CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 27 Nov 1914, p. 2

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Not a Noving Picture Housd but a Picture of a Moving Grocery House 'Y'oull Win Our Gratitude By Testing Our Promptitude. Âs-k for "Club House Brand" TIGGS &.rA YLOR JeLibrtyvill X, Phon« 24 and 25 Mea>p and Grooerie : Iats, Caps Sfor Wini *Primarily the offly tiîing ml* wâprotection fromt an ageman's diseriîuim îoest *whether it be a bat or ca *meet that deînand with 4 * Ratai ail styles from 5E Warm Wool Cape * Choice PF We have also aut exceptio *gloves and inittens, w) work or dTest. Every p. 0 material jumt a littie betti 2at the prees we are si You cannot go wrong if j lothing of us. oho and Gloves:0 ter Wear gtitat was demîand<ed of a the coId, but ini tlis day natig taete requireý tlîat also a good apptearance. ap, We are prrtpared tti 0 our jUne of w inter headweiîr 50c to $3.00* PB from 50C to $1.50 tir Caps at $3.00 and $3.50 0 inally fine stock of winter* lether you want them for )ir earefuiiy made and of Eer than you ordinarily get* ing. you purchase youîr winter ÎD rse &Co. rg for Men rViLE, ILL. e14 Woe arriva Why do Neople Buy?Tre? PETROLEUM Carbon STANDARDJ OU. COKE Fuel wthout a fanît MI1L L ER'S CREEK SHINEY SOFT COAL Scranton Hard Coal Ail SIZES-PEA TO GRATE WASHED EGG COOK STOVE SIZE POCAHONTAS FOR HOT WATER PLANTS Red Comb Poultry Foods FOR AMl FOWS-Ajj SIZES Arcady Dairy Feed A MMR LAKE COiJNTY PRODIJCT iibertyville Lumnber CqnaM Downbytii.Olul Dpoî y resuies20 vairs. Pkm e47 L, A.Bishop, Mgr. I kvaiie noilirî , tm r Soi t.tir) as h r alhI lint f t'el ili:ite rigt.u 1:eciase 'il hias itues tlî:îtî40 lUs, .sait t tira. l'trest sold. IIec:uitis't eis alAsys unufortrm, c'van> legs stone, more lîeat. Because the mîosi eat- îe1factory low cosI Illinois <oai. Because, slow, even- burning, ernokelegs, sootbes, a8hleées. Because i t getel more, iciter '99"' raes ail the chjckm. Ilemcause cows kee1,nu fllte, give more mile highesî in protein. I;ecause stock is mont oniplete, l arg es t viriety, priSeand service rigbt. We're rti <sture To insure Publication ln the Indepen- 1Wm>. Whesier returned last Friday dent. copy must be in theeoffice ne later'nlMcht tram SPriogl Ied, 111 whers t>. bad than Tuesday of each week. Adver- been asia dlegate ta the 1IliuolslGrand tisers, especially are îsked te tîke Lodge, 1. O0. .P.,far the laa members particular notice te this effect. 09 that order. tirs F. E. Oversan wbo reprseented the wamRen's aulillîry, tihe ( Àà Local News on Pagi 41 flfWtbue alu o rttQrned that A lutilion tris born to Mir. and rs. W. B. Fowièr- bas rîîovd bie boumehold Lyle Alndrews, Eridsd: of lasI week. gonds 10 Ibis place troim Chicago and is 1 ccupying the Dusenlîerry hanse on Mis yneth Proetorokol t sereral days Divîsiono treet. tir. Fan er imeconectd of last trek ith cbfriends in Grayslake. witb the Mayer IManufacturing Company mi., caruin.e Hill of -M ~ '~sthe Wbiçt Il1 le boid w'!!li'ç:,att ber. iD the kuest ofi Urt%. . N. Durand and fatu lIy bear future, thle plans of the ne* enter. r over Sunday. prise being aot coin, leted. Thle Ladies afternooun îlcbiclubi met tilth tirm. John Dulleninaier, Wednesday aflernoon utf hile week. Frank B3aker o! Cotorado Siprings, trie the guees ai I). A. Youing and family an TuWsay and Wedrîesday. Tbe Lidie' Aid saciety aftus M. E. church will iueet on Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the. cburcb. .oIsr itz Il. oda tnrel to the Jas. Mack hanse an Brodway tu A large number or Are&anmd .Ibserty- but wberever It l possible ta trodeavor bie Dew homne on the @ame etreet. ville Master tiasons attended tbe Pa4Ita ind out wbit the night prawler le Masiers banquet snd evening work at mter. sud if bo refuse to lstate.. jugt jet J. M. Fuller, J. E. Gainer and Rodger Wmnksgmn Monday erening, tbe party hlm know th it ytu are master on tbe Miofll of Wanconda. visltedl the former@ gaing hy apeciab car. In thb. speimi car premises anSdtiare a rigit tri pratect motter, tire C. M. Fuller, Sunday. whicb left Libertj ville at 5:30> o'clockr your hume tir. and tirs. J. A. Dewey mou rer] a d 54 local Masons mae3 the trip on Second street ii, the t ew Whitney Ihme ar, but about a duîen nionrswent on> $60 REWARD bouse onlintret strîrit lest Saturday. a later car and hy automobile. Tbey were serred a turkey iinner hefore the If anYone can give hiue infornmation tire, Edgar Vu'll,Jr., le rraklng a tra o . sn ession begiiining at etght laixt h retsdcni-ino weekem i iîb bh er parente, %Ir. and a-d h mniirlrie] ir te ie party rîitîbing libertyvilîs stores tirs Joh Crker i Lncaser,14 i. Ilait Wevk ar Who le knrwn ta bave keyo MsJonCoe tLnatr i. midn'ghî and then to finish the ni*ght's u' lerîll.r it ' ie Tbe Tiria 'liaprer trîi ounet tilt> lMe ipleamures -Tts" treated filent tuan fl1 retad l tr,! 511il1. gvp 13elen Wright at lier home eîîntb o tiin, early nurnirig shovw ai lis Lyric Theaîre.a îtext week Tiie.-.ulay evening. lie. let. TeEegtes ae"..7.<ftaM [enno iilPv>.IitaeMrîa Thoe WitiCn i Oiild tilt nivi"t at the' 1,Suiday sîbool a ill givi- atm r'tertaitt. Rei.i 1lasentIener resdemeeifMvit.'iilittak', Fbdynient i ch hu,,,h ridavevrening, Nov. Cusyaffvcted iDre flic ciy vient dry afternootî N."u 27. lsnitwrr urgr-d tui 27, fî,r lhe benetit ofle fond It wae claîmec that if the drys wron, be prerrent. Tuey'bave -,rtidi-. reader lfor tule rnewudalg opee.A Thîe Misses Edith.r»,3yand Elizabeth Ci eninzIMMiss Loiuise ilIlionell ifuiJoliet, oatr !tcte' aemosîly ln- Plrîtz uiLake Villa and Artiocl i epnt IlL. Sheja apuil of M trsliorane Ttuitt cratedr oatthe a v mned o the wevemend aitb tilcr briitter. iRobert Day a! Ubicago, of Mille Ien>, .tuta o ra aiale hnIliihd o PIiti livre. London and tif [»erehîu)e Peterqun of s'eara a certain store near Th, Net l'Parts. Tic totlowîng onpdtn5 office bas renter] for sevanty-llve dl Mliss l,tb Cliligtian iof Foîrest Park, je are iront ,the Sano tiiIli î a tiais' luit- latrie a montb. Withln the pai t te eîieoding a teek ai fie J. 5*, illet, look nd @or] 0 Jotit >0t îaiiere "-Mes@8 dys, It his been rented for oneIhuit- brime. Ituis' linzmauofrîChIicago. epetit l'Donuel'e art je real and ber readios dcvii dollars lier tnonth, aiti lnrease Sunday boe. ing aire itiore tien enjiiyatuîe. She me simîple that la surety flot against a dry~ totti.j A. Ii. Andrews and faniîtyiniorer]last and straigbtfirward ianianner andl lier Elgin News. Smtunday f ronti tie Whiney liause an qeibers aayfs bave tule chartofu Frst street to ticetioebler bou@@seuo aturalness." Frot the Joliet pajier' The matlnce at tlîe Inn,' TIîeaîre on Frsî streevi Mise Louis. O*Daune-ll entertaîner] the Tbankeguv)rng ay ai 2:30' oi-boekwilt ruîIv -1u.i,,tl)t. arr ýtv i,iivTi aes li Cauity Medîel assiociation lîY lie a sîreilal tenture slria' Plan ti Ollt-1ttllid1 udl n ilg1reaîtîug Perc% MacKie'à latesi îula,'c attend, rI aI Area rvan get fuit particutars o!fçîhoinThelay presenuted by 162-R1. Prire ri-a@oniable. Mcaaî tumorratwiirm the' Yen can reach 15,000 pensona week. (iiilîert i 'are )lia-ioiiitrottr he ii j ipar vt and tr leu'le of Ih .vmicllsvs-dt y througi lte Independent. I'cIcr liuii.eoni triiail ay tii tueser'drti1laîl i ibriîiîriir'rs1tliai no%. Miss ___ liai in u thelir-ir irrse, *'OC5î'1Ct O'l,.Iuinl Mr i sîr'clrvel aur] urtereet Il Milwauîkee vaeniue aend îrrîav'or. jlnk tuatsihe a ltlie heartili-va elî'îrnrd Eari fIeil iatîdfrlytmse thi e wek w lî-re 1er eti. !rm tpare.".4 iAi thr Kniui. friiit the l'rîîP 'e n iii v' ii l Streeltutasoin iil M ilwaarî Ikce.a' i lgise -me r ieflr- lie flat abore J. W. B-roiia' î,rî, and itis un lbr- pipe urgan soif imi billiard roani on Milwarukevenrue. tMrs. l>uraud. îîur atmhoteu tstwl Th Presliyisriam Ladies' Aid sar'ietay "-BA Z A A R tyAlhërta:iiragg, tho lias s et fr] ti wili tiiet lu the hu'iirr'i parlors ne S week Tiursday, Iliei' lcdlfur ait atlil daYe nPari, iiîiilr IcanDri IN E - A "Y_____ DINNER---DANV,,,.CE meeting. rivtelie.. are reiiiemleil ti, Pxpeir trgi c ial 2 bring lîlcole lunch. Duii MUnuler the Auspices of Mliller & Austin havi. sîîld a tract o! sixteen acres of[ of the soutb end of the Wu,. Barnett farm ta Carl Frsderick of Chicaga. This land adjoins the Dr. Sweeiinu tarin on the norith. The new owner contemplates building abhome on this property in the near future. At- torney Miller, lu speaking o! the sale, ràmrksd: "Evsrythiig is goincinortbl eveu the Lake County lndependent." Ifiràal Liîmnberry, in speaklng of the rebierles of last week whsn six Lberty- ville stores were snt.ered by ins of a key, er seeral ksjrs, edises that local merchents wbose stars doar lacke are ai the fiat key klnd sliould aianc'e put on Yale lacte ta prersof a repetihlan af the roibery. The marosn deelares ihât It in Passible tuât enifloyes of ans or ffleraI entailisbéiemitaMay bave luit keys aof that description and that tbey fell luto the. bandeo vf tbe person whe MadSe the nightly vieil ta ithe stores lait woek. "Another good Idea" omys the. utarelial, "Ie tu tiarse ver3' stars in ttoobs-sp a Oumali light hurniig leaitierear ai tb. stars roomi, tuha'ould prerentnamy- one frQni dulng bis darîig wark withoat ltlnDitiig the chane af Living 0ev>. Tuse untbod would greatly lessen the possibi. liuise of a robber getting away wtb b là booty cren tbîîugb 'ns@g ~lai breaklng hi, way Ihta thu Icars.' "Ileaardlog the niany îttemPts ai bonne rabbery, the heet andmoast sure nîetbod tolid the townofa!sncb umnodsir. ables eta mats use of whaterer in- strumnent aI defenue in in the bonme tu frlghtsiatii. rabier awiy. Not that 1 want ilundsrstood t.a soot svsry min Ms. Jane@tienne, wiio flinerlv tirer nicthe J. W. Mliller home and wlia tn St Seat lie aboîut a year ago. bas returnD. DA3tlI DALL UAMt st TIIANKSOIVINOi DAY~ mi Il now mtaying a etike l Foretr ber brother William.Tir miil bse aillaneL rd lia- Ieen receirîiI lire of the baîid a the ibîinaed yiléIigi,î'l l-usie rai ii a dnghter iof Mr- arndMrs. a Imld aill ,-tomvo bail oila inr - i Nelson o iraiItriber I 6tlb The llpî, tthsîek. [bilell01 Mair w ii i.. t- oi Q lire iniTaft, Telxam, %IrmNoisi)n oi " îei' sntele îarv vil i glitrîî W.rdtie .on Tbanksgiving day. Ih lse laimned th, Tt, a w l."Uinsie8m non tiave bailsoite lîracti, l V. fertratii Z.lior of Syiimore, Ili.,adwilIlidberouaalnttieiii a t Ibis otfIes Frîdar of iagt week. se hrjiitboym . The lutter iare the ad- Zelner replremerite the .4iiieriî'ali sun- vrantage iofliving tn prêteiie luit t1ue 1 nhîn in Nîîrthern illirols, îieneinlijane the neiglit aiîl the Mg "barMe l, fthat trorki n ons j Wiaîî. Tiet', aialeii lie a giiiîillrer tism anid hal]lad u (rgariized a lob1on betavro tule gîlmleterrai,,'lëi el n,18- al t Hall liiy. as filloie l inilir', ilthe WMFE Leriies' .4id Butinesen l*ii gl i'lii-llo airle,] at a reie3tiiin Tnesday Frank %Sriglit Pale Colline ng in bînor lot Rer. T. E. Reato and Rose Taylor Fred Protiiie ly e very large crnwd of bis con-.IRabert Bondil Chao. Morris tian an treil as rneiubers of ather Franetîr4 Steele lingo Guitti milatians atiending. Walers and Carroill Iiridiey Arthur <Jreenwood lwere élerved. Durlng the svening 's orchestra fîurnlsbed their nouai We baPe til)sil you aitiihe Bazaar to ent music whic 'h added greatly ta ho elli under the auspices of!8t. Ieures of the. Occasion. Lawrence' " Epleopai chnxeb at the Town Pminebers af thefit. Joseph's cbnrch Hall on Wednesday and Thnraday, Dec. i a cardialIinvitation toaiil their 2and 3. Cikn pi dnnron Thurodîy Ita the parish bail at the Town evaning. 8es che ad an page twa. It Lîbertyvîlle, Norsinher SOth. The in charge epIict ialrecord gither. Th. Independent la the county's on- di baearsnds sztealve eel [y1y -pîge weekly-thars why every. for an exellent supper. t body te lf. er wIil tre no rural deiivery of mail s@giring day froto Libertyville lice. Tbe office w fllho kept pien ten o'clack in tbe mornlng, and b.à h open for one heur IDush CHAS. D. PROCTOR ig, tram six ta sesen. Ontgoiu« isposited in the paulofficeawll be tbed as usual, and tbe relar Dg mails will b. recelved. Tb@ INS URANCE c" banke willhober lasd ali di ho store@ wil be veInai theu> FIRE, TORNADO, FE ýi matinsat the 1î'y rMe Thieatre j PHOYNES 154-R AMD 50 kmiving Day et 2:10 o'cloek. Mir. UBE.RTYVKJI, ILIIOS ion bas secured morme excellent! filmns for tbe show. el' *Lawreuce's EpiscopaI Cburch Weuineselay cand Tlu,y )ecember 2 and 3 TOWN HALL, LIBERTYVILL. I-r.i' - 'io rk lg, lili '.ijv. vi.. ib Pondiîî. Iaiii - i'eIriî ront firrgvtiie'bceililiii"ii rll,.surir roig 4i it 1 ', t s unî .if rei 25 victt. Danre on Tliursulay P% en.inw Blankçets and CREDIT lm a man's reputation for abllity and wilI* ingness to pay. Why not open a checking account at this batik anid pay ail bis by check? It belps your credit and lm the mîod- ern way of doing businets. Open a Checking Âccount Today Lake County National Banik Capital, Surplus and Profita, - *10,00.00 Total Bosources, - . 750,000.00 OLDEST, LÂRGEST AND 81TRONG- ES8T B A NK IN IBERTYVIILLE Why Not "lCoaI=up?" All ordera for coal booked now will be delivered at present low prices. As cold weather sets in, prices are bound to go up. Burnjing tie c'aîdie at botil ends dou'sii t -nîtake bîîth e'tîds Ineet." A lwttter way is to buîirîoîîr ruliablm. lîigh-gradtu toal. It jiroduîmes tlit' gru'atemt amotitut o heat 'witli the minallî'st amiiitt of a.ltr. in intertime you MUS! hase ýhet, ' (S0 wlîy cou buy when il use "P. h~ome Lumber Company 0F LIBERTYVILLE Phone 50 CHOICE GROCERIES, MlEATS, VEGETABLES AND FRUITS. ~1~ VA CORLETT & FREDÉRICKS Phono 30. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. 'THE COST II)atl i;t 1aIlal i I terlit l 'i bat',t a lîV more sensile w miii, than viir hLî v ir ake.., ji. trv, l)rc'l 4w1(iLa o i, ii,îl ki l Itsis api.r aiiii lo t1ii. Prl s r ii iltl T I i () ir i--h tipt i it a iý.. LIBERTYVILLE BAKERY FRED JOCHHEIM, Prop./ a Flannels tionally fitrleitie of Blankets and Flaniiels. Cotton Blankets iin gre-y, tan and white, with colored borderm. Excellent values at 75c, $1.00, $1.25 Pretty.Patterns in Outlng Flannel ini stripes and c'hecks, ini varlous colors suit- able for niglit gowuus, etc. Also soine dark- er pieces uiued tor underskirta. A wide se- lection of theme at 10c and 12c per yard CORSETS Soiîe excellent liiodtels in the new, tîîuch -. wanted i'tYh'S in ()Ur stock. uKmerican Cawjf STYLES Nuîîber8 119 and II)o a r e fine examples of these i in oderate priced goods. Ask to sqce thleul. W W CARROLL & SONS COMP~ANY North Store, Phone 29 2 STORES South Store, Phono 31 PHONI LZ li L-W 2 STORES South Store, Phone 31

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