PAST MAsTERS NiSUT IN INTER EST AROUSED DY J(dddona ~ Î LIDERTYVILLE WEDNESDAY DR. TAYLOR'S LE17TER I Iof ,~~ber~y vi/e Pai, asters and Master Mationsi ran Mr. Editnr:-Referring b Mr. Ta) ior's I Iait ove' the cautity rame to ULbertyviile open ltter in regard to paying the vil. P W.dnesday to lie at the Past laes $100) license for opening of the Matersi ret'sptlnnn held by Liberty villea Auditorium for the public use, and wbat Peter Petges loft Tueedey for D@""t"' Ldgs No. 4912. A. F. -f A M. Early in tbe wrter can't figure out In wby they, CalI., to riait with friands for about thrte the aflernoon many viting and local âbonld pmy any Ilience et ail as there la weeks. Menlo à gtherase the hall. Do 5xpouge 10 the village, and it la Do Mir@. George Osmond of Rchmond is k@tnaboutsix îeltiek .nearly twa smaall investment and a bail whicb tbe vlàiting ber brother E. j). Buitard and huudred wient ta th I e Ecurcb wbere village la in ueed or. famil. 9 a sumptuons batiquet waa served in the The town bail. wbich the people are aarrv Putnamt drove John Morey@ gym monm, jugt 1-44 persan being scated now naxnpelled la use, la nu fit place. It Dan Patch colt to Autiocb WednWaay. around the iglît banqueting tables, la eiîbej tua bot or coid. and bas no Mr. Pubnam le also training a colt for' Before tbe banquet tfney wereentertained veniia!ian and ils sanitary conditions ErneetBrouk aud ane for Cbas. 'Thorn, jW a number of pipe argan selectioa by are beyoud writing. The write,' ba@ bath of Antlocb. i Mr@. C. N. Duraînd. The chicken dinner seen filth wbiciî bat been dumped ln the wààaaerved b.y the M E. Ladies' Aid in furnece jacet, bpglnning ta f ry frutmn the Mr. and tirs. Herman Schultz went ta their usuel gon) stYle. heat ti the furnace and clouda ai fume. Lake Zurich Wedncsdey marniug toaet- The members returnen) ta the hall eariY r wauld pase tlîrougb the register, and tond the fanerai of Mis. Minnie Eilîman, lu Ibe eveniug wben tbe work wae doue ti ilawbat people were campelled la au aunt oiftirs. Schultz, who died Sun- by Past Masters ofilite lual ladge. Thej Inhale. lncnd ai the village board dat- aat the ags oi 82 years. vlitiongPat Maters eand Masons wers sndoroing sut-l a hall they ehould con. that district; in 'Winter it's shooting accidents. M&ORAL: The second nuniber of the entertain- entertained royully and tue sutire pro- asmn lt. BIR C «YUL!ment cours et the Lyre Theetre waa grai W&@ on. round ai plesure for botL As fi cannai be for the lack ai funde BE CA~YUL! gven byl.Waammn, the inuaum and vlstlng and local ciembers. thsltbt1ey demeuti snrb a liceau, abown 4 llualoniat, on Wedneaday evening. A -4yasann ilb, hyaeptl' Residents of Gurnee have a just complaint over thie fact large crowd atuended. and enioyed the LOCL Kt0he.LOE o oWigbt ofour t eete mIttl '1Ab that thie tate officers ordered the digging of the trench show. This perormnewai L OCA K Oed LUEOnWght boart te eeanotit e i. on the. McCullough farin at Gurnee ini which the 44 COWS byea spatial four-ree1 picture "Richelieu," MAY BE ORQÀNIZED demand Abr it-fed are to b. bunied, so close to thie main road. It ia back but tbe tory ai bbe fanions French Cardinal Abr .liihed a fow roda from the road and the contention la they siiould and eabesan. TeeI o#drbeaiaini ua haveplacd itfar ack n th fild, ven n th whos if Tb ount ai tbe borgiaries rodraaoniecicrcles ta mmrm a brancb lod ge CURISTIAN NEA hav pacd i fn ackinth flld een n ii wods~ itted Wedncsîday nlgbt, and wbcrei, oi the Knizbtsai Pythie@ lu the usem,'DEV necessary for obvious reasens. . six stOres in Liberlyville were entered. future. During theliat iew weeke an OFFICERS INS'IALLED appeava@ on page anc ai part twn. That organiser bas@unaîle everml trips ta tibis The. leaders of the Republican party in Illinois, elated mtont howcrer feuls ta mention the village witb the' 1nUrpose a i n'vîlrring Tholle-letiteC.Eoctyn by ti e e t si w n , a e a r a y e g gd in figu ning on burgary, ar rater au ttempt ai witb the local Maisons, and i is naid Th ti r.l-e ofteC ty r by th recnt sowin, areal'ndy-egaeeburglary. lu the home ai Wm. Meyer that eha@ bale'.'u itvenqulte a bit aiftîe regbteui&hurbswer ice lie ndy the lineup for 1916. If ne big iitakes are mad n thei about tWo ile.s outhweet oa i .berty. encour@gement'in the i,'.'.îthat abouti siarhe ng âT hu e w r ni t laton wa meantime, tiiey conclude that it will b. an eaay matter t'a villr. tMr. Meer was lu Chicago durini eDOtîIb nDame@ have been seeuren) ta get rdvîn byEide st' 1ofV instalaio ami .M swing Illinois inte the column of Republican States. in 13eda aud,arrived honte late ibat a charter. aitng nîe t e av taaev ai the chuir The iiîwn noie meantneathoy tiney oi) t'krt hive art durlug litennnng th etm hyare holding eut' their handa te the Pro- nhtb. eWe wt6aifthîsbras Ieataiysgnd tn ave ei) ilet r ui n greaive an initin thin o te rn and'.'.h ar.,..ih +bem -'beet Sunday" pantsigurespromint'ntly Ware ready tii(lni snn as smonas every Edao er greasioe andinvitngthem iDIltl» CLW4 011v. r""~" in thebbcremainder ai the' stOry. This t îtng wae l ndios for tht'ejitce reiet-ecuWiit. th oo hng ha o.1 olo.article ofailppareljwas bung on a boaok thon tw i e lt toîLe grend lodge. Veprýesidertt-Aee rit. ieucit the~I godtig htwudflow utht' bedroontionn the ir-c itior vehen 1-p rtithe' lre'.eî iîi' methe matter (if 4 ' n ra.Ou us Some people will nover learnnthat' the way te get thinga I tr.tMeyer reire) tndtbloeei'tiîigalnfifr lite 1ropi)nîe t'Wcbairméîînilf tnntnioîitei-M kept out cf a newspapor is NOT te cail the office, and mantgtllreitttbie aw thet'nei tdta.lit iteen itin'î-lei nînTine Luîu lntrj TriggniV'144 trouerm tliig triIbocellerfforou vi, ai. o P.ortir) ,- neu-ted ' o~) nrte eteýP..Hl. in great assertiveness, evon bordeni.n ntor uîngîoni therrllardoron tiei y plan tIvîlie iîOtil.t.îile. uage, DEMAND )that se and se be net pnint'ed. Whpen 1the can il'tnt -.cnmqi-nte btwe.-iiWho te-ottie vl. t ,îtlai" ntIL tîilI1 i"owen-: ilîi,i b' elîorile they cene inthe otiier sert of spirit, that of politenesa [ fivee ",rL -ýThureta larolttig aben h1, etiniiltfiltiil). ai ist titiiuirlirty$io, and ABKING inatead of DEM.A:NDING, the average j-lionlrite beman iîl, au a hall1 Prayër Fc , iîeI. Wriht. newrspaper editer la wont to meet themin iithe saie Spirit. boC atr en u-ninebes GeRMNFEMSN CIE Thet itkinir nif liteir fplacens he ria. .1 In fact, if they demand, iie's likely te appean "iinacconio- 1 .,rèm teniv ee ara. ndurigr thave cil-rs t retiint iîGEoiicLetl veu dating; " if they .ABKL, he's lable te meet them half way. partit' rau outmide wbeu he h.artionue i Campaîgn Undertaken Amnng Lodgem ie edntn-nîntgt.v.nie »il i j bne amnr ei.citin th' eaîr. înbîi ofn Neutrale for German Cause. 1 euriilttrnlt'!fablout irty-tlve mt'mb-r.. 'Wblle it is admittod that thon. la a -wde differenceoef ai value we.s ei'nred by tht' îutruder. Berlin, vue Parte. Nov. 14.-The this hast year thein'lnntrtvv'ilre th opinionmoth mdial e rts as te tini. W toadultsCIRYSANTEUIJISHOW hteu hostile to France ince the war C. 1, sitrietit". and hae orbroughti tho ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u fotadmuhdsaebigCmuiae OdlS111870 bave iudertaken i amupalyn binomt'tht' batiîtr forlargemt atttndneuîc throughi infected milk, it is declared that thene are weill EJ) SATIJRDÂY & SLJNDAY af the lodites of neutral countiea ina wonut Lake F'nrest titis sumuter. besides autmticated cases cf the diseas having been given te fat or or the Germen causa. 1gb tute general work uni arglzeztiiilts nil il. chilrenin hisway nd nti itis asoltel ce tain t A large number oi people vimten) îLueUtcrsof the OGermn Maonlc irater. Ortler. Ltatgremh inLibetyvile tatnare . visiting Holand. Roumnanla. thons 'fa absolutelyne chance of the dizease breaking eut gaedn 1,uIew în iteyvît' anryh UnttdStates and South America. Independent rantier? BE ONt£. intehs UUiGLy e terv.k sDpl of.he .it the InIai, it,.r v ariete i e lcreofeare aiguinit that the w in itihondaowiiicii prouetmio sutFley t of h ilt tiîlyerwic peandiniuliî. i kaiser was obllged ta undertaite the nijncton f Halti Cmmiaieer ole te"bel te Iavers bîr ice arane) u mguf- vr 'iey aima declare tiratifi- - DEN M. MILLER. Aisarmey. milk" should b. followed te the letton. It should not b. in- cent dtspieys for, the cbrysantbemum lenrte bas beau comnitted hy the Ger- ADJUDICATION NOTICE. s,'ow heid n) nthte t wn 'ii s nentloned Saei a ayl epnel te foxTed from this-warnng laaued by the comnissionen that 8tnntres al,'e ciril nountkl tii ilnce. .olyi esos t ter Pitrsetrie i lit'-t cxiii nOblatah O V S Y 7 p e c avti olt en c e . -lt e r th e t i x " f i' t a s 'l i i'n T,i l a. eeypossible pe to osafenrdte mlksuppy o oJob' lin i the. city la net taken. The. honda and the manner in 1day as th, rlain .ite,'ater daY Lept i lInge ni Prumla fron, Predericit the ln'uerl itlîi.îtîit"'n 'unis' wbich the xi]k la bemng handled an. being'watched as nov- many ýpoit Who h ltnantted Inn attend Great 10 Fredericit 111 bave been con- wsit,a. in s'aidtl ('annni, th îe ir.itu-dy er before. But the. danger lies in the possibility that the th e'.'(, tirnt ite i i e gr-Le Ita frneur tuu'randevetln' lIah f qItIt e. and .iitei11'a"v nilk from somo lnfected cow -wil get inte the supply be-One ai tient-uivel adenvrln'.ng features cmi C ite dnd t tteWpltn te.aneu fore the disease is far enougii advanced in the ail % a h'so a h'namt ouutOIUR IATt t.Ee b.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~' ooftd aen cacs h rubel ae i brysanthemuma hin the' wîndow i rb~telara E. Mille,' was botinin' w.nLeeatu.ilL. Nueee2' seteied.Thomike ancancespnio e tr orbe s aey.0,B. Egér". hardware tore.tir. Eger j Cuntv. 111,, Aprîl l1t. 1844 Mcmii, 24, e i steilie te mlk s asmal ric topayforsafty. 1 as retentiyt- dt)preident ai tht'es,..te vceamarrît-il t, Alert B Meredith Flower &j 'egîtabw l.,i -aud lww'ti@and tva yearnlatter ttinoved Witii living as highas it voluntarily and the public Ilie tht' the.rtnev ofIîccre -.1tbi-ronveru ta Fort ltodge. Iowa.lun 1*12 tht'v M is, hatGraslae rnanwhohaswaied or hleto o ah ""g aac tive lntere.tlu tht' weifaîe itan,) linCaliornie. resndîîng in the 'es tM is,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~o ht aylemnwio aswtdfothited itht' Compauy. under the t'nwmaia- untîl bet, Ln they nont e @@('a contended that ho siiould b. se. Now they're te be made egeaient tht' greenbonme's ill osac nev ciunty, Miitnesata. and tank up ualtnue expected te, pay but 7 cents i to do what they sheuld do of hie. tetter reetits au) tht' people o!'tend a i,'w miles nortb-eamsl of Staîtiesm mealte ue eope wio thir wn ccod won ue entyopportnîtic a tyl ed hverpniecer taayAunet 12, 1910 but che a mal o he eope hoihei on acor wen heibey prtyt'ies dvritilyatltent' given ha B'i'-r bovnebip. H2,i-r1, butiten leased his farm, shows that 'public's safoty ia jeopardiz- svtc'e nil grpat splendtnr in tht' future. t'antirui'd ta reside inn tlehnuaplace - .- -_ - -k -As a truc sigu titat othtr local tuer- witit lier vatingeet s'oitlDanieli tri ho iisn'tbeenrunnug a 'a- d se uch nd wen a ln hate-r_.etn --ea t ;treesii- l" îaeee t er o Studa ' ble himself. At the clained' proveniont can ho nmade o sl rate, 15 cents per moal, ho easily. ___w w as getting off mightyiTe'sseyso thn cheaply. The jury whlch Teessrl oehn teck but' a few seconda to very strauge about this foot give the farmer's wif e judg- and mouth disease among ment against the boarder at cattie. Doesn't it seem the 15 cent rate, evidently, Strange that it nover has ap - was cemposed of mon who-poared te any extent luiu are paying for thor owniAmeni until theo yeari board or else maintainung 1914? Doesn't it seem tables for their familles.istrange that the flnst ondersT Witii living as hugi as it -le lf federal officiais were: it'à a wonder they dfdu't m 1 "Kil ail infected cows and O crease the allowance te about' those which have been ox-i 20 cents, even theugii the posod, " and now the ondor ina woman asked but 15 cents a modified juSt te apply to tho Meal. affoctod ono«? Isn't it rath- or strango that the e Cul. Loks asif actin is te b lougii herd, consigned te had on that' terrible grade Gunnee, Lake county, DII- croasing t Gurnee on tho St. noie, wus shippod dear into Pul road, the one widchis lconsin, ut Truesdoil, thia paper hau contended so where they wero ordorod un- long, has been a great, men- loaded because thoy had &Ce te the public. Now that boon found to e bÉsther ex.1 thea matter ba been laid b.- posod or infected-and thon fans the Stato utilities coin- they wene driven dovu tue mmisi t in felt that that road te Gurnnos? Want timt bodY Vil order ký-change at rather strange? WhLy wero once, 1"koy the intalaton those anim a sporMitted te of a unwybcue of tue ave tue Union stockyards os.. vii p lu ue can b. in the frnst place? The, wiols putbj.L Tb$ ralnoad people imatter appears ratiier '4ms would netmako the change lterous.,, the Lamne enterînri'e vas manlegt btut nheig 1).-t 31et lt n'elituk lier ion trge teuqi aecnued lin their disîni av Granite antiisntwife vert' viti lier ahen t-ttndov,. @s ite d. ________________________Thet'l l in ng n-l ttimi arn' 14-t tn jmontao lier las' W *liihem H. I..wi@,i (IUP'..I t ws Sinuel A. ewlsimon)dDatniel Il. Lucie nf' _________________________-B-lier titwtnitip, Mlinu. She aIf ea tare Methodist-Episcoval. a simter. tira. t' i0 Iinnpr iof Minne- Prca.'lîiog serviýes next Sundey viii Lie apleiiiAUt4ieihildren and llier sister iel'i-Iotii ntarDiog au) ýecing et tLe I are liriecat ttht' louerai iual'thume. At il o'ciock Rer. liem wili Prea'h on ithe aut}ect. -'hantobed Dlic irawfatd. tht' state board ni Sorrowe.' lu the t'venug et 7:.30 the' braîttiofficiel. ennoune) Saturday suk)ect ofaithe àermon will ttc~Seing tha' tlau new cases ai emalipox had Tbanktui or The Binkindiled Spirit." becîn discavered lu Zio.Th lie ltre.l The Tbanksgving services ibis meaeon et the. M. E. chureh wiULa aes foliows: men arrt'stad for breaklug quarentine ennday evening. Nov. 22. at 7:80 lte are to Le prosacuted aud llkely vill ?haakoflvinjg sermnlIwl Le prem~ib' t- int') htavlly. by t lb peator wlîh opse"aiand eppto- priate Tbanksgivlng munie. MNrq. Enballa sella tbrýugh Attorney The servies on TbsakWrlvlg Day ili K. 'W. RunYard, basIilled suit for dl- be a "Stines Prau. and Thaakpffvuîg varce asittho, husbaud. William Di. Servie" ire., 7 bo i'cloek in the S 8eochayging drUnteueeuSndcru- morningug d rte aupies of tbe elty. fte rocites tbey ver. mairied Epwortbmfangu. Thepubie iscordialy Aprîl 2 aud Ilved togather ntil Oec- inviteS ta "tead ail wsefl. tonber 17, 1912. At that tin, ah. maya ah.wrais farceS tu isave hlm. 8h.'; TL Sunday seool sessions are blid ache au absolute, divorce, allmony and stb bnnday et 10 o'clock. theerustody af ber child. At 6:4.1 Dnel tBund&iy .va.lng té aub. - jetb theb.Eiîworth [.*agti. Ias5Dwll Requetioî Graysake officiais thet be. "A liong of Tbaokaqlvlg." Miss il Mdari A. lican i l b"d ith. meeting. the gem company e.zteftls servie tramn Area, ta (irysilte have beau deuied for tva reasous. OirsI becauso lit Lawren¶ce Episitopsi. the mains leaSing te, Are are ual Hoiy Communios every Samay 7;4.5 large enough tu carry a sarvice to a.. m.Firesutidabybmontlo:10 r ik;second,. baCaUga. Wlth tbé MornlnProyer every Sunay =ege ooyalatian as ut ia the gai com- aLiteS 10;80 a n.pauy ln ual planing RDY u>'extensian Alil01 ale, Bes ol>' Communion 19:00 vice la talon ta Graylake lb will bhl a. M. lu'i a aln lins leadlng direct from Wau- 1Rat-. E,wa.o 1M, WNIE,rPl@t-l..cbarge kegan west Stoves and RangesI We have a complete stock of * "Stewart" and "Red Cross"' Ranges, Cooks, Hot Blasts and Base Burners Big Stock-Rlght Price Schanck Bros. Llberty ville TEN DAYS' FREE TRIAL qI You can try this beau. tiful Victrola FREE ini your own home. 1N i lak lg an-vil 'n :l -la t he tcii 4,.,i &H. -i ii .st.o 'ou liii'ver- , 4-Mt ou-h'f <v crv k tnl. -,mg%1. la' v ry -rv s t arti i, . ' .4I 11 :I placc t'., b arr n u - lari- ce,'. C lIt 1w homeiî ,,i w t ore ti' ' c' ' i îs anii ut,' i.- Try the New Dance Records H. B. E GER Printing CLEAN WORK A FULL COUNT 0111Y a small par't îof' the "I;Iîi'. we haveiniilifiîe are -tually earriedttonlt. Life' Iîîsîuani-i'gi es alieaîl anîuidites ':-nie tof the- thiiîgs ta mnaîî uîiIoItialîie 18live't. Foir it'inithathe tt'taxe's in Oiî' '1'lîuiid uot Fiv t- fil îiu-n Doiari siotldyou te-Il the. assessi.i't1t' trîîth o'l rai-iî -arry a bife Inlriî'an-î' I'i hy for a i ike a lii ut. 'fake TIeîi Thioîsaîit Dollars anidt'ait it your Lake i-oùîty farm: the preîiiumîs will he thti taxes anîd the time will itot seem louaW tilt yoii have it cicar. This is îîît a dî'eaîîî -it is good, soîînd, 'oimon selise. If you have the heaith and cat pay the taxes, START SOMM.H [NG, JOHN IIODGE District Manager. Michigan Mutuel Lige Insurance Ce. -' c.. -- ~'----LAKE COUNTY LiDEPENDE1NT, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1914. Pag fvour ______________ Lake County Independen Waukegafl Weekly Sun Office Telephofle Number 1, Libertyvilie Exchange. Entered at the poe.tOffic at Lîibertyvilie. Ill., nas Second Cla@s Mail Matter OfiilPper for Lat ountY. lseued Erery Frday. Adertieing Rate@ Made Known on Application. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, Si.60 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN AOVANCE W. J. SMITH ................ ..................................................... Editor F. G. SMITHI.... ......................................................... Mana or M. J. WEBER.. Ï, ........................Rosident Manager, Phono 681 l'h. frequent barn fires in Lake county cf late, each with its orngin unknown ' indicates that penbaps thens in a fine fieuid at work in the country districts. Heml keep on1 until he's caught. _____ Now tbat the hunting season ia on the lake district of Lake county, we presume it will b. neceasary to chromncle fa,,a týýit. uetc. TI the.Summer it's drownmngs in il