-rr vn Vw.t Nofte.i from Iho - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- T HE MODERN HIGH EFFICI- Aency lap has lowered t"ecSu of electric 4ghtingtothe cutomnà«L multiply light Valugg While reducing egy. of Northern Illinois f. BAIR TOW MANqUPACTUREROF Marble and Granite Monument Ceraetery Work of Every Description Correspondence S50Mcited; 16Genesee Su, Waggen F IOUND DEAD IN !RUSH PLACING Of POSTAL SAVINGS BASEMENT; HEL D SCATRACK BASE RECEll S IN EASE Soon Open Blocked LUne for Johni Ru -ýak o, i th -Àrrgo Traffic to City Limits. Postmaster Grady Says There Hcre3BeenSnce the r. CANýP'T SEND MONEY HOME. ;lý-raiForeign Born People Appear toi Prefer Postal Banks to Any of the Others. Une fin the e alr fuitiur .TheopIleration c wfk iaiocIl2 iru sheiéd rock lhas eted t rom, thell:: rotamrDaniel A. we ie, *y limnits to Ilhe interseition Grdlv Ilhe IEuropean war has had th(. of Vfitry stIreehThe ivwoilof ay epff, or nceasngthe post!av inge thev rails 01n top) of the foundaotin inn- deposits fully two hundred to, \ia progressed as far as Edison II three hiundred 1per'cen!¯ This co)ndi- ina it1,'d lâ°pletion of theepresen tionl has been the, case in other citieg c ar comipany, win no doubt. frmmre- f hortainex n tit is doubtfue diately resumne service for the en-showîng is as marked as bere. tirradistace ofthe fine.Thnopavi g 'The foreign people place implicit. errec nth le maintenance of the sc he- nnt he 1[ipsital ingoes anktan dubýs of the stree.t car line. m oey that te ' orm elydesot tE ropo but which they have been u nable toadsince the European war broke TWO ÀUKE ÀN oj 'PostmnaFter Grady declared to- V1hen thle war brokIe out and the TEACH RS T SIP À K forpieners foued they could not send money tromef with any degree of saf- AT STATE MEETINGM ps s:=ldinresesi='ht u we hd no idea, the increase would be nn: where near what fithas proved to Mrs. Morey and Miss Elizabeth b'"oitetrt a lweoee Jackson Are Given Places the otal savings barit h abenun usually popular with the foreign bora on SaePogram. People. Marty of them disited, for somne reason, to trust the onlinary MEET AT ELGIN NOV. 6-7. nayer halve hesiatedavitrgstu er Ulncle Samuel. The postal bank here has been a Mrs. Morey to Speak on Pri- a--essaMme the eirst daY it was es- mary Work and Migg Jack. panbs notn wo ed Ot erysatt son on 'Geography.' factory and the plan for the Most part has been a failure. The deposits là the local bank have Increased steadi- \Vhen the state teachers associa. ily until It is able to compare fav- tdon meets en November 6th and 7th orablr with any .postal bank in a city at Eln. two Waukegan teachers will Of th 8asise. be onthe rogrm an theoca la i a noticeable fact ai.e that the be o theprogantand he lcalchildren Of the city are forming the schoo,4s thus will have better than habit of saving. They eaie their thle ordinary representation. In fact, pennies Ountil they can purchase a ten had! the speakers been avallanle, Supt cent stamp. Then when they get Thomipson had the chance of havin ten of these stamps on a card they four teachers from Waukýegan ad- e l e vr ar tpat dress the convention on the new and ber or the children. original work being done in the, Waul- 'iFýgan schools. waukegan, Oct. 2:1. Tho two whi, wil appear on the Going into the bastement of their program are: home ihis morning, MIrs. Louis L. Mrs.Mory wh spaks u "rl-Yeoman saw her little three year old ,,.'oe h 9ek : Pi son Bill sitting on his 'lather's work miary writinig." bench, with 1its hands covered with a lisElizabeth Jacks-nn who speakls gray powder and ln his hande he he)G on "Geograp)hy.» a package; his face and moauth was It had been expected that NMr. Bur.-i e aerednclwih he erother would speak to the conventio)n on being that the child had been eating "MNanual Training" but hej declIined from the package he held in his hands- the request. hands, The w lcal eacerswilldevl 'What are you Ioýng?" asïed the The wo ocalteahcr wil dee'.mother. op their subjects along the Uines of "Don't ylke it-no good," said the original research work in the Wau.. youngster, kegan schools along those lines, work "What leIV't. asked the mother as whic Sup. Thmpsn ba cone' she grabbed the package and, te her whic Sut. homson as onciv-horror, found it was a p-tekage of ed and carried on since being in rough on rats. charge o'f the schools. Grabbmng the boy, shle rushed him "Social and Recreational Training" upistairs and then called a loc:al doe- tor who rushed to the home, admin- will be the central theme of discus- istered raw eggs and or er antidotes sion at the convention. which, it was hoped would cause him Prof. Edward A. Steiner, of Grinnell to emit the poison. However, the de- College, la, wml deliver the chie-f ad- sired efTect was not obtained. But, dress ~ ~ ~ ~ (, 1ewl.se o "h ' aia a late hour today the litle fellow dres Ifevillsieli o -Tlc s seemted to be getting on all right and lenge of the Amierlean Spirit ' and It is not feit he will su.3ain any dis- will de-lve on problemts arlsin-, fromt astrous effects from his lunch on the the world war poison even thnmh !, is felt he ate Mani Noted Soeaker ¡quite a portion-of it. FORMER WAUMEGAN MATTHEW WELCH ROBERT INGiALLS N EW AÀN D L A î?14 TEACHER WINS HER DIES IN CHICAGOi LETFT NTIRE ES='PHONE B00k OUýT GlLDliG STTODAY. FIGIHT FOR POSITION Former Waukeganl Resident Is T ATE TO HIS WIFE T elephone Company Issues a Rusnak Thought to Have Gone Victim of Sudden Attack on Waukegan Books Which ln- to Basemen for a Drink of Committee Deolares That Miss Monday Morning, Will Showing He Left an Es-, cludes Other Towns. W tradDe hr. Schreider Was Dismissed tate Estimated at $17,000 I:rlisnkai' Word reachd auegniaonday to A Tw'w telephone dir-tor madle its JonRsaadbuto ar. Without Reason. the effect that Maittwelch, formely Was Probated Today. a 1 ' arance toaa, Iin c omplOcei.,rp ý s fouind dla ndy orn a Waukegan saloonkeeper and prev- ile formas 1 compared to what the shlortly beforfýe iht o'clock in :he1 TAGH I OLENSCO L a ""toftha t t ime a farmer living o" IANOTHER WILL PROBATED.previu drctresw r in ithecasementofTi boaringaoui nar i lwaukee road north oîf Washing- nmso usrbr peri o-tecre fTefhadSae ton strle west of Wau'<egan, hadl sid1erably simaller type and II tn oCol- streets, North Chicago. At first lit Many Investigations Finally dropped deadl at his home ln the city.i Mrs. Ellen Beall Yoe of High- iumins on the page. The Irector has was thought he had commitited si. Result in Viotory for Teacher His studden death occurred this land Park Leaves $20,000 the 'more metropolitan appearance cide but the prevailng opinion ipow is Ousted b Cooley "'°'"'et" 7' 'cl"ck. bi" "If® be'" stt t erHsbn. than under the old form. Theirle-that he died suddenly, proibably ofr ouste by Coley. in the housfe, 4749 Flournoy street, at tory lasaalso widier lnlits scope, cov- organice heart disease. Wakeanpepl wllred he the time. ThPiio h aeRbr 1 n ring these towns and vllIages ln Rusnak hadl mad e Ihis honw i n aicegb o lwitkenitresdte NIrs. Welch was formerly CautherIne alThe iominenltteoalRout'I ngb.- a*oeCounty: Waukegani, Antioch, Norih (,hicago for some litletimie artcauselM issShneer abotvest Elroy of Waukegani. They haveInIessmarwosie dethoa few weeksArea, Fox Lake, Grayslake. ake Vit- and was (Juite welIlw there. tic- yecarsago,"wScaheaerfotritwo no childiren.1 ago causedl such gein-ral sorrow, was la, Lake Zurich, Libertyylle.c North hado been ln his last boardling hole yearei eg Nor ath chfor, Wuo Details as to the funeral are not probated in rount court this morn- Chicago, Prairie View, Round Lake, about ten days. lie was nlot very weill keagnand taughtrthe fholloin known but Jitsaid the burial may bec n.Tewl hw htAr nal Wauconda, WinthroP lHarbor, Zion1 known to the oter boarders. About yer t ak Buf. Wi er in Waukegan lf nett siae t$700 City. Thus, the new towns covered shocotSay morning one of the became involved in various Of this amount $12,0owias in person- i hsdrcoyoe hs oee h oresswRsa aighs squbbls nd fte se dpared TW B ATSVIE"'°-"'" in°' the-le ansthboopar'bnio ,h,'c'e way toward the baslement and thinks the came back frequently with .U OÀ SVI r. Jngals left his entire estate to 1.ewn hr oge rn fw- sensational tories to, the effect his wife, Afra. Ella M. Ingalls. H e In other words, the W'aukegan book ter. tha se as eig erecuedan WIIWR THof falo appointed her sole execuirix o, now contains phones for all exchang- Between seven-thirty and eight foNtowed fromttown to town where. TO MO F O T hisestallte and stIpulatledthat she ntac eorest, LkeColu exeHiglng:Park, te lckao thefboarderchane t o ever she might teach by some be required te furnish a bond. ,it h aeet twssmwa| reltiv wo nt nlywihedtoBesides his wife, -Nir. Ingalls leaves Highwood Deerleld and Barrington. dark there but sitting against a parti. kelae e nmloWu ho a daugter Heen, aed about 1 The official title of the new boot is: tion, leaning forward somnewhatlhe téher ne erlif n h eSa sFred touChageoye sand a smaellenbabed bout 8a1"Lake County district directory." sa what appeared to be the body of fereeentually wlt n h n otI cd ttakeant. fiw weeks before Mr. Ingalls died. a man. fere eenual wul tkeII. Its Course to Keep From Be- Anothe, wffl ,,obated. He went closer and spie- There ing Blown to Shore Another will which was probated ln IE .R6 i was no response. He walked stil dia ton, Mting elevenHyarlt f8r hn county court this morning was that closer apd caught hold of the man's de-r, formerly a teacher In the Holden H IDES BEHIND BREAKWATER of Nms. Elln Belle Youe, wife of s.houlder, shaing hlim selightly. Hle Public school, Chicago, Io to be rein- Charles C. Yoe off Highland Park. athough t psilthe ells o had falen Mirs. Yoe left an estimated estate of A OasO D le Silltereamacwasndresponse. stPtedi Strange Coal Liner Hugs Break 2l inof which $12,000 was ln rea hnh igtdamtc n s t The special committee on the Board Wae l oh-ev Ctt-ad$,l0i esna rpry tceigfaelgtl ltefa o,' Education appointed ton review the W tralNgt Hay et n s,0 nproa rpry--iuck feri mfaeonighed up rthe fea' rase hbas decided that that the suspen- Seas Break Over Piers. Mrs. Yne left the entIre estate to ber, Word Reaches Waukegan of trsof ted an on thea tor te oe-. Plor: of Mliss Schneider was wtithom osonadntil heIiosTrt1 Marriage of Former Wau- ,rsina tee apardltl liaukegan, Oct. ..4. an,] Savintgs Company of Chicago as 1 esona1hee aperdlt jtilaonof any sort, and the mem- 1Th,. pligh t of a steamner. caughit tin excutor. k9an Young People. dob1ewsda.Acl a et tiers will meet today to prepare rer-c. leWn a,-i-, ae TeYefml swl nw omedainst b ubite o h t heYe ailss el0nw for Dr. Jolley. Simultaeously a call Bonard of EdAucation atlits nextImeet- u b ld by mny citizenis this norn- ;n'dlprominent at i ihland Park. Mr..ARE TO RESIDE IN TH E WEST i iwrassnt to the oi.thenbothe- irg ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~'icTeboat, the arul of the, o is a director of the Highland pyiinarvdh on h or~ "GrvenusiceDoe. m of steamers was 'or a tiime Park state bank in addition to having er was3 dead and probably had been Wnlliam Rttmann.'chairancofth, ix< f ifa busineýý interests ln Chicago. IBride Is Former Prominent Golf dead a. couple of hourm. comiltteelast nigh! said: v id ly11,watched Y mn fSar of the Waukegan ThCordadHtdedwgn A grale injustlia% habeen don- fth,-harbýor attacheslonb vuen D D ICountry Club.w called and Ill ctini was MIiss Scrhneider. %Wearecnvlnced and otmni gnra fth o a RMER bouhItote onadad ar u- pir For a timeç thcy wfere of thie cdrtaling establishment where the@ her removal was not only unfair, but ibc 1l If that thle craft wouldi fatl a vie. \aukýegan, Oct. 20 . inustwa -tfo nn illegal. 1 timto.thewind blown waves that Wuegnfred o is -nz cooner's insiwsse orne The plfculiar thing about the raste Is was angrily aIng the siides of the CORN arke. aughter of Mrs. H. S. C 1r l ktismrnn" that there Is not a scrap of paper or rat nraithe w f threateningr. IIIS CROPOF CORNJ-llian s-ee, "--+^,:gg"u"iet=i." aryhn ntercrst hwwy It was only with extreme difficulty and lately of Hollywood, Cal., witlr hth wsoecmewt e Fd'(win G. Jcolley, formerly Superinten- that the boat was p)revented from be intere-sted in learning that Miss aeta ewsoecm ihhat den), of Schools, removed her. There lb"11ng carried -by the waves to the Clarke was mararied on Wednesay ies we ewetttetadik isntasitil feieneaantshores of the lake, south of the south AofAnerson of iwaukee evening. Oct.. to Gerge CheringtonI, of water. He is said to have a wife la ota cinila f vldnc a i er of the harbor. R0ad Gjygg MostPea t also, a formi-r \\ auikegan residient. living ln Europe. ber. 1 do not think the comtmittee willfitldevelops that the boat hadl reach..urrie Tha esiwneddingt 7occedattesdlarke make any recommendation ln regard ed this city in safety fro the heavy ThÜieSna.rsdneaotio'lc ensa ooe' nus. to the payment of back salary. bie sea, that has been running over the evening in the presence of a few The coroner's inquest was heldi in cas he 11sScnie ar- lake, since an early hour this on red ndrltvsatr whi Mr. h Conrad and Hart establishment cas nAisShedrwsr-Ing The boat me:t, with littld iFOLLOW CHARITABLE PLAN and Mr. checirngton left for a shor t' Monday a. m. andl resultedin i verdict rvc ved there was no rule ln regard to culty lin making the 0ocal1 arbor. wedding trip, ret urning latter to Holy-hein, eundo dahfo aua the time for which any service to the iter completing the unloading and wood, whepre they are to reside for :is the extnturne of eat h fo aral Ityended when she was dismIssed. taking on of freight at the city docks Farmer Had Been Unable to 1IplreselIknti. in e Clae m, hleMs.nes. n the aj ureofhwhiare m Ihe boat again departed. Thetrp. CakisvstnrlaveinCcaontkonothjuy Tefstm- Lette GavWarnng. ut of thle harbor was uneventful. If e or ukd oFed and waukegan she started for Chi-l pression had been that Rusnak had 1 There is a lettI in the ils from 1,s, ustomiaryv for the Marquette ln de. Did It for Him. cao today and wil remain ln this diedl of heart failure but there was Nii. CooleytoMis c nede w r ing rtinlg fromt h l'( ocal harbor to turn w171lion for somne time, . . ltth 'iec tidia hir that shep musýt improve or -sh aIrounifd at the(, >nd o f fthc south pier N'uilers of flic is M etl .'!lis ezt ar I ars.tyt heruingo , m hn i h vdnc o m ia would be dischairg,ý,t.That Is ail.l a d (Ontinuielits way in a straighit was l,cl knowni Iin 1w rityand along Itha death was fdue t o this ]l Mis iiri- Unefor ( hicag 1o. Othr bats of morewuito the farm of Adolf Anderson ithe(-north shore al, for vears she was icaniæ Ilehadl complained of heing lt iss Schneider hadl been adl- ila away,, continue theilayo ' e \iiaue1radnrtwetof ia consphuous goic ilayer in various t11Ilin the eeing, apparently havIng v mnitted to the schooils aft-er fthe-rego- o e sr gt 1nvefout from thlc ha r- iira otw s tournamellnts. aai iing mnarked succeýss ilni h fgono iss.tiah lar r>xairiationi. and iiincre- or diJ i 1S I'r, unil the iby oy v lighit is reached. W u n u dyand had a regular, and wininig son- notable victories'. In al in the r o f ists tomach t sai ,h,. has b: kigot neil tI:o ng that thu-thIncontinue ol larhioned lhas' ing bee. Shelwasa nm.im,7 M the Waukegani Iehdnh hrevst ote Ileuein utai xi- a wa othe south. CutyClba laatOnwvent-basemnoqt during thc nIgiht wicin, l- treand supportigber imother byacth hm\oItrm u lr. Anerson has been stick for the -moor and' o lub.Sh iaedsm*sr f ikns.Itws nehing ln the county schools, w Iýturned Ilsouithward upni rcIngl s tremmh n hu a ni'doutwais'thie b- platyer among fi th toghit ithat pssib)ly hle mitthave t The came was brought to the Iatten- ni th le soupiler this nmornl- abb to do his fail lhusking. His womien wlmho er , loniged to thlIo-' Inommiined suicidebutlno reason fort t:Ion of P>rcqideIý t RcInhierg tby a vo] ol lI c b at hall tocntinue< >l ut a friends malle uptheic party as a com- cal golf club. Alre < hevrington traveo!-, - Aort waysin theopen lake bhefore il t e upie he t h ed t l tenie..a lic uet f h su"chl an a( t cold'beascri bed and be_ un:inous petition in Miss Schneider's uva, noted hat if was unable t Ir) p esupie Te shockedn m l e vi l ('l'rk o'fg teMe'lvilb. sIlesno bottle or package thatnmight behalf course The ~'Ilwind and the lheavy andhusked IIbshlsof corn and Clake Paomay h md otie tepio ol e ,Miss Schneider was dismissed by --a'catch'ing theicrait began ito drive Put it in the 'crýibs couple of tr abrladwith lher rl-1 ilocte t Mr.ColeyinJanar. 103 Siceil shoýre ward. It could beu sec-n fromi The party went out lin automobileslatives. then shellehas madle repeated appeal1zthe shore thiat ilhe engines of the boat belong7ing to Chas, and(] Wm. LInd -- Mr. Chlerinigton Umlin Waukegan Jo e Hafl, theoairiing house keepn r were iý traincd in fa vain attempt brr io isrnOcrSn-several vyears. II is an expert m-II tsIie htRunkha enI foi investigation and reinstatement to control the couirse of the boat. brSmn isrm scrSn-cinist andi when i- irst came to this AmricIa n,ýarl yiht years. He- sait1 Sh, brought i(suif against Mr. Cooley Wheqì the lboal continued] to dIft strm and CGus 1Larson. Ev emm-ty a n h olo fth h-t iir aeheefomHna ne tiry-wooter o .unE 1landIward, the local harbor men boat- her of thle party broughit refresh- cagoHcrin cl Wrsmf aliaingperecuion nd laiin henbegin toi) k preparationsto ments and aft-r Ithe corn was all put wýhich the tir, NIMrs. Cheringto nalyWh yasIe ad an li ig zjto tothe assistance ýof the craït if i ah . I k ow im i te cu tr. Rus- $.00damtages. became necessary. In way everybody turnedi n and had a Air. hring i ii ploed at ah'sihdensndn i An investigaItion madle at that time Finally the watchers cnoubl see that good time. The huiskeýrs mecluded ' 'Guf b-y i cohimIttree(of the board Promis- the man at thewhl of the, st-,mer Oscar Pjork, Walter Snydr.John fie,, latcr tic i therClor u 1 lli othsptio horntie aou s eo eistteen, ut t amtlnth t1 efapr b b e n s inh er noiiILarson. Nels Anderson. Simion Ki- ton Manuifacturi C(ompany wihei tonad ou> ing as had the se -ral livefigatior.s inz her agatinst the wind and 11ig1 to,1hs9F rbrg hs.Ln . ldarticles, oititi tnd o l q rcontracted a hill in aoiherbhoard- fi that had gone before It. fromt the predicament.Thel ninsber-, Iljlmar Lars n. 1 Lndberg, grea se works (n,\fi e street. Aftor in bou and hiadt been t*rned out.S coI itnesseswere heard by teofltnboa, carriede u oifithonGu rilon oh elson. Herman laihe Vui--:,ýcomipa iiv hemm he rlus, dIo ay. Hal a tenthn - r sd E0 enld rugit clear aroundc, lIlw boat.lohin A. Johinson, Eil ForsbergW.RayfIed arbu init'imany and iste o iisnadwskeig aetnny covere 75 pages. was carried around in a cirete se now0M travelig for thiat oia'oyn him tuttifhe ocrred work. Hie tes. MIr. Rothmannl said he did not be- oral timesq before itcocdhegriften llank, Eii Grannett, Gust. Iarson, epr.I dul t p ihdIa hnRsa etteol fiee is ehnidr il b aletner, control ,inally when the boat .John Swanson, Oscar Sandstrom, regadda i.l h es uhr-cutynaryegtyasaob site b oard -for, bac-kpay, evenf rd.head on' tothe wre e n ImlGsasnGsaeSatfA-te o abrr n l onr. luit hhind him a ilwife and four chil-o se ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i solberisaebytebad Thbibraestrcth rfhmPeterson. Jonas Johinson, John Mr. Chierinigton becamne acquainted dre n ot twvo years ago he learon- al îae emOeYa ny tnd otftentimiies sent a spray over 1 f ranen Chas. Lundbla and Otto IhMsCak heh a m He em n eaIny' bw The boat lurched anr pitchie Wallin. ployed at h-r Me' factory and vdithai:t anothier child had been born IV AI-rording to the rulesi of the board as it was forcedl against the brevie- The following were visitors land the rsquItanJo-conte drin u mi Hswf/ nfihules atat t ime.' he said, "hier termi was e-s e yasth tfl e. hi a~w ri l i m for somte time but of ti for odly <foe year. Sheo received a Aftet scinle minutes of desperate t 'ahhle:D.Neht eeraecmsasa nxetdpeelteC he had said no more about ilt o note fr>mt air. cooley four nmonths be- filghtin, thle craft finalyreache "no.S . ahe h eddis' ,*hthr% it as r hl nTe 1o i ethwl esn fre the close of the year saying that ld eeprwae heeth e wslsseuattetunihdmui.prisea ur-to h1 ife inAustria-Hungary g unes erwokimroe se oldtav and then continued lits way to It was agreed to give apie oof be dropped atifthlicle of the year. Boat Mides Behind Pier. thNnIh on hefrtrdero rs. Touls Stewart of Zion Cijty. TDo Often ThIl le the View TraRen. She was droppeod withiout a trial¯al. A big steel hulled coal liner, es. cr n tfl otelto hre aged 36 years, passed away at the "I think the school teachers ln this thcugh certain chiargeis were broughit caped the wrath of the stoirmi of last Posberg to wIn the horonr. tto Wa' Jane McAlister hospital at 2:30 a. m. town ought to get mors montey th an naight by hiding behind the iltreak- lin donlated the priz. Te-cae ,suNvdI irhs the do " What but that kind rh against her mnformy water of the local harbor until afiter Tedcae ssr vdb e u-IdInIlto your head?" "Why should a Mfiss Schneider told members of daylight this morning. The big craft band and three children, one of them, * tth eol hoae dc t the committee ant anonymious letter huged the reawatepafrtenar owaamnlearn IrnoKnuthites .a babybut few houre old. Mrs. Ste. etiepolwoar dc t sen t D. leenontheaenngly after daylight. »Vl? Never by meditating, but by do War a1,use oti ct na month, when we puy our chauffeura t im because of his attitude ln the The sea was ruinning highé through. Ing. Endeavor to do thy duty; andl ambulance fromn Zion City, arriving st least $100 and furnish themt witht cae asnt en it hr nwldg.out the whole of today. The break- thou wilt at once know what in th« hr t1:0ocokti onng or n ogn eie? Bth She saidfshe had never seen the wo- Watler was frequenly submerged as lie&--oethe. .Twso hours later she died. what dones school Leachin' amounnt toa n.nthat sent it unti after it was re. the big breakers broke over t, The Colon Ostrander and George Bing- anyhow? Look at most of the teach t ceived .by Dr. Clemensen.threws a spraymany feet into the air The Independent leade all. I a of FoxLakIwer inWaukgana g ri hi' ut d mary rote tpears Other addresses will be made by Superintendent A. S. Kingsford, of he Aurora schools, West Side; Prof. Ll1oyd Elmio Peddirord, of Oak Park , anld Dr. lienry F. Kallenberg, dean of the school of physical education of the Y. MU. C. A., of Chicago. Alrs. Lucy C. Owen, of Chicago, will speak on "'The Woman's Vote in Re. ation to Child Welfare." M1eetings of various school sections will also be held. Teachers will meet cucording to their rd and (isHcuss c(hool proble(ms thait onfront Enomi ý, <- ially. Ther'e a1ý4 wll be )ý highi school sections, arraniud s:c ording o theo subjects taught by the various. eachers, and rural school, villag» school 'and county superintendents' and dlirec(tors' sections. Examnirfe Your Own Prejudice.' Every one la forward to compLain of the prejudices that mIslead other men or parties, as if he were free, and had none of his own. This being objected on all aides, It is agreed that it lsaa fault and a hindranice to knowledge. What now tas the cure? No other but LhIs, that every man should let alons ethers' rjuie and examinc bis own. Tho only way to remiove this great cause of Ignorance and error out f the worid is for every one Impartial-. JY to exainre himself.-LIocke. Accept It as the Truth. A Chicago working girl has become aheroine by refusing to marry a capi- 1 talist. "I am all my aged father han to lean upon In his declining years. Nis home Is My home, and 1 am going oe remain here and care for him." This has so good a moral that one must re. fuse to inquire whether cr not it be true. Independent reader? BE ONIL LAKE COUNTY I[NDEPENDENT FBIAY, OCTOBER 30,1914. paup spvpn à