecar@ o e ae s 2bt amcr o! 12 tu 0.Io arat;oe6-otbrrw ; one harrower; one seeder; ose patta Tit'e second tem of the iigit scboi afiggr: one potai o fork; ose comn defeeted the Lake Foreot Aaenty shîtier; ane white wasiî eprayer; oni second tea n slte Academy grounds wagon Jack; ose pick; tua itay books; Mosdey aitemnoon by a score ai 6 tu, . tîtrie giavase; co bae; tuo ans> The uïmal generel aicembiy we. itel>! akes; oni crate. 500 strecberry lianday nouan in tbe auditorium. Thse boxes; ose grain steve; ose post. bale mausical progrem trai added ta by tua >Igger; ose cire stretclier; two satsd pianoaselecîione by mscatheiaeH opple corn-panters. te.a hay torks; ose haru oi Lake Forest anti two vatai slectiono boom; oui 5-foot Iran itog tnough; by Mis Ml>red Thair, iormeriy aifliii ne 6-foot gaivantizt-d Iran trougit. one igit chool. Rotîey Masou led la !ew whebro;trebre us n echool cee. becaus- o! the football shelamdro; titriie barrpirus;ose teame vvctory on raturday. The pro- cittuc mngle; uttne set %vidieire gram cnoed it> uiiging "A Tuait tu Deprfield. atruck ctuetuii.arinwagon;. ont Ticcttînil.rstii lîîy iti teekar iay raick; (,tic calf rackt; one s inigle Teîouu'i ititr, i'aiy hale Laratop buggy; to tdouble stLs tif luar- Stlatt u tit Sî; threc sinigle buggy; liec _______and ___________e.homse collars, tati curry comubut andt liruitues tt luii iterns;lot oft i h- »ROPS DEi WfIL ans nei.X rît ymutculatrir200 i-ggiu; DROPS D AD WIIIL tutte X-rny tr fot r uir luagiu cemietit; on iog usaA oeanC l 1)î(, tîw e; onte EAl ING lIS [I>L SUP E (o vu e i ùrv taruiturpett rcni 1k pah;Il îîîîtk lian.: liie gallon uîitk AT R. R. MENS HOMTirE amb..or,, mcîîk ir:Iw. uo20 gai- toi t d iri:Gi gal cutrn; \V l (NI iii a, 5 ysar ol, do i e crouus-rut <a,;ne wooit ildaxe; ped deVd ii1 It i:, iine sumears vl. droj- oll ttu ueî, î;wo Sîtovets; tue spade; îî' dhetîtliailr uii stîîir aba1ont gernîmimnaliogany bureau, bevel- lPark ' lirta e%îctihome ath foi-grd rutch tplate glass:touc tîireîiîece lani arkirila c enug I>at to-.bcdroom set, ne tire piece lirary louretia t-ui-temtauntage alttoaghl, I )1(-Niuraýý ad ben parlytt f set 1consisting of table, arni chair as>! \uiMara3 ltul0ien srarker*c or n thre-ie- - ýt a nuibet-oh uas.Hie euddîn deatb cause>! a sinsationaet titi tablte for sirerai tif the tther Inniatecire Sitting sear hlm St the tlme. tiare aga \ielurray us a aloco- motive engineer in Mexico. Then af- ter hi buucame plaaiyzed hi cas an- able ta tati cari otfitimseui. A fîc Yiari ago theu- Mexican got'rieint drove the Amertcas englneurs out af lte countm v antd McMurray. seitout relatives vr cloi frieude founti a home In the livor housi lu Mempis, Tnn. There hi reniained utu tfour years ago s heu he cas tacen into tIhi Iligitland I atj, institutlon chere hi bas bien cruct for uner since. Be- cause tir liits afflictionu McMummay ha>! bien ginnecura attention au>! cari. For Soule ltte lIme hi liait beinun- dem the (îarcutftir. Berges o! Il-igh- Ian>! lart. a, ehla>! sot bien Iu gooti On Fritiai he appeare>! taehin 'osre titanu ai othîr times as>! ches hi was a ssltet taete suPPer table he id dl!ot cumîtîsis of bis condition. Snd>!cnly anti ithott a niomints wîîtmiug lhe uuffere>! the hinionTiage an>! tiecsait.unconscious. Hieuvas bastit> ruirrie>! i0 bis rooni sud a cali cas sent ta Dr. Berges. F'ran the lime hie.iîut catie>! te the tume hi reache> titiIntittution jtist six mon- utes elaîuseî, ie ibail bien Informeti il coul>! te a race agaluat detit an>! lte çhysirilan îîpenîd tiet ttle ou bis sutomioutlue and! iroke site>! re- carde lui lutipul. Whes le arrive>! MNieNurray cas baril)3 hmatlîtug. The pitysician sac Rt once titere cas no chanci o! Bey- ing lis lite but di>! evirytiig posail- hie. Nturray expire>! citiiout re- geinlsg couscloasnss. Becausi a physlclau abru!iem lunattîndance and ce reedy ta slgn tite deatit certifl- case ti i liisot hc sîcîssany ta hol>! an inquet. rocker; one tît ie ucu e, ois)itttig otf ttti, rocker andt arm chair; oui mnorris chair asudi uslsiots; tati ast bureaus; titrie oas washstasds: thmee tollet chember sets; 7Spiece each; ose ptimci rocker; sainse chairs ;one double iras ied; oni single trou beti; threi coi-es cire ePriogs; Ibrematîresses; ose aire rot; one porcelain lise>! te box; oue Windsor steel cooklng range; tise Bine Fisme cookiug slave; oni meut chsopper; otte bail-bearlng cotte. mll; ose kitchen table; ose lot of gaI- vanizîd Iran palis; ose (liant lîangisg lAmp; oue doubie angle iamp: onu single angle iamp; six bracket lampe; Ibie ui houai tumoams; one iigit chair; ose beti rooni table; two roat anud itat racks; twa kerosene cana; ose ciotbes rack; two ladies' bicycles; otne boys' bicycle. Fric lunch ut satin. Usuai ternit; ot sali. M. A. ROUSAR, Proprîctor. leîry Sine, .tutioneer. ckiy-OctlO. Practice Versus Pc.schlng. Our young people bave titaugitt anà critten much ou iasor and! refor-i, and! for al tiat thîy have ci4ttan. neither tte cari>!nor themiseivia have sot on e step. Int-ailectisal tastlisg of lb!. ciilot auparsudi tusclir as>- tlvity. If e man shoul>! consider the. slcity af the Passage of!ae puce of itrea>! doua hie titroat. h. wGUid, starvi,-Emerson. Th» Ixidependent leada aIL. AUCIONSALES AUl auction sales published in the Indeperident are charged for aI ltte rate of 5 cent S a tiehe n i rer f o r i a u c ii î i, i b o i s a c c m .ti e s t notice , o herw se the regitiar rate Of >0 centS pv.r lice wîiI be chargeut SiIo tI. <lrttu ii up l.îîIiîîi .1. %V Lititru-ilItîtiti o àiI .'liiat . %c ,t 51, 11tiles cituth if tîtibert> i-iie, 1 iliS notit i Of H1all D l)a >'iînunuivugnt 12 îi'.oîk tiflîit wltt-Ig pruperty: Blackt itr8e itîri-il 9, wt 1400>; black ittrse agi. 14, e.t 15>)»; 4 mboate, new Chainpion grainti Iinder, iee ring cornsbinider, MeCortnick mower. lMc. Carutlck bey raite, Keyetooe bey loader, Boss potato diazger, Schroder potato planter, Rayai combine>! ri>ing cultiva. tom. welking cultivatar. 2 i>eere waing pioce, band cuivator, eltovel ploe, Hocking Valley carn ebelier, Deere cors planter, 2 hand! corn planter., newlfluck- e,. meeder, 2 garden haieo. JaneevIlii puiverloer, 8 borne pocer gasoliie engin., set ai dre, tee>! cutter. Victor "coi. bay itacker wt catie andt op@, bait aieigb, Victorlaceubstor an>! broodir, 6.pring truck wagon, 3-sprlng express cagon. 3%4 Inch truck wagon, Bandy truck, rnilk wagon, buggy, Amerlien creain separator, cooliig tank, gmlnd- @tone, expreesl bamnes, 5 mik Ceno. single hernie, ail stave, 2 @et af double hernes, 10 acres of billtcorni eut cit binder and lot oif other article@ tao uater. au@ ta mention. 1t deal terme. E>! Staie, Pritp. J. Sch wing"I'ul îrtionver. (00a. Weiuner, Ulerk. Davlng decide>! to quit farming lte underaigned ciii oeil et public auction ou the Robert Dady ferni. Sheridan roed. one-itaif mile nortit of Wauke- $9%M-00o SMAOO,.oo Theodore H. Durit. Prealdent. W. B. Smih, Vice Prosidînt. F. W. Churchiti, Sscretary and Manager H-on. DoWittL, Jones, Gin. Coirnsel TrELEPHONE 81 SECURITY TITLE & TRUST CO. ABSTRACTSOF TITLE TITLES GUARANTEED Capital $125000.00 Think itOver! 1 Value of 1913 Creps of Wiaconsin, Michigan and Mînnesotai, according to the United a U ' S tat e r ep rt of D ec. 27, 19 13 Wl, maniril'Michigan Ntinne.ute C~orn .................................f24.00 $ 22.7m< $ 21.20 la ta................................. 13 32 11.7() l2' 19 Wheaî................. -........... 15 83 13:.6-3 12 31 Barley ............................1Y,00 1.100 il 52 iye ...... ........ ................ 9 9 m m1<M7 t>12 potaloei-........................ . 5.8 10 SU -7.20 Hey .......................... .......17 91< 13.74; 1>.100 4154.9t7 $134; 612 $133,41 Averngç. .................... .... 22.14 19.12 19 04U Write today for free lists. Bargainà-mproved and Unirnproved. W115CS(' N I\is aowthe greatuet dairy statu. iii the Unio.i. Tht nortitertia uni th iit ntraI îportinsoft hý ,îate, forierly a ~tluiiir ,ietiiî arit în de1)rlrgitigz a ttti.daut if ul. t lantial i »vtl- tupinont as a te.riitg t-ttiq'n i VAi.>ES 'i lE Ti 11.I. 1 bit tare eteau ily timing. ('i mate, rainlali, -il ant ij ii-kite, g iiwlîuîv ronti, churn l>ee, î,len ty of lure w at4àr. tnat urai l r aragi.. a wouiîilot on et ery tarnu itii itie tut nîtke I t iattrw-it lu tto tlh.r.n ter wh(ei ivanle tii îwu a ltrin otiflse uts, n larîitii thai% il] malt tutu i. aiiiid iiintg ani i taewi tY imi.r vei~ i lite. You wIio wallt a good farîin antd lit>viefroîin >you. Call or writeý. Some exceptioxial hargaiiii4now.on hand. We art.}nvneri and 1agent. We are the' accredited representa- tives of the Sou R.R. Taylor County is our specialty. LOEB»-HAMMEL Realty Co. INC. MEDFORD, WIS. »S-6 <Bani. Floor) Marquette Bldg.. Chicago H. D. BOYD, (Jen'91 Agt. Hanbyl Bldg., M'iwaukee-ave, LIBERTYVILLE Independent Classilied Ads Pay. Ask anyj user of the m -NOW IS TIE TIME TO PLANT- Sutit am Narcieene, )affodils, Tutipt,, BULB Dntch-Roman Ilyecinths, etc. we've '3utebas (ihrysanthemyms, Cut FowerSRoses, Carnations,' Amer- Cut Flotcican Beautiee, Meredith Flower & Veg. Co. Yîsitors W.iecome Phone 10 -LiberFiville, Ili. j: i Capital aadSurplus Ramucea ser 8L. Tripp, R.F. Rouai Irving E. Payne. Îtreident. Vice Proaideut. Cashier, IIUNDREDS 44ftiopl(î have op)ened Saviîng, Aeeount a t t thiti 41uiîk and are înakîîîg regular deposit<. Wil.l, the savings habit and a Sax ugis account they are alwaysisuie of indepejîdence ait well am> an inicomîe of 3% Compound Interest 3% What do yoll (10 with the îîîouey you ouglît ta mave, $ 1.00 Opens a Savangs Account $1.00 THE CITIZENS' BANK AR!A,ILLe "'Make 'This Bmnk Your Business lorne." aallaid 'f o needa for the wnter? If not, start prearaiontoday witb a 'SAVINGS Account in our Bank. We welcome amal accunt as ellas large. 3% nteestPaid on Deposita FIRST NATIONAL Bank UMETYVH±L H£. 1. --- 1 d ot 0 0 ile d y e d WAUKEGAN ILLINOIS

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