CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 6 Nov 1914, p. 12

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Ïen under 16 y'ars oï aga must ceni at home. Violation, ame punlsable SPECIALby heavy fine or lmprlaonment. The@ provision against publie meet- loge lis expccted te Interfer. wth the wécltly religions meetings of the fol- PRI3ENCE0F owors ofZion. Numerous sSall af- tIlto. have béen abandoned ateler! AN>MMU !DIS13ÂSE te ,w CA S ~ A AR I WOrkers Are accnt IS, VS UI À AR 'lie' unriers in the'Zloil aeIdi lee. Ille Nailonal Office SttliPIY rom-! - pan>', and F. Bl. Cook & C.s electricai <'Si)ez l! tThe Suit. V f or'is, aggregatlng ucarly 1.000, are the'i~-i dulrt estteshrdtutaordiunlu gacnîâ poîé b are Chicago, Nov. 5-Over 7W0 en0 ceuThed, reliidenes the head of th. finet dery cti., 1wllilug.Te lgoutntsfth such woliters as refuse are not'forre<l valuted ut over two million dollars. le suhmlt 10 lbhe peratlon. exhibited ut thse National Dolry A few Of th tollouers of Volva show here, art quàraéttlnad aet ff 1 have been vacclnated, despite the' stock yardse, on acolint of the Pool sd Mout dli athtSavraof0excomrmluiation Issned ce- FootandMouh dftese.Sévrai ceuty. The dlscoiery tttone of the, of therm will have to ha qinufl&t. more 1romîinent cîtîzeus of thé town ered and burl*d. Sm@ efiala h ad heen secretiy vacclnated was wish te klIif hem aIl relther than made uhen an acquaintauce hsfppanad take any chances. AmM*n the t SI*lm enon the left urne ln afrlcnd- dtule coneof the mutvoluable ly u&y. The Zionite could notr- are ewned by J. K. DerMI9 ad O. strgiu a ioîîd expression of "Ouch.'fe W. L.ehmann, butte of Lake Villa, Mayor Clendinen. sithentic tgation Lake County. and they peelably ofotabs eudndascse Til ue presne f o ser M 1ute les 3h05t re ugtout ZMon City, alI Th -p eneofFotan o (hPmo clarnation as follous: eralile apprebension on the part of dairymen througbout the couuty and evcry pa)stbie precaution la bclng takénlu oPrevent a sPrcad ef the dis- ôete. Parmerig uho rerentiy bave pur- f-a'ed caille troisthe Chicago stock fldthé mn a prchenslon for inirartirally ail cass bere tbe dis- t'use bas been dlscovércd _it hb e ti-sceable b 1the stock yards. This ua thse case wth the cmilse ai Our- neë- Tht' gavernment bas ordered a quar- "finue ever the entire tate ofJilin- ois as a resuit or the dlscevery of the diseaise in dîferent sections and l'l- r omids have beau usrned aga<ainç. cspIng shlpmenta of asétla. flU qunreahne bas lieu made even more sut ith ie Casmof tuherdsa I UUOn bere h. diease uaz dlscov- ers.d. 14'r fear that th. disease may be prégsent In tbelr bénis ulhhout teri bing tarse er l, 5scr, o! dalrymi * are imaktlng closeexanalnatléo! oréV- ery bead et' caitie lau udr barde. Thc d s a n l o contagions that once a case becomes prasaunà filin raiily - lmmced te a mmbner of otier mlle. Theaimtataauthorities aremuch a- lierOggiOd lu théepresence of the, dis. Ournee and are î'rsttcally 7 qenvined lusa cofrnuloead toe i tattla theré by expansif cattlé ubicb *w« uaeurchafflraomtlyrmas the stod.<yards. fil ul liebsou. lte lime bNfâe lhé Qantln. 1111 ha ramue- ti m h" peaitveasurance muât lie gIvesn ibatneo " aOf tha dims, exista. luIncase aornen o e imu lsaed catile are oblii te daatry tii,.,il w-lll me"s a sarleus l os for there la no ItAY i uhic theY seau hé raîmburs. cd. But aM that ihey May tlley uould rallier bave a feu Of their caille slaugbtarad than lomea ail oe!hein. .IEALTII OFFICIAI ZIOn CitY 11b1asaneu overlord. Stae the dcath of Alexander Geuwle thse aut0cratie ru, of hi, aucceasor, Wllbnir Glenn A'lva, bas hemuundhs- puted. But Weduesdsy a ncu dicta- t10r sumed the drection or affaire in the person 0f a square Jawed mcdl- >cJ nepeter of the state bo&rdýof bheltis. MliausaDr. C< e. Crford. S.For tuoehc, Uic authoritiés of ,21011.CCîY. qdar the directi of 0 (her- qcer, Voliva, bcd aitténptsd 1 t siap. * out aâ ePîdemiretf uimlpox. Thele regulaîlona ucre Unsas. for the is. i Pase spread, untîl tIer. wéré néarly III v c-ses lu lbe c"l. etormy llme a nuas Tluestiate board of health dellvered Ilii ultimatum on Tueaday. A itormy acéne ensued hetuéen Overséer voit. va and Dr. Crawford. Grumàblinz and rru']glngîy the ovérseér ccésauted te allow thestraIe authOritls te tait@ chargp of lhe situation. Hia ouly pre. '01s0 u that net more than luo out- sid esbe sllowed it, bave a band tu tpeltys affaire. TIne lirai art 0f thé new ovrlord 'vs tu authorizé tbhe'nayer o! thé clty, N. Ilurd Cleudînen, olesume a proc- l*aalln lnstitutlPg a rigid quaratine on thbe premiseg of ail persus affllcted wltb amalîpo111x. lHé then sucore in six -depUîy Inspecrtera 10 st biaii flu * anLstatning the quaraulîne. tffixoar asns Qusrantlned, The prOc tieln maltes il the' dtty O0f ail POIF101 havîng knouiedge o! mufpc0euesacte report them ai Once. .-AIl' 1 aOaOns afflicteil must hé -tlt-n tu thea 801h lract achoolhouge usad - ai 0istlU Iospitai. Ail rer- 00u -sPpeêd util ha quartlnad for ttrydffla- Ail Pu»ébhIMathrings are io atd.tbra tnt ha nestinas- Ail public meýetIngs-asilîl hédIs-j entined until. turthèr moîttP. Ail ebilrp.n under t.Ixte i Yeats of age-. muet remtaîr, iu heir hontes t. Il a hé nulan fui teacarry on canvassag.91 Wbre a'rae o amalpoX coeurs &Bd whére the Patient la remoeéd aIll persous on the prémîisse shali remain lu tbeir homnes for at léast tiuenty daY's, uhen the bouses uli hé tberoughîy tlsmigated, and thé"'vill be released iv the. propér represen- tatîvrea of lhe Board of Health. AII'suspects will hée deiinédutil sncb a Oime as' a correct dalguosia nMay' hémade o flué case. JORN 80OYLES- IS ELECTE!> CO. Ju IJI 0F, CLAYCO, ILL. Former Empîoye of Waukegan Law Offic0e Sucoeeds in Landing Coveted Place. John Boyles fer a coupie of yearsl a law student sud stenographer for Cok. Pope & Pope lu Wukégan, uas electcd ceunI>' judge of Clay couni>'lIn Tiiesday'a eleeîlota. i@I majoril>' ras 368. and ho led the county tIc>ket. bing igb man. Judge BOYies la pPrbaps lhe roung-1 est counîy Judge luin lneis. Hé cftI Waukegaa but a feu years ago e rteru éd ta Flora ubyre hée used tea lvc. en- téred lhe Practice of lau and befan te risé rapîidIrinlposition snd In- fluencé, lu the Ruminer he hecamé a ,candidate for thé Repubtican nomnl- tion for joug; hé ron' out. Then lhé slaried s viaoros campaîgu for élect- Ion, and. best et ail, be ron eut b>' a fine vo4a.j'uflsday. waklr and Lake mammy 'paople lie mucb interealed snd pieasad ,L, Joug. Boylés' eétion, l» estis- faction ceming frohe taUcat uhat b, rrsé rabidl> trainia meet orinlury 0l0. illon te the Muiclar', and bhé dld lu surPrlslugîY shortUlime. WHO HAS BEEN RE- ELECTED U. S. SEIUATOR. t". j I I1 04 =ide frmui soectod cali skrnal ll4d bu I ~à~o:7~ 9 1MU 6&6- ls the great deyset. For the lest six weeks we have been quletly gathering In larger lots fine meecëhanidise for whlcb manufacturers have been anxious to find a market, and n0w are ready to begin a suie of Suits, Overcoats, Shoês, Uinder-' wear, Sweater Coets, Shirts, Miats, etc. Ten of our leadlng manufpcturers have contributed to this event. We. have secured at wonderfully bow Prices an assortmcnt-of NIen's, Etoy's and Child. ren 9s SUiRS. Overcoats, Shoes and Furnishings, which in value are equal to or, surpass those we '-have often been ôbilged tb scil for. a great deal more money. You knLow our repulation'as mer- chants. You are familier wilh the manner lni whlch our'clothes are sold and our business con. ducted. You know that you can corne to us and purchase Aith full confidence., Now we have made a fortu.uate purchase and we are willing to share profits witb you-gi, ad (o give you the benefit oft he savlag. la some cases you wi li d Suite and Overcoats nearly 50. per cent Iower la price than the same qualities have bten purchased belore. in most cases the prices are Iteam 30 to 35 per cent lower thon you have pald for SALE POUTir VILVraONS DATUROAVYI__1 AUl aur ati's-aidyoumg mIDO's $18 suits tu the nevest -fabulcir and latest styles; blue serges imelded. ffll go at Th* *rImles for ev- ery tas- m b Conserva- ive or ra"Cal, youug- mmn or oId; the lagot assoitm.nts ve have 0v- or shov" in suto-plal colqqblues, blacks, mixtuesiluchevboete, sergs aid vorsteds.: Ovarcls baot h llght and heavylu -ail styles. TheOY art ail $25 and $30 garmentsl very specla au VE m ama7. FaiR IoDA Ys OVL y worth aid odvr' *~here at t12; eyse Hors we have aaoUi.r lot ofEglscup- loi can dnplilat« bi for le8u than $m»5; au Mo# mothurs, n»doub4, for e by "faII,and we know of ýao'bethi values *at vo or a8y oreue oaa M offor tha the"e suit&. ?b"Mi," lb. popular la1kam a4, wm t mbsvd.on bit Mado01 - plain nv bIne chevioli aud ofr gray cassimrs, vm d peg top knlckobocke pants. bot 100014 an. seams tan d re-cu- forM oedt u lout servic;aSes for bops 6 ta 17 y;a=sold; suita you'd expet to pay at. least $400 fer; spela for Ii ai.a I Nm'slui.. ood en- Men'a Wool'Underweur -worth $lm5, nov Noe 50 doiL Ties, vorth f0c' an th ae pib. and Ja&et OVposilI h Men's Good H«" y ub- word 75rts powlvl ber Boots; worth $4 - mi &Po at 248 I Ovuro a nad baise- haVY ln u alStyles. XKMI'sand Young, mm la oTqroats fi th.latesI ture; $16 and $18 val- ues, speola for tbis sale - L er's Goo 0d HnVY ~ ~Boyr, Overcoats; Worth- Waik Shirts; ail colora, $500 ail go 24 Tor*7c, now t...... j 9M pairs of pents; gaod enough for Sumkyday ur. L-sold êvery'were àt $s at this-sale or Coats, worthOI 15 ai, am@50,nov WV IWorth ide; sale Men'slu lspenders, S500 puceic .... 1 rice .- - ---- ---- - luIsit p ~ ine avea alûd KesNlgêe latent Pattern,; pio $1.50; dur-.I « "ll sale - ne1 W. have about 100 Of paits; odd and vorth up ta 2( amie~ Crc Mo'. o & Gloves aMd MfitIons, lined and un- lined; wort 75eOta $1, We vil refund rail. road fare. ou purchase ai$0or oveu vithin a aduOf an Ml",s es Hatue lu ailndv' styles;ort wO itip7 to, 10W I t 8W e L. Y. SIIElRMAN. Wankcgan. Nov. 4 whose lectIon te thé United SI.cs seuaté uascouceled tua aftcrueon hY Chicago papers,?vtdch gave is -.maority upward oe! t.@o. VOL UTI IMP( E) Bi IT ui w si Ti VI AI Pl Tht dion nortlî celle- Ment Th. thai J' aboi], 1-S a On repor and à Inter the c ter i hie 1 CHA If th thlng le". short Word tati pany r-l luii ,1 qua h-ai Mon 111211h et 01 Sulji -L,,ý tlcs, MI, Uii pai'Z, thle i rr<, (litii( l'irt I i.lI miileî tha f-foi nluc con! ilail find tl ii1 i tiiii the hea tha the val anle F the uta i t- Um'a Waol OvSrchirts, in blagay and browu1 -regular $1»5 vaines,

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