LAR-E "COLJNTY WAUKEOAN WEF3KLY SUN _ PART TWO.LBERY'VILLE. 11L Pt[DAY. NOVEMBER 61914. $ 1.50 PER ER l A~Q EYERY CANDIDATE'ON THE REPIJILICAN TICKET IS CARUED TO VICTORY IN tUESDAVY'S ELECTION F055, SHURTLEFF, VICKERS, PERSONS, HENDEE, GRIFFIN, MoDONOUGH AND SIMPSON WIN DISTRICT AND COUN- TY OFFICES BY OVERWHELMING VOTES-LAKE COUN- us RESUMES IT POSIION AS A MANNER REPUBLICAN COJNTY, UÉMOCRATS AND PROGRESSIVES SINKING! INTO THE DISCAIRD 81 SHOWING MADE TUESDAY. THE VICTIORS. Fror Congru-George Egdmund Fou (R.), Chicago. Fror Logtlature-E£. D. Shurtiefr (R.), Marengo, McHenry!f J. H. Vlckeru (IL), Harvard, McHenry County. TIses. E. Gramai (D.), Ingleslde, Loake County. Oounty Judge-P. L. Peruons (9.) Waukegan, re-elected. Oouty Clerk-LewA. Sendeé (B.), Wauloegan, re-elected' Sispi. 8Obools-T. A. Stmpson (B.> Waukhgan, ré-electedl Sorif -E. J. Griffun (R.> Waukegan, new1yy tected.'1 Oounty Treaurer-Lie EcDonough (É.) Waukegan,- newly elected. The above vitorlous ticket shows 1 Grahami 250 votes in ibat îrerinrr boy tie republicans suopt Laite COiaaty in Tunendays ciection. Evr v COUty olleer andi every candldaio for sVory repubtican office. recelved a splendid niaority oven tbe domo. clatiand the progressives, In tact. Lab o Cunly returned la ils stan lard O! hein% a "banner republican caunty" This Si one of the mnot brceful exl amples Of icratchlng Iii the ubobe tcunty. Plie Progressives ram trongeat lu Avon township ubore Judge gaines. for instance gati 198ta 164 for Pei- sOns. Manfo boit Sburtieff and i VcI- ers ln tht, precinct but Orabam got liiIllii. tu ta ooer Munro. Net a demacrat bail a 10km: Mot Neite tho domocrats, non the pro- aProgressive bail a cbance-except- gresilvea carnireti a prec net in Wau. ,Mg. Prliapa. Munno ubompSgh iai sa kegan. In tier Word&, thé republi- aaaIms Graham ather ibam the r. cane 6carnlod overyWaueoaa pro. Puhlmas emadudte, for tfr. legisia. cct wi a bhWvote. Ph. democrats lead te progroives la evory Wau-ke- forapublicau paty %wOt every- MDn precunct, taking the county ouI. t be otenoit In the caun'y aud aaS 9ces 4 limis fon ciuiatàons. ulbo lie vote was sony tain alth.Onîb !l!cMillaa. deoscratle candidate for about tie muile of (be afternna shonl. cirriod bis arn town. Avon by TUOaiay il waa foareil the shoi ' vote 249 tu Oiffln'a 99. wu eidh very listât. WiII a ttali Kent, progressive for cle*. lait li vota la the county o! approixlmmtoiy arn loun, Waucanda, la lfendee by 8.500, il l e eun tht the vote wag very a vote o! 82 te, 73. tair. a tufl sale In the "ounly belng Athough Dannes, progressive can- but about 12,000. go, fer a hait-off didate for lutige cornes fromn th le re@4 lie showingnmadSe Tuesday le two Zion procincis gave hlm but 239 gm"aly sony »iatactonyv. votes over Persons' 531. Tlis wam The Progressives. by 93ttîn-, a'iaut itkely due ta lhe Voliva vote Coing ta 1.769 Votes In the COUnîy 110o-K a :acit Persans seat. Sm tact, liey passedI mb the d12 In Grant. Grahami carnied bis own cari by thib shouwing miade Tuesday. towm oser 4 10 1 oser Vickons, 10 ta 1 Th. democnata didit da 10 Sony wmoU oser Shartleff and 10 to 1 oven Manro. otior, la tact. (bey didn'f do wht Vii Mania carnied ie bisown recncta, .zpaced of tho Party, for, In the le. the D)eerfiokia. by splendid votes. PTe toi thein canddates for LI. S. sematon toals for npensenlatlve le tho four $00 more votes titan the r rogresuilve candidate, ,Robins. OCRATCHEO TICKETS. Thse returm aàa a nhoie camne la soY sulowly temi l partsa!fLake CouatY. Titiswu adue in lhe *act tbiS bbe tickets uer. stlbsi t sncb an oxtent Ibat il usa & Wg tank te count lie voes fan eac Cadidate. Br 11:30 tho DliIy Sua bad cm piste figures tram ovr precînet ln lm outy cxcptlng Newporit andi Deorfiliti 3 !dicating tle difference la oMe"caisho serve at tle poila la accomodalns tie usitlu. public, il vis ohiorve t ltINewportl and l)eer- Seld 3 sent la matlng Taesday Diabt uboereai. for exsnsple. in Grant. su- Vervisor W. Stratton walked tua Mlles hast la asM & phon o 1senid ln te neturn itiI lie public so eag- «I ua looluns for. A aunibsi of elber Instances wcre reportod uhere election amcm oxerted Ihionseives mut 10 gel the fies tu lie somi. officai conter o! IÀte Ooty-Tite Dmly Sun ollihe. lunbiait ofethe11 bandroda wbo wreoaccomodptell hy tie Sun. il destres aIt tis lime to thank ait ubo seul; ln retas ubich it la lurn usaaile 10 givo out ta the m4ny Inqairors. THE FIRST RETURPIS. Phe firet rturns that came tu tbo Sum office wrne sent ln tram precinct mue Waukofam by Kennetb Allen. ?huy Includodthe otae an the ropub Itom candidates for counly oflices. Pi. Sun furnlslied buletns on tho eiectàm returns for thele theater 0* t» s w ly-er. preaented to patrons ,ethe acrééne. lni Wokopn 3Id. there were bul 18 straiglil dernocnalic votes: stilil Sllivan fon-sotr, ;c 89votes and1 Deefilids mere: Munro-1465. b Gmaar-677. Shnntieff-379. Vicker"-46. T'hua. Munro beit Grahamn in Deer- fieldS about 3 te, 1, andi Shantleiffand Vickons about 6 la 1. The Progressives an itrong tonr senatar In lie Doorfielda. carnyîngj tour and live and nunalng close linltoe otbers. Bobin i a amin lake Vil- Io, Silds 2.Shields 4 uid wusbut one behSnd Sullivan un West DoshSuid. Maethen democnitic candideda for InasureirlTed bxis arn towU., r non by a flne vote, gotlng 152 te Mc. Donougb'i 13 andi Ciarke'a 9 In that; toua. Clarke,- prcgressive for lreeauren. carrted mll i dbhlm ouahome precincts exceptlng DeerfilS à vbich gave Me- Donougi 66 to hi& 61. MecDonouab cn tie otler baud, car- rled evsry orne, cf the Wlaukern W& cincta, bia born e di. GrlOn carried his ohd homo toun- slip, Warren by 3 to 1i oser McMlllen. impson cannie evory precinel la the caanly aven Hannlsy. lianey teaches In Coince, yel Warren town- sblp gave blm bat 23 10 Sumpsan's 133. Kent carifed Lake Villa oser Ren- dre, 81 to 60 but lost hi, oua town- shilp, Wauconda ROnde fias Car- ried oveny preclnct but LaIe Villa where the Progressive s U.a W1ho10 made. lie boit sioving. Couison and McMilbai township oser -ForInssu Titis I.le he0-n, ubere lb.eNtr«.14&0 tsaloon mue icaflc the, i tbe againsithe »4"sea"un ieMW juste 1 sldntiy ua maumt." MIA KEEPS ONE tOUTI! IN ASYUM Waukegan and Lake County Relatives of Frank Heustis Seeking His Release. THREATEN- HABEAS CORPUS. Asylum Officiais Fear HeustIi Is Not Completely Cured of 1 Peculiar Mania. ferring to the léltory of the yonng man Dr. O2bâffl foUnd that ln corn- Mittment paperé witue*ies hadteiti. fied that ifeustia Iiad on several oca. Mions placed ohueructions on railroad tracks witlx the Inteition of causlng a wreck. As lie esud give no expiana. lion for thons atta and when riens- éd from ctody lmmeduately repeat. ed the offense hé wus deelared insane. Fearlng that ho wouid escape Ir givon too much liberty the silprnteit. dent refusod bis equest. A few days ago a petitiog waa flet! witl the nu. perIntondent by relatives or lieus- tia asking that ho ho duscharged. Dr. Gahagan consultai oMelcais at Wanke. gan who strsînnoSey Objoetod. According ±o'ed* of the teiatives If the disoharge et »Ouis la not grant- Pd a wrlt of babèse oorpua 'will ho ast- Frank leuztis of (irayalalve but fed oilleoull a aM". t f Who bas relatives iln Waukegan. lat endeavoring t10 iIip bis reones front the Elgin InRanéi aaylîîm.HP. l. beisaean omite o h a .LOANS Frena THE lum about a year ago hecause of bis penchant for speMng to wreck lrains. In severat lnstnn< es he places obstrue- lions on (Lhucha *k4O! the Boa lino In Ihe lcllîvo! ;rasia<e nd hat Business of tle Recorder'q office serions îratnwrecks did not occur frl.u~eun coe .11 was due more for orun Im th eiedg cor1,194 anytblng else Relatives of Hdutlii NumIIr of traansfers-97, are now %eeling to aid himlm n blî Number of Trust Deeds and Mort- desîre la lie reieaaed froni the Biy- gages-2 1 lum andl Ibreaten hiabeas corpus pro. Total number of! Instruments fited If the asytiîm officiais do nat 18 consent. _f8 The felgln Neyva tele o! the effort ta Total amount cf ioanR-44,7580. secure the retease cf Roustis as foi- Business fer lie week bas been tous: rathen quiet but Ins uvre a Utuile Wbetber tlumrennse a patient ftbhevter. the Elgin State hoopilal wbo la to Tbe aid Warren H. Elli propenly ati appearancea smoe but wbo is raid on Sheridan rauâd bas been tranifer. I0 bave an uncontroilabie mania for red ta Chicago ailes twlce dîîring f train urecking la the question over 1h. e t,. 1f" wbiclx Dr. Hl. J. Gahiagan. saperinten- The Jason f. faim ofrI dent of the hospital. ha puzling bis acres in Grant4 lous.bip and 7 9ac re braun. ln Waucanda tounsbip was sotd 10o A Young mann nameil Frank Heustis, Washingtoni L. Qonorgo. wbos boome tg in Waukïegn. ba, Pwo lots St Druffie slake ln Pou- been an Inniate of the stale hoffpital elîsa subdivision'.w*M soud by R. W. fer a year. Hia bebavior bas beon ex. Churchill to1u il~t*t Son Ç.I)M. cllent. Ho ucnis industromrniy as a, _________ carpen<er and hii actions sud couver- nation are (loi. of a iene persosi. As CongressannCopley usIra-seeectd far as ho cm ho be Berved by attend- la IÇane County diict an a" rrMed ing physicins and attendants ho la tbnamab evMry mu1o candmidate a porion fi( ta ho ai liberty. A fou ln the eounty ticvot 1101WWthie ex- days ago ho urato a letter to the su- ceptimof 0!chifot aiot-lce leleisof perinteadent aliing for the lberty of Aurora, uho ran fan ubo!1fM He batf the grauinds of the Institution. ln ne. out. 22 CASES DF FOT AND) MOUTII DISEASE AT OURNEF PRESENCE 0F DREAD DIS- EASE WHICH IS SWEEPING OVER INDIANA AND WHICH RESULTED IN THE UNION STOCK YARDS IN CHICAGO BEING PLACED UNDER QUARANTINE BROUGHTj TO LAKE COUNTY BY EX- POSED CATTLE FROM CHICAGO--CONDITION 15 REGARDED AS SERIOUS. Fool and Mauth Discase, lihe f*arful *courge 1ha1 ha* affect- ed thousande of Ciltie in 1ndiana, causing thse klling o! hundreds of catile, whlcti was discavered ln the outheru part o!flMinols and' wvhich bas resulted in federal officiaIs placing a ton day quar. atin. on the Union Stock yards n Chicago, ha@ reîched Lake County anld summury action ha* beon taken te atamp out the spi- demicinluils Inclpiency ad bc- fore it cansweeOp over 1he outire county. Twenly.two cases ofthtei diseuse were dlecovered et Gur nee Tuesday atternoon and fuily two hundred head of dairy uatile have boom esposed. The diaesd catlle ail have been placet: un. der the strictest quarntnîlmand the cattîs thât have been ex. poaed bave b..,n placed unoer 1h.e strictost surveillaince. The situa- tion wiat up wth, thse «Mie vêterinarian ln Chicago today, the asauhi t Of "#h, il la iBId. May b he.11.'.luo atn order tisaIf oil et1he sf.cted .*tl. ba Miud Wlucigi mmudintely. Dr. Osier N. SoMish, a weil knewn local vMtrlnarlan.WB* thse oee who diseovered lthe preseuce or the diausse ln Lake. County. On Tuesday aftrnoan Dr. Smithx receivod a eall fron a stoc.k bayer at Gurnee. asking that he Investigate soverai heaà of cattie of bis to Slnd out what aiiod thera. The diagnosts, acoordlng to Dr. Smith. showed poil- tiveiy the cattie were sufforing of 8'oot and Nouth disoase. The dis- eaaed cattle. ho founi , had heen brougbt te L»Ice County by the stock buyer. le bail dusposed of a flam- ber of hoad of the samp, catlte threo other dairymen living at Gur- nee. Dr. Smith went te the otbx3r three fanms and tound cows thero suffering of the saine disea8e. In al tiiore wore twenty-two bead o! dairy cattie affocted i vlliIL. Front Inquiries he loarned 'bat thes diseaso lxiiibeen about tte dys ln deveoing and tliat foi iwe dfflte affecteil catle badl atsoudkSnW As early as Possible Too*Wii4ht Dr. Smith got into camzwmdcaotion wltb Dr. 0. Butternfld of Liberty- villê, a deputy Rtate vtorinarian. and In comPany wlllxhlm pald a vsit to thp four tarms ati(iîrnee. With the aid of lanterna Dr. Butterfield examin- i d thex affr-etecl cafflt, and thlen de- ctari-d ilat Dr. t4nitik,liad b,ýpn abso. litpely rlght in bis dliagnosis. Hie an. noutwod tbot ho was golng t Chii. cago Ibis morning te hou naconsul- tation wih the stale velerinarian wih regard te the cnndition. Ho tboîîght il '.ëry lkety the state of. ficer woud pay a visit te Gurnéeato day and give thie matter bis porsonai attention. Witbout waiting te consult wlth the state veterinarian, Dr. Bltertield at once ordenod the affecteil catile ta b. piaced Iun tbe itricteit quanantinoad to be kept away from thse oalli et. ile. The thneo daîrymen wh0 lad porchasoi cowi of the îtoc*.: buyor ail bave retarnod the camte ta hlm mae wbtle thein bord% are net under qugar. intime tbey ame unden surveillante. At thee'list indication of the. diiqeat. among any Ofthte' catie e quoamtlm" ban Wui b.,deelarqd aaîl te ftmr wiii be pse'vent@d from, diipcalag of rnilk. Two borda are mow unier ut satineand telie .15 tram ie boerds iaY fDot blip 11>d ont uflithé maesal vetorimarian MBlias$"iieon tbe con. dItion. Al authorittesas mrimat -Foot mi moutb diset etysmt eoht gioMe disease but ait da fot MN <OUmion pffl du»es Detaiied Figures on Election hi Lake County* Tuesday, November 3 1914 ELECTION PRECINOT U"wty Juu igei lent. MSierl«f. w w - z, L6-~* We I ~tj- wZ W, e Tr.aauro,~ I . - a. - - E o -. Ou 0 O ~ - z Z z S I- oe o < .J INu SupI 9' 1Repreoantatltv I- h - id~. ~AI -. i. o. z z - < < a ~ z bu J M DENTON FiRST .............. $1 5 91SI * 1 riîrlr--i -lfj 321 3j 1611 421 1311 47*126*j 4011 241 21.2311 221 71 2 ÎNTON iSECO........... 22 lfWl 76 -41YÎf1 1IEÎ2681 161 1411J 2651 16911 3071 751 37I31ffl1 571- VI>17011f n4f 77 BENTON THO 0R.............. 1Zql11101 W 91 IUI11 1011! 2061 12 10111 2101161IZS9*I 451331811 4 1111 liq 1,1 NEWPORT . ..................j 791 241 91r 80 ý1211 Nf 361 3 j 74 21; 13n 741161j 991 771 112 Il7*M !; ANTIOCH FIRST ..... ........ 1OOf W îi 4 87 'If I 01 i$4 84 1 I3il511 909f11f 5ilm 7116 j I 4[ "iN fu A&NTIOCH SECOND ............ 1 7110 & 621 11 -fêf --I53 23j 301,6!1f 8k1 4174tirf5u GRANT ............... f 911001 1211 1îî 1481j 741i 118'Ï litï -90,1511 44*12fS~~iTFîî 7148 ef7 LAKE VILLA ................. 1 871 11 ô ý60 1f8111 81,'9114111 481 1 l 861II1 75J ~lSL4S7îrilfOf4f~9 AVON .. ............ -041 1131 121 1l19612411 MI Mi8 11fSfj1491 1201, 241 1441 6711 1651 1821438f0212*lf18 314f if051113Z2Z I U a WAtRN .. .. 48 b 7 171111Ilf 4 j 1h1241 16ý j211321125*1 850115101 13711 1231 1319111021 2913 WAUKECAN FIRST ........... 1 ÎNf 201 i2761S1011S£MI f51 10Il2791 251 19LI 2791 1411341*f 2941 1741 «Il 2141 âg(-4fÎTi4Sf -4 WAUKEGAN SECOND ........f 1185 1417111581 14ff15" 271 1611 143 1 6!13 4!2016* 01llfiif 4f10 1 WAUKEGAN THIRD .......... 264f OBf Si i 6413711242-391-17-112591 2211272*l:2311 2601101411 MI f47f1 MIlUiI 801i WAUKEQAN FOURTH .........1F41f 381 1011 140f 1 1 !f7S41 V11112î391 1411 132J 1211 1511134-1193-1 8111 1141 421 2611 861fMI 19 WAUKEGAN FIFTH ........... 1187f 301 1011 1851 1911f 36S 1 44f111761 39 11 1761 1711fI1651 1731 243110011^ 4O f 181 i731 41 WAUKEQAN àSiXTM ............ 1 " 8 1 51 431 161; î871 411 1411 681 1311 106f 901 183f 11 Sf42 9ý 69 Sf01 WAUKEQAN SEVINTU ...1204f 881 Jff 10 2011 fflUf 1RI7 -3111192 94 611941 321l122 4 125l 196154111 1501 134f1 WAUKEAN 91014TH .........16f18f 1(j- 1411 2ff1 0f31135; 1911-2-1-I11391 21f1 106f 1041 2I81fel1281 181 35 1211 351 3 WAiÇKEOAN NINTH .......... 1îf jT i, 916fl4f6~114fI 591 10J 10U1 5611 f 01 80# *l 671 4411 51f[ 131 151j U la WAIJKEGAN TENTW ........f. 11791 151 101 1 19UI 141 1731f' 841l18111671 25;1l41! 185f 1811 1331177*1 411f 40*11 1691 601 1811 116f 1491f_21 SH4IELDS FIRST ............ 6f e1fl81u1121fU8f f 7 1 61612f7f6*1lfqSf4 3 Sf*f5 0 SIILSSCND0........... 471 121 28 ý55fj 471 12f .. f1 471 0fSf21f52f4f 94f1 Z"Bil 341 91 4011 391f14147 SHIIELDS THIRD .............f.1 8f911 78!13f f 57f 4W4-11 7-01-4 1;!7iNN-7faf4iî 8IllîýIVsrU f10 4 4f1041f 1481 lIOf 171f1361f1 1Sf81 8f391 VfT F~~~j 28N11 SfU~i~7 1f 5 3J Mif 7V[ Wl 10310911 521 19f1Sf598f2 WAUUéNOA .................f. M I f2f11 q ff 90, 3Oi - 3011 941 41f 71 7' -6f8SUf 3f291fMil071 46f 46 CUBA ...f.......... 1 0161 1f I' 57pf 501fMi 111f M8111 f7"101 *127»Jf«)-il 5 iFÏVUfýj 1 ELA ................ 1122~ 1511 Mi1f11 3D f Uff811 571 47! 15187l.1311950179-11 - 1 I f i IUI 15 ... .. .. ...N. .. .. WEST DËERFIELD ...........1 OEERPIELD ltffl ............. 1ERFIELD !BIIIW.........t 1be*PIIELD PIRD.... TOTALS.. slf7f lff 3L2iL~"L301f31 131 46f 01f 3111 ~l ~5l 3151f 1U5ff *Uf Ouf 541f OUf Uif SE loif fl f721 f4 5ff611 f Wf W 41912111 53 2 i fMau Stif 10ilf-à! âI MIf 8 591 48 a xît-stau aîem a S0~806~17U lîf-ý FÈ IÈ i i gel lài T .ilý1-42eefBiIt imtt mli u~.~~~-t-- -esC Wl -Mli 1n .o . -li on iju. _Ml.r18l"11 . 541w U, s l e I 15.5 I. Il mî4EuJ~nwsîi~me.~iusI~ fOSelsai ptoOhiUSIsOêlaUIuIeshi Va - . fi IS KILLED WM fT FALLS TO 610113 Little Celia Stevenson -ot flake Bluff Inju eIFataiYWhki at PIay Thîs 7Mornlnq.> PUPILS WERE.' At ýRÈCÊàS Scan tting on Whcjh ôso as She WasSwng 1" 1t0t: 45, the ecildren o!tie &*910 D'liii publie achool wout ont btîoa.ý TWsiy weore playinfg about ad biViUt a li" me.' Uttié e Clla.Stensoam. 8 year aid daughten nof<ladnerStevensOn. u8" wonks for A. A.Rplaguo, of i14e Bluff; got iot Ibo wing d.20 bouis of ber frieuda1"s wm e They dld go. Tb@ swing kept going bl'pbi m i bliher. The children iiighSd 4& *rybody ual lhappy. .1 .' " Suddenly a cracking. CIOakl«SE apping noige usa oard uid t The tituaber ubléli bot wingaw~ laed broken, and. crasiag'c crowtd. t tfoUla sincb a taahaIv t lOne n o f It bit the 11111e obild"i '. te head. f I Playmatoi nuaboti 10 ber masitBmsé !5e teacbqns Veto. ouled tami! piat aete s preed tbro2*, tio., »w rquais. -Orne c«, lta quiIs lad ben burt. Neigîbora ruaisi là.-W" fl t t ak i t i , a O É u e t @ S d6 " BebooI- us. dionâtl*o<lSs'tka i.- Ina lad -oaisgmg ovr -- *bâ ocerra li li vlimaha iies *bam WELLKOWP !!P Lake countY eli iil sgc - edto tahear aofthedel wIoyMa monning at hxi b in t*-=s~l part o! Wauiegan 'touiisip of 5*. Cadmc" , ,eone ot the best buuti- oui of tho oounîy. Mr. Cidmo re's deali ras.iqe la pneumonie ulti uhicl heoliai iup slck but a week. mad uhulé o ieiid bren la a senlous itate. bli doaf Cp as a great abock t10 bis fsmly boo*lm t uasafeit ho wauid bo able o 10 d*M~ the aliment. Mn. Cidmore wugsa embrorsytb district icbool boardi uleroe Iii ho a secnetany snd foumier et te lAbo Couaty MiII Ptciuees Au- clatioan sd uaa director fesse Wuqi kogan lu lb. District MSik Association. Ho abcusa» of. thoenl"k board cf tlieWn assaciation. lFor years holdb active la -illmaltera cft 9 and district. Photo ancs'q la Labo caanty ubo idi at jolun Cadmorem Mn. Cidmore usa ,fe il2 cblidrea o! lie C- is .eU le die, tua brofler 'à 3 oi tut abromd amuia=Ii myuus tut hlm. He *s e leei IfArcit 3. 1868,&dé- e te, In 1888. He camne btoioem Canada lain 103 ai Ise Eusbl borne bore. H.i, 5 a5fa4W'; W*5 vite snd son Jglba,«co14. Camp M. W. A.- WANDARAÇI EticE 1S1 ~ ' = ileés.a.Ae Sti = 14 or fle P oié ii - - INDEPEN'DENT r- ................ 4 Q i-. E P. ;; p ý -Z4ý %M ý' 7. ", -. . - - 1 -! ; Z i-ýà - .-.! ; -Z; i i i i; i - im- i i d- m i i i ý; i ï -- 1 M Wil mai . t 1 -. jý ý, : "SIql 1511 891 Mil qml .101 -mli "1 951 qMil, qbili V4r e,ý1Sjj f 831 M[ 4311 iq ý«j 29- i -