CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 Dec 1914, p. 3

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m'i i STILL EATIN-G? (iood! We are stili selllug (Iroeeries and Meats- the BEST in town for the moey-and se'ling a lot of them. If you are a customer we eau hold your trade wlth- ont advtirtising. Our goods and the service we give wil do that. But if you are not a cuatomer you ouglit to be, and we want you to be one, for it is as much to your ben- efit as to ours. Juat aik sny of aur cutomers--they'il tell you-then corne your- melf and you'1i be happy and ao 'wîil we. (rderg cailed for and delivered. The Model Cash Grocery ,.j and Market L aÀberiyviie L.&W. LINIJ1R2JiTH MRS. M PROTINE LIBEFTYVILLE, ILL. MILLINERY and DRY GOODS Latest Style Winter Hats at Reduced Prices A nice line of Gloves, Hose, Sweaters, Handkerchiefs, Ladies' Neckwear, Silk Waists and Petticoats, Also Novelty Goods for the Holiday Trade B RING ini a sketch of the houBe you would like to build. See what ar- rangements you can make wjth Durand1 & Durand. I)id you ever consider that înoney paid for rent mighit be used to- ward owning a home of your own? Under the reîîting system when yon pay1 your rent you have nothing to show for having spent it. Build a bouse on the instaliment plan and eventnally own it -besideïl, you're livinîg in it while pay- ihug for it. Reiiieîuîbtýr, that is the uuost effrstive wuîy of -jreparing for a rainy (lay." DURAND & DURAND Litcriyviie Pisone No. 2 Lake Bluff Pitoue No, 4S6 Real EsSate Insurance Coliectuc.ui'of Accounîs Re n ti ng 0 P'i)ItTrtNITIES,:like eels, arc slippery sud=~ liard ta hold, uniesa flmmly seized. Tisey slide titrougis the figers and are gone ece one s avare. To make the most of opportunities that may b. gcasped by advetiing, use Thej Independeut's olsa- miied pagea. Ih is a uigbty elusive.opportunlty that escapes those vho advertise in Tise Independont. Fronu ta thousans ofo reader Tise Indepeodent la prttysure to aflord tise ais-ertiser just tisa opportunltioa that ise he aeeking. ladependent Ciassiied Ads Pay. Asic any user of tliem U~WIA~o e wili look after tht s case," sid AIKEN~AUIKY ~ 1I, 6<ilI34IAIN6 JLAUUNE ,nwN Commandant Mottatt. Thse cmm- NeCHCÀ60 dont further saad: "Thtis la neot the frtfin tehe uniform sand our men IS D STR YED Y $0900 ÀR FIL D À OUThave been insulted. These foreignera temo ha e no respect for the uni- LIBE FIRE EARLY FRIDAY iTwo ivorces Are Asked, Both BY. CAPT. 14OFFETT ;bnn-cri uegnsand oreuther h on roudsof Cruety-One tr h egn n te ern FACTORY JUST NORTH 0F by Man, One by Woman. Attack. on Naval Recruits by apparel off recrults who passeit a ZION CITY WHERE COL- RDY O2,11. Foreigners Causes DrastiC I. 0 f Shem and otherwise the Mone FRIDY, OV.27,1914 yong en avebeen subjected te AIKEN HAS MANUFACTUR- Noir. 27 iatthe lait day for filing Order by Commiandant of h-ungmilain hLlh S nfr fS ED TARGETS FOR U. S. casas whlch ane toiCone up t the Naval Training Station. navY laflot deBerving of and which, LIBI December terniro court aud as a reie.trlgssoi . aet . GOVERNUIENTi FOR MANY suit it la thouglit a number of theurtes or DISToudh md t e YEARS DESTROYED EAALY 1-111 be filed befoTe thse officer of the IS. ATTY. APPEALED TO. sipeci. circuit clenk ad recorder closes thia "I have given ordera that hereafter FRIDAY MORNING"-FRE, afternoau. Sevol casues were flier! Station Officiais ail Stirred up ail of aur recruits mnusttstay out o! QUENCY 0F FIRES-IN THAT 1- Sues0 for 1113,ooo. Over Unmerited Attack ()n North Chicago. The order la final. LOCALITY LEADS TO FEAR Bernard Suu=al, thnough Atre Men Because They e W ablkeptm wyfonaRi GHTA NEDAYI ý(. Weicit of Waukegan and Attor- .1er conmunIty where the sinIforur and the THATANCharlesY I P. Mothrop of Ciicago, Wearing Navy U niforms. mennare otnal1sued AT WORK. today BtrteSd suit for $30000 dam- Ay an hoaaittui- hLet. areelsm tsa tgsg in t e Chicago. Mlwaukee n a h vata n - hn e eut Forkteesmetht RECENT PIRES NEAR ZION CITY &S.Paul railroad for poronai lb form s antbokthrewi h AND WINTHROP HARBOR. J rSs Merely tise praecipe of the bill T epushv nouies îîm t 0kUPterasalns i useilr-d. the plan belng tcie tile Site shaenobsies ili f okr1e e rd olilar re - 1-Big barn and content humn- diclaralion laSer. If la saisi Drake ladt n North Chicago anyway. marifil at hl un d teenhue 4men e _f ed near Wirthrop H-arbor tomer ne o i racrushed in an acc Thte aitove remanilrs(lbs Liuturlrlei, o1 aksa iadtr eon.h" tt titre. weeke ago. d ensts. as a resuit of whiistIh,, ne.- men in front of Slanacs dance hlton u hssae 2.-Motels and stores buredeln beris oaid to lie useles. lie iamtner -nietwtnh ai: We wn vilage of Winthrop Harbor two the raîiroad for tise accident. ties outh aide of Teuth strs-et ot 8:ý,0 mn hnleslt Uf ewn weeks igo. Susfr9000 iuna eeigpoiet igo there looking for the assailantis, ln- barnanda K il Wuicli, titrougi t At(o!i.,v J. ail sorts of eÇ b erause the off .sritisig renîarks were mode e ti sq ansd out wdy lsr r ,o-i < si ut tise1i1 iad ail t could do te, rontalunmy. 0ut of Duncar, BeliOws i \%t G today aiarted si agino-t " ders commiited an art agauisr the part of Zion burfled. Cictago & Northweatern raiirouulfor self i le ema fSts e 4-Aiker, target worke destroy- 5,, OdnaeafrproîiInuisruea fSui ai Itoudesew emouslIfb resectSie edbylrea ninih lans i te savs ihe received on 'May 16.1914.' hich la net only unisardenable but -sholsd noren ht site cty Sisa ig pleof corn taiki e ileieong1 uia aCrc oul, i ikety p0ssiiy punishaVste if the of- 'essiiie ieu 5.-Big pila lHe wasuder thse car oathti-ime, sud rferîdera are finally located. 1- - xîvavin culruss epotsar aie front, Vit, burned Thursday Malinste car was moved terward t "iwY l uhcsý eot r lnne al mheoge ds titout varning, cutting off several A- tla, te remarksalies,-resulled tth ierertshvbendnk cc) nno cae wasthe oigi is- itigens on one ibond. ln titese complications: utta h erishv endik cvered; ln no case vins there any Sues for $20,..FRS1119rfc i utr hihto ln istitis c-ase t know poatirely break oui; in every case the lr t hciAaC unitss usosberao o ui a l o TIr. deciaration ln a solt for $20,-,ecruità W0re badiy beaten by a gang. tr d- thekîîîg a nd liaiteueuort e neyr deddow unîlSl~buid- Arthsur Purdy. a Higitland Park mari, -SECONO.-The issuance ot ondersa oini dtrelîe tyensua veret briegawere consumedsmas flied here iodaY, The limecipe, Immdaeyb omnatM)ftaodtobeutlteIslaw Mytrosfeatures of tices r- s, ledsoure lttlinie ugiit la [b Cmanat sui t litStheý rouid retain titemaeives dicate thai an lncendiary may be decianed tuaS Purdy Invlted ansi urged noteefc ht eefe vr e lngr! working in the neghborhood of lise plaintiff to taire an automoile ride cri t the station ia foniddentoo__________ Zior, City and Wlnthrols Harbor. wltis bim and ihat whielite vas driv- to North Chicago under ait circur,,-1 1 Ing tise car 40 miles an heur lie col.sacsi-egnycss fcus c Zion City. Nov. 2 -The largeat tire ided witiî a horae and buggy, causing an tna eegnc . eio ET BLOODIIOUNDS- tui vroccurred ieur Zion Cit ite amachine' te overturn Tise plain-.n imntd occurred leSt nigitl Thte large manu tiff as_.-neý of her legs sud tisehouies OHRD-Steps taker, by Comman. < u¶ av shlgr facturiuig plant knowu as te (Coi Reofo her riglist ip joint wene fractuned. dant Moffet t0 have tise district atSt-or.5 erS N. Aiken target work a , continingSite seeks 50 hold Purdy responsilse. ney in Chicago loki m the case ard I T E AUYICE Of Offic< many valuahie nmachines, van nom- Sues for Divorce, prosecute the offendere if they car, A S .C EFP LC pleteiy detroyed. Mrs. Liliin Monte. fornieriy miesabfur. About midnlalit thie Zion City lire Lillun La Sage of Waukegan, loday b on.A S .C IFP LC ee de'artment receîved an aiarm aud trtd suttfdvorcJae a G.ire te FOURTH.-A final outbreak of sen- States That Dogs Wouid Prove Capt. A. A. Wuilkeruiid A. H. Sch00psatduifodvrc gnthe timent against the foreign elementi n Vlal se oCt rusbed up 10 Camp Logan vI itte itusband, Pedro Monte. citarging cruel- Northt Chicago and vîclnîty on the part Vlal se oCt n citeiral wagon, By te time they tdes. Site names several specitlr Iu- Cut fies arrived titere te roof hart failen and stances witen. slitesys, ho pranticed r Of Officiais and members of tihe navalConyOfcrs litle couid ise done, excepting tai save crueiiy agaluat her. training station. 1 Waukegan, Nov. 27. te adjoîulng buildings and a water Sues for Divorce. F IFTH-The neportlng of ihis ln- Tisat Sie city and couinty should tank. Ciarging extreme crueiîy. Chtarles stanc ad severai others almout ab lJoint forcue nti s o ctPirof, ne Sev ern] valuable machines vere lni H Roane of Lakeo Foreat is suing iis 'e bîd tafo sel hi ecin lise building sud also twa or titre. vife for divorce. tlsnaugis Attorney J.litte the war department nt Wash. vas tise statement of Assiatant Chief curlouds of lumiter and about $5.000 G. Weicit. Roa. declanes titat witit- ington wiih th. poel.e action of thse Tyrreli today. The assisatent chie! la- wortit of Jacks aud targeta. ont Provocatinu a number of In- officiais there to compel foreigners t 0fl tise bellef tisittise urcbgs9e of tise Tue enrgin of te lire ia unkuowu. stances bis wlfe haa sty-uck sud borespcahlnfriadmnwocm randdg o nbt ateet bat ita istougisitai It tarted somns- en hlm sud tiat sitebas usedt violent rsetteulomm e h c-ladind oga forimiel bahuesthe ht whlere lunte roof. Thte building vas sud ohacene lauguage. He says site Prise thse navy depatinent. ln a large ineasure oive many o! tite v of reinforced concrnete and froin out- refuses to get bits meals sud moirez Commandant Moffet aud LUeut. mysteriea .urroundlng tissu.ou word appearances no one wouid sus- lite misenahie for hilm. ale who have change of thte situa- Instances arise frequently lns thse O pect tuatit1 would buru, but ail ci codn ateassatcI! remained today of the structure was l~ienn4utunaly are, munitwrougitt up tyacodgt hesitnthef recminedtoday ot titged s trut ed as an ocurrnceyoT5Uurday v i.en tere tise blonid hounds vould lbe of macnprylet ineTved sur ad thed L EBIRK A j '60 RS ee uocreceo iuaa ven alue lu tracing down miacresanta. - nîuctinry ay eeryitee su Sie ~B ig wmiic precipltated a free for ail Many cities use tise animais In as- greater part ofthSie salis itad aise fait' -r  nhu attacý on two young recruits. At the asting te police in tiseir vomis and Cfi eu in.d * r-tiepa isamtits hno ni The ires- vuscoer by Col, Aik- 1Of ItIRRIEU LIF station tdytise facto were secured suce pa as. lu t it ra e ite uni ,nsoc stterlin-luw. Miss Kelogg, sho in____l substance as folows- would also profit by te preseuce of is antsensîlesve of tise irm and wsol Parents ofSeif l GeniTitursday evening e1t 830, vo te donc. P ,recides aS lite Aiken home, Site was - OU.lelfEle re oung recruits, appreutice seamen aiof- ______________ a attiesi blilis roaring of tise ireý Observe Important Milestone ts lto tre owl akfo ansi il te glare of te tiaifletswlîinliIl,, sttion ttrte to lk bak fro -siine lirnîrgh r isrîndow. Scream- in Their Lives. WauiSegan te te station. Enrouie E U ~ E I U~ tue scI susdrsa- ire lteiionof iseWaukegau Nov. ;h iey sere vaikiug ps Sanu s dan ce w ,lie iîsiîeshrrsd anti a rail wasaut Tic itîhu fetMr. aud Mrs. R. C.Ihall ou Tentit street. As tey pasa- Trained ~ W nee r ,rr- puItitsor assistanre. d i mn- -gnrsae a hme & W ne e Hurry-ng u ltirs-efactryt< sq tlKel- Green, -'G andv'enue, vas fre- iýA E SN B ER T S lser trîrd lis riiroersernte saluaitle eielh iai re ftea ed s'id men.frereIgna. stae as mA E S N B E R S palier S alui asw-ns-itii teoffice on t a bose.H v th e oac m - wi te grouud fleur. lui rder te gitt -arîds eiîiris- couplie visacame oTe emaie th., uauenbs sie irîsi 5,cluibt lirouglii118Y5 tîeir 1, -rt-ilday ln ionorof Ts oaue f tise rerruits 1dations --al box stalls, a alusîsi, ansi as ti.- ire was bissiriiietfirc slxtls-t ris ýdirse anniversary or G. K. Stone, aged 21, <f Kentucky.1 experienced help, etc. lerelv. site was i ixtreme danger. Aflire %(,Il cror r îupeie reewvas1ne S.Prycur. ageil 21,Address ns-9istisr rîaused Iligiens ramie b iter[ sno ling a soutiterener, Stonsîti h assistanre uand wanniedliter le leave -le-irtinn, tseaffair heing mankesi r IARR U N M )R te biIling ai onrs- Sue did iro, and OrîlY Iry aa-si hetrrg et Immediate rel- ho haPIth.JINAremrk bp.DRA suceeds-d Inisas me seenurl dra-iies ec-sg-rtcoîyfinsgie untry undite hitmseîf bau iteen lu- On cai phoneHlgr 8 215 ie fieuda'e.u lr srr-Sîsa igt u ells-rly- -suuorbs ueTak ietIi ai te aesitich itehrev out te__________of_____________________ of tise wiridow and liad just finie en-.- iy tihe couple tIrrrsrgli Siser long rosi- slted,lee cld net stand ii. so, oiigls te eseuppe itimel! vten te roof dsee ite riti lurniitg. ie smusbed tise man vite 9-12 fell lu. Ail tirai w-u saved fnom Sie o vrS ostiseeer in de tise remark a juis lunte noce ireexa s-rte fs-w thngs liiegins col-1 - -l suukgn Frmint sentl ism sruwing Titis vas H U B R R 11 ed.49 ear thý ia-livd i t ecoi- tiseIgnal fer te otiter men hori ump Money un the Regstr-Tht Talka lis uanisntrvriew titis morning Col. dence whiicitirs-ybut titat man y lotste fruv snd soou titere vas aJ Aiketisialed tisaStie loue vas very yeurs ago aS 740 Grand avenue, Froni zenerai nixîp. Stone, beirig a good For Cash Yom Elet $45.N profit Sesere. He turried un incuranne of boxser, wuc holding bis owu agaînst na5lWIvsmu $13,000,ro. eisîri vs dIvided amone tise tise virdoasoetirire hoe. hey have -eo hmbtth tp hê na 1.0lvsaa Momte. NatieoalEtna, Notiternuand wulcited Waukegati gros trer i matiitrkoe ro bem itut liteof other titre.y the Stuyvestunt Insurauce Compan- comnîunity t10flire rlty o! ioday. Tisey koke r o d o btiste street O! 3 ea n e tAoe o t laiy, niay.- leThe ioss, itowever, wsgrester vîîe tr arnprairies andLestiser sud Feu NovaleIs..ess thaon Sue Insurunce. aewaSidth are yton tumned ou Tnesiha cahr n ol oali Col. Aiken goS lts Site fron te about temra plared vîtîr fine nosi- Tnt yr ssitne ad v - MPEo hadIT Tee tiouai Guard. He le really t.e founden and indusînlal 1f e et Waukgu - iug hlm againsi a waloit a building, SEND CASH OR CAU. o! Camp Logan. He vent titere ln te ethmsvrl.Fnlyte tise yean 1893 sud establiiahed a rifle cre4se day ity day Se ta l eenl.Fulyte range hinh couslsted o! tn targets. Mr. Green beurs tise extraordlnacy desicted jusS as ivo sîcangens came IEXICÂN ARIAIJILLO14 Sinne thtfi ime he as uccesed thSie distinction o eieiie one o! tise oldest burcying 50 the &scene. CURIO COIPÂNI number until nov thece are 140 largets livIng memisers ofthtie Msonic arden Say They are Officera. icis makes I ou. o!fte largeat bTise two men vitose arrivai put tai 352 W. Chicago- rifle ranges lunte United States. Up l te cauuty. hast Januar> tise pres titi 1900 Col. Aiken iteld te position of te contry gave mention îo tite roof te otiters, salid at once tisey----- of Inspecior ot rifle practîce, hut being facStishaS te enecable gentleman badl vene 'plain clothea men" and that LË A o! a mecianica! tucu o! murd, le set been lu Sue feld of te Masonic arulentey kuew someso!fte assailanta.1 about Imprviug upon te nid style tan- t LaSer if developed they vece Impos- geots.Tise cesuit of bis long experi.-fr 60 years.le jolned tise Royal1 - _-..-1- A-... ------hiý'1 . 1 . .R -A fers as chie! Reenvald salitlite liaitTalkno MachineAu' sK..a. ed mecitanicai appacatus visicis revolu- iionized te Ameinsu langeS system . Hic targels have been itougiti exteu- iveiy by te Unitedl StaSes goveru- meut sud siipped tonoîauy parts of! tits cuuty. eidei- largets lie alo mnanufacturers Jacks focflia-sali ibuild- iugs. These buildings are consiructed 9of reinfonned noncrete, sud tise colonel itas msS nompleied a uev reaidence for hisiself shicit he expects 50 maya 0into shortly sud itas eneted ashitl dozero otiten residennes in tisaS vIin- Ity, ail of siticit iave been put up titrougithSie fiat-vail systein. One great difflulty In ccmbatting te dames ast nigitt vas tise lucis of mater suîsply. Tiseisose itad to b. aS- tarited to thte cceekwIsvtcis vas 200 iyurds avay sud titis proveit to be o! litîle avail, Tise lire itad too great a stunt betone tise lice department an- rtved. At 8 o'clock lis morning a gond deai o! lumiser and otiser Inflamaiie Smaleial vas stilI burntng. Adalaide Booth o!fZion City vas found ta Se insane by a Jury In noua- jty court tiis morntng and vas ardered gent ta Elin. Site bail ieen itayhng ite ZMon Home sond ier acionsa caused thier people ln thse Home, ta ha Ia!raid o! ber. itas been a nîcitepr In gcnd standing ne surit ofticens In ihat section. alne tat dote \lrs. Green hua been i-eips Pryor Home. a memben of tire Order o! Eastern Stan fer Pcryor cegained hih senses. for oven 2o ysîs.ieoming a memiter Stone lelPed hlm aloug aud titey made sitontîy after lt-s orgunizution. thitem ay bae' te tise station, vitene Mn. and tir-. Green were married Friduy mornine, CapS. Moffet dlecov- In Detroit, Sus lu Nov. 30, 1854. In-1 ered w-taS iad hafplened viten he isuv mediateiy aiitsr teir wedding tic-y Sîrsîes face witicis iooked like a man came to Waukegan mitece they took sîavu tirougli a coru sisredder. He up lîseir ro-sideuire and have remainedit - iured, fouud out tise fartsansd ever sinne. startres an investigation. Botis une scli hale sud itearty, de. Goes to Investigate. spite tiseir advanced age, Mnlr Green Lis-nt. Earle vas direcleul 50 try sud 18 84 yeans nid, sisile Mca OGreen t is lrate te assailants, and, vitis Stone 82. Botit are enjoyng good isealtis and sud Pryon, ite vent tc, Tentis stree.. exPect many more years o! enjayment Tier. titey 5w' a Young foreigner Mrs. Green mas boru lu Buffalo, N. Y, sitm bots ceccuits se once aahd vas Feit. 27, 1832; Mn. Green vas bornu ta lutise crovit viicis attaclsed them. Schsenectady, N. Y., Marcis 27, 1830. Citie! Rectenwsld doclined t taaerret There ver. tire. chilitren hora ta hlm vitisout a varnant and thie !ellow thehr union, aIl o! vham OItli survive. disappeareit later. Hou-over, Lieut, Tlity are William Henry Green, Ad- Earle shgned a John Doe warrant sud die V. Green and Sherif f luer J, tise feilow la ta b. arreated anidniare- 1Geen, aIla!o Waukegsn. There are ed wîit assuit rtitres graudeihdrea. Claton C. ýVIl- 1 "W, have laid te, mater befone tise Iam E. and Gueruhon IL, al ionso ot15ýS. District Attorney In Cisicago andt, Bhit! Green. rit ihere lu suffmeet for ih to wack French,. Germar,, Italiarand Spaniit Language Oulfits, IPh- W unetca 698-W or CenItrai iSil. JAMES I. LYONS 11, Wel Lke St., Chicago DR. M. A. CRANE. M. D. Banke Bldg. ARE.A, ILL Offlice Hour-2 4 p in. Sunday Ezrepted TelepisonA No. 296-B-1 Superintendent of Diamond Lake Sanitarium Formnerly of Baile CzekaÀdcagolatr'm R. B. EPKER O E NERAL AUCTIONEER Date. arrangeit and salas nmade on satislactory terme. Phoft 2d7.M-1 LINERTYVILLE1 DYMOt4D t AWTIR in, ansamo, Rami est.Mmd Houe.Rentung Office in Kaiser Block. RRTYVILLE. - ILLINOIS. ELHANAN W. COLD .Attorsuy-îl-Law ry to Loan on Good Approved Resl Estate. Office in Trlggs Building. IRTYVILLE, - ILLINOIS. LYELL HL MORRi ATTOREY-AT-LAW Libertyville - Illinois Luce Buildingt. IPo.e 152 R. OffiCeýpft0fl 1 MARTIN C. DECKER 4TTOR4EY-AT-t.ÀW tie Opp. 18th St. Electric Station cPhone $8 Re@. Phone 1860R NI)'ZTH CHICAGO, ILLINOIS PAUJL MAC GUFFIN. AT1TORNEY AT LAW. Libertyviie, Illinois PHONE88 DR. O. F. BUTTERFIELD. VETERINARY SUROEON. AMISANT TATEVBTaIIÇAIAS. LlhertyvW@l, Illinois. DR. E. V. SMITHI PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON . 8 joi10 a.m. 2 tc, and 71 a8 Office over Riay Furniture Store.l1 LIBERTYVILLe. ILLINOIS DR. 1. L TAYLOR sc in Fimi Nation@alnk IBfuild!mg gnuo:-1 ta 8:810 sudtto M m. denae -bu Broadway. opposite Pm*k ioADryvtso. chIuois. DL GOLDINO DENTIST Kouua8 tal2 am.-l ta5 P.u. Over FIret National Babk ýe Phono 1"-. Bes. Phono 157-J. Libortyvilloe. Illnois DR. ELHM SMTH IYENTiBT. BDE LAI ons" bT hTOUAL BAUX. YU-S te 12 a. M. and i t & P. m DAILY. Llbertyvtli. Mois JAS. N. STEPIIENS, &. D. HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN and SURGEON tue 100 Office oveOGa Co.. Libertyville, 111. A NS 0 UN EM E NT )r. N. W. Sheflenherger OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICJA4 WACKEI0AN, ILLINOIS hil bc si Mrn. C. IS .1 os nOrchmrd k.. Uibertyville, en ruts. and Fridey. altersoon and avening. R. VICTOR C. HOEFNER OSTEOPATHIC PI4YSICIAN 5Madison St.. Waukoegan. l Office Houri 1A. M.; 1-4 PMIL, 7-8 P. U Sundays by Appaintment OnIy Telephone *IX. L. REDDING,D.V. Me VETERINARY SURGEON Graduats Chicago Vet Collage Off tcp et Reeldenme 779 Wimid -phone 14-M s xl; Belltt ipra biSe My capense. ever an do mm work. J. M. Graves A UCT ION E ER 1 Elrnwood Ave., W.ukeema. lIMM" S«emmu belote udm omuet GENERAL LUCTIONEER h ave hhd mquch oxperieneo tu fImm @aiea-Rate 1%. satisfaction guar. anteed. W. H. ÂPPLEY hone 2 12-J UhestyvgN. PUBLIC AUCTIONEERING Cloueot attention pald toa=vaga auction isiécansd beat reasulte s o Ing game. Ail kinde of horsea, wagona ad haro... for sale or exchafgo at Mai rn.. HENRY SINE Phones 148 or 48 ZIOIECr", EL. NATt NGATERT Live Sie Phone 46 xk &WdFaim Saloa a sjxdmlty LibertyviIk Kniiiposdeut readet? EU ONU. Phone 307- Speciairy: Farm Landi iaudied reisonabiy i

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