LARE U-LNTY JIEPEN DENT WAUKEGAN WEFEKLY, SUN CTOBER 30.1914. EuH? P&~.. £X.5W PER Y'RAR IN ÂIW*1UI1~ - .. ..19 24 .45 .26 ....20 ....27 ....24 .19 .26 .48' ...46 1 Park. 'oreut. tapit.2l .8 Be ... .21 .20 al içý m i YSt ."'lI us n.tnélvé more dais of vealland w0 e'll Govo the de aud reudy for use inethe wi MWli e. At tisé business meeting of ssad*o Itlo lwas declded tsat 0ammimeslcn iho attend thé Mssmeettgo! thé a»asltio vIlc iaplansxe dlauaed fou tesins 1e maiu, abould ho aIk hie ,r Fdiont Iantise. spent, a* bâ'-brdumay traveInag cves., lm fture.-"i.Plan vîlI héfollowe coOffleWvhs obOdy la oxpécte oppo@e, 'béca«e, iltje. roande at tis- e..neétings. uucb o!valu lé.rmed hy ýthé ocials tlngis Want mmge teise. AxtothéWuismgetimpotance tise.plaage et ac otion vîkh vided tisaItise romutatdve Lake Ceunty taevi lOgutu t a potit tIo » **y'ea m- 9OoUeu' la -dmlmrWj uJ the natter o! gatt« ga 550ij fron tthe stat&. 24 va. slon hi louestmatmoneus Ilat vsenéves- Conusbu tis ta stcrushed .80: Suds isouble bocum thé ana. clwsy md.!40tsct "uvo are lu o! tiesoén." «W4 vaut o keov visy 18la vo oint st.our share" salO bu the specléns. Ami,&hà*uI«M are &004 to Sad outif <loy aC" bavé th ioOdton, isansso. lhé mei n wwt vsch tise TAI la CeMMUal club utorqlni pregiatmosof Vury usaprom thlnl t misa 1141.llt me 1 villa dan bout cf sucS c lun club, one wviiolknovu 1ev i't tiluMduIolarudy te .itqwit eals clation of a. pubielcwvrk, bout dp itt hordgik tedietes that I@ muet aa made cf tiséheiist uort of Wtulsgap tuélf, itis itsuy eng, mm aur sis, gé.could fot1 do0eé by lSetter. In lat, IV%'a c " Oif tfiev could lavé doue as'w lise néat meeting o! the associa lu te, b. 1010 t Waukégais tise ta btivelaten. 'Mn. Duo. Rualmore. thé love OÈ Grant t0wUMlap attendéd the-n <ils oC , corids aiflals, et villa wedteosdgy.1:olustisé onl mua il a a tlg u 80 e Pm ~ vu tIge ajtowu cler'< bei suc- ENT. lVidla y Oood super- mmel- muent. or the. liaet a41 tie i a4 SMale candidate at the @Ptiug eleetion. "Bile liad it d thse M EN1 d utiei; of tise olfce satls3factorily since Md ' lutact ln applyhsg heriieif tWtise I R~3 V T Mrs. Ruthinore vas tIse Olyvo O RE iS R L W th"es ald: ",%Ir. Toastmaster, gentle. me aisd'lady," tureleg to Min. Rueb more as th'eY uttered these t von Develops That -Ont y Incentive Accordlngly, wcsae o!ni her, prs; for'Women to AffixNames sencelu itnoficiali acity, It vas i Ils Speolinetli. raLlier Interesting taurealize tisat. for the fIret time ln Lakre Couat>', avo- Watikegan, Oct. 28. mAe agiau a guest ai a gatiserieg Not very roany women registered visere, yearg beforO tIse Preseecg Of Tuenday. thip final dey for reglater- a vomnan au a holder ofrailie woud lux I le Lke County. le the city of have been scoffed et. But. Ita the. Wkukegau lea&Il thse vends comlslned, advanced ties, or woumea suffrage less tisan one bundred womon regis- or nisalever one cella it, that made It tered, accordlng tu estIseatea of local possible. judgeg and clerks. But. witîe Ira. Itushmore la an of- The reason for the failure of the lice Isolder, &ise alsclalins the right nmnt show interest ln the matter whicis womee trom turne Immeori 1 of.rê,îston le tvo-fold: are ouail to have boasted as tiseir, FIRE-T-They 'inow thoy CAN vote rlgist: TO TALIC MUCH. When se. even If they are flot reglutered, by vas called onl for retearks, uho uaid: isaving somebody mvear In ttier vote. *«I amn bore au an officd bottder but 1 SItCOND-Thpre la flot enougis for came tu, leare. flot tu talk. 1 ame eew thsem to vote on under the lav aithtIe le the vo iof rai! building, i have 'election to Justify them ohrn mnucis toleare sund i casse here fur insucb about I. lu short, many of that purpog.: tW leare more, for, 1; them feel: "What's theue?" knov eotising about building roa. The ocly thingu vhich women may White nomen ame expected W laIk a1 vote on Tuesday fout are tise: lot I am nfot aukies that priviiege- 1 .-Truste. of MI. University. 1 eeydestre tua it aid listen anu'! 2.-Ceri of the. Apellat. court. FOAMIN MOMIENT MURT Word neached Wau'iegas late wed- nesday Lo tise effeat that James Bmog- den, years aso c résident o! Liber- tyvilté but foôr s*ole time a prosper- ans fermer et Ravinia, NeIs.. feli troin a laddeulg qeg Thunaday and sue- taleed m. mesSage InJuries. Ltt la 1.0e ta ai and tva nlbs venu bren 'aàdle othervise va, le. Jnred iutendSUlY le such a maccer that he viii .a W p"iup for some tins. NIr. Brogden la 66 years old and vas the sou of Janes Brogden and stepeos o! MM . .Stafford a! Nortis t'tica street, W*Ukegaa. Ilru. Staf. ford states tut 'le IscO paneed com-. iisg to tilsOsction vitIs hi. vife tIis comlng mosths « ac "lit. Gralaajo, M"ldaVery WOUAr4 OFFCIAL PREI CominuojI w f 1,$ ow t b . A mbeellugothe. Lake Coueti 8a piocluilue omw edof clip hwm« qy oumitooe, 1 vison -Md township clrts, se t qp fmi Vila Cornu bVWdeed7 uetso!fem zft ody. MWseMeeting wvase touff. about 100 -men omeila 0o vwomn offciai bel.g Pr, Tise metiusprov« e i. h.eo IMM' ucuefw since thse un t"a oftise ausotin ie ad «f weleome to thse ergmifttim ul*ea by Prusmut OsudNa »0bm V iflleadof LAxeit. l Tb* eMAvonanodiwuvasmm C Il c q -"*0vis , b .iurnsp élu Gmg owrnisp. flsla IkviM osly toowsp oii la tise ou A sho t uies session WaO in the moenla& visen USYPole lâlet ve . ten up MiOdid et. IX oeu *w o e b M ut mi nom omber. vul gueta« tise Tla"Vila COrnu Olib nt su laongvil ium. e. i Of tie O0MMsrcll club servim T140 Pregrantof tii.dar bue ,ho boom air welcomebW Pl" su- sy .*osï tW4o -vrtio Jacta, auI. raoite lu gocO sua tise Wrt Of ties mnter. O.o! ise rtoem40atae lOMo l - i3-'on op-id', question as te wheth. tfntatii5 coefueltoi !oftbingu tieat ~~ 0f .., convor happone& Tieoyugme c se glé conding ta C*pt.Barney Bn. i xly The . s utoaiwu a fl a t the road meeting WednÙ.s-Ii thiilling ynsiis inthtIe hope thatý 4 boet Jday at lmJoe Villa tb"Ia t might b. well for. .eI eeê.e y tIste legs apetacula crimes chargeild Sq oo odbi..ligapat..on .agalcat hlm istild hé rorloclied,.of purcliaese t ke 1o ke XOMincm 9eofth 5uUVaAAU.teLo5 &ppnMS t aiest Wuié sios"u a'M PUto 0f ite o Btw iiin otear h aongUt'gaem to face clarostealicg ral ~ Ies olug t kep tem i wrk i rpailagroada ibat rnad tickets. mem-- à&h o i er. The. coulwould b. hittie% and il auI I o l mb theo"Muof geitlg ny utretghç& of goodi roadg at 1Change oft utaro causing Scute ile âmaluxpn. lIa ~ .~ *digestion 1ta nov belleved to avess «KPM 104at he Sme h" hve te eqiprnt! caued he deals e! thé four Iead of qidual 10kate roadlsi hi, !Crgiviig ltet a lit- clttie on thse TrryFloosd fart au ~e. f 8*tbUci, Od be proervwede Btter tolook alter, Warrenton on TweSdcv fternaon. te Bab. Utuui wkut watSnu hawlm- tiuta bW&ft. Untfil h lavel Tise itloads have alendoned Lise theo- mm u go neadwoth ro Y that tile catti. jmiuht have Iseén m~~neu~es oiuee s' agopd oie id with ofenht is> farmers or eaten Pasoed oOuuauraxouRt---&ny board'or the varions tollumhipvha IL . eoms thé herd h beu bnin a, closvor pasture #m blad heu tinuodl £ýk ,IrM t ter lub -rooms beinemon %<o r rdloutevlae tter l.. i ,aýAýlmgsin sbo*ulita tii mon001&t aunMI& Se aid Wmai y tise otbeenfiatle le the large bord 4&ylv, s"eiand ar main lao 'tlflnga h..551~ n5msaumsv4 0 IIUIwhobhavet n igi a,, o! thé four IseadO .dhopdiave diod rcdinter e ts naid eat teproes i' i he'bave nfdence It at thé mame time lu9soMething tbant vet. le tvi id iaitho'retogoterviena public gather.. las cot yet bée explisiu4l f the in lie road offci"sm ewtlnh uIAitou of the D. Oscar N. Sailis, a Wikg~ t ~ ~ ~ Of tiso <>YglilltlOi Te.,.à.1s f 1.4' laa hleeonnarlun. sugge.'led the mete lie- -et te ..g. .io. trlestobe publi e " eeis a dloionteoyiO'éilteyafé isusi- Village, oie of the aa" OieM Of tue counly, Wlie suffi- diestin thé tactsleueidtuS.&fir nr . in e aesi fi to organiset o have sometblOg ulougl Se Sud flot vîissd 'hé FIooJe hoe~tanIl bog whlch to work for ehe adwamcment of itece au tisai lime his thteony hbea pu waeu .oommulty interedà ts. h luch organluations as th,"e Thr nte taftt.yIt 1l 80. le that help a communlty more thaui divl'duaj efforts i *u' ée eedadths evae 'é,apended bY twice or tet ims rinn m whr1te 're hf act tflua! uudoubtidj thse oatinr Lei80t noba dItegether. n hi tS Club the enoibave Centra f thelIédry grass lls ta w.uct resulted line lu club rooms where they meel and disate public maten in thitir d"aths. Wli'lé thti F'oods and formulatuldeas. tls a met puaceto alk thin r_\ iét cxc - 1. t. f 'riee veu, ' --ersey cave thir over. In titis regard they evei surpasa Waukegn, for& !!'-'ciPsl e.. i.-..0..l tin" eatte of D lW" te cputy seat, hhere la no place e t a"defor aftyidus- t'neir filnta'ct a .,, n h prie aWClub. h it 1 l et s o icl S Usivey t l ke V i, s-' L caut.l,, r--tsot tliéy t 10 cft decdd&Y laon lte map, as a part of greater Lake tey r .,, , .of ia!tl t .t1 Zk~ .-the I.reoie Park ;u). iaunej, 8 e. PM O M5ETER AT P'evinuuhât @f votea MUT RE . lra nd o Cai 1'le ..fOrsi Tte. rvue FORT ps jSuwtEcsasarISTER, gIsail hécomne effective. lî'aC' isy L..Ilbs l.aé. 11KI flKIA Ifl la thsug genentisat théré remlly, 'feapleé er fj- me, it lata eu ch tieatvomnneasu vote on 1 l'o la ced, IL la tated, mont of thon reg- A CD N stot Theél policeorf Wcukegan and týý terei bécanseaof théîr désire ta,À DE TS t nortisene uuburhu vers aukéd ta an- voté on tisé spécial qestion rathen *BIlS éTtB tI Y 1tha t rPivatés Henry laits, Chsarles than an thé Othor Offices. muetOhihol cli JlanMoyr, sode. TIse vonen are naid ta have beén____ éatflChOm &dJhMewoe. urged ta taire an Interéat la the reg- -;ted a~é froixn Frt, Sheridan Tue.sdaY. Istration natter and Iutla generalîy ,Waukéen.Ct.28. Chsisbo5iand XMeyei vou-e plOnenbélieved théir votés vilI be "for cty'.Ir. .Stafford, a w611 I ncd se Vil- aiugied tu repais- Fort Sheridan tel- Olctlon lav" nather than agaî,nsî eapected residosit o!f8t4 clty lvas Sthé oplsone vires a ed lulathe Storm; City élection lan." iJUst 619 ysarg old today. Ho baU plan. Mt &>s Siths va tiseugetry supposed ta Unier the negltration plan, if thse ned te, spend thé blrtisuiy vith a bt To Pireventel ur emape. Renard for cap- 1ev in Put lita efféct, evérybody viso asiall forne a! celebration. Iedeelihe I4é Suasertera a »0 ach. visSes' te voie at lection must reg.- lU looiséd forvard lta tiseday fan sut Ister pevlausly or le cannot. voté. sevéral véeks. Hé han a bé ial e 'o do M AZE TH TAFC Votons leu erriuory outflde of Wasské- 01isehaltis for tIse IPont few Wééks ltp-gan o! cousrse do not vote on iis - WIa 1, i ahe meet ets meat spécial question. .,ooming birtbday, but theufon«én Waukegae, OCt.2S. Fév adiionul naisses of mneve happened, for Mn. Bulfford, spes tisé Sitae. OneeDiinaitevan elureO ced mucis Put ou thé boks Tuesday. daY. Confited teabis lid, tise rgoalt ,Maen danas rgesulted viséu <lree canars_______ Of injuriés vSicIs lérecelvei luaAn lavé Ioapod fron thé tnuc'L as the.traien HTSTE S OIG accident. vllcis ccunred Tusêday a!- unes- vas paasleg aven thse cresBaver syltehW A'STEUE OIG toeSi.Kr. tafsewd au "I n.aile maiL. at Bluff aiauceomrsy our àià UlNTIL SURE JUST WHERE juries in a sévère 11 IS al lé eoz- ltion Mmmng. Thé vréck caUfed a de. ' YOU'RE MOVING -TO?, perineé. vIsle folhoWI0g lis duties date esoralmaton of tramfe on the toed fon It la reportai !rom à couetry taon as a teanstén. He 1tellisoiforenost sévéral lotir.: DOsenger train. beieg Of lBisO County ubat one.0otti- doem- from ie lmwagon te thé surfaite of Ju- hoduup -for a Poriod o! more than ocratlc caisdidates for a couLnty -oUelice streét. usanlng 'a had cnt le edork tlreé boutis. Tise lenred man va. A. la ao confident tlat héoula Ltbo mel- bis foreléad beuidmj'os oey bruis- m@etý- Zininar. aubraisoman an »th fnlist éd <laI le Sas sold b ais b ond" et- ltbisitrs ancd.,itra ifi* train. " Injuriés reunalolted of a fecta asti la naisiu al plans,.tovxrd Iejuries o! a ai --Ré vaau y vo- baidly vfeched nl a n sd sèveto movt' ng t, waukregan cary ssotly lastlly rénovai ta lia hombe Kt 835 emt. bulaéu about tise body. lMe vas af llé, No. 3d. Né thiucs tisoatolt Grand avenue. vhu'ee -ub*s<iuries e«»e broeusât 80 lb..Jane MeAllatr iospi- a me. lnte world luit tisat le vil!ers glivea thé attentie Ï3, Dr. wug W to ig Ciacty. 18oce 1 arryoithm. planafor Goiey. FEIERAL-AGENTS ENFRCE.' CA11LE LRDEARUU 111 111FUn 1. 2F. Kendall, agod 83,. noUned, aed who reniflesaia the Arîtegion hotel. Indiana Breeders Wil Hire neceived a painful Injuny to hie riglit Armend Guards to Patro the band ye terday aftereooc lnau ais fient of a peçullar nature. Workmen Ouarantined District. were egaged l n Placleg panes of glass lit a viedow le tIse Iotel building. The MAANY HERDS INFECTED). glass va, placed agalcut thse vaîl le - - a leaeleg nealtion. Mr. Kendalin l Astonlmhing Çondition Arises in IPasaiig the glass ueonuiouuly swing Neigh orln Sta e Am ng 'ie band Iackwards, strikilg the sharp: Cattle, Hogs and Sheep. e Iu lnbis band. pgu a John Henry strosneidér, so-called büttls Bed. lad.. Oct 2- " kikng o! confidence mec." la tu go to, rainers o! thtis couetY aud a1 tiead. penitentlary Nov. 2 ta serve sentence Mioeng conuates o! Laponte nIdens of one ta ten yearsfor $20,000 -vire and erren n(.Cas@in ichgan tapping" deial hy visicistise Jote Dr. ami ergto anta Ca .t ichig are William T. Kinby vats wlndled. presreg o uitai adnî~tc uar» A large delesatica of Wankuegan atis. agatest the ravages o! thse foot n ofo!thse- Nater@ Star vent tu and month dise"uBeAlready thon. Kenosha PldaY ovoning vhere tisey siude or cattie have been doomed A vers gueuLa at dInneor o! the Kenosha nutrebèr Of stock breeders con!erred crder. Thé hall was fiiléd and thé with he S. Joeph ount com isent Proved a vény deligbttul one. vtthr' O tise S t.umbavcoety comis. jon01Halloweéen ove a box social in si~eruon !sn tahav ut isghvysto behé ld aithLe Bvauldig' corners Ptrce!led witIs armed moni te enforce achool bonne for the purloseeof rail>- tIse eniarantine lmposed Uy federati l ng a little moneéywltb visicis ta pur- «p" Peton" r!tn here hb 'the deparimeul icl'ase a fiag. orect a plat!orm. etc.. at c( agriculture .1thé uchool. Puilu areovorkIeg isard The edea! fficaletea a @ren ofprelaeieng for tIse évent. theIîmiledyri.! ofliraiseaur s ra te !Fred Brown Whitney of Wankan tIs miad 10oisn tats uieu Lsedplivered an addres u»L tise.,inohde' quharntine la utrlctlv enforced until1 session of tihe fiflIs annual couvent. boies htch shlow Infection are vlpod fou of thé Manufacturer@'BZxport As- out Micisigan bas. supplIed -meutuw sciation ln lIse Motel Biltimor,.Nov Otrai tise stock farina, but lsdlana*s York, on fflday afternoon, Oct. 23. ilcandlaI traits have cauaed Ilh Wog ia ~s sabct vus "Ruesfa" Trade 0p- ln PivV'entive nmaursu. Portneite." Thé addruss praved to thlo a Vary Ûitereutlng one and coutalu- Dr thys.. O. Honckinlechargéo0f ta.d much of vaine about the Country the federal force Of veeneslaeu. I vere Mr. Whitney lived for nmre Proposes tu quarantine aIl of Indieus yetse, bolusg1. busnslith iere. uLlessus o a iula dlspley greater se- Lewis Wall of tise finme t ardtW tIvIty la cçpihg vitl tise situation. and Wall han depanted for Indiana Brandorn are only alloved mneat vhere he vili visit friends. %any of value of stock kllled. and t as mmcbisnrinds in iissCtty are vouder. have eollected expansive dairy boerde. isbais on the real object o! the t'ikL. thIseos threatens Wte iseavy HavÇgn; Illa Iictéd tîat ho vill roture tii tII HubIsard of New Carlsle viii . loueCiya edltnafw Ys ncui -131,000 isoad of cattle. hogo ad ctt7îc lisased a sheeP valued at $30.000. Be nl lre . .setr Psudaa about $10.0d10fur tisem. this mornlng at 12:45 o*csioc' atiser home on 313 Graud avenue. BiseW" 69 eanol. Dels toilowed msu o-. TIPS OFF I.OAD 0F HAY eration'for gaIl atonse wthig p'weipr.ý --4$SAOLY STUNNED. forimed -on- Awgu n2. sBeuliho ' ~~~~ ~~~husbaedIqi ~ only jj oct.Sr. qÉ ie ôWhite mcd T*oMa ,"dbb Thsmorann .Jaes Cole, living'lttueabih ntbeIm e w on Baeh ued orthof Wuke a, gsters, Min. AIce rPutto Xdi onais raid of ortis o auksg.a. tMiss Wilna Mllard. TIse flea vbas tlpe f lani o hi baisandisu* itho isld, Tiuroday toroon at tva- ut, ln badises onlIsiehsea ced sue. uirty o'ciock at tise home vitis inteit. foraomesin t ies vuehbosutneld tgment at Okvoodcemetury., Suor soe tio.elgebos, imNcUg Duricg tIhe paut season, Waukegan andorvs o Hosdnid.eliev lndfalctrbed$5oth rkaAdn andic rush ed bssadol lde lghw corenlued $75t lutIs e nomat ro a dith thre foo belo tIs isg amp S hore ainLa' lurfr, tse Chi- ccd that he escaped vithout anstain cago ndvher pon hsdre freouCt- tng fatal Injuries vas qulte sotumute cs n hi teaaegvnot cansidering thse distance he fell. loe TIs teinstod sil atér is iOÇI Represeetative Graham lbas lnform- tipiw.d oser. Fnlendsanad noighbers ediromoters. o! théeg.ouItr3 show tu assitedMr.Col ln ettng lle ha lîoéld le Wankegae le Noveleber tssltebaMn. Cl eglie i îythat buohabéeuable to indue the -maager of tise atate gamen ta, ot #11S SHU WÀY 5 end a display of pheasacta, vild MISSSIIMWAY IS saine, etc., to tIse local show. Ti feature should attr.ct intmret ang farinons , poltry faechera cnd cuana RE*ELECTED PRSs speciatona. SHORT ITEMS FROX WAUXEQAN. Watipugan, Oct. 27, ThéetîcAUsgtor spitia socatlop beld Its annuel nmeeting this uorulp at tIse censés' homo,.tuilaSM"usp Slsnmvay, who bas Slled thse oOt of preidént 90 satlsfactonliy en mai17 years helng re-eiected ta thet posil' tion. Tise officers elealsO: MisEmma Schumvcy--Praidett Mru. J. J. Page-OIc. proa"et. Mn,. J. P. Hul-8ecréiary. Ir.Clinton Butnett--Tréaaurer. Dinectars: J. 0. Wolch, Mro. J. W. Banvéli, Mins Mary Lyoe, Miss Lyon tasýes Judge Wlltney's place. Tva vseiss fron t tday loy yUl hoid a tmeeting at which time anl com- nittesfil raport. AFFAIR WITHOUT FRILLS. Wcukegan. Oct, M. At a pretty védding cermony. vhiscIs ccurai t 7 a'cloais <lia mura. lng et tise churcisoa. <le Imamculetu Conception. Mise lCmlsnye Lodqçýy, daughter of Mr. and Mr.,Fnaul T. desky of Souths Jackson struotle' came tise bridé of Mn. George Wétsél, son of Mn. ced Mrs. Chas. Wétzel of Washington street. The veddleg vas a quiet affair, oly <le Immmidiate relatives sud friands hein g p"'spt. Rev. Fathen Ga noflhtéd . 'TIc attedaets vere: Mise Bessh L.odes. ky. ateter o! thé bridé and William Wetzél, brolisér of tle groom. - Miau Tlq';c Orady of 826 West streét vas unîlai le marriage tSi. a!- tomecon ta David C. Flra ,«o Cisicago. The vedding vue pefoic> éd las thé cisureh cfte41. luet WILLEM YtJSKÂUëS Jury Gives Him an indqtM.rn. ate Sentenc iPrion'et From 1 to20 Yens. OUT BUT HALF. AN HU. Teutimony Given by Defnhlit Did Not Rave a Tenen. t0 HeIp His, Case Au. Thse Jury le the. case of Wli1im us- issuukas. chargea vits iaving bittea ouf bs vlfe'a noa" oe elsht ila«m Jnly. deltberatéd on t]Ço evidene m s than bal! an Saur before th"y roterla- ed a verdict on Monday niaIt hogtt live-tisirty o'clock; Besong Yusis. "lau tintise tate Poultentlary for am imprisonmént of rromo0". to tweaty, yuns. Tise Jury rotirêt at Byew o'cfock so lu la.seonit 14 40at tmkoiý 1long te arrive at c veidSe Tushai&Oiu as va tise lest vtafqe te t4i.ptisestand Mocq~uq. IIe tishier~ wttssmeslà, the oïsm h. takedl trough ace déclared tisat leos»d las iS.olai lad. trophle »mucatis iey touxmot *P, vila hOn Pareats mnd"theI' 1ad e arated, aise remalniag vus lahWfatlW andi motser. 'ife, "I biseintermtonlad OSo te, hlm tisat iah. vag tu* à4ý e vush oter mon n sd h.o w W tiavolied, lfteala I ile hiat 9iMe ouli oaS diffortatlg'. ie' ad*itffld 'orawl»ir GieW 7 dior hioaQ 1ho bad driwa ixrevlr1 to by other wi44eeae gogae' tisatho aied t 18v e1 TIese tory toid ly YUriuise« W- nat; make àa vory favema10s I*brWl alun ou thé jury. This qeIho ose from tise vuy they listenmmOtu Go hoehad tae". livea if au bleu*fl va5 truotishat h.ola" hm04; vils hlm Wlfe tos th te bitteS spiode mot11000 tis t tacondonelis oeduat Tisere lu no 'Question but tl!ct tbe. pl s netis* Ourt roovi- etN-tbe vite la a big effeeat h. JMr. *4 spitel tise, clevme sOf! l is u. la gtving boomv o. h -ey suce of 81.8 porti o o lpiu89e Darringlon, t.aise couniy, a love or trial tisé *wu mutitteil Wse oosM" 2.009, te cousbattieg a sssl10fane of héousn lcnIMly lay tisé 'ur0"aàs dipitirla nitîcisa»pears ta have st- vas a_ Mute appeifor <loir W*' t*ckéd isearly a Suudred sclsoal cIsil. encule..hTisé toot ofetliie Utile dre vititesepaut two wvagisTisorç e as mtza 9 Ar&vc ImmShtom are no seriona cases of <th le ssýof o!thé vieil; oflber hu#bmWdl' Wf' the cildren beIng merély carriers of room followed by blo savage atinot the. germs, but more than 40 boiees on ber and fnally thé hiting, c«0f b1W arn under senl-qssantltsé. Hels 0f.- naué lissosgl uPIto. lest îa ise tl loer W. A. MUROUs.MUi.ionday niglit aisieur attractive lu thé eytu et o thse epidsme ealésc other mogn. Her fatiér àsud uctbwe J.' IL >riai4 tise prgollclbore aut thé essentielafs et tk8 snalam.led le thé vwee'kly shioot miny. o! the Chicago Gue Club Saturday by Y uslauskas seemed 11181. aftoed, broqcking a total o! anel-ax tangta' by tise tot1.éay. e- bcitsl Ont o! a possible 100, slanoting tram listlé55ly s <oushéover, t"l. e sixteen yards. t beé pt« xyi-vteé»1 - Through contributions of privaIs In- vison thé jury brouil lu divduals, collected by a connittee dleg hlm guity héo so * 16 170w thé Laké iForest Womae's club, maut ua~ -14l. Thé usup$dM, u, ans appropriation froisi thé City Coua- smile ove u uie& lunll n:!8SI I cil also oneetramt tiséSourd of Ndcs.. trial ai5rffl hé liImd *11tis4t ,~ tien a vîaîuîmg murslas béén auurd no differéace If la veu ta lu 50 for thla city. Mine Barker fnom theItloitary for a Mfév*" nte4 w Vlaltieg Nurses' association, asenik.tisat UlN«é hé'evodit II s od él éd tisé duties t151, veek. A part 'Of ta SIMoipUOetY te oct 11134me vWU* .Gt eacb day vilI ho devoted ta tIsede schoola tise remnainer o! her Ume yuilu na case wvisan u4~ hé subjecutoecallte Iran ledivldual.ustacelrtesiai. William Ernst and several oiSon casé, thé e «Fé ipmi~iae tizens ot Long lujce. Ili., tetied On <lth@ VO q$o thtiseptlsalet Tueaday ln Chicago e In. ethé ulaté public utlltiéu commisaion agalest 'Jcééuh Ma01 ffltersop setoi141W - tIse Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Faul Yeendaifrua Darago. Mr. a"lb*ý rallroad isécauss o! thse compaepsgsr- I'attoa end ito ciildroe viii pî'~' fusai ta naintaîn c dépot and stop inal.ia hUmcoWntY hom«» d passéen rtfalis ctLong ]Lake. ouvifle til math lu)Neeomw lus. Haàrry Tbaokar visebo* CoqOéptioa. Thse couple von at" d-vltlngrelatves and i ait by Uma.Charlotte QradyunM WlU. for. ante lime leavus lieu Fltseald. Thé ouplé 1.18 on. PlesIx.Ariusea- boue-111*. c veidlagtrI;p. Tlu vWi roe nb l. Sesiâmi, vItu CItasse. iRugatil ms. ." Aflen cheeking up on tIse stortes taîd by Jaul LI.St son of the tave manuhal of Desrfiéld, II.-stories vhich ran théelaiet from petty Ian- ceny ta mnrdSr-.lsoChicago police camé ta tise conlumion Wedisesday tIsat tiey lied Mstaed ta a very en. to r >CTOBER 30, 1914. PER YFAAR IN AKDV'À#O*